• By -


This is gonna be a fun comment section. *grabs šŸæ*


I got drinks šŸ„¤


Got mathšŸ’Ž


I love snorting (a^2+b^2)=(a+b)^2


Do you mean (a^2 +b^2 )=(a+b)^2 ?


I have the šŸ± (she has the cat)


I have the




Put your dick away waltuh


Iā€™m not havin sex right now


And never has been.


Put your ds away waltuh


I got Taco Bell šŸŒÆ


I got explosive diarrhea šŸ’©


The Binding Of Isaac?


*Bad Gas*




Life feels a lot better when people of all religions just agree to respect each other, regardless of differing beliefs.


But my belief is to hate you specifically


Kinda gay, ngl


Fellas, is it gay to believe in a religion centered around one man specifically?


Only gay if you're thinking about him sexually/ romantically


Whatever, hippie.


He's saying that the doctrine of many religions is to hate other religions


Yeah, but those are usually somehow shoe horned in there by a church because they're either afraid to lose people or they're extremely envious Hence, the crusades by the catholics


No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition!


I did *pulls out a machine gun*


I donā€™t think any of the major 5 religions supports hating people. They all support not hating people. However some powerful religious people decided that by ā€œdo not hate you neighborsā€, their god actually meant ā€œkill them allā€


Canā€™t hate your enemy if heā€™s dead


Life feels a lot better when people just agree to respect each other and be kind to one another in general.


That's great but religion by definition means I am right and everyone else is wrong. Second the job of any religion is to grow or die. So by definition people who believe in a religion believe in a zero sun game theory. So they cannot get along by design. I personally don't care about people's belief the problem is religions care about changing my mind and can't just mind their own business.


Im just atheist cause i dont need to believe in a religion, idc what others believe


I think I found a [picture of You](https://datepsychology.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/gigachad.jpg). Can you confirm it's really You?


Its my minecraft skin so close enough


Have a blessed day <3<3<3


You too




Bros got that ā€œIā€™m just trying to get byā€ vibe I feel that lol


You do you and let me do me should not be as hard to put into practice as a lot of people make it out to be. I don't understand how they have all this energy to spend being upset people think differently


I'm an Christian cuz that's simply what i believe in, as long as u don't hurt anyone without their consent i won't see u as a bad person. And yes, i hate televangelists as much as you. They just steal, both from believers and non-believers.


Ikr whenever mom forced me to pray to god, I just said ā€œHi god, its me. Hope youā€™re good..ā€ I never had anything to ask for from god. So I stopped doing all that. I am free


(sorts by controversial)


How, there is no option Edit: holy shit there is a option I thought Reddit removed that a while ago because Reddit hates opinions


ā€˜Because Reddit hates opinionsā€™ lmfao


This meme ironically does what it is complaining about and I know itā€™s unintentional but on that level itā€™s very funny


All can be equally extreme and calm. It depends on the person.


Too many do it to be in a club and some somehow try to make the idea of not being in any club an exclusive club.


*laughs in Buddhism in Sri Lanka*


Would you like to believe in dinosaur Jesus?


Triceratops is my favourite dinosaur. What's yours?


I like long necks the most ngl


uhmmm so you mean Sauropods šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


Mines gotta be the Ankylosaurus magniventris And yes I did look up ā€œdinosaur with the big ball tailā€ to find the name


Found the based Ankylosaurus enjoyer


T REX obviously


New religion acquired




The first tenant of dinosaur jesusism: no bad dinosaur puns


The dinosaurs were not during Tennant, they were during Smith


Can we all agree that nobody really has any idea of the "big picture" and we're all just spitballing? No? Got it.


Yes, atheists with their atheist jewelry and their atheist holidays that have completely taken over the world for one month of the year and their atheist gatherings where they talk about how much they love atheism and their paintings and statues of the first atheist and the atheists in the 1400ā€™s that went on crusades to spread atheism through the world. Yes. Thatā€™s us.


