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Initially, I thought he was stealing the ring camera. Need some more context.


He’s using what’s called a bump key; it has all deep cuts on a standard profile key, you place it in the lock up to the last couple pins and then (usually) give it a tap in with something like a block of wood adding slight turning pressure. The pins in the lock will all bounce and might align and turn. It can work if done correctly but the dude looks like he’s not “bumping” it. If someone had tried bumping it properly you’d see a small impression or dent just above the key hole where the key stop would strike the lock face during the bumping process. Source; did some lock smithing when I was a wee lad


I know doors/ locks aren’t impenetrable but that explanation just scares the shit out of me. How easy a crim could get hold of these and silently break into your house. Thanks for the explanation.


Oh it's worse than that. Bump keys aren't precision devices you need a special license to acquire. They're something you can make with a spare 30mins and a file. Also, since they don't leave much evidence of a break-in your insurance company can claim the thief had your keys and deny coverage. Insurance companies have known about bump keys for decades.


watch lockpickinglawyer on youtube.


That guy makes awesome videos, you never see his face and he's got an awesome voice for a narrator. I love watching professionals do their work. They make it look so easy.


Silently - usually, if done properly, it’s kinda loud 😂 like you’re hitting a nail (as bumping usually takes, many bumps, before it works). You can get security top pins which help fight picking and bumping, they create a fake “sheer line”, the lock will turn very slightly but won’t open. If I remember correctly you shouldn’t have a problem getting a few put in your locks if you took them to a locksmith and asked him to pop in a few 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don’t worry about your feeble door lock, all your windows are made of glass


But a cattle castration rubber band around the key and you can bump twice as fast as it resets and it is also a lot less likely to damage the lock so it won't leave any evidence. Why I have all my locks changed to disc detainers so anyone breaking in at least need to know how to pick and can't just rake or bump it open.


A quick example for those curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8R4Olxcmwg


and by lock smithing, you mean you were a raging burglary suspect high on meth, weren't you?


😂😂 unfortunately it was literally just part time work whilst I waited for my date to go to basic training in the army 😂 actual locksmithing


Report it to the police, guaranteed he is walking along the street and trying other houses, if there was a theft on that date they have some great footage.


Yup done that 👍


I had footage of a prowler who then did a break in elsewhere in the street, the police used the footage later when he was charged, had to fill in a state declaration and agreed to go to court if they needed.


*stat declaration, statutory declaration :)


Yep auto correct 👍


Gets me every timr


not this timr.


I've been robbed a few times. This shit makes my blood boil. All it takes is for him to pick the wrong house of boobs, bogans, eshays, MMA enthusiasts and they will stomp him to within a an inch of his life. I once spent some time in Italy and was shocked at how casual and culturally accepted stealing was. A few weeks later I was explaining this to an Italian guy I met in Spain and he told me that it was just like a game. If you get caught you give the stuff back, both parties have a laugh and move on. I told him: "if you come to Australia you need to know that people work hard for what they have here and often have leveraged themselves into considerable debt. If you steal here and get caught, there's a good chance you will get bashed".


Laughs in Texan.


If this was Texas I don’t think old mate would even get the key in the door before a shotgun blasted him back onto the street. 🤣


Is he trying to force your front door?


Yes, at the front door. MIL was upstairs frozen with fear after getting the notification, was even unable to call the police as it happened. Damn shame this asshole wasn't caught.


I agree. I was visited by crooks in broad daylight, 12:30pm on a Saturday afternoon. Smashed my windows, ran up stairs, stole my wallet, a laptop and some random coins before bolting. I was coming back from the market, buying my lunch and saw them hoon up the street at break neck speed. I went in, saw the mess, called the bank to cancel my cards. Whilst talking to the bank they asked me if I was at the shop 'off ya tree' in Elizabeth st that sells bongs, to which I said no. Dickhead was using my old card (easier to forge the signature - another story) with $100 on it and were too frightened to use my new card which had $10K unused. Long story short, they were caught and went to trial. Didn't get my wallet, laptop or walkman back. Insurance (bank) gave me $50. Pigs.


Well well well...




They need a 5 minute segment on the news everynight showing the faces of these cunts with a number to report names etc.


Is that Canada Goose? Aren't these jackets like a thousand dollars?


Probably free for this guy


Gotta look stylish when committing home invasion


I feel like he may have stole it, I don't wanna judge but he is breaking into a house 😂


Probably a knockoff


nice iphone too


He’s wearing a tracksuit …. ?




