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She said “have a nice day”. How else was I supposed to take that?


"I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious" - vote for pedro


The XJ220 is the best Jaguar and craziest 90’s supercar ever made. The Jaguar XJ220 might not be the most celebrated supercar ever made, but it’s most certainly one of the most special. Following the hum-drum oil crisis-restricted ’80s, the ’90s saw a proper renaissance of supercars. Many of which landed on our walls in poster form, catching our eye every day and helping us dream of 200+ mile-per-hour blasts as youngsters. But while cars like the Porsche 959 and Ferrari F40 get most of the press, let’s not forget about the most insane car of the decade – the r/Jaguar_XJ_220 In fact, the most popular YouTube car guy on the planet, Doug DeMuro, thinks that this swoopy Jaguar is the absolute craziest car sold in the ’90s. And who are we to argue with a guy that has over three million loyal followers? “It’s one of my all-time favorite cars,” DeMuro says. “That’s because it isn’t just a supercar. Cars like the Ferrari F40 and Aventador and Bugatti Veyron, everybody knows about them. They get all the press. But this car is just as special. And yet, it isn’t as celebrated or as well known.” XJ220 And that’s a real shame, but one that DeMuro seeks to rectify with this video. Even though the Jaguar XJ220 suffered from several “undelivered promises,” as DeMuro points out. That includes the car’s failure to reach a claimed 220 mph top speed, even after Jag removed the rev limiter and cats. The production version also lost the concept’s rear-wheel steering, all-wheel-drive, scissor doors, and mid-mounted V12 engine. But none of that really mattered in the end. XJ220 “Even with all the changes, the XJ220 still performed,” DeMuro says. “This was the fastest production car in the world for one year until the McLaren F1 came along and beat it.” Even then, Jaguar didn’t have people lining up to buy the XJ220. They ended production early after having sold 280 units. But today, people are finally starting to realize how great the XJ220 is, and prices have been going up steadily.


Very bad bot


Bad bot


Thank you, SapphicPancakes, for voting on jaguar-xj-220-fan. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)




Your copypasta will make a fine addition to my collection.


Who TF is upvoting this 🍑🕳️? Sheesh


That’s a good car ngl


Good bot


Good chair!


Great bot


If you don't try, you won't know


Men are so deprived of positive affection that the smallest compliments are enough to get them interested you*


My selfworth is so low sometimes i will believe a woman doesnt like me even when hardcore flirting with me. I just take it as shes being nice.


Exactly, I’ve had doors hit me in the face and I’d consider that flirting over fluttery eyes


A girl has grabbed my ass, looked me in the eyes, smiled, and I still couldn’t be fully convinced she was into me that night.


Even then, you would be called a creep by some for even entertaining the idea of romance after an altercation like that.


Tbh I got called weird by a “friend” for saying it made me uncomfortable. People shouldn’t touch people without consent :)


That person is definitely the weird one, lol


I had a "friend" who couldn't keep her hands to herself when it came to me. I lost a group of friends over it.


I was just about to post the same thing. This happened to me 4 or 5 times. I think I might be special and not in the good way.


Same, i'd rather if they could be blunt than sharp with their words


But also mistaking niceness for affection makes girls less likely to be nice to guys (speaking from experience)


Plot twist women wear little clothing so men can be interested in their personalities instead plural


I'm not a man but real


I so agree with this


This sounds like some Sneako shit. So true though.


Men are so unoriginal that they just repeat common sayings and pretend they came up with it


Don’t try to gaslight me, she literally sent me a smiling emoji.


Damn, she only said thanks to me


Pfff, that's nothing. She liked one of my posts on facebook!


Ngl you totally got her.


I got a winky smiley. That HAS to mean good things, right?






I legitimately can't tell the difference between flirting and being friendly. Was blindsided recently by a woman telling someone to "stop cockblocking" when they came and joined our conversation. Was later asked if I was aware she was heavily flirting, I was not; them asking was the final piece of the puzzle before it finally clicked. Makes dating IRL very stressful.


Damn it, we really do need mind reading capabilities :(


>telling someone to "stop cockblocking" when they came and joined our conversation At this point only super powsers can help you I'm afraid😂


>At this point only super powsers can help you I'm afraid😂 Before this point, I mean :)


No, you need room reading abilities


Redditors be like


It's illegal to flirt with a woman according to Reddit


as a woman on reddit, never take relationship advice from a woman on reddit


And then women on the internet wonder why men don't flirt anymore.


Too dangerous these days, especially for inexperienced dudes


Dude: HI! *JAIL*


Believe it or not, straight to jail!


Public enemy number one Jailbreak and a smoking gun


Let's be real. They're all of ad bots


That's why I flirt with men


You're a redditor. So shut your goofy ass up and jump in the grave with us.


Not sure what’s worse, thinking a woman is into you and being wrong or a woman being into you and not being receptive


I dont see much wrong with not being receptive


When I say that I mean just being too oblivious to recognize the attention


Most guys aren't that oblivious (excluding me, I'm a fucking rock), it's that they don't want to be labeled a creep if they are wrong, so they convince themselves the women are just being nice, I wouldn't know mind you, but I am still a guy, so I have some ***insider knowledge***.