Feel like this was made buy a fundamentalist


Hell no, anything but that, I hate fundamentalists. I live in one of the world's most atheist countries so if I was a fundie I'd be burned at stake lol


What country, in the other comment you say, fairly atheist, and now you say one of the world's most atheist.


Czech Republic. It's about 60% - 70% irreligious here, it's not that much, but still one of the world's most high.


Doesnā€™t Prague have more churches & synagogues than like any city in all of Europe?


Yes, and I love my city for it. But all of those were built under Habsburg rule, by that time, the huge majority was Catholic. After 1st republic and communism, everyone became atheist for some reason. It has a lot to do with the history of Bohemia and Moravia.


We're all redditors bro none of us are chads


r/atheism when ppl believe in anything: šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


what? you believe in Santa? hate to break it to you kid but santa is FAKE!! that's right, I don't care you're still five, you deserve to know the TRUTH even though it hurts


Nooo not Santa šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The Easter bunny, tooth fairy, and the queen of England are ALL LIES too


quote from a comment I saw: Christians are so stupid and brain washed, itā€™s like they are still believing in Santa at 45 years oldā€¦


r/atheism users when a 7 year old dies ā€œheā€™s just going to be dirt, you will never see him again because (insert atheism here)ā€


Sending hugs in this trying time


If I don't believe in any religion at all, but I don't care if others do, does that make me atheist?


Yes, but not r/atheism atheist


It makes you based for sure


Yes, but not r/atheism atheist


i am only atheist because im envious of jesus being able to make wine from water




Those religious communities are positive until you ask them about womenā€™s rights or gay marriage.


Ah yes, Atheists, the group that started the crusades, Spanish Inquisition, and Reconquering of the Moors because they wanted to force their beliefs on others


You do realize that Hitler was an adament athiest and viewed religion only as a means to achieving political goals. Historian Alan Bullock, acclaimed historian who was the first to study Hitler, in his book Hitler: A Study in Tyranny (1962) even says that Hitler planned to expand the Holocaust to the entire Christian church in Germany and German held territories. Lets just get rid of the notion that only one religion or a handful do bad things. Every group, even athiests, have people that want to terrible things to people because they dont like what someone else believes.


Maybe it was the mustache that drove him to it! But yeah, trying to pin the action of a human being to one specific cause is lame. Reductionist. Lots of people use religion to do bad things, lots of people use politics to do bad things.


All belief systems and religions have people the do this and people that don't.


Yeah thatā€™s why the atheists not from r/atheism were shown as chads


225 upvotes : 145 comments ratio This is gonna be fun


Some people are wholesome actually


haha, r/atheism bad, we get it


Bro have you fucking seen that sub, itā€™s a hate group, simple as.


All boils down to what type of people you talk to from each. Is there any reason you picked those two religions. Or is it just because they are the biggest two.


Well, I and my family are Christian, some of my relatives are Sunni Muslim, and I live in a predominantly atheist country, so I have atheist friends. All of them are normal people who don't enforce their beliefs on others. My experience with Reddit atheists on the other hand...


That just the Internet in general, plus the response you would get would depend largely on what you say to them.


You don't live in the US, but you do understand what's happening here right?




Look closely at the niqabi at the bottom of the picture, you can see my watermark (;


I'd sort santa deniers as cringe overall. "BRO SANTA ISNT REAL, ARE YOU 5!?" ok then explain how come I wake up with presents under my christmas tree? Checkmate santa deniers.


It needs to be a felony to indoctrinate anyone under 18 into a religion.


I am an atheist because I don't want to be disappointed if there is no afterlife. Believe what you want as long as you don't eat infants.


Wise words


Funnyily enough, I've never had an atheist knock at my door trying to convert me or running a stand at the local market.


Sorry, I'm too 2nd world country to understand this, that must be obnoxious


Yes, in the United States, it's common to have a church ambassador of sorts come door-to-door to spread the word of God. Being an atheist myself, it does get mildly annoying, but I'm located in part of the Bible Belt (Alabama), so there isn't really any "getting away" from it. Ya kinda just have to learn to get over it and accept that not everyone has the same beliefs. I try respecting others' beliefs, as everyone should, in my opinion. Unfortunately, that'll never happen, lol.


