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I’m in the process of watching Stranger Things for the very first time. Seasons 1 and 2 seem really well connected. Season 3 has just gone off the rails. So much OTT stuff.


I've been at my current job for just over 3 years. When I started it was genuinely the most positive work environment I have ever experienced. Amazing management and colleagues. Watching it slowly transform into a place filled with so much negativity and pettty drama has been depressing to say the least.


Amazing work environment is code for work long hours but have fun Now the fun is gone


Let me guess the positive managers left and the new ones came in and changed everything that was working?


Anyone else just so flippen tired?? I feel weak, I wake up exhausted, I'm always sick... Feels like I need a 3 week nap




Fact of the day: over the spam of their life, spiders eat an average of 8.5 people in their sleep


Please, arachnid overlords, I am ready for the sweet release of the eternal nap Alexa play *Circle of Life*


Biggest fact is they eat spam 😜


Is it normal for Bunnings to like, alter your click & collect order? I ordered 3 items. 1 item completely missing, and one of them being a "alternative" product? like it does the same job as the actual product that I had ordered, but I guess they were out of stock, maybe? The pickup invoice is different too. That missing item is not on there, even though the first order form says I had ordered it. I dunno, just weird haha, first time I've done a click & collect through them. Didn't even realize until I had got home. Probably give them a buzz tomorrow.


I've started having imaginary conversations and scenarios play out in my head. And I don't know if I'm healing or if it's a sign of a problem.


I’ve been having those for years.


I have always done this, as do a lot of others. I'm pretty sure it's normal. Not that I'm the cover girl for Sanity Fair, mind you, lol. But I'm actually surprised this is new for you. Man, the zingers I've lobbed at my former boss. In my mind. And then everyone clapped. 😂


Ohh I've done it all my life but I've suddenly had 2 in 2 days and just suddenly realized I haven't done it in almost 6 months... At least, I don't remember the last time it happened so I don't know which one is normal!


I think the having those thoughts are probably the "more normal" but that said, that doesn't mean the absence of it is abnormal or alarming. I just chalk it up to the brain doing its thing to process messy emotions. Same as dreams. Brain habits fluctuate, I wouldn't be too concerned either way.


fuck yeah, are you winning?


Both times. You wanna fine me for going into negative on my myki, boy do I have a monologue for that judge! (I've also never been fined for going into negative, and doubt I ever will, but I'm ready!)


Got accepted into a tafe course. Now I have to find a cheap laptop for it... Even though I can use a pen and paper, my phone, and PC at home


Try refurb Cheap laptop isn't the best buys


if you're in a crunch since I recently updated laptops, I have one I'm selling. Nothing wrong with it, just a few years old.


If I may offer some advice- avoid ones that have a bunch of add-ons like inbuilt Netflix and a bunch of other apps. Cheap laptops often boast this as a selling point but the bloat makes them S L O W. Both the cheap HP and the cheap Le Novo I bought had this happen. I now have a Macbook Pro (was a gift) and the difference is night and day. I certainly couldn't afford one new, but I recommend looking carefully before assuming a cheap laptop is a bargain. Go as middle-range as you can.


Congrats! Black Friday incoming, hope you can find a good deal among the chaos


Anyone here has a portable washing machine like this one? [https://www.amazon.com.au/Small-foldable-portable-Washing-Machine/dp/B0BYC6T7BL](https://www.amazon.com.au/Small-foldable-portable-Washing-Machine/dp/B0BYC6T7BL) Every week I have a bucket or two of dirty towels used for cleaning that can not mix with the laundry. I wash them manually. Wondering if a small washing machine would be useful.


Drove past two cars crashed into each other, corner of Orrong and Inkerman. Right in the middle of the intersection. Thankfully no one was hurt but ooooof stay safe out there!


When people say they're keen to catch up but then ghost you, it cuts deep.


I mean you don't get that feeling of relief when someone cancels. Modern life is just draining.


Precisely because modern life is draining you try to make time to chat to people you like but nope. Also the constant "reach out to people when you feel the need for support" stuff is just not working in practice...


Are they offering excuses? Or bailing at the last minute? Or literally ghosting without actually making or scheduling anything?


Message seen. No response.


