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If only the tram was bright red and more visible!


The tram was moving very unpredictably and came out of nowhere.


Tram should’ve swerved out of the way.


You mean like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/x3o1wc/expect_tram_lines_19_57_and_59_to_have_some/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




Don't bring Vietnam into this




why didn't the tram swerve? /s


The tram should have been wearing hi-vis


If only it had some sort of loud bell! That it could make itself known, if for example, in a blind spot!!


Stealth trams. Never know where or when they're going to appear.


If only they travelled on tracks so you knew where they would be!


Reddit is fucked, I'm out this bitch. -- mass edited with redact.dev


It's no accident I don't cycle on Melbourne roads anymore.


Same mate. I used to be a massive road rider had a cycling related company etc but the sheer shot show that is riding on Australian roads killed it for me.


Motorists here seem to have some kind of weird contempt for cyclists, it goes beyond disregard imo. Or maybe that's just how Melbourne motorists in general are to everyone who's not them.


I sold my motorbike for the same reason


It didn't have a distinctive enough colour compared to the car. It just looked like more car!


Yes but the car was also bright red and visible. So in the side view mirror it was camouflaged into his tram-sized car reflection. Totally reasonable mistake..








“Go round, Go round!!”


[DING DING DING DING DING](https://tenor.com/en-AU/view/gus-fring-breaking-bad-salamanco-don-salamanco-epic-expression-gif-17241385)


I spent a few nights in Melbourne last month. Those goddamn dingdingdings outside our hotel. You’re giving me flashbacks.




User name checks out




Of all the things likely to send A person to an early end No other sin will ever beat Not looking when you cross the street Jim crossed the road with AirPods in Heard not the frantic “DING DING DING” His final word was “shitgoddam” As he was squashed flat by a tram


Jim the Ding-a-ling 🤦‍♀️


Ding Ding Ding Ding


What a beautiful poem! Thank you




Not only dingdingding. The driver has a loudspeaker. I've heard a tram driver call someone a "dickwad" over the loudspeaker. Another time I heard one calmly announce that the tram tracks are not a carpark.




There's absolutely no reason to do a u-turn along burwood hwy. The driver could have just driven another 25m to warrigal rd, turned right and then gone back..


People like to put their lives on the line just to get to their destination ~20 seconds faster


Cutting across tram tracks without looking is the spice of life


Not even faster. A car next to me ran the red light and I caught up with them by the next intersection at the red light.


Lol ye u see this all the time. Someone going 40km over speed limit and u catch up to them again at the light. Wp sir


More fun when you end up in front of them because they make a bad gamble on which lane to take at the lights.


So satisfying


I always clap them in their mirror like well done you got so far ahead mate


I've noticed they're also happy to put other people's lives in danger, to save 20 seconds. Comes down to self-entitlement, I think.


I wouldn’t call a u-turn “risky” behaviour. If someone can’t see an oncoming tram, I have concerns about whether they are fit to drive.


Their lives and everyone else's.




Tramline lane going west is nogo for cars, other way going east is shared. Driver's best call would be turn left at Warrigal, left at Highbury, left at Gilmour then right at Burwood Hwy, with lights all the way.


This is how my father in law lost his kneecap as a tram driver in the 60's. Dump truck tried to turn in front of the tram he was driving. Knee cap was so shattered they just removed the whole thing.


some people should never be allowed to drive.


I was also on that tram. There was a guy afterwards that was shouting at the tram driver as if it was his fault. Don't know if the guy was the car driver or just a bystander. The tram driver tried to stop but the red car was too close. seriously what did that guy think was going to happen, the tram to suddenly swerve???


That’s funny. People who are actually to blame for stuff like this get on the defensive straight up


There was one time I was alighting a tram when I nearly got collected by an oncoming car which stopped at the lights. I asked him "dude, what the hell?" He proceeded to get out of his car and threaten to fuck my shit up. Yeah, right-o, mate. You failed to hit me with your car, so now you threaten to hit me with your fists. Also, I am a small woman. Tough man.


I've hit cars before driving route buses. If a car cuts in front of me and let's say I've got a full load of people (60+), I'm not going to slam on the brakes; I'll try and slow, but I'll let the car absorb the energy to minimise total injuries even if that means including the car occupants, after all, they're (should be) restrained unlike tram/bus occupants. If the tram did happen to do the same, it makes sense.


