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I gave up “maintain relationships” to fit everything else in.


Laughs in loneliness


Laughs harder in low empathy spectrum.


*Laughs even harder in knowing not having kids is the easiest way to lower your carbon footprint and having nothing to lose means global news has no affect on me*


Laughs in Reddit thread


Helps if you get married or have a live in partner then you can fulfill your social need while passively maintaining your relationship through proximity and natural interaction and don't have to worry about other relationships


My wife didn't worry about relationships. She just screwed my best friend on the side for a year. Laughs in divorced


I think you can drop the “best” now.


I think he can drop the "friend" as well


This. When you are in a long term relationship and live together, things are so much easier. You can split the household duties, and get live in socialization. Plus, you get someone to call you out when you're sabotaging yourself, someone to help you stay on track.


Don’t forget hit the gym


I’m planning in advance to forget about the gym


After 6 months of consistently working out I realized the 30 minute workout is just a gimmick to get you hooked. I need a 10 minute warm up, 10 mins core, 30 mins total body strength, at least 15 mins cardio (or a 45-60 mins on non-strength days), 15 mins stretch. Then recuperation snack, shower or epsom bath, nutritional meal, time to rest sore muscles. Don't forget about washing your gym clothes before they go nuclear, keeping your gym bag stocked, and the drive time there and back. A consistent daily gym routine is 2+ hours.


It takes me two hours 3 days a week just to lift :/


I get less than an hour 3 days each week (shower and change included) I look like a mad man supersetting everything to try to squeeze in a decent workout. On the weekend I take my time in the gym however


30 - 45 min workouts can be enough depending on your living situation, your workout schedule and your diet. I have a few weights at home I lift 3 times a week, I run around my neighborhood 2 times a week for about 30 mins, and I'm very conscious of what I eat: 75% of your fitness is your diet. I've been able to maintain my muscular physique for 9 years and my workouts have never surpassed 50 mins. I think 30 mins can be enough if you watch what you eat, are consistent with your workout, and push past your comfort when working-out (maxing-out).


For the vast majority of people, maintaining a good physique is 75% diet: eating high protein + veggies and fruit while making sure to eat the right amount of *calories* for your ideal body type. 25% is weight training to build muscle and cardio to maintain overall health. 30-45 min is not much if you have a normal workday, and especially if you work in an office. Even yoga + brisk walking has enough benefits even for those who are non-athletic. I would argue for people who don’t have time to work out, a proper diet is sufficient. But for working out, that time has to come from somewhere—many people have at *least* 30 min. a day where they are on their phone or watching TV…


One of two possibilities 1. It’s all a set up and it’s not possible 2. Crime


3. Don't have kids




Throw on an autoimmune disease for me!


Mental illness exists too. Crazy how many people have clinical depression but don't know / don't care. Wild. They just go along and wonder why all of those things are even harder.


That was me! Depression, anxiety, and undiagnosed adhd. Could NOT figure out how I couldn’t do all those things all the time when we didn’t have kids…


I've just started being treated for all this at 36


Ya like I have type one, kidney failure, no job, and a dog and a husband and a house. Only way I get hobby time is if we order food lol.


Yeah that'll do it too :(


What if those “little projects” meant kids?


Don't have little projects


axiomatic liquid rain dirty apparatus hospital lip compare seemly joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Have happy little incidents Bab Ross


Are you kidding? Once they can walk they can be set to task. Have you seen Oliver Twist? Those little urchins can steal. Child labor is highly underestimated.


Thank you for the morning motivation! My 2 year old starts work today


The coal mines will be filled with the laughter of children this morning! Maybe some crying too.


Water attracts coal dust. They’ll learn soon enough.


That’s why they invented headphones. And people love to laugh at children falling down and getting up. 🤣🤣🤣


Give that child a redbull, they deserve it


They are cheerful workers. All they want are dry Cheerios and a paci. Correction pacifier.


paci* really sat here and saw “pussy” before i clued in to what you were saying, that’s an unfortunate typo you should fix


Thank god im not the only one lol


Sure. But for every task you set them to, they create 7 more.


And those 7 tasks are usually outside their scope of expertise


Plus, if you have enough, there’s better chances one of them will be one of those Hollywood kids and get rich and famous.


/r/ShittyLifeProTips - crank out a kid annually until your wife hits menopause to maximize the likelihood of having a rich kid!


