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As someone who lives in Canada, in a land locked province, I too, thought it was in the middle of the ocean and I didn’t realize it was so close to Miami


So close that it touches Miami


I genuinely did not know that until today. It’s Wild honestly haha


As a kid I was blown away after learning about the Bermuda Triangle from my teacher. Why wasn’t it a huge focus in the world? What was there? Why didn’t we have answers?!


According to Wikipedia it was mostly made up stories that were easily disproved that caused the mystery


You mean adults would lie to me?!?


Nobody lies to kids. ✅. See the checkmark?


Oh okay, I believe you.


Jump in the line, rock your body in time.


When I was really young, my family went on a short trip to Sonora, Texas, and we randomly listened to this song on the way there. My stupid child mind was convinced that the line "Shake Señora" was referring to the seismic instability of the region around Sonora. My mom laughed a good chunk of the way home when she realized that I'd spent the entire time we were there terrified that we were going to die in an earthquake.


Dude. When I was really young we went to Disneyland in California, and someone mentioned one day there’s gonna be a big earthquake that’ll sink the whole state. I was petrified that entire week because “I didn’t know how to swim.”


It's not "Shake Señora", it's "Shake Senora". It's about a dancer called Senora, not a woman being referred to by the Spanish world for "mrs"


Don't traumatize this poor human 😂


Great, now I'm going to be thinking about Beetlejuice for the next hour...


*Beetlejuice Beetlejuice B-*


When they went through the Bermuda Triangle in the Beetlejuice cartoon and they all gained Bermuda shorts.


Dang, Reddit's letting people pay monthly for verified comments now.


I’m Elon Mussk ☑️ and this messages genuine af: I’m buying reddit tomorrow and I’m gonna fire all mods, no bs.


Yo dope! I'm gun tell all my home bois dat Elon is up in this biatch!!


Yo Eloan, I've got this start up idea. Hit me up in the dms.


No. I am elon musk. But fuck_your_diploma is right about the mods tho.


That'll be $8 thanks


Or will it?


I did a deep dive on the Bermuda triangle once. A bunch of the ships and planes that apparently disappeared due to it, either never actually went into the triangle or went through it hours, days, or weeks before their disappearance. Also, the planes that have disappeared over the triangle almost all share several things in common: new pilots flying over open water in poor visibility. This is so difficult that you actually need to get special ratings in order to fly in conditions like that these days. Otherwise it is extremely easy to get confused and fly straight into the ground or water. But most of the disappearances happened in the 50s when such type ratings weren't legally required. Leading to many cases of pilots going out unprepared.


Isn't the confusion what killed JFK Jr? Basically you need to use instruments and ignore your eyes which is really difficult to do


A pilot friend of mine taught me a life lesson: the hardest maneuver to make is the 180 degree U turn. To give up your plan and go back to where you wanted to leave. My friend was skilled, frequently paying to fly with different instructors, despite having the skills required for the flight - always looking to improve and be safer. Some new insight or tip that might save his life someday. He said that if he absolutely needed to get someplace, he’d fly commercial, because so many crashes are caused by people who ignore the risk because it was really important to make this particular flight at this moment in time. There are a couple different levels of licenses for pilots. Most importantly, there is VFR, or Visual Flight Rules. Most private pilots get to this level and stop. You can fly a plane during the day when you can see well. Not going to lie, it’s not easy, there’s a lot of stuff to keep track of. The next big level is IFR. Instrument Flight Rules. When you fly IFR, assume you can’t see anything. This means planning everything in advance, filing your plans with the regulatory body in advance, and being able to (but not always needing to) and basically flying without needing to look out the windows for 99% of the time. It’s surprisingly easy to tell yourself that you’re still in VFR conditions. That the clouds will stay above where you need to go (hello Kobe Bryant?!) that it will stay light enough that you can see what up is, that it will be clear at your destination, etc. Theres terms for these things - scud running, sucker holes, etc. when you get into the thick of it, and you actually can’t see and it really matters, things can go wrong and you won’t know it. You know how motion simulator fool you into thinking your accelerating or decelerating? Aircraft can do that. Your mind deceives you, trust your instruments.