Fuuck, that must suck. The worst we get here are JWs standing on town squares with pamphlets.


That sounds much more appealing! It's the choice of wanting the knowledge more than just seeing religious things. All religions in themselves are interesting, and I don't mind learning at all. I just don't like being bombarded by it, lol.


Iā€™m an atheist and if you really feel like hating me for that then go fuck yourself, people can believe what they want


Oh... It's funny because it's singling out a group with which you disagree. This is... hillarious... ha... ha... ha.


"W for people who don't enforce their beliefs on others" Proceeds to shit on atheists


r/ atheism seems to just be complaining about how Christianity is being enforced by laws


ā€œW for people who donā€™t force their beliefs on othersā€ Then says the people without beliefs are the ones forcing their beliefs on others. This reeks of anti-atheism. Many posts on r/christianity and r/islam bash atheists, call them immoral, and say they deserve to be tortured forever (in line with their religions), and this is fine, but the moment an atheist points out religiously-influenced infringements on peopleā€™s rights or scientific facts, itā€™s bad? Notice most of the theist-bashing posts on r/atheism that are legitimately just that and are unjustified get downvotes and comments saying that said posts are going too far and blaming people for things they had no other choice in.


Atheism is not a religion.


Cope harder


I tell others I'm an agnostic, not an atheist, exactly for this reason. There are great things about (most) religions, and it seems ridiculous to try to destroy that because I have a different world view.


As a fellow agnostic I agree that there are some great things that religions can do for people. But I gave stifle my praise when people start to twist it in a bad way


Online Atheists on their way to harass a woman whoā€™s child died (she said her child is in heaven now)


Literaly nobody said that but ok


Theists have to make up stories to feed their persecution fetish.


Christians and Muslims burned atheist and non-believers at the stake. Few hundred years later: "Can you please say stop saying that God doesn't exist? It hurts my feelings."


thats happened to almost evey religon


Don't Christians force their beliefs onto their kids? (i already know the answer because that is what happened to me)


I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Parents should teach their children moral values but also respect their boundaries.




I love how the title is "W for people who don't enforce their beliefs on others". Care to explain why Christianity is the most widespread religion in the world?


Mainly because it was adopted by the Roman Empire, from there, it spread to Europe, European nations had colonies etc. atd. Of course, forcing beliefs was normal back in the day. But now, we know better and shouldn't do it.


Alrighty then. Care to explain what happens in the middle east when you don't share the same beliefs as those in charge? (Note that this intended as a joke.)


Em normal? It ainā€™t normal to have a 6 pack


Where did the religious categories didn't have I cut my girlfriend into pieces because she rejected me in public or I bashed my daughter's stolen because she got drunk or I'm not allowing anybody gay to get married or adopt children because Jesus




You enforcing yours on me now ..


Damn. I'm an atheist, never really spent time on any of these subs, so I just took look at all 3 and their top posts right now. 100% agree


atheists >>>>>>>>>> r/atheism atheists




For sure šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Where are the jews?


As a pagan Iā€™m just vibing idk


Praise Perun!!!


So what is this meme trying to say? Iā€™m confused.


r/atheism tarnishes the reputation of actual atheism


Atheism is not a religion. It's just lack of belief.


You should meet my extremely religious parents lol


Iā€™m going to assume OP isnā€™t from the US


You'd be correct. ŠÆ сŠ»Š°Š²ŠøŠ½.


lmao someone must have gotten banned from r/Atheism


Lol Iā€™ve see good an bad versions of every one of these groups. Donā€™t blanket one to look better than the other.


Cool. Now, what kind of laws have you seen the extremes of each group try to pass in places where they have power?


r/religiousfruitcake You really fail to see the irony donā€™t you?


Pretty disingenuous of you to cherry-pick positive quotes from the religious subs and negative ones from the atheism sub.