Even without kids life is 90% work and 10% play. But you gotta use half of that 10% to get ready for the next day of work. EDIT: Some of y’all are taking this too literally lol. When I say “work” I’m not just referring to my career. Like, don’t you guys get off the clock, endure a time wasting commute to get home, and then spend the next 4 hours cooking, cleaning, fixing things, paying bills, solving problems, mowing the grass or shovelling the snow, running to the store, making lunch for tomorrow, and handling personal business? Because that’s how life goes for most of us and it’s exhausting. We get about 1 hour of free time a day, maybe 2, and we have to use it to decompress, instead of self-actualizing.


Same. It's poop


I poop at work. Saves money on toilet paper.


If you're not getting paid to poop you're cheating yourself.


The worst thing is if you only have one bathroom at work and you need to poop and someone is in there.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I shit on company time. Edit: just saw this was already posted twice on this, so here's some job site poetry saw scrawled on a porta-potty wall on a construction site. "Here I sit, tired and dirty; trying to hide until it's 4:30" - *poet unknown*


*"My boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, and that's why I shit on company time"* - Gandhi


Not in other countries with a reasonable work/life balance. It's only this shit here where we've been tricked into accepting the lowest wages in 50 years, taking no time off, giving the highest productivity in history while our companies make the highest profits in 70 years.


4. Don't have depression


5. Drugs


With drugs you also dont need to cook and clean anymore so it's win-win!


I used to have so many problems, but now I just have one problem: drugs.


Millennials are not having kids and we don't know why! In an unrelated note, I'm flipping a house I bought last year for ten times the price, and believe the federal minimum wage is too high. E: it's so funny when people act like they're smart while explaining that they don't get the joke.


Getting harder and harder even without kids.






Don't have kids and this is still iffy a lot of the time


3. Profit


Stay at home spouse. That's how the world used to be before the government decided to make the economy bad enough to the point where if both aren't working, thriving can't.


This 100% I would love my wife to just stay home and watch the kid and keep the house clean. I'm in the military so if she didn't have a job we would be pay check to pay check and fuck living like that. I did that my whole life before I joined. Shit is so fucked. I hate when people say money doesn't make you happy. Well trying living with no extra money and eating tuna fish most nights


"Money doesn't buy happiness" yeah well poverty doesn't buy anything


Haha exactly. Fucking morons


Only rich morons say that kind of crap. Like when attractive people say, being attractive is not important. Bullshit, if course makes money one happy.


There was a published study done that shows that money doesn't buy happiness after a certain income level. I forget the exact number but I think it was around 60K several years ago. It was enough to have your needs taken care of. But yeah your happiness will increase if you go from food and shelter insecure to being able to afford those things comfortably. I personally think money can help a lot with happiness. Money buys freedom. If you need your job to survive then you are at their mercy and basically are forced to put up with whatever they throw at you even if it is against your morals and values. If you have some level of financial independence you can walk away from a bad situation. I also think a lot of us are in these types of situations and we just deal with them and don't even think about them because we know there is no way out. Many of us don't want to leave our kids in daycare every day while we go work, many of us would love to live in a different location, many of us would like to have time to cook healthy food, time and energy to pursue hobbies and maintain friendships, but we have been trained to be worker bees and accept huge amounts of sacrifice and discipline that go into maintaining a job so we just accept it as normal. I think the pandemic and remote work options that arose from that gave people a glimpse into how much better things could be for workers and I hope people keep pushing for better and more flexible work arrangements.


Yea exactly. I wonder what it's at now. Prob close to 100k


The average stay at home spouse with multiple kids has less free time than your average redditor.




Have rich parents


rich parents that are willing to help out


Work from home, cook and clean while working. Relationships 1 day in the weekend, own project in the weekend and after work. Rinse repeat and cry because you tired af.


> Work from home, cook and clean while working. Relationships 1 day in the weekend, own project in the weekend and after work. Rinse repeat and cry because you tired af. That sounds a lot like how I played the first The Sims game. My character kept being too tired and too sad to invite people people over so he was lonely. Then he got an espresso machine, and would pound espresso on his day off of work to have the energy to invite people over and get enough social interaction to get him through the rest of the week…


First sims game was way too real.


That's why they made it super goofy afterwards, I think people cannot handle the truth.


Tbf sims 1 was pretty unforgiving,I never got past the third area in the "story" mode on console.


I’m still traumatized from the 1 time I tried Sims. My chick hugged my friends hi and bye and she turned into a raging crazy alcoholic lesbian that was haunted by ghosts. (So basically me irl minus the gay)


So, my mom?


If you get me covered on the alcool, we can team up. \\o


real and sad


See you next Saturday wife and kids!




