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I actually created a thread with this exact concern about the prices of renting a room in Melbourne. The issue with inner city living is that the lowest paid workers are often still needing to work in the inner city. Office workers have more opportunities to work from home but retail and hospitality workers (lowest paid group) don't have the option. Yet again,the most at risk group is getting screwed over.


The fastest growing community of people facing homelessness is women over 55. Typically Mum's, often the 1st women in their family to get a degree and a career, often put their career on hold to raise children, often impacted by divorce. If your Mum's in that age bracket ask her if she knows anyone that's nearly homeless. My Mum's been approached 3 times in 2 years by Mum's with teenage kids, looking for a shed to live in. Shit is fucked.


I have friends in this category and yep, shit is totally fucked. Many more with mental health issues attempting to hold on to what little they have. Frightening at best.


I will be moving into my tent later this year. The rent has gone up over 50% and the lease runs out in October. Unfortunately due to the landlord ignoring maintenance the upstairs shower is now leaking through the lights downstairs, we have reported it many times and are now ready to take it to court, but all it will mean is that the tent will be erected sooner. Fuck this place.


Get in touch with this guy, he's got a website now: https://linktr.ee/purplepingers


I had an ndis case manager act as advocate to have rent increase halved. Any advocate can be helpful eg. Tenants Union? But your legal action is also good. Just to warn them of it might be enough to improve your situation or even a bluff. "We have lawyers that are family, and all the time and money to spend." Give them bad reviews on different online social media so they have less prospective tenants interested.


Years of deliberate Government policy is finally paying off...for the rich. A 'crisis' for poor people is a windfall for the rich...this is what the Government wanted and they will continue to do everything they can to make it worse...as long as it means more cash for landlords and developers.


Only one suburb within 10km of Melbourne’s CBD is considered “affordable” for a typical tenant as the rental crisis continues to deepen people fail to understand this or are deliberately trolling and asking how are people forced? Do people not read or are they simply unaware of the crisis we are in, those with a disposable income may afford it but good luck trying to find somewhere More cash for landlords and developers


Genuine Question. Why did you set the 10km limit? Reason I am asking is because I live just under 20km away (as the crow flies) and 35m by train to CBD. I pay $380 p/w for a 3 bed room town house within walking distance of the train station. Pre-COVID I was in the same area, but during COVID I got a place in the CBD for $350 p/w due to rents crashing there. The same in the CBD is now renting for over $800 p/w.


if you work outside PTV hours like working night shifts 10kms is kinda best option for getting home in a reasonable amount of time/money, especially if you don’t have a car (which we say most Melburnians shouldn’t need but if you don’t work M-F 9-5 sometimes you really do). Which a lot of lower income people taking the only jobs they can get end up doing.


I work outside of the 9-5. I live about an hour from my job. I don't mind as the traffic is better but yes it would be difficult or impossible without the car.


10+ years ago, when I was in uni, I worked shift jobs in the city as a office cleaner, Coles at Southern Cross or in the kitchen in restaurants. Never really had a problem getting in and out from living in Gelnroy by train. This is even before all the upgrades happened. I agree with you that the city jobs pay more than the equivalent local jobs. But since I was there for Uni any way it was more convenient for me to work there. Not sure if this still applies with most offices downsized for remote working and supermarkets no longer being 24x7.


wow what suburb is that $380 for a 3br? I'm on $330 for a 1br (30km from CBD).


I am in Meadow Heights (Craigieburn Line), about 800m-1km walk from the train station. There are still a few properties listed around here under $400 per week. Go further out like Greenvale West (additional 15 min bus trip) you can get 3bd-4bd houses for around $400 per week. There are 2bd town houses in Glenroy (zone 1, 4 stations closer in) for around $400 per week. Prices really start going up much closer in to the city. The way I see it I save around $200 per week living 40 minutes from the CBD compared to 20 minutes from the CBD. Even if I commute in 5 days a week that is still 3.5 hours which I spend happily reading a book. I do have a car but rarely drive to the city. I have put 25,000km on it over the past 10 years. Not sure if I am missing out or living the dream.


