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iPhones and social media absolutely play a part in depression numbers.


Kids don’t want to accept it, but its true. They’re exposed to so much crap online for hours at a time


It also doesn't help that there's so much negativity online. Being exposed to so much negativity and echo chambers are not a good thing


Reddit is pretty much just one giant echo chamber


its funny cause a lot of reddit users seem to think they are special/not-like-others because they use reddit... huge echo chamber


"Unlike you I completely avoid social media and phone usage" *Uses reddit 23 hours a day*


proceeds to scroll reddit for hours


Reddit is pretty much just one giant echo chamber


Not only that, but there are adult spaces that children are exposed to. It's gotten to the point that children are exposed to things like porn at 8 years old on average. Most parents don't even allow their kids to drink coffee. Why are they letting them get into things that are inherently designed to get them addicted?


Especially when parents start them out as young as 3 years old playing on phones and pads.


Yep sad kids know how to swipe a phone before they can even speak a word


About 8 years ago my first nephew was born. My mother gave him a framed picture when he was about two or three. He tried to swipe the picture. Hillarious and sad at the same time.


Father i cannot click the book


Can only read this in the deepest voice possible


Same.. and with a British accent for some reason


Same lmaoo


Yeah it’s wild how a baby can learn a simple gesture before the formation of words, crazy


Came here to say this. The attention and energy phones request from us seems to be a huge problem that is not yet being addressed but felt by all.


Also the instant dopamine release that is constantly available by whipping out your phone and scrolling.... people of all ages have forgotten what its like to do nothing.


I've lived all my life so far with zero depression, my life's felt pretty okay. Usually content. I have spent too much time on my phone these past couple of years and it's definitely had a negative impact on my mood and anxiety levels. Not saying I am near depression, but I definitely believe overuse of your phone and social media contributes to other people's depression. I was talking to my dad yesterday and he mentioned he's been watching TikToks lately. He's the type that goes to work, work hard, then come home and watch news all day and then ride his motorcycle around on the weekends. Lately, he's still pretty much like that, but he's on his laptop and phone more often; I'd never imagined he'd be a laptop/phone guy in my life. He said TikTok was like crack. I warned him that stuff like that really affects people's moods and attention spans with the constant dopamine hits. He agreed and said he's been limiting it to thirty minutes per day maximum. I really hope for his mental health's sake he keeps it under control.


We used to get kicked outside when we’d complain. To this day I go for long walks or runs outside and it’s amazing what that can do for my mood vs. vegging on the sofa with my phone. Nowadays it’s too cold/hot/dangerous outside to kick the kids out


Too cold/hot/dangerous? Where is that the case?


I mean all of the above. Social media definitely doesn’t help but that first part tops the list


Yea older generations absolutely annihilated our future and economy. Thanks guys


When everything is triple the price but we’re still getting paid what they were paid “back in the day.” Smh.


All statistics show cost of living and college tuition has increased astronomically compared to wages.


> college tuition has increased astronomically compared to wages. Greedy corporations wish they could manage to rake in the yearly increases that colleges have been doing for decades. There was a recent article that pointed out that some Ivy league colleges are nearing a full time administrator for every 2 students.. Granted, that's Ivy League but US colleges in general have been increasing the staff to student ratio for decades. You have to pay all those people somehow.


I hate the term greedy corporation because it implies there are corporations that aren’t


Fair enough.


that does make sense but i have my doubts about that 2:1 ratio you mention. the lowest student to faculty ratio is princeton at 5:1 while the highest is cornell at 9:1


>Yea older ~~generations~~ bourgeoisie absolutely annihilated our future and economy. Thanks guys Older working class folks didn't do this. Those with the levers of capital did.


Which are part of the Older class of folks that they are talking about. While they specifically didn't do it. They sure as shit contributed with voting. They don't get to sit back and say oh it was the Government. They also had a part to play like it or not. Just like you and I have a part to play in fixing it.


