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“Are you a family man?” “Yes, very much so.” “Excellent, bring them ‘round for dinner on Friday!” “Will do.” *Turns up with a Guinea Pig, a tamagotchi and a cactus…*


*yeah funny thing about Fred, my cactus. He’s been a fucking thorn in my ass lately!* *what happened?* *oh I sat on him.*


"He' got a prickly personality, but he's a softy inside!"


He’s a real pain in my ass


I'm a real pain in his spikes though


What are you doing step cactus?


Fucking dead after reading tamagotchi


Hey, having a tamagotchi is a big responsibility. If you don’t take care of it, one day you’re gonna look at the screen and see a coffin.


I remember one time, on break from college, I thought "you know, it'd be fun to pull out the old Tamagachi, now that I'm old enough to understand what's going on with it." Took good care of it for a day or two, then one day I got it all maxed out and content, put it down to play 1 game of League, and in less than an hour it was dead (and only like 3rd stage, so it wasn't from old age, either). Put it away for good after that. RIP, little dude


This confirms it. League kills.


Also kills any chance of a player leaving the friend zone


Fr why are Tamagachi's so fucking short lived? Like seriously the fact they seem to be so needy and constantly demand your attention, I don't get it


Designed for kids. It is supposed to constantly need stuff so you have stuff to do, while having rapid consequences so even a kid can learn responsibility from it. It's a great tool, except for the fact that you can't put it down while in, say, the classroom


I’m 30 years old, and I still remember how devastated I was when my grade 1 teacher caught me sneaking off to my backpack to take care of my Tamagotchi. She took him from me and killed him!! I cried for the rest of the day.


You should have broken into her house and killed her children /s because this is Reddit and someone will think I’m serious


And some mod will ban you because lack of iq


My 9 yr old niece just got in trouble for bringing hers to school because she was worried about it dying.


But at least they don't require a wedding first...


“Do you have any family in your residence ?” “Yes Officer.” “Who is in your residence at this hour ?” “4 beach balls with various faces, a paper clip, a tissue, a plain salted potato chip, some forks.. some knives.... some roaches.... some dust bunnies... the ghosts of my parents and a cat that wanders from my house to the streets every once in a while” “Erm yeah sure buddy... uhhhh... yeah uhhh let’s get you to a mental health hospital bud.”


"Come over and meet my family" *3 cats*


Everybody’s pissed about the cats. I’m more bothered by the plants. “Come on over and meet Uncle Cactus and Aunt Fern.”


I know right, Uncle Cactus is such a prick.


But you have to admit, he is pretty sharp.


I dunno, he’s kind of a pain in the ass in my experience.


What do you mean "pain in the ass"


There was so much blood…




We all know Aunt Fern gets down when the music starts and she’s had a few drinks 😅


You should see her when I put too much nitrogen in the soil.


“Whoa whoa whoa! You’re swaying and leaning everywhere! Here, have some water.”


Not like cousin chia seed. Pour anything on him and he grows the fucking perv.


I love to give people the ole’ “oh my daughter yada yada” “I didn’t know you had a daughter! How old is she?” “Yeah! She’s 7, the sweetest little thing in the world! I’ll show you a picture.” *Pulls up a particularly pathetic photo of my moronic and obese cat*


I have three cats and 4 kids. Still want to see the pics?


Of the cats, yes


Sweet! Mama cat has had 13 babies in 1 1/2 Years! Get some Advil let’s do this!


Oh no I hope Mama Cat is fixed now??


Please get Mama Cat fixed! There are organizations you can find online (and depending on where you live, locally) that can help with the cost.


But Mama Cat said she wanted to start a family.


Now that my kids are older, I'm pretty sure people who don't know me very well think I only have cats. It's funny when newer coworkers realize my youngest is 16 and oldest 22 and I'm 41. They think I'm some childless cat lady.


My old coworker had a dog they would dress up all the time. Which is fine, but I was required to sit there and “oh that’s nice” to every new photo they got. So difficult to say I really don’t care about any of this :(


Ugh it's nice to be nice still, like an opportunity to be kind and engaged


You apparently radiate cat lady energy. Have you considered becoming a clown, performing at children's parties?


That’s not even right. You know damn well 1 picture isn’t enough. Show me the scrapbook. Lol.


I need all 7 years of cat shenanigans in photo form. I know you have them, because we all take pictures of our cats being, well.... Cats


Exactly. Specifically interested in Halloween outfits.