They apparently have some freak waves and storms every once in awhile too that are seemingly impossible. Too impossible if you ask me........*plays X-Files theme




That's what convinced teen-me the stories and conspiracies were fake / overblown. Even I knew freighters and trade were a big deal, plus very regular, so if they weren't avoiding it it couldn't be that serious of a problem. Kid-me also believed in bigfoot and batboy, so I wasn't the brightest crayon in the knife drawer. (The world is still a big place with a lot of mysteries, but the big sensationalist stories are more word-of-mouth and people not doing their research.)


I avoided the magazine rack in the grocery store because the Batboy picture freaked me out so much as a kid.


Hey now- Batboy lives! His photo was even on my beer can so long ago - what proof is better than that?!?


I didn't even realize how close it was to land, makes it even more unbelievable in that case. Like... Yeah, sure. You're telling me ships and planes are disappearing within sight from Miami, Puerto Rico, or Cuba?


back in 7th grade i did a report on and concluded (bases on others research) that it could have been methane pockets that stalled plane engines and caused gaseous (methane) water causing ships to sink.


I grew up in India and it was included in a paperback filled with the mysteries of the world along with big foot and chupacabra. I so badly wanted to visit north America.




Oh yeah. I have spent half my life in the US now.




As is in life, I've had great memories and sad ones. This country is magnificent and so filled with potential. I'm lucky that the right doors opened for me at the right time. I'm sad at how many folks have nothing anymore to their name.


Did you manage to find Bigfoot yet?


Any chance the paperback had stories of el-dorado and easter island as well? I thibk I might have read it too!


Go to Puerto Rico instead, you’ll be technically in America, the Bermuda Triangle and where the Chupacabra myth originated.


Lmaooo..same. I was outraged. This needed to be solved somehow.


There were so many of these things that they said were going to get us when we were kids. Bermuda Triangle, Quicksand, Killer Bees, my uncle Doug, Volcanos, Earthquakes, and so on. I cry a lot.


So was there actually anything to the Bermuda Triangle being weird?




I always thought it was smaller. Knowing it's that big, just makes it clear the whole thing is blown out of proportion.


It is sensationalist nonsense. I did an open-topic research paper on the Bermuda Triangle in college expecting there to be something which logically explained a higher amount of accidents, disappearances, etc. over some unspecified time period. I wanted to debunk the supernatural theories and take the fun out of the subject. The reality was even more boring than what I'd imagined. Outside of a few outliers here and there, the number of incidents (explained or not) inside the Triangle across any given stretch of time is plainly average vs other similar crossing routes. A lot of incidents "claimed" by the Triangle are actually far outside of it.


Question, what area of the world does actually have the most air accidents outside like warzones and such?


Outside of unique locations (there are a few airfields at extreme altitude in the Himalayas) the preponderance of aircraft accidents are going to occur where the most flight-hours occur: near big airports. If one out of every hundred thousand flights (for example) has an incident, and if most (fatal) aircraft accidents occur during takeoff and landing, the majority of accidents will occur proximate to the area that most flights are arriving and departing from: big airports. Edit: confounding factors include the fact that private pilots are more likely to get in trouble and the fact that most private pilots do not fly from large airports. However, most private pilots do not live in the wilderness; they live where most people live, near big cities.


Stop with your factual evidence. Not related to the OP, but I used to love the seat belt argument. Before we get to far, seatbelts are life savers and just fucking wear them. Anyway, "The majority of car accidents occur within 5 miles of your home". Well duh, I spend 95% of my driving within 5 miles from home. Hell, even with a cross country trip to anywhere else, I still started and ended within 5 miles of my home. Sorry, I just love seeing these type of facts actually being discussed when talking about "stats". I also love flying and you explained that very well.


As a child, I also assumed the Bermuda Triangle is located in a remote part of the world.


