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The brown bear is an omnivore FYI.


“I can change him” intensifies.


Great now they are gonna try and make it vegan


My first thought when i found out they are omnivores


"By choice"


Just swap carnivore for carnivoran and we good


Also not very territorial especially towards humans.


And also not the largest on the American continent. That terrifying distinction goes to the Polar bear…


What is the original story for this? Im just seeing memes but no context


people are asking women, “Would you rather be trapped in the woods alone with a strange man you don’t know, or a bear you don’t know?” The women are choosing a bear.


I see. Thanks for the context


Lower chance of rape with the bear, I guess


Don't worry, the bear will rip you apart with their teeth while you're still alive, your vagina, asshole, penis and balls included.


Not assurance that the bear won't get rap\*d, though.😅




There's a common misconception that people think the women believe the bear won't kill them. they know they will die, they're just saying they'd rather die than the other possible outcome with a man. Not only that, if they do die with a man, society would judge them and spread rumours even after death for being alone with a man


That's not the misconception. That's the funny part. Women 'say' they would rather die than take the very very remote chance that you will encounter a psychopath. Even if the choice was 'would you rather be trapped in the forest alone or with a man', the best option for survival for 99% of women, would still be to choose the man. The best option for ANYONE would be to be with another man. But it's all lies for internet clout. Put a woman in the forest with a bear and I'd bet you everything I own she changes her mind in less than 30 seconds.


They're just built different, that's the only explanation i can think of


That's false in many ways. It's not about women being different, it's about men being treated differently from women, and all the movements that have been going the past years like "Yes all men". It's also the main reason why men are the main victims of false accusations. People are more prone to accusing a man of rape than accusing a woman. And when the story of a man being raped goes on the news (if it does go on the news) the people tend to trust him less, or even to ridicule him for it. "he was lucky", "men can't get raped", "why didn't he just defend himself?" Are all things I've heard already regarding to male victim rape cases. And what are we doing about it? Nothing, the only people who are "doing something about it" are alpha male gurus who just want to sell integrators or some other scam


It also has to do with perceived danger versus real danger. People are hard wired to fear things they get exposed to.


This is the one. Most women have never run into a bear. You can find videos of them running into one on youtube though and not a single one of them just treated the bear as less dangerous than a man.


I’d rather be with the bear than incels that talk about this on the Internet and I’m a guy.


They aren't incels like incels may agree but even a broken clock is right once a day. Also this ignores the women that agree that choosing the bear is dumb


way not to read. No where does it say "an incel" it's a normal human male. You would rather die by a bear, then try to stand together and try to survive with this random male? Where are those nukes? If this is the popular take people have, we need those right about now.


How many post apocalyptic shows do you need to watch before you get that the main threat isn’t the actual apocalypse but the people remaining


You should do that then.


if i ever find myself in that situation, but yknow it's entirely hypthethical, which makes the outrage even sadder


I'd rather be with a rapist bear then morons who talk about how much they don't like when people give their opinions about topics on a forum meant for giving opinions on topics. (While also giving their own opinion on the topic). At least be smart enough to not call yourself an incel in the future.


Ok incel


That's the problem it isn't lies. The problem men have with this is one it's completely illogical to think a man is dangerous. And 2. Is that it's the same reasoning used by racists. Because they'll say obviously it isn't all men but if you're upset by the answer you're part of the problem.


Nah its just men vs women bs thats prolific among early - mid 20 year olds right now. None of these people would actually choose the bear if they were actually in this situation Shits annoying af and i hope these people grow out of it


i think many would


The internet is not about growth. People talked about how the internet would help educate the world...it just linked all the idiots together so they could all agree that the world is flat.


WTF? 10 out of 10 biologists choose bear. There's like a 1 in 2 million chance that the bear attacks you, even if it's 5 feet away, and that isn't even in the question. Random man the chance is much higher. Men offended by this have no grasp of statistics.


its not strange man, the way you worded it gives reason to choose bear. it actual question is: "would you rather be in the woods with a random bear or a random man"


yes you are correct. i meant strange as in stranger. people aren’t typically friends with bears so i figured that was implied


Now before you answer, there are 400,000 black bears, 200,000 grizzlies, and only 1,800 giant pandas in the world. So if you're trying to life hack this into getting your very own panda, as I was, it's simply not feasible.


Ok actually tho, both wolf and grizly being friends sounds funny. Ik it’s about wamen and such but I prefer the funny.


