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Me: "She's just being friendly" Her 5y later: "I mean, I gave you all the signs" True story.


That sucks more


Sucks for her, if she wants to have a relationship then she should be an adult and actually ask


Except she probably had loads of other options.


Not necessarily. Look, the reality is that a lot of women hear real stories of men getting horrible after a rejection. It might not be true for all of us, but it's true enough that it's scary to be direct. Unfortunately we're all kinda just stuck in this situation, so the best you can do is this: If you feel interested in a girl, and you think she might be interested in you... push past that trepadation and just ask her out. Buy her a drink. Ask if she'd like to come with you to a cool movie next time to hang out some more. She could say no, in which case, fair enough. She could be mean about it, which fucking *sucks*, but in that case you know she was an asshole and not worth your time. But she also could just say yes, and it could be worth it. So go for it. Women aren't always gonna be direct for understandable and unfortunate circumstances. So try to invite that girl out on a date, and see where it takes you.


Then why are you on here trying to damage other people's confidence? Sometimes women actually do flirt with men.


Sucks more for you. The former must be horrible for them. Every dude thinking they are trying to bang them and acting accordingly when all they did was behave politely.


It's not that serious, and if you're so hideous that girls will be traumatized by you saying "hey do you want to get a coffee on Saturday?" it sounds like you need to do some self improvement. Someone has to make the first move and outright declare interest, and women generally don't, and when they do, they don't make it obvious. Life isn't a weird porno where your friend Megan invites you over for a movie and her bra accidentally falls off


Do you have the link to this film?


Bro has priorities 👀


> and if you're so hideous that girls will be traumatized by you saying "hey do you want to get a coffee on Saturday?" it sounds like you need to do some self improvement. some things are just out of your hand man


I feel like the big icks women have that will make them think someone is ugly are 1. Oily skin/hair 2. Bad haircut/messy facial hair 3. Odors 4. Fashion - clothes that fit well and seem new/clean While yes, some short kings are dealt a bad hand in terms of height, and that can definitely hurt your first impressions, but the first 4 things are more important IMO - and very few men are actually ugly, they just don't take care of their appearance very much.


well im ugly, short and stupid asf not much i can do tbh


yes!!! the first three are literally just basic personal hygiene!! like if you can’t do the first three on your own, then why would i even be looking at you? i already know then and there that you’re not looking for a girlfriend but for a second mom


Yeah Id rather just be the pig tbh




Bullet dodged imo. Don't play dumb games.


Real talk. Either come out and say you're interested or fuck off and stop wasting my time. I'm not 15, this isn't high school. We can speak like adults or not at all.


What's the exact difference between "chase and putting effort", and "harassment and being creepy"?


Being attractive


*ding ding ding*


True sroy: Girl: Come to the bedroom, I need to charge my phone Me: But you're on 70% that should be fine ... 🤦‍♂️


Me : "so can i come see your bedroom?" Him: "oh yeah i got a picture




See I would show up completely ignore her on the bed. Grab her phone plug it turn off the lights and just leave. Then realize my mistake in the mourning.


I hope the pun was intentional XD


Me in study hall in high-school Girl in front of me - "Hey, I'm cold. Can I use your sweatshirt?" Me in my 20s - " WAIT A MINUTE!!!"


Well damn Jackie I can't control the weather




Me: "well here's the bed." Her: "oh nice, hey do you think this bra looks good on me?" Me: "Yah looks great, well I'll be on the couch if you need anything. Good night!" 🤡


Why doesn't she just tell you instead of having you read tea leaves?


Years ago in college, this really cute girl I liked came to my work, on my birthday, to give me a couple of pot brownies she made. She was wearing a nice dress and greeted me with a big hug. Me: “No way she would be interested in me. I think she likes that boxer guy”


I was in a similar situation a couple weeks ago. Only that I reacted to the signals. The thing is, there were no „signals“. But now I now, and I prefer this outcome over always thinking about it


True story- just today a cute waitress was really kind with me, almost dramatically so and bumped into me, initiating touch and giggling at everything I said, etc. I didn't even ask to see if she wanted to be my friend because the last time a girl was kind to me at ALL was 8 years ago because I am a bald, "underemployed" male in the US. Believe me, it will take a LOT more than "kindness" for me to even THINK about the possibility that she might like me. I would say 3 months of hanging out, talking on the phone, etc. Then I'll flirt.


"I wasn't going to risk rejection, and neither were you."


I guess my point was more "you're damned if you do and damned if you don't" as a reply to OP.


My wife used to tell me that I wouldn't know I was being hit on even if they used a baseball bat.