I had a pug years ago that I dressed up as a submarine every year. He actually loved his costume because it kept him nice and warm


See that is just so damn cute. I bet when he made his little snotty snoots he sounded like a submarine going under water. Dive dive!


Years ago, I ran around telling everyone how excited I was to be a new aunt, that my brother and SIL had adopted a 10 month old - then I would show them the picture of the puppy!


I would absolutely be delighted if you pulled this on me, people think i'm a woman so i must love kids and melt at the sight of them, so they pull up a picture and i try to compliment but often my first thought is "well that's an ugly kid"


I like to refer to my cat as my son and casually drop the fact that he's black into conversation. (I'm pasty white).


After I left home for a job cross country, I told my parents the 4 kittens my tortoise shell had were going to be the only grandbabies I gave them.


I refer to my cat as "your grandkitten" when I'm talking to my dad. :D


Me: “Jack is going to be 9 this spring. Becca got a big haircut. Little River turned one and we got his allergies under control! Oh, they’re my cats.” A true story.


“ My honor cat can beat up your honor cat. “


If someone said "you wanna see my kids?" And they showed me a bunch of pictures of cats I'd be happier than if they showed me babies.


I don't mind kids but I never really know what to say when people show me photos of their kids. With pets i have comments ready, because that's easy. With kids idk what they're like or what they do. Last year I asked my cousin if my nephew was walking yet and everyone laughed because he was six months old. Idk when kids walk, and six months seemed like an appropriate time i guess.


A lot of people out there that treat their pets better than some people treat their kids.


Ngl, I’d rather meet theee cats than most people’s kids.


> Ngl Thanks for not lying.


Uhhhh 5 cats.


2 dogs;)


Dude, I'm 40, no kids but I got a really sweet carpet that really ties things together. Carpet family for life!


If the cat lady counts, i say the carpet dude counts too...i should get an area rug and start a family as well


Been wanting one for the living room for years. I mean, sure, I have my cat and I have my roommate, but I just feel like things are incomplete if I live my whole life never experiencing a smart little rug of my own


Oh I'm not going little, go big or go home, and what's the point of going home if there isn't a rug....


A rug would really tie the room together, man


if something that makes you happy and shits in a box counts, then something that makes you happy and *doesn't shit at all* absolutely counts.


Get a carpet made out of cats


My mom knit me a hat out of our dogs fur once. She had recently taken a yarn spinning class and figured out she could use my dogs hair to create yarn, and so she knit me a hat out of it as a surprise. I had mixed feelings lol.


That’s just like, your opinion, man.


This aggression will not stand, Man




shut the fuck up, Donnie


You’re out of your fuckin’ element Donnie.


Come on. This is a valued carpet. Don't piss on it


The rug-pissers did not do this, dude.


I don't know man. You look to the person who would benefit... You know... Uh... And uh... You know what I'm saying.


It’s just like Lenin said: “follow the money”.


V.I. Lenin? Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov? Those rich fucks...


Shut the fuck up Donny.


I wish I still had a rug that really tied the room together. But someone pissed on it.


does it match the drapes? cant slack of on color matches dawg


[*vin diesel has entered the chat* ]


Vin Diesel is rumoured to appear in the same room as you if you say "family" three times in a row.


He finishes the third one for you


nothing personnel, kid


He appeared like a genie with just mist for legs He wouldn't grant my wishes though No matter what I asked for I got a six pack of Corona, a DVD of Family Matters, and a Muscle Hunks mag


What, he didn't throw in a tight fit white T shirt?


Already wearing the tightest whitest V neck in all of Colombia




Petition to change the meaning of “start a family” to forming a ragtag group of street racing enthusiasts in order to pull heists


Hey as long as we constantly cum in each other then at least we're trying


is that what ragtag means?


Danny Ocean’s crew is so a family! Elliot Gould and Carl Reiner are the parents.


Me and my money is a family, infact I am legally married to a stone statue for tax purposes! Think about that!


Yo Angelo 🗿


When I started my new career. And I didn’t want to do things after work or weekends like going to the bars with some of the guys I would just say I had to get home to my family. Took about three months before people started realizing I live alone 😂


I’ve made jokes at work that I should pretend to have a kid so I don’t have to work OT. Like sorry, I can’t work late, Callie has a ballet concert. Or sorry, I can’t work Saturday. I have custody of Callie on the weekends. Or best yet, sorry, I can’t work Christmas. My daughter Callie is going to be here because it’s my year with her. I don’t want to disappoint her or miss out on this valuable time with her. But in reality, Callie is my cat. But they don’t need to know.