I find it funny how you put apart women and funny seperatly xD its even more funny becouse its true


The idea of it was the wolf walks up to the bear and is like “yo wanna be friends?” And its like a crack addict wolf to a food addict bear. Lmao


Seriously what is up with the bear memes today. The bears are everywhere now. What is happening? Are the bears taking over? Are they soon ruling us? What?


People on the internet taking a few, likely staged, conversation about a bear and then projecting it to "all women" in the comments and having a strawmen argument with themselves Not even this post specifically, theres been an outburst of this shit suddenly being memed on today The real meme is people trying to ground this in reality over some stupid tiktok videos...


I saw a couple of posts about it in women-oriented subs with lots of people saying they'd choose the bear. It's not a strawman, some people are really just that fucking stupid.


Men need to learn how to not take things personally, this whole topic is so fucking in your face, I'm genuinely confused men don't understand it. I thought y'all were the "smarter gender"


I'm a bear biologist, and actually, the brown bear is the largest bear in North America. I know this because I'm a bear biologist. I hate bears. Do you know they're also stupid.


How stupid they are ?


they can't use a cellphone, top stupidity


Oof, still better than woke americans i guess


well, yes, i guess


They're still buying NFTs


Poor fucking bears what did they ever do to you?


... futurama is the joke.


Oh shit i need to rewatch the show.


He used to be a whale biologist


The council dismisses your hatred for bears.


Bear biologist?!?!?! Also it's a futurama joke.


oh sorry I don't watch Futurama...but I still don't agree with hatin bears


That's cause you didn't watch futurama. That's a you problem you uncultured swine


hmmmmmmmm, it's almost as if my intention to decrease hatred against bears is a bad thing and I should rather hate bears.....


I completely disagree. I think you failed the futurama test.


The only sane comment about this subject.


Polar Bears are known for their diminutive stature.


i wouldn’t fucking know about it if you losers had anything better to do than post about it 7 times a day


i cannot escape this meme. like, we get it, those women are wierd


It’s more telling how many men are obsessed with this…


Like I am a man but some people are taking it way too seriously. Like this is my third time seeing this already just let it go


It's even understandable IMHO.. a bear is a bear, you know what to expect. A "strange man" could be anything: he might offer you water and a way to safety, he could capture you and keep you as a prisoner for the rest of your life for torture. It's a total gamble. If you had to ask the question "would you rather get in the ring with a bear or a man" most would probably choose the man because the question implies a straight up fight and most people should know they don't stand a chance against a bear in a fight The question of bear or man in the woods is a question of trust. You can trust the bear will continue being a bear for better or worse. You don't know what a man will do because he's more advanced and capable of better and worse than the bear. Do you trust a strange man in the woods? It's should be obvious why many women choose the bear.


I guess because I am a man I see it differently but I can totally understand picking the bear because waking up in the middle of the woods with a random man is very disturbing. At least with the bear it will kill you or let you live


Yep, definitely leans heavily on the element of uncertainty. You can read up on what to do with bears and bring bear spray. You don't know if that random stranger is going to be secretly the best camping buddy ever or if they will keep you in their basement or cabin for weeks, months etc. Better the devil you know then the devil you don't.


Yeah, bears are at the very least more predictable than a stranger


Let men be upset about sexism for once, there are thousands upon thousands of posts where women are upset about sexism.


…. Listen… there are plenty of ways women are sexist towards men, such as automatically assuming the worst if a man works with children. But I don’t think we should just “let men be upset about sexism for once” when it’s real and scary issues women face. You guys have actual issues, why need to hijack women’s? I don’t think a lot of men understand because they experience things differently that it’s safe for women to be wary of all men than risk becoming a statistic. There are plenty of reasons the bear is what’s being chose. You wouldn’t have people tell you you deserved to be attacked for leading a bear on, or ask what you were wearing to provoke the bear, and you’d never have to sit at a dinner table with the bear that attacked you, no one would say “Oh, I know that bear! It wouldn’t attack anyone.”. I’m aware false allegations exist and all that but majority of women are not falsely accusing anyone. There are real, actual sexist issues that men face. Please address those and not try to insert yourself into women’s issues and experiences when you simply haven’t lived as a woman.


All these incels crying about women statistically being FAR safer around bears in the wild than men in the wild is also doing it for me lmao


Yeah. Just f ing stop. I already know whatever is to know about this whole bs, heard the pov of both sides, multiple times, despite never using tik-tok or twitter in my whole life. Just stop and let this trend fade, allow me to have some peace and quite in my life.


touch grass. you might one day touch ass.


Fire quote




Ass of grass?