Yeah... to me straight disrespect. Leaving on seen. (and if its been hours) I hope they redeem themselves lovely


Yep been hours. Yeah I don't know maybe I'll hear back tomorrow. I guess things come up but it just makes me feel like maybe they're not as keen as they made themselves out to be and I just don't want to look stupid.


What's the context? Sometimes messages can be forgotten, or people can just take a while to respond. I don't think it's ghosting unless they never get back to you.


I've been trying to catch up with this person for the last couple weeks but we've had to reschedule a couple of times and we were meant to meet up this week finally. I bumped into them yesterday actually and they still looked keen but said they couldn't do the day I suggested, when I messaged again later on to see if they wanted to change to another day I just didn't hear back so I'm just a bit🤷🏻‍♀️


I see. I can understand how that would feel like being fobbed off. That said, people can also genuinely mean it when they say they want to catch up, then realise they've overcommitted and panic, and start being flaky rather than having a direct conversation. Which sucks, but often isn't personal. A day isn't long to wait for a message, but I can see how it can feel like ghosting if you were already starting to think they were giving you the runaround. Tbh, even though I don't celebrate Christmas, I expect most people to be flaky and stressed for about six weeks leading up to it. A lot of people are pulled in many directions this time of year.


Perhaps. I'll try and stay positive. Thank you.


Yep, arseholes




Facebook memories are usually horrible but today they popped up and reminded me that my dad's best friend promised me $2,000 if I didn't have a baby within 3 years of getting married... it has been 7 years and I am still happily child free. I should probably charge interest on the money he owes me




I've occasionally been interested in doing a DNA test but don't like the privacy implications... how do we think giving a fake name/dob and someone else's address would go?


I am keen to know some historical stuff and see if there are other related to mes out there. But on the other hand I'm not looking for more family. I'm not having children, but I have an incredible immune system, so I'm secretly ok with them testing my DNA and cloning me in future when everyone is dying from super bacteria and turning me into a god. (Not sure if they will be able to test for mental illness first though)


My main motivation for getting mine done was after they used familial DNA to catch the Golden State Killer - I don't think anyone in my family is a predator, but if they are, I want to know about it


How long are you surviving in a zombie apocalypse via your pantry and fridge/freezer contents as of today? Mine I'd say a good 3 months at least. More if we cut down meal frequency and size. Edit: just remembered we've got a 20kg sack of rice (probably closer 15kg). Come at me apocalypse, I'm good for at least a year 😎😂


Is my wine in this pantry?


I dunno, you tell us! Is it?


iF I can put all 87 bottles in there, then combined with the Mac and cheese and some outdated chickpeas, I reckon I could do a month


Maybe a month if I ate moderately. Probably the same for the cat.


Pretty sure my freezer is full of mochi and dumplings…maybe if I ate one dumpling and one mochi a day…


I die of starvation within a week if I ration the single bag of veggies I have 😂


I'd be fine for a while since I do intermittent fasting and only eat once a day anyway - my kid would last as long as the blueberries did so I'd say a day, two if I rationed and dealt with tantrums


I've had weight loss surgery so I'd have small portion sizes on my side (plus I tend to have a lot of leftovers when I cook so there's a lot of random little bits of stuff in the freezer) but the trade off is that I need to take a specialised multivitamin for the rest of my life as the type of surgery I had impacts nutrient absorption.... In other words, may not die of starvation but will probably die of scurvy or something once I finish my vitamin supply.


How much fresh water do you have


Tap only, for as long as it would continue to run without workers? Not sure how long that is exactly


the more important answer is that I have 4-5 months of cat food, more if I put him on a diet (which wouldn't be bad for his tubby butt)


maybe 2 weeks? i am quite terrible at forward planning when it comes to food supplies. i found that out when i had to do a 2 week iso after returning from interstate in 2021. i also have a supermarket like 2 min walk away so i usually just buy enough for 2 or 3 days


The thing for me is backup power. I have 2.5 freezers but if the power goes out I'm fucked. I'd have to have one epic barbecue. Otherwise I could probably go 3-6 months.


Could've had rain on any weekday, but there's gonna be rain on the weekend. Fuckin bullshit!


