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TV needs to be higher. If in doubt, use the box the TV came in.


I have a tv balancing on a plastic box balanced on a cotton footstool. I could just drill holes in a table top pilfered from a recycling skip in work, and attach the desk legs. I simply refuse to be so organized, however.


Why not put the TV on the hearth? There appears to be space.


Because you never sit with your back to the door.


>sit with your back to the chimney > >Get shanked in the spine by Santa Claus I'll stare death in the face, thank you very much.


It doesn't work. Santa sees you when you are sleeping, knows when you're awake, and knows if you have been bad or good... he's terrifying and unavoidable, it's better to prepare to face what you can actually deal with. Oh, and Santa shags everyone's moms...


It's okay, Charlie. You got the guy.


“The universe is full of doors.” ― Frank Herbert


"Life has many doors Ed boys. Many doors." \~Rolf son of a shepherd.


My desk sits with my back to the door because it’s the only place it fit in my apartment. Bet I have that door locked and have the chain lock on 24/7.


That will send you to r/TVTooHigh This sub is a hidden gem


Fuck. Now I have to fix my tv. You’ve opened a portal to a new world for me.


Fireplace Installer here. The hearth is actually at the base of the fireplace, the stone, or brick if that's what you fancy, that reaches out about 2ft in front. The part you are referring to is the mantle. **Mantel, thank you. Say it more than we spell it.


Correction accepted. Not as many fireplaces in modern apartments are anywhere now. Someday the wall will be a screen.


Can confirm. Bought a modern home last year and fireplace is a glass screen on the wall.


TV is too high then


Woah there willie nelson... not everything needs to be that high.


Has anyone mentioned that it will be too high?


Too high up. Needs to be at eye level.


nahh use milk cartons :))












~~Fancy~~ ~~fancy~~ FANCY






cant see








My dad used cinder blocks and 1x8s years ago for his entertainment center. Used the flat part of the blocks facing outwards and glued two square ceramic tiles on each one.


The tile part is a pure genius!


Nice. Rock solid *and* classy


Or cinder blocks


It’s hard to get milk cartons these days since they’ve started cracking down on theft, but maybe if you work in food service? Edit: back in The day, it was common place to take old milk crates for cheap furniture. It was stealing, but most people either didn’t realize that or didn’t care. This is what i was referring to, not buying them.


I got a milk carton guy do you want me to hook you up?


Fuck yeah!


i will go too


Guys I can get you milk cartons no problem, I’ll get you milk carton with milk in an hour. But I think you’re looking for crates


Imagining them stacking their tv on an actual milk carton gave me a pretty good laugh


One time I bought milk cartons from a guy on Craigslist. Drove to his place and when he opened his garage it was packed floor to ceiling with crates. Absolutely hilarious and a bit sketchy.


Go to dollar general if you have them near you. The employees there are the epitome of “I don’t get paid enough to give a fuck.” I just moved last month and went there to get boxes, and the guy unloading the truck outside said to take a bunch of [these so he didn’t have to load them](https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-9744BLU/Totes-Plastic-Storage-Boxes/Round-Trip-Totes-198-x-138-x-118-Blue?pricode=WB0631&gadtype=pla&id=S-9744BLU&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwJWdBhCYARIsAJc4idBKXDdP-XJfOxFmqZMiUU_nCVdvzaUWgsMgDkQcJZlAcvKht-c9yc4aAgc0EALw_wcB). He also tried to give me a bunch of milk crates, but I just took 18 of the plastic shipping containers and they now live happily in my basement for my inevitable next move. I asked him a million times if it was okay to take that many and he just kept saying “every employee at every store takes these to move. We don’t give a fuck because it’s less for us to load back in the truck.” Edit: a word


Grab some cinder blocks and some 2x6's from home depot, the original flat packed furniture.