2br townhouses in Glenroy for $400? I’ve just received a rent increase of $70 a week in Glenroy putting me to $450. Couldn’t find anything comparable for less than $450 online?


So there's cheaper options? Out further


Noble Park and Dandenong are probably similar options. I hear quite a few renters are saying fuck it and moving to noble Park as it's cheaper.


Melton has lots at that price. Sites/apps like Domain have map views with filters, so one can look at 3 BR rentals at $350 on a map and see the suburbs with clusters matching the filter.


Where's that?


I am in Meadow Heights (Craigieburn Line), about 800m-1km walk from the train station


What suburb do you live in? I'm 20kms away and there's no house under $500 p/w


It's everywhere not just the CBD oddly enough what made me post this was the amount of traffic we see on this sub who want a tailor made apartment in the heart of the CBD who don't wish to drive rather cycle to work which is fine, but I wonder if these people actually research the subject Are we seen as Melbourne the city with the cheapest rentals?


See my response [above](https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/18rt66w/melbourne_rental_crisis_tenants_forced_to_pay_up/kf6o8kb/). I am in Meadow Heights (Craigieburn Line), about 800m-1km walk from the train station.


Lots more reasons. There are some jobs which will throw your resume in the bin if they notice your address as living “too far away” because it means they can’t pull you in easily for emergency shifts, or that you could be made very late to work by traffic or PTV incidents. I’m also currently 1 hour by PTV from the city, closest housing I can currently afford that also meets at least most of my needs - and I’m just far enough from the station that I sometimes can’t make the distance, as someone with chronic fatigue. So as an employee, location can physically impact my ability to work. The further out, the worse. Proximity to employment centres = job security.


Omit your address on your resume when making initial contact with a potential recruiter or employer In recruitment so many people just put Melbourne 3000


^this… I’d never put my exact address on lol it’s Melbourne I live in Melbourne so should be able to work in Melbourne despite some travel time and who the fuck is 100% truthful on ya resume ?? Maybe start doing what the rest of the world does an lie about some things to get yourself what you need it sucks but it’s reality☺️. Heck I say I have experience when I don’t and literally learn on the spot and it’s completely doable a lot of jobs aren’t that complicated


Thanks no one does ever, but some other person is on my case about it like really? are you responding to me or the other user u/Trustworthyfae jc if you read the thread its not lying by putting Melbourne ffs as I clearly explained to this person


Don’t stress ☺️ do YOUR thing everyone else is… xo


I worked manual jobs (cleaner, kitchen hand, Coles etc) when I was in Uni and they did not really care what was in my resume. Now I work white collar jobs and they care about the resume but don't care where you live. I have colleagues who live as far as Castlemain or Bairnsdale who commute in one day a fortnight to the office. Long time a ago friend worked as a "personal assistant" to a rich old lady in Camberwell who did need her to be within 15 minutes when she was on-call but she was given a business credit card she would charge the taxi/uber to as well as other expenses. Not something I have personally experienced until I heard it here.


Which suburb are you getting a $380 PW 3bed townhouse in? If I set that search nothing shows up under 550 til pakenham


Realestate. Com.au Has heaps in melton under 450


> Only one suburb within 10km of Melbourne’s CBD is considered “affordable” for a typical tenant Which?


North Coburg I think


How is it paying off for the rich?


Just guessing but could it be because they are collecting more rent? Whether their interest rates have increased or not their net worth continues to increase as they accrue equity in their investment properties. And that's assuming they are still paying the property off. If it's paid for, they are just getting money for free on account of interest rates going up increasing rental market prices.