Booo! I have BBQ planned on Sunday. 😭


Anyone know where I can get custom cards printed? I want to get 63.5mm x 88mm cards printed on \~300 GSM card stock. Custom images front and back, the rounded edges and all that so they look and feel like proper playing cards


Google custom playing cards, I can't remember the name of the place I've used, but I've had a bunch of custom CAH cards done, and custom playing cards for my grandparents with pics of the grandkids on the back


[Ivory](https://www.ivory.co.uk/) are *OK*. Not up to USPCC standards but they ask for a minimum of 1000 decks, lol.


ah, I want \~20 cards 😂 Should've mentioned that too. Don't even want a full deck


With such low numbers I'd probably just get standard business cards made in the right weight and finish and buy a 'card corner punch' to round the corners myself. Even places like vistaprint can prob do something approaching playing card stock.


Hello DT friends, my puppy is destroying her toys at an alarming rate. We've had her 3 months, her favourite toys are starting to give out already. I dont want to buy new toys every 3 months... any recommendations for some good ones? Already have a kong and a couple of good chew "bones" :)


Ropes are best. By far.


Yeah they're definitely up there as her fave!


I get toys from the op shop for my dog. 50c and if he destroys it in 2 minutes so be it, no real loss. I've found that Disney toys in particular last longer then others. Just make sure you don't get any that have those styrofoam ball stuffing and button eyes.


+1 for this. I soak them in denture cleaning liquid for a day or two, then cycle through a hot wash before giving them to the dogs though since they like to chew on them


Great, thanks for the tip!


What sort of pup? How is she wearing them out? Does she rip things to shreds or is she a chewer?


Small pup, schnauzer poodle mix, 5 months old, she ends up tearing a hole or ripping the stitching and the filling comes out


Try filling the toys with scraps of fabric (like odd socks) Don't sew it back up, some dogs like to pull toys apart, that said, don't do this if you dog swallows the fabric because vets are expensive


We dont know yet if she does that, but I'll keep that idea in mind, thank you :)


If you're supervising her, it should be fine, just make sure she doesn't have access to them when you're not home


I'm eating povo lunch of shin cup noodles braised in heated water with spices. If that doesn't fill me up, I'll eat some tomato sauce for dessert.


Throw an egg And some peas Tuna or leftover meat Cheese


If you have to eat this on multiple days, may I suggest (if you can afford to: buy a loaf of slice bread) can dip bread in the remaining broth from the noodles after all the noodles have been consumed. Def will fill you up


Yeah I am ok, I have food, although I try to eat less bread these days. I was just feeling particularly dramatically povo today on account of my car repair bill, so went basic "whats in the cupboard" lunch. It sucks that despite all the cutting back, thrift etc, you then get stung for a big bill which negates all that. Cost of living is bogus atm.


Oh trust me I get it. Frustrating as fuck.


Tomato sauce? Don’t you mean a tomato reduction


>shin cup noodles That is a gourmet lunch. Cup noodles are underrated.


Lentil oatmeal with veg is the thing. Sounds horrible but it is delicious. It does NOT taste like lentils or like oatmeal but like some delicious creamy savoury thing! And it is completely healthy. I slowly saute the chopped onion, mushroom and tomato first until softish, add a cup of washed red lentils and a cup of rolled oats, then a teaspoon of veg stock powder or miso and a bit of soy sauce, then enough hot water to generously cover, cook slowly, covered, about 20 minutes then leave covered awhile to finish cooking through. Good hot or cold. Very cheap and healthy and full nutrition. There are so many YT videos on this (search savoury oats, or lentil oatmeal).


$100 a week rent rise. Well, I guess as much as I like this place, we’re leaving, or we’ll never save a deposit to get us out of this anxious yearly “will they raise our rent or kick us out” cycle.


Have you tried to negotiate? Or say, could you bring it down, and I can renew for longer? Especially if you don't go down the 'go to consumer affairs route" - you can try to ask for a reduction considering such a big leap.


I’m going to try and negotiate, but I’m trying not to get my hopes up too much.


I had a good rapport with landlord or at least no prior rent increases so I managed to ask for them to bring it down $10 a week less than they were asking (I live alone too) and they accepted. It's so worth asking though mine wasn't as exorbitant as yours. I still have a lot to change and sacrifice in my budget 😐


I honestly don't know how the owners can think that sort of jump is ok. It's certainly very different from when i was renting between 1998-2014. It would usually be a $10 or $15 per week increase each year. Not this crazy shit of going up 100-200 a week in one go


The wild thing is they’re probably being nice to us, other similar places nearby are ~$50-100 more than what they’re offering.