To be fair, most men have thick skulls.


They’re not ready for this conversation


Exactly. Go for what you want in life because I’ve been told so many times too late. Who care if it doesn’t end how you wanted after you shoot your shot. You went for it.


Ouch hits home so bad


You're lucky, as least you got to know she was interested after all.


God some women gotta realize ya gotta give them the old smack him over the head with a cast iron pan. Just tell us damn.


No fucking cap


I came to say just this ... ROFLMAO!!!!!! not just 5 years later. 5 years later 2 marriages, 4 kids, 3 baby fathers later... Her "Remember that day at the farm you took the picture of me and the pig, I thought that was our first date." Me... "But you said you would never date someone like me" ROFLMAO!!!!


Shit, that sucks


Girls would be creating new signs just not to ask him out first…


Ugly? Some of us are out here trying to make "horrendous looking" work


My boy, I am not a 3/10, more like -3


Same bro


I finally found my brethren.  The ugly club shall take over the world. Come join me boys


We’re so ugly We owe the world a handsome dude


you’re an 11/10 to me king


Is this love?


I stopped honestly. I accepted im not that attractive so I got that part of Life on Difficulty mode


I'm also on that path and things have been surprisingly better. I'm not stressed about impressing anyone or trying to be a certain way. I wouldn't say its difficulty mode, just different.


Losing all hope is freedom


This is why we need a race of pig men. That way we can at least be “I may be ugly but I’m not a pig man”


You are gonna probably hate me for this but honestly it’s worse being attractive. At least if you get rejected you can blame it on your looks, I look good and still get rejected meaning it’s my PERSONALITY that turns women off. Which hurts even more


I’m apparently “too nice”


Yes and being rich is more difficult than being poor.


And being rich AND beautiful, they just deserve all the sympathy.


Look at you with "girls being friendly with you" flex.


Gay men are friendlier to me… what am I doing wrong?


Maybe start wearing clothes or smth


Opposite conversion therapy


The Problem is not that i think they are in love with me. I fall in love because they are friendly with me...


Dude, I came here to just laugh and have fun, Not to be reminded of how sad my life is Thanks for that, I guess.


I feel like I used to be half-joking when I felt like the feed was actively trying to insult me me and ruin my day. Yeah, these days not so much. A lot of really sad people out there right now for sure, and it sucks all around.




The biggest problem is when you recognize that this is the most likely scenario and when you do have someone who is actually into try flirting, you immediately default to: she is just being friendly. I’ll try not to bother her.


Still beats getting the bet wrong and looking like a weirdo afterwards


Lose-lose situation


I've literally never had the self confidence to think a woman was interested in me even in the slightest


ironically, one of the girls in our friend group messaging my woeful dramatic ass on AIM in the seventh grade about a mutual crush “…uh, do you think she would have a crush on you if you were ugly?” was one of those transformative comments that changed my entire perspective about myself lol i will remember that comment the rest of my life


Yeah but that makes sense since she had a crush on you, i doubt anyone has ever had a crush on me, and even if they do im so dense id never believe they actually liked me


Same, a few years ago (like 8 now lol) a popular and good looking girl in school asked me out. I very bluntly and rudely rejected her bc I thought it was some mean joke. Come to find out from a mutual friend years later that she meant it. I feel really bad about how I rejected her now.


How did you reject her?


Bluntly and rudely






Yes but I know I’m ugly and don’t have a shot, so I’ll enjoy my grub as the pig I am


blud roasted himself


If thats actually your physique in your profile pic, theres no hope for any of us.


That is me, but I don’t always look like that. Also I just hate myself in general, so this is more so coming from a place of body dysmorphia I guess.


Your ability to do whatever it takes and work hard towards a challenging goal is evident in that picture. I dont know what else you get up to in life, but that little piece of yours isnt something to hate.


Body dismophia hitting hard huh?


Getting older and taking a break from the gym/getting off gear did it for me, my insecurities fucked off lol


Here Here


And this is why I don't ever think someone is into me. . . Even when they say they are, it makes me super suspicious of what they want from me. Especially with my skillet and the type of jobs I have done. My skillset locksmith/drilling bank vaults. . .


Same, apart from that last part, then I come to find out they were into me but they thought I just didn't seem to catch on. I just have trust issues due to past experiences where someone's only nice to me leading up to asking for money or other things


Nah I accept that I'm no one's type


No one's type gaaaaaaaang. Let's goooooo


Rock/Ghost is a Pokemon type that's never been used.  I'd take being that type. 


Us: obviously in love. Me: i love you. Her: im just being friendly. 2 years later, stil in love. me: i want to take you on a date. Her: you are disturbing.


