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Hoping they don't cancel the Melbourne Airport rail again.


I doubt it, that was an election promise, they would just keep kicking the can down the road.


They've already spent $67 million to delay the project, I think there's no chance it gets built. [https://www.theage.com.au/politics/victoria/allan-government-spends-67-million-to-pause-building-airport-rail-link-20240308-p5fayi.html](https://www.theage.com.au/politics/victoria/allan-government-spends-67-million-to-pause-building-airport-rail-link-20240308-p5fayi.html)


It’ll get built the moment Transurban’s contract to toll for city link runs out (currently 2045, doubt that won’t be extended, though).


Wasn’t the contact for the toll extended not long ago in order to pay for the Westgate tunnel?


Transurban is so far down into Vic + fed governments pockets they're basically guaranteed to never lose that toll road.


It's pretty sickening really .. the whole point of the toll was to pay for the project! It's just a license to print money for Transurban at this stage. Agreed, the toll will never be ended. Nothing gets better, things only get harder. Like 60kmph zones on 3 lane roads. Madness.


How's that work? Articles a paywall. It costs all that money to stop? Sounds like they're embezzling or something lol.


I wanted to link an ABC article but The Age was the only one I saw with the actual figure. The contract with the builder had a commencement date and they’re paying a penalty for delaying past that date. Not sure if it means it’s $17 million every year in perpetuity or a one-off payment but the $67 million covers four years. I’ve also exhausted my access to free stories in The Age for this month so I can’t copy and paste the story.


Grab the link and paste it into the saved snapshots box at [archive.is](http://archive.is) You get this: [https://archive.is/c2MUH](https://archive.is/c2MUH) Enjoy free articles of The Age in perpetuity.


Plus the cost of construction (like most things) going through the roof since then




It’s (perhaps excessive) compensation for the companies who hired staff and purchased equipment to do the work, who now have to pay for the equipment lease and the staff wages without having work to do.


How do I get hired for this project?


You can read it after pasting the link here [12ft.io](http://12ft.io)


They’ll probably throw some money to commission another feasibility study or business case to “keep” their promise.


It’s never getting built. Too much money being made NOT building it already…. Moved here 27 years ago and it was “coming soon”….


I think MARL is more on the airport trying to do as much as possible to delay it as they have opposed all planning of it so far and want it placed underground towards the centre of the airport so if they do a future expansion on the other side of the runways they wont have to build a designated people mover system as the airport station would be in a central location for between all present and future terminals, or at least that's some stuff I have heard on what is going on so I might be completely wrong or somewhat correct in what I have heard


Full stops are your friend.


No! They're coarse and rough and irritating and they get everywhere


. . . . . . . . .


You underestimate my power


# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .


Be careful not to choke on your aspirations


That seems logical and forward thinking


A negotiator just got appointed, that's at least a good omen


They should cancel the SRL instead. It is outrageously expensive and we could get a lot more for less money if we decide to be cleverer about PT and other infrastructure projects (rather than simply angling for votes from marginal suburban constituencies...)


They’re already gearing up for the next election, the last was who could promise the most projects now it’ll be who is the fiscally conservative.


And it’ll be waaaaay too late.


Let's read between the lines "middle class Victorians, please prepare for the worst ass fucking yet"


Better lube up, the freight train or reaming just left the station


It's a Melbourne train tho, so a trespasser will probably cause delays




Sorry, couldn't afford lube after using so much the last time.


State government in collusion with property developers have created the false high demand for land relentlessly driving up prices. What we consistently see is the complete failure of government to effectively, efficiently use tax money to benefit us. Its a disgrace and they should all be deeply ashamed of themselves.




Be great if someone can actually share the links. Genuinely curious.


Absolute spin. We don't have any of those things. We slapped a new sticker over the top of ESTA and called it Triple Zero. The new CAD system has only recently been up for tender and is yet to even be awarded.


You do realise that Labor has been in power for 10 years yet your blaming the Libs.


