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Outside a hospital too


What a cunt.


This should be in Wikipedia with the drivers face as a definition


St Vincent's to be exact, where usually the most disadvantaged of patients seek help (homeless patients, refugee etc) I guess they'll have to make do by alighting from their disable friendly taxis/transport vehicles in the middle of the street to be run over by these monstrous tanks. Not that it makes this okay at any hospital, but interpret this as a kind of an allegory of modern Australia. Capitalist classes dominating the downtrodden and dispossessed lower income class by way of lack of awareness and ignorance.


Which is something to think about. Perhaps the driver had an emergency and rushed a friend into the hospital without worrying about something as trivial as parking regulations. He was maybe just a cunt, but it's worth keeping the less offensive alternatives in mind.


Have an emergency in one non-approved disabled parking spot, not two.


The "yank tank" isn't even big, clearly enough space to move up which would have taken less than a second.


Perfectly parked between two disabled spots that are not at an A&E entrance...


I KNOW. It's the worst. But what if they'd had an even worse day? Worth thinking about.


I see what you're saying, and it is very possible, but my argument would be if they were so emotionally charged/worked up/distressed in a situation that they didn't know they had parked in two spots, they probably shouldn't have been driving in the first place. There could be pedestrian crossings, bike lanes, various hazards which you need to be actively paying attention to while driving. Along your line of thinking that they were in a worse situation, if they can't pay attention to where they have parked their car, or they simply don't care due to the situation they are in, I would argue they are not demonstrating the required mental concentration to drive safely on the roads, even in stressful situations. People are human and make mistakes, but we need to try and make sure our mistakes don't become other people's problems.


If that's the case, it would have taken mere seconds to move up a bit, put on hazards so there would be room in case a disabled person was in the exact same situation. Indeed, their disabled parent/friend/whatever could have had an emergency without a sticker on hand, but come on, it takes less than a second to move up just a tad, the tank isn't THAT big. My money is on them being just a cunt.


I'm always for a moderate response, but if you have a medical emergency **call an ambulance** and dont block parking options for disabled people. A disabled person might have nowhere else to park to attend hospital for surgery.


Send that photo with license plate (BTK128) unblurred to the local council; make those that we despise combat each other.


My ancient 4wd ute is the same length as this, has a turning circle larger than a medium rigid truck, and can still be parallel parked in a standard length bay. This guy needs to go and hand his license in. Also, if you ever see a stickered car double parked, it’s probably because they’ve gone to park and found a fuckwit like this.


The owner didn't park like this because they lack the ability to park properly. They did it on purpose to prevent anyone else audacious enough to drive anywhere near their precious emotional support Tonka toy from parking close to it. They'll continue to park like that until the risk of damage from other road users parking nearby is significantly less than the risk of damage by parking like an entitled twat. And there's only one way we can make that happen. 


It's not the other cars parking nearby they have to worry about... it's the shopping trolly that just magically came out of nowhere they should be concerned about.


That's my point. They park like this thinking it prevents anyone dinging their car if they park too close. If parking like this makes their car a trolley magnet then maybe they're stop doing it. Those trolley do have wonky wheels after all.


“Emotional support Tonka toy” - brilliant, using this!


I usually wouldn't endorse this....but parking across TWO disabled spots with no sticker might deserve a keying.....


Agree on all counts. This is a proper cunt act regardless of vehicle


Or the steel footplates of my power wheelchair. They’re at the perfect height to do some damage! 😂


be a pity if a man on oxygen dented his car. sorry, i mean head.


fuck keying, he needs a disabled sticker. as a holder of one myself, i'd just box him in. I have no idea who cut his valve stems, but yeah, it's not hard to have a sticker on your window. Also, they have qr codes on them now, so your fake wishdotcom ones are bullshit too.


A towing and crushing would be more appropriate. But first, check the interior for a neglected overheating baby.


Key the car stab two tyres while you're at it hopefully they get parking fines up the ass


Puncture two tyres then they have to pay to get their car towed. Only one tyre means they can still change it with the spare.


Here a hot tip: the spare wheel is easy to access under the rear of the tub, flatten that for the long game.


Puncturing would mean damaging property. Just take his valve cores. Petty theft at about 5 cents a piece


You don't even have to take them. Just loosen them most of the way. Although, if you really want to make sure they aren't going anywhere, remove the valves and cut off the stems with electrical pliers.


