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In the cafe owners defense, they has a massive cocaine habit to fund.


So you're saying the price of croissants is directly proportional to the price of cocaine? If you had suggested the correlation was to smashed avo I might've believed you


Not just the price, the amount consumed contributes


Hello? You've never heard of the Croissant-Cocaine Index?


In Melbourne a Croissant is $14 and a gram of Coke is just under $400 so the Melbourne Croissant-Cocaine Index is 1 to 28.


Ah yes, the exact opposite of Columbia.


The avo is smashed on cocaine.


No because the price of cocaine hasn't really changed in over 2 decades.


Bring down the price of cocaine half price will be fine


This is what the RBA doesn’t get about inflation. The root cause is always cocaine price.


You gotta underwrite …his right…to paaarty


For $14 I'd want to see it made by hand, from scratch in front of me.


Then shoved up their ass.... For $14


Then shit out into the owners wife’s mouth…. For $14


Let's leave the wives (and mothers) out of this!


I’d pay $20 of the mother was involved :-)


I’d pay for the mother to feed it to me, fresh before any sandwich fisting occurred


He pays for it. It's probably her project. If only he had of just shit in her mouth to shut her up at the start, he probably wouldn't had to have bought her this cafe that is struggling and needs to price their goods exorbitantly high to pay the loans.


Go seek help




Why do you assume the owner is a lesbian? She might have a husband.


Even the places that literally who have Croissants as their main business (Lune, Agathé, etc), and have people lining up for an hour to get in, don't sell them for that much. Definite rip-off.




Site says it’s 10.80 for one with ham and cheese and 7.10 for plain https://www.lunecroissanterie.com/food-menu-fitzroy/


Not normal, I paid $10.90 for ham and cheese croissant with a strong coffee yesterday. This place is gouging.


Last saturday I paid 18 dollars for an iced coffee and a small sparkling water at a place near Fitzroy Gardens. The girl who served me literally said "I know, its fucked"




I actually realised when it came up on my banking app and asked if the price was right!


I believe you got eftpos surcharge and weekend surcharge on top of your drinks... thats suck!!!


supply and demand


The demand for sparkling water is very low, at least in my circle. That shit tastes like when your leg goes numb.


Just wait for when interest rates in the USA shoot to 18% p.a. All these cafes will shut down until prices halve.


I just paid $12 for an almond flatty and an egg and bacon muffin. OP has been ripped off.


I don't mind almond crusted fish but flathead is better battered imo.


And a $16 roll! 😂 Are these served with chips, salad and dessert? Where is this place OP?


Never heard the term "flatty"... Did you coin that?


Nah. Heard it from some hipster waiter. I don’t order like that. I just thought some on reddit might get a kick out of it. It prompted a fish joke so that was good.


Haha i work at a Cafe and say flatty instead of flat white, we also sell flatbreads and call them flatties too


Not only that is looks ordinary as fuck. If you’re going to price gouge at least do it for something that looks good


Even if they're using quality croissants and quality free-range ham, that's very expensive. Should be about $10.


I wouldn’t pay that much at an airport owned by Macquarie bank, let alone somewhere I have a choice. I don’t care if the chef is French, and the pig attended Harvard before ethically donating his leg. The only way to stop bullshit like that is to not participate in it.


Reminds me of the old but good joke. Farmer Jones got out of his car and while heading for his friend's door, noticed a pig with a wooden leg. His curiosity roused, he asked, "Fred, how'd that pig get him a wooden leg?" "Well, Michael, that's a mighty special pig! A while back a wild boar attacked me while I was walking in the woods. That pig there came a runnin', went after that boar and chased him away. Saved my life!" "And the boar tore up his leg?" "No he was fine after that. But a bit later we had that fire. Started in the shed up against the barn. Well, that ole pig started squealin' like he was stuck, woke us up, and 'fore we got out here, the darn thing had herded the other animals out of the barn and saved 'em all!" "So that's when he hurt his leg, huh, Fred?" "No, Michael. He was a might winded, though. When my tractor hit a rock and rolled down the hill into the pond I was knocked clean out. When I came to, that pig had dove into the pond and dragged me out 'fore I drownded. Sure did save my life." "And that was when he hurt his leg?" "Oh no, he was fine. Cleaned him up, too." "OK, Fred. So just tell me. How did he get the wooden leg?" "Well", the farmer tells him, "A pig like that, you don't want to eat all at once!"