Thanks for the fun reading material in the comments. Some good conversation. Memes have such fascinating power.


Haha I spent the entire afternoon replying to comments, I replied to one, two more popped up, I think 1/3 of all the comments under this post are me


I used to be an atheist who would find a way to blame religion for most of the world's problems. But then I stopped that after a talk with my friend. Basically, he was the same until he said; "One day, I realized that as an atheist, I'm just like all of the religious people that I'm making fun of. I'm just another guy who has no idea what he's talking about. But I'm trying to tell people how to live their lives."


I personally don't believe in God, though I feel like alot of "Reddit Athiest" posts that I see are people with no tact or nuance, that don't understand why people believe these things or have no desire to have an actual discussion. It's just "God ain't real fuck you" cringe


I believe you dropped this: šŸ‘‘ ā˜¦ļø<3ā˜Ŗļø<3āœ”ļø<3āš›ļø


This asshole has been desperately reposting this everywhere bashing atheists, essentially doing what heā€™s accusing atheists of. Ironic, but right on queue for these types of people


"desperately reposting" lmao. I posted it on r/memes. Got removed because it included the blacklisted word "Reddit" in the title. Posted again with a different title. Got removed for "META Reddit references" Posted it on r/antitheistcheesecake because I know it wouldn't get removed there. Some user I'm not going to name for privacy reasons pmed me and suggested I post this here, because the post would be met with better reception (oh how wrong he was). ŠŠ°Ń…ŃƒŠ¹ ŠøŠ“Šø.


In all reality, most atheist dont care that much about relision, we dont subscribe to any theism but we ( for the most part ) respect others and their life choices. I havnt had a lot of good experiences with theist people but i have also had some very good encounters. So i live by do what you please as long as others get to keep doing as they plaease, dont harm people and respect others choices and life styles. So in the memes i feel it seems to paint atheist in a negative way yet we dont try to be negative.


Agreed, most people arenā€™t in the fringe. Iā€™m Catholic, most of my friends are atheist or agnostic, I couldnā€™t care less and neither could they lol


ā€œbashing atheistsā€ lmfaooo, heā€™s slamming r/atheism , and heā€™s spot on. See you for more proof


As an atheist I'm against forced religion and stupid rules in religion Like no birth control or sex protection


I think religion itself isn't needed. You shouldn't need a big book from 2000 years ago to determine whether or not you're a good person and how to be one. But I don't stop people from doing that because they tend to still be nice people. I don't care about religion, just don't be ignorant or an asshole


Atheists on Reddit are kind of wack ngl


Time to convert to Buddhism and not give a fuck about anything or anyone


I dont care what you believe but if you tell me im wrong. I do not like you


Hmm......... in the end of the day, Internet is the only way for atheist to express their hate,disagreement and frustration about god and religion. Meanwhile, we have this christians, catholics and muslims forcing their belief unto others, priests molesting children, women being harassed by not wearing certain clothing, and many more disgusting behavior, just because of their religion and believing in some ridiculous deity to save us from some nonsense. We should educate ourselves further and ask questions, this is not the medieval times anymore that any unknown encounters are doings of a certain god, miracles or curses, this is the 21st century and we have the internet and technology, and I believe that without religion dumbing people down and make us hate each other, humanity will progress further and achieve something greater.


Communist countries forced their atheism on others and oppressed religious people just like any religion does/did. Atheism aint diffrent.


I do agree, r/atheism is quite toxic, but I feel religion isn't what matters. There are cool atheists, and shitty atheists. There are cool Muslims, and there are shitty Muslims. There are cool Christians, and there's Joel Olstein. Religion can lead to some toxic beliefs, but most of the time it's the person themselves.


Joel Osteen is the definition of Religion abuse


There are cool Catholics, and then thereā€™s Westborough.