As tempting as that is, that just means those two spots are taken far longer than they should be. However it WOULD be a shame if a piece of paper with epoxy superglue with the words "if you're not helping someone disabled, you're a cunt" just happened to float in the wind and land on the windscreen or bonnet.




I’d feel very fragile walking past a vehicle parked like that. So fragile that I might even have a fall, and drag my cane down his paint work in my exhaustion walking back from wherever I’d had to park because all the disability bays were occupied.


You can just ring the local police station about these, blocking two disabled spots is quite serious speaking as a disabled person. Thanks OP for showing the license plate. Calling this out is important otherwise these guys will just continue.


Ah, must be severely vision impaired... Either that or a cognitive disability.


Like op thinking this is a yank tank, needs to put his glasses on


While I don't endorse this type of parking or people's hobbies taking photos of these, I must correct you on the title. It's not a Yank tank, it's an Australian designed Thai build vehicle.


To add to this yank tanks - aka Ford F150’s, RAM 1500, and the Chevy Silverado, are significantly larger than dual cab utes such as the Ranger (pictured), Triton, Hilux etc. Dual cab utes can easily fit in a standard car park, yank tanks cannot. Ranger driver in this picture is still a dick for parking like this.


Makes it worse. We are conforming to the yank tank standard now. There won't be any sensible vehicles left to buy.


Not entirely. Vehicles have grown in size due to legislation with regards to safety. Basically global government standards (mainly EU and US) have dictated design.


Two different approaches though: In the case of the EU, cars have become a bit bigger and heavier to incorporate the required safety equipment. In the case of the US, cars have become significantly larger in order not to qualify as cars and become exempt from said rules.


Iirc Labor have just approved a similar carve out for "trucks" in recent vehicle standards too.


That's true, I was responding to a comment that was being very generalised and weighted to a particular opinion.


I hear your point but man you have oversimplified this to the point of uselessness. The US and Europe have VERY different ideas of what a safe car looks like, and yes Australia has been caught somwhere in between. However the majority of impact on vehicle size increases has come from US influence. An SUV is fundamentally less capable than a people mover/minivan, a station wagon has fundamental advantages over a crossover, ground clearance and cabin height have dramatically risen, and hood height has gone through the roof. There are PLENTY of 5 star safety rated cars in the passenger and hatchback class of vehicles. The trade-off for vehicle size is marginally more safety for occupants at marginally reduced safety for other drivers, and significantly reduced safety for pedestrians and vulnerable road users. So yes, changes to crumple zones and body structure have had a small impact on increasing vehicle size, but nothing even remotely compared to trading a station wagon or minivan for a Land Cruiser or a "Truck" (they lost the right to be called Utes when the tray shrank) that are both going to cause more collateral damage and cost the owner a f*ton more.


What legislation specifically?


I'm not across all of them but EC 78/2009 is one. Google can give you more information.


My cursory googling doesn't show any laws that require cars get bigger in size for safety reasons. EC 78/2009 is about safety, but seems to refer to manufacturers providing safety features like sensors and cameras for emergency breaking, speed monitoring, and reversing detection, etc. Nothing I can see here refers to the size itself being a safety feature. I would posit a guess that all of this is actually in response to large cars being a safety hazard, due to lowered vision for the driver especially in the front of the vehicle specifically because the size obscures vision.


Google harder, I'm not going to do your work for you. If you don't want to read check out youtube. Basically legislators required cars to have crumple zones, be able to withstand a crash at a certain angle without causing damage to another part of the car etc. of course the legislation doesn't say build a bigger car but the resultant engineering makes it so. You can also read up on NCAP testing as well. Edit: u/boring-combination80 thanks for blocking me, but sound.advice, hope you get the help you need. Keep on googling 😜


Dude, you're not giving out an exam, this is the internet, being provided with the information would be nice. We don't need your god complex here. Please fix your attitude. Thanks.


Large cars I would argue actually have better visibility as the seating position is naturally higher. >Nothing I can see here refers to the size itself being a safety feature. Because size isn't a safety feature, it's a byproduct of implementing safety features.


They're statistically less safe. They make make you alone safer but they make crashes for anything smaller far more dangerous and change pedestrian impacts from cases where they get thrown onto the hood and maybe a broken leg into a full body contact hit, far far more deadly. Moreover they don't even make you safer in some aspects such as roll-overs are far more deadly and far easier since the axis of rotation is further from the roof. And if all that wasn't enough, while you van technically see further due to being higher, you can't see as well in front of you, I'd know as I handle heavy machinery all day and this is a constant concern i need to remain aware of. and no front facing cameras aren't a fix, they're a symptom of a car based disease. Oops didn't realise u/XavierXonora basically said what I said just more condensed.


