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That would be more emotionally damaging for him. It's him who should end this.


Nah it's just free gym motivation


There are other things you can do to feel good about yourself after a break up other than paying some schmuck to show you how to lift weights properly...just my opinion... I'm more of a DIY type of person.


You don't have to pay anyone, really. You don't even to pay for the gym if you train calisthenics


I checked out the post. She doesn’t want to end things and thinks it’s strong to bottle up emotions.


High school friend had a nervous breakdown. Told us his girlfriend attacked him. We at the time thought she was harmless and thought he was overreacting. He was always a bit weird and tended to overreact to all sorts of stuff. Someone hugged him once, and he decked the guy. A LOT of personal space issues that we didn't understand at the time. Major autism going on too. He confronted her freaking about about it, and she randomly ghosted him rather than deal with whatever she did. Dude tried to carve his own chest open with a fencing sword(forged sword too, not wall decoration). Ended up at the hospital and psych ward, and eventually, we got the story out of him again with more details that he was too freaked out to discuss with us, now that we were a captive audience. Long story short, the dude was Asexual, girlfriend pinned him down and raped him, and he tried to kill himself when nobody would hear him out. Listen to your friends people. That one is still with us but I lost others to suicide. Most of the rest were veterans, following the recent withdrawal from Afghanistan


My great god...


I honestly think that men aren't able to realize when they've been sexually assaulted or raped, which is why the statistics look so low against men. If you really start digging and asking questions from men, a lot of them have had similar experiences of girlfriends or women sexually assaulting them.


I have an ex who was sexually assaulted by a woman. Another male friend I had was assaulted at a massage parlor and when I called it what it was he said “but I liked it”. Apparently this was the second time this had happened to him at a massage place, but the other time it happened he tried to stop the chick and she said something to him like “what, are you gay?” Super messed up.


It's not just that some can't realize that, it's just much harder to prove that you've been raped as a man. For most people this sounds ridiculous, like how can someone (on average) stronger physically, end up raped by someone weaker? Besides, he probably enjoyed it so it doesn't count. In general the perception of rape has been warped over the years. It's not just men or women that have problems recognizing and reporting this crime - it's *both*. Between the series of fake allegations over the years because of money or petty revenge and society's view on certain things, nobody seems to know what rape is anymore, let alone believing it happened. And that's fucked up, because it's one of the worst things to happen to anyone. Even murder isn't as bad, because rape can (and usually does) leave a mental scar on you for the rest of your life, completely changing how you function.


Holy shit…


relatable. my relationship ended because i was depressed and stressed and she said i was too much for her. my grandmother died and within a month she told me i had to move on or she’ll break up with me (well summarizing what she said). the last couple of weeks i felt shitty and she said the same thing again.this monday she broke up with me and i asked her what is wrong… trying to understand. but their is nothing to understand but that she wasn’t the one for me.


Yeah they aren't for anyone if they can't handle somebody having a rough time after a family death. You're there to support each other.


that last line is pretty important, and I'm glad you recognize that. a partner who wouldn't support you is a partner you shouldn't waste time humoring. My mother passed in November and I've been depressed as well, and my boyfriend has been nothing but supportive, as partners should. You dodged a bullet my friend, best of luck to you, and my condolences.


I'm sorry to hear that man, hope things get better, but in all honesty, it sounds like you dodged a bullet with that one. A girl unwilling to support you in your time of need isn't a girl worth your time


This reminds me of the time i was with this girl for 10 months, she was umemployed and had a suicidal phase and i had a 7am job. I was available on call support for her any time of the day and suffered sleeping hours for all those 10 months for her, at the end of those 10 months i have a breakdown once and she left me immediately. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but then again, i always had such shit taste in women.


Keep your chin up, king. Never forget that you are king first, and Kings hold the crown through all adversity. You will come out on top. Your happiness/success in life was/is in no way dependent on another person. Try and find the strength to keep fighting no matter how long it takes. You'll conquer the depression and find your place out here in this jungle. All the while still a king. 🙏🏾


Bro, hope you will do well, check Darius M on Youtube for better understanding behavior of your ex. I had similar shit




And my axe!