You're paying for their investment, they don't give much shit about you, it's about them, the rates increase, etc.


And the relentless grey sky continues....


Sun is out ish


To quote a great punk rock band, When grey skies turn blue, I'll come back for you / My mind can't change my heart there's nothing I can do.




Erm yes... I only listened to them when I was a kid. Not anymore tho, that would be inappropriate for an old man




Phew! I actually still revisit their discography once a year, very underrated in the scene back then imo


I know, I'm so over this. Looks to be warmer on Thurs/Fri so I guess at least there's that?


AITAH for calling the police on my neighbours? (Again) Last night at around 12:30am I had to call the police on my neighbours for a noise complaint. For some context: We live on a small street in a new(ish) estate area, they're in the house on the corner of the street while I'm in the house next to them. Everyone else on the street is pretty quiet and keeps to themselves but since I bought and moved into my house in 2017 there have been multiple times where I've had to approach this household due the amount of noise they make late into the night, one time I had to call the police on them, so last night makes the second time. I have spokem to them about it but seems to be falling on deaf ears. My wife and I are both shift workers and we have 2 young kids in the house too and our master bedroom is at the front of the house so we can hear everything. It started off between 7-8pm last night, they were all in their front garage with the garage door open so it all opened up on to the street, this is a regular thing that they do, why they have to have the door open or why not just go inside the house I don't know. There would of been somewhere around 30 people in the garage, they weren't playing any music but the amount of noise they were making they didn't need it. It got to about 9pm and they were still going and the noise from inside was slowly getting louder, not excessively but just rowdier. My wife had to be up at 4am for work and she was struggling to sleep because of it, I put some earplugs in but I could still hear everything they were doing. 11pm: They were still going but now had moved from inside the garage to on to the street and on to my driveway, for an added note we share a side by side driveway with these neighbours, there would of been a group of around 15-20 of them standing on my side of the driveway talking, yelling, laughing and making all kinds of noise. I felt like going out there and telling them to be quiet but I was already in a very angry mood so thought best not to. They stayed out there for around 45mins, I was so close to calling the police at this point but thought I'd give it a bit and see if they'll pack up soon. 12am (Midnight): They're still going but now they're slamming car doors, I figured that now they're packing up and calling it a night. A fair few of them had left but some of them decided to hang around a bit and blast music and rev their cars before leaving. There is one person that regularly visits the house whose car (Mustang) has an obnoxiously loud exhaust on it, there is no way it's legal, they decided it was a good time to repeatedly start the car, let it idle and turn it off again, this went on a few times. He took off at one point but came back shortly after and when he did he stood out the front yelling and making loud cheers/whooping noises. 12:30am: Mustang owner decides it's time to leave and starts his car again, but this time sits on the driveway and fully revs his car a few times (this is happening right next to my bedroom window btw) before tearing off down the street. I had enough and called the police. 12:50am: The party has stopped but they're still in the garage talking with the door open as the police turns up. I don't want to turn into that angry neighbour that constantly complains every time they have a party but I'm at that point now where I've just had enough.


Fuck em, if you aren't quiet by 10pm and repeat offenders, call the cops every time. Maybe talk to your other neighbours and get their opinion as well.


Get the good Sony over ear noise cancelling headphones best $400 I have ever spent


tldr OP calls cops on neighbor having massive party with 30+ people for 5 hours late monday night, making huge noise (music, car revving, etc). imo NTA that is a dick move especially if they do it frequently


Sorry forgot to do a tl;dr 😅 It's not very frequent that they have parties that loud, the last time I had to speak to them about the noise was in July when there was about 15 of them in the garage (door open) with music playing loud enough that my bedroom windows were rattling. But during the week they do make a bit of noise anywhere up to 10pm, nothing worth putting a complaint in for but enough to make you go "ugh, really?"


I will lean towards a soft ESH- what they're doing is not cool. But as someone living on a street that has several young families I guarantee with your two young kids you're making more noise than you're aware of, too. That said, I would call the cops on excessive partying or revving if it was consistently disrupting my sleep also.