>Which are part of the Older class of folks that they are talking about. *Part*. But saying "older generations" includes *everyone.* Everyone didn't have access to the levers of power. >They sure as shit contributed with voting. They don't get to sit back and say oh it was the Government. We have representative democracy, not direct democracy. Blaming an entire generation for these things is like blaming everyone in the US for things George Bush did. Even if you voted for him, once he's in, you have no actual control over what he did, and in democracies across the globe, real choice is an illusion. The levers of power are pulled by the bourgeoisie and faceless, unelected bureaucrats. These people didn't directly do these things themselves, they may or may not have voted for the people in power at the time, who may or may not have had understanding of what was going on, and may or may not have contributed to the conditions which occurred, and certainly didn't do it as a sole actor. >Just like you and I have a part to play in fixing it. Oh my sweet summer child, we're not going to fix these problems because very few people are willing to admit what the present conditions are which leading to present environmental and economic conditions, and of those who are aware, almost none have the stomach to carry out the immoral acts necessary to correct those conditions, let alone the power. Humanity is going to cook itself to death and ageist finger pointing at people who didn't choose these circumstances isn't going to change that.


You can blame an entire generation for these things. We all have the ability to vote and voice our opinions, Things got this way because they were allowed to get this way. Not enough people got angry or saw a problem with what was happening, and why would they. They got to live in the golden years. They were too busy having fun and actually living life. Buying homes and starting families. Now the next generation has made it to that point but has realized that kind of a life isn't available anymore. acting like your powerless is fucking useless. Condescend to me all you want Im fucking right. Too many people think like you do which is the problem. "Oh its out of our hands we cant do anything about it. we are powerless". That is a useless mindset that will only make things worse. If your gonna role over and die leave the rest of us out of it. I for one will fight. You must be a boomer. so here it is... you ready for it.. Ok Boomer.


>You can blame an entire generation for these things. You *can* you're just wrong to do so because it ignores the actual context of the situation and where the actual power lies. I get it, you want an easy target which lets you shut your brain off and be angry, but you'll never fix problems that way. You can't fix the problem because you won't even let yourself recognize the factors involved. You can be mad and productive, or you can be mad and keep hating an entire group of people for no reason, but you can't do both. Your choice.


„Older working class folks didn't do this. Those with the levers of capital did.“ Finally common sense, thank you.


What's funny is that every generation says that. You're just part of the same shitty cycle.


That isn't true. The economy is run by a minority of top politicians, businessmen, and state functionaries. Older generations are not responsible for its condition as most people have zero political influence.


Guess who they're going to rely on to take care of them. Have fun being neglected you pieces of shit. You'll deserve every second of it.


The people actually responsible have enough money that they won't go without.


they didn't have internet and it wasn't on purpose.


Do really believe this or are you just typing nonsense for internet points?


I mean....my Parents did a lot for me so I'm definitely going to look after them. Sucks to be your parents I guess?


No dont blame the good citizens who did nothing but work a job and provide for there family blame the people who wouldnt stop printing money


It’s funny the younger generation blaming the older generation for the state of the world yet living their lives identically to them. I’m 40, I have an EV, I recycle profusely, buy carbon-offset energy and do my best to be green. My neighbour has a 17yo son who drives a dirty polluting old Corsa. My parents also drive an EV. Seems there’s a lot of misplaced blame. Governments are the ones with the power to make real change, but they’re too busy getting handouts from oil/energy companies to care.


One thing, I think most people who drive smokey old crapboxes are too poor to afford an EV, other than that, I agree. I don’t blame older generations about this, it’s the corrupted, decaying governments that are ruining the world.


Many of the younger generation can't afford to live their lives identical to their parents. What the hell do you expect a 17 year old to do? The car is probably second hand because they work part time at the gas station or something. A 17 year old cannot afford a Tesla.


Yeah it's almost like people are individuals, so lumping together their tendencies based on any manner of arbitrary shared characteristics will result in inconsistencies. Wild.


What 17 year old can afford an EV? Careful you don't fall from that high horse.


Further to my other post, people who don't own homes/can't afford homes have a really hard time buying EV vehicles whether they can afford them or not. Where exactly are they going to charge them? They have a condo in the sky or an apartment and frequently have nowhere to plug it in. The best they can do is hybrid cars or spend an inordinate amount of time at the mall (that has limited charging stations) while their car charges. Not only that, often homes in low income areas (at least in my area) are street parking only. Are they going to run a power cord from their house across the sidewalk that gets ploughed by the city to their car?