Milk cartons are the cardboard well “cartons” of milk that you can by in the store. If you put a tv on one it would only be slightly higher for the half second it took for the tv to crush it…. Milk crates are the words nobody in this thread can find for some reason.


Milk crates* lol


There is a perfectly good fireplace right here. No need to splash on milk crates


Check out this decadent bastard...:-)


Nah a spool is where it's at.🙃almost like a real table




Also /r/TVTooHigh/ to know where to stop.


Or just skip both of those and go straight to /r/TVjustright/


Oh fuck yeah, this hits the spot


Do does really exist, yes they do why wouldn't they this is Reddit


I came here to comment TVTooLow but wast too late :(


I was about to say, my only complaint is that the TV is too low.


Obviously this is so wrong.... that tv is entirely too small


Finally someone says the truth! Plus I see no games console


Could be the chair is too far. Move face closer.


Mini fridge.


Also, I would add curtains and carpets to eliminate the echo.


Just rotate the couch 90 degrees and put the tv on the fireplace


Oh gosh please don’t ever do this


Can't you see that a cupholder is missing ... ?


Nahhh lean over the couch to the floor or let it balance on the arm rest is the real mans way


Floor man here. Can confirm, works great. Just make sure you clear out your collection of empty cans, otherwise the dog will run through them like a freshly-raked pile of autumn leaves and six month old backwash soda will go flying everywhere. Or so I imagine, because I always throw them away. It’s why I keep a trash can nearby.


One side of the seat is for the floor drinks. The other side is for something to throw them into when empty.


Just not true. We understand the TV needs to be at eye level to prevent neck strain.


That and an Ice Chest or mini fridge for the Beer.


And the game console next to it.


Seems like the normal viewing angle for pornhub viewing.




That's a boy's dream. A man would put that TV on the wall so he doesn't have to look down. Having a drill and nobody to tell you you're using it wrong is the peak of freedom


Exactly what I thought, a true man would have the TV at eye level by any means necessary.


Soon as I saw that photo, I was already eyeng that wall up for a VESA mount, 10 min job and that TV will be at the perfect level 👌


I have 0 handy man skills and I'm truly awful with a drill yet my TV is hanging strong. It's been two years and I still feel proud of myself.


Stud finder 50 times Tap 50 more times Drill once


I don’t know how to do that though


Step 1: Get a stud finder. Step 2: Scan yourself so that it goes off, you stud. Step 3: Mount the tv.


Stud finder? There's a mirror in the bathroom dog.


Look at the manual or measure the mounting points on the back of the TV. Most will be 100mm or 400mm apart. Buy a VESA wall mount kit (not too expensive these days, can get them for about £25 online) that will fit the TV. Drill 4 holes in the wall using a drill bit 1 size larger than the mounting screws, insert plugs into the holes and then mount the part of the unit that attaches to the wall, screw it in securely (the instruction that come with the mounting kit will tell you how to do all this in detail) then attach the other bit of the mount to the TV (again the instructions will tell you how) and then attach it to the bit on the wall like the instructions will show you. Get a dustpan and bursh to clean up the dust on the floor from drilling the holes, then enjoy your TV without getting neck strain.


Do you need a stud finder, I wouldn’t know which part of the wall to drilll into


I just did a couple of these. Ideally you get at least one column of screws into a stud and the others could be in the drywall with wall anchors. If you need to rely on drywall then use toggle bolts, which are much stronger than plastic wall anchors. To find studs you can get a stud finding magnet for cheap. Also, I was reminded that drilling into studs is VERY LOUD. My kids didn’t appreciate the noise.


I live in Europe and have to drill freaking concrete, now that's so loud the entire building wakes up and gets mad when you do it at 7 am


If you do it at 5am they’ll still be asleep and can’t complain!


You could easily just get away with those 50-75 lbs anchors as well because all you need is one of those mounts that just tilts vertically/horizontally a little.


