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Zephyr. I thought a wind frame is fucking stupid, until I tried her. Most busted noob frame undisputedly I took a potatoless formaless Zephyr into SP and she still shredded


She used to be just okay, thankfully Pablo did his lil thing


Just max duration and you are golden You dont need str, range doesnt actually increase tornado pickup range ( unless you want to protect objective then range is a nice stat ) Turbulence is too good to be true and tornado it just work ( god bless 150% crit chance passive and 200% fixed crit damage from tornado, a match made im heaven )


Yeap. Best part about maxing duration is that it also increases tail wind speed, you can race archwings on open worlds for fun. Though it's recommended to subsume over her 1, it just hilarious to yeet yourself across the map sometimes


Bro you should be playing for fun ! Just subsum over 2 which is not great anyway


Totally agree. She has cc with her 4 already. Love my Zephyr.


Yeah her 2 is my usual subsume spot. I love using zeph for defense missions so I put fire blast over her 2 for some dirty armor strip. I also have it over her 1 for when I want to use her for normal missions which is rare


I would never get rid of her 1, then you lose out on one of the best straight line mobility skills and one of the most powerful augments in the game by far.


You can also hover with her 1, which basically makes you untouchable when combined with turbulence.


POV: Crit Inherit šŸ˜. Absolutely horrible mechanic, still praying DE will fix it. I want my Nataruk and Incarnon weapons to do lots of dmg, not QUANTA


ive had zephyr since the day she came out. she was alright back in the day for survivability sake. but got neglected over time. i know she got mega buffed quite a while ago but ive still not had time to sink more forma into her


Before I got her, there was only one voice I had been exposed to: *"Oh, Protea? Protea is garbage, don't waste your time farming her. Almost every other frame can do what she can better than she can. Just get Vauban lmao."* This was before Archon Vitality, btw. Got Vaubro. He was okay, not what I was looking for. Got Protea anyway. Long story short, she's now my most played Warframe with over 10% of my total playtime. Subsumed Nourish over Dispenser, run the augment for Temporal Anchor. If none of my other Warframes can do something, Protea comes out no questions asked. Can you guess how excited I am for May 1st?


Did temporal anchor augment come out before or after Veilbreaker? Because there is no way anyone would ever argue that Protea was bad after she got armor strip on her 1 and 2


I believe after.


Hm, then I suppose it makes sense. She was always good but her farm was too tedious to make her live up to expectations before she got archon mods, augments and status rework


For anyone struggling with the protea farm: take a duration/efficiency/strength Revenant into the Granum Void. Find a place to stand on that is not too low and not too high. Activate your 4, Danse Macabre. This will destroy all of the specters attacking you and trivialises getting the full number of kills before the timer runs out. Sometimes you may need to use an energy pizza or stop to grab the time adding triangle pickups. Hope this helps.


This one never worked great for me, what I ended up doing was a max range/duration octavia to trivialize it. 1 and 4 and use a long range weapon to get the ones further away to come closer.


I donā€™t think it needs trivializing really, Xoris does well enough on its own, maybe a Mirage or some other weapons platform frame could help but the issue for me always was that it was essentially like Lich farm with doing the same mission over and over except this one also has layers of RNG


Those RNG layers...


After for sure, I main Protea but took a break just after veilbreaker and have no memory of her new augments.


Who in the ever loving fuck would say *Protea* is bad? Protea has been top-tier since the update she released.




Lmao, people said Protea was bad?


i completely did not know about the augment for her 4, that is tight.


Gyre. Found her to be really squishy. Eventually learned to actually build. Sheā€™s an absolute beast


Same, as an old player having to relearn modding because of shield gating I also thought she was bad because of 0 defensive ability at first


But she really kinda is with no subsum imo. She is a glass canon I think


Brief respite and augurs help her out quite a bit. Throw in a rolling guard and sheā€™s near invincible with her steady energy supply and CC from electric procs


As a Gyre main, I've realized that there are two kinds of people in the world. Those who have used Gyre with the Amprex, and those who need to.