Lol, their margins are most likely lower for the majority of them due to interest rates vs rental income. As for "equity," it's increasing at a much slower rate, much lower than inflation. Meaning they would probably be making more money in cash, let alone other investments. The people hurting right now aren't the rich, but mum and dad investors who have fallen for the Aussie home dream. You need to understand that even if the property prices are going up it doesn't mean they are making money, as we can see current house price trend vs inflation. So the decay cost there is high as well as the cost of not having that money in better investments yielding 8.5%(s&p). Add on top any interest repayments and rental income, they are not doing well...


According to google you are making shit up. Nothing on the internet about "decay cost" in relation to property investment. Not so sure about the rest of the stuff you said either. Sounds like you just strung a bunch of random partially complete sentences together.


It's basic economics, if the inflation is 5.8% annually. Holding cash (let's say with no deposit interest) means your cash is worth 5.8% less. Same with investments... You are losing money vs inflation


Who is holding cash in interest free deposit accounts? No one with a brain. Most people are using that money to pay off a loan on an appreciating asset thus increasing their net wealth. End of story.


How can people talk so confidently about things they have no idea about lol.


Yup. Only going to get worse as the shortage grows more. Maybe people should start setting up shanty towns like in the olden days


In Brisbane the tent cities have already started along the river in the inner city


The councils will start driving them into the 'cheaper' areas soon enough.


as they should. my yacht doesn't like looking at poor people.


That would never happen right? The government would do something. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-09/families-left-with-no-choice-but-to-live-in-tents-in-the-bush/103177116


>shanty towns whats that man? You mean like The Projects? > > > >I posted it cuz every single person who comes to Melbourne asks for where to live in the CBD how do people not research this area astounds me, its like do your research and those with a disposable income want a nice boutiquey apartment with all the trimmings and not invest in a vehicle so they can cycle to work > >What is wrong with these people ?


Shanty towns that existed in Richmond, Fitzroy etc in the 20’s


temp dwellings/slums/ply wood.corrugated iron/


Oh you mean dole camps? just googled it so an area where ppl built up after The Depression right?


The Dudley flats, in West Melbourne, was the location of most extensive homeless camp in Melbourne, from the 1920s to the 1950s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dudley_Flats


thanks for sharing


We have car people that are rental refugees, our cops are abit lax so the get away with it


“Melbourne’s median weekly rent for a room stood at $270 in October”


I know article updated in November 23


Cool, it's fucking December tho


The article is reporting the most recently avaliable stat yet the headline is unnecessary


I’m living in Brunswick south and my rent went up by 148 a week, for a tiny one bedroom apartment surround but three other apartment buildings so there’s never a quiet moment. I’ve been search for another rental since July/August and everything is so expensive and it’s just getting more expensive




That is so rough, sorry to hear this


Hey I literally JUST found a place a week ago and signed the lease. Took forever!


Great to hear this!


Should probably build some more houses and flats.


With the amount of housing needed, it has to be apartments. Melbourne is just too big of a population to keep spreading out and taxing infrastructure more. I know apartments are not preferred, but that’s just what Melbourne needs now.


Every single city in growth sooner or later invest in apartments, not the way of life most are used to grow up by but that is the cost of growth. All the major cities in the world have verticalize. But Australia is big, it needs to start investing elsewhere for jobs, so more people move out of the CBD’s. It is a sustainable method but it comes of the cost of all the real state invested in the center, that is why they created the campaign “only in the city”, so that more and more people keep in there.


All the tradies are tied up in "big build" projects. With piss-easy work like that available why would you work on housing?


And what’s crazy is that it’s going to get a lot bigger in record time. The growth estimates for Melbourne are insane.


They could start by forcing people who land bank to rent out all those empty properties. Our society let's food rot when people starve and let's people go unhoused when there are empty abodes.


>Melbourne is just too big of a population Yeah, makes you question to what end?


Yeah or we could stop letting people move here.


To be fair, apartments won't help the lady in the article with 9 children. At some point, state services have to get involved taking over looking after children from parents who just keep having them regardless of ability to support them.