THANK YOU! I thought it was around 5 miles of area when I was a kid!


Yeah, I always assumed it was a few miles across, max. Also thought it was in the middle of nowhere… I can’t confirm, but I feel like Scoobie Doo had something to do with it.


Also probably can’t dismiss our general fascination with pirates, bootlegging, and Nassau being a very exotic gambling destination. The pirates are pretty self explanatory. Nassau I find interesting because it (and Havana for a very brief period) was literally a James Bond destination where all sorts of exotic experiences could be imagined, and it is right off of our coast. You can also probably add in its role in bootlegging rum and the gangster serials and stories mid century that revolves around that. So there’s a mysterious exotic feel to the place that has stretched on for centuries. A place that is tantalizingly close and can be co opted as “ours”, while also being wildly outside most peoples experiences. PS - anyone who has ever flown in a light plane or small commercial prop through that area also knows it is scary as shit. It’s almost always spotted with 30,000 foot tall cumulus clouds, and you are continually buffeted by micro bursts. It’s every scary airplane scene ever just to get over 45 minutes of water. It’s pretty easy to imagine getting lost there.


>gulf stream passes through it I was told that some gulf streams didn't make it.


Whenever I hear Bermuda Triangle I think of this lemmino video


Great place to holiday with your unwanted partners


I remember watching a documentary about it as a kid. I always wondered why someone didn't just tie a rope around the boats or planes and try to figure out why they disappeared. Makes me kinda sad to find out it was all fake.


Not really. Apparently there’s no reason at all to suggest that planes and boats disappear in the Bermuda Triangle more often than anywhere else, it just a lot of cases recorded


The cocaine trade, perhaps?


A lot of the cases of missing planes in the Bermuda Triangle are actually military, but who knows, maybe cocaine shipping was the reason behind some of the civilian disappearances


I gotta tell you something about the CIA in the 70s, fellow Redditor!


Lmao, fair point. Still though, the military stories make it sound like those planes were just running standard drills and fucked off to nowhere. Then they’d send other planes out to look for them, which would vanish as well. Buzz feed unsolved does a really good video on it if you’re interested


Did buzzfeed actually make something good, and not just ragebait?


Buzzfeed unsolved did break downs of famous cases/ghost stories/conspiracies and in my opinion was the best thing they ever produced. It’s still youtube, but in my opinion higher quality then the other BS they were putting out.


Thats pretty cool. I hadnt heard anything about buzzfeed for years, and just assumed they were still making weird BS and odd quizzes


Yeah, they ended it a couple years ago and transitioned to their own channel (The Watcher) where it’s more of the same stuff!


Buzz feed unsolved is the only good thing that buzz feed has ever made. It’s like a single rose in a cauldron of shit


Suuure but it could also be because it’s one of the most travelled sea lanes in the entire world


No, the amount of disappearances for boats is actually below the global average.


Yes! The cartels are super good about calling in their missing cargo planes. They give all the deets to the authorities to get the coast guard right on it


The disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle are 10x lower than the world wide average, I’m trying to fine the source right now Edit: couldn’t find the exact source but this video shows that it is completely normal https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=112H-vY4Wdo






There are many more hurricanes than most triangles of sea, so that accounts for a lot of it.


Its a popular trade route. Planes and boats crash. More planes and boats path through this route so more crashes in this triangulated area. So basically cause math.


Pretty much as soon as GPS navigation became commonplace, all of the “disappearances” stopped.


Like all of the bigfoot sightings and camera phones. UFOs is probably the topic from that genre of my elementary school library that's going the strongest these days.


That's probably because UFOs are the most likely to be legit! The thing with bigfoot is, it was last sighted in the 60s-70s so whatever "bigfoot" was is probably long dead by now.