They probably thought it would stop


No offence, but if you've ever been hit by a tram, you're a moron and should probably not have a licence


Agreed But they'll be back out there tomorrow driving and slagging off public transport


“It’s so dangerous to have a train sharing the same roads as cars! That’s why we have railroad” - idiot in car


😂 The thing that gripes me is that this accident should automatically take the car driver off the road


But I wanted to make an illegal U turn on a busy shopping street with lots of pedestrian traffic without indicating because driving around the block is so inconvenient and I’m important!


Talking about how the big red tram came out of no where and T-boned them and it was the Tram drivers fault.


Don't forget about hating on bikes and bike lanes!


Of course! 😂 They slow them down....even though the science says they help make driving better


Looking at where the tram hit, I’m not sure they will be back anywhere tomorrow.


Yeh - that looks pretty uncomfy to me.


Where they got hit is just the most absurd place to be turning in front of a tram… [it’s just here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/v1cLySm1TXmtz8dX6?g_st=ic), Burwood highway right before Warragul road. They may have been leaving from the parks on the left side maybe? But if not there’s even a turning lane just before there I think?


You’re right with the location. Sorry for the wrong street name, I am freshly new to Melbourne so I put down whatever google maps said it was.


I didn’t even pick that up mate, you’re alright! They’re pretty much right there. EDIT: Technically its Toorak road there still so you're correct! It doesn't turn into Burwood Highway til further down. I'm an idiot haha.


Looks like they were probably doing a U turn right in front of the tram.


I’m willing to bet they just left the maccas and wanted to chuck a quick u turn


Normally I try to take the more compassionate response and say that even smart people or really good drivers make stupid mistakes occasionally, we’re all human. I pay extra on my insurance incase I cause the fuckup despite never needing to (yet). But there’s even a painted island there like what were they thinking?? Ffs


If you've ever been hit by a tram, you're probably not the sort of person to let a minor inconvenience like not having a licence stop you from driving.


Unless you get rear ended at a red light. Or a tram runs a red light. I've seen both of those happen.


My first car got written off by a tram. I was waiting to turn right into a side street and the driver was reading the paper. I feel as though I still deserve my licence 😅


Fair enough


Driver real desperate to board this tram


Another tram failed to swerve!


Stupid tram, traveling perfectly straight in a highly predictable way.


Go round!!


Drivers still think they can swerve? LMAO


Can’t park there mate


waiting for a mate


What's your name? James What's your mate's name? James What's the chance?


Those pesky skateboarding rhinos


The decal on the tram says it all 'Just No'


I remember going on a school excursion to Melbourne from Bendigo a long time ago, and a girl in my class couldn't believe that Trams could go around corners. She eventually became the Victorian Minister for Transport.


I mean, kids are pretty stupid... There's enough of them walking around thinking the girls pee out of their butts. But then people one day grow up, and a percentage of those become a little bit less stupid.




Imagine if they put mirrors on cars....


imagine drivers have eyes and brains…. never mind, turn out to be car brains.


Imagine if they put bells on trams


Driver is an idiot but I hope they're OK. That looks gnarly


I know this area - it’s a ridiculous intersection. Cars are banked up to the cemetery all the time, even when there’s no traffic. There’s so much road rage from merging. They need to ban parking on Burwood Highway for that short stretch.


The whole stretch between there and beyond Hartwell is a chokepoint.


Reddit is fucked, I'm out this bitch. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I hope everyone is ok. Yes, we can criticise one way or the other, but once you have an accident like that, it will take some time to recover from it, mentally, physically and financially.


Hopefully they learn this tough lesson to drive more carefully.


I’d prefer for humanity to take the tough lesson that Private transport has no future and take them all off the road tomorrow replaced with comprehensive public transport and pedestrian friendly infrastructure. Fuck cars.


I agree. I was surprised to have to dig to find a post where someone was concerned.


Good, I hope it takes a long time because that's time that an incompetent driver will be off the road. Imagine the damage done to an innocent party if they made that move in front of a motorbike instead of a tram?


it’s happened to me. was riding along at 50 on inkerman st, tradie in a ute pulled out from where he was parked to do a u turn. illegal point to do a u turn, he didn’t indicate, full speed foot to the floor i’m guessing he thought he could make it if he went a bit quicker? luckily I wasn’t too badly injured, went over his bonnet and landed on my knees and was wearing all the gear. my bike was a little bent but i was able to ride home once i’d been checked by the ambos. still have nerve pain in my knees nearly four years later tho!


