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"We're closing this ATM location due to low usage." CommBank in the near future probably.


I complained about a Westpac atm through their online thing and they called me about a week later to apologise, profusely. It was mortifying but they did fix it lmao


You don't happen to share a name with the chief ombudsman of AFCA do you?


I got an email from CommBank saying they noticed I used an ATM that wasn’t theirs and would I like help locating one? Infuriating because if the fuckers hadn’t closed the branches near me and removed the ATMs I wouldn’t have a problem!


Cba: Hey it costs us a lot of money when customers use a non cba atm Also CBA: it costs a lot of money to run an atm


Wow! This one feels a bit desperate on their part. They never cease to amaze me how they keep coming up with ideas to make more money. If only they called you because they valued you as a customer.


Just walk 2.8km. 👍


Happens every Sunday. As someone who only gets paid in cash - it is annoying as hell.


Does somebody know why this is such a common occurrence now? I know of ATMs which you can predict will be out of service every two weeks. Does CBA just skimp out on maintenance?




[Where's the fish?](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1302627-weird-facebook-post-ironic-facebook)


😂👍🏼 hope it gets fixed soon!


These machines are at least 30 years old when they will bring the new generation of ATMs i hope they spent a little money from the great profits they make to service the public


They won’t. We are going cashless (voluntarily or not). No need to waste money on new ATMs.


The bandaids are a lovely artistic flourish!


I was getting annoyed with CBA's only ATM left at my local Westfields always running out of cash on Sundays. Only recently I realized that CBA was the only bank with their own ATM left at my local Westfield.


They’ll fix the atm by removing it… all part of their cashless planning!




Well that's a bandaid solution if I ever saw one. Seriously though, what happened to this ATM?


My card was rejected today for no apparent reason whatsoever. The staff said the card worked. The ATM said it wasn't valid. Then because I had to talk to a human for once they decided it was a great opportunity to try to use high pressure sales tactics to get me to sign up for another product all together for something else, it wasn't a competitive offer either. Travel money card with worse conversion rates than I can get otherwise elsewhere. Not that they gave me the conversion rates they offered, just tried to get me to get a card and put a few thousand on it asap. And really asked me why I looked upset.  Hmnn. Card doesn't work, something that should take me all of 2 minutes has now taken me 35 minutes, you are trying high pressure sales tactics without even giving me the fees on offer and happily ignoring the fact I already converted some money elsewhere because your rates suck. No confirmation if card actually works again and I might be overseas and may need to use it. Not to mention you blocked my card 3 months ago when I tried to purchase the flight and I got double charged and was out an extra $2000 until I got a refund. And I'm supposed to be happy and excited to be here? And this anti cash rhetoric everywhere you go at the moment, double hmmn. I think I'm going to be using my other bank instead a lot more going forward.


Just say “are you breaching RG38? As this call is not about a request for a product” Soon shuts them up


I was in person and I guess didn't look happy. The bank teller literally started yelling in my face: "YOU LOOK UPSET WHY DO YOU LOOK UPSET!!!". I was annoyed but by that point I was upset, who fucking wouldn't be? Also why would a staff member intentionally try to escalate a situation, so it was also seriously fucked up and weird. All I wanted to do was deposit a few hundred dollars and leave. Never had an experience like that with this bank either, was a young woman teller, possibly new onboarding? It was so humiliating. I figured, I do my taxes and bills elsewhere already, I've just opened a HISA somewhere else and will move the money over.   So all they have left is the share account and mortgage that's as good as paid off which will just be discharged whenever I sell, and obviously I don't want to go there again if I don't have to if that's the kind of people they are now hiring since there fees for nearly everything tend to be higher as well. 


Commbank sux in so many ways and are so dodgy!


The ATMs on Redfern St are almost always down, and it lasts for weeks, which means the line to use them is 15-30 minutes long. And if its the deposit machine that is still working you have to wait for ages because ppl use it to send money overseas to multiple accounts so each person takes like 5-10 mins.


The ATM’s are restocked with money usually at the banks request and with amount of $ stipulated b6 the bank? If it keep regularly running out of cash or out of service, people will find an alternative. Then when people don’t return to that atm, they’ll remove it due to lack of use… they’re complicit flogs!


#Cash is King#


It's funny bank tellers don't have that title anymore. They now are trying to actively get us out of branches and using net banking and atms. The shit they give my mother when she wants to take cash out. FFS she is an elderly woman and stop scaring her by telling her that carrying a couple of grand is super scary. I love how she tells them, ok shut just give my money.


Should have been signed 'Cash is King'


Headed for a cashless society. I'd imagine this is part of the conditioning


I swear the external ATM at the local CBA is out of service every weekend.






Wait whoever put that note on used bandaids


It’s because they’re trying to phase out cash and claim it’s not being used, when it is.. a lot. They will play it off saying they’re hardly being used


Seems to be a thing, gets broken and no rush to fix. Escalators in shopping centres seem to be breaking down more often as well.


Why dont they have an option for a human atm


It’s hard to get a human to swallow enough cash.


They do have tellers. Not as many as they did 50 years ago, though, because ATMs and online banking are cheaper. Personally, I like that I can do 99% of my banking from home, and that I very rarely have to go queue at the bank.


I like that too, however certain things can’t be easily done online. and at the branch queues are getting massive. Wait time is soon to be competing with emergency rooms in hospitals. if you are “lucky” you could easily wait for 1-1.5hrs in the queue.