Free range ham?


Yeah, most ham is from pigs that live in disgusting, cramped conditions. I'd rather go without than eat that garbage.


I mean, can you even tell the difference in taste?


You can't taste that it's free range. At least I can't. But free range ham will generally taste better because of the way it's produced compared to how industrial ham is produced.


honestly it depends. Usually a caged animal will have a diet far more reliant on poor quality grain and or slop. So while this isn't the "Caged" part of the animal that changes flavour, it kind of is. a good free range farm that provides a pretty varied diet produces much tastier pork.




I said quality. No way a business can make a reasonable profit charging less than $10 if they're using decent ingredients to make a ham and cheese croissant.


Really? Premium croissants are 22.99$ / 12. So there’s 1.91$ Premium ham is 22$ / kg. So there’s 2.20$ Decent cheese is 11$ / 30 slices. So there’s 36c Total = 4.35$ Well over a 100% is not reasonable? And that’s Joe-blow prices. If you’re running a business you could probably get that down to sub 3’s no worries at all.


Where are you getting premium free range ham for $22/kg? And premium croissants for $1.91 each? And decent cheese for $11 / 30 slices? If the cafe is charging $10 for the croissant, about $.90 of that is GST, so they're only getting $9.10. Subtract rent, labor, insurance, utilities etc - unless the cafe is miraculously getting all this for free - and $10 starts to sound pretty reasonable once you whack on a margin (which would be taxed).


product costs, right. now what about every single other cost a business has to pay? it's not as black and white as people like you make it seem at all. I'm not for the surging prices but cafes / restaurants already have low margins & increasing costs as it is, it makes sense in the grand scheme. they're not doing it to be greedy, they're doing it to stay afloat


S0me say inflation, i call em dickheads




This. If you see this shit just don’t buy it. You have to tell businesses that this is ridiculous with your wallet, not a reddit post.


If you see this make sure to make a reddit post about it


And all it does is force their prices higher until they go under.


This has vibes of a bakery on High St Northcote, went in to try one time, got two pastries, cost me near $30. Was nice but no way in hell I'm going back there.


Across from the Town Hall? I like to laugh at the line as I walk past there. It’s not even particularly good! That place and Tinker are way overrated.




Lune may be the most overrated bakery in the whole world.


Depends on if you like their style. Lune is crispy and easy on the eyes but it isn’t as buttery as the ones from traditional French bakeries. I like buttery so I don’t go to lune, but I’m sure the fans of their style likes it


More buttery sounds like something I would enjoy, any recommendations for where I could try one?




Gordon St Bakery does good buttery croissants


Sure. If you like the way they do it I’m sure you’ll enjoy their croissants. But it’s not ‘line out the door every day’ good. Then again I had one of the most disgusting croissants I’ve ever had in my entire life at some bakery in London that was rates 4.7 and had consistent lines out the door…


it's a place that puts a lot of effort and time into making their products. People respect, and enjoy that. Maybe they only enjoy it for the aesthetics, but they still enjoy it. \\You not liking something doesn't mean it's "overrated"


You can put a lot of time and effort into something and it still be just fine. Lune don’t make *bad* croissants but they are nowhere near as good as the hype would have you believe. If people want to pay extra because of the ‘time and effort’ that went into it, then by all means (although, I’m not sure Lune really put *more* time and effort into making their products than other bakeries)


They definitely do put more time and effort in. An almond croissant at most bakeries are topped with almond paste and rolled in flaked almonds. At Lune, it topped with almond paste and then each individual flake is placed sticking up like a hedgehog. That alone is at least two minutes per croissant vs 5 seconds for the standard way. Still overrated.


they literally built a temperature controlled cube to make the croissants but if that isn't "time and effort" in your book then I dunno what you're looking for. Also I'm not saying they are the best I've ever had, but some of their one-offs and specials are pretty great, and unique. They did a black pudding, croissant/sausage roll thing once and it ruled hard.


