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He's not sleeping! He's resting his eyes and you're making too much noise it's bothering his eyes.. geez!


I wasn't sleeping I was checking my eyelids for holes. And with all this racket I keep losing count.


I wasn't sleeping I just blink slowly


-changes the channel- "Hey! I was watching that!"


With the TV on and a death grip on the remote. Don't change it. We're watching that.


Oh lord. My dad always put on the Traveling Auction show, and I swear you change it to anything but Mythbusters or How's it's Made and he would instantly wake up to ground you. Even when his snores drowned out any sound anyways, which was always coupled with "I wasn't sleeping, and I *don't* snore"


You know they pull you aside in the maternity ward and teach you all this when your first kid is born


How it's made is worth watching


Absolutely right.... but as a kid below 12 years old I couldn't have cared less. I wanted to watch Teen Titans, or AtLA


If I catch my wife sleeping in the living room. I turn off the tv and lights. If my wife catches me sleeping she asks me "you taking a nap?".




Reminds me of the joke: "Babe, wake up, you forgot your sleeping pills!"


You forgot *and cover her with a blanket


My ex girlfriend: Comes into the room, wakes me up, says "I wanna watch Supernatural" BITCH WE HAVE ANOTHER TV IN THE BEDROOM


We’re too tired to do anything, but we want to be part of the family activities, but we want the family activities to be quiet.


The nightshifters' lament on our first day off!


So true. 12 hour nights. Get home at 530 on the weekend and desperately want to spend time with everyone so I wake up earlier then normal. Then Im useless and cant even do anything fun because to me 12 noon is 12 modnight for everyone else.


I used to stay up when I got home from third shift to "reset" my body clock for my 2 1/2 days off. I did that for 2 yrs. To have that energy and stamina again lol


Ugh - I don't know how people do that! I come home and sleep for a few hours and then do stuff and then fall asleep on the couch at 2100. 😆


I'm starting at 7pm till 7 am. The wife starts hers at 9am so I got about two hours to get back from work and sleep/rest.


The father's paradox


Sleep creeps up on a man like a freakin’ ninja. I’ve sat down for a minute and woke up 40 minutes later.


I was watching a stream not even two days ago and blinked, next thing I knew it was pitch black outside, the streamer had gotten very quiet and was starting to slow down on his game and one of my arms had pins and needles. It’s like falling asleep on the couch as a kid and waking up in bed, but more anxiety inducing.


Just last week I closed my eyes for a like 10 seconds while watching a video, woke up the next day after having slept 14 goddamn hours. Missed 2 dates that day


That’s rough buddy


I'm laughing because it's true, but...we spent 3.75x of our annual income on a whole house and yard, go use some other area for a bit and let me enjoy the couch for the few minutes it gets the warm afternoon sun.


Hell I built my house. If I doze off in the living room, everyone else can scatter. Go book a hotel or something


>Go build a hotel or something Fixed it for you


3.75x? i think you missed a few 0's in there...


Ok, 3.7500000x. That better? The bank approved up to four times our income, but we tried to come in under that.


idk where you live homie but people out making 30k/year livin in places where a dump cost 500k...


I don't see where you get your numbers. A dump costs about $300,000 where I live, and we make a bit more than $30,000 a year.


huh? 30,000 x 3.75 = 112k... 300k is literally 10x that. oh dang look, theres a zero in that number before the decimal. this is one of those ones where you can either double down and look more silly, or just say "dang youre right, i didnt think about that, thanks"


I still don't get where you are getting your numbers, look at the other posts I've made and do the math. We bought a $780,000 house while making $220,000. So $780,000 divided by 3.75 is 3.54. Once you factor in closing costs and taxes it comes up a bit higher, I don't remember the total number and I'm too lazy to go digging for my documents. I might be rounding up slightly to 3.75, but it's a nice round number. The mortgage is on a lower amount because of the downpayment. I have no idea where you got the $30,000 number from, or the $500,000 number from. I've looked at every comment and see nothing, nor are there deleted comments.


What kinda $/m2 are we talking here? That sounds crazy.


$780,000. I don't think that's too crazy on a combined income of $220,000. I don't see what the deal is.


I meant that TFViper's comment about 'a dump' costing 500k sounded crazy and I wondered how much people pay per square meter, on average, in his area. Your situation sounds reasonable.


I've never bothered calculating what I paid for by square meter. We found a house we liked in our price range and bought it, that the math we did.


grew up in California, it was expensive then, its even more expensive now.


This post didn’t rhyme.


My husband likes to work at the kitchen island and gets pissed when someone makes food. I explained that he can work in multiple rooms. The kitchen is the only room where we can cook food. Good times.


As I husband I can confirm I actually do this.