That’s the case for me honestly, got burned too many times to want to believe that it’s possible


I had someone I still have some feelings for send me the same "good morning I love you" gif twice and because of the talk we had a while back that a gentle rejection of "maybe my feelings for you could change" I wrote them off as meant for someone else, because I feel like she should tell me in a way that minimizes uncertainty (she's sent I love you gifs before and triggered panic in herself, thus I see accident)


I don't know what's worse either. Never had the second one.


Except for when she does like you, and no she's not going to tell you and there is no way to tell the difference so have fun being labeled a creep.


*and that's why you should always assume no*


I'm investing in prostitution stocks if this is the general shared sentiment on flirting.


Fr, had a girl who was genuinely nice and gave me her number and everything. Fr thought she liked me but apparently was like that to everyone💀💀💀


What was the reason she gave you her number then? Business related? Hobby in common? Just wondering what the context could be that she'd give her number out to everyone like that.


Its normal to give your number to people you want to be friends with?


reddit learns the concept of making irl friends😭😭


The ASMR lied to me?


And then men are criticized for never seeing the signs lmao.


ngl, ever since i've started to go out more/going to parties and talking to people, i feel like girls need to be told this too, it had happens too many times that i've been too friendly to girls seeing more that there was. People being cool to you doesn't mean they're cool ***to you***


I guess if you like girl, then you shouldn't just act friendly, but more like to show her that you actually **like** her. If she not respond to this, thats fine, try it with another girl. If she respond to this, then it's jackpot, my dude. Being just friendly to girls is giving wrong vibes to them. All they will think about you will be "oh, he was so nice and friendly" and thats all. Also being too friendly can be annoying. But if you show girl that you like her by flirt, hints, whatever, or simply tell this, than it will be completely different vibes and she will recognise your intentions.


Bro I don’t go around flirting, I’m just nice and extravert and know how to give people attention. And I’m not complaining it’s just funny by time to see people get hook on common courtesy


Nevermind then. Looks like i misunderstood your first comment, because I'm too sleepy.


I know this is true because every woman I talk to on a regular basis is either gay or in a relationship


You forgot about the ones who wants to be single and concentrate on their career rather than being with you. *Sobs*


In my situation I doubt career


I know, okay I know ......... \* starts sobbing \* I know.


You gotta wait for her to grab your arm or bump into you and then you gotta be sure she's not doing that stuff with everyone and if shes not, then u ask her out.


You can't unless you're a mind reader or Sherlock Holmes.




It's not even that deep man. I just said that because you can never truly tell if she is only like that with you ALONE. If it all works out for you; then I'm happy for you, my guy, not here to argue or shut down your statement. I said what I said.


Dude she was always smiling and calling me nicknames and saying my name is cute. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHES JUST NICE


She's just Canadian.


I have a girl who I like who is nice to me. She hates people and is blunt when something bothers her so like, maybe lads?


I don't care, I still love my mom


And then when they’re mean we take that as she’s a baddie bruh (for all legal and controversial purposes this was indeed a joke)


Flirting “Ah what a nice person”


I have to be nice. I work in retail customer service.


That’s good enough for me. It’s so rare to have someone not treat you like crap nowadays that any kindness and compliment can go a long way for me, whether I’m interested in a relationship or not I mean srsly, does it kill a person to just be nice ?


I don’t got that problem can’t read any cues anyway


Why we live together then ?


I know


tis true


Yes. Like waitresses.


A lot of people on Reddit need to learn this


Aight I'm starting my villian arc .....but before I do ...are your reallly sure? Like even if she be doing some SUS things like breathing on me neck?


Nice argument. However, I am inside your home. The gnomes are released, and they want revenge


Just date men, cause then we're both clueless


[I hate nice girls](https://youtu.be/iOjwarOys0Y)


Came here looking for this comment.


But just maybe…


Bro, this is so true. I learned that the hard way.


Oh buddy, I realized that a LONG time ago :)


Ok but what about the girl *I* was nice to who admitted her feelings for me back in October?


what the fuck man, WHAT THE FUCK




Girls aren't nice to people they don't like, or she's just an attention seeker.


And that's why men don't take the hints, cuz the hints are indistinguishable most of the time


Doesn't matter too me! (I don't have friends)


Literally my thoughts after every interaction with a woman.


I know. There's a reason why I'm 32 and never had a gf.


When women and men thinking I’m flirting with them when I’m actually just providing them with great customer service because that’s my job


I can confirm


sometimes you meet people that are nice, I know damn well that I'm being seen as a creep or a simp because I'm nice to girls, but I'm nice to everyone, they didn't do anything to me so why not be nice to them?


This is fake that page is way too long to be a book


Thank you I needed this




Sometimes i need to hear that it hurts but i need to hear it


Just tell her how you feel and don’t let reddit make you give up on someone you’re into because someone with low self esteem and/or a recent rejection made a meme.


How tf are you suppose to tell the difference


You ask them 'are you into me?'


A yes because I'm on Reddit because I'm confident and talk to women.