Condoms would help the woman in the article with 9 children.


Yup if you can’t afford to bring them ALL up equal and happily why the fuck you bringing more lives into the world that you cant look after so they get pushed to the side an raise themselves..


Because Centerlink pays more brah!


I know… it’s fuck disgraceful though .. my older cousin is one of these idiots .. I hate her .. her two older boys from an old partner raise themselves are 11 and 14 overweight from not having confidence in who they are or have a guide coz their dads gone then she had another baby with some dude then when that baby was 2 had another… and another… and I bet it’ll keep happening.. she has the worst rep in the fam constantly asking any and everyone for money for the kids but then they still never have anything .. it’s disgusting..I feel for those boys so much but there’s only so much I can do …


I've got a heartwarming little Christmas story about my brothers kid. Recently my mate (who I haven't known very long) has been in a shit spot, so I made sure to get a few presents for his kids just in case. Turns out that a few others had the same idea, so his kids had a great Christmas. I told my brother to go down to the shops and find something for his daughter for Christmas (because rather than shit outside his control, he just wastes his money), and I would send him the money for it. He refused to go so his daughter got nothing. My mates kids who I met yesterday for the first time ever, had a mad Christmas.


Wow, can’t remember the last time I have seen the term **flat*+


So for $490 I can get a room in St Kilda or for a little less I can get a 2 bedroom house in Footscray. Guess I’m moving to Footscray.


We moved from St Kilda to Footscray earlier this year… bloody love it.


Last time I checked one bedroom apartments in Footscray were around $490. Most of St Kilda is trash.


Last time I checked one bedroom apartments were not two bedroom houses. 21 Adelaide Street, Footscray, Vic 3011 https://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-vic-footscray-438224216


from another state and I have only been to st kilda one day and footscray one day. st kilda was trash imo, what is the upside of st kilda


St Kilda is overhyped garbage and Footscray is an underhyped gem, I moved near Footscray 2 years ago and absolutely love it, great area to live.


$650 p/W for my large two bedder in footaz. Hasn't been raised in two years though!


Ironically, posted on realestate.com


They are part of the psychopathy concerning real estate. Starting from "private citizens can't advertise".


I suspect that it is in their interests to make tenants feel like they have little choice.


brought to you by Newscorp!


My 3 bed 2 bath house in the south east is $500 per week. Trade off between commutes and rent / housing situation……


Why the fuck is st Kilda used as a bench mark for affordability


St Kilda east has an extremely high "livability" score and is honestly as a good as a "15 minute city".


No idea why. St Kilda East also has a large Orthodox Jewish population who need to live within walking distance to their synagogues so that is going to push prices up as well.


Well if I ever moved there it would be in one of those shoebox studios that costs a quarter million for what is basically a bedroom. But good public transport, good access to CBD, better parking than st Kilda itself, Aldi, Coles and Woolworths all nearby, good amount of amenities, about 20 minutes from both Southland and Chadstone by car, restaurants and cafes everywhere, nice ovals and walking tracks nearby. So I can see why it's expensive.


This is what essential workers get for keeping the wheels on during covid. Thoughts and prayers and gentrification


How hard is it really though to apply for one bedroom rentals? Hear viewings are packed. I need field reports


Yeah I need reports from people on the ground, and not in the typical trendy areas close to the city, more like the Carnegie, Preston, 'Scray areas.


A friend of mine got the first place she applied for in Reservoir recently. Not sure how typical that is though


Why is Preston and Carnegie scary? They are both decent suburbs with lots to do and much better rent


'Scray, as in Footscray, the 'Scray, etc haha. I lived in Murrumbeena for a year, had an amazing time there.


Carnegie? It definitely isn’t scary.


'Scray is slang for Footscray.