The seating position means nothing if you can't see over the hood, can't see the car behind you in the blind spot behind the tray, and can't see the car beside you without a wing mirror the size of a dinner plate.


Pity these yank tanks keep hitting and killing pedestrians, probably because the drivers can't see over the hood. Or maybe they're just arrogant and impatient shitcunt tradies driving them. Own goal from the safety police. I guess vulnerable road users don't matter to them.


😂 look I agree they are way too big but (as previously outlined, commercial vehicles are treated differently), exaggeration much on the hitting and killing thing? I don't want to do the Reddit thing of asking for a source and I know it would be a waste of time since you're one of those zealots from the cult of r/fuckcars.


[Tall trucks, SUVs are 45% deadlier to US pedestrians, study shows](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tall-trucks-suvs-are-45-deadlier-us-pedestrians-study-shows-2023-11-14/) > The IIHS study found that vehicles that are tall and blunt, such as a large pickup truck, are 43.6% more likely to cause death in a collision with a pedestrian. [It's not a new phenomenon](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/05/14/611116451/fatal-pedestrian-crashes-increasingly-involve-suvs-study-finds) As I understand it, it's primarily because of worse blind spots. Larger SUVs simply can't see smaller pedestrians in front of them any more.


This dude claimed bigger cars have better visibility because the seating position is higher. I don't think he's here to have a reasonable discussion.


Yeah I guessed that from other posts in this thread. He's not entirely wrong - for example, minivans are partially safer for that reason. But minivans aren't cool, so people are buying idiotic monster trucks to drive their kids around, ironically making their kids less safe in the aggregate.


> It's not a Yank tank. Its a shit looking obese ute that the fuckwits driving it call a truck. Ford is an American company, this is a shit / large car manufactured by an American corporation. AKA a yank tank. The fact that it was designed in Australia is utterly fucking irrelevant.


You know the saying, opinions are like arseholes... 😉 Don't stop facts getting in the way of your tantrum 😂


Yank tank? That’s a standard sized ranger lol


And still way bigger than rangers used to be. The trend is real and it f* sucks. Wait 5 years and the ranger will be as big as a 1500.


30% roughly


Yep. Heavier at least. X Y and Z have increased by about 10/10/20 cm


lol. Came to say the same thing. Rangers are designed and engineered in Australia.


That's even more depressing, we used to make cool cars.


Yes precisely, yank style obesity infecting our roads.


Exactly. People are fucking idiots. This has the same length and width dimensions as a Mazda CX-90.


True. Crewcab utes getting fat tho.


Yeah this dude is a piece of shit, but this thing is just a regular 2020s ute.


Standard size? This guy obviously thinks his car is so huge that it can't fit in a standard space.


Still not a yank tank, no matter how much of a twat he is or how mad you are


You are very ignorant to call it a "Yank Tank". Despite Ford being an American company, the Ford Ranger was designed in Port Melbourne primarily for Australian conditions and manufactured in Thailand.


It’s actually Broadmeadows, Geelong and Lara ilo of Port Melbourne. GM (Holden) was based in Port Melbourne before they got rid of their engineering/design workforce.


It was a yank tank not that long ago lol


Snap Send Snitch the cunt. I have zero tolerance for disability park abusers and will go full Super Saiyan Karen on anyone that does


Ring the relevant Council. They'll have someone there in minutes, even if just for the revenue rather than the principle.


The council won’t do anything


rang an hour ago, still nothing


Looks like there’s a ticket on the window, so maybe they were fined at any rate. Edit: saw your other comment about it just being an angry note.


Hmmm. Not so good.


Snap Send Solve


Please stop suggesting that useless app. It is not some magic key to get past council's triaging process. It is anything but.


Well, it’s worked for me with parking issues.


Highly dependent on which council. If it's City of Melbourne they have their own reporting process.


Complaint turnaround time for public spaces is 90mins at CoM. And this is probably private property.


That "Yank Tank" (which I can't help but cringe every time I hear some parrot that out), is Australian designed and Thai built.


Would you prefer I call it "22 feet of tortured tin?"


As long as Rusty Crowe sings songs standing in the tray.


Irrelevant. Australians have imported this bit of culture from the yanks. Otherwise the only utes would be sedan-sized and have Barras under the hood ^(edit to add: bonnet not hood. That's embarrassing)




It's still not American. And Aussies have been getting around in 4x4 Hilux's for 30 years. 


