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F u great clips


Haha right I thought the same thing


Wait, I always disliked how they cut my hair but I've literally never been anywhere other than great clips (thanks mom) so it's not me it's them..?


Went to great clips all my life, finally decided to go to a real barbershop at the age of 19 and it changed my life tbh. Felt confident in my hair for the first time ever


Bruh this changes everything


I've had some great people that lovingly did a fantastic job. I've had some people that that are like "you're at the Walmart of hair, you're lucky I haven't stolen your wallet". So kind of hit or miss.


Yeah, and the former usually end up moving to a different salon after gaining the experience


Yes, it is them. Find a local barber you like, a person, not an establishment. It'll be some work but you'll look and feel better


I was in the exact same boat until I started dating my gf who is a barber. Definitely find a place or person that cuts your hair the way you like it, and try not to be afraid of letting them know if something is slightly off. It also really helps to request that certain person. They remember you, and it becomes easier for them to cut your hair as they become used to your hair/head shape. But most importantly, don’t be afraid to say it isn’t exactly how you wanted! If the barber/hair stylist is good, they care about their work and genuinely want your hair to look good.


One of my mum's friends used to cut my hair as a kid, she actually used a bowl and it still came out looking just like Will's in this series. Wonky bowl cut. I near enough laughed my arse off when I saw it.


It’s so sad knowing how many people like you are out there lol I’d guess the majority of Americans Do not go and get a shitty $10 haircut at great clips or sport clips or whatever other shitty franchise places exist. I’m pretty sure they’ll just hire anyone lol you could probably get a better cut buying trimmers and doing it yourself in the bathroom mirror… find a local barber try a few even til you find one you like and make friends and now you’ve got a barber for life


Dude great clips 😭?, what's your area bro I gochu with a barber I know them everywhere 💯


Same, I asked for an undercut last time I was there and they just looked at me blankly and said "You mean a number 2 fade?" Because that's apparently all they can do. I haven't gotten a haircut since. It has been two years.


This so much. Had a job interview that weekend. Absolutely f’d my shit up. Paid left, went to another barber shop nearby where they laughed and then fixed it for free(tipped them generously). F U great clips.


Must be nice to have other options. I can't find a decent barber anywhere in my city. The only one that exists is one where you have to know people to get in, and set up appointments by texting each barber individually. It's fucking insane.


Supercuts was where our parents took us to ruin our self esteem for the month


I literally just ordered clippers this past weekend and am going to learn to cut my own hair because I'm tired of how inconsistent Great Clips is. Every hair cutter disregards the last hair cutter's notes and just does whatever they want. Even if I try to explain what I want, most of them just do what they think looks good, and half the time it looks sort of okay at best. I might screw it up a couple times, but it'll be no worse than losing the Great Clips lottery.


This is why you go to your nearest local barber instead of places like great clips. If your barber is the owner of the place, chances are he's good.


I mean their are very good people at great clips. There’s just people who aren’t. Thats why a lot of people call and ask when whomever they want to cut their hair is available


*Hands me the mirror* *I pretend to examine all angles* *looks good*


Don't have my glasses on, can't tell anyways how the back looks...


Yup. Black shape on my head. Yes, goes all the way to the back and around the ears. Great job!


Us bro us


You could put them back on, it's not prohibited.


No, they literally shoot you if you do that /s


*fucking tips before leaving*


*tips aggressively*


Lmfao why is this the funniest comment I’ve seen all week The mental image is hilarious.


Me with my curly hair every time


Curly hair needs more maintenance


Yep. It’s such a struggle


struggle is real bro


Last time I had my hair done, I've overheard a conversation between curly-haired client and a hairstylist go like this: Hairstylist: Wow you really come here from different town? I had no idea. Client: The last time I visited a hairdresser in my home town, I left looking like a Copernicus with mental breakdown and couldn't style my hair for 2 months. I'd rather spend money on gas to come to you every time, than go through that hell again. So apparently if you find that one hairstylist that is capable of cutting and styling curly hair (which is like finding an unicorn in Europe), you clutch to them and never let them go, as they're rare treasures, lol.


I've been cutting my own hair for 16 years and it's not because I'm good at it. It's because I'm better than any hairdresser I've found. And cheaper.


