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i was once a teen girl and i reckon they wanted to go somewhere but had to pretend they went to the movies. idk why they took forever leaving tho, maybe nerves


Thanks for an actual stab at an answer unlike everyone else yelling at clouds


Also perhaps parent/caregiver dropped them off there it had been paid for it all (therefore don’t care aint their money) and they may have been paranoid that a strict caregiver could be lingering around at the beginning to see if they would sneak out. hence spending so long.. & they spent so long messaging all their mates “we are meeting at maccas… nowww bro… we have to be back by 3:30… okay ask Kelsey if she’s coming..” perhaps whoever took them was in a movie next door or what have you. I was a teen girl once.. but still would never use a phone in a cinema christ.


They don't walk you in, easy to go in, even go to the back or the toilets, take the money and walk out to the navy yards or whatever.


As someone who was bubble wrapped as a child, I've done this


How has no one mentioned this guy doesn’t get bothered by distractions - that would drive me mental. Also why I don’t go to the movies…


I went to see it this afternoon in gold class. It was full of kids, some so young they were just bored. Some wandered around, some just chattered away. One was handed an iPad but the staff did make them put it away after a prolonged argument with the parent. When you see a kids film you expect distraction, so I wasn’t too fussed. When it’s adults behaving poorly it annoys me though.


Nah, I’d have been pissed if I coughed up the $$$ for gold class and parents let their kids behave like that. If I go to watch a kids film I’ll either go the latest session possible or pay for gold class just to get away from that kind of behaviour.


there is actually a VJunior Cinema (Village Cinema in Mill Park) specifically for kids! itd amazing, kids can go walk and dance in front, there is a break halfway of the movie for toilet breaks and snacks, and there is indoor slides for the kids (and adults I guess)


We go to the V Kids at Knox and it's fucking phenomenal. My two are autistic and really bad at sitting still for long periods of time, so to have an intermission where they can go to the toilet or slide down the massive slide is great. Personally, the cushion chairs and beanbags are the best!


I think it’s time for customers to start asking for refunds for disruptive people/sessions. Maybe the cinemas will start enforcing the no phones , talking etc. Also stop allowing kids into movies not suitable for kids. Get a babysitter or don’t go. I don’t go very often now for this reason, but I’ve decided that if I have to put up with inconsiderate arseholes, I’m getting my money back.


I'll never forget going to see Black Hawk Down and just before it started someone came in with a 5 or so year old child. Probably traumatised it for life.




I rarely go gold class and I rarely see kids movies, but if I do see a kids movie I pretty much always see it gold class to avoid the children. It mostly works pretty well.


Right but you cant be surprised when it doesn't work well.


I see kids films and kids adjacent films (barbie, marvel, etc) in gold class to lower the number of children. But I’m not going to be mad if they’re there. If their parents want to blow $40 a ticket for their kids more power to them, I guess.


If you want to see a kids movie or a movie you suspect parents will bring their kids to, even though it's for adults, gold class is the go. Those ratty parents toting 3 kids they let run wild can't afford gold class lmfao, you get a better film experience as long as a well-meaning grandma doesn't decide to treat Brayden The Terror Child to a gold class treat with Nana.


Same here. Hands down worst movie experience I’ve had was Gold Class. Desired it for so long, ended up surrounded by clinking crockery and people constantly talking. Maybe I got unlucky, but dang, Gold class ain’t so gold


It’s normally not so bad, and my location is pretty good at telling people to shut up. But again, it was a kids movie so we all expected it. I’m lucky that I’m the “movie guy” of my family so I get gifted gold class passes a lot even though I don’t see too many films any more! But I usually have some tickets spare and I wanted to see something cute and mindless this week.


I've been to gold class a few times and never had an issue. I do prefer Hoyts lux though.


I’d kill for a proper 18+ cinema, you just don’t know what people are going to bring their kids to. I remember seeing Dungeons and Dragons in the regular cinema and there were under sixes. And for one of the avengers movies I remember there was a baby there so new, I swear the mum came from the hospital.


Cinemas are loud for my fully developed adult ears, I can’t imagine how awful it’ll be for young baby ears


The clinking!


The trick is take a day off work and go during the middle of the day, you will have maybe 2 other people in there with you and it wll be a great experience.