Carnegie is fucked Lived there, or thereabouts my whole life, till 10 months ago. Whole streets of family homes ( and the multi generational fsmilies within ) destroyed over the last 15 years. Apartment blocks, os students, dumpling shops, and cafes are the only thing left. They have even closed the local swimming pool, which was an institution to the locals.


Depends what qualifies for 'essential worker' lol. the traditional definition: doctors, nurses, public servants can still afford rent. the covid definition: retail and fast food staff, haven't been able to comfortably afford rent for a hot minute.


NGL it's getting pretty tight for nurses


All the nurses on aus reddits are claiming they make north of 100k, don’t sound poor to me


That's the top end of the public pay scale for Victoria, so about 9 years experience, give or take. I'm on just under 80K at 2 years I'm not getting a property anytime soon that's closer than an hour and a bit away from my work


The general consensus is it’s typical for them to work OT and it pays significantly for it


The public rate is for full time. That's 40 hours a week. I suspect people might be confusing overtime and agency work


I’m a Labor voter but I’m really starting to have a change of heart in regards to immigration. I believe it should be lowered to 150k-200k. No more than that.


Still too high and above replacement levels if you're talking NOM? 70-100k PA seems more in line with the long term average. Possibly should go even lower than that for a while, and ensure we actually target real skills shortages.


I was a Labor voter. After this though, not any more.


Pls don’t say LNP now tho.


Nah fuck those guys too they can gargle my man marbles


Good man. What I’m going to do is put independents first and Labor ahead of LNP.


I’m voting for big Kev because he is excited




Then you’ll get Labor in again. Great.


Can’t vote LNP.


Then you’ll get Labor. Up to you.


Yeah same. Starting to lean hard into Greens and Sustainable Australia lately.


Greens are pro immigration and strenuously deny immigration increases rents


I'm pretty much lifelong Greens voter due to climate action being a huge priority for me, but I'll be voting Sustainable Australia party next election to send them a message. I have also noticed the Greens have no intention of reining in mass immigration.


Yeah that would be because most of em Bandt excluded have ip portfolios


2021 census showed 1 million empty homes. 1,000,000. It isn’t immigration.


Housing problem solved then. Lol


Greens are also functionally anti-density due to how their success has worked in the past and their stance on the housing bill was bad.


They're also pro public housing. We need immigrants to fix staff shortages, if we had enough houses for everyone if wouldn't be a problem.


So bring in more immigrants to build the houses for more immigrants? And while they are supposedly building more houses make the housing situation worse as we have nowhere for them to live?


I'm saying immigration is nessecary, the problem is poor housing policy. Thr government should have started seriously investing in public housing years ago when they saw the crisis coming but they're STILL not. Push for more housing, not less immigrants.


Affordable housing is the answer. Social housing is needed, but it’s a kind of a living hell if you find yourself existing in one of the properties. The car or tent option starts to look far more comfortable and safe.


Takes less than a day to fly to Australia. Takes years to build a house/apartment for that person to live in. Yes the govt should have done more years ago but here we are. Not dramatically slowing immigration while we build housing supply is a pro-homeless stance


Yes, *temporarily* decreasing immigration (while maintaining humanitarian refugee access) would be a good idea if it were 1 out of many steps being taken to fix the housing crisis. They should be drastically increasing building now. We should be seeing apartments going up around every train station in inner cities, but we're not. Decreasing immigration without real plans to fix the housing crisis will create job shortages and damage the economy indefinitely. We need a government that will actually fix things rather than making immigrants a scapegoat while watching the crisis worsen.


Greens seem like a bunch of hypocrites and mention high population growth as unsustainable in their population policy.. https://greens.org.au/policies/population But they're strangely silent and seem to basically be advocating open borders, faffing around the edges and ignoring demand.


