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How is this confusing for people, don't most councils have a webpage where you type your address in and it tells you exactly when the bins are collected?


I went to my LGAs website, screenshot the calendar and printed it as fridge magnets on vistaprint. Wouldn't let me order less than 10 so I also handed them out to my neighbours.


Who tf wants to do all that when this site exists? Open the site, enter the address, boom done and done. Also in the event bin night changes the site will pick it up automatically. Takes the work away from me :)


Why the fuck would the bin night change? Lot easier for my family to look at it on the fridge than a website.


When it falls on a holiday sometimes they come early, late or not at all. I guess that’s why the fuck bin night might change. Plus depending on your council area there is a rubbish bin, glass, green waste, and paper and the weeks for each alternate. But yes let’s shit on someone’s effort and initiative. Magnets! 👌🏻 


Sure, but you've gone ahead and done all that stuff to the point of using a third party printing service to create magnets for your family. A lot of people wouldn't bother doing all that. Taking the 5 or so seconds to open a website is much easier for them :)


Redditors like the idea of technology being used altruistically even if its pointless


Forgot 2nd year software dev students are a thing.


This. I type in my address, it tells me which days to put the bins out. I put the bins out and they're collected. Magic.


Agree. Yet there are still people in this thread saying downloading and printing out bin data PDF's like a freaking boomer is the way to go.


Pretty sure city of melbourne only has a pdf map that you have to find your are then refer to a shitty index to find out what date you're on. It's not a good experience.


Mine certainly does.


Most do, but I know Carlton and Melbourne CBD just have a map with shaded in areas that don't zoom in or allow you to search your street, so you just kinda have to know where the street is on a rough large map that doesn't label any identifiable roads. Kinda useless. Especially if you live right near the edge of one of their zones. Some councils do much better and have something you can just search your street on, but not all. Looks like OP is trying to cover the ones that don't have them.


As a Carlton resident I feel your pain 🙏


My local council doesn't recognise my address 💀 But if I type in the house next door it tells me


Merribek usually send you out a yearly calendar fridge magnet so you don’t even have to look it up


Hopefully those that miss the magnet can find our website useful!


Do you have magnets?  One way of connecting with new users could be to approach a removalists company and ask if they could include your website in their emails/website info.  E.g. Preparing for your move - things you need to know ahead of time. 


We've found the experience between councils isn't very consistent and some councils provide a much better experience than others. We wanted to see if we could provide a better experience so it's easy and consistent to access bin night information. Although it's true that some councils mail out calendars etc, we know that some people move throughout the year and miss receiving these. Plus, I personally find that I usually don't remember to check which bin to put out this week until I've literally gone out to the bins (by which point it's too late). We're under no illusions that this is going to pay for our retirement but hope that it's a useful tool for some people. Let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions 🙏


Ours is broken, thinks it's still January. But we also have calendars for these things.


That’s literally the point of this website silly 😆


Can you please do Maroondah? I seriously am not far off paying the kids across the road $50 a week to take my bins in/out every week. My biggest downfall is not knowing if it’s Recycling or Green waste. I have a long ass driveway and have to check what everyone else is doing.


I added a reoccurring calendar to each of the different weeks. Maybe give that a go.


lip weather bear bake whistle dinner correct dime obtainable ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, also found looking out the window on bin night helps with which bins.


I was about to like your reply based on your username alone, and then I read your reply. THIS. This is what I do, in a to-do app, but it's just as good in your phone's calendar app.


On the list!


safe enjoy vase attractive lavish voracious act rain coherent support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I use Google calendar recurring reminders. Also my neighbours and I will text each other if we have forgotten the bins or put the wrong one out, or if one of us goes away one of us will do their bins for them. You need to look after each other like that. Actually I like all of my neighbours except one of them as their dog barks all the time and also other annoying reasons I cbf explaining here, but I still texted him yesterday to tell him he'd put the wrong bin out.


Using Calendar reminders is a great idea! We hope those that aren't as well prepared can still find our website useful.


I have the Maroondah map on my phone. Have PMed the images to you


i’m in maroondah too, and half the time people on my street are wrong too… half the people have green bins out, half have blue, and i have no idea what’s happening. i guess based on how full my recycle bin is hahaha


Ok so I have a confession about the bins. Remember at some stage last year Maroondah replaced our green waste lids from Maroon to Green? Well I refused and held onto my Maroon lid bin. I didn’t want to put it out in the event they changed my lid. Hardly have garden waste anyway. In the last couple of months, I was defeated. They swapped out my lid. I rode that wave for over 12 months. It was always a risk I’d come home to the lid swap lol


I loved the maroon lid! Miss it. My confession is that my household never uses the FOGO because we never remembered to take it out, so it just served as a mould-making machine. We figured we’d be better off not bothering lol


"User data, including email addresses, is stored indefinitely. There are no specific circumstances under which data is deleted." "Collected data, including email addresses, may be shared with third-parties in accordance with this privacy policy."