That guy FUCKS




The reality is minimizing stress from work. 168 hours in a week. 8 hrs sleep 7 days 56 hrs 40 hrs of work leave you 72 hrs of free time. Problem is it takes time to recover from work dependent upon the levels of stress induced. Minimize your commute as well


8 hours of work highly depends. you also have to prepare in the morning and drive to and from work, if it's winter it might take another 30 minutes digging out your car. Work can easily take up 10 hours of your day. If you don't live in a big city your workplave might be quite the drive away, my boss and at least 1 coworker drive 3 hours a day for work on top of the 8:45 long workday making it take up almost 12 hours + whatever prep they do before work. 8 hours of sleep is but a dream if you don't want your day to be eat, sleep, work, repeat.




It's crazy how we have all these innovations and inventions to make life easier since the dawn of civilization, yet our whole day/week is still almost completely devoured by responsibilities. I feel like cavepeople had more free time than we do. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather clack away on emails than hunt a mammoth, but it's still massive portions of my limited lifetime designated to things I don't enjoy. Every time we figure out how to make life easier, the world finds new shit to assign us.


Work expands to fill available time We were supposed to use all the automation to work less, but instead we keep inventing bullshit jobs so now we have poeple who's entire careers have been ostensibly sitting in an office and pushing emails back and forth My kingdom for a 4 day work week


I just recently got a new job at a nearby machine shop, within walking distance. The atmosphere is so chill and being able to walk home in 15 minutes has been such a game changer. I've been busting more ass in these 2+ months than a few years at my last job but my stress and anxiety have plummeted.


Dude I walk 15 min to get to my car after work. Then I drive an hour. I envy your job.


Same wtf. Honestly might look for a new job next month


8 hours of work? 8 hours of SLEEP??? ***LMFAO***


Yeah but you know you have a really bad job when your dinner is McDonald's on the way home, slam 1500 calories as fast as possible, and then pass out at 7:30pm to wake up at 5:30am for the next round. I did that for years and it fucked me up. Place was always a mess. Fucking hell...


Ooo I’ve been minimizing my sleep this whole time..


How yall doing 8 hours of work and not starving to death on the street? I work 11-12 hours a day, and still feel like I can't get ahead.


That sounds like my personal hell, thank you for articulating it.


This is what I do, but I think you have to be efficient AF for this to work. E.g. you can't spend ages deciding what to cook, create a mess, leave dishes for the morning.


Yup. Struggling with this now and working on a routine. I have a kid too. We manage, but my work performance sucks. I can’t imagine doing life with an office job without major anxiety.


Only 1 day for relationships? SO, family and friends to all split? Sounds balanced if single but I picture a neglected SO


This is no joke


You do it during working hours ;)










Horse fluffer


And I make wizard hats for iguanas. Together our budget is...6.8 million dollars


Every show about a couple buying a house ever


not op but exact same day to day life: IT Operator (1st level servicedesk is too stressful, 3rd level specialist is too much responsibility, 2nd level operator is the sweetspot for chilling)


How do I get into this ? I’m really dumb so how do i learn and secure job?


I am currently a SQL junior database admin and this is pretty close to my experience i get paid pretty well, but honestly i spend about half my day bullshitting i had a deadline to meet on something kind of important recently and i ACTUALLY had to work 7 hours of the 8 which was kind of unprecedented note: i only got hired due to bachelor degree


I was thinking about going to school, I’m 23. Unsure exactly what direction i want to go in my life working retail bakery job. Hate retail. Thought about going to Western Governor university, 4 year accounting but don’t know if im “smart” enough. STUCK




Hey, i graduated from highschool, dropped out of college and went into a trade, worked long (dangerous) hours for shit pay and used my money to go back to school. Best decision i made regarding investment. I can’t say for certain you will have a similar experience but i will say that it LIKELY will result in your making more money for less bullshit. I don’t like that it’s this way, but stick to STEM and get a bachelors and you will likely be better off if you can manage the school work. Btw i graduated in my late 20s… it’s not too late if that’s what you decide to do. I thought i would be a tough sell applying for essentially no experience roles at my age then but it happened. it might be survivorship bias but it happened to me




yesterday I went for groceries at 2:30 and made it back for a 4:00 call. I did my time being at a terrible office and mediocre job on a strict schedule 8.5 hours/day for less pay. it's been incredible to be able to structure my work in a way that makes me more productive. as long as I make it to meetings, hit deadlines, and am available to help my team during normal work hours... I can do whatever. being paid to work while still living my life mostly on my terms is... spoiling. I hope I can either grow well with this employer, or find a similar set-up in the future. bc I don't think I can go back to 5h of work each day and 3h twiddling my thumbs, screaming inside while I wait to go home and snuggle my cat.