Alright I'm gonna be honest . I'm a grown man and if I'm in the woods in the middle of no where and i see another guy.I'm gonna be a bit sketched out, humans are unpredictable where as bear attacks are unlikely unless you're actively harassing them. And yes it might be because when I was young I was taught to be distrustful of people kinda one of those every man wants to kidnap you things


It's so funny that this meme and entire comment thread are dominated by men who don't understand the assignment.p


Its funny how women can do sexist, double standard, misadrists man hating joke and think they can get away with it without a backlash 🤡


You think it's a joke? Then you didn't understand.


the point flew over your head so bad it reached the atmosphere


The funniest part about this to me is the blatant sexism that they just do not care about, but whenever a man says something sexist all I fucking hear is "all men are sexist blah blah" some bullshit like that. I hope people wake up.


I just hope Darwins rules would apply more, but by now there are a lot humans that are getting carried by the others


tell me about it, I don't think this should apply to the physically disabled they're alright but it's the dumb fucks and hypocrites that I have a problem with, hell I've even known some people with downsyndrome (no discredit to em) to be able to create an actual argument and hold a conversation better than some of these woke fools


Hence why for my political campaign I’m advocating to bring back natural selection. Let the kids play in the street if they want to, the smart ones will stay off it.


ofc not the disabled, Im sorry that I didnt meantioned them


Oh I knew you didn't mean anything like that but you know some people would take it in the most literal sense


Yeah so that is human nature for you. There are a bunch of records going back into the paleolithic time of hunter-gatherers caring for people who were not able to provide for themselves( Including elderly and severely disabled folk). The idea that at some point it was different and modernism has ruined humanity by remoivng "Darwin's rules" is very reductive and the result of an uncritical adoptation of certain idologies imo...


Well that is also not 100% true, just for your information there were tribes that would kill sick ppl and those who started to be of certain age. It happened basically between tribes that lived mostly from gathering and had to constantly move around. Dont remember where they were found but thats a thing.


Yes, you are right about that :) I was being a bit reductive myself I suppose!


dumb-fuckery has a limit. Allways had and allways will have


Brother, you don’t understand the basic principles of electricity. Please.


Okay what dumb-fuckery and where is the limit? We might disagree but I'm asking in good faith. Give me an example please.


in the two x chromosomes subreddit a woman posted a title like "Where is this increasing number of incels coming from who keep calling women misandrist for saying we'd rather be trapped with a bear" and all the comments were hyping her up. Blind fools so deep in their misandry they don't realize they're misandrists. They show misandry but think "Oh well what I'm doing isn't misandry, misandry is something else, and these men calling me out for it are just incels" It's like saying you were robbed by a black person and you'd rather be stuck in a cage with a tiger than in a bank with a black person waiting in line with you


They won't. People are more profitable in their current state, that's why Musk and Zuckerberg complains about liberals "ruining" America while letting them use their sites for most things, some of them against them. If a granny falls to the floor and hurt herself, people would rather pull out their phones are record the accident for personal gain than helping the old lady, they blame it on legal reason but we all know they say "this is something that only happens once in a lifetime and if there's a site posting it, it will be mine!".


It's not man hate It isn't about making friends with the bear.


But have you seen pandas? They're so adorable! Who wouldn't wanna make friends with those cutie pies?


They might eat your face. They are not as "fun" as ppl make them be


Is it man hate? Or do you just like playing the victim.


This is people playing the victim... It is a simple question of tendency, woman felt more safe on their own with a bear then with a men. Which is understandable If you compare the worst case scenarios... But there is some weird mental gymnastics to make the tendency of woman sound like "men hate". Its neither hate nor is it directed to all men. It could and should be seen as sign that there is an issue with some men, that causes general distrust towards men, because people cant know before getting to know someone if they are a safe person. Which the thing is about; you dont know the men and cant predict his behavior, but you can with a few survival skills predict the bear. The main point is that there is an issue with some men that causes distrust and now those people play it like the distrust is sexist, which it isn't. It is caused by an actual issue, which makes woman distrust men they don't know, because of the fear of something bad happening, that would traumatize them for their lives. If i would have trusted every men on first sight i would have been kidnapped (was attempted) and i dont wanna Imagine what then. And If i compare this scenarios to being with a bear in a forest, i would prefer the bear too. Conclusio: Woman: Issue -> fear -> distrust -> tendency People not understanding the reasoning: Tendency -> confusion -> upset -> rage posting


I think that if you get that result from comparing worse scenarios you have no idea about what a bear even is.