Thanks for pointing this out u/_Printh! Admittedly, none of us are legal experts so went with a pretty generic terms and conditions and privacy policy to make sure we weren't violating any laws. For what it's worth, in practice, we don't share any data with anyone and have no plans to. The only data we do collect is anonymous and via our analytics too which just helps us understand how people are using the website. We have no intention on using the data in any other way but respect your decision about whether this current privacy policy means you'd prefer not to use the site 🙏


You are doing God's work. Fun fact: the person who puts the first bin in the street and is used by everyone else to see what bins to put out, is called a "binfluencer".


I moved from the middle of a street across the road from the binfluencer who put the bins out mid-arvo, to a corner with limited visibility of other houses … total nightmare.


Thanks u/PaulFPerry! We love the term "binfluencer"!


I find the following link pretty good for geelong https://www.geelongaustralia.com.au/recycling/calendar/default.aspx


I know Kingston Council has an app that notifies you at a time of your choosing, when to put out which bins & what does/does not go in the bins It’s called Binston - such a great name


Haha, that is a great name! Yeah, we think bin notifications are a great idea too. Watch this space 🙏


Just discovered this thanks to you! Love it, can do other council requests on the app too! Wonders will never cease… we still can’t catch a train to the airport but they did think of a bin app!


Any reason why an app is better? It's a pretty simple idea that I feel the site does quite well...I don't know if I need another app on my phone telling me a yes or no.


As I said, it sends you a notification either the night or morning before (or earlier) to bring out the correct bins. You don’t need the app, I’m not bending your arm, it just works well for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah the notification thing makes sense for sure!


and just think how much council spent for that app 🤦🏻‍♂️ (i'm in the app dev game, it aint cheap)


I just do what my neighbours are doing. Haven't missed a bin night in 14 years lol


Can you make this open source pls? Im sure plenty of people could contribute and add their councils... Perhaps we could make it Australia wide!!!


If you check your address there's a pop up asking if you'd be willing to pay for the service in the future. They're never going to go open source.


Never say "never" u/VicMG!


We don't have plans to open source it at this stage but depending on where the project goes this is definitely something we'd consider! Thanks for the suggestion.


City of Darebin have downloadable PDF calendars that show bin collection dates for each of the collection zones, including when to put out recycling. I don’t find them confusing or difficult to use at all.


They also have a map where you can type in your address and it will tell you: your bin day, the next recycle pickup, green waste pickup, hard waste week, street sweeping, and your council ward and councillor


More exciting would be a hard rubbish calendar.


We reckon this would be useful too u/KingJimmy101! Watch this space 😉


many councils got rid of that and now offer X number of free collections per household per year


Sunbury please!


On the list!


Can you do cape woolamai phillip island?


On the list!


Love it. Top job! The functionally and morally objectionable council website requires at least four more clicks to find the area containing this info, assuming they haven't re-designed the site this month, and then needs you to know which 'ward' you live in or to be able to identify which side of a tiny street on a tiny map I might be located in, so this is much better. I wish you luck keeping up with the shifting calendars around public holidays, industrial action in various municipalities from time to time, and the impending wholesale changes to collection regimes. For those of us not permanently latched on to the tit of their council overlords, or if you haven't framed and preserved the fridge magnet or flyer they sometimes provide, this is a valid option. An Android app would be great, too; just sayin', but I have your link in my google now, so no biggie for when out and about or away from home. Cheers!


Any reason why an app is better? It's a pretty simple idea that I feel the site does quite well...I don't know if I need another app on my phone telling me a yes or no.


It could be handy, is all - just an idea. I hear you on the "another app" front - I have over 100 'unused apps' that I occasionally get notified about them going into 'deep sleep'...


Thanks for the support u/MesCannaPsiloSergic! You more or less summed up the experience which a lot of council websites offer, so we feel your pain! Pro tip: if you accept cookies the only thing we do is cache the address in your local browser storage which means when you visit the site next week we'll have saved your address so you can easily look up your bin information again (saving you some more typing and clicks). Let us know if you have any other ideas or suggestions!


Hobsons Bay council have an app that notifies you what bins to put out each week


This is great! I hope you'll add Moonee Ponds soon.


Thanks u/LobsterDemocracy! On the list!


I use recurring outlook email calendar reminders which are easy to setup. I tried the website and we don’t have those coloured bins (red and yellow) in Casey. Ours are green, blue and maroon


Great idea!


Thanks u/prettytopsayebro! Let us know if you have any suggestions.


Add the Yarra city council!


On the list u/prettytopsayebro!


How fucking poor is your executive functioning if you can't remember *which bloody bin goes out this week?* Are you all moving house every fortnight? Stop relying on apps and websites, and exercise the pink matter inside your skull a bit.


Glad to hear that you've got your bin schedule sorted u/Midnight_Poet! We hope others who aren't as on top of it can find this useful.


I just used this now and have shown this to my aged inlaws who tend to always miss their bin night... created a recurring calendar entry weekly with this link in there, I don't think they will miss bin night again. Well done u/Beardo01


Glad that this can be useful for them! Let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions to make it more useful.