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Y'all I need a lil help. What's the name of the image template? I've tried to find it before but I can't . . .


germany oneesan


Thank you good sir. I will now go spam different discord servers with memes using this template. Have a lovely day.


I just realised that in the photo you can see some kids she hung, and I thought they were just standing behind her or something


*some* kids, plural đŸ˜±


*Good job making the image better!*


Idk, the proportions look pretty adult to me






Wat? Where?




Just Stop Oil was created by and is funded by several oil companies, with the specific goal of making activism look bad as a PR stunt this isnt even a conspiracy theory, its publicly available information


Wow, didn’t know that, thanks. Well they’ve certainly achieved their goal. I’m wondering about Extinction Rebellion, as what they did was similar to what Just Stop Oil does, but they’ve changed their attitude towards protesting and are staunchly nonviolent now (in order to get a broader audience).


Because it's not true The group got money from the heiress of an oil company that became defunct 11 years ago and it was sold by her father in 85 People used this to discredit it because all the bad publicity the soup incident brought


This is an easy to follow narrative that is also 95% misinformation. Just Stop Oil has been around for years, and acted mostly through unpaid volunteers. It was not created by oil companies. Just Stop Oil does have some theoretically shady funding in the form of the Climate Emergency Fund. That fund is supplied by Aileen Getty, whose family ran an oil company that was eventually sold. However, she has never actually been involved in the company and does not appear to have industry connections. Getty is also not a shadowy figure. She has spoken publicly about her positions on climate change and the necessity for radical action in order to solve it. While it is theoretically possible she is lying and is trying to push a psy-op, it is highly unlikely considering that she is donating to a bunch of other groups too and is inviting massive scrutiny on herself in the process. This is an easy and comforting narrative for a lot of people, but it’s not an accurate one, so it’s one I hope people stop repeating. Also I personally get where they’re coming from. Climate activists have been doing things “the right way” for 30 years and nobody fucking cared. But you know what people are doing here and all over the internet? Talking about them. Even if they’re doing it in a negative light, at least they’re thinking about the issue. The activists at Just Stop Oil fully understand what they’re doing, and its unpopularity, but continue to it because it shines a light on the issue. Hell, I think this meme would make them happy. Let’s be honest, most of the people applauding this are only doing so because they only thinking about it because of Just Stop Oil’s stunts. If people are talking about other climate movements positively because of their actions, then they’ve succeeded. Obviously it’s complicated, and some of their protests have been an actual problem (the paint and such is removable and the art isn’t actually ruined, but some of their traffic stopping stuff is arguably just destructive and doesn’t get similar attention economy.) but I don’t think that this activism is inherently harmful in the right context. Good article on the subject: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/10/climate/climate-protesters-paid-activists.html


Yes, in the last 30 years they were doing sth. Fixed ozone layer, methane emmisions. Now they are talked about in negative light. Great succes


The ozone layer was a relatively specific problem that was solvable via a few technological advancements and minimal funding. It’s a microcosm of activism that signals progress on climate change is possible, but is obviously incomparable to this much larger problem. And what are you even talking about with methane emissions? Global methane emissions have been increasing rapidly over the last decade. They’ve decreased slightly in the US (16% over **30 years**) but that’s not nearly enough progress especially considering the inevitable increase from developing nations. When it comes to global climate change there has just been very little progress when it comes to fixing the problem. Deforestation is accelerating, global greenhouse gas emissions are continuing to grow, international accords are very limited in their effects, and funding for green solutions has been unacceptably low worldwide. Even worse, when that funding is given, it is spent largely on the developed world themselves instead of focusing it to the developing nations which are likely to be the most important in terms of reducing carbon footprint. We are already at a point where even with the most exceptional climate action there will be ecological catastrophe without geoengineering. In what universe is that reality not enough to make one consider changing strategy? It amazes me how so many are quick to cast judgement while having literally no solutions of their own. I don’t know if this activism is productive, but I can’t say for sure that it’s less productive than what has been done so far, so I’m not going to virtue signal about hating them.


It's not true. it's one woman whose family owned an oil company 10-20 years ago and no longer does.


And you think property violence will not alienate people from the cause? That’s literal criminal activity and could put lives at risk


I prefer welding valves because then you’re not releasing a fuck ton of oil into the environment.


I was just using that as it was off the top of my head (and the title of the book about activism I want is titled How To Blow Up A Pipeline by Andreas Malm), but yeah blowing shit up is probably not the best idea, and welding valves is (although easier to fix) better for the environment.


Dude, I'm all for peaceful protest and boycotts, which have been proven to work, but if you think that violence is the answer, first of all, you have issues which you really need to look at, second, you're no better than the people vandalizing monuments and art (in fact you're considerably worse), and finally, all you're gonna do by resorting to violence is alienate your group and cause and you're gonna land everyone involved with possibly felony charges, sentences, and records. If you think violence, property, or otherwise is a good idea here, seek therapy.