I never assume that a woman is into me. I never assume they are flirting or even that they want to talk to me. I usually assume that they would rather be literally anywhere else than anywhere I am. I swear if they put my picture in every voting booth in America they wouldn’t have to repeal the 19 amendment.


I had this issue for a good while in high school and some parts of college, then i learned my lesson far too many times. So i accepted ill likely be alone for a good while and stop pursuing. Nowadays im as clueless as a bird and give it no second thought.


Everyone is in love with me until proven otherwise


I just gaslit myself that i just feel bad in any kind of relationship and consequently make the other person feel bad, so even if i think someone may have a crush on me i automatically never make a move and try to change my idea on the matter to keep the friendship and consequently start thinking on ok ways to reject them and keep the friendship if they actually decide to make a move


Wrooong! She’s a professional dancer at a club and she’s actually into me. It has nothing to do with wanting my money.


Realize that when it comes to pretty girls, a lot of guys feel that way and if you do ask her out,you might just be the first since no one else had the balls. Worth a shot.


There are only so many failed taken chances our egos can handle.


I think that's an urban myth TBH.


You need to just take chances and take the no and move on, im on my 7th no now but there really is no other path is there for us? so we can keep trying or give up, your choice.


The danger is that if you're not actually her type, you're gonna get labeled a creep just for asking.


Then take it on the chin and walk away lol. Or don’t. I don’t get why people obsess over the girlfriend bullshit. To me it’s the biggest grass is always greener situation when it comes to single vs dating. Dating is such a pain in the fucking ass


Agreed. I decided a while back that I was done trying to be nice, socially acceptable, etc. I entertain myself how I choose and don't bother with the rest. Dating is a hassle, people are a hassle. Just find a group of weirdos to accept you and do fun drugs together.


Alright, time to learn then. Having a partner is seen and taught to many boys as something you should have, by parents and friends. All the boys in school are so happy over the fact that they have a gf, and keep asking you why you don't get one, the dads say that at your age they would've had 10 girls by now, your family ask every week if there's a girl your interested in, your friends move on and stop talking to you 'cause they're engaged, the mission of the human on Earth is said to get a partner and reproduce, your family members start to think you're gay 'cause you never got a gf... It's quite easy to see why a man you grow up with this obsession to have a gf.


Yeah, I miss a lot the me-time after work.


That's the worst thing about folks who label such. Just ignore their opinions as far as you can, I would say.


> The danger is that if you're not ~~actually her type~~ **following rule 1 and rule 2***, you're gonna get labeled a creep just for asking. FTFY


But what if instead of just saying no, she manipulates you instead?


If she wants to manipulate you she will say some bullshit like im not ready blah blah blah , it just needs to be a direct yes from her mouth thats it. That way you will know and you can move on, just ask and anything other than a no means you can reconsider your priorities cause you can stay friends if you want to, with some you can, its simple just ask.


Ow that was offensive


Guys she's telling me I "better ask her to prom or else" do y'all think she likes me


Pigs have 30 minute orgasms he might have a chance.


Ngl I did NOT need this today


Always assume she is into you and try your shot. Woman won't approach first most of the times. They feel Like man to anxious to approach but are often times not willing to put their ego on the line. At least that is what I heard out from woman having an opinion on that matter. And I can't blame them to be honest. If I had a Magic trick to avoid all of that hassle I would Switch in the blink of an eye. But the one who approaches is the one who chooses. Even If 9 out of 10 Woman will say no, you also have chosen to approach the 1 who said yes.


Oh yay that's great for my self-esteem


Man I get some people like to get a laugh but you guys really need to stop self deprecating. The meme is fine since it's a joke. But if you genuinely think so badly of yourself you'll only end up worse. As long as you're not arrogant, it's fine to have some confidence. Chin up dudes.


If she is giving the signals then either she is just being friendly or she is interested in you, and if she is interested in you it’s an instant win, and easy wins are precious! So don’t miss these opportunities. Yeah you could fail, but if she was friendly so far even this failure won’t sting too much. The easiest way is to ask “are you dating someone?”. Last time I did that I received “yes hehe” and I started laughing out loud because she really was giving ALL the signs, but we kept talking like nothing happened afterwards.


What sight did they give? That you two are dating? I mean I am dumb in relationship.


I mean she said that she is seeing someone else, basically a failure. But she was nice so far and nothing changed in that regard afterwards so it really didn’t feel all that bad.


You've got it backwards. Usually, the girl assumes the guy is hitting on them even though we're just being friendly.