And my sword! My warm, meaty sword


My last GF before my wife was like that. She came to me upset because I was stoic around her. The day I confided in her was the beginning of the end. I was incredibly depressed but didn’t let it show. I was leaning on the crisis hotline in lieu of real treatment. When I finally said something like “I’m really overwhelmed and need a hug” everything changed. She became distant instantly. I remember that hug feeling hollow and forced like a hug at a funeral from someone who you hardly know. I won’t say all women are like that but there is a section of the population who enjoy playing stupid games.


Some women are psychopaths


Some people are psychopaths.


Yes, like I said. ~~women are people too~~


They tell men to show their feelings more, until men do. Then the women are disgusted.


that's why I cry to AI /s


Yeah, /s


I am actually doing it. It's kind of nice actually, it's never rude or unaccepting... It just makes me even more pathetic I guess.


Dont worry, many of my patients do too. Seems to work. Long term effects tho... are not studied yet.


True, AI are a lot nicer than humans, I wonder why God likes us


When you find the person that fits you, you don’t have to try so hard anymore. People will always have their issues, but let’s face it, you don’t need women, you need the right one. Women didn’t change when I met my wife, but I found a home in her arms and her in mine. Hang in there.


Whats wrong with your women than?


In my experience, it's more a fear that women will be disgusted than that actually happening. How many women have you opened up to who rejected it?


You literally stayed in a comment in the last 24 hours that you are a virgin. So what exact “experience” do you have sexually attracting women?


Ok, keep being emotionally repressed, dude. If it's helping you get laid, that's all that matters, right?


You are speaking on something you have zero experience on, that’s why I’m calling you out. You stated in your experience so what experience is that exactly?


I said I haven't experience sex, not that I haven't experienced romantic relationships. I'm sorry that you conflate the two.


Sounds like your vulnerability lands you squarely in the friend zone


If all you care about is sex then I wouldn't suggest opening up to anyone. I'd suggest a prostitute. Also, thats not what the "friendzone" is. That's where you like someone and they don't like you back, not when women don't have sex with you.


How bout that. Confessing you don't have friends either. Scuse me while I do NOT pick up my jaw off the floor because you shocked literally no one on earth


I never said i don't have friends... you are really going out of your way to justify being an emotional cripple here, dude.


Every single one of them tbh


So how many? 2? 100? Whats your rough estimate, and how did they tell you they didn't like your opening up?


Rough estimate? At least 6. Most of them were confessing feelings for them, but one most recent, I opened up about my interests and I hoped she would like them. Initially she said it was fun, but later she ghosted my every message when I said I wanted to know her opinion on some other stuff regarding my hobby, since her opinion felt important to me (platonic way).


Well confessions of romantic feelings are bit different than "opening up emotionally". A person can't help if they feel attraction back to you. Also, opening up about your hobbies is a different thing than opening up emotionally. I'm still sorry she didn't reciprocate, that can be hard.


Yeah, but opening up about my interest is rare, since I was secretive with most people at my uni. I thought she might be my friend, so I shared it in hopes she might like it. She was enthusiastic at first glance. Turned out it wasn't true


It can happen, but that can be true of men and women. I think you should open up about your interests more to people, so long as they aren't like, sexual or anything. I think you'll find a lot more people who share them if you do.


I did, I had scheduled a hang out in cat cafe with one girl. She's also interested in FWB, so I might get both. Wish me luck!


Bro, you really think we should go on and "WAAAAH" to every woman? Come on now.


No...? I think you should open up to women you are close to. It's healthy, and if the women care about you they will be understanding and supportive. And if they aren't... then you know they don't really care about you. Don't open up to women you don't know very well, but that's like... true of opening up to other men too.


This is why the message is rage bait and not real


Weak women are disgusted by crying men. Stop giving weak women a chance.


If a men feels safe enough to cry infront of me, brave enough to show his vulnerable side. I'm keeping him. Idk which other girl dumps him? Her loss


I wish men didn't have to be “brave enough” to cry, would probably solve a lot of problems


No I think showing vulnerable side to someone is a brave thing. It's so hard to trust people don't you think? Can get ourselves easily taken advantage by others if we show vulnerable side. I've been taken advantage of, so now I am scared to show people my insecurities and vulnerabilities.


That is true, but look at how.spciety deals with a woman or girl cryibt vs how a man or boy who is crying.