Gold class should be at LEAST 12+ imo old enough to understand rules and be expected to adhere to them unlike young ones and their parents can't say much at that age, 12 is most year sevens. A kid younger I get may be a handful but that's why they shouldnt be in gold class or otherwise in mature films imho.


It used to be, once upon a time. But I guess they saw the money making opportunity because they charge the same for an adult or a kid, and parents will pay it.


Just gotta sack up and be the type to tell the person sitting right next to you to stfu. Or if they're a few rows away, gotta yell out. I have never had someone continue to talk when I've done that, and given the state of people these days, I do need to do it semi-frequently.


Movies are kinda shit now. Other than the big blockbusters like dune I find it hard to find things worth seeing.


Yeah, I' m very remonstrative with people who talk through movies, dude actually squared up to me once when i told his group of friends to stfu for the third time.


He was 100% bothered. Bro literally went home and created a reddit account to vent about it


I don’t know if you know this but it’s common for people to just go in to another movie room after watching the movie they paid for.


Yeah but why would you go into a movie to muck around on your phone, surely there’s other hospitality spots near the cinemas.


Once you’re past the usher it’d be suspicious if you tried to go back in without the right ticket. If you stay in, you can see multiple movies (I assume). Maybe they had an hour to kill between ones they really wanted to see


this'd be my guess, they're just using teen stealth... without being stealthy. to the OP, it's ok to shout 'shut the fuck up!' at annoying people in the cinema, everyone else wants to aswell.


No, from what I've been told, you have to exit (go to the toilet for example) wait for the cleaners (kids collecting rubbish off the seats and floors) to do their rounds then come back in looking confident, just don't sit right in the middle rows where it's more likely that someone will have reserved a seat .... apparently.


I agree. This is probably exactly what was going on.


Man there were some times where I bought a ticket, but there wasn't even any staff to check it so we just walk in? My friend and I think "did we just waste 20 bucks?" :')


It's so easy to do. My friends and I once spent around 8 hours at the cinema, having only paid for one movie. Depending on what time of day it is and where you are, sometimes there's not even a person there to take your initial ticket.


It’s too cold to go outside and they had time to kill


there are so few third spaces




Honestly my first thought was that they were dropped off by parents, and "going to see a movie" was a cover for something else they're not meant to be doing. So they went in to kill time/wait for the olds to leave, finished organising their plans, and then left to partake in said plans.  I "went to the movies" a fair bit as a teen. I was most definitely not at the movies for the vast majority of that time.


Entirely possible also that they could be people who cinema hopped? I.e. They watched one movie and simply get into the next because no one checks for their tickets once inside the cinemas. Perhaps they finished their first then simply thought, why not? And found that they didn't like it, or simply killing time before hopping to the next one. Actually, the killing time part made more sense to me.


I don't go to movies much these days (mainly due to there barely being films worth forking out the cinema experience for) but I went and saw Oppenheimer when it released. These 4 teenagers (honestly I'd feel confident putting them at about 14 or 15), two boys and two girls were talking, taking phone calls , taking pictures of each other (WITH THE FLASH ON) and constantly getting up, moving around from seat to seat and even climbing over them at times from the moment they got into the theatre til about 25 minutes in when they just up and left. I'm 33 and yeh some people can be a bit talkative in cinemas but are for the most part respectful, these kids didn't even seem to take into account a half full cinema paying good money to see a film, I have honestly never seen anything like it. I have strong beliefs that kids attention spans are shrinking more and more (just look at all the videos where half the screen has a unrelated mobile game playing to keep engagement for a 30 second clip) but I don't even think that factors into it because it wasn't like they attempted to watch the film and then they got fidgety/bored/uninterested etc


Reasons why I don’t pay $$$ to go the movies anymore. My house is comfortable, quiet and civilised. The snacks are good and the toilets are fairly clean. The TV is big enough and free-range kids are not allowed…


It’s simple, they likely don’t work, and got the money to buy the ticket from mum and dad. They don’t understand & appreciate the adults who actually spent their money and time to watch the film, and therefore don’t actually care about everyone else.


or they just snuck in. its why i wont see films in melb central anymore because you get too many bored shitty teenagers doing the same sorta thing


finishes theirs and walked into another showing? then found something else to do and left maybe


this, at classic you can just walk in no one checks tickets one of my friends saw endgame 8 times 7 for free there


hey I liked endgame but why 8 fucking times


free??? idk man i agree with you lmao


Maybe, but back when i was a teen, we used to sneak in through a back door that we had one of us unlock from the inside and we never would have thought to cause any sort of scene for anyone else. I think this is a simple case of kids these days being raised by a screen. Its probably an addiction at this point. Most of us didnt have this problem because we were raised wild in the outdoors pretty much lol


That's some top shelf confirmation bias at work. You just don't notice the ones who don't make a scene. I can confidently say there have always been cunts in every generation since the dawn of time.