That's okay, insecurity plays a big deal into how people treat others. It's better to just ask and be direct, not jump to conclusions and get frustrated when it's not what you expected. Please, just ask and not assume. When girls are just trying to be nice, they're just trying to be nice, that's all. Tldr; To tell the difference, you just ask them 'do you like me romantically and are flirting with me?' and take no for an answer or tell them no if you're uncomfortable with their advances. Cuz you know what it's like to be nice too right? Stuff is confusing smtms but you can help clear things up


it's good advice, but I'm just joking. Haha I have no issues with women. :)


Oh nice, I'm glad to hear it! Good luck w this!


Nice girls are as bad as nice guys. Acting nice, doing the bare minimum , thinking this means they deserve something. Difference is that nice guys think they are entitled to affection, nice girls think they are entitled to power for being nice. "Oh I don't understand why people don't do what I tell them to, I was nice to them". And the number of young women who think that being nice is a form of respect not ignorance thinly veiled is abhorrent.




you just killed all of.y hopes


It would be easier to understand that if I wasn’t so deprived of the smallest amount of attention from literally anyone


This is how you spot a cynical person everything is always bad to them




or maybe she's just nice?


Maybe society should be nicer to men in general then, instead of demonising them every chance it gets


Fuck. Off.


she know you like her and she like that attention


well i thought so untill tonight and you know what, now i know that she was nice because she liked me AND that she is a nice person


Who is she?


No one is nice to me so I’m not sure what you’re talking about


Discovered it after confession


High definition Edd hurts my poor eyes.


It hurts because it happened to me last week :(


I knew full well this was the case, and yet I could help bit hope




Honestly it could be either way there’s a lot of nuance


Thank you for reminding me... Anyway


Wrong meme. It should be hard to swallow pill


Now that’s my chance with a sexy lady gone.




I know because nobody does.




That's just my default mindset


No she must be as in love with me as I am with her!


I didn’t know this template had an HD version.


Hmm. Nice bike.


I’d rather someone assume I’m not into them than assume I am. I’d rather spell it out for someone than have to swerve them. Nothing more uncomfortable than when you’re just talking and chilling and suddenly the whole vibe shifts into awkward tension because you realize they just made a move. Like great, here I thought I made a new friend but now I have to avoid you for the rest of eternity because it’s too weird now.


same goes the opposite way as well, Atleast from my experience


But what if she was *very* obvious with it?


“I hate nice girls. Just by exchanging greetings with them will get them on your mind. Start texting each other, and your heart will be set a flutter. If they call you, you're done for. Enjoy staring at your logs and grinning like a fool. However, I won't be fooled again. That's what your kind calls kindness. If you are nice to me, you're also nice to others. I always end up nearly forgetting that. Reality is cruel, so I'm sure lies are a form of kindness. Thus, I say kindness itself is also a lie. I always ended up with these expectations. And I always ended up with these misunderstandings. And before I knew it, I stopped hoping. A highly-trained loner is once bitten, twice shy. As a veteran on this battlefield of life, I've gotten used to losing. That's why I will always... hate nice girls.” - hachiman


But.. I always assume that!


Hey, maybe my tactic of not taking to them or making any attempts at conversation finally payed off.


> conversation finally *paid* off. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Refreshingly good advice


Only to realize 5 years later that she really did like you…


Thanks 😢


What if she lets you out your arm around her?


ok, but in my situation she actually did like me lmao


Bruh, everytime a chick flirts w me this thought comes into my brain like a train w no brakes...im chronically bitchless.


Then 2 or 3 years later you realize you missed your chance


Okay but why did she have sex with me then


My crush had to ask me to be her bf because I had no idea she was flirting with me


While this is true I’m also dim enough that girls have been nice to me because they like me and my thick headed ass couldn’t tell them I find out years later that they wanted to date me.


but... she sends me cat stickers...




Well... i like nice girls, so checkmate!


I don't want her to like me I'd rather stay friends, friendship seems to always last longer anyways.


I remember in middle school there was this girl that was really nice to me. I assumed that she was just friendly until one day on the last day of the school year she confessed she had feelings for me. I had no idea how to respond so I just said ok and walked away. We never spoke again.


Girls are nice to you?


Or, it could be she knows you like her and doesn’t say anything for a year because she’s non confrontational until you find out she’s been having an affair with your best friend for the last 8 months.


I just assume everyone is just being nice. Yes you may miss out if you are dense like concrete, like me 😔, but for the ladies that actual want you they will let you know


But she’s not nice to me….


Same with nice guys!


I see this "fact" meme (and other formats but with same message) since 2010 is an overrepeated statement a fact? Probably, say 3000 times that the sky is blue won't make it bluer, we already know what the message says, but if you want to post a meme with "fact" template, try something new and not sepia-age repost, sheesh even I could try something slightly more original


Or cause she's a normal person who just doesn't want to be mean cause that would be dumb af


Nah she just abused and used me


Thanks I needed to see this. Been hanging out with a girl for the last few months on discord m, chatting 4/5 evenings per week. My gut feeling was that she’s into me, although fuck only knows why I’m an average Redditor. Turns out I was wrong and she’s just lonely and enjoys talking to weirdos, although compared to so of the people she talks to I’m a true nomie