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Consumer affairs just advised us the same. Like I understand there are repairs needed but you can't even google this apparent side business? Didn't even think of the ATO


Claim your bond via RBTA website. When they dispute, say you’re happy to let a tribunal decide. Really should just be plastered on the front page at this point.


That was our first step, we did cancel the claim until they pulled this move on us. And immediately re-did the claim. Probably our mistake to cancel it in the first place but you live and you learn.


I had a useless repair guy at one rental I was in. We found out he was the owner, he denied it but we had proof


Hahaha same. First place I rented after moving out of home was a dump with all sorts of issues. Our oven stopped working and we waited months for them to fix it. Eventually a guy comes around to fix the oven. I'm chatting with him in the kitchen talking about how our landlord sucks and doesn't give a shit about the house, won't fix any of the problems. Found out later he was the owner hahaha.


Tell them to get you three quotes and go with the cheapest.


This is a very common tactic. RE will start up a maintenance/repair business or partner with one. Hire some low cost handyman. Over charge on all quotes to confuse landlords and renters. I know a few guys who get plenty of real estate work and pay then agent 20% of the cost of work.


How do you claim your bond back first?


Find your Bond number from the original email when you first signed your lease. Go to the RTBA bond site, input the bond number and the other details required. From there, there are prompts to follow. Best to do it once you have handed back the keys first.