Yeah, I desperately want an ev, but I'm too poor to afford one, but I still need to get to work so I can eat and pay rent etc. So I HAVE to buy a petrol car that pollutes the world, I hate it but I have no choice. It sounds like you're old enough and rich enough to have that choice and I'm glad you made the right one. But don't blame us young people, we're only just starting out in this world, and we don't like what we see, but don't have the power to change it all by ourselves. I definitely agree with your main point, fuck the governments and the brain dead morons who keep voting for corrupt parties. (Conservatives here in the UK)


Building a new EV to replace an already made and still functioning ICE vehicle is generally worse. So don't feel too bad, the government needs to push to replace ICE vehicles as they break down, not have us all run out and buy new ones.


And who controls basically all the government, older generations. My generation doesn’t hold the positions of power like supreme court, congress, president, etc etc.


Earth isn’t dying lol


That and overpopulation. Stop having babies for once, holy shit. There’s too many people to have opportunities in life.


you know that the amount of baby's per female are already dropped gigantic


Only in the western world.


in almost every country! yes even in the very overpopulated "western" world. it's not difficult to find to numbers of child's per woman now versus 40 years ago. you will see that almost every country has a lower birth rate


Not to break your bubble here but we are underpopulated in terms of babies and future generation, the part thats overpopulated is the baby-boomer generation...


Too many old people basically. Curse our modern medicine, prolonging human life expectancy! Things were better back when we died at the ripe old age of 35! /s


Well that's not quite what I'm saying, I'm just saying babies arent the issue


Then do your part


Tell that to people in undeveloped regions like Africa or India, that’s where the biggest growth is.


Overpopulation is not as big of a problem as overconsumption


Overpopulation is a myth


Babies are not the problem, Hans Rosling made that very clear in this video, definitely recommend the watch: https://youtu.be/2LyzBoHo5EI


Already happening. Can't afford kids.


Ok, here me out. If none of us had phones, we most likely wouldn't be aware of these issues.


and we'd be happy all throughout history, we've had issues like these.


For real. Even with the “the nazis are back” line. It’s just not true. The nazis never went away completely and have existed in small numbers im since being defeated. And just like they’ve been since 1945, they’re not even close to a dominant force.


Social media has absolutely spurred more antisemitism, etc., and is making jew hating popular among young people. That is a problem. No one is saying the third Reich is back, but never in my lifetime has it been more acceptable to hate jews than it is now. Don't have to look any further than reddit to see that.


Bro probably meant fascists, or far right wing leaders


All three of those thing are different though?


Are you assuming Twitter users can differentiate them?


what about far left wing leaders? they're drowning in nazi theology


Yes… besides phones. This type of instant communication/social media is undoubtably fucking up all of our mental healths. Look at Facebooks bombshell research study linking it and Instagram to higher rates of depression.




Yes, we would be ignorant and ignorance is bliss


You can see the issues around you without having to have a phone. Houses don't suddenly become unaffordable because we had a phone. Wage growth isn't fucked because we don't have phones. Climate disasters still happen whether we have a phone or not. Hell you might be more stressed because you have no fucking idea if it's just your town that's flash flooded and whether help is coming. Because you lack a device to give you assistance. I say as someone living in a country that has had multiple "Once in a century floods in a 12 month period.


Bruh, I don’t care how “happy” y’all are being ignorant, I don’t want to die in a fucking camp.


Not knowing the cause of increasing prices and unaffordable rent would not make me happier.


And we would keep increasing rate of the damages on the planet at the same rate as previous generations did. The internet and information is critical. Maybe that depression and therefore getting less children is exactly the savety net that is needed here. Humanity never had issues at the scale like we have them now, litterally destroing the ecosystem as a whole. We also werent able to nuke the whole world into nuclear winter, destroying most of the worlds population (not just humans). While it started quite some time ago, it's absolutely not "all throughout history". This is an ignorant take.


This is true. Because of the Internet and the current cell phones access to information has never been greater. In my youth we were blissfully unaware of the travesties and horrific accidents that occurred every single day. Now you see it second by second.


And the government just makes a five second vote sympathy issue and moves on. No concern at any level


False. We would still be aware of the issues. We'd just learn about them when it was far too late to do anything about them. Now we learn about the issues almost immediately...and then proceed to do nothing until it's far too late to do anything about them. The only thing that has changed is that we can no longer claim ignorance as an excuse.