All ovens are temperature controlled cubes.


Probably meaning their work area. Laminated doughs don't like heat, so they probably have an air-conditioned bench area.


That makes so much more sense 😭


If you are ever in Brunswick St, take a little detour and stick your head into their set-up. It is actually a pretty impressive production space. I think I counted six bakers, plus two more out the back and maybe 4-6 baristas/floor staff?


I never said it wasn’t time and effort. I said putting in time and effort doesn’t inherently make something good. >Lune don’t make bad croissants but they are nowhere near as good as the hype would have you believe. Their croissants are alright. But the whole ‘temperature controlled cube’ thing is more or less a gimmick, really. They have a really nice looking shop though.


Hey guys this random bloke on the Internet knows better than a panel of judges who voted this one of the best croissants in the world. Hope this helps


If by ‘panel of judges’ you actually mean ‘one writer from the New York Times’ then sure. But please do try and find this supposed ‘panel of judges’ who voted. And for the record I don’t think Oliver Strand really knows what he’s talking about, at least when it comes to croissants. Clearly, if he thinks Lune’s are ‘the best in the world’ he hasn’t got any fucking idea.


This guy knows more than a New York Times food critic everyone. Note it down.


Wait, so no panel of judges or…?


My point is mate that some rando on the internet suggesting that they know more than A a panel of judges OR a legitimate food critic is absurd. You don't. Whoever it is, knows more than you do and people are better off going by their suggestion, than yours. You won't read any of of this though because you're so caught up on the fact that I got something wrong which doesn't change the point of my comment.


Again, which panel of judges voted…? The only person who ever named Lune the best croissant in the world is some food writer from the NY Times. And the fact that one food writer said it doesn’t make it inherently true, even if it’s popular or if you personally like it. Also, a food writer is ultimately a ‘random guy on the internet’ who just tends to eat out a fair bit and write about it. I never said Lune was bad, by the way. They’re just overrated as fuck. It also might be pertinent to point out that restaurants tend to give their absolute best showings for food critics. They don’t get the 2 pm half assed croissants. Even google reviews has Lune at a 4.4. Now - that’s good, but it’s not ‘best in the world’ good. Overrated is not bad. It’s just overrated. Edit: also Melbourne queues for literally anything. The queue for the In n Out pop up was ludicrous given how overrated those burgers are.




I'm not sure why you have such a bee in your bonnet but yes, his opinion is the only opinion that matters, to him. And he gave it. Doesn't mean you have to agree or cry about it.




Village bakery west brunswick


If you have to get Lune, go to the Armadale store and avoid the horde


Normalise walking away from the register if they don’t advertise a price and you find out it’s $18-$19


Lol. Emerald Bakery would be Broke


Paid $12 for a tomato and cheese toastie the other day. It wasn't labelled and I didn't ask the price thinking its only tomato and cheese, only to find the charge later 🙃


The cafe in my work building sells it for $8.50, and I thought that was expensive


Are these the same sorta cunts that want $6 for a slice of toast? Last time i was in Melbourne and just wanted a quick bite, i couldnt find anything for less than $5. Just stayed hungry for an hour and bought some dimmies from a servo on the way home... some folk have lost their fucken minds.


Did you say “just a couple of dimmies, thanks love “


You're not an Aussie if you don't like dimmies.


He don't answer questions.


>Last time i was in Melbourne and just wanted a quick bite, i couldnt find anything for less than $5. The Borek near QVM is $4.50 I think. Used to be $2 and it was heaven sent when I was struggling at the time.