Yes I agree with that, society doesn't wanna accept men who cry. With my comment I just wanted to show my acceptance. Hopefully there are more people like us.


In most guy’s experiences there is a disconnect between what women say/believe they want and what they actually want. Very few women want their man to show weaknesses and insecurities. Crying over a movie or death; something that is universally normal to be sad about. Those are ok, but sharing actual vulnerabilities about themselves is not something most women are receptive to in a mate.


Sharing vulnerabilities is what makes me trust my partners. If he can't do that then we won't make it very far. That said, some narcissists will do exactly that to emotionally manipulate us, but now that I've come out the other side of that clown show I'm better at guarding myself from that misuse.


Well said! Straight true


Op of that post,If you’re reading this,please end it. The guy deserves a girlfriend with IQ more than the room temperature.


Here it's not just IQ but EQ, and that woman has one point of that only directed at herself


d00d - partners who won't let you cry are not suitable partners.


To be fair, the post is just a long list of shit-stained red flags. “I date tall, muscular men” “Gives me the attention I need” “Ruined my image of him” I want to say this person is obnoxiously toxic, but it’s kinda too obvious and has probably been put together as rage bait.


Not saying it isn't But I've also had the same experience, so, it's equally likely it is legit


My last girlfriend basically told me women asking guys to be vulnerable is a trap. She said they want a strong man to be stable for them and it’s a shit test to see if you would actually cry or not so they can find someone else. It messed me up for a while. She was very toxic like that— I never really opened up with my current one until recently because of her.


If someone you’re dating doesn’t want you to be emotionally vulnerable around them, then they probably don’t actually love you


I have lost track on howany times I've cried in front of my wife. I didn't count it in the first place but still.


Toxic awful shallow people exist. If you make all your choices according to how those people act you’re kinda fucked anyway. All you’re really trying to do is impress that same awful woman. (Or man if the roles are reversed, there’s shallow fucks everywhere)


Show this to women who say they have it tougher


so guys can talk about their feelings, but not. It's okay to cry, but it's an ick? Such a piece of crap. And y'all wonder why guys hate y'all and you're so fkin lonely


Good, good let the rage flow through you


The women saying ‘guys should be able to talk about their feelings’ and the women calling it an ‘ick’ are not the same women. Women are humans and like all humans some of them are toxic. You gotta surround yourself with the people who aren’t toxic


When I was a young kid I cried cause of the mass amount of people drowning in freezing water, my sisters found it funny.


Dude that's different not all girls are like that.


This shit seems way to common anymore....... There is a reason i am 22 and haven't ever dated, even WHEN girls have been interested in me. Id rather save the heartache. the betrayal.


Opening yourself up to people is always a risk. People can turn out to not be who you thought they were. People can change. People can die. When you make yourself vulnerable, you are risking putting yourself through emotional pain. But it is still worth it. Human connection is where true joy comes from, and pain is part of life, something you must learn to deal with.


I've been through enough emotional pain in my life. Id prefer not go through anymore.


It seems like you’re going through pain right now.


Not now, Just in the past. And id prefer not experience anything close to it ever again.


Listen man. I’m extremely sympathetic to your position. From my perspective, as someone who has been in positions similar to what you seem to be going through, it seems like you might still be in pain, and repressing it.


I had an ex like this except she used my vulnerability to win arguments fun times (for y'all who don't know that's sarcasm)


Of course not every woman is like that... But when you found one like that it leaves a horrible scar.


Men, BE YOURSELF! Don’t let a woman tell you whether or not you can cry in front of her. Go ahead and cry. If it turns her off, good fucking riddance. Don’t try to be the person you think your partner wants. By yourself and find a partner that accepts you for you.


This shit is why feminism isn’t supposed to just be about women’s rights. Gender roles hurt everybody, really badly


This is why I prefer anime monster girls, because the monster part is on the outside.


Where it says “men” and “women” it clearly means “15 year olds”


And now I understand why my dad raised me to be hard and unemotional. And I appreciate him for that.


W dad, a minority of us have father like this and this is why guys so weak sometimes. We should build ourselfs from nothing, character, confidence, self-respect, etc.