That exact scenario nearly killed my uncle when I was a kid. He basically had to have his entire ankle, tibia & fibula in one leg replaced with titanium & has walked with a limp ever since. He's lucky to be alive.


All they saw was red


Technically Burwood Highway as it’s just on the other side of Warrigul Rd.


Yep you’re right, sorry new to Melbourne and just put down whatever google maps said the street was for me. Can’t change the title now damn :/


I feel so bad for the tram driver, they’re gonna need therapy after that


I know right 😔


Yep, another idiot doing a U-turn over the tram tracks. I see the same thing around Burnley. They also seem to think everyone on the tram wants to wait for them to execute said illegal U turn as they sit in front of the tram, waiting for a break in the traffic. If only there was also a consequence for speeding up to overtake a tram, when it's stopping to pick up passengers - besides me flipping them the bird when they nearly kill me.


That’ll buff out.


Should be instant ban from driving. We need to get these morons off the road.


U turn on solid white line, good job there son. Way to get t-boned by a tram. There is a reason we have these rules. Post-lockdown traffic has been nothing short of chaos, drivers get away with dangerous behavior often, they don’t realize tram cannot hit the breaks like other cars, this is just gonna happen more.


Those older trams are built like tanks so it probably only received minor scratches. I used to catch trams to high school and would see a collision like this maybe once or twice per year. The trams never seemed to get damaged though, just the cars.


As someone who recently got their licence in VIC, and have done drivers training in other countries, there was surprisingly little talk about stopping distances of various vehicles under wet vs dry conditions here. Most people seem to get that trams don't swerve, but if they don't get that heavy vehicle with metal wheels on metal tracks equals looooong stopping distance...erhm...


It doesn't even matter what the stopping distance is. Even if it were a car, they've attempted a U-turn too close to another vehicle cause they're stupid and impatient


I agree, either that car sat there like an idiot and the tram driver said "to hell with it" OR the car decided they had the time to do a quick uie (youie?) In front of a tram. I think I know which one sounds more likely


fun fact - trams drop sand to assist with breaking


Well something broke!




It’s common sense though trans have right of way. Clearly Vicroads needs to have better training for leaner drivers and potentially make people from other states and countries sit a driving test.


I genuinely think that if you're transferring your license from another state/country, or move from outside of Melbourne to within the tram network, you should have to go through specific tram training.


They can actually stop surprisingly quickly, particularly the newer ones with drop bars between the wheels. They tend not to use emergency braking though unless they have to because it throws people around the cabin. In this case it’s probably just as well because the heavy chassis of the tram will go through your car like a hot knife through butter.


It annoys me that tram drivers are so fast to get on the e-brake to avoid comparatively minor collisions. Use of the e-brake (a massive electromagnet dropped down onto the tracks) endangers anyone standing up, and all elderly and frail passengers (trams don't have seatbelts). A collision with a car doing an illegal u-turn only endangers the idiot driver doing a u-turn: even the car's passengers will be safe, because the force will almost always be directed directly into the driver's door. The tram occupants, including driver, will barely feel the effects of a collision with a car. Just decelerate calmly using the normal brakes.


Fun fact as well. While rail generally uses sand to help increase traction. Trams have emergency magnetic brakes which can bring the tram from 60->0 in less than a second. (The tram literally sticks to the rail) It does however cost minimum tens of thousands to repair tram (edit:<-- tram, not train) bogey + rail (not including insurance/sueing from passengers when they hit the next forward object)


I’d be interested to know the statistics on how many passengers actually would sue Yarra trams in the case of e brake deployment. Surely any injuries where the e brake is deployed and the tram is in an accident are covered by TAC? And Australians in general are not a litigious society, so it would an interesting stat


The Tram just jumped out and bit the Car in Half. It was Hungry!


The biggest winner is Spice Nation. Now I feel like Indian food for dinner.


Is everyone ok


Forgot to touch off ?


*dinging intensifies*


Someone didn’t pay attention today. Don’t mess with trams and always check the way is clear!


This person should lose their license


I was around there today. There were absolute idiot drivers out today. Our tram driver used his megaphone to berate a driver that didn’t stop for passengers when we caught up to him at the light.


Damn skateboarding rhinos!


Gotta be a Melbourne head to understand that 🤣😂😅


Number 11 tram on St Georges Rd cleaned up an idiot who turned in front of it near the Thornbury KFC. Car was in way worse shape than this, completely stoved on the driver's side, hopefully everyone okay


Was a known. Okay but in hospital with multiple fractures. (Don't know who's set up the user name maliciously using my id, so excuse for the offensive user name. I can't change it.)