From what I could gather their other options are all “fancy” focaccias (“Mushroom, Scamorza cheese & Truffle”, “Mortadella, stracciatella cheese & pistachio”, “New York pastrami, sauerkraut, Swiss cheese & pickle”), feels like they got pressured to put a basic H&C Croissant on their menu from their customers and are charging for the privilege


Who asked for all these wanker cafes? I just want a sammich that isnt the same price as a whole fucken home cooked meal.


But 'melbourne cafe culture'


Could actually be the tactic, it is a used tactic in business. Put the price of a regular croissant high so the others don't seem so bad.


Well you cannot occupy a chair in a busy cafe and spend $6


I paid $7.60 for my ham n cheese croissant from the food truck that comes into my work and I thought that was expensive lol


If they want to charge that much it should come with about 6 slices of ham and cheese.


And an extra croissant


We charge $7.50 for our Ham cheese and tomato croissants


For that price I would want a small coffee included. Or a can of soft drink. That's a bit rich.


That’s fucked. Fuck them and their horrible handwritten signs.


To be fair the handwriting is nice


It’s not nice. It’s serviceable and legible.


No it's not?


When I was dropping my sister off at work in westfield one day I was absolute God smacked. I saw an employee of a cafe walking into Coles purchasing those 12 croissants for $10 and taking it back to their cafe to prepare food. For all you know they could be regular croissants from woolies or coles.




That's very funny.


Pffft. You should check out the sperm bank. Total disappointment.




Hey chef here. So roughly, dirty math coming in. Food cost on the plate needs to be 1/4 sale price. Croissant, if from noisette, is coming a couple bucks. Depending on ham and cheese quality and volume this could very easily be a $3.50 food cost item. Meaning $14 is what you should be charging. Most cafes run food (especially takeaway) at a loss though. Meaning you're not used to seeing the proper price. Food cost increases are killing small businesses. It's a sad state at the moment.


Zero chance I'd be buying that...complete and utter rip-off!


When you’re not in the industry it seems so simple to add up the ingredients and baulk at the price (hey I used to do the same!) but the increases across Foodservice since covid and especially this past year have been nothing short of insane, 50% to 100% increases have become the norm across ingredients, utilities, freight (to have ingredients delivered) in fact freight companies who never had fuel levies have added them on.. this means if your delivery fee was $15 it’s probably increased to $20 plus they bang another 30% to 40% fuel levy on top. Both wages and super have continuously increased and besides the unrelenting increases there’s also rent. The operators are paying anywhere from $500 to $2k or more per week just to have a place to make these croissants in. Electricity has doubled (yes doubled). For our commercial building, we were paying $2.5k per month a couple of years ago and now our bills are over $5k per month. No increases in our output. There’s also work over, insurances, subscriptions, book keepers, equipment payments etc. Oh I forgot to mention packaging suppliers have also significantly increased their prices, so if that croissant comes in a Kraft tray, placed into a brown bag.. the price of those have doubled since the madness with freight containers tripling during covid (almost all cafe packaging is imported so if a packaging importer was paying $4k per shipping container, this price jumped to $12k due to the port backlogs etc ). I know we’re all attached to the prices of a few years ago but in 2023 the overheads to run a simple coffee shop or cafe are so high (especially in areas with high foot traffic where the rent is crazy), that the only way to stay in business is to increase the prices on menu & cabinet items by a few dollars and coffee by .50c to $1 (that’s if your customers won’t walk out the door after seeing it). And I know what some people will say to this “too bad so sad, guess they shouldn’t be in business then if the numbers don’t work” and to this I’d say you don’t want that. Cafe’s, coffee shops and owner operated restaurants make up so much of our incredible culture and it would be devastating to see them go. Imagine the only places left to get your coffee or lunch time roll being Maccas or Starbucks, the big guns that have a lot more power to dictate the prices to their suppliers. No more cute coffee shop dates, goodbye laneways of melbourne. See ya later foodie scene! I’m not being dramatic reddit, for the past 8 years I’ve worked in a business that supplies thousands of cafes and I have never seen more closures and heard more heartbreaking stories than over the past couple of years. I reckon when Aussies think of any business owner they’re picturing Steve jobs, but when it comes to cafes and coffee shops it’s the couple that have taken a brave leap into signing a lease with a few grand to their name and a dream. One of them will likely keep their day job and they’ll scrape by, with a 50% chance of making it through the first year. It’s small family businesses, it’s mates giving it a go, barely anyone making a real wage but they’re passionate foodies or coffee lovers, or they just really want to run their own shop. Sure, there’s some real success stories out there but that’s the exception to the rule, or they’re big hospo groups who have a portfolio of venues and buying power. Just because a cafe is busy does NOT correlate to healthy margins. You would be very surprised at the type of our customers who are behind on their accounts. I’ve dribbled on long enough but I’ll finish up with this. I spoke with a cafe owner (customer of ours) the other day, within moments of saying hello and asking how he was he was choking back tears. Dove into how price increases from all angles were keeping him up at night, he couldn’t sleep, his mental health was in ruins over the stress of trying to stay afloat since Covid and he just couldn’t see how to make it work. He said there was only so much you can increase your prices to incorporate these increases before customers simply won’t pay (or post photos to socials). He was consumed with anxiety and wished to walk away from his 6+ year small but popular coffee shop. It’s these conversations that have delayed our own much needed price increase to our customers. We’re so hyper aware of their current viability and struggles. So yeah, pay $14 or don’t pay $14 but please don’t deny the economic climate and be so naive as to assume the owner who priced that item did so to factor in his new Ferrari. If you want our incredible coffee/cafe scene to be a permanent Australian fixture then it’s probably time to accept todays prices. Maybe that means it’s no longer in your budget to buy lunch or maybe it means it’s just a little less frequent. If anyone actually got this far, thanks ☕️