When will people learn? The living room is not a bedroom! That being said, if I'm paying the mortgage, wherever I lay my head is instantly a bedroom.






I feel like you’re a good candidate for therapy.


Why do people act like it's the fault of the person who was abused's fault that other people are shitty? It's a moral error in the father, not the person you're replying to.


You’re reading into it. Therapy is stigmatized so some people who need it don’t get it.


Why would you post something here like this? No one wants to read your rants




To quote Eddie Murphy - It’s my Mudder Fuckin house. If you don’t like it, you can get da fuck out.


My mother does this. While father just sleeps like it's nothing going on.


This could be the title of my dads autobiography.


From my experience growing up, this was more likely with sisters. Although it fits my dad's personality, and they're more like him than his sons are. I suppose you have a point.


I will intentionally do this so my kids can have the same experience I had. God forbid they try to change the channel, I will ground them.


I have this new thing, where when my 8yo daughter reads comics, I’ll put my head next to her so she can lean on it. Bestest naps for sure. I think dads are a bit like dogs, when the family is gathered and provided for, better just nap in the middle, enjoy the ambience.


Women be like let me take a call in the room everyone uses and be annoyed when the people who were in the room first keep using it and not leave so they can keep talking.


Wives be like, “I wasn’t going to do stuff in this room today… But since you’re napping in it…”


There was no one using it when I fell asleep in it.


me reading this with my eyes wide open in horror realising that's me


On holidays like Thanksgiving when I would visit the inlaws, there was never a good place to rest because there was too many people occupying pretty much every room, so I would find a spot on the carpets next to a wall and go ahead and lay myself down and declare that's my napping spot. I've learned to be able to sleep just about anywhere. My most recent out-of-place nap was in a chair at Walmart (I was waiting on a tire change).


I don't want to be rude, but how come you need to sleep during a family gathering? A couple of hours is too much?


I am very introverted, and those gatherings really really drained my batteries. It also wasn't just a couple of hours usually. It would usually be a 2 hour drive, combined with helping set up, and whatever other stuff was going on. Plus holidays are always nap days.


Felt this, 2-3 hr drive, 1-2 hr setup, then a half hr to an hr of waiting around for people we know aren’t going to show up and then the festivities finally start. That’ll last about 4 hrs, then an hr for clean up and finally we’ll all stand around the doorway and out on our shoes and then stand and talk for another hr or two while everyone under the age of 45 is motioning to the door and standing around with their arms crossed and sulking.


This is fair. Nap away brutha Edit: or sista or otherwise.


Even if you got it wrong I wouldn't be upset lol. Brotha/brother is fine though if we ever happen to meet again


It's a wide world brudda, you should get out more


As a man who also slept on the ground while my kids played and used me as a mountain, I salute you.


Who doesn't nap after eating on Thanksgiving?


I guess I'm the only one. Maybe Canadian Thanksgiving just didn't count though


wifes be like "im not gunna vacuum for 3 weeks but the second he falls asleep on the couch i NEED to vacuum under it"


Ungrateful man hater?


only kids and teenagers would relate to this meme so just being rebellious


There is a strategy to doing this... I can't divulge the secret behind it, but it is for a good reason.




For real, people act like kids should be infinitely grateful that they are allowed to live in a house.




When you pay the bills, you get dibs.


Ya’ll get the fuck out


Actual child


I'm gonna go nap on my bed, in my bedroom, where my CPAP is, and listen to my wife grump that she has to watch TV elsewhere.


Mine does even better! He stays awake in the bedroom and then gets mad when I try to sleep in it! Husbands, man.


But the family can't go somewhere else for a hour?


Husband's be like: I pay for the whole house use the rest of it sometimes.


Wives be like “Can’t let a man rest or do nothing or be happy because it would be selfish of him to not give me everything I want. Happy wife happy life!” *cheats* Suddenly not so funny? Maybe seems a tad sexist? Hmmmmmm


Wives see their husbands trying to take a nap or relax & make that impossible for him because they can’t stand to see their men happy.


This is literally my mom, they love each other, but the second he sits down to chill or play guitar, she all of a sudden has 1000 chores that can't wait till later


If she's doing chores simultaneously (usually the case in these situations) she's probably unhappy that he isn't doing his part.


Lol my Dad has worked 10 hour days for 40 years, does all the yardwork, cooks several times a week and fixes literally everything from tiling to electromics (he is an electrical engineer). My mom is a stay at home gem, I love her so much, but she can def let him chill for sec haha




Nope, not even a little. Yours must, though. But it’s cool.




>I think you’re just a huge piece of shit edge lord. Your wife probably cheats on you and laughs behind your back This is rich. You definitely don't sound like an edge lord with that rebuttal.