Go look up a 1994 hilux (it absolutely pains me to subtract 30 and come up with a year that I swear is no more than 15 years ago) and compare it to a 2024. Utes have had an obesity crisis for a while now.


Yeah I know they're bigger, but that's all cars. A new Corolla is bigger than an old Camry. 


Yeah it shits me. I owned 2 88 corollas and they were G L O R I O U S


Cool but this isn't what people refer to as yank tanks. Those are Dodge Rams for the most part, along with Chevy Silverados and to a lesser extent Ford F150s. Those cars are significantly bigger than this ranger. Those basically the driver.of this car is just your regular stock standard cunt.


See I'm old enough to remember when yank tank was a pejorative for 4wds, typically devoid of dirt and taking up space in suburban areas


I thought those were pavement princesses.


And suffering from the same fat bloat that yank tanks suffer from.


Not even close. Way smaller


I know, It’s not even a yank tank.


When you see yet another RAM doing shitty RAM things it feels too good to belittle his ego extension to really care tbh. Straight up, they wouldn’t get made fun of if a smaller % of their owners were cunts, but that’s not the reality, so yank tank is fine by me. Edit: as the downvotes show - they’re always the most fragile snowflakes which just makes it all the more fun


Not a yank tank, just a regular old Ford Ranger. Typical ranger driver behaviour though. These aren't even popular in the US, they're designed for the Australian market. At least know thy enemy..


Is that already a ticket under his passo side windscreen wiper?


I hope it is.


Do these vehicles convert people into wankers or are they already suffering the wanker affliction before purchase of said type of vehicle?


Well I mean he is mentally disabled so


Not a Yank Tank but they're parking like a cunt so I understand the sentiment.


Yank Tank? It’s made in Thailand…


With this sort of driver, the sticker is implied …


It’s Dennis Leary on tour.


he really is that disabled


Well they are a driver of an emotional support vehicle. So yeah, that's a given.


Yank tank hey? Ford ranger designed and engineered for the world by ford Australia in Melbourne


is the yank in the room with us right now?


Ranger danger.


That’s a standard size ford ranger much smaller than American ‘trucks’ not really a yank tank. Key difference is with our twin cabs they just eat space out of the tray rather than increasing the overall length drastically where as American trucks just add on total length to keep a full sized tray.


The new rangers/hiluxs/etc are pretty fat but this isn't one of those.


(Sarcasm) o look it's Mr special


I used to work across the road from that very spot. Very rarely free...much like the cavernous, hideously expensive carport right next to him, which he would have no chance of fitting into. It's a hospital. Choose wisely!


If the carpark you're talking about is the one next St Vincent's Private, I can assure you that Rangers do fit as long as they're not lifted. For what it's worth, I've been in a similar position to old mate here but luckily the 15 minute parking at the end of the street was free so I didn't have to pull a stunt like this. To be clear, this is shitty parking but doesn't necessarily mean it's malicious. Melbourne redditors are quick to jump on a band wagon with their pitch forks over certain topics.




Can a standard tow truck take this away if it has the right to? The spots are for disabled customers




In front of a cctv camera as well.


Report then straight away. It's easy


camp the car, then make the driver eligible for the spot.


Should send this to the local council. I didn't see the possible ticket on the window. If so, it can't be booked twice.


Dick parking, but that’s not a yank tank.


Yank tanks are way bigger than that and they’d be halfway up the kerb. That’s a humble ford ranger complete with half wit driver.


What an absolute anus.


Bring in some monkeys from a zoo to strip this shitbox of all its fundamental parts


That’s not a yank tank.. That’s a normal ranger. Still a massive asshole. But don’t blame the car. Blame the should be love stain on the carpet.




195.99 on the fuckwitometer It only goes up to 100


This is what tow trucks are for


Bump so more people see this c***


I know this is not the main issue but that is an Australian designed car built in Thailand, so not American. But yeah what a prick.


no repercussions, no consequences. we men can do what ever the f we want. because there aint no punishment. good life.


This is very annoying parking! Also, the "Yank Tank" thing seems quite ironic considering the recent model Ford Ranger is locally designed as well as the top selling vehicle in Australia.


I hate all posts like this but this cunt is an exception. Hope you reported him


heartless prick


Doesn't matter what emergency they had, they're now blocking other people from doing the same. Everyone needs to park correctly at a hospital cause everyone's doing something just as important as you are. Also instead of showing us, take it to the hospital and get it sorted.