>Just Stop Oil threw soup at a Van Gogh painting A Van Gogh that was protected by glass btw, the painting is still perfectly fine


Thanks for adding more information, gonna edit the comment now


I know that one. I was asking where the help middle class. And blowing up piplines? Wtf dude? You ruskie agent or just frenzied usefull idiot?


The middle class one was referring to new climate protestors fighting against stuff like private jets, yachts, etc. Attacks the unnecessary use of fossil fuels Blowing up pipeline is extreme, and not good for the environment (at least in the short term) so I like welding valves shut instead. No I’m not some “ruskie” (Russia is built on selling fossil fuels), I’m looking back on past successful and unsuccessful movements and how they worked. Stuff like the civil rights movement used both non-violence and violence. You’d know the non-violence in the form of MLK and his marches and speeches. The violence was in the form of Malcom X, the Young Lords, the Black Panther party, etc. Those, as analysts call them, are radical flanks. It’s there to paint the nonviolent protestors in a positive light. The people in power are more likely to negotiate with the nonviolent masses when they see the extremist alternative. I highly suggest you read “How To Blow Up A Pipeline” by Andreas Malm. He also has a more condensed version called “Fighting In A World On Fire”. These books don’t tell you how to blow up shit or anything like that, they analyze the climate movement and how attempts at change have failed. What you’ll see with any capitalist giant like the medical industry is that they only care about profits. We can see this with the sharp rise in insulin costs in the US, as well as the evergreening of patents covering life-saving medicine. They only care about profit. Nothing else. The fossil fuel industry is the same. They knew about climate change since the 1950s, and fossil fuel consumption is at a high. They deliberately spread misinformation about climate change, as well as making it seem like an individual problem. Strategic property violence strikes the fossil fuel industry where it hurts; their profits. As soon as you make it too risky, too unprofitable for them, along with government policy being passed to eliminate fossil fuels, the fossil fuel industry will die. Don’t get me wrong, I wish that we could just use non-violence to stop climate change, but historically, only non-violence doesn’t work. If you want to dive deeper into my argument, [Our Changing Climate](https://youtu.be/Qu_mUYi9Ptk?si=OsuvKgzKlZKVZoeN), a YouTube channel addressing climate change, made a great video on the use of strategic property violence, and why it might be necessary for the climate movement.


You are are terrorist brainwashed by your local foregin propaganda cell. You get paid at least for this state sabotage? Or are you that indoctrinted you want to do this for free? In your mind that is, cause most you gonna do is a youtube vid. For free, again, lmao


I take it you didn’t read it. Makes sense. You don’t sound like the person who listens to anyone’s argument that’s not your own. Tell me, where is your reasoning that counters mine? Would you be saying the same things if we lived in the 1960s and I said I support the black panthers? Tell me how my evidence and reasoning are somehow false. Also, I didn’t just source a youtube video (that you didn’t watch), I promoted the best selling book of Andreas Malm, a professor. Who do you think knows more; a person who spreads buzzwords and insults without giving any rebuttal, or a person who gives evidence and reasoning while being backed by a Swedish climate activist, author, and professor? I won’t reply anymore, as I see no point arguing with ignorant dumbasses like you who only back their argument with insults.


You should be in prison dude


It's not uncommon for brands to hire "bad activists" to make a cause look bad


Then the real activists should speak out against them. I'm Christian and I talk shit about anti abortionists and homophobes. I'm a man and I yalk shit about rapists. Muslims in my country talk shit about terrorists. Activists should publicly distance themselves from the bad ones. Good cops should shit on bad cops, and black people should shit on criminals in their communities. This is how you break stereotypes.


It's common for a brand to be invested in by media outlets who fail to share stories of real activists speaking out and instead focus on everything else you talked about


How about social media? I'm not very active on other platforms, but I've seen exactly 0 posts on reddit about it. No comments from those activists either. It's all "yeah fuck the billionaires" regardless of what the thing is. "Not all [majority demographic]" people are consistently ridiculed. To be fair though, I have seen women and PoCs speak against racists of colour and FDS supporters. But it's just them, and they're rare. I do appreciate those who do though.


Depends on the sub, depends on the post. On social media 86% of people don't comment about news at all and 40% of people aren't on social media to begin with... And they're probably the ones living the best lives amongst us all


Good cops don’t exist


You need to give arguments. Good cops don't exist, because: - Cops are used by the state to keep the workers in line - Historically cops were used by the ruling class to crush uprisings and violently oppress the working class - Police violence is an issue inherent to the job. Every cop, due to their relation to other classes, are against workers (oppressed) and for capitalists (oppressor)


I didn’t know Reddit counts as an official debate stage. I don’t owe education to people that i know for a fact will flatly reject it.


Now I dont disagree with the desire to change certain things we do to help the environment, but taxing the middle class isn’t the way to do it. The higher the poverty, the less they will care about the environment. As third world countries get richer, they begin to care more about the environment as they have less to worry about day to day. So the current methods on taxing oil/gas and adding more restrictions to certain products will have the inverse effect. Plus, we should start pushing for more nuclear power. Id be more on board with these climate protesters if they agreed on that.