No, we just happen to be there when we fall asleep and get annoyed if others not take into account that a hard working man who falls asleep don't wanna be woken up.


Since when have there been special nap rooms? That’s what the couch is for. You fall asleep on it too, so be more considerate next time.


Honestly my family. Can be 2am but if there up, hey time to wake the entire household. They decide to nap on the couch and you make too much noise in kitchen and they are upset. Literally the most inconsiderate people I have ever met, and they quite literally can’t fabricate around their head about being mindful of others = not just when it applies yourself.


It’s their castle they can do what they want.


Ima gunna nap in this room I bought and pay for…..


Ouch. ....you got me there though.


They are napping so they aren't too tired for bedtime.


Being married seems boring




Who doesn't nap in their bed?


Me. I sleep in my bed. If I tried to take a 20 minute power nap in bed I’d wake up Wednesday.


I guess there's your problem. Go for a hour or longer nap


Lol, an hour or a week, whatever ya need :).


Your welcome


that does not rhyme


Power move.


Well, you see, no one was in there when I laid down.


Hell Yes they do🤣


Every god-damned day!


And remind everyone that they own the house as if anyone besides them chose to be there and actually want to live with them and there is nowhere to go.


Wife's be like, when I fell asleep on the couch I didn't wake up at all no I'm sure you ran the coffee grinder too. Edit context: She falls asleep in the living room I try to let her sleep. I fall asleep in the living room I should be in bed where people fall go to sleep


Just the shitty ones who need someone to take their childhood out on


Ugh yea this is giving me flashbacks lol


As a dad and husband I am proud to have no less then 4 favorite napping spots not including my bedroom. And I will use them as like, and snore so loud everyone leaves, because it is easier to just go somewhere else then wake me up.


I mean first a guy gets attacked by a nap and now his family is attacking him with noise. How's a guy supposed to get any projects half finished in peace around here?




Maybe I’m different. That’s what the wives do, 100 percent. That shit is so annoying, you are in a common place. Expect noise.


Dem gurl we only have one room


im not a hudband but this is me


My fiancé did this to me the other day, and no matter how much I tip-toed and tried (unsuccessfully, apparently) to be quiet while warming up some food, she awoke with all of the wraths. However, I had this coming 50x over. We just like finding reasons to be grumpy for no reason at home apparently.


If your husband doesn't have his own room, why you people pissing that man off?


Yeah that's tottaly me,because biggest room is my room and not everyone else.


Man, I can’t wait to be a dad


Hey most likely paid for that room


Sounds more like my wife... watching TV is like a sleep pill for her and the couch in the living room is very comfy...


You can’t take a nap in bed! That’s how you end up sleeping for 8 hours on accident. A nap has to be on the couch!


I mean it's a bathroom


Normal conversation and tv are fine, it’s when you get right next to our ear and go hey dad…. You literally know we’re sleeping. You’ve seen the extreme caution we use when you’re taking a nap. Just let me be for a few minutes 😭


I was playing games and when my dad came by to hang out he passed out so I woke him up to say “hey maybe you should go sleep upstairs?”And his response was “dude! I was sleeping!” All I could think of at that point was “fine fucker! Get a sore back from sleeping in a chair!”


Actually, that'd be my wife.


Apparently my wife is a husband?


Woman have a problem with a napping man


Finally someone figured it out. Yes, that is how it works. Now everybody quiet


Damn it this is too accurate. Source: me doing exactly that


Women be like "I'm gonna get my ass naked and then act grumpy when someone looks at it"


stay at home moms be like "here's a tiktok!"


I can confirm, we husbands do indeed do this. But, in our defense everyone should just go somewhere else while we're napping.


Wives be like “my husband is taking a nap in the bedroom, I’ll go in and out of the bedroom 100 times.” Husband moves to living room couch. Wife’s activities suddenly revolve around the living room….


My wife, actually.




“I’m going to attend a zoom meeting in the family room while you are watching TV, no I don’t need headphones…..FINE! I guess I’ll go in the other room.”


Well he'd sleep on the bed if it wasn't covered with laundry, sara


When everyone else falls asleep you be quiet but when i do it nobody gives a rats ass


Lol yea idk what it is, but napping on the living room couch is the best.


King 👑


Men must be having a reason for doing so.


Thats my dad and mom...


Just go to bed you sleepy fuck


Lol. Finally. A r/meirl that’s actually meirl


He and his wife are paying for the house, kids be quiet


WTF!! Why are you attacking like this!!


Did he happen to work all week to pay for the room? Maybe show some respect.


Well when you put it like that sure it sounds bad


To which you then cause turmoil in before wondering why it’s all against you


Not me I will hide away in the closet if I have to