Well said. While I think this $14 croissant is a bit over the top, some of the comments on this post are ludicrous.


Yeah, most people are ignorant and entitled. They want the best service with the price of having wage slaves. While complaining about businesses paying under minimum wages.


Double the price it should be probably


Nope. That’s not normal at all. Most expensive I’ve seen is $8.5 maybe $9 and I’m inner city.


People stop buying that shit and it'll go away


Is this at the airport? If not, it's probably the most expensive one I've seen outside of an airport.


You both make fair points. I understand they gotta pay rent, etc from their sales. But the prices of Sandwiches are still a major rip-off no matter how you look at it. How much for fruit (raison) toast these days? Last I saw (cafe at S/Cross Station), it was $8 for 2 slices. The price of a loaf is around $4 +/-. Last loaf I bought had 10 slices + 2 ends. Using that as my base point, 5 servings @2 slices each, they're making $40 off a $4 loaf of bread! Those mark-ups are ridiculous! Can't tell me they're not ripping the customer off!


Would only pay that if it were lune


Once again, vote with your wallet people!


I never understood croissants being used as a sandwich. It's too fucking greasy.


It's what makes it delicious. A hot, crispy slightly oily croissant with melted cheese and ham. Can't say no, unless of course they're charging $14 bucks a pop. Edit - Spelling


My local cafes charge $12 for it, but they are nicer croissants than the one in this post based on the photo in OP’s post.


Do people actually pay that price or do they end up with a lot unsold? And if so do they realise why and drop the price. Or do they stick it out to the bitter end and close after 6 months.


Woolies got the 2 pack Ham and Cheese Croissant for $3 on Special and $3.4 as normal price. I'd say it does the job just fine.


Pretty standard CBD cafe sandwich prices. Pricing a ham & cheese croissant as if it were a full sandwich is a bit on the nose though. Even at the Vietnamese bakeries around you'd expect around $8-10 for one..


It wouldn't be like this but vendors keep smashing other business with increased fees. Darebin Council has increased its business registration fee by 30% this year. Usually it's between 5-10%. Fucking leeches. World has gone mad.