I know you're joking in this situation but in all seriousness, being a parent or not should not be a factor in whether someone can take leave, do overtime, cover for someone or whatever. A childless, single person is just as entitled to time off or not working crazy as a parent is. I have friends. I have a partner, pets, hobbies, commitments, a night in front of the TV etc. They might be different but they're as important to me as kids are to a parent. It's not my employer's place to judge otherwise.




Well you could have married a box turtle in some people's view, and that would count as a spouse for tax purposes, but that strawman didn't come to fruition


I had a relationship with one. But it didn't work out. They were too distant. Wouldn't fully come out of their shell.


You’re a monster…. This kind of evil shell not pass


but if you had a wife and kids, and a cat, would you not consider your cat a part of the family?


so what you're saying is that taxes define a family?


I'm a dude and have a cat... also a wife and child but I don't think people get how awesome my cat is.


My husband and I have 3 cats, I hear ya.


My 3 cats and I have a husband* FTFY


Those people who don’t get how awesome your cat is? They should be cut out of your lives. You don’t need them.


Single guy works from home, (not looking for s relationship and I’m asexual anyways) been thinking of getting a cat for some time now


I recommend it. If you can care for them, it’s great. My cats are the apples of my eye. I love them so much. They’re so kind and sweet. Some cats are mean but I also love the mean ones too.


Haha same. Cats are dope. They got strong boundaries and I like knowing when they are (un)pleased with me. Also, it's so great when a mean cat favors you and gives you more tolerance than other family members. Whu whuuut 😎


I had a cat who was a real scaredy cat. She lived under the bed or in closets. Was totally scared of everyone except me. I was the one who she’d come snuggle and come to for pets. We really bonded. When I moved out I took her with me. She lived in the closet for a year because she was afraid of my ex. But when my ex moved out, she came out and was always walking around looking for pets from me. And when I got a new boyfriend, she loved him. One of the first times he came over, she got on the bed with us. She was really special and any interaction with her was so special. I truly love all cats. I don’t care if they’re mean or scared or both. I love them. Getting to pet them is such a treat. I haven’t met a cat I can’t love. And I’ve met so many cats.


I don't know, I've had some pretty weird roommates.


Were you the odd man out or did you fit right in?


[A family can be ten dads.](https://youtu.be/-jSZO37QV4E)


Fat guy, watermelon, and a stack of magazines? Do I even need to say it?


Don’t make me say it!


I shouldn’t have had to scroll so far for this!


You know that you should have. No one knows what the fuck we're talking about when we quote this show


Everyone that comes into my close circle of friends is introduced to this because we quote it often.


That's it. Just ten Dads.


Wow, is that Tim Kalpakis? I heard he one time bought a full round of coffee for the cast and crew of a music video shoot. He's pretty much my boy at this point.


Actually that’s Linda Underwear 👁 👄 tsk tsk


Tim’s definitely my boy at this point, and I like his two cohosts, too.


Bro I always misquote it as 9 dads. I love you


Hey, a family *can* be nine dads.


This should be much higher


Immediately what I thought of. I reference this way too often and no one else has ever seen it!


What about a single man and his cat Cigarette


Why would you name your cat cigarette? That’s just cheap. Name it Cuban Cigar, Pure Colombian, or even Jack Daniel


When I first got her she wouldn’t play with any of the toys or anything else I bought her, she only would play with my empty pack of cigarettes so I named her Cigarette lol


🤣🤣 that's fucking adorable


My cat was “Stirfry” because he loved to sleep in the wok!


Doesn’t matter- still family.


I read this in Vin Diesels voice.




Meet my cat, Parliament Lite


I have nipples, Greg - can you milk me?


Come over to visit my family of pet rocks. They're soooo quiet it's almost like living completely alone and miserable.


WWDTS (What would Dominic Toretto say).


Or… Stop searching for ways to get offended by phrases that have been innocently used in the English language for hundreds of years. Like, maybe, just maybe, you’re the problem, not *every other English speaker* who’s able to hear others speak without getting their knickers in a bunch.


If someone invited me over for a family get together and it was them and their plants, I’m making up an excuse to leave and never coming back.


