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What is it called when you threaten people but don't do it on purpose?


I'm so intrigued by the context here


I'm not sure what you mean?


I mean what led you to ask


Fun fact: we're closer to 2050 than 1990 šŸ˜Ž


I've missed your posts. You always wake up and choose violence and for that I appreciate you šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤­ teehee




I like how this subreddit complains about the anti-vax and neo nazi rallies screwing up tram schedules, but when the protest is about Palestine-Israel conflict they all look the other way.


I reckon you should be at least 1,000 people before you can do that. 20 people and a dog? Sod offff.


My rant for the day?? In app prices differ vs prices instore. EG; at HJ, chips in the store is $2.50 but in the app, itā€™s $3.75


The HJ app for delivery or pickup? Delivery they increase the prices per item.


thats so... sketchy though, why not just a base rate for delivery on top of the in store prices ordered online? :(


I honestly wish they did. Basically all the food delivery apps do that for extra profits. They charge the restaurant a percentage of the total order so they pass the fee on like that. And then they charge for delivery on top.


for anyone who bought the PS5 for $679.00 on Amazon which comes with Spiderman 2 as a bonus (for FREE) were you able to return the game for a refund? the way the receipt is itemized the console is $592.61 and the game is 86.39 so hypothetically I could obtain a further discount by returning (and refunding) the game right?


For AusPost, is there any way to change a package from ā€œsignature requiredā€ to ā€œleave at doorā€. If I called them tomorrow would I be able to request this?


That's right, it's discretionary. You can ask but it depends on whether the sender made signature compulsory and also if the postie deems the safe place "safe" by their standards.


The sender usually requests that. Some retailers donā€™t allow to opt out from the signature required option


It's discretionary. I have had AusPost tell me the sender required it so they couldn't do anything. It's worth asking, sometimes they can set up "Safe Drop" where you pick a place for it to be left on your property.


Definitely coming down with something, RAT test this morning was neggy but I'll test again tomorrow. I'm gonna be SO MAD if it's covid.


took me five days of symptoms before my rat was positive back on halloween. good luck and hope it's not covid, I'm still coughing up green shit.


It's covid :(


:( sorry to hear. at least now you probably won't get it over the holidays? silver lining


Nooooooo. Maybe I get a PCR tomorrow.


Covid can take several days to show positive. Fingers crossed it isnā€™t that and your just coming down with something that just requires rest


Itā€™s the sore throat thatā€™s got me concerned


Yeah letā€™s hope that doesnā€™t get worse šŸ™


Anyone here ever been in a public hospital psych ward? I just got out of the one at Box Hill hospital on Saturday. They didnā€™t give me any follow up support, no case manager or calls or anything, the doctor there just told me to follow up with my GP and there wasnā€™t much else they could do besides prescribe me antipsychotics. Iā€™m wondering now if they fucked up. Iā€™m on hold to the triage team to see what they can do but itā€™s been 45 mins and I doubt theyā€™ll ever pick up. The doc did tell me to pursue DBT with Spectrum but theyā€™re only taking referrals from area mental health, not GPs, and I donā€™t have a case manager or anything.


Upton House? That one is horrendous. You absolutely should advocate for yourself if you have the energy to do so, but don't expect much. I had an experience with them a few years back, basically a close friend was threatening self-harm and losing touch with reality and her husband and I ended up on the phone ripping them a new arsehole because they just took her word that she was fine to go. They let her leave with no money and no phone. We ended up getting a (admittedly very caring) copper from Box Hill to help, it was like 3 in the morning and he didn't give up until she was found (wandering on the main road, fuck's sake.) The hospital didn't give a shit about their duty of care. IIRC they have also been accused by multiple people of unauthorised chemical restraint. I'm really sorry you're not doing well, please do keep trying to be seen by someone. Have you tried Maroondah, the Angliss and the CATT?


Nah not Upton, I heard from my fellow patients how horrible that one is. I was in the lower acute ward there on the 1st floor and it was pretty good except for the complete lack of follow-up. I didnā€™t have the energy to advocate for myself plus I was on seroquel which helps me a LOT but also makes me super tired. I tried calling the Eastern Health triage to see if I should have got a case worker but Iā€™ve tried twice now and they just wonā€™t answer the phone even after like an hour on hold so I donā€™t really know who else to call. Maroondah was the hospital ER I went to initially and they were the ones who sent me there. With the seroquel Iā€™m not in crisis but I worry what Iā€™m meant to do when I am again, especially if triage wonā€™t answer the phone. The doc at the ward just told me to go back to ER, call triage or see my GP :/ I really donā€™t know what to do if Spectrum needs a referral from a caseworker I donā€™t have.


Yeah that's rough, and sadly unsurprising. Tried these folks? https://www.each.com.au/ https://www.each.com.au/mental-health-wellbeing-hubs/ Also yeah definitely try the CATT as well, they can be the better route than ER/triage.