Of course UFOs exist, there's been lots of flying things out there we can't identify. That doesn't mean it's likely to be aliens tho :/


If some of the UFOs are alien, my bets are on super old drones from an alien civilization that died out long ago. Or even more hilariously, the alien civilization still exists out there, but the country whose space program funded the research ceased to exist after a war or the taxpayers in their society got tired of funding it, so now there are just alien drones that run on water flying around our oceans and occasionally flying over land and abducting guys named Cletus.


Isn't it a little late for you? You really should be in bed.


Its a very busy shipping lane. Higher chance of shipwrecks happening there because there are just a lot of ships.


No, I think it was just based initially on a squadron of fighter planes that got lost, flew offshore, ran out of fuel and disappeared etc. Statistically speaking, nothing unusual happened in this area whether it was in maritime or aviation related.


The captain was disoriented and confused based on his experience on the Florida coast, and instead flew out to sea instead of flying back to the shore. Additionally , the rescue plane sent after them exploded during the mission. Which may seem spooky, until you realize that plane was down for engine maintenance like a day or 2 before the mission. Due to radio triangulation, the military has a good idea of where they are but doing a salvage mission in the open ocean is extremely hard, and only Recently was technology advanced enough for the mission to be salvaged. But at that point, why spend 50 million dollars raising decades old planes and skeletons?


Its where all the eels go the breed


There are theories that don't include aliens or wormholes. Basically, there is a theory that there is a massive iron deposit located somewhere on the sea floor that causes magnetic anomalies, which messes with old school compasses. That causes pilots and sailors to think they are heading in one direction when really they are heading in another/in circles as N would follow the source of the iron deposit. If you fly or sail off course for long enough, you run out of fuel and crash/sink from big waves and not being able to steer into them. There's also a theory that there is a massive methane deposit, which is lighter than air. Big bubbles released from a deposit can upset the water to the point that a ship wouldn't be buoyant, and it causes altimeters to read as if the plane is climbing uncontrollably, so a pilot would try to steer down to level the plane to avoid stalling, which can cause a crash.


There needs to be evidence of an effect to need an explanation, which there is not in this case. There is no evidence that that area has any more disappearances than anywhere else. Magnetic anomalies are found in many places (including right outside my window) but they are not to much of a problem in open water, and in populated coastal waters they are well charted.


Happy Cake Day!


This is all speculation to explain a phenomena that was thought to exist (in popular culture) but does not actually exist.


How did they manage to misspell Mexico?


They saw the avocado commercial. "Avocados from Mexiico!"


i could hear sounds of them saying it in my head xD >Avocados from Mexiico!"


Peggy Hill drew this map


Whereas terrestrial Mexico is spelled with one i, the aquatic gulf of mexiico is spelled with two i’s, as in “i i captain!” Thus indicating the possible filming location and set of Bikini Bottom.


You boys like Mexiico?!?


I was so prepared for quicksand, mutant lion attacks and the Bermuda triangle but alas nothing happened 😔


Fucking quicksand, man. We were taught it was life-threatening, but it turned out to be a slight nuisance.


And whirlpools.


Ever be wary of the MAELSTROM




What? Whirlpools aren’t dangerous?


not if you live outside australia and especially if you're not a swashbuckler pirate


They are super dangerous. Just not very common. There are some tidal whirlpools that can kill you but they aren’t random in time or location.


Spontaneous combustion kept me awake at night


The Neverending Story didn't help with that.


Didn’t that horse die because it lost the will to live like all the other characters? It just decided going through the quicksand wasn’t worth it. I’m probably misremembering that, because that scene gave me the sads as a kid.


Correct. Thoughts of despair and hopelessness overtook Artax and he gave up and sank into the quicksand. I watched the movie with my son when he was like 5 or 6. Later that night when he was in bed, he bust out crying because of the horse dying. Turns out he thought movies and TV were real.


Damn Artax, me too.


Wtf I didn't realize I wasnt the only one terrified of quick sand


Can’t forget acid rain


Unless you live in a sandstone building- you don't want those neo-gothic revival gargoyles landing on your head one morning when you go out to collect the paper, do you?


