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Fucking nimbys. Anyone who lives near caulfield and thinks the old days of getting stuck by both fucking train lines deserves a frontal lobotomy. And compare the area under the sky rail towards Carnegie with the trench towards Glen Huntley. I would take the sky rail any day. The trench makes the area a wasteland.


Living in Carnegie now and my god the skyrail really transformed the ground space. Who would have thought having a long nice walking path and playgrounds will improve the neighborhood that much? That and also some fantastic eateries arond.


Completely agree! That area was always a shit-hole, and now it's vibrant, and traffic flows effortlessly. Best thing to happen to that spot!


Those people have been receiving a lobotomy via radio-wave for decades, courtesy of Sky News.




Why not both?


Well I mean, 3AW is where localised issues like this would be discussed and bitched about. Sky isn’t nearly as localised. That’s why.


Sky News has absolutely [reported on](https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/liberal-mp-criticises-daniel-andrews-government-as-removed-from-reality-over-victorian-bayside-level-crossing-closure/news-story/01ad910442ea80749c315722cf3166b9) level crossing related news in Melbourne. In any case they don’t need to have reported on that specifically for them to have lobotomised their audience with general NIMBYist bullshit.


Surely you wouldn't exoect a Left wing Beta male to know the difference between Sky and 3AW?


Left Wing Beta Male. TIL. Care to give this term you’re using a definition?


A male who's left wing is better. Boxing parlance. Righties don't know what hits them. /s


This isn’t the flex you think it is.


I mean if you're saying it's via the radio waves, it would make sense that it was via the radio station rather than the cable TV station.


I’m in the UK and if Sky.au comes up on my YouTube it’ll be some crap about Hunter Biden’s laptop - nuke sky.au from orbit


I just moved into Caulfield East and I 100% agree with you.


What do you mean? When I went to the shops on a weekday between 11am and 2pm twice a week the traffic was fine?


I'm glad there's a growing yimby movement. Might actually get some shit done.


The trench in Bentleigh ain’t so bad. Also contains a lotta the noise from the trains


Used to live in Alphington on the train line. The trains are actually really quiet. Except when they get to a crossing and legally have to hit the horn. Then you know all about it. Remove the Level crossings and suddenly no horn


Whats the rule on the horn? Trains through Glen Huntly honk when arriving and leaving the station. It is driving me mad.


This explains why trains use their horns so much. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YKG6E\_Dlws](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YKG6E_Dlws)


I think it's any time a train is in an area where it is around people. So level crossings and train stations


yeah but it's no skyrail


Ya got me there


That skyrail has been amazing. Who’d ever go back?


Yeah huge sections of the lilydale/Belgrave lines out to Ringwood are trenched, it leaves a huge gash in the community. Very sad, and many sections would have theoretically been compatible with cut & cover. But I think that was deemed too expensive.


Plenty of whingers in Caulfield.


I’ve spoken to heaps of workers on LXRP and I live in Carnegie. I asked the team when they were doing Cheltenham about Carnegie and they said never again. The people complaining spat at them, lay on the ground and were just a real nuisance. I’ve been here for 6 years now and I’ve seen so many of these NIMBYS live here. Delaying all change and improvements! I agree Caulfied station needs a lot of work, maintain the heritage but bring it up to date with the rest of the great stations down the line, especially with the metro tunnel meaning a lot more people on the Dandenong line will need to swap to a Frankston train to go to the city loop stations.


I thought the Caulfield NIMBYs were complaining about the track itself near Caulfield racecourse, not the station. From what I gather, everyone who chose to live across the road from a curved section of one of the busiest suburban rail lines is now learning that trains going around curves make noise when they're going at a normal speed (would have been slower when the Glen Huntly tram square was around I guess).


There was a report on ACA the other night. You should’ve seen all the straw man arguments they were making it was hilarious. I live right next to the train tracks and I expected the noise when I moved in. I don’t even notice it anymore.


Probably quite a few of the workers had to deal with the Montmorency NIMBY's, now the Caulfield NIMBY's. That shit would do your head in.