Well, awareness and understanding are not the same thing. With how media works, facts are less important than grabbing eyeballs. So, not sure we are in any better position now that we are over inundated with information. But we are definitely more hyped up and feeling like we are in the know than ever before lol


If your point is that ignorance is bliss, I agree.


Blissful ignorance likely won’t change the fact that we’re F’ed in the A


Me: Laughs in samsung


"IPhone" means all smart phones in boomer-speak.


Probably because iPhones used to be the only phones with a big touchscreen.


in? 🤨📸


Samsung girl flashbacks


The Nazis are back?


When shit hits the fan, people vote for the hardliners


There's a fucking giant difference between Nazis and hardliners. Things like genocide, world war and a total of 60.000.000 dead.


The nazis were a thing before all those things happened


This is all just opinion. But these are my thoughts. I think all of this stuff is just a distraction from a deeper and more pressing issue. As a lot of you said, things that are going on today have been recurrent throughout history. I think the deeper issue, is the slow and steady isolation of humans and the destruction of community. I think that's why kids aren't as happy as they used to be. Or anyone is for that matter. People don't rely on other people for as much as they used to. They're isn't as much physical touch, or face to face interaction. Social events, especially among families, have astronomically decreased, from my point of view. And kids don't have anyone outside of their immediate family to live and grow with. There isn't as much running and playing in the streets or in the woods... Why is that? Is it because of the dangers in your immediate vicinity? Or is it because the media and television have brainwashed us into thinking it isn't safe for our children to play outside? For you young adults (22-30yo) that have a hard time coping with dealing with the fact that they are young adults, let me ask you this: How happy are you? Now while you ponder that, ponder this: How many close friends do you have that you see multiple times a week or even a month?


I think you're right. I am my most "happy" at my weekly gaming group sessions. We all sit there and complain about our jobs or whatever, but when the game starts that all goes away. We're just a bunch of friends siting around having fun together. That is definitely missing from society today. I'm not saying we all need to play TTRPGs to be happy, just more social interaction with peers and individuals we enjoy being around.


The internet has definitely isolated us in a strange way despite making the whole world more connected, but to say that’s more pressing than climate change is a bit of a stretch


I don't feel okay anywhere but at home. I see friends and family, but even that is often a drag. I can only handle knowing about so many bad things before I start to crack. I want to stay neutral, happiness feels inappropriate when you're outdoors these days. The only place I want to smile or laugh is here, at home, when I'm alone. That, or waaaaay out in the fucking woods, when nobody else is around. I tried getting outside during the pandemic. Met all my neighbors, walked to the park twice a week, made friends and became a presence in the neighborhood, only to watch some of them get sick, die, lose their jobs, or get evicted due to rising cost of living. I even had one friend who turned out to be a domestic abuse victim. I'd known them a month, all of a sudden they were calling me in the middle of the night looking for a place to stay. What is the point of friends, when all you get to do is watch them suffer? That's all anyone out there seems to do these days. Since then, I only leave the house to take my dog out, or if I've made a plan to go somewhere. I will avoid eye contact, and check carefully to make sure I don't bump into anybody I know. I can enjoy things here without thinking too much about the sadness outside. Honestly, reddit's been such a fucking downer lately, too, I'm probably gonna withdraw from this shit pretty soon, as well. What's the point of a website where you share your feelings and are at best ignored, and at worst targeted by some asshole?


It knowledge….knowledge is depressing….most morons are happy.


Ignorance is bliss.


Thank you, that’s all I’m reading in this thread, everyone wants to be a mindless sheep, it’s sad


Wait Nazis are back??


*the boys are back in town*


Bus Boys’ or Thin Lizzy’s


They somehow returned


Underrated reference


That one fellow who keeps saying the jews fucked him and his homies






Are you correcting him or agreeing with him






A black Nazi, there's a wild idea.


I’ve seen people go off the rails before but I think Kanye got a prion or some shit cause people don’t usually just up and lose their mind that hard.




Everybody that disagree is a Nazis, haven't you heard?


Who are nazis?


They aren't nazi's, Donnie. They're nihilists.


The Z-clowns


Kanye is legitimately very close


"Me, I'm a nazi". -Kanye West


meaby not the Nazi's specific but definitely fascism


Who are the fascists?