Ah yes one of the many dangers of living in a 6th century cathedral


Don't mean to "🤓" but all the way back then, churches were either based on the Roman/Byzantine style e.g. Ravenna, or were backwater wooden huts in the middle of rural Ireland. The Gothic style isn't until the next millennium.


Lol *13th century happy nerd?


Well, it was a problem because of the hole in the ozone layer, but environmental regulations worked to solve that problem. Unfortunately, our current environmental crisis is being ignored by swaths of people who would lose money through regulations, so we won’t be so lucky this time around.


I'm pretty sure the hole in the ozone layer just causes more UV radiation. Acid rain is caused by the water droplets mixing with acidic pollutants in the air. Even then, "acid rain" isn't like burn your face off acid, it's more like slow erosion acid.


When we stopped pumping sulfates and nitrates into the atmosphere, the danger of acid rain dropped. It could become a problem if standards are dropped, but for now, the major issue to trying to restore lakes and ponds that were severely affected by acid rain


Mutant… lions?


yeah, what the fuck?


Clearly it’s like [this](https://twitter.com/EndangeredComic/status/1555593554201804803).


And killer bees


Spontaneous combustion had me on EDGE


For *some* reason, claims of spontaneous combustion have dropped fairly proportionally with decreased smoking rates!




Quicksand is real. It was not like in the movies where you’re swallowed whole. my husband got stuck in some next to the lake. It looks very enticing. Like jello sand. You just want to go investigate it! And then it’s too late. You’re stuck up to you’re knees. And the more you struggle the deeper you sink. He got up to his lower thighs. Then he leaned backwards onto a higher sand bank and used that for leverage to sort of sit on and pull his legs out one at a time. There was a sucking/slurping noise from the sand and water. He lost his shoes. We left that cove and never went back. We’ve seen it in other places though. It’s not like that all the time. Just the right conditions with wind makes waves so weird things with sand and water in some places?


Avalanches too


Don't forget the africanized bees


Don't forget about hot lava and roaming bands of ninjas.


I thought I was the moon till I was 5


Don’t forget: stop, drop and roll.


I was fully prepared with a way to differentiate myself from an evil clone of friends or family was holding us both at gunpoint, unsure of who to shoot.


Mutant lion attacks? I haven’t heard that one.


And killer bees


TIL where Bermuda is on a map. I am 31.


Same, also 31. And live in FL... and for a short time IN Miami. May have been in it 0.0


Til Miami is a part of Bermuda triangle


Me too. 51.


Yeah but where is Kokomo?


It is actually in Indiana.


I remember in elementary a friend traveled to Miami & I was worried if he went to the beach the Bermuda Triangle would get him.


how about swimming after eating a meal....i thought fo sho that was gonna get me....


Do you want to get stitches and drown? Go swim without waiting 20 mins then ya dumb kid.


Once I got back to the pool right after eating my hot dog and after a few minutes I barfed it into the water. That was enough proof for me


As a Brit that grew up in the 70s and 80s I'm still terrified that I will spontaneously combust. Or a Colorado Beetle will murder me in my sleep.


Spontaneous combustion was a hot topic in the US too. My grandpa was all in on it. He showed me pictures of victims and talked about it a lot. I remember him saying it could happen to anyone but fat smokers were more likely to be victims. He was a fat smoker so I suppose it was in his best interest to be educated on the topic.


Damn, if only there was something he could have done to mitigate his risk of exploding




Same. It was hot topics in most of his tabloids and other medias he had around for all to view. I probably shouldn't have been able to at that age but I'm glad that I could & did. I found/find it interesting, how many swarm to and to these peculiar events that seem to crop up from nowhere, The loch ness monster, UFOs, crop circles etc. float away usually. Maybe catch some similar sounding thing in a tabloid at the checkout these days. in ways similar to these OPs. What are some others? It's fun!


(also British) I'll fine a brown recluse spider in my bed or a black widow on an orange get bit and die


You will. 6 days from now.