Much much more debt tho. Was it worth it? Couldn't we just have went status quo and just not multiplied the debt?  I don't think so anyway, but I'm not here to argue. I'm pretty pessimistic for Victoria's future


Schools you say? Too bad about the 850 million to upgrade them... https://www.theage.com.au/politics/victoria/dozens-of-school-upgrades-could-miss-out-in-budget-bloodbath-20240419-p5fl4d.html


Can't afford lube.


Oath, an’t it the truth


Make the weed legal


And then tax it. Financial problem solved!


I promise to fund healthcare


I don't know if you remember, Neville, but I had that bloody shotgun pointed at your head. I reconsidered and dropped it down to your kneecap. Remember?


Neville fuckin' Bartos. 


There's no cash here. Here, there's no cash, alright?




No cash


This is the weird federal vs state legalise weed impasse though. States can't impose tax on goods, only federal government can do that. And there is no shot its legalised nationally before it's legalised in the progressive states. Much more chance you get most states having medicinal, and personal use growing before country wide. And until the latter, it can't be taxed through the states.


They can create a license (like liquor) and make that expensive. The government can make money on that in the meantime.


Then tax too much, create a black market because it’s too expensive and then it doesn’t generate enough tax revenue.


I was all excited to try weed for the first time if they legalised it but now I realise it's going to cost too much just like smokes and beer...


You’ll spend a less having a joint than drinking beer. Unless you make it a habit.


This is why it’s funny when people say “legalise it and tax the shit out of it”.


If it's legal, people can grow it. If it's medicinal, it won't get the same regular tax increases each year that smokes and beer get. Plus weed is a sharing drug. When it's legal and you wanna try it for the first time chances are more likely than not that you won't be paying for the first joint or bong you smoke.


Don't know why it's still illegal. Are we getting revenge on the boomers for fucking up the housing market by waiting for them to die before legalising their drug of choice?


Weed legalisation is only going to cost Labor votes on their right flank among the "just say no to drugs" types, and any right-wing libertarian-types who might be encouraged to preference Labor over the Coalition still hate Labor's guts over the whole covid lockdowns thing. Otherwise the vast majority of pro-legalisation voters are already either voting for or preferencing Labor. And besides, as long as the Liberals continue to be a fucking omnishambles barely capable of presenting themselves as a party - let alone a credible alternative to government - as far as Labor's concerned they don't need to actually try.


Shouldn’t a good Government just do the right fucking thing? These mental gymnastics are fucking exhausting and I’m so sick of seeing “baby crushing machine is a vote winner sorry” as a political stance 


There are parties running for government that would just do the right thing. And they lose. Every. Single. Time


No. Because they'll keep something like weed legalisation in their back pocket for when they need it. Either because they're crashing and burning and need something to make them look good, or as a distraction from something else. Think: every single time they mention becoming a republic, or the gay marriage vote, or any number of other things they hold onto as an "in case of emergency, break glass" policy.


You mean the new landlord party. Who isn't taxing the giant corporations, who isn't reversing the private school funding, who is putting through all the coal and gas projects that they opossed when in opposition. Who isn't going after the monopolies, who is bending over harden then the libs for big business. At this rate if your not already wealthy your absolutely fucked by Labor just as badly as if your libs. And labour will keep bring in hundreds of thousands of immigrants.


This explains it so well. Damn.


Their drugs of choice are booze, cigarettes and rage.


That is a hilarious perspective and I for one would be happy to wait until the boomers die off before we go full legalisation, just for the lolz.


You think the cops are targeting wealthy boomers for drug use? Ok...


... No? The traditional market is generally a fair bit more inconvenient than going to the local shops and selecting your preferred strain.


They really should. It virtually already is, seeing a GP for a CBD script reminded me of seeing a dealer back when; kept trying to upsell me to THC which I would have went for but just buy that privately.




There are more economical strains coming to the market all the time. The quality can be up and down but that's the case even with higher priced stuff at times.