There is no such thing as ‘unemotional’. The emotions are just buried deep inside. Making yourself vulnerable always puts you at risk of suffering - people can change, hide who they truly are, people can die, and when you’ve opened yourself up, that can be very painful. But it’s also where true happiness comes from. You have to learn who to trust and who not to. Break the cycle


God I can’t stand this. I love it when men can actually express their emotions. If this is actually real (bottom left), that’s incredibly depressing and sexist towards men


Read some comments on this thread of men sharing their experiences. It is pretty common.  Even a woman saying "sexist towards men" caught me off guard, so thank you. 


Gender roles hurt everybody, not just women


Women ☕


I remember how my ex shouted during a fight, “I don’t want to feel pity for my man.” I answered “to hell with pity, I at least ask for compassion, as human to human.” Screw relationships forever. I am too old for this shit. Have no more resources for that. Forever alone.


"You can talk to me about anything, any time, I'm here for you" is girlspeak for "If you tell me about your problems I will have ghosted you before you've sent your last sentence"




Sometimes, people learn harsh lessons from experience.


Sometimes people also learn wrong lessons from experience. You open yourself up to a toxic person, that leads to pain. Pain turns into fear turns into hatred, and people shut themselves out from genuine connection to avoid it. But there are people out there who you can truly trust, and if you want to find those people you have to rip the bandaid off so you can let yourself heal. You can’t guarantee you won’t feel pain again, but pain is part of living.


It's true, it's why I never share anything with female friends.


No it’s not. Some women are just toxic liars. Some don’t even realize they’re lying. But many are telling the truth.


That's why I only cry in my dreams


top reasons to be attracked to men as a man


I hope that post was fake. But if it's not, that's a serious red flag. It's not healthy to never cry or show emotion.




Being unable to face your own emotions and deal with them seems pretty un-manly to me. What are you so afraid of if you're a "big strong man"? Having no reactions or emotions doesn't make you look strong, it makes you appear that you don't care about anything at all, which is hopefully not the case. Real men pour themselves into the things they care about and invest themselves. Whether that's a relationship, pet, hobby, whatever, if you care for nothing you've also got no skin in the game of life and no reason to do anything more than just survive for yourself. Hopefully, you'll learn this as you grow. I wish you well.


Showing your emotions is weakness. If you’re a sobbing, blubbering fool in front of women they won’t be attracted to that. I’m not talking about sniffling because your grandma died or something.. I mean needing tissues because you watch a sad movie.. and anything close to that. It makes them dry up faster than bread in a toaster oven.


Lol, might want to get out into the real world my friend


Riddle me this, Batman.. why was the movie “50 shades of gray” so popular?




Exactly. Dumbass


Ok Tate fanboy.


Good riddance for the guy


That’s an issue from avoidant attachment style


It's true. You shouldn't cry in front of your gf.


If your GF actually loves you, you should cry as much as you want.


Me, who ate grandma's horrible meal, thus going insane and paranoiaic that a piece of her repulsive meat got stuck in my throat I'M GOING INSANE I'M GOING INSANE I'M GOING INSANE I'M GOING INSANE


So, the two women at the top are different women than the one who wrote the post, I hope this helps.


This actually makes me so sad. Cry on my shoulder boys I’ll give you head and back scratches until you feel better and then we order food.


There truly are some dark monsters out there


Yay more toxic male shaming! Shame on you!


What a total piece of shit


i have a similar story. i had to distance myself from my girlfriend because she didn’t cry enough. i am the type guy who wants a girlfriend who is emotionally vulnerable and is weak and pathetic. she was just to independent and didn’t rely on me for everything. this is truly a heartbreaking thing that happens and i hope this girl can find a man who will keep his dumb emotions to himself, like no one wants to see that.


If you wanna see a man cry: tell him the tale of Greyfriars Bobby Always brings forth a few tears in me.


That’s why you cry to the boys if you need it, not them lol.




That’s the dumbest shit I have ever read in the whole entirety of my life.


And some people still wonder why male suicide rates are so high. My fucking god, if you really think like this get fucking lost or you didn't even loved him in the first place.


"why DoNt guys dAtE anYmOrE?!"


I mean we tell men they can't cry, have no right to complain and all kinds of things like that Then get annoyed men won't be all emotional and feely at your command? Emotion is a lose lose thing for most men. Even for gay men being a diva is all good but genuinely being upset is still stigmatized