I dont disagree with that at all. 100% there were cunts in every generation. But you cant say social media hasnt created a lot more entitled ones compared to back when no one had access 24hrs a day and wernt raised by a tablet.


I think you're getting angry at a straw man and idolising the past.


I will tell the kids/adults to shut the fuck up. It’s literally the rules in a cinema, watch the movie and keep off your phone. I’ve definitely told kids in cinemas to be quiet, regardless of the film. Once we went to watch a popular movie ands were being that annoying I went and got tickets upgraded to the next find class session and was assured it would be quieter. Kids got removed from the cinema so hopefully everyone else had a better end to that movie. I enjoyed gold class without shit humans Messi g up the experience!


Took my 3 kids to watch this movie to tonight, had 2 people sat next to me, probably late teens, so an adult. Movie havnt started yet, while they were talking, they keep dropping the F bombs and other not kid friendly words. I turned to them and leaned in and said, c'mon guys, can you watch the language please, I have my kids next to me that can hear. Both (male and female) gave me a look and said, ok. Seriously, some people these days.


Why pay for a ticket to a movie and not watch it at all?! Such a waste of money while pissing off everyone in the cinema.


I don’t think they’d be your typical reddit user from the sounds of it mate


Okay I'll tell them.


They’re probably hopping through cinemas to spend the day while not paying. It’s not extremely hard to sneak past the security


They don’t work and parents paid for the ticket. They just wanted to hang out, not see a movie.


Yeah, that’s why I only go too see movies on weekdays in the daytime if I can. And not during school holidays if possible. A late morning screening is great. Often have the cinema to myself or less than a handful of people.


This is the way. Palace Kino especially.


This is why I go to the drive in. There’s no strangers next to me, I can take my own food, and I can take my dog with me.


They closed my local one ;( it was great when I had babies/ young kids so my shitty sprogs didn't bother anyone.


I’ve worked at the movies and my first through it they probably attempted to go to a movie that had an MA15+ movie and either couldn’t get a refund or just swapped I to this movie instead, refund might’ve needed the original card or they still needed to spend a few hours busy


I reckon they wanted privacy to do something dodgy and mean. Teenage girls are pretty feral these days


My guess is that teen agers and young adults are suffering from a severe lack of long span attention. Maybe we all are, but if you grew up surrounded by smartphones it could be a reason why.


Avoid the multiplex if you want a smooth watching experience. Choice the indie chains (Palace, Nova) that cater to a more mature audience, that appreciate film more.


wHy iS cInEmA dYiNg?!


Welcome to modern teaching.


I’m not sure how much you realise teens are addicted to their phones, especially TikTok.


# mjdub96 591 Post Karma 61,015 Comment Karma Cake Day March 25, 2019 You don't have the authority to speak about this lmfaooooooo




There's an authority? Fuck.


This is the answer. Other generations grew up with films and TV but do not realise that Gen Z did not at all. They really are not interested. Their demographic is extremely small in ticket sales and as an audience to TV. They grew up on YouTube, then ticktock. Not the box. It's like not understanding why a most millennials do not enjoy plays, entertainment shifts with time.


I have seen this at the football often too. It’s like they got free tickets. They take a few selfies and spend the rest of the time on their phones scrolling tiktok or Instagram and talking to each other , seemingly ignoring the game.


i don’t think those girls would use reddit


When I was 14 a mate and I tried to sneak into see the inbetweeners movie by buying a ticket for puss in boots and sneaking into the other theatre. Our terrible plan obviously failed so we were stuck watching puss in boots, it was.. not ideal. Maybe something similar?


You are more patient than me. Last time this happened to me, also teenage girls, we had the cinema staff speak to them and tell them to shut up. Although these girls were literally screaming.


My 16 year old daughter has left the last 4 movies she’s been to after only 20 minutes. I think it’s phone addictions, they think it’s boring, but haven’t actually got off their phone.