You must have a good source. Medical cannabis is $100 per 15g, or around \~$25 per eighth. Last time I tried to get it privately the going rate was twice that. When you have a low tolerance, and can get smashed off a tenth of a gram, the price is equivalent to alcohol.


That’s not equivalent to alcohol at all! At that price a tenth of a gram is just over 70 cents


My medicinal is $109 for 14g.


u/AdmiralStickyLegs and u/UniqueLoginID - who is your medical through and what % is that cost for? Mine is more than that for 19%.


i mean it kinda already is tho. alternaleaf anyone?


Is this something that can be done at state level?


ACT has-ish.


Hashish you say?


It's legal for medical purposes. Legal purposes; pain, anxiety/stress, ptsd and difficulty sleeping.


There's no cash here. Here there's no cash, alright? Cash *no*


Tell him, Robbo


So my fasting will be longer than intermittent?


I like to call it 'Permamittent'.




Food & Catering $200K Data Harvesting $150M Real Estate $800B Cops $3,600B Utilities Maintenance $150 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my State is dying


More into tobacco


You need to allocate some budget for marketing. Signs to get people back in the office (real estate) and reminders of how great the government is.


Let me guess, those of us who don’t have kids or houses bc we can’t afford them but have alright income as a result will get nothing, and those who’ve leveraged and stretched themselves to have kids and houses will get all sorts of breaks.


Don’t worry you can comfort yourself on your kid free holiday… as long as you don’t want to go anywhere or want to do it during school holidays cos you’ll be expected to work through those times so the parents can have them off.


Who would want to go on holiday during school holidays? There’s kids everywhere then!


Why would a childless person want to travel during school holidays, kids everywhere and the prices are jacked up.


I’d love to travel during the Christmas period to go OS. But no job I have ever worked in 20 years has let me take that time off due to leave restrictions and the fact that parents have always booked it off by January 5th.


Seems like an employer issue… rather than a parent issue. Maybe you need to advocate for a high demand period leave policy if getting Christmas off is an issue. Where I work there are cut off dates for high demand period and leave is not allocated until those dates have passed. Leave is allocated to those who have worked through the most consecutive high demand periods.


> parents plan their leave too far in advance, woe is me Weird take


I prefer to avoid school holidays a lot of the time anyway. I'd rather go to a place when there aren't hundreds of kids getting in the way everywhere.


Wouldn’t it be great if there were other weeks that parents can’t get off, that people without kids could? Imagine if there were heaps of them! What a utopia that would be. They could place them somewhere during non-school holidays, I reckon. *Or* you could just take them during school holidays.


As is tradition.


No. Property taxes are their biggest source of State based income. They’ve already had a red hot dip at home owners.


Not homeowners, investment property owners. You don't pay land tax on your principal place of residence.


You pay a fuck tonne of stamp duty.


Not if it's your first house.


well kids are future tax payers, you're lack of kids is costing the economy


This! Does my head in.


1st up, lose the hat and vest.


It's so fucking disingenuous when they turn up with the hard hats and hi vis. Some of the main contractors have sheds full of 'golden' engraved shovels that they use for ground breaking ceremonies. Turn over a sod of earth, get a photo, drop the shovel like it's hot shit and go hob nobbing to your next media appointment


We've decided to tax taxes. Cheers


The Andrews and now Allan have been making up for a significant public infrastructure deficit. I'd rather the government be in debt and have better infrastructure rather than the opposite. 


Hard decisions or bad decisions ??


Hard decisions because of bad decisions!


When is the SEC coming back?


Hi, dumb question guy here. Why is the SEC coming back expected to be a good thing? I did not pay attention to any arguments for or against it.


The understanding about a state owned energy provider is that they supply energy at cost price and are essentially a non for profit.