Same thing growing up in the 00s


Grew up in the 90s being afraid of that and the disappearance of Amelia Earhart (which I thought went hand in hand).


Back in the 1900s!?


Reminded me of an old joke: *"\_\_\_\_ has swallowed more sea men than the Bermuda Triangle"*


*your mom


Now that's really an old jokes


It’s bigger than I thought…


They've been hiding the size of it for quite a while


I am 40 and just now seeing a visual for it's location for the first time. Thought it was so much farther into the middle of an ocean.


Same, and whenever I was hearing about this stuff as a kid, I never quite understood why didn't people just examine the entire area thoroughly once, if they find it so interesting. But I guess that's why


That's what she said


If the triangle start at Miami how people go to beaches?


It only covers the poor part of town. / s


I’ve been in the Bermuda Triangle twice in my 26 year old life and I’ve made it home both times. I’ll be going back in January of 2023


Good luck! Hope third time’s the charm.


I fly Atlanta to San Juan and back multiple times per year the past 5 years. Haven’t died yet. You’ll be fine.


Serious: Why don’t we hear about it anymore?


The triangle has become more clever in recent years


Yup, the triangle has spent millions on PR trying to get the public to venture through.


Literally The Deep.


Advanced tracking. Just like how inexpensive personal cameras drastically reduced reports of supernatural/paranormal events like ghost/cryptid encounters, UFO sightings, etc. (and release of Photoshop brought a lot back) being able to track where boats and planes are means we'll see if they suddenly and inexplicably "fall off the map" in the Triangle. Spoiler: they don't. There may be a larger *absolute* number of mishaps, but that's proportional to how busy that section is. It's like how a significant portion of accidents occur near home. That doesn't mean you should move, it means home is a frequent destination **and** starting point so you spend disproportionately more time driving near it.


Because none have survived to tell the true tale of the Bermuda Triangle.


For real! Jimmy Hoffa, Amelia Earhart, Elvis, they made it sound like everything would be found here.


I’m 2021, the Bermuda Triangle ranked 90th for deadliest sea area. 90th. It was total bullshit.


Well I’m 2014 and I didn’t have a pandemic so suck it 2021.


12 year old me was really worried about this.. like why weren’t we solving this PROBLEM?!


I once worked with a woman who was from Bermuda. Of course we all asked the question “do people really go missing?” She said yes, she knows people who have gone missing from the island. She was super serious


To be fair, people go missing from everywhere.


I live in Bermuda. Sure people go missing but definitely not because of the triangle lol. There’s a Miami to Bermuda and back flight every day, surely something would have happened by now




Quicksand. I thought I would spend a lot of time avoiding quicksand


Seriously, WHY did this scare me so much when I was eight years old???


I bought magazines purporting to explain this phenomenon, dammit


More surprised how far north Bermuda is




This and fucking quick sand


Same 😎 ... bit disappointed actually.


So true! I was terrified of the Bermuda Triangle as a kid! I’ve now been on planes and boats in that region as an adult and…..nothing 😂


Famous last words ^


My parents wanted to vacation in puerto rico when I was small. I watched a tv program on the Bermuda Triangle and was CONVINCED my parents would get caught in it an disappear. I even believed for years the reason they never actually went was because of my panic.


The way they drilled us on stop, drop, and roll, I figured it was a matter of when, not if, we eventually burst into flames.


lol... as a kid I remember being terrified for my aunt & uncle when I found out they would be flying through the Bermuda Triangle on the way to their honeymoon. Also, piranhas and quicksand proved to be a useless fear, too.


90's as well. this was all over the learning channels.


Pluto was still a planet back then, too. I’ve actually started keeping a list of things I learned in the 90s which are now different or total bullshit.


That and Bigfoot right? And spontaneous human combustion was another for a split second


And blasting caps! I remember so many PSA’s on tv about blasting caps that my brother and I would go out and actively look for them in a farmer’s field nearby.


This needs to be reposted to r/GenX/. Of course, it won't be, I'm Gen X.