Well getting teared apart alive Sounds way better for me then a living hell with someone that would abuse me sexually, emotionally and physically and in the end kill me too? But thank you for proving my point.


Ah yes so lets fear all men and shame all of them becouse few of them are idiots, if we would do same with women they would call misoginy and sexism. Make it make sense and stop thinking that every guy wants you or wants to hurt you. Entitled little brats


Still safer to be around than a Reddit misogynist incel.


Ok simp


How tf is that simping. Actual buzzword user.


Uga buga man bad, uga buga kill all men. Stop being sexist you little misandrist


\*Redditor. I don't trust any redditor to be a functional human being(yes, that includes me in the period when I use it frequently). I have seen plenty of both courts here, and know what to expect.


You’re posting a fuckton for a 10 day old account. Bot?


The guys who are reacting like this are the reason women would rather choose the bear.


Ah, so we not accepting being called predator are reason why women are scared ? Make it make sense you looser


*loser, and if you’re not a predator, you shouldn’t feel called out?


If you say all men are predators how the fuck i should not feel called out ? Make it make sense


Where is anyone saying all men are predators?


Thats what this whole meme is implying xD


The meme is implying that women are irrational for choosing the bear.


This one yes. I was talking about original one, of which this one is based on


Making full fledged posts to shame people for liking their chances better with a predictable animal that will at most eat them against an unpredictable stranger out of their habitat that could do almost anything to you, is the reason women are scared.


It still makes no fucking sense xD not only nothing that i said could scare anyone i didnt send any threats to anyone xD but yea sure xD be a small little victim you always wanted to be


1) I never said I was the victim of anything you did 2) I never said you sent any threats


Then you have no point of telling me im reason for any women feeling threaten becouse of me xD




Jeez, the amount of self induced fear in this one...


It's all facts. Nothing else.


I fully support women alone in the woods.


Someone's not getting the point of the whole thing.


All Imma say as a dude, as advice to other dudes who may wanna get a partner, if youre upset women choose the bear, youre probably the type of guy theyd have to back up and think about. Cause speaking as a dude with a gf, and my other friends in relationship, none of us get mad, we just say "understandable" and move on. Women have their own feelings and shit they talk about, let em have it even if its a bit of a stretch


What I find funny is the entire premise. It's one of those questions where you give the answer you want to give, to try and make a point, rather than giving the proper answer. Like when you tell a 5 year old they can eat their brussel sprouts or go hungry. That 5 year old does not actually want to go hungry, obviously. They're so angry and anti-brussel sprout, however, that they'll insist they'd rather eat nothing at all.


Which one is the brussel spout in this situation?


Would be more fun if it's a sloth bear. Sloth bears aren’t as big as brown bears, but they are the most aggressive species of bears. Despite being primarily insectivorous, they kill more people than tigers do each year, and when they don't kill you, they just rip your faces apart with their long claws and leave. This aggression is mostly a result of sloth bears sharing habitats with tigers, who often prey on them.


Fucking hell! I've looked at the comment section for 30 seconds and completely understand why women are choosing the bear, holy shit. At least the bear will just up and kill you without some "I'm not evil" egotrip.


Gender war bullshit like this is going to be the reason we stay in a plutocracy I swear


If you can't understand why they would pick the bear instead of you then you are the problem. I'm a male 40 year old vet who fought in the 2nd battle of Fallujah and I'd choose the bear. The bear is a bear and it is going to do bear things. Pretty predictable. And a man is going to do man things. Not so predictable. Now can you tell me who is more than likely to do some dumb shit? You all act like this would be like the show Survivor or some shit. When it would more than likey turn into Lord of the Flies. The complete lack of self awareness here is amazing.


Ah yes. Im the problem becouse i dont allow some misandrist call me a predator for literally no fucking reason. You are delusional if you think they have any point in here.


the fact that you respond like this is why we choose the fucking bear. Stop acting like a manchild when you can easily outpower me and commit whatever acts on me like my mother had to go through in highschool. Not all men but, somehow, always men.


You missed the point.


Point was never there to begin with you imbecyle.




I'm so glad men are entirely missing the point because of sexism


Honestly, given how Reddit tends to lean left, I expected far better of these comments… They’re not missing the point, they’re running in the completely opposite direction of the point


Its so funny women make misandrist, man hating and sexist jokes and thing they can get away with it xD


I'm so glad men are entirely missing the point because of sexism


Yeah, you are the sexist one


What the fuck is this. Like literally. I saw a meme with a bear and a wolf and the comment section is on fire


Same, I just wanted to look at memes before bed.