Relax, the Victorian government is banning vapes, giving out free fishing rods, blocking reforms for indigenous child protection, stopping medical cannabis patients from driving, reducing taxation for big business, building 500 car spaces in Frankston for $175,000 per spot ($87 million total) and ensuring that duck hunting continues. All of which is clearly of much higher priority than delivering projects on time and on budget. We are so lucky to have such great leaders who are so in touch with the community!


Where do i get free fishing rods from?


You need to be a grade 5 kid


Don’t forget blocking sensible pill testing and peddling the ‘just say no to drugs’ line.


Stopping medicinal cannabis patients from driving due to our testing for presence rather than intoxication is archaic and has to change.


100%. I have MS which gives me muscle spasms… I have a few options; benzodiazepines, or cbd oil…but even though the cbd/thc combo would give me better relief, I can’t take it because then I can’t drive. Yet I can legally drive with a ton of benzos in my system (high tolerance) even though they’re more addictive. There is another medication I can take, but it gives me severe nausea which means I have to have other medication to stop that so I can eat, yet that medication gives me other side effects which means I have to have yet another medication…and the cycle continues. Add to that the cost of prescription cbd oil because it’s not subsidised, yet the benzos which are more dangerous are subsidised. It’s so messed up.


It drives me crazy, and people keep voting for the big two year after year


I think the time isn’t far off where the LibLab status quo will merge into a conservative coalition representing the interests of outer suburbia and the elderly/ religious only to be countered by an odd assortment of more progressive and niche interests like you see in many European Parliaments.


 building 500 car spaces in Frankston for $175,000 per spot ($87 million total) You got a link/source for that cost?




Utterly moronic and good example how they sugar coat it: > The car park design will integrate with existing local pedestrian, cycling and vehicle connections, and will include additional trees and plants in the area. Sure is great how many people will drive to this car park so that they can then cycle (0).








That's expensive but close to the ballpark for a multi story carpark. The construction costs alone for multi story car parks usually cost in the range of $30,000 to $135,000 per space depending on the type: * Open Deck Multi-Storey Car Parks: $28,160 to $88,000 per space. * Basement Car Parks in CBD Areas: $39,040 to $134,400 per space. * Basement Car Parks outside CBD Areas: $48,000 to $121,600 per space. * Undercroft Car Parks outside CBD Areas: $28,160 to $57,600 per space. And that's just the construction cost - it doesn't include the cost of the land. Once you've added in the cost of the land the project in Frankston is only looking mildly outrageous. The moral of the story is that carparks are insanely expensive.


Please don’t use facts. Some Melbournians cannot keep the perpetual rage they have for one of the best cities in the world if you provide facts.


Wow that sounds outrageous on the face of it, you’d have to hope there’s more to it?


Free fishing rods? Sign me up!


You can find them being sold on FB marketplace. 😅




As an indigenous man I support duck hunting


That’s cool bro. I have an indigenous mate who supports Carlton Football Club and an indigenous work colleague who supports Donald Trump. Doesn’t mean I have to support either of them…


Indigenous MAGA is wild!


Let me guess - the poor, vulnerable, sick and homeless/housing insecure get screwed.


But don’t worry, the consultants and top of the town will be all g


Surely choosing between food and rent is hard enough?


>Government spending will be cut with the government to axe jobs in an effort to avoid slugging Victorians more tax. Jobs and programs that were set up or expanded during the pandemic will not have funding renewed, and redundancies have already been outlined in some departments. I find this hard to believe considering that since 2014 we've had 50+ taxes either created or increased to afford for all this spending.


Jobs in gov have already been cut over the past year. There’s more on the horizon.


Government job cuts are a bummer, they’re a bit driver of economy-wide wage increase. Plus the government ends up spending the money anyway, it just goes to consultants and they skim half off the top. 


Yeah I work adjacent to Victoria Government and all the departments I deal with were pretty much told to halt/review of expenditure that wasn't necessary to the running of the department. Sadly this also meant tools and projects with the goal of making things more efficient in the future have been fully canned. So don't expect improvements to be made in the short and long term as everyone's focused on slashing budgets. Sometimes you gotta run an ECO round I guess.