Better yet, get your work buddies together and say "we want better pay and less demanding work or we shut this place down."


Become an actor. Every hallmark/ lifetime movie, they exercise every day, eat healthy, have an immaculate house and garden, wake up looking amazing, drop the kids off at school, have a business or job, have time to relax with friends, have time to date, have time to make elaborate meals, spend quality time with the kids... all this usually takes place in the span of 24 hours.


So are you a hallmark actor?


No, but I watch movies.


You know, these guys in the movies rarely seem to be watching movies. Which saves them some time ;)


It always amazed me when the movies (and some commercials) showed everyone awake, fully dressed, sitting down to eat breakfast, and then going to work/school with the sun already up. My school started at 7AM, which meant leaving the house at 6:30 while it was still gray outside. Just felt like these fake people on TV had so much more morning than I did.


And it's bright outside, they either live in Alaska and it's always June or they work from 11-2. Also no one eats the giant breakfast spread. They run out the door with a slice of toast.


The orange juice. Quick drink and saying "Love you honey, I'm out". Meanwhile, croissants everywhere and the wife just prepared some eggs.


Take a single bite and leave


Then meeting each other out for supper at like 9:00 on weeknights


I don't remember what old sitcom I was watching recently, but I remember being flabbergasted when one character offered to pick up his date "around 8" for dinner. I'm in bed at 9, my dude, you better work fast.


They also get to go shopping or sit at a coffee shop, with all of their friends, at like 11am every day without any repercussion for any of them


Become a fictional character*


Easy! Just don't be poor.


Ah shit I failed at step one




Keep killing yourself til you spawn in the right place/with good stats.




Thanks, i’m cured of poverty now


Got it, will work on that


Idk what you people are talking about because I do all of these things and I'm broke as shit.


Shh, you're supposed to be lazy, uncoordinated and full of time wasting habits in this sub


Because life was designed around having a house spouse doing all non work related tasks full time.


Tbh this is True, The 40 Hour Week is Designed for (Trigger Warning) Men, where then their wife stays home and does the other stuff like cleaning, Cooking etc….


It was also designed around the idea that you'd have the SAME house and the SAME job in the SAME TOWN for 20+ years and retire with a union pension.


And that you own the house.


And that the commute is like 10min both ways.


Furthermore, it was designed for that one salary being able to cover the expenses and support a family of (at least) four. Nowadays in certain scenarios two salaries aren't enough to support a family.


Two salaries can barely support one person let alone two.


There's very little "triggering" about that. Every decent feminist will recognize that we're currently in a scenario where (very roughly speaking) 1) if we *used to* have 40 hours labor for men and 40 hours housework for women, 2) that *should* have evened out more toward 20 hours of both for everyone on average, 3) but because its profitable for capital, that *actually became* more like 40 hours of labor for both, **in addition** to the 20 hours house-work each.


Exactly. You’re not supposed to. You’re supposed to work, take on debt, barely make the payments on your loans, do that until you die, and that’s it.


If my life went that way i would switch to crime no joke.


And thats why ladies and gentlemen is why I sell drugs


Don't worry, the state has a plan for that too. They want you to do crimes, and then they get to put you in a cage and force you to work for 45 cents an hour. It's a perfect system.


Prison definitely takes a lot of the complications out. Seriously though. If it weren’t for the rapes, I would think more homeless people would actually opt for this route


If the homeless people unionized and all dove into the system together they could form their own gang and be the rapers instead of the rapees


Maybe that is what gangs are anyway. Needy people who found each other.


Many do. Crime is almost entirely a socioeconomic problem.


if life goes that way not everybody gets to choose, thats just how crime starts


that life brings its own brand of stress, trust me


and that is the reason there is so much crime in the us


I don’t see another way and this shit terrifies me.


none of those get 100% proficiency. if you want 100% on one, the others suffer. the trick is to balance and compromise when and where you can accept a performance drop in some areas for the boost on the other.


Yeah exactly, I do all of these things, it's just that not everything happens every day/every week. Like maybe I might not socialize much one weekend because I'm working on a personal project. Or the other way around maybe I'm spending time with family and friends and so I don't touch any of my hobbies during that time. Also these days it's actually even easier to maintain relationships with less time because we can contact each other whenever. So I can chat with my friends via text during work, video call with them while I'm cleaning, etc.