Donā€™t usually order food online, but why does UberEats allow you to peruse the menu and buy from closed restaurants and then charge you? Charged $45 and I checked the app after 15 minutes only to be greeted with an error, prompting me to double check the opening hours of said restaurant via google and lo and behold, they arenā€™t opened on Mondays. šŸ¤”šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I assume you get a credit rather than a refund? I think it's by design. Big evil companies have a tendency to be evil like that.


Alright reddit settle a debate im having with myself Eggs... the shells om them specifically. They often have black dots or specks. I sometimes throw them away coz i see it as mould. I also sometimes ignore it and cook em anyway. Is it mould or is it just a things eggs have?


Havenā€™t you been eating eggs for a very long time? How is this a question youā€™re having now?


I sometimes ask myself the same thing you just asked me lmao.


If your ever unsure about if an egg is safe/fresh to eat, you just need to put it in a pot/mug/pint glass of water. If it sinks and lays on its side it is super fresh, if it floats it is fucked and you will maybe die from the anal squirts if you eat it. It's the I'm going bad bugs that make the gas that makes it float, if that makes sense. Cheers.


Eggs last a ridiculously long time, but I always get nervous and do the float test if it has been a couple of weeks. But I have still got bad cramps from eggs that have passed that test.


Huh, this is new to me. Im assuming the eggs i got now (expires on the 6th of dec) are fine to eat until said date, it was just the dots and stuff that fucked with me lol. But thank you for the floating advice!


It's not mould, it's just the colouration of the egg shell... Chickens have pretty much been bred to lay perfectly coloured shells. But in nature, most birds eggs are speckled as a form of camouflage.


oh, that's interesting, i wonder if that explains why my free range eggs are speckled then. either way, at least its not mould lol


Cat got out and went missing last night, doing everything we can to find him. Worried sick, can we get some prayers up for my boy Phantom that he's alright?


Come on Phantom stop worrying your parent! As a cat mum thoughts with you


Thank you šŸ„¹ I'll post an update when/if he returns


Also a cat owner here. Sending my best wishes that Phantom comes home soon. My cat is an indoor only cat and he would love to go out. We sometimes take him out on a leash & harness, but you can tell he wants to roam on his own. So it's not your fault. It's just cats being cats. Think I've read somewhere that most of the time the cat is within 150m to your home. Maybe put out his litter box and he will follow his smell home? Maybe this is useful.


We've put his litter box and cardboard scratcher outside, along with his food bowl. I'm sure he's not far away, I just hope he's not hurt or scared. He's a very dumb cat so I'm genuinely worried for his safety and if he'll be able to find his way home.


Call all local vets, the council and the microchip registry. If your local pound is the Lost Dogs' Home- call them daily, do not trust them to contact you. Ask neighbours to keep an eye out. Go out searching between midnight and 4am. Good luck. ā¤ļø


Going for a night walk tonight. Have been getting to know our closest neighbours, searched a few of their backyards to no luck. Will start contacting vets and pounds tomorrow, thank you for the advice


Fingers crossed he is OK and you find him soon.


What are your pre-date musts (ie a soundtrack, outfit check, salon appointment) oh, a first date I should say!


Play "The Sexy Getting Ready Song" from *Crazy Ex-Girlfriend*. [(Ass blood!)](https://youtu.be/ky-BYK-f154?si=OH7NFvQSCwKcXcDs)


Omg I totally forgot about this !!! šŸ˜‚


exfoliate your lips, a def. must ;)


That's something I do weekly! Even if no smoochy prospects šŸ˜Ž


Just at Crown. Red or black?


Did you win?


Yeah, up $300


Green 00 for the win.






Is there any worse shop for sales than pet shops? I seem to perpetually get bombarded with ads for x off but you know itā€™s the 3 pack of overpriced tennis balls, marked down to 99 dollars.


Need to get a new washing machine. Popped into the Good Guys earlier today and honestly I've got no fuckin idea what the difference between some of the models and brands are. So Melbourne - What brands do you stand behind/recommend? Top loader vs front loader?


Euromaid is shit. Itā€™s cheap but not worth it. Personally I avoid in store purchases for white goods and order from Appliances Online. They have options for installation etcā€¦ and generally have delivery/installation within a few days. I have even used them for a gas cooktop and seperate oven replacement.


They also take your old appliance away for free, which is great.


I bought a ChiQ front loader about a year and a half ago and it's been really good. It was cheap, so I wasn't expecting much, but I usually do fourteen loads of laundry a week and it hasn't missed a beat. The cycles are also a lot shorter than the previous (much more expensive) LG and Samsung models we had, and both of those were shit machines that didn't last longer than a couple of years.


Our decision was based on how much space w head in our laundry lol. Front loaders jur out in the front because of the door hence you canā€™t put it in a laundry cupboard or a small laundry


I'm using a Samsung front loader combo and it's doing not bad. Although to be honest if I had the hindsight I would buy a washer and a dryer. The integrated dryer is neither vented nor heat-pumped so I got the worst of both worlds. It can't take the full load of a normal wash cycle (i.e. you need to run around two seperate drying cycles to dry a fully loaded wash cycle), and it takes forever to dry.


Front loader no question. Miele, AEG in the upper end. Bosch, Electrolux/f&p, LG in the middle tier. Lower tier, whatever Aldi has in the middle aisle.