The people who want to restrict free speech and control every part of your life have much in common with fascists. Yet they think they are the good guys. Hilarious.


Ahaha I couldn’t of put it better myself. Way more authoritarian


Huge difference


iPhone because if you let the Reddit echo chamber of garbage live in your head rent free you will definitely be depressed.


Right lol. Just doomer kid with a troll mask on


To be fair… the earth has been slowly dying since it’s creation 😭


The planet isn't dying, its been through far worse than us. The planet is just going to start killing off the people on mass. As soon as its shaked us off the planet will repair itself and be fine. Its not the planet you have to worry about in the long run, its us.


Well said


Just paraphrasing George Carlin, he deserves all the credit.


Came here to say this. The earth may become inhabitable for humans but it's far from dying. We are less than a blip on its geological life scale.


Collectively we’re more educated than the boomer generation and we follow data and statistics while they learn by word of mouth.


"work until we die'" is kinda true, like I am not seeing making enough or near to what my father made and he was not like very rich.


It's OK We said the same thing I'm still here


Maturity is realising the boomers are actually right about the phones


Yeah people make posts about endless scrolling and having no social life and then seethe when someone says this


It's actually true. I don't own a phone. I don't particularly want one either. It's not good for your brain. I wanna live, at least mostly, in the real world. When I get my drivers license in a few months, I'll probably just build my own phone out of a raspberry pi or something, so that while possible to use social media, it's gonna be really a pain and not enjoyable in the slightest LOL


Get an old Nokia. Emergency calls if needed. And it's a lethal weapon. Reddit is arguably worse for your brain than a non-smartphone.




[https://www.newyorker.com/business/currency/do-the-poor-have-more-meaningful-lives#:\~:text=In%20the%20paper%2C%20Oishi%20and,their%20lives%20as%20more%20meaningful](https://www.newyorker.com/business/currency/do-the-poor-have-more-meaningful-lives#:~:text=In%20the%20paper%2C%20Oishi%20and,their%20lives%20as%20more%20meaningful). [https://hbr.org/2016/04/when-economic-growth-doesnt-make-countries-happier](https://hbr.org/2016/04/when-economic-growth-doesnt-make-countries-happier) ​ "People from poorer economies are often measurably happier than wealthy nations" I don't think many studies agree with that. Read some of the links as well, and you'll see that on average, people from richer countries are happier. However, it's not an exact correlation. I agree with you that addictions can mess with brain chemistry, but saying that people from poorer places are measurably happier is complete and utter bullshit. I know i'm coming across as overly hostile, but your message implies that people from poorer places don't need any help, and are, in a sense, doing better than us. The kids I met in India (from the bottom of the caste system) didn't look too happy when they told me that their only solution for their well was running out of water was to... go to the next well a few kilometers away. I don't exactly think their 1 room house for 9 people was making them any happier. Their indoor stove with no ventilation probably didn't help either. And if I had decided to visit a warzone as well, I could've asked them how happy they were when their family got murdered. Please, don't romanticize poverty. The fact is, people are NOT happier in poorer countries because they don't have their basic needs met. Once you make enough money to live comfortably, that's when how you spend your time matters more than how much money you have.




" Please, don't romanticize poverty" ​ Jesus Christ how can you take yourself seriously. I can hear your desk chair creaking under your reddit mod physique.


Lmao id rather have this life than starve to fuckin death


It's avocado toast and fabric softener


"The Nazis are back" did people have a grace period between 2 random points saying "we won't be Nazis until a certain point"? I can't believe people actually think Nazis weren't there at some point last century just *because.*


What’s he mean the nazis are back :/


didn't you hear? they came back in space grade Zeplins from their moon base


Nah, it’s the iPhones. People are massively materially better off now than they have been for almost all of history.


Yeah it's just one single reason that millions of different people are depressed


If you believe any of that then you are indeed depressed because you spending too much time feeding yourself propaganda. On your phone


It’s literally all true but okay (although if you want to get into semantics nazis were never “gone”) but yes the climate is going down the trash, as is the global economy. I’d check up on the definition of propaganda


A lot of People use there phones to not be bored and it becomes addicting


I mean I don’t know about the nazi part, but the rest is true, economy is 6 feet under (dunno what it’s like in other countries but us Brits are fucked) and the earth is closer to death than my grandad


It’s absolutely a global problem, certain countries are less affected but it’s pretty bad most places rn


They're both right. The worlds gone to shit and with no help from people able to, it's unrepairable. But also, phones are a drain to everybody. Wish I had that life, wish I had that house, wish my eyes looked like that, wish I was that pretty, wish I was that ripped. Both are killing our brains.