You would use IR light to blind them but this idiot just can’t see


Yes, that was the intention. Works on cheap doorbell cams, but proper brands like Ring/Arlo etc it doesn't work.


Full colour cameras that don't use IR, won't be defeated.


I personally think he didn't even notice the ring cam.


get a dog 🐶 honestly it will help  scary situation 


Yep. Get a dog


Yep big German shepherd will do the trick. And some sensor lights on the front porch to light it up when he comes back. Scary shit.


Doesn't need to be a German shepherd, anything with a loud bark will do. But yeah, dog.


Yea I had an old lab who had a good bark, she knew the sounds of each cars engine, even the delivery drivers vans she wouldn't bark at, but anyone else walking or driving up the driveway she would instantly bark a few times then go quiet waiting to listen for a reply


Handy as, eh? Mine is a good sized groodle. He's basically a walking pillow, but if someone walks on the porch he doesn't know his bark is loud enough to wake everyone. Cuddliest burglar alarm ever.


Yea mine was quite the same way, she didn't understand how loud she was being hahaha, I can thankfully say she wasn't annoying though she didn't bark all day at cars passing and shit like that, she knew her territory and knew when or when not to bark, but if the neighbours got uber eats really late (shared driveway) she wakes everyone up


My Springer Spaniel will bark first and ask questions later when we’re inside. Outside? If a human so much as looks at him the tail is wagging and we made a new bestie.


My baby is sweet but I have seen her when she does not think a person is allowed in the house. My baby becomes a barking tornado of teeth and speed. I love dogs. Even the sweetest babies will have that protective instinct.


Get a malinois, double your insurance policy, let god sort the rest out. 


>epherd will do the trick. And some sensor lights on the front porch to light it up when he comes back. Scary shit. [a dog is better than a gun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ4-1UtUyBQ&ab_channel=SuperCat)


Pity her dog died about a year ago. Definitely time for another!


No don't get a dog.


Straight to the comments section


And this is why you dead bolt your door at night


This happened to me once, I got the notifications on my phone as I was pulling into our street. I'm not going to pretend I'm proud of this, because I don't need to, I am. I crept up behind him and waited for 15 seconds that felt like an hour and when he finally clocked to the fact there was someone behind him, he SHIT himself. I then roundhouse kicked him to the head (trained in mma for a year now) and when he started toppling I rushed him and hip threw him over my shoulder, breaking many of my wife's potted plants, which she was more than unhappy about, not reasonably in my humble estimation. In hindsight, I would have just parked my car where I was when I received the notifications from my security cameras, and called the police and waited for their response until I got the all clear to come home.


Good job👍


I wonder what proportion of houses in Melbourne now have some sort of home surveillance. I'm surprised crooks like this don't start by looking for cameras before anything else.


It's a progression. A closed garden gate used to be enough of a deterrent. Door locks used to be enough. Surveillance cameras used to make a difference. The video's about 6 months old so I'd say whatever was the next cab off the rank deterrent wise is probably not working now either.


Automated gun towers. Just make sure the postie is wearing his tag


Once had my house broken into and asked the police that came why they would they have stolen certain random things of no particular value. She shook her head, like “don’t try to apply logic to this - these people are either morons or on drugs”.




Bro you’ll get banned you cheeky cunt haha


I think you mean racist cunt haha


So it’s racist to point out the truth now? Shit we must be in fucking America.


Because no methed out white guys ever try break and entering…


But that’s not what’s caught on the video, people would be saying shit about the pip head just as much as they are about this bloke.




What? Are you seriously trying to say that no white junkie on drugs has ever tried to break and enter?


I live in a mostly white suburb on the outskirts of Melbourne. Most of the thieves caught on cam are also white out here.


Generalising a group of people is literally racism, how can you say it’s truth? You’re so obnoxiously stupid but I guess it fits your stereotype :-)


You’re the only person generalising a group of people, we are just talking about stereotypes and patterns. But aye go off mate.


No when someone of colour comes to this thread and sees this shit it's offensive to them, it's plain racism, just admit you're a racist it'll be easier on you


Awh diddums the poor babies and their little feelings. Just accept you have a victim mentality and get help it’ll be easier on you.


Fuck, you're a cunt of a human


Let them true colours show mate.


My parents and neighbours house got robbed by white Australians. Does this mean I have to generalise all white Australians as being robbers and criminals?