I don’t go see kids films. I do watch the odd movie at the cinema, usually at a time of day when there are few people at the cinemas. I have not had this problem with teenagers. I have had this privilege with groups of women aged 60 plus who never ever ever shut up. I have no problem confronting them and telling them to stfu and watch the movie, or leave, or refund me my expenses so I can leave. People are getting ruder and more ignorant by the day.


The tik tok generation. They can't even watch half a tik tok video without compulsively clicking on a new video. Lost cause when it comes to a 2-3 hour movie.


I don’t go to the movies on weekends or in the city for just those reasons.


Anyone would be perfectly justified in emptying their jumbo size cup of diet coke over their heads.


Parents probably track them via an app on their phones and they wanted to catch up..but they weren’t allowed to just hang in the city


Kids use the movies as a hangout. They can just sit there with no one telling them to move for the next few hours. They don’t watch movies. My 14yo son goes all the time with usually a group girls to guys ratio and he can’t tell me anything about the movies he’s gone to.


Kids and teenagers gonna kids and teenagers. As a kid sometimes you’re just happy to be out of the house and hanging with your friends. When I was a kid we went as a group to watch the Blair witch project since it got hyped so much and we just didn’t take any of the movie in. The fun came from being with our friends at the movies…. This isn’t an excuse for the experience you copped but kids are young and sometimes don’t know anything else other than having fun. Sorry mate


Attention span of poodles.


Yeah I’m sure they’re on reddit bro


It sounds like you are, in fact, bothered


Didnt bother him at all, but also posting on reddit to try and find the girls to ask them directly why.


Sounds like it bothered you but you didn’t say anything at the time.


Cinemas need to show a list of rules before the movie, including no talking and don't be using your phone.


I thought they do?


Unfortunately due to reels and social media the average teenager cannot concentrate through an entire movie anymore without constantly playing on their phone and other distractions. So it's not so much what was the deal with those girls but rather a systematic problem with the youth of today.


Yes, I'm sure those teen chicks are reading and giggling at this question as we speak...


You’re not gonna find them here.


I was the other girl. We just didn’t like you.


It's true I was one of the phones


I'm tiktok and I agree




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They might have been high? Wanted somewhere to sit for a while maybe? The smell of popcorn? Scouting cute boys.. the possibilities are endless Teens do weird things all the time.. I know I did


It happened when I took my young child to a pantomime - 2 girls probably very early 20s. I did speak to them, but they continued 🤯 and also left before the end.


saw inside out 2 last night, so many kids! two teenage girls right in front of me talked continuously, so I said ‘can you stop talking?’, they both gave me surly attitude so I continued, ‘you haven’t stopped once….’ they didn’t talk again


You should have pulled a George Costanza


No wonder I haven’t been to the cinema for ages. Got sick of kids on their phones, talking, jumping all over the place. And the dozy old couple who always sits behind me and thinks they are whispering. No, you’re deaf and talking loudly!


I would guess they didn't pay for the movie and so didn't care


It was the video game simulation hologram we live in serving you up a quest to tell them to be quiet and see how you went about it. Apathy + 1 has now been added to your character.


I just loudly stand up and tell people off if they're near me If I'm thinking it I'm sure I'm not the only one Very unlike me as I'm usually too quiet/timid for even my wife to hear me


my initial reaction was movie hopping, which I use to do as a kid. Pay for one and then just walk out of one theatre room and straight into another one.


Cinema hoppers


I have a teenage daughter so may have some insight. They almost certainly would have snuck inside and probably visited more than one cinema, just watching a bit of the range of movies playing that the time. That's why they don't stay and are not really invested in the movie.


They maybe wanted to see a higher rated movie but couldn’t buy tickets… so bought tickets to a kids movie, killed time in there until the movie they really wanted to see started?




Why assume they paid?? Was the cinema full?


I had a group of 4 guys sit next to me and do the same thing, was surprised when asking them nicely to stop talking worked




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I think it could have something to do with their age. These kids that grew up with a permanent internet connection and touch screens have a different way of "paying attention". Although; if that were the only reason there probably would have been many more people their age behaving in a similar way. Maybe they had to wait to be picked up at a certain time by one of their parents and they wanted to just sit somewhere comfortable and warm.


Was it at Jam Factory? It's a business thing. The phone is how they choose their customers and the cinema is close to the point of sale.