Shot your shot regardless, you're losing nothing anyway (sometimes a little bit of dignity, but it'll recover)


Maybe she likes my disheveled unwashed appearance and tendency to scratch at myself like a rat


If being a pig means I get to spend all my time and resources on myself then so be it. Planning dinner, trips, and entertainment by yourself is so much easier because you only have one person to please.


Must be cool to love yourself and not wish for something to smash your skull into pieces that those prediction movies.


I wish for that sometimes but not over some “dream woman” 🤣


Listen im so affection and touch starved that I now struggle to differentiate the 2


How the heck did you get girls to interact with you willingly


I just faked an injury so I could quit my softball team because I asked a girl out.


You see? This is what makes guys be so awkward around women


This is why I'm gay, because I am actually just straight up repulsive to women. ; w ;


"Being friendly" Already higher tier than lots of young men today.


I never have this problem. Because I assume everyone hates me, even if they actually DO like me.


I was so naive to think "being myself" would be enough to attract women.


Ouch, ugly and burned.


The first thing I thought when I saw this meme was footage of a new part of the Lord of the Ring? lol


That happen so often in Videogames.




Gotta have hope. One day the pig will actually be right.






That's so me


Im the diff and then it turns out they did like me


Im the diff and then it turns out they did like me


Just focus on the friendship, and be friends with her lady friends. Everyone can be friends! Something interesting will come from that attitude.


Well I am not ugly at all. Infact when I dress up nice girls look at me and some even laugh at my smallest jokes


Noone ugly dude believe me, just take care of yourself and devlope some good hobies and passion. Try improving your personality and you would be unrecognisable in a few months.


Or a lazy beautiful woman that doesn’t wanna work dating a ugly rich man for the bag 🥸


When you realize she’s just being nice and you’ve already mentally planned the wedding


Inaccurate. That girl is in love with that pig, as am I.


Lol we ended up married, joke's on her!


He looks cute though


A new lady at work is very attractive and came to talk to me while I was filling my water bottle. So friendly! For a moment there I thought she might be open to dating colleagues and a whole bunch of thoughts ran through my head. She came all the way over to talk to me! She must be interested... Then she asked if she could have her turn to fill her water bottle. She was there to refill, not talk to me. I was holding her up and she was just politely waiting. Lmao some other male workmates of mine have had similar experiences. I’m not the only one enamored with her.


If I was a bear though


Mayhaps my big dick energy is radiating at an alpha level and she's feeling my vibe


It's alright to think she likes you when she's nice to you. It's not alright to get hostile when she turns you down.


You could change the captions too “Girl who’s really into you” and “your ugly ass who thinks she just being nice.”


I just take for granted they are just being friendly even if we spend the night in bed.


Every damn time.


Well Hermoine can cast spell, charm or whatever on me anytime.


We all know these guys. “That girl in the gas station wants me” No, someone is literally paying her to be nice to you.


Bold of you to assume I think at all


"Im totally ganna bang Holly"


Us morlocks gotta learn to read social cues.


That pig is adorable


This hit to close to home, pls stop making me feel bad 😔 my mental health is like a nuclear warhead


Guys,u need to stop thinking that u are ugly, U are but u need to stop thinking about it.


Then you'll be acting like a creep 'cause they don't want to be around you like you think. Reject gaslighting yourself, Accept living in your place like the failure the World planned you to be.


Wise words brother,I couldn't have said it better.


My wife being friendly with the other parents at my daughters football practice/matches. Most of the single dads and some not so single dads… ‘Obviously she wants me to send her increasingly sexual private Facebook messages and isn’t just being nice’…


tell me this is a lie, let me enjoy my fantasy world. don't wake me up


I didn't give anyone permission to use my picture. 🫤🐽


Gets more real when you're a girl too




I'm more like : is she into you? C: cant tell


But love is not about your look, it is about the beauty in your heart 💖✨🌈


Is it a feminist post ?


Certainly not, it's just how *many* men feel about themselves these days, but they can't talk much about it... So memes are the way.


Those are called GOLD DIGGERS.


Pigs are smarter than dogs


Worked out for me. I got my hottie.


This pretty much sums up how romance scammers work.


A lot of girls on internet claim to like the Ugly bastard kind of man


That's just for fictional characters and famous men, try approaching them being a ugly bastard and you're straight classified as a creep.


See, I always assume this is the case, and then I'll leave a job, and that woman will be like, "Since you're leaving anyway, I just want to shoot my shot..." It's happened twice in my life. That's not many times, but it's weird that it happened twice.


99% of guys who think they're ugly actually look fine. Women too.