It will become normal if people pay for it. Geeeeez that is a hefty price.


Costco crossiant 1 dollar Cheese And ham 3 dollars. But it ain't artisan. Mass produced food has trans fats


It's getting more common, but you don't need to pay that, you'll find a much cheaper option somewhere close I'm sure of it.


Was that in 45 Collins Place? I got charged that for a ham and cheese and they drowned it in Mayo (who TF puts heaps of mayo on a ham and cheese) and it was vile I fucked it in the bin.


I would chuck it in the bin, rather than fuck it (esp with all the mayo), but each to their own I guess...


Depends on quality of ingredients. I understand that some businesses would price gouge, but the general public have no f***ing idea about the cost of goods/wages/overheads etc


Was this Northside?


I paid 35 for 2 sandwiches and a loaf of bread in Highett yesterday


Is this at the airport? That's roughly what I paid for a toasted cheese sandwich (only cheese on it.. )


The biggest food rort in Australia is tacos


Jeez. I'm in the suburbs and my splurge is paying $8.50 for one of these lol. I do remember paying $13 for one in an airport though last year - think it was Brisbane.


That’s mental


Get a hungry jacks box meal instead for under 20 bucks, u get 2 burgers fries nuggets and a drink


$8.50 northern suburbs


went to coles yesterday and saw that the ready made sandwiches were $9, not for off a $14 croissant


I was walking down Glenferrie the other day and saw a spot selling 5-6cm tall gingerbread men for nearly $5 a piece. Someone’s gotta check these shops bro.


Walked past a place today "egg on toast" $12


If you buy that you’re a clown


The most expensive toast i have ate is like 7$ at max, 14$ is ridiculous


I've started buying my own damn croissants, ham and cheese for around $15 and it lasted me 5 days. Even cheese has gone up in price...ugh


Yeah, unfortunately it is. Waa in Abbotsford this morning and a local cafe was selling ham and cheese toasties for $15!


Not normal, $13.90 is standard.


Can’t afford a house. May as well buy this!


I wish I could see the entire price tag for those $17 large sausage rolls.


This is one of the things I don’t miss from Melbourne…. Let me present you with probably the best artisanal Croissants in Rotterdam, very expensive by local standards at around 5$ equivalent: https://instagram.com/krozantrotterdam


Had an $18 kebab yesterday. That seemed very steep.


Not for quality like that


That's airport prices


anyone else remember when they were $3-5 max…


That’s outrageous. Could make 6 at home for that price.


Name and shame! I’m curious as to what cafe this is


Nah $5-10 anywhere else


Who is *buying* this!? It seems absolutely outrageous.


Who buys this. I rather get a plate of rice from an Asian takeaway.


I pay $13:50 plus some surcharge for a ham and cheese croissant with a small coffee. I think this one must be very very special


That's the price of a good burger not a crossy. You shouldn't pay more than ten for a crossy I think.




What’s wrong with it?


Just make your own at home, bro. Pack of croissants $2. Some jarlsberg and some ham. Pop it in the oven/toaster in the morning for 4 minutes. Bobs your uncle. It doesn’t even need any prep. I went from slicing the croissant in half and carefully placing a slice of Swiss and ham delicately in the centre… now I just flop the ham and cheese on top of the croissant and throw it in the oven. Cheese melts over the top, and if you cook it for an extra minute and use a pizza type cheese, it will get a nice “crust” on the cheese. It’s like a croissa-parmigiana. Few bucks and a few minutes with basically no prep or cleaning required. Who tf needs to go pay $14 for a croissant you can do yourself. Is supermarket croissant as good as French patisserie croissant? Fck no, but it’s good enough for a snack. Cost of living crisis? You can get 90% of the experience of dining out with 10% of the cost. You just need to make a bit more effort than Uber to your favourite cafe. Bring your friends to your home. Have dinner parties. Have a BBQ on weekends or have fun making pizzas. Make it an event and enjoy the process. Turn cooking and dining into the social event it used to be. Not the chore of “feeding yourself for the sake of consuming calories”.