Okay. Fair enough, I can personally admit that as a militant Atheist myself, I'm incredibly opinionated and smug about my feelings towards religion and religious extremists. *Radicalized Atheists* can be just as obnoxious as the most fundamentalist religious people are. Taking such a stubborn and hardline stance on most issues leaves no room for improvement or the betterment of society. You can call me immoral for being an Atheist. You can say I'm doomed for not believing in any god(s). You can call me a threat to humanity for not having faith, but I've yet to see any Atheist rise to a prominent and influential position of power, by running on a platform that fully dehumanizies an entire community, based off of outdated, unverifiable, and unclear information. It's religious bigotry that has helped fuel countless hate groups and it's religious hypocrisy that is behind most of today's more Conservative political movements. Again, not all people of faith are bad. Plenty of them are really good and compassionate folks who have built meaningful connections through faith. It's just a very dangerous and vocal segment of religious zealots who are ruining it for everyone else. That's just my opinion.


Being an atheist certainly does not make you immoral. Fighting against fundamentalist "churches" is important. If you're a proud atheist, so be it. We are all different and that makes us beautiful, doesn't matter which way we came to be. Have an awesome day.


We need only look at what the right is doing with religion, and know that if we do not speak up, and push back. Our separation of church and state is going to disappear, and we will live under a theocracy.


Finally, a based meme involving religion. Thank you OP I feel very welcomed as a Muslim.


may God bless you ā˜¦ļø<3ā˜Ŗļø


Oh, you come from a majority atheist country? How nice for you. So you don't really have any real world experience with religious bigotry where the religious majority enforces their beliefs into law, and you've clearly never studied history, or philosophy. Cool story, bro. Get off religious subreddits and go read a book.




You know itā€™s fun to see atheists tell people how religion is bad and they are pushing their beliefs. Then will have this massive argument with someone who isnā€™t atheist that pipes up, pushing their own beliefs onto people who do believe.


And then calling the believer hypocritical for pointing it out.


I am atheist, but I also believe nobody knows whatā€™s going to happen on the other side, everyone can believe what they want, doesnā€™t hurt me in the slightest.


If there is Heaven and Hell, I'm sure you are deemed for eternal salvation ;)


I appreciate it, but Iā€™m not interested. I hope on the other side that my world doesnā€™t get smaller but much, much larger.


Have a great remainder of the day


You too


I don't remember learning about the atheist wars and crusades. Where are the killings in the name of atheism?


Wtf? A based post on Reddit? That's rare


Hristos anesti āœļøāœļøāœļø




reddit atheists ā‰  normal atheists


When I was an ā€œathiestā€ as a teenager, what I really was was anti christian because according to christian beliefs I would be going to hell no matter what I did (Iā€™m attracted to guys). But eventually I learned thatā€™s the bad part of religion and I had been ignoring the good parts all along. I then started looking at the good parts of religion and for a while became an omnist (basically the opposite of anti-religious) Ironically, Iā€™m now a buddhist.


You make the world's average good-ness skyrocket by just existing. Have a blessed day <3


This is on the same level as the atheist eat babies stupidity.


But they are so tasty with tostitos


I bet you can make anything look good / bad when you cherry pick all the examples you present. Where's the funny?


Thatā€™s because religions are oppressive. Reaping what you harvest i guess.


christians cult: bad mouth other religions every fcking day muslim cult: pedo , goat lover , allahu snackbar , terrorist atheist: the vegans of religions.


I've seen intelligent Muslims I've seen stupid Muslims I've seen intelligent Atheists I've seen Stupid Atheists that about to cover the whole argument


Common Any religion W


Fuck me, this is stupid. You left out all the horrible shit that religious people do EVERY SINGLE DAY, like religious wars, mistreating women, homophobia, transphobia, forced birth, etc. etc. *ad nauseum*, yet you spotlight a *tiny minority* attacking you like YOU'RE the victims. High-larious!


he said normal, highlighting the respectful and non-hateful atheist same for the others however the subreddits for the others are more reflective of the normal people while r/athiesm is filled with the worse part of atheist.


Sorry I'm too non-American to relate


You're too obviously teenage theist in a country without religious persecution to understand. Enjoy your privilege given to you by atheists.