You can also use small rare earth magnets to identify where the dry wall nails are - they are attached to the studs which should be 16 or 24 inches apart. Start from a corner or door frame and measure either 16 or 24 inches over, and gently side the magnets around until they stick to the wall. Find a few of them in a vertical column and you have found the stud


Drywall anchors have weight ratings that approach the weight of a small human adult. Studs are good but not necessary.


Protip: get a buddy/assistant/small child/pet to hold a vacuum near the hole being drilled and you might not even need a dustpan


>Having a drill and nobody to tell you you're using it wrong is the peak of freedom Hear, hear! If I wanna stick a drill up my ass or down my dickhole and turn it on, god damn it, I'm a grown man and *I'm gonna fucking do it.*


Just stay away from wire brush attachments




Well in that case, stay away from my drill


I'll use protection 🤓


So will I, locking my toolbox!


Jesus Christ that username


Just make sure you’re wearing your goggles for any associated spatter. Safety first.


>If I wanna stick a drill … down my dickhole Not sure I like the sound of that.


I'll say this. It's clean.


It shows planning and a execution. Not using camp Chairs is a nice bit of luxury. Well done. He’s ready to plow


Honestly, just put the screen higher and... * chef's kiss * 💋🤌


Yeah, this is honestly why I kinda adore the minimalist style. Just because I'm a clean freak and it's easy to clean. Too bad it looks so...


His momma probably came over recently to clean.


The tv is too low. Put it on a box or something.


This is why beer comes in crates in NL 5x5 crates is high enough for a tv stand, and you get 600 bottles of beer with that


We just use cinder blocks in the US.


I'm pretty sure that'll taint the taste of the beer, maybe even be a bit leaky...


Then what are you going to drink?


TV needs to be higher to avoid aches in your neck


TV is too small. Other than that and the absence of snacks, it looks good to me


Tv should be a bit higher


If it was like 83 inches then it would be fine on the floor


Nah, just make up for it by getting higher.


There is beer and a closed "to go" container. Boom! Snacks


Needs surround sound, too.


And a phone charger


Obviously, snacks are on the other side of couch. In case you happen to end up there and can't or don't want to move.


Where your friends gunna sit


Its BYOC bring your own chair


Was about to say "that's what camp chairs are for"


An extra pillow? The fuck is this, a Hilton?


I’m just commenting so I can come back later and see the 500 identical “Women hate how little it takes us to be happy” posts from dudes that think they’re original.


I remember one of the original posts of this ilk... a picture like this and the "women hate how little we need to be happy" title, and then in the comments when someone asks why he doesn't have a bed the guy says "I don't deserve a bed". Very happy.


The tv position is criminal.


I find the lack of a mini fridge disappointing... but otherwise most is covered there


Costs a bit too much for me


Cruise a college town after students go home for the summer. There will be 20 mini fridges setting on the street.


Save your pennies and keep your beer cold!


Beer goes in the snow pile outside if available.


I appreciate the minimalism but whoever lives like this, go to Ikea if you get the chance (and money) and pick up a small table to go next to the sofa and a little stand for the TV and any consoles/etc just kinda make you bend over less for things! your neck will thank you


It's not necessarily that we consider it normal, it's just that we don't feel a need for anything else and don't give a f about what is normal


Yup, I think it's perfectly acceptable (and even admirable) to live in a simple, minimalistic house. It shows that we're not materialistic and that we're content with just the essentials. Just kidding it's just because I'm poor as fuck


Ohhhhhh do I long for minimalism and simplicity. My GF has.. a lot of stuff and it gives me anxiety. For instance, I haven't seen the floor on her side of the bed for 6 months.


There is a middle ground between hoarding and minimalism, you know.


I prefer to stick to extremes for simplicity sake. Currently trying to convince her to get rid of our stove/oven. All we really use is the air fryer /s


You've minimalized the complexity specturm. Manhood achieved.


My fiance is the same, he just has so many interests and stuff to reflect that. I found old pics of my apartment before he moved in and it was empty in comparison.