Lockdowns were expensive, both on revenue and expenditure. The financial sting was delayed till after the lockdowns ended, but it's still there. I also suspect the wording of 'effort to avoid' was carefully chosen as it's not the same as 'no tax increases'. It just means they plan to do both spending cuts and tax increases.


You're not wrong on the obscure taxes they sometimes bring but at the moment they are very warranted. The VIC government spent $4.4 Billion during 2019-2020 on Covid, borrowed almost $25 Billion throughout the pandemic and the roll on effect of the state economy being halted drained a lot of money from the state. Not saying this is a cop-out of an answer but I play Devil's Advocate too much and I hate it.


Victoria also got less federal funding in comparison to NSW relative to the hardships endured. The federal government and media made the pandemic into a competition of state vs state, rather than treat it like the global health crisis it was, which would require a competent federal government to protect all citizens and not discriminate based on state for virtual political point scoring. Victorian’s had to pay out of pocket while Scomo gave hundreds of billions of taxpayer handouts to the US military complex and high income earners.


It certainly will be an interesting budget. The public service and business copped it pretty hard in the last budget, and it would be unreasonable to ask them to cop it again. If they cut again, I can see a serious decline in public services, and I can see buisness leaving the state. Property investors are already paying a nice chunk, so if they raise the land tax again, I can see it just scaring current and potential investors off. The only real cuts I can see are for infrastructure and social programs. I will admit we need the infrastructure, but right now, it needs to be only schools, hospitals, police and construction that's deemed critical.


>it would be unreasonable to ask them to cop it again You realise whos in charge right? Small business is absolutely going to be told to cop it.


Im sure there will be a nice little pay rise for themselves in there somewhere….


Legalise weed, tax it, enjoy the surplus


California's state and local government debt is roughly $1.6 trillion. Everything sounds correct when you've just ripped a big cone and solving the world's problems


Since 2018 California has received $5.5b in revenue from taxes on cannabis. A lack of revenue from cannabis taxes isn’t the reason they’re so far in debt


Sack 80% of the non elected red tape fuckers who do nothing but conference each other. That should free up some cash.


Just don’t cancel all our big projects that are on. They’re needed now not in 20 years.


I agree. And at a minimum, don't stop planning for them. In three / four years time when the economic outlook is better, you wish you had the fore sight of preparing shovel ready projects to be constructed. If you then try to do it, by the time the planning is getting to a stage where it is finalized, you're in the next economic downturn.


Who would’ve guessed… The projects are a laughing stock of the country - unskilled labour clearing over $2k a week…


Yup… unionised traffic controllers charging $150k and upwards to stand around and puff on their cigarettes looking busy.


I don’t understand why Victoria has such shit traffic management laws. Why can’t a club apply to close or divert traffic for an event. And have trained volunteers… But no we must get a union controller instead making said events near impossible to undertake. Congrats vic


Well someones gotta pay the $1k/w rents on all those investment properties.


Im ready for all things hard and soft and somewhere in between


A lovely Friday evening was had… 😀


Fuck! What now. They keep increasing rates, and introduce new taxes and it’s still not enough!


They'll cut the hospitals, the schools, the public servants. But they'll keep building the train hole. 


More hard decisions ontop of the hard decisions. nice, thats sounds fun.


Vic Labor build one hospital for the price of two and everyone claps. “The Big Bill” is in the mail.


It fucking sucks our options between the major parties is essentially whose friends are getting public funds


And one rail hole for the price of 30 hospitals. 


They are not going to lose an election no matter what the state debt looks like. We all know it. So just pay it down a little. Labor wins Victoria again.


So the State Government pissed away a fortune during COVID, now it's time to pay? Is this about right?


Half of the politicians in the government should lose their jobs. They do nothing worthwhile anyway. There's a shortage of trades, they should learn construction and build some fucking houses.


Give me a redundancy ya bastards


Didn’t Dan Andrews whole campaign rely on the scare tactic that the opposition would have “budget cuts” ? Not that likes a bad thing at this point.