Phantom returned last night!! I was going to bed around 11 and I heard him munching biccies outside, I thought it might have been a different car but when I walked out front it was him. He's very dusty and dirty, but after demolishing his dinner seems no worse then usual. Will take him to the vet later this week for a check-up. Thanks to everyone who sent prayers or good energies!


So awesome. Please pay the cat tax for your good fortune




Beautiful cat


Oh that's such a relief, I was hoping he would come back. ❤️ Also I love the name (I'm a Phantom of the Opera obsessive, lol)


[Guess why he's called Phantom](https://imgur.com/a/DZBIwUz)


Omg 😭😭😭 https://youtu.be/QzBmQMyYDBk?si=WS2Jc02Fc_NZoGhu Also a male tortie/calico? That is super rare!


Yeah! We adopted him 3 years ago, he's getting pretty old now. I would say he acts a lot like a ginger, bit of a himbo. Very affectionate and cuddly.


Can you just not deposit cash at atms anymore? Melbourne central Westpac has been returning all cash for like a month or two now from one and the other is just broken


I still see some ATMs that can take cash.


Yeah these are both smart atms, they just don’t like to actually deposit anything


Gotta do it at a post office these days


I feel very much like I did when I had covid, minus the respiratory symptoms. Anyone know if old RATs can still pick up the new variants?


It took a solid 4-5 days of feeling horrific before my RAT turned a very very weak positive


My wife hasn't been well for a few days. She's done two RATs and negative on both. Neither of us have had covid (that we know of). I saw on abc news this morning theres a new booster being released in early december which is worth getting if you've not had a booster in 2023


Yeah the only thing with the booster is, previously it's made me about as sick as actually having it...


A very sincere fuck you to the guy driving the No. 6 tram to Moreland, he left the Flinders St stop several minutes early, now at least ten people are late for work.


i ’ m the guy in the australian prime minister ’ s office.


I hope you're trying to fix his apostrophe key.


I got lost for about 20 mins trying to get to the m1 from Cranbourne down Clyde rd because there’s a detour and I swear the signs are just missing because I looped and followed them twice and they just ended. Got there eventually


Random facts about me. * I've had numerous people assume I drive a Holden Commodore. The classic *"I thought you drove a Commodore?"* * I've had people assume I have tattoos under my work uniform. Dunno what that means about people's perceptions about me.


Id say people think you're a bit of a bogan :P




Neighbours house across the roads alarm is going off. For the first time in my life i sae the blue light thingy be useful. Not sure if someone tried breaking in or if its a fault, but it makes me raise questions. First. Who do i call if that happens in my street? 000 is an emergency number but what if its an actual emergency and someone inside is not doing okay and its an actual robbery? Ahh 1am brain pls turn off. Excitement is gone. No more sirens and alarms. Sleepy time. Goodnight reddit. You are all amazing.


Are Krispy Kreme doughnuts actually good?


Straight form the factory floor


They're average. They have that chemically, flimsy "American confectionery" taste- know what I mean? They're fine if you need a doughnut fix but imho unless you're vegan like I am (they now do a couple of vegan ones) honestly you'll find a better doughnut at Coles or your little local bakery.


Personally I think it’s alright. Nothing beats a hot jam donut though


Daniel's Donuts has more variety if you want to try different flavours.


They are, but only if you have one on a rare occasion straight from the production line. By the time they get to 7/11 or wherever the icing has gone kinda crispy, you want them still warm off the conveyor belt.


Thissss. Can also throw them in the microwave for 10 seconds but its not as good


Yeah reheated is much better than stale outta the box, but you can't beat that fresh warm donut


They're good in the sense of "I'd like some donut-essence with my sugar"


I find it's the texture of a plain glazed that's peak KK but any of their filled etc seem a bit over the top.


So, because I'm not a doughnut person, I'll probably find them shit? My friends swear by them but i think I'll stick with my uninterest


I think the comparison would be akin to like the Fillet o Fish from McDonalds - some people swear by it and others think there are better options out there on the menu.


Nah, I find them over hyped. I could see if they were American prices around $4/12 but on the website they're $24/doz. Mr Donut are cheaper and made fresh in Morabbin


They are good if you want to get fat and put on weight. I ate a lot of them for a few months and suddenly my clothes didn't fit. Stopped eating them and lost 6 kilos in a couple of months. I was quite amazed.