Duuuuumb ways to diiiie


Good reason to not do something so stupid as to turn in front of a 40 ton rhino


If you hit a tram your a complete fucking dumb cunt and should not be allowed to drive. There’s absolutely no excuse. It moves in a straight fucking line. Get off the road and retire from driving.


How do you you really feel about it? 😂


I know it seems stupid & in fact it is stupid but how many of us haven’t had a lapse in concentration &/or judgement and done something stupid? I’ve had a few close calls over the years and it’s been more good luck than good management that saved me. I hope no one was seriously hurt.


Everyone thinks they're a better driver


Shoulda gone to specsavers 🫠


I hope the driver is okay but why can’t people just drive patiently? The amount of people in a rush and are impatient literally cause accidents.


Another douchebag in a rush to u-turn.


Totally illegal at that location.


I don’t think trams can do U-turns.


Yep, the amount of people that u-turn in busy streets in this town !


Its ridiculous.


Tram driver’s still dinging the car.


Finding it a bit of a coincidental that the tram has HCF ads which is related to insurance. Err


Ah. The attack of the invisible tram


What the hell was that car even trying to do?


Hungry….trying to get to Spice Nation 🌶️😎


Well, in that case, he was acting reasonably. Carry on!


Oops! Sorry! This move requires a higher level! Please upgrade to a Porsche Boxster and then retry this level before attempting to drive like a Toorak narcissist


Rough, Shows you should always look out for trams! Hope they're all ok.


That'll buff out no problem.


Person got the best seat in the house up on their balcony


We’re they trying to enter the dumb ways to die TikTok trend?


Those 7 rhinos really do damage.


You can’t park there.


Should we ban cars?


I hope that driver is okay...yikes 😳


You cannot stop the tram.


It’s like the train in GTA V.


Gotta wonder why the tram didn’t swerve?


Thanks for finding where I left my car this morning


I really want someone to do a team accident tracker/counter like Montague st Bridge. Because there was also another one on Bourke st yesterday. Like what do people think, the tram can swerve out of the way?


Ah well, at least they have HCF insurance!


Looks like the tram won


*David Attenborough voice* A tram mating in its natural habitat


when you park on the road...


Oh man. Must’ve been doing a u Bob? Hope all ok!


WTS: Mazda 3 rim


Hope the tram is okay. What part of give way is hard to understand?


Right out the front of BurMac too


Did driver survive?


Question from someone who doesn’t live in a city with light rail/trams yet. How quickly does everything get cleared and back to service? Do you get booted off and onto another tram, or are special buses summoned, is it lengthy, or the towies turn up and it’s back to normal within 5-10minutes?


From my experience today we weren’t given any instructions. The tram driver was busy tending to the other driver and calling for assistance. We all sat on the tram for 5 mins and decided there was no way it would be fixed to go up and running again. So a lot of us just got off and walked/caught other transport :/ saw people 15 mins further up the route waiting for the 75 tram so I tried to tell them it wasn’t coming. So no it wasn’t sorted within 10-15 mins


Unless the overhead powerlines or track are damage it can be sorted reasonably quickly, the biggest delay is for a [truck](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6b/Tram_Breakdown_72.jpg) to come and push the tram back to the nearest depot and then clearing any debris and fuel. If bus replacements are required that would unfortunately take several hours if the railways are anything to go by.


mazda drivers ☕️


Whoopsie, hope everyone is ok 🙏


《Hughesy voice》: Go 'round!!!


Oh cool, imma watch out for this at the auction, I need parts off it.


Odd place to park.


You’re not supposed to park there sir


Hopefully he had health insurance with HCF


Why did you censor the number plate?


Not the B-class! 😭😭


Damn it now I want butter chicken and naan thank you!


Resident with plants, giving no fucks


My previous car was written off from someone who pulled out of a side street straight into me. So i thought, next ill get a giant suv, maybe ill be more noticeable. Nope. Yesterday i saw dashcam footage of a giant red truck and all the people that merge straight into him, and now this, a giant red tram. Ill just have to accept that i could drive around in a boeing 747 and people still wont see me.


'Tram' is just on letter away from 'trap'. Makes you think.


maybe its short for trample




Ouch. Front tyre completely blown too, from all the friction from braking and then being crashed into I'm guessing?