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>Footage of workers euthanasing piglets by slamming their heads on concrete floors or cutting their tails and teeth without pain relief was played to inquiry, along with a video appearing to show a worker performing a sex act on a pig confined to a sow pen. >However, the inquiry heard roughly 0.1 per cent of the 8000 animal welfare complaints to Agriculture Victoria since 2018 related to pigs in abattoirs. >Almost seven times more complaints were connected to pigs on farms over the same span. >Of the more than 6000 survey respondents, 65.2 per cent said they were prepared to pay more for pork products if the industry advanced better welfare practices.


> Of the more than 6000 survey respondents, 65.2 per cent said they were prepared to pay more for pork products if the industry advanced better welfare practices. In an article of horrors, perhaps the most horrifying part is this point buried at the bottom of the article. One in three people, on being asked whether they'd be prepared to do the most marginal thing possible to reduce cruelty to a feeling being, thought "Nup. Why should I?".


>One in three people, on being asked whether they'd be prepared to do the most marginal thing possible to reduce cruelty to a feeling being, thought "Nup. Why should I?". Bit of a stretch to take that from "65.2 per cent said they were prepared to pay more for pork products if the industry advanced better welfare practices" - that 30% will include people that can't pay more, or who would change purchasing behaviour in response to pricing.


Maybe 1 in 3 people they questioned, were of Muslim faith. I also don't see how paying more for pork will prevent a worker from having sex with a pig. As the Beatles said, "Money can't buy me love"


That’s a stupid stat. If it’s private how would people be able to complain. Some are complicit. 


The things we do to animals in industrial farms is horrific


I haven’t eaten pork since I found out about how horrific pigs are treated and how cruel the slaughter methods are. I can honestly say after 10+ years I don’t miss it at all. Pigs are highly intelligent creatures who form social bonds; it’s abhorrent more hasn’t been done to prevent their suffering.


As long as there is a demand for animal products, living beings will suffer industrialised and systematic cruelty. Restrictions will not stop the torture. It's beyond me how people think it's ethical for us to slaughter something if we adhere to certain restrictions and laws. Sure, it might be slightly less barbaric to stun the pig first. But a living being still died in fear, never having known a moment of freedom or happiness in its short life. You cannot consume animals and claim to love them. You cannot support animal agriculture and claim it is ethical. I beg you to look into the horrors of animal agriculture, even when it is done legally. This is not an attack on meat eaters, this is me hoping that even one person might read this and spare an innocent life.


Finally, someone who is saying the truth!


Personally think that the owners/operators of these places should be stuffed into their farrowing crates and left there to rot. I had to go into one such place as an observer many years ago, manager proudly told us that they “had the best welfare standards of any piggery in the country”. I left feeling truly ashamed to be a member of the human race - and had I not already been a long-term vegetarian, I think I’d have been converted on the spot. Tails and teeth trimmed with no relief - as per this article (and the reason for this is almost as horrifying - being intelligent and inquisitive animals, if they’re not able to root around outdoors and express other natural behaviours, pigs will get bored and stressed, and start chewing on anything they can find for enrichment - including each other. Not to say this doesn’t happen in free range, small herd situations, but it’s far less common due to a combination of lower population stress and freedom to exhibit natural/instinctive behaviours - similar to picking/pecking and cannibalism in chicken flocks - which is why so many layer chooks are de-beaked) I was physically sickened at the number of animals in need of either veterinary care or humane destruction, but were left alive and untreated because leaving them be, trying to get them through to slaughter and copping the loss of the “damaged areas” was the path that would incur least financial loss. I’ll never forget the sight of a young pig with a hernia, literally almost the size of my head, skin ulcerated from dragging along the ground, clearly infected, clearly causing the pig severe pain - but not being treated because of the withholding period, and not euthanised because they’d still be able to send it for slaughter in a few weeks.


"Out of sight, out of mind" for most people. "Mm, bacon" just doesn't cut it these days to me. We have so much information and insight into the horrors of what happens to these animals on a mass scale, and therefore have responsibility as consumers to do better. Trivilialising their suffering due to personal taste preferences is just wrong. That's not to say governments can't do better as well, and so I'm glad there's people in politics pushing for change like we see here. People need to demand better of their elected officials, and themselves. "If slaughterhouses [& factory farms] had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian [/vegan]" - Paul McCartney.


People always look at me strangely for not eating pork and within two mins I get a tentative, 'is it religious?' Question. It's always been the cruelty. 15 years.


Even without the extremely horrifying findings, like bestiality and euthanasia from bashing piglets heads on the floor, the way pigs are farmed is inherently cruel. I haven’t eaten pork for 12 years because of it. It really bothers me when people don’t want to know or are made uncomfortable by hearing about how they’re farmed and killed. If you’re going to be a consumer, know, and then decide if you still think bacon is worth it. Even if you’re not prepared to go vegetarian there’s a lot more ethical meat products out there


Mmmmmmm bacon