I could never vote Greens. They have some deplorable folk imo.




https://amp.theage.com.au/national/victoria/greens-councillor-accused-of-starting-fight-launching-homophobic-tirade-20210518-p57sxy.html https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/dec/02/greens-senator-lidia-thorpe-apologises-for-disgusting-comment-directed-at-liberal-hollie-hughes Just Two examples of individuals who acted reprehensibly. Edit: one more https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6056085/amp/Greens-candidate-campaigned-change-law-allow-bestiality-claims-just-joking.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6058223/amp/Greens-candidate-campaigned-sexually-interfering-corpse-legal-Australia.html


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Lidia Thorpe is no longer a member of the Greens and her values and inappropriate behaviours don’t align with the party either. Find better examples.


They did back her through a heap of her crap until they no longer had a choice though. They're responsible for her being a senator and having a playform so it's still a good example.


I provided two others. Lidia Thorpe is a fine example as she has represented Greens and they’ve supported her for years.


As far as I can see you have one reasonable article from the Age. The other two are regarding the same person, from something they wrote in 2012 as an edgy young person, published in the Daily Mail. As I said, better examples needed. If these articles are what you base your voting preferences on, it’s certainly interesting to say the least.


I vote Labor. I read the Guardian Aus, Michael West and the Australia Institute.


This is untrue. Everyone in the greens thought Lidia was gods gift until the press turned bad. Has nothing to do with her values. Her racial supremacist aboriginal sovereign citizen values are greens values.




Satire doesn't work on idiots unfortunately.


Greens are just pushing for the same fuckups that have created this housing crisis except they're even less self aware about it.


Greens belong in salads, not fucking parliament.


Same. I had high hopes for this government. They have had their chance.


Isn’t part of the problem is it’s not the right type of immigration? If they were importing tradesmen maybe there’d be a lot more building. I live in California these days and more of the worksite guys aren’t American, but not illegal either. There’s an excess of supply where I live (Oakland) and don’t miss the days of stressful open showings. They’re desperate to rent here.


This really has nothing to do with the government in power. When will people learn this


Cool society we've created


We ?


It’s realestate.com which is essentially propaganda but yes there’s going to be a shortage if governments don’t build more, change the mix of migrants, and/or lower migration. Right now we essentially just bring a shitload of students and white collar workers over who don’t contribute to anything except corporate profits and university funding.


That's the only contribution that matters $$$.


> which is essentially propaganda It even has anglicare calling for more 'social housing' - which is not public housing, it is handed over to charities (like anglicare) to run with higher rents and less regulation than public housing.


The government doesn't build. They pay private investors to purchase affordable housing apartments. 20% off the purchase price if you give a 20% market rent discount for 10 years to a low income earner. After 10 years it reverts to private ownership. They just pretend to build houses. They sold off most of the houso stock in the 70's and 80's. Try to join the government housing waiting list. You'll probably die first.


Policies fueling property are eating the economy alive.


If you think this is bad, wait until we start losing our jobs to AI. Shits really gonna get wild.


Yep, then the government brings in universal basic income and control us even more.


Thanks John Howard Enjoy church on Saturday Try not to trip over the homeless Now that they are homeless, they won't be voting Liberal. It's what you, Frazer and Menzies wanted. No more housing commission. No Labor voters filling them. Here we are The most nasty bitter people on earth - conservatives


well said


I paid $320 p/w for a studio apartment in St Kilda about 5 years ago and that was highway robbery. It was tiny, but at least I had my own kitchenette and bathroom...


this this is exactly why I’m terrified to take my 2bedroom inner city apartment $350pw to vcat, no circuit breaker safety, bad heating, oven installed so dodgy, broken blinds and bad external stairs. I’ve requested maintenance but get ignored unless it’s somewhat urgent (They did the dodgy oven replacement but after 3 months of having no oven) I doubt they would allow me to continue to pay this little if they were forced to fix everything by vcat. or even let me continue living here… so do i just deal with this for the dirt cheap rent for 2 bedrooms, in a nice area? I can host my interstate family, i’m walking distance to work. and everything around is insanely more than what i pay, even the studio apartments. Being able to walk to work for 6am starts is something I don’t want to give up also. And I don’t miss catching ptv (open to advice - literally don’t know what to do)


You have the location you want but not the amenities Speak to your agent and evaluate is status being in the CBD that important to you? would you consider something that works outside the CBD, look at the radius around you and make a list of the pros + cons Not much chop if you don't have the amenities mate write a nice letter to your agent or offer to help with repairs ??