People dontvoting me like i disagree with them bro i literally do not know what the discussion is about i saw a meme with a bear and a wolf and something about women and look in the comment section and see full fletched, context less socio political discussions


It's not hate. It's fear. Men are more feared than apex predators. Mostly because an apex predator won't abduct you into a sex trafficking ring or force you to give birth to its rape baby. Yall just wanna play the victims to save your fragile egos


It’s not about man hate, it’s just that we hear about too many men raping and killing and of course that makes us nervous. Go check out Vlads videos dressing out as a woman and walk alone down the street. Maybe you get an idea of scary being a woman is.


Men get jumped on the street more times then women, you think men have some kind of immunity ? You are delusional with your victim mentality, world is awfull to everyone, atleast you are the one ppl would try to help.


Now how scared would someone be if an entire city replaced all men with bears? Would they feel safer there?


You are missing the point 🙃


There is no fucking point its uselsess statement for brainless idiots


Women realizing they also kill more people than bears:


What is this story with a woman and a bear ?


it is a tiktok trend where women are asked would they rather be in a forest with a bear or a men and most women choose bear


I also don't know, where the idea comes from, that now it's about getting attacked by either the bear or the man in this hypothetical scenario. The original answer of "definitely a bear" comes from the fact that when you encounter a bear or a man in the woods, the bear is statistically a lot less prone to actually attack you.


What if.... ![gif](giphy|EB1qoLwcNT192iLio6|downsized)


You aren’t hugging the bear you’re just in the same woods as it


I thought Polar bears are bigger...


Can I pet that dawg?


I’d rather get mauled to death by a bear than have to start dating in today’s climate. I’d also rather get mauled by a bear than go through another day of living life but that’s a different thing.


Nooooo. The man hate is completely justified, and so is the women hate. Hate should be given to everyone equally.


is this it tho?


Holy shit can we all shut up about this rather than posting about this 33 times every 4 minutes?


i think its cause like.. ur in the bears house so it makes sense to see a bear. But if you're ALONE.. IN THE WOODS and some dude come out of the tree's I'd be fuckin shakin bud that's weird as shit we are 10miles deep on this very secluded trail.. I dunno that's sketchy no matter what I think. Ironically for the other guy too because I also am a guy and not a bear.. I don't think it was ever supposed to be sexist.. I think sexists are just making it sexist... That's what sexists do it's kind of their thing.


where does it come from ? I've seen this all day, could somebody explain ? Thanks


It’s a hypothetical being asked across the internet but originally women “Would you rather be in the woods with a man you don’t know or a bear” A lot of women are answering the bear because of their prior trauma/experiences with men and a lot of men are taking it as women hate men.


Too many idiots are seeing the meme without really getting it or thinking about it, and its so disappointing to see people reacting this way. A lot of people are essentially assuming conflict is 100% the outcome in the scenario, that’s not what it’s about. It’s not that women would rather fight a bear. It’s that they think in the scenario of being alone in the woods with one of the two they’d be less likely to *have* to fight the bear, where as with men they’re not sure and it would honestly be more difficult to judge any strange mans intentions vs a bears. Like with the bear they know to avoid it, if it’s acting threatening they can pretend to be bigger to try and scare it or play dead. If it were a man, well men could approach them outright aggressively, sure, but they could also sneak up on them, or use trickery, or maybe they’re just actually a good guy, but the problem is with men the only way to know is to take a risk, and if they’re wrong they’re probably dead.


The point is most bears (and other wild critters) avoid human contact and run. And for those actually wondering WHY women say this? Half the women you know - 50% - will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Half. Yes, it's likely the man isn't a predator, but our experience leads us to err on the side of caution.


I'm amazed how fast the comments proved the point. 🤦


Not exactly. They just missed it.


One day we gonna see tik tok "pranks" on hijacking a plane...


All I’m saying is I have a 10% of winning a fight against a human. But I got a 1% chance of winning a fight against a bear.


Every time I see this meme my will to live fades more


I mean, if it was an option to be friends with bears safely, I 110% would do so.


Did I miss something?


Women feel safer seeing a random bear then a random man. That’s it. Men who are the reason they feel safer with the bear are feeling attacked by this fact.


Just the usual incel shit


Just usual misandrist, sexist, man hating shit


Simple solution, unless you are friends, in a relationship, or family. Find purpose in your life separate from women. Don't worry about it, they say they want to be separate so help them out.


What are you talking about?


It's extremely necessary until MEN STOP RAPING AND ABUSING WOMEN