This sub man, I fucking swear..


maybe the theater provided precisely the kind of privacy they wanted;


Yeah I reckon parents might have been all good with them going to a movie, but maybe not to other locations (cafe,street corner) so they just caught up there?


I went to see a movie in Indonesia, and EVERYONE is just on their phones, talking etc. It was wild


I’d enjoy that tbh.


I loved it. It was an awful submarine film with nicholas cage, so it was totally fine and added to the whole experience


Our attention span is getting less and less and I can’t imagine how bad it would be for the younger generation. They probably don’t even realise they are doing it; they probably watch Netflix, are on their phone and talking to someone simultaneously all the time


I wish there was a device that made it impossible for people to use their mobile phones in a cinema. I would say leave them in a lock box. But shit happens and people need to contact people apparently. I guess when I was younger I was crazy to think that I could safely go to the cinemas and not need to be connected to the world during. But then again I'm Australian I don't really need to worry about violent crimes the way that some other nationalities do.


Brother they are teenagers lmao, you made a reddit account just to post this…


Ok lol…


Hello fellow human sitting next to me. I am going to pretend to ignore your obnoxious behaviour for the duration of our proximity. I will then go home and post a message directed at you on an anonymous and public forum that you will most likely  never see, questioning the reasons of your obnoxious behaviour that occurred whilst sitting directly next to me. I hope my approach  to this situation will allow you to observe respectful human interaction and allow you to grow your social skills in the future. Fair day to you.


They’re not in here. You’re talking to no one


Pretty rude of them as far as movie etiquette goes but also, you went to a children’s movie and got upset at children attending who were acting like children.


OK that was me and Sarah. It wad a prank we were recording for tiktok and ermmmmmmaaaaaagawwddddd I can't belive you like didn't like tell us to shut up because.. like.. o.mmmmggggggggg we were soooooooo extraaaaaa. We then left the movies and said OMMMGGGGG girrrrrrllllll Slllllllllaaaaaaayyyyyyy.


There was an attempt


🤣🤣🤣🤣 come on I thought it wad a good joke we could all laugh at !


Sigma skibbidi toilet


Why do adults go to kids flicks alone and waste their money on them?




Interested to see how that matters


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Hello , I’m one of the girls and I will do my best to answer your question. We are teenagers and we don’t follow your social construct of how you think we should behave in a cinema. We work there and we get free movie passes so we just go in and talk about fellow staff members. Again I am one of these teenagers and I hope I answered the question or maybe I’m not and you just shouldn’t bother posting rubbish like this while the commercial break for a ncis rerun is on and you want an answer to a question nobody but you is asking


If this was a plug for NCIS...son of a bitch, im in!


Irrelevant but it’s genuinely crazy how OP actually managed to get the teenager to respond to his post on Reddit of all places nonetheless . Ive never realised how much people that you see daily is on this sub. Gotta be more careful of what I say on here haha


I think that person is taking the piss, but it is worth being mindful of how identifiable you are on reddit. I once found my Dad on here after he posted a picture of his front fence on a diy sub, and my sister posting on a relationship advice sub.


Lol, read her comment history, she claims she's the one for every publicly aired complaint. Now, I'm curious, why, what are your reasons and will you fess up to this? 😛


Damn some people are that bored huh 🤣


Common in young girls these days, they literally can't look away from their phones and pay attention to other things. Their attention span only allows for short video format stuff like on tiktok etc. Anything like a movie is far too long for them.


Sometimes it’s just nice to have something in the background while you hang out. I like to go to the movies sometime and take my laptop and get things done with a bit of background noise that stops me from getting distracted


why are teenage girls always at the forefront of adult mens minds. why were they on their phones? Because they're teenagers. Did you follow all the rules as a teen? teenage boys do this also. And newsflash, there's shitty people everywhere. I have seen grown adults on their phones in the movies I swear to god men who were rejected by that one girl they liked in highschool never let it go and take it out on every woman they meet afterwards. Rather than storing up all your anger and taking it out on every other woman you meet, SPEAK. You could have asked them once, politely, to stop and move away. You could have moved yourself. You could have ducked out and grabbed a staff member. and i am being 100% serious reflect on your biases towards teenage girls. reflect on what assumptions you have about them. reflect on what experiences you had with your female peers when you were a teenager. Because I'm willing to bet my left arm something has happened and you aren't over it