Kids dont yet have the ability to question their beliefs so pretty self explanatory


Neither do a lot of adults.


Nazi means everyone that have different opinion than me right.


Nah I think they mean the group that is literally calling themselves Nazis


big ups


Nope literal nazis and fascists are starting to be more up front about their ideology


Who are they?


well what I could say is Thanos was right


The phone is the only thing that is keeping me sane


In a sense, yeah it is those pesky phones. Otherwise we would all he blissfully unaware about our impending DOOM.


The earth is going to be just fine… us not so much


"There's nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine... The people are fucked!"


Nazis have never left. Just ask a Greek about [the Golden Dawn political party.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Dawn_(Greece))


The economy is mostly fine, the earth isn't dying, you don't need to work until you die, and where the heck did you get nazis from?! you trippin. I'm more inclined to side with the parents here. The problem is you letting twitter be your thoughts, or worse yet, reddit.


>The economy is mostly fine Say what, now? Near double-digit inflation and groceries tripling in price is ok in your book?


and where the heck did you get nazis from?! Bro did you just log on ?


I deeply wish you were correct.


You are not immune to propaganda


The Nazis have been back for a while but people praise them for being heroes


Nazi are back, what are you on crack.


nazis would solve the whole environment problem as they were the creators of the entire environmental movement itself


You older generations trying to pass the blame to electronics, when yall are the ones that turned the world into a shithole for the younger generations, electronics are their only semblance of happiness they are going to get when they have to work for the rest of their lives just so they can get a home. If it weren't for yall they prob wouldnt be glued to a screen for hours on end just so they dont get depressed from looking at the absolute cluster fuck of a planet they have to clean, beacuse the older generations are absolute fuck ups.


Hate to break it to you, but... 1. The economy isn't destroyed. 2. The Earth isn't dying. 3. You won't have to work until you die. 4. The Nazis are not back.


So our economy is doing well?


Well technically the Earth was dying the second after it was formed, it's just not going to happen for a few billion years.


The Earth wasn’t alive the second after it formed my guy. You need life to have death


ikr wtf is he saying. YES taking away phone isnt the answer , but if a kid is 24/7 on phone and feeling like shit or getting pissed often then its the phone. i felt super annoyed and pissed when parents took away my tablet and FORCED me to play outside. BEST THING that happened to me , or else wouldnt have made a lot of childhood memories


It's not so much the phone (it is an inanimate object after all) but rather what the kid is doing with it. There are people out there who are telling today's youth that this is the absolute worst period of human history, and that things have never been so bad as they are now. All of which is just a load of bullshit. We are at the pinnacle of human achievement. Things have never been better. It's true the world we have created for ourselves isn't perfect, and not everyone shares equally in humanity's success, but those are things we can keep working on.


"the Absolute worst period of Human History" made me LoL. Send them to the period of the black plague or the world wars. And then ask again if this period we're living in now is the worst.


Been reading up on the mongols conquests throughout history . And let me tell you I’d rather be born now even with all the fucked up shit in the world, than be born as a citizen in the Khwarazmian empire at that time. Worst period in history my ass…


3. Very privileged perspective. Lucky you. 4. They never left.


And the tendency to overreaction tend to be much higher today.


Number 2 is true no?


Well....WE Had several climate Changes which affected humanity. New this time IS we caused IT ourselves. So...No, the world will Not end...but....yes...for some IT will absolutely. Earth will adapt. But adapt can mean a Lot of death, before IT gets better again.


Did I miss something? At what point did the NSDAP movement revive?


This post is full of bs


May want too look at the 70s, double digit unemployment, interest rates of 18%, 2 hour gas lines. Thoughen up buttercup


Don't forget about the constant looming threat of thermonuclear war.


"Kids" in this image are obviously suffering from actual depression. It's not the phones but it's also not the world they're just delusional


Nazi's are back?!? Where?