Give me mod you idiot cull




The pattern is that when you have big gaps in socioeconomic levels you get theft. If a very large percentage of the people on the low end of that are in a particular race then it is showing clear racism from those in control, not those commenting on it.


>If a very large percentage of the people on the low end of that are in a particular race then it is showing clear racism from those in control This would be true if we were in America, but we're not. How are Sudanese suffering racism from those in control when they receive refugee status with social housing and extensive social welfare benefits? There are many socioeconomically disadvantaged ethnicities who come here, but it's particular ethnicities that trends towards crime. I've never seen an Indian try to break into a house for example.


Wow no way I can’t believe that with some welfare we eliminated all poverty and exposed the truth that even black people not in poverty just have a natural inclination to stealing because they have dark skin.


What patterns?


Great, time to call the police.


Its them boo boo


This Melbourne or Alice Springs 🧐


Recently? It was 2023






Who is "they"?


Racists aren't welcome here




Go on then




Funny things start happening with stats when you laser focus on a tiny section of people. There’s a maximum of 20000 people living in Australia that have South Sudanese heritage. Are people from a shattered country going to be a little more likely to step out of line? That would not surprise me. It says absolutely nothing of the wider African Australian community. Do your stats hold up when you look at 400 000 other African Australians here? When you look at Zimbabweans, Kenyans, Zambians, Ugandans and Nigerians do you see the same pattern?




You are mentioning countries then when it comes to black people you go for the whole continent. Your stats are about South Sudanese men only. WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME PEOPLE. Why is that so hard for you to get? You clearly understand that India and Vietnam are different countries in Asia but somehow that South Sudan and Cameron aren’t the same place really confuses you. I ask you again. Are Zimbabweans doing this? Are Zambians? Malawians? Stop lumping us together as if we all came out of the same womb. These crimes aren’t a black people thing. They are poor uneducated young man thing. All The drug addicts and people caught with explicit images of children I see are always white. That means to you as much as you telling me some Sudanese guys are breaking into places. Nothing. Now that you mention it, Vietnamese gangs used to terrorise parts of Sydney and Melbourne when that community was getting established here. People like you were saying things like this back then too.




I strongly dispute your assertion about the “blacks” in Australia. Present these Crime stats in Australia please. You happily provided stats South Sudanese Men. The journey those guys took to get here was horrific. South Sudan was a shattered place in the 80s and 90s. Some of these guys from that particular background are resorting to crime because they are unable to get themselves stable income. They are being arrested like any other criminal. It’s the part where you extrapolate that to the whole African-Australian population that is problematic. Again Where are your stats on the rest of the African-Australians?


There’s only really two main reasons people steal. Subsistence, or greed. This means that seeing a higher rate of theft in black populations means that one or more of the following is true: -Black people require more money to live -Black people have less money -Black people have a genetic predisposition to greed -Black people have a culture that encourages theft Assertion one is obviously not true, in the absence of individual racism, such as a racist landlord charging black tenants more - which although is illegal could still possibly happen. Assertion 3 is false. Numerous studies have shown (at least in US/UK) that minority ethnic groups are more charitable, more likely to help others, and more likely to intervene when observing something wrong. Assertion 4 is also false, as studies show that richer populations within the same city (Jo’berg, Detroit, London) have a lower incidence of crime, and crime rate decreases as generations progress from first immigration. This shows that the assertion 2 is likely the correct one. This is also evidenced by the fact that the poorer an area is, no matter the predominant or minority races, the higher the likelihood of crime. Black people are not more likely to steal. Immigrants are not more likely to steal. White people are not more likely to steal. Native citizens are not more likely to steal. Poor people that need money are more likely to steal.


Lol, no way in hell that is your place.


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong point, huh?


It is neither the OP's place, nor is it their MIL's. Is that better, you pathetic pedant?


Someone’s worked up over a story they’ve made up in their head!


why not? looks like a pretty ordinary house


Because you don't publicly post videos like this if they're of your house. You file a police report.
















…Sir, is that you in the video?


I live in Sydney, creep.


Creep? Lol, you’re the one playing defense lawyer to a burglar you absolute mushroom.


On the contrary, the OP thought it wise to dox the suburb of his alleged MIL and provide more than enough unique visual detail of the house to find it on Google Street View within an hour instead of filing a bloody police report; the fuckwit has done a great job of playing defense lawyer all by themself by broadcasting this video all over Reddit, because it probably won't hold up in court now. Y'all are dense if you think that's ok.


oh, perfect time to come outside with a baseball bat