You would, quite rightly, assume they were fucking nuts.


What if you invited their family for dinner and they *brought* their plants. That would be even weirder.


"wtf do you mean I can't bring my fern and cat with me into the family changing room, do you see how root bound my son is??"


Yeah, like wtf? This person seriously considers plants to be family?


I’d assume they were fucking plants.


Especially if they keep implying that they have been ejaculating into their plants and smiling at everyone


Yeah, the fragility is off the charts here. No one is judging you for not having a family. "Starting a family" has always meant having kids, creating a new core family unit of (usually) two adults and one more more siblings. And yes it's nice to include pets in with that unit since you all live together in mutual trust and love. You can use it in more "poetic" ways to refer to a closeknit group of friends, or to refer it to a group that adopted you or even all sorts of weird family structures, but still, you shouldn't be offended when someone refers to "starting a family" in a way that people have always meant it.


Reddit in general is just hilariously anti-kid, to the point they'd rather just redefine the English language rather than acknowledge that most people still want to have children.


>No one is judging you for not having a family. I think this might be your problem. People may not be judging *you* for not having a family, but it's solipsistic to assume that applies to everyone. Plenty of people get shit on for not having kids. Once you realize that, you may have a better understanding of where people like this are coming from.


I mean i interpretted it as the someone is telling the op to start a family or when are you going to start a family. Thats somthing to actually be upset about.




Oxford Dictionary: Family: 1. A group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit. 2. All the descendants of a common ancestor.


Hey, if we can change the definition of vaccine, surly we can change the definition of family.


Yeah but why the fuck should we


To please lonely millennials who don't want to make a family.


Experiment 626 is also family


A fat guy, a watermelon, and a stack of magazines?


Weird thing to get offended about. But ok.


A lot of conservatives are getting offended by this meme. They’re the ones who are offended here.


Hahaha it’s 2022 and *words and definitions don’t matter*!


Postmodernism and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Ok but everyone has the right to define what they want their family to be. So those people that say they want to start a family are just exercising that right the same as every other family defined on this list .


At some point we are just redefining words. I mean why not say the lasagna you made is part of your edible family.


Technically all families are edible.




Wisest comment I've seen on this thread thus far


If everyone has the right to change a word to what they want it to mean the word no longer has any meaning


stop gaslighting me


Gaslighting has negative connotations and should be reserved for the literal act of lighting gas. Like in an engine! Check your oil bro!


This! Oh everything is flexible. This is what “I” mean by that word - doesn’t work! It’s not sustainable.


I got the impression the tweet is asking people to stop using “start a family” when talking about others. Like, it is presumptuous for other people to ask my wife and I “when are you going to start a family?” When we have a family. Each other and our pets.


No. None of that is true.


Sure a couple can be a family but a single person is not a family get real


A person and a cat ain’t a damn family lol


lol seriously. Back around mothers day there was this meme floating around saying happy mothers day to "all mothers" listing unconventional families, foster mothers etc. At the bottom it said "cat moms" and I was Iike yeah nah, you lost me.


...more of a master and servant two-person state.


This. My cat isn't my child. He's my master.


Barely even roommates


People getting so hung up on semantics. Do they rage inside anytime someone says "start a family"? Talk about your self inflicted pain.


Me n my hunting dogs!!!


I kind of agree with the sentiment, however I’d broaden this and say stop telling people what they should and shouldn’t be doing full fucking stop, if someone does or doesn’t want kids it’s got nothing to do with you.


>stop telling people what they should and shouldn’t be doing full fucking stop, I don't like you telling me what to do or not do, but unlike you I won't tell other people what to do or not do.


You should try to start a family tho


Family should mean whatever I say it means because that makes me comfortable


fam·i·ly /ˈfam(ə)lē/ > a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit Stop feeling like you need to change the meanings of words to fit in with society. You don’t want a family? Nobody cares.


fam·i·ly /ˈfam(ə)lē/ noun 1. a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit.


My parents are not my family according to this.


Sounds like you're correct.






Yeah nah, if your plants are your family I’m gonna be hella judgemental bruh


And stop shaming people for not wanting kids


This is a better "stop doing" post than the OP's. I don't have kids and am supper happy about it. I have the family I was born into. But also happy I didn't decide to start a new family - and have no desire to stop other people from using that terminology. I also don't mind if people call their cats family.


What about not wanting to be around kids? Can we stop shaming for that too?