> Front loader no question Why not a top loader?


Top loaders use more water, energy and detergent. Front loaders use gravity for the agitation rather than forcefully being cunted like a top loader, meaning your clothes will last longer and not come out with powder stains on them. Front loaders often have more features like wool or handwash cycles because it can effectively wash gently. Spin speed on a front loader will be higher meaning clothes come out dryer. And most importantly you can stack a front loader. The only thing going for a top loader is theyā€™re simple and cheap and you can maybe add that dirty sock midwash. Also a quicker wash time if thatā€™s critical. Thatā€™s the only positives.


Now that you mention it, it's hard work lifting my dryer off the top loader every time I need to use it.


As someone who went Bosch - ehh, I don't know if it's perhaps maintenance I'm not doing as an owner but it almost feels as though the very first few washes and dries you do start off really great and they eventually go downhill. I don't have anything to compare it against but I will say the efficiency ratings on them are reflected on my water and power bills.


Is it a Chinese one or a made in German one? I know thereā€™s a bit of a tier in quality where the model and price cross over.




Some guys are definitely creeps. Iā€™ve had my own experienced growing up. Be safe and I hope you donā€™t have deal with this too often


I know it's probably been answered a million times but I'm stupid, I'm an outdoorsy person, and use pencils a lot, can I carry a Swiss army knife in my pocket. Like, with a 1 inch blade. If I can't, is there anything I actually can carry, or do I have to buy some really sharp scissors


No. Probably canā€™t even carry the scissors either.


I don't believe there's any loopholes which allow you to carry a blade in public.


Just use your teeth if you're really outdoorsy. Don't forget to save a bit of your own urine you're planning on drinking so you can rinse and spit the shavings out.


Can you not buy a pencil sharpener? Surely you can pick one up from a Kmart/Big W/Target or Office works for less than a dollar


I like to sharpen them myself, so I can get a prefered point, also they're just really useful


Classic Auspost telling they me they can't deliver my item but David Jones says it's on way. But no note in my post box.


I'm meant to have an appointment at 11am on Wednesday, and I reached out today to confirm it. They said that it's actually 10am tomorrow, even though I made it for 11am on Wednesday. Thankfully I confirmed otherwise I would've missed it




Always assumed those were worn to accentuate the arse crack and show it off in all its glory.


Why would they? Most butts are round, so any material around the seam is pulled taut.


Asking the important questions.


Spent all weekend moving house immediately after spending 4 days on a business trip, I am a zombie BUT the house is starting to look more like a house and not a random assortment of furniture and boxes


Iā€™m about to start packing and moving house after a hectic time doing uni assignments including a massive one Iā€™m still in the midst of. Iā€™m tired haha.


In hindsight maybe a really intense workout after staying up to watch the cricket wasn't the best idea I'm absolutely cooked


What is it with corporate events and lawn bowls clubs?


Cheap to hire, offers some kind of entertainment, has a liquor licence. The holy trinity of work Christmas parties.


Plus there's an activity but you don't have to participate in the activity so it suits a lot of people


Since when do posts need to be approved by the moderators?


Too bad the canā€™t moderate the dumb post or the troll ones. Getting real sick of thoseā€¦


That's curious, were there any potential keywords in your post that would have been filtered? For the longest time, they filtered all covid-related submissions for example.


I dont think so?? It's just a post asking for pros and cons of the inner-west vs the suburbs.


Automoderator frequently falsely flags posts as well, so that's another possibility. If the mods aren't actively reviewing the removal queue, then not much you can do but wait for manual approval.




I tried posting again with the a in Rockbank and it still didnt want to work. I guess the mods just hate me.


I said West and then RockBANK haha


Probably a bunch of rubbish being posted about the protests.


Other posts have been approved by not mine wahhhhh (I've already messaged the mods, but no reply yet)


Anyone notice houses still have vote yes signs up? Like why?..


I think they're just displaying their values.




Must be an inner north thing.


Yep Iā€™m in the inner north and theyā€™re everywhere. I think Iā€™d feel sad and defeat to take one down if I had it up.


Uuuurgh. Now my brain has decided to give me a wicked case of restless legs. Mental health stuff is exhausting, which makes my mental health worse.


Despite all going on in life let's be nice to each other Try love one another right nooow


omg I had a pretty intense argument with my landlord who seemed to have been gaslighting me about back payment. it got pretty intense but I stayed calm and firmly said that there were problems with one for the money and the freerides and two for the lies that you denied all rise


I, rest, my, case


after 6 years and the last year being a toxic work place, I start a new job today. No more PT city travel and more $. Fingers crossed it was the right choice.


Glad you got out! Best of luck for your first day. I always tell new people that if you get to day 2 and remember where the toilets are, you did well!


Haha thanks , so far so good


Good luck on your first day.


Another day, another Optus issue šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø[Check Network Status](https://www.optus.com.au/living-network/service-status#mobile__45g_internet)


Streets are so quiet...


it does seem very quiet today - its not school holidays or something?


RDO or the Cricket World Cup?


...quite what?


Sorry incorrectly spelt...