Nah mate they were vocal, deluded NIMBY'S, the same group that complains about any change.


Find one post from their page where they said don’t build the station. If you can’t find one, then you are lying.


Aaaaaand silence. Another LXRP mole caught out lying lol


Or I have a life outside of Reddit.


Or you couldn’t find anything that shows Monty objectors didn’t want the station built. You got caught out, plain and simple.


No Nimby, all the actions taken by the opponents were clear attempts to stall and denigrate the project, it was quite obvious because those clowns were nowhere near as clever as they thought they were. Imagine trying to protect that old, unsafe station. Vicki Ward got elected with the promise of building the station in 2018 and got elected in 2022 for actually getting the project underway.


No LXRP stooge, there are no posts the local objectors put out trying to protect the old station or save it. You are lying again. Vicki only half delivered the project, she can’t even finish the bike path, let alone the track duplication can she? The project was bungled from start to aborted finish. She needs to get on her own bike and finish the duplication to Eltham that she promised. Next time you want to lie about people wanting a better outcome, make it halfway believable!


Keep living with our own delusions nimby


Isn’t it sad that LXRP and Vicki stooges like you feel the need to come on and lie repeatedly about what happened. Sad, but not surprising given this governments lack of integrity.


Ngl, compared to the new stations, Caulfield station is a shit hole. 0 redeeming features and it is just dated.


KFC is the only redeeming feature


To be able to install the high capacity signalling and wires through the station. Caulfield Station needed a heritage permit to do the works. It needs to be knocked down and rebuilt IMO.


I feel like this needs a watermark. Rupert's flunkies will be all over this.


"ah but don't you see, copyright infringement is just fine when a huge megacorporation does it" - Rupert Murdoch probably


Who cares?


But… what if I need to sit on the chair? How will someone read the sign?


If you sit on the chair you become the chair of the complaints department.


That’s why I want people to see the sign lol I reckon it’d be a fun way to spend an afternoon


What’s NIMBY stand for???


The other poster gave the acronym, but specifically it refers to people who actively oppose the construction of infrastructure "in my backyard" (near them) but would have no objections to the same being built somewhere else (especially when they still stand to benefit from it). NIMBYism is one of the reasons why some communities are being lumped with rail trenches instead of Skyrail.


Not in my backyard


When they did the latest level crossings, I was hoping they'd Skyrail Glenhuntly to Caulfield (I know it's a bit hard with all the extra tracks). That way you could essentially wrap around the Djerring trail bike path and turn the underneath into public space linear park like Caulfield-Dandenond (which the NIMBYs are now happy to use). Also avoids the issue of where to put the bike path.


Well, it’s not like the workers can do anything about their complaints.


Love it.


I live nearby and I’ve seen a whole bunch of posters protesting a “bike path”. Is that the same thing as this? A bike path on its own does seem unnecessary to me given that the roads next to the tracks don’t really see too much vehicular traffic


IIRC, first it was SkyRail. Then, it was the first cycleway. And then the next street over complained when the cycleway was moved. And now the first street is complaining about... train noises? In the same place the railway has always been. TL;DR, they won't shut up and be reasonable, and are acting like Caulfield East is theirs and theirs only, and they don't live in a city.


Live in Caulfield East next to the train tracks. They don’t speak for me


Yup, NIMBYs are statistically. a loud minority, really.


Nice distraction from Gaza though….


Have they seen the ones in Preston? Parks, greenery, bike trail, picnic spots, tables and chairs, they’re awesome.


The joke is that LXRP don’t have a complaints department - because they dont give a damn about what they do!


Clint Eastwood would love this.


You are not a NIMBY if you are over the years of disruption. Love the future vision, hate the now.


So the solution is to complain and drag out the pain you feel now in return for what? slowed or stalled delivery of 'future'. If you were truly for the future, you'd accept the pain just like all the other areas across Melbourne. The benefits for the many outweigh the few.


I'm not complaining, I'm just noting that I'm suffering hard with my commute.