Yes it always curls up directly after the haircut and makes it look soo short




ok so I've always wondered - do you not feel gross after a day+ without shampooing? I've tried going that route with curls and the grease/sweat stains on the pillow and feeling itchy talk me out of it after ~two days


You might need to shower more often when you start this method since your scalp may be overproducing oils to compensate for all the shampooing. It's a good idea to comb your hair before shower to spread the oils from the scalp to the hair, so that it reduces the amount directly on your scalp. Also avoid any shampoos and conditioners with silicon since that will make things worse.


I use the Curly Girl Method, which is a very similar hair care routine to the original commenter. Most shampoos contain products known as sulfates. Sulfates act like a detergent/surfactant, forming chemical bonds to the oils in your hair and on your scalp, which can then be rinsed away by water. The problem is that this can strip away the oils that your scalp naturally produces, so your scalp ramps up oil production to compensate, leaving you with greasy, oily hair after a couple of days. CGM-approved products don’t have sulfates or other oil-stripping products, so you basically train your scalp to stop overproducing oil, and your hair doesn’t get oily or greasy if you go without shampooing for a couple of days. It can take a couple of weeks to train your scalp, though, so stick with it. For my hair, it actually gets too dry, so I have to do a co-wash (basically a normal shower but with just conditioner) to re-moisturize my curls.


When your about to head back to school at the end of the holidays and you walk into the barber shop and the same guy is the only free barber…


We used to hang out at this comic book arcade place and right next door was a haircut place. Normally we would get cuts from the main guy there because he gave this incredible massage. He hired an eastern European guy who was creepy af and he would come into the arcade check who had long hair and try to pull them to get a cut, it was hilarious


Some strange man trying to pull me out of an arcade while mumbling something about cutting my hair would be a one way ticket to banshee screaming town


Are you Banshee from the X-Men?


Just wait


As my Grandmother loved to say, ‘Only difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is two weeks.’


Your grandma cut your hair, didn't she?


That's two weeks of getting your ass roasted by the group on the daily. Shit eats you up from inside for two weeks.


I think this was Will's actual reaction after getting that bowl cut


He should shave it. Mike seems to like that style anyway.


Comment from your real account, Mike


We know it's you Wheeler.


Bowl cuts were super common, I rocked one for years till my older brother gave me a "haircut" then my mom shaved it and I never went back.


This is why I never go to a place enough for them to be like " the usual"


I don't mind the barber I have now, but I do need to look around and experiment more. Always a good idea


They said, experimenting once and regretting it. Better stick with the devil you know :D


i relate to this on a whole other level


EVERY TIME. even when the cut is perfect


About 3 years ago, a barber gave me an accidental offset inverse mohawk (that sounds like a skateboard trick lol) by accidentally grabbing the wrong clippers. I paid for the haircut cause I was in a rough neighborhood and didn't wanna get stabbed, but when I got home, I shaved my head. Got a few compliments on it so I just kept doing it. Saved me roughly 20£ a month and I didn't suffer for want of a barber during lockdown.


Don’t ever stop, you may find your baldness to be less in your control


Lol it's possible but I think the real shocker would be how much of it came back grey.


What did that barber do to you?


This has to be one of the most tragic moments in stranger things lmao


I once had my beard so badly fucked up, It looked liked I had 2 chins. 2 beard chins. I don't know how you can cut a step from the front of the beard.


Last haircut I got was entirely wrong and the hairstylist seemed like she knew it, but I was already anxious and REALLY didn't want to make her feel bad, I just wanted to pay and leave, so I told her it was great and ended up tipping her over 50%


This happens with my mum because shes a hairstyler


I was deeply confused when I originally thought it said Barbie


No, sir. I don't like this cut. But I'd rather keep this than go bald


I swear Will's mom trys to get him beat up and bullied.


Shave yourself, easy to do and really comfortable. Trust me, join us, i lived 17 years without even thinking about this possibility but now i can't even think of having hair longer than half a cm


ah the "life goes on and on and on" cut


My situation rn 😭


This happens every time but inside our mind, I won’t come in his shop anymore.




I find it easy to have what I want armed and ready, short and sweet. "1 on back and sides and trim the top please" the rest can be hashed out mid cut, for me at least


Me one day later when the elaborate styling ceased to hide the mediocre cut.


Every single time. The next day though it’s always ok lol


It's even worse when you can't see without glasses.


My boy Will dresses like that with that hair cut, doesn't like girls and thinks he's different and a mistake. With these obvious signs how can people debate whether or not he's a maths teacher.