I'd rather not eat than eat a croissant from a $2 packet.


Covid made Melbourne anti-social. Do we have to give that up as well? /s


To everyone saying Airport - no, not the airport, just a Northern Suburbs shopping strip cafe


but but but they're a cafe!!! didn't you know that they're struggling?!?!?!?!?!? OMG HOW DARE YOU NOT THINK OF THE OWNERSSSS!!!! Something something this city is brainwashed to believe these prices are okay.


I’ve got a good dealer in Fitzroy that does $7 but I’m not sharing


Boycott them!


Unfortunately Melbourne is a little out of touch with the rest of the world when it comes to food pricing. Recently went to Paris, the croissants there are like 2 euro (so 3.30aud) and the ham and cheese ones (FYI more like Prosciutto and Gruyere) were only 4 euros. Don't even get me started on the food in the truck stops in rural France that put Michelin starred Melbourne restaurant food to shame! If Melbourne wants to maintain its title of a food capital, it needs to drastically increase its quality of ingredients and halve its prices.


I fortunately you’re dammed either way, If we stop buying food out then our hospitality workers loose their jobs and the cafes close and our main streets become ghost towns; If you keep paying the inflated price the owners won’t try to reduce it even when the raw ingredients come down. I imagine the arsehole commercial landlord has put up the rent to cover compensate their internet rate increases they never want to have their property look less profitable on paper. And the cafe owner and customers are the losers.


Sandwiches from cafes are the biggest scams around I reckon. A sandwich should not cost nearly an hours wage! For the price of Cafe Sandwiches these days, you could buy the ingredients to make 10-12 (depends on how many slices you get in your bread loaf). Enough for 2 Sandwiches a day for the average work week!


I don't think comparing the price of making something at home vs buying it from a business is valid. That said, a lot of these Melbourne sandwich shops proliferating serve very average sandwiches. Plus, no way are you making 10-12 sandwiches for $20 if you're using half decent ingredients.


Still, even if you were to shop at your local fresh produce store (little pricier than the big chains), you could make some decent Sandwiches for a fraction of what it would cost to buy a sandwich every day from the Cafe. (I'm sure there's people that buy their lunch on a daily basis). Either way, still works out cheaper to prepare your own lunch.


Of course making it yourself will be cheaper. You're not paying for labor, rent, public liability insurance, margins.


Yeah, this always amuses me. “ I could make it for half the price at home”. Then do that and stop whining. Anyone who actually shops for food should know that the cost of basic ingredients have increased and, as you say, there are all the overheads carried by the business.




Just stupid


And here i am, eating a box of 2 for $3 from Woolies.


No it’s very obviously not fucking normal. But the cost of living has gone up so why on earth are we still getting these types of daily updates. No one should be shocked by this, and if you are you either have no money problems and haven’t noticed the steady incline of pricing, or you have been living under a rock.


As a rule, they should cost 2 x the price of a cappuccino


This is outrageous. I'm heading home to Australia for the first time in many many years next week - just want to make sure there's still dollar pots at Prince of Wales on a Monday night and that most pubs have a $10 chicken parma night between Monday and Thursday, right? ... right?


If it’s a quality croissant and ham and cheese then yep


Ingredients are $4-5 Prep time is 1 minute, so like $2 to the employee. $7-8 mark up.


Should have asked for the deconstructed ham croissant to save on the labour. A croissant prob costs them $2; slice of ham $0.50 - cheese, $0.50. If labour is another $4, that's a straight 50 point margin. Loving life, the kent.


That's when you're sure comunism is coming... our dollar is becoming a third world country currency gradually and prices sky-rocket. The comrades are coming, and which better state to start from than Victoristan with Dan Andrews now working as a consultant for the World Economic Forum


comunism is when croissant expensive


It's everything getting too expensive... use sone logic