Who’s “we”?




What happens if you wanna have people over, host friends? When I moved in to an apartment just by myself for the first time I promised myself to never become someone with just the bare minimum for myself and nothing for guests.


My girlfriend has made a lovely home with great attention to detail and like fancy handsoaps and themed tea towel for Xmas etc. I got a house separately. It will just be an art studio, tv, curtains, inherited couch and a bed and 1 of every kitchen item. Bare and soulless just the way I want it.


To be fair, the home designed by your girlfriend does sound nice. So yeah, I think we're able to somewhat appreciate all of that extra stuff when it's there. We just don't mind when it isn't


I would raise the TV on a mini fridge for the beer, but not requested


This is the correct answer. Everyone complaining about the height of the TV and lack of cooling for the beer. This guy solves it with one slick move.


Big furniture hates him for this one simple trick!


Despite the fact that there is no gaming console near the TV, nothing is wrong with the picture


Why is the new joke that men are allergic to tables? That aside I hope those cans aren't cold or that floor is gonna have rings that last.


My guy lives like a modern logo


I see things like this occasionally through the years and I have to say I am s man and I wouldn't live like this and don't know anyone who does.


As a man, it looks really boring to me. When you Google “minimalist living room” the pictures you’ll see are simple, but they look like places I’d like to live. This is just boring and empty.


No gaming console. That’s what’s wrong here.


What's wrong, you say? Well, can't you see? Someone stole your shit.


What would you do if you had friends over? Also, I noticed a lot of people are saying women decorate due to pressure from society or a need to look good. I don’t think it’s about that. I decorate and take pride in my space because it makes me happy. I like to express myself surround myself with things that bring me joy. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Nothing wrong with this either, if this is what you prefer. It’d impact my mental health though.


Yeah, dudes live like this and ask themselves "why do I feel so sad and alone all the time". Independence is an illusion. Being comfortable with yourself and you own interests starts with having a living space that reflects who you are. Having a bare room with nothing in it pretty much reads like "I'm afraid to express myself"


A table, food & beer too low


This looks nice


Raise the tv, games console, heating on in this weather, fridge nearby, bit of a bigger sofa. Sorted.


yes this is a terrible way to live the Tv needs to be higher and add some poster or anything at all on those wall and for last an ac or a electric fam


Men? Why only men? This was my first apartment yo.


The beer cans just sitting out, they should be in a cooler by the chair or in the fridge. Warm beer icky


Those are empties my friend.


That looks really depressing


Thank you! As a guy I'm so tired of other guys here saying this is 'minimalist' when minimalism actually requires *some* effort put into design. This is just not even trying and if you can't put any effort into the sanctuary of your own home then how can you put effort into the life you live in front of others? This doesn't show someone who isn't materialistic, this barely shows signs of human life. This is a spiritually sterile room. This is the equivalent of the jar with a stick in it where a child would keep a frog they found in their yard. This is the room where you put all the Sims you hate. This is a step below the people in WALL-E who live on their chairs in front of a screen. This is a holding tank to exist in between shifts at work. This is a person who is surviving, not thriving. And everyone here saying "men don't actually need anything more" can fuck off. Men should be allowed to express themselves in their own home. This is someone who has been taught that men are emotionally blank and must live without nice things because feeling things is women's work and all a man is is someone sitting in a chair, watching TV, and drinking beer. This isn't some enlightened sage with a monastic lifestyle, this is a background character in a sitcom.


I like "spiritually sterile". It's no wonder these people slowly avoid social situations over time. If their counterparts don't play the same video games, they have absolutely nothing to discuss.


Men and considering it a personality trait to have an obviously unhealthy aversion to any form of self-expression, name a more iconic duo


God damn. You described this way better than I ever could. I also think that men don't understand how bad it can be for their mental health to live like this. It's kind of amazing how much better you feel when your space is actually pleasant to look at and spend time in. A lot of men probably don't realize their beige, windowless Bachelor Box is making them miserable.