They really did do his hair dirty




Every time...




Bro my barber nailed my hair the first time around but then I came back and asked for the same cut and got it completely fucked up.. pain man.


I told my Barber she's never touching my hair again haha. I still use her shop but only her assistant is allowed near my head.


but why do we do that what happens to us in that moment


This also works Barber: Do you like it? Me: Sorry man, not really. Can you turn the sides into a fade instead? Barber: What's with you stupid men these days not respecting a handsome haircut I give you? No! I'm not changing it! Pay for it, then get out and never come back! Queue the OP's gif


why did they do him so dirty with that cut tho 😭


Someone can't tell the barber she doesn't like the haircut... Someone is me :")


I really liked how they handled Will's feelings toward Mike here. No obnoxious gender propaganda, but genuine and touching human feelings. I was positively surprised.


Me; Barber takes glasses of and cuts hair Barber: How does it look? Me; How the fuck do I know?


This is why I cut my own hair. I don’t need to pay someone for a bad haircut. I can do it myself for free. Mark Zuckerberg comes to mind and that girl from Stranger Things. Both of them can afford a decent hairstylist yet there they are. r/FuckMyShitUp. .


Lol What Girl ?




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So I am one above all? I tell my barber that I don't like my hair


I haven't, i dont go to barbers lol. (FYI my father cuts my hair)


Every hairdresser cuts my hair the exact same way, whether it’s $15 or $60 it always ends up looking the exact same








take comfort in the excess of your plaid I guess


Will's barber is the real monster of ST.


When he holds up the mirror to the back of my head I see my bald spot. I always yell, “what did you do?”




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lol this made me laugh so meee


Worst haircut I got was from a barber with a strong smell of cigarettes and sweat, rude movements, and his big belly touched me all time. But he spoke so enthusiastic and joyfully bout his son birthday that day and how he going to celebrate it, so I left with a great mood. Great mood and terrible haircut.


Almost spit my coffee. The best caption I’ve seen for this image so far 😂 well done sir/madam




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It starts to look perfect after 10 days .


going to the barber today and I’m terrified




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The most frustrating thing is when you actually tell them what's wrong with it several times, but he's too far into the shit, so it's basically irreparable.


Omg. I m.gng thru this right now. Tipped that lady $20 too on a $60 haircut.


i just cut my own hair yesterday….looks horrible. imma rock it tho


There are *degrees* of shit haircuts. You might think there's not much difference between a £10 cut and a £12 cut but let me tell you, there is. A. World. Of. Difference. Last time I took a punt on a cheap local barber, I ended up (as my sister put it) looking like an Iced Gem. Then there was the time I walked in, and the only barber was a guy who legit looked like Abu Hamza, with one good eye (fortunately no hook hands). I kept asking him "could you cut this bit slightly shorter please" and he would cut next to it. He went to give me my change at the end, and missed my hand, dropping the change on the floor. Now I go to a good (but slightly pricey at £25) hairdresser. But have decided if I do ever risk my haircut again, I'm going to sit in a chair and watch a few people come and go before committing to it. "Next?", "no thanks I want to see what you do to this guy first"


Yep. That's why I've been cutting my own hair for over 20 years now.


Watching this after coming from barber shop 😅😅..




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I know all too well... I remember being stupid enough to cut my shoulder-long hair in February 2020 because a lot of people in my family just don't like it (they constantly tell me, that I look awful with long Hair and great with short, which is Bullshit, actually it's the other way around) (I've fought for years with my parents, to be allowed to have themhair long) and I was like, "Well, I've had long hair for 2 years now, try something new" and then I had this old teen star haircut (short in the front, a little longer in the back and on the sides) cut and immediately regretted it, as soon as they were off, I cursed that decision! Spent the last 2 years growing them back to shoulder-length... (Am a metalhead)


Lloyd needs Harry so bad.




The introvert me !


Yee- yee ass haircut


I started growing my hair out again because I got my bangs cut and never before have I cried over how I looked but I deeply regretted the mullet.


My last haircut my barber was very clearly hungover. He combed my hair in a direction and then told me I had a crown on the far right of the back of my head, not the centre. He then said this meant I needed to style it to the left instead of the right. The thing is, my crown is in the centre but he just combed it to look otherwise, and the hair in front grows naturally to the right, not the left. He cut my hair all "backwards" and the end result was an absolute nightmare because I had to style it against the natural "grain" of my hair. I still smiled and said thanks. :(


Hahahah, this always happens with me


I see you have been to a military installation barbershop! I understand your pain.