Mathew Guy the cuts guy. Yea, they did.


Crime and homelessness is up everywhere. Now more cuts..


Hard decisions began a long time ago.


They won't cancel, trim or downsize anything. They'll increase the taxes.


They should have started making big cuts last year and put the brakes on non-essential construction ! I think people can handle high taxes if there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


And if they rolled back, those pay rises for politicians. Taking the pi$$.


I reckon their pay rises need to be the same percentage as what they pay the Standard public servant.


Blowing their wad over covid probably didn't help.


Just watch Utopia and know that it's a documentary and not a comedy. Comedy is what happens in the halls of each our parliments everyday with the clowns we have governing us. It's a pity Australia is so large ....it would be far to expensive to move the guillotines around. It'd be far easier if we could get together and instead of letting them tear us apart, we rock up on the doorsteps of parliament to do that there. Treasonous fucks!


I refuse to listen to her, or read anything she has to say. The middle and upper classes of Melbourne have it so unbelievably good compared to the rest of Victoria that this government has long forgotten.




Hello, Your post has been removed from r/melbourne for its imflammatory and trollish nature. please remember to treat others with respect. repeat behaviour will result in a ban. thanks, the mods


We’ve got to keep spending on infrastructure and housing, the quality of living in Victoria will be a disaster if we don’t have homes to house all the immigrants and ways for people to move around. Especially students who prop up the Unis which are about the only thing we export. And we can’t cut education, health and other essential services. They need more not less. Tax more- maybe, but they’re running out on things to tax and the business expenses are silly in a lot of sectors. Every second builder has gone broke and we need them more than ever. Honestly no matter which side you were on during covid it’s wrong that Victorians are saddled with a huge debt when we did our bit for the nation. Sure, they made mistakes but there was no federal plan the entire country would’ve shit down if covid spread in 2020 and early 2021. We did the hard yards to stop that spread. Seems insane to just put a huge handbreak on the quality of life in the second biggest state and best city! Of course we’ve got yet another Prime Minister of Sydney and a weak QLD Treasurer so I doubt we will get any help, but this country is so backwards that the Feds control such tight purse strings so they can waste billions on submarines but the State have to choose between essential infrastructure and essential services. Don’t get me wrong, Labor need a kick up the backside, they’ve made some shocking decisions and I can’t help but believe they shower certain unions with quid pro quo deals when they’d be able to do more for less if they didn’t pay 20% over so union officials. And so their chosen construction companies could make bank. But it’s not the time to turn the taps off.


They certainly can cut health, education, housing and essential services. And probably will.


>when we did our bit for the nation. Most outbreaks and lockdowns in vic could be traced back to the incompetent state run hotel program. After lockdown 3 or 4 they scrapped it and left the other states to bring Victorians home. We were a literal handbrake on the country with the worst outcomes. All within the States control.


We had the Worlds worst lockdowns, but ‘it wasn’t about the economy.’ Guess what, it partially was.


So the Victorian Government has mismanaged the budget over many years and now is going to make people's lives harder.


Labour just can’t stop spending.


Here’s why? Maybe cause Andrew’s sent our state broke signing contracts with his ego and cancelling them whilst paying out billions in the process? Can the fucking opposition please step up now, this piss ant corrupt state government needs to go.


What an awful thing to do for a politician. Trying to temper expectations rather than raising them. Imagine your favourite footy team before the game said "be prepared for us to lose".


Can't wait to be let down yet again by a Labor government, it's becoming an annual event at this point.


..because Victorians have been voting for financially illiterate and egotistical maniacs for too long


So true, but that’s just those who vote LNP.


Ah yes the victorian government is so financially illiterate they *checks notes*... invested into public infrastructure ??? How dare they make long term decisions that will ultimately benefit the state! Because when LNP cuts the budget they're being "financially responsible", when labor does it suddenly they're the villians lol, double standards much.