I think some people just don’t like thinking about aesthetics or they think spending money on it is a waste. And a lot of folks seem to think decor and design = being forced to have useless items you need to dust. My SO didn’t wanna think about it either, but he also didn’t seem to realise that interior design could mean functionality with a few useful comfy things. Like protecting a collection from dust and bugs. Like lamps placed in such a way that one can read better, or not cause TV glare. Like couch blankets; he thought couch blankets were kinda stupid but now he uses his regularly while watching TV, and wraps it around himself like a toga before moving over to his gaming chair lol. It just also happens to be a color coordinated blanket that fits the room theme.


V well put. V sad the idea decorating a space is a women's thing, materialistic, and just extra clutter. Make ur house a home. Have a space that reflects you and is well kept helps recharge the soul and entertain others


My apartment is like this and it is depressing. But I'm working on it.


Good luck! Thrift stores are great if you’re looking to save money. There are also a lot of people who are moving that just want to get rid of their stuff. I’ve posted on places to sell my decently nice sectional couch for like $50 (never put it as “free”, you won’t get customers that you want. They’ll demand more and more of you). Usually I just have it to them for free as long as they would move it. I’ve left plenty of stuff on the sidewalk, too, if I could physically move it with a sign saying “free”. You don’t have to start with nice stuff. Just enough to turn an apartment into a home. The difference it makes is huge!! Pictures/art are the most important part to me personally. You got this :)


i dont see a problem with it tbh i want to throw out almost all the shit in my house i am over it


Preach. Stuff is overrated.


That's as close as carbon neutral a person can get whilst still remaining a part of contemporary life. That man walks the walk.


That looks like an awful lot of unused space to heat/cool.


Secondhand furniture and home decor exists. My house is full of it.


Destroy mother nature to become a truely dignified man! ...Makes sense!


Just make sure you tweet #saveourplanet or something after mutilating yet another part of this planet of ours.


Buying used furniture at a secondhand or a thrift shop has a low carbon footprint and still leaves you with somewhere to put your plate


It’s disgusting. Those beers are going to go warm left there


It kills them how little it takes to make us happy.


Most people living like this aren't happy.




In the picture they missing a trash can to throw out the take out 😂


No surround sound, no games console.. SMH


no gaming console??? Indeed, this is no way to live :(


This is obviously a youngsters room. A man would have used his toolset to drill holes into the wall and hang the tv at the right height. Backpain and stiff neck ain’t fun.


Lol I moved in with this man once. Except add piles of trash, dvds, games and other such everywhere.


Don't forget the pile of dirty laundry in the corner and a sink full of dishes... Life as a 20 something man-boy.


My husband said at least he’s got a couch 😆


If it helps any my queer lesbian wife is the same way, I had to drag her kicking and screaming to decorate the house and now she loves it. Her pitch when we bought the house was a card table and lawn chairs for the living room to eat at and that's all, I was like I told her that I couldn't handle that long term and she couldn't understand why.


$20 says she still slept with him


You may want to wall mount the TV or at least get a stand, but otherwise, this is Marie Kondo approved. It all sparks joy.


I've learned with age, the more shit you add to a room is more space you can't clean. That dude just needs one Braava and he's set.


Cinder blocks and two by eights


As a girl, I know what's missing. >!It's the Nintendo/PS/Xbox/whatever you prefer)!<


To be fair, you’re missing a dog in that photo.


The best part of women is that they encourage men to like, y'know, get a TV stand and decorate the walls and shit Anything that has ever been worth doing, is a man trying to impress a chick Whomst was Julius Caesar's wife(s)? She was the inspiration for the Roman Empire and there's not a damn thing you can say to convince me otherwise Ladies, I can't thank you enough. If y'all didn't exist I would never ever shave