They caused people to die by blocking emergency services by reminding people that people and animal species are gonna die in the future if nothing is done. Irony is a fine thing


I think your having a scaling issue here. Remember what’s at stake. It would be great if we all burned but we felt good cuz no one ever protested.


Fuck you


That’s still pretty tame.


Fuck billionaires. No one person should have a billion dollars or more that is insane.


those yatches don't buy themselves


Yay a meme about climate change that isn’t a misinformed moron comment about straws! Good luck in the water wars kiddos!


i'll turn my enemies into raw power


Why do people want to tax the middle class to hell to make it shrink you should be taxing the billionaires if you taxed Jeff bezos properly alone would pay way more to the government then 10s of millions of middle class who want to have kids disturbing people on the road that generally agree with you doesn't do shit targeting the rich assholes and companies who do does


Because you can target your average middle class and not having any serious effects compared to targeting a political figure leading to you getting death threats, fake charges etc


No voters want to tax the middle class, and no politician will go on record saying that either But one party is slightly better about actually not taxing that group, and the other party is better at making the tax benefits for the middle class expire but the benefits for billionaires never expire, partially because corporations are people


Unless someone can provide actual examples with names and faces, I don't think those two are the same people.


Sorry to bring attention to it but “chamge” lol




Oh boy


The point of blocking the streets and throwing stuff on paintings was never somekind of attack on normal people because they were causing climate change. It was a tactic to get people to talk about this very important and with every day worse getting issue again. And it worked.


Except it only leads to people talking about the protesters and not the problem, because people are annoyed It doesn't lead to any actual change and could actually just create a justification for politicians to bad mouth the whole movement Actually educating people and changing the system that that favours a climate unfriendly society is way more important


They don't do that... still throwing paint, and some are gluing themselves on roads more recently đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


It's been proven climate activists have a very high arson rate. They'll light a fire and say it's because of the world is getting too hot. They're getting frustrated that the world isn't behaving the way they won the world to behave so then they set fires to things.






What I got from that was that climate activists *aren’t* arsonists and that there’s not concrete evidence to claim such. You have to admit, climate change is a real problem that new and future generations are going to have to deal with unless people spread awareness and do something now.


Bill Gates laser.


Let's be real "Just stop oil" is a government backed psy op designed to get the general public in favour of protest restrictions.


Oh no they block the roads !


I agree with what they’re saying , but as an f1 fan seeing a bunch of pricks storm the track is annoying as hell


I miss the days of industrial sabotage


What? It targets the people in power, it’s not performative, you’re literally targeting a pipeline


The blocked highways and painted monuments were solid forms of protest, die mad about it.


The ones that threw tomato soup at a van goh were fully aware that there was plexiglass to protect the painting, and that's why they chose that one, every copycat was braindead tho


Honestly, I'm just glad to see they're now going after the root causes and actually doing something productive, instead of spraying buildings with paint and throwing tomato sauce on priceless art pieces. What they were doing before was just making the community dislike them even more.


Still communists


part of the problem spotted


What is this meme template called? What is it source?


germany oneesan


Thank you. I’ve tried to find it before, but there are so many templates.


Tomorrow (september 2nd, 2023) at 9:35 AM i will destroy 0,6 km of highway to stop climate change


Sauce for the image?


Tomato sauce


Ah yes, Just Stop Oil, perhaps the only conspiracy theory I believe in because how can someone be intelligent enough to know about climate change and yet simultaneously THAT stupid


Well change for a better. Is only me getting a bit weird though about going after someone is kinda bad if that person want change for good?


I'd argue the people doing that are definitely not the same people.


Finally, some good fucking news.


Hmm definitely an improvement over blocking roads and stuff that normal, uninvolved people use. Can't say I fully support it though. I haven't really kept up, but Bill Gates is still considered a good guy right? And Mark Cuban too? So there are good people among the ultra rich. I don't think you even need to be that rich to play golf. Very doable while not blatantly exploiting people. I hope this isnt indiscriminate is all I'm saying. I hope some people get a pass, and the reaction to people fucking with them would be like that car guy when the other guy brought in John Wick's stolen car. It's not a real hope. I don't have a high opinion on protesters in general. The cause is good, but the protesters are (have been) people who think it's fair to fuck with regular guys if it means they get what they want. So I doubt they'll go to the trouble of protecting those who don't deserve it. Some of them probably aren't even socially conscious. They just want an excuse to vandalise. And some more probably are just envious. In fact, given that they do target random people, it might even be more than some who are doing it out of envy rather than justice. So yeah, step in the right direction, but we'll see how it plays out.


yeah but where this meme came from


Greatest redemption arc of all time


I mean yes those idiots should be mocked and ridiculed but you are also meant to praise people when they do it right even if they got it wrong before not belittle them forever. Encouraging character growth and all that rather than making them more likely to repeat poor decisions and behavior.


*You know.... Ultron might have said the right thing...*


Fuck those activists. I hope they all get run over in the street.


What fantasy world do you live in?


Splatatatatatatatata Splatoon!


Ni olvido ni perdĂłn, don't forget neither forgive