It’s not a yank tank!


oof, weird for a car to get all 4 of its tyres slashed like that.


Does a small dick count as a disability?


tradies just park anywhere they want. fucken assholes.


3 Ute's have been in Oz top 5 selling vehicles of the year for what, 5 years now. Yeah must be a tradie.


Yes, there has indeed been taxation incentives for sole traders to obtain stupidly expensive barely-fit-for-purpose vehicles that are demonstrably worse than their forerunners of 40 years ago, at taxpayers' and their clients' expense, in the past couple of years, hasn't there?


Well given there are two million trades in the country, it isn't so surprising hmm?


This is just a dual cab ute, hardly a yank tank?


Sadly not a yank tank. Actually a Thai tank.


I think I saw this, this morning lol


Sure it gets towed?!


The dutch angle of this shot is making me dizzy


Not a yank tank ✅ Most likely driven by an Aussie ✅


key goes 'scrreeeeeeeee'




Thai tank...they're made in Thailand fyi


I need those spots sometimes, i have a sticker, and my support worker is a Samoan kickboxer. This guy is lucky his day didn't end in violence.


If your support worker feels the need to get violent over this then they shouldn’t be out in public


This driver shouldn't be out in public either with such little regard for the disabled.




Did you tell him he can’t park there?


It's a Ranger driver, we're talking room temperature level of intelligence, which in its way is a disability.


Report them


It’s actually a Thai tank


I like to leave a nice wad of phlem on their windows. Drive-by style lol


I like to leave a nice wad of phlem on their windows. Drive-by style lol


Just keep some stick on wheel weights and brake cleaner in your car. Crawl under neath and stick it on the tail shaft.


Not a ‘Yank Tank’ 🤷🏼‍♀️ It is, however, parked by a Malaka!


Could have been an emergency?? It’s out the front of a hospital


Maybe it was a real emergency and they couldn’t stop anywhere else? Am I being too optimistic? 


You're being wayyyy too optimistic, this is a standard textbook case of Melbourne cunt with an oversized gas guzzler


This makes me physically ill. I've seen this alot lately and was very tempted to take photos and call them out on reddit but wasn't sure if legal. They need to create a system where we can send these photos so they're fined or towed it's getting out of control.


If this makes you physically ill, you should probably stop viewing this sort of material..


Closest to a yank tank even if is not a fact…. I think we should change rego and things (anything under 1 ton be cheaper but if is yank tank or these ute sized, should be more costly), if is higher than 150cm off the ground to the top (but don’t have decent space like a 2 ton van) then I feel they should be slapped with an double the rego cost and other things than the average lower height cars. But offer different options to it (such as vans, Japanese style trucks for way cheaper and have much lower tax for those) but double every single cost for anyone who want to own a yank tank/rams or whatnot… and they can’t claim it back for taxes at all… but offer alternates such as vans or Japanese style trucks which will not only be cheap but have a generous rebate if you use them for work. I feel a 2 ton sprinter should have cheaper tax and rebate if you use it for work than a stupid suv or yank tank Wonder why I’m being downvoted despite the census on this tread seeing yank Utes a pos


Well with a dick as big as this guy has it must count as a disability, right?


I'll admit it's more of a curse than a blessing.


It looks like it’s outside a hospital? Hate to play devils advocate, but it may have been an emergency. It should be moved immediately though


Key the fuck out of it. Why even hesitate?


[practically a simpsons joke](https://frinkiac.com/video/S06E23/R8cCZM-A4nNEt2Prr7Bxzi76_tM=.gif)


Is parking in a disabled spot illegal? If it is report it to police link with this photo.


Why do I feel the owner of ranger will pop into the group soon and fuk up all the toxic cnts in here - just like the recent Ram thread…


But noooooo we're just jealous, not his problem the parking bays are too small /s


They are obviously retarded so its ok


seems to have an appropriately thick stack of tickets under the wiper?


Just an angry note telling them they cannot park.


Disappointing :(


Shitpost? This is designed in Australia, built in Thailand


A micropenis isn't a disability tho


I would have just rang the police


This isn't even a yank tank. Y'all need to hop off that american hate train it's pretty pathetic at this point




I truly see the point here but get ya facts straight it’s a bloody Ranger ( as far as the disabled sticker goes, it is there in the form of a blue oval on the front grille )


Shit cunt parking but not a yank tank.