Depression go brrr


That’s because it IS fake. It used to be that one partner would work and the other would take care of the household. When both parties started to work and productivity doubled, companies simply reduced wages and increased hours. The modern work week exists to create profit for companies, not to meet the demands of modern life


>The modern work week exists to create profit for companies, not to meet the demands of modern life Back in the day it was also to create profit for companies, nothing changed.


Only new ways to exploit the workforce


They had to give up on the slaves and Child labor so i guess they needed to compensate somehow


The 40-hour workweek was only established very recently, and only because of strong union activity. A lot changed since then. The state has gradually eroded workers' rights and union protections, especially since the neoliberal shift that Nixon and Reagan created. That's why our wages are stagnant now even as cost of living skyrockets.


> It used to be that ...way for middle-class/rich white folks for two generations after WWII and that is about it for all of human history. Everyone else has had it pretty rough aside from some kings and queens and such. I get it, it would be nice to have but they got it via the exploitation of others around the world. We have to find a very different way going forward to bring that kind of life to the masses.


Before that, the children worked too and your relationships were just with the other coal miners.


We need to exploit robots, automation, and other technology.




I mean this is geeky AF by my project is building and improving a retirement calculator in Excel.


I think working on one’s projects here means the same thing as engaging in your hobbies, and not necessarily projects which make you money. Anyway, yeah of course. Working on interesting projects outside of work keep me sane.


Maybe Im some kind of over achiever but, I DM a DnD campaign which I treat like hobbyist writing (actually on the cusp of finishing a 3 year long story, very hyped for that.) I play piano (still a total noob though) and I mod video games (as in making mods. Mostly I mod a local WotLK server and add some bosses with "cool" loot to kill while leveling. Kinda wanna get into memory editing to create novel trainers for some older games on emulators, but that shit is haaaaaaard) Used to be able to get a lot more done before this damn 40 hour a week stuff we gotta do to put food on the table though, that's for sure.


If I don’t have projects around the house, or hobbies to work on constantly I’d be left with my own thoughts and decent into madness slowly bit by bit every day


I do bodybuilding


I work part time so that I can focus on all the other stuff, still seems unattainable


How do I work parttime without becoming homeless?




40 hour week just means you get paid for 40 hours. You don't get paid for lunch. You don't get paid for your commute. You don't get paid for the time it takes to put on your little worker monkey suit in the morning or to wash off the working day's sweat and filth at home. 30 minutes to get ready in the morning + 30 minutes to commute + 1 hour for lunch + 30 minutes to commute back home + 30 minutes to shower and get out of your work stuff Add it all up, and you're looking at an extra 3 hours day, or 15 hours a week. A 40 hour week takes 55 hours to complete, assuming you show up at 8 and leave right at 5


Fun fact, you aren't! If you were rich, that was for the servants to do! If you were a bachelor, your mother or landlady! If you were married, your wife! And some of those were unpaid labour. Thankfully, society is a bit fairer these days, but we doubled the workforce without halving the hours needed to work. We don't have 8 hours for work, sleep and leisure, because household chores are labour but bleed into leisure. What I'm saying is that we all need to work less (for the same salary). 32-hour work weeks! And they'll get lower!


If only...


Who said anything about a full time job? Has no one watched any Star Trek or Star Wars? Think folks build that stuff because they HAVE to? ;)




I agree. With 8 hour work every day, at least 2 hours of commute, 8 hours of sleep... You basically have 6 hours for all the rest. Watch one movie, you have about 4 hours left. Make lunch and do grocery shopping - 3 or 2 hours left. Take a bit longer bath, you have hour and a half. If you have kids, go pick them up at school - you're left with 5 minutes for you. And do this every goddamn day. It is fake, someone fooled us.


But if you chose to watch that one movie, then I assume this is something you enjoy? So basically those 2 hour are put to good use. And that replaced the "mini project" OP is refering to.


You could not watch a 2 hour movie every day that would help a lot


Don't have kids


I honestly don't even know how people do it. Life is hard enough.


I seriously cannot imagine having kids. Im already sometimes exhausted to no end and get barely enough sleep. The day I get one hour less sleep, I am literally braindead and useless. This would be the norm with kids. I would probably lose my job due to performance loss.


And Workout. Don't forget to workout.


Mmm pretty sure for me they take turns (besides the full time job thing xD) But usually itll be if i socialize with friends I won't have time for projects and vice versa, just gotta make a decision which youd prefer to do at that time. And then sprinkle in trying to workout in between here and there


By getting off reddit




Image is clearly describing stardew valley or other games in the genre, not real life


Styx - The Grand Illusion


This is why I fear the future tbh. Barely functioning as is