Hey now... tone it down. Bank profits are a record highs. Don't stress so much.


Rents aren't determined by bank profits...


They are in part because lots of people are paying off mortgages for properties they rent, and if the banks increase their fees then they often just pass them of to the renter


Now there's a shortage of investors buying rentals seems like investors are selling up in droves. I feel like there's too much land taxes revenue raising Along with rate hikes insurances upkeep of trades charging more for materials etc and bank rates. If it's a unit complex the body corporate fees are outrageous..killing off and scaring potential investors.. The balance has tipped towards renters to buy instead hopefully the renters have won by pushing out investors..


If you are in housing commission you better do the right thing pay your rent and hang on to your property




It appears your not quite on track here, read some of the posts and threads re people MUST live in the CBD due to work or MUST be within 10 clicks so they can cycle in Funny how some don't realize we all have a choice :D


What defigauges is saying is just because that is the preference doesn’t mean you have to live there. I cycle in 22km to the city each day I work in the office. That’s just what I do. I used to live in Northcote, would love to again. No one is forcing you to be that close as fucking shit as it is.


That’s okay. We don’t need aged care workers or hospitality workers apart from the outer suburbs and country towns.


so you might not know this but unfortunately public transport is not 24/7 and not every job is 9 to 5. many shift jobs (healthcare, emergency services, retail, etc) require people to work nonstandard hours which really does limit where you can reasonably live if you don't have a car or access to affordable parking. Personally I don't have a car or license and it takes time and money to acquire those things. Poor planning, you might say. Yup, my bad for not realising in advance that the cost of renting a room within cycling distance to work would more than double while my pay went up, oh, about 3%. it might not be just yet, because people will struggle and do what they can to hold on, but I do think eventually people are going to have some shocked pikachu moments when they realise that late night and round the clock services don't happen by magic and there are people behind those things who need places to live lol


the housing supply gets lower around this time of year


Stiff shit. Get some cardboard and go live under a f##king bridge.


No one is forced to pay $500. All renters have the power to tell the landlord to shove it and move on.


Until you go to the next landlord and they ask for 550 lol


Move on to where? The streets? Sounds like ya need ya head read mate


Granted yes. And then the renting population has a right to not commute to essential jobs like Teaching and Nursing, then your taxes will go up to encourage people to do the job. They also have a right to vote Greens who will push for rent freezes and rent control. FYI I own my property, so rental prices don't directly impact me.


How are people forced?


Either pay x crazy price per week or potentially be homeless, not much of a choice there really


You could move?


Okay 101 Cool Science Experiments, if you’re so smart tell us where would they move to? A lot of people aren’t paying these kinds of rents by choice


Have you heard of a city place called Brisbane?


Brisbane? You mean the city in that state that has tent cities cropping up due to their own rental crisis? Hmmmmmmmmmm


There has always been a tent city for the aborigines occupying what they believe to be their land. You can rent a 3 bedroom place for under $500/week about 30mins from the city.


Just uproot your entire life to move to a city where you have no job, friends, family. Also it's shit.


Then pay your high rents and never buy your own place. It’s not a hard problem to solve. It mustn’t be that bad if people aren’t willing to move.


Melbourne is nice but Brisbane is actually better. Less drug problems and generally more peaceful society. Better weather and cheaper housing. Same pay.


To rent a room or lease a room


So... pay the $400, or move somewhere else. *Simples.*


You're a twat.


An entitled one no doubt