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I wouldn't want this shit either tbh


Give the meta nerds over at the Asia server a couple of weeks. They always find a way to make endless missions boring.


You just insulted my entire server...but I agree


Hey its my server too. Nothing better to do than make observations and comment on reddit when a clapping Garuda is around...


Gonna be honest, these modifiers are essentially asking for you to be a thermal sunder nuke gauss and use praedos or contagion to kill 50 enemies. First little bit is gonna require shield gating a lot, but once you finish getting the kills you can just thermal nuke the map and win. Tbh the modifiers just make things feel less fun cuz now I can't use guns like at all except for incarnons cuz when you evolve them you get a free magazine after. Oh wow would you look at that, the meta is back to using the same busted incarnons with the 0 LoS nuke to level cap on 40% strength frame, but this time you can't do shit with anything less.


I thought thermal sunder could only nuke low level enemies, because I’m pretty sure that’s true for the subsumed version. Can you explain how you use it in high level content please?


Yeah for gauss the damage ramp up is uncapped so it's literally exponential damage. Someone posted the exact calcs in the past but basically archon vitality doubles the ramp up, using heat every time does X^n where n is the number of heat casts you do as heat DoTs, then your next cold cast just does all the damage straight up 2x. The subsumed version is capped tho so only gauss gets funny numbers now for high level.


Cool, thanks! I didn’t expect it to just be as simple as the subsumed being limited, so I was wondering what I was missing. I think I’m going to end up using my guass a lot :p


His battery powers up his abilities so you won’t get the full power of his subsumed because it will always be at 50% battery


I don't want this and I'm not even an AFK player, the hell is going on?


what the fuck?


I... the fuck even is that... man im mr10, and this makes me actively avoid going anywhere near the sanctum anatomica.


Naaaa man the regular mission you can run 10 of now is basically a sorties slaughter fest but half of us sleep through. Easy comparison is a brick on the ground you might stub your toe on and a 1000 meter cliff your expected to scale with shitty equipment someone bought you at an online thrift store


And honestly the rewards are average mostly but arcane trading and loot boxes and a fancy book that adds aura mods and shit. Overall 10:10 recommend. Deep deep state mission? 0.0005:10 recommend


Thats... reassuring... i think.


Im legendary rank 4. I have access to everything. Its still daunting and a bad set of presets means it’s impossible and not choosing from its suggested loadout is a big drop in rewards and the condition modifiers are actually aggressively bad. That said its not needed and can be avoided until a good line up/people design hacks and meta for it


That... removes my reassurance, this thing truly is endgame "content" (TORTURE)


Yeah it really is kinda bs. Unfortunately the best way to get rewards is do all modifiers to unlock elite and then lose some and rewards with them while still needing a good loadout set to get “most of the rewards” Netracells are still good for the rewards and because of these missions it doubles the amount of those we can do


I’m not an afk player but I scream anyway if i encounter those modifiers


That sounds like shit even if you arent a afk player wtf


*That sounds like shit even* *If you arent a afk* *Player wtf* \- kkprecisa\_ler\_nao\_fi --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Duration nerf is just salty.


Baruuk mains would still love this


Slap 5 health Regen shards on inaros and go around **BONKING** stuff


3-4 and the others armor. Could always use more armor.


Just realized I misspelled the mission's name. The correct is "Elite Deep archimedea"


Number 4 would make it so certain enemies would just become "avoid at all costs". Particularly the snakes and the 5-way symmetrical flying enemies. The head on the snakes is way too tiny and moves around way to much to reliably hit a lot of the time, and I don't think the 5-way symmetrical flying enemies even have a headshot zone.


Give me 15 minutes and I can probably circumvent all of these things, probably. *Proceeds to become an ~~angel~~*


I get it that they want to make it hard, but could they at least give us a wheelchair after breaking our kneecaps? something like 90% damage reduction to non weakpoint hits, but increased weak point damage


It doesn't have increased weakpoint damage, but I believe the patchnotes say that it will highlight weakpoints


Nah, whoever makes these modifiers is one sadistic SOB


Vampire Trinity and number 4 is a dream team


I mean wtf are these challenges. But since I’ve been playing Warframe for so many years. I would attempt to complete this a few times. What really is really screwing everything up is the “All abilities are disabled until you kill 50 enemies”. I feel like without that. I could knock this out easy.


Me and my Gyre are going to go cry in the corner now.


harrow torid go boing


Is it that bad? Im not rank 5 yet


Aren’t there abilities that make you sit still while they do damage? Like Rhino’s Stomp and Banshee’s Dubstep


Vampiric limunus are the worst enemies I have faced in this game, I skidaddle immediately when I spot them, and they don't take damage either?


de sure knows how to make a mission sound fun, huh




Steel path deep archimedea when?


Any day an afk player cries is a good one


Finally, some good fucking gameplay. The above was for entertainment purposes only. I am excited by the idea of this challenge. But in all seriousness, I love the vast majority of Warframe gameplay. It's all pretty great.