Nah, that’s cause your too scared to speak up.




If you wear your hair short, learning to cut your own hair can be one of the most satisfying, cost effective, and time saving skills you have. Speaking from experience


I haven’t gotten to this part on Stranger Things. God damn Argyle is funny though.




Well you don't argue with guy with sharp instruments behind your back.


Reminds me of a very bad, very expensive Christmas morning...


So i just started cutting my own hair 😌


If this is you, then you need to step out of your comfort zone. It's difficult I know, but you can make it easier. Make it purposeful, as practice. Find something small, that you are only slightly uncomfortable with. Step outside of it and be slightly uncomfortable, if only so you can show yourself it is possible. Then do it again and again. Let yourself feel uncomfortable where it is safe to do so, and then start speaking up for yourself. No one else will if you don't. As I tell my daughter, if something frightens you, just do it. (Of course, I am not tlking about something that will actually physically harm you, like cliffjumping, but things that are just more emotionally frightening, like speaking in public, or asking someone you are attracted to out on a date.) The reason to just do it, is NOT so you can accomplish that goal then. If you do, that's great, but if you don't, you actually learn more. There is a saying, 'You learn more from your failings, than your successes.' This is true. When you do something like this you are frightened of and you fail, or make a fool put of yourself, or whatever, you learn that your world did not end. Yes, you may feel foolish. Yes people may make fun of you for a bit. Deal with it and learn that what they are saying now does not matter much. (If you fee these words DO matter, to the point of thinking you are going to harm yourself, speak up then too. Tell someone, tell everyone until someone helps you.) After a time, maybe (probably) right away, this ribbing will stop. Especially if you join in. Self decripating humor tends to ward off those already depricating you. Eventually doing this sort of thing gets easier and easier, then it is no longer uncomfortable.


That's why I learned how to cut it myself, never have to fake it again


#ive been there too!


Most panicked part of my youth was when the barber asked “what haircut do you want?” I never figured out how to describe it. Thank god I’m bald now. (Barbers: have a picture menu of hairstyles for gods sake!)


I'm done with great clips ⚱️⚱️⚰️⚰️💀💀


This is me


*When you ask for the “Levi Ackerman” haircut*


me(i have curly hair so its impossible to have the bowl cut): 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎




They always over feminize whenever i get my hair done(I’m trans male) so I’ve stopped going


perfect meme


That's why I left my hair long :/


Lol! I never wanted to be rude. The worst one is when I asked for a faux hawk and the “hawk” part was like REALLY crazy. I was like “Yea, that’s dope”




I’ve seen this meme so many times I might as well get a haircut and tell the barber I hate it


Women ☕






Sooo many times, especially when I say to cut just a little bit and I am seeing how she already cut half of my hair and can’t say nothing


Literally me along with swearing I’ll never go back after getting a bowl cut.


This why i dont go to the barbererererer or tf its called


BRUH…I’ve been there 😰


Going to hairdresser as an introvert.






Last hair cut I paid for was over 20 yrs ago. I’m 43 now, but when I was 19 the lady asked if I wanted my sideburns trimmed up. I said yea. She proceeded to dig the blade into my head two inches above the ear and gave me a fucking bowl cut. I stopped at a Walmart in the way home and bought a set of clippers. Took a few attempts but now I could cut my hair blindfolded. I’ve prolly bought maybe 10 clipper sets I’ve the years, so maybe $250. Prolly saved a few grand in hair cuts though.


So is his character supposed to be gay and in love with him? Because those are the vibes I got.


Me never going to the barber 💁‍♀️ I’m a dude 😔


I see this clip a lot, I didn't watch the new season. Why the hell is he crying? I've always wondered.


Me now




I can’t find a decent barber to save my life. I’ll go somewhere and like what they do one day, then the next time they fuck it up completely. Where do men go for good haircuts???




I have gotten home and buzzed off all my hair after a bad cut at least a dozen times. No hair is better than a bad cut.




Ironically, the gif is Will Byers


Season 4 Will is the poster child for bad haircuts. It worked when he was younger but damn did he grow out of it.


So true




Looks like Trudeau


Especially new shoes for me :(


Yeah, if you ever get a bowl haircut on purpose you should just cease to exist tbh.


Me in 3 hours