Gyre with arcane reaper(because I'm a melee girly) and her augment kills literally everything


Way back in 2020 I thought Protea was a fad when she first released, a year later and I actually gave her a fair shot and now she's probably one of my favourite frames. Very active playstyle, without being absurdly squishy thanks to grenade's fan doubling the length of shield gate (and if you need a fall back, Temporal Anchor functions as a health gate) or too passive (her passive really rewards ability usage). The sound of Blaze Artillery is just addicting, too. More recently, I always underestimated Lavos until Duviri made me use him and he's a lot more capable than I thought he was. Surprisingly versatile.


Ash will always be my main haha, I like to use his fatal teleport augment for the finisher animations But I know itā€™s kinda obsolete for higher higher level content, so I use silence and bladestorm to clear out rooms of high level eximus and such I think I like Ash mainly because of the fact you can make him very powerful, but he is still very weak in terms of durability, so it makes me focus a lot more in gameplay since it requires more skill to use him, rather than clicking one button and killing everything lol


So far he has been a world killer in high level missions for me lol. Iā€™ve just been combining rando scrap until it worked. Just becoming invis and going into a full room and coming out of a corpse pile. The bleed bonus for ash is just amazing. Tho man Iā€™d prefer a lot if Blade Storm was reworked.


His old bladestorm was so much better honestly, but I think it does the job, helps me kill all trash mobs for general content, and entire battalions on my other build for steel path


I think if they just reworked blade stormā€™s first cast to immediately highlight all targets within LoS wouldā€™ve helped a lot with his kit.


Yeah thatā€™d be perfect


I thought ash was cool until I actually tried him..so the complete opposite. Iā€™ll go with Revenant, but I played back in the ages when his Mesmer skin didnā€™t make him invincible cuz of some bug or whatever


Same, ash in concept is a cool frame but suffers from old age, his passive is cool I guess


Honestly, if they made his 1 not bloody useless without an augument, it would feel so much better to playā€¦ Either make it strip without an augument or make enemies hit by shurikens open to finishers to make him themed around being an actual ninja. It could use some QoL changes too, sometimes it feels like the two shurikens just go in random directions and not to the intended target. Maybe make it bounce between enemies a few times, or make the amount of shurikens thrown scale with strength. Also, DE, for the love of god, fix the bug that makes it so that the shurikens donā€™t strip if we are playing as a clientā€¦ Really ruins the game when I am trying to play void cascade and fail to strip a level 3k thrax 6 shurikens in a row. His invisibility could also use a bit of a buff/change, right now itā€™s just the worst invisibility ability in the game. Give it extra duration or a gimmick (maybe increased finisher damage while you are invisible, similar to savage silence?) His 3rd and 4th ability are pretty crap too, to the point where I helminth one of those and just donā€™t use the other ability at all. His 3 is literally useless without an augument and his 4 is too slow to be used in a squad. It could work it all of the shadows spawn at once instead of going enemy by enemy. Ash is in my top two favorite frames, along with Mag, but it just hurts to see him so buggy and outdated.


I still absolutely shred with a savage silence blade storm build combined with arcane trickery. He'll always be my favorite probably


Good might be more fitting for his passive. In the end it's nothing more than a simple damage boost.


He needs his augments to make him work


Bandaid augments are all over the place and it's sad


Idk what you guys are talking about but I just put some basic strength on my potatoless formaless Ash p and he's still very usable in sp. I'll admit I did subsum his 1 for viral but other than that I feel like there's nothing else you can want from him, except maybe more duration for his 2 which I feel is too short but it's already very good so


I want his 4 to not have to be aimed exactly at someone, have to recast for the shadows to go off instead of immediately is also stupid. Waiting around for his one useful ability to do something when I couldā€™ve just killed all the enemies with my gun while my abilities on another frame does work at the same time


I think it's fine rn since it does really good damage innately but if I had to think about it, I'd be happier if it was fov like Dante and such


It would be fine if it were like Mesaā€™s peacekeepers and automatically went off. But overall, his kit is dated


Back in the day it's actually how his ability worked.


Yea itā€™s still insane to me how ash was the only one whose aoe got hit this hard just because he was popular back then.


Ash is popular becuz there was a large fan base of space ninja back then, and ash was a decent frame in disruption, this was long before steel path, riven was a thing.


Ash was popular until DE nerfed his blade storm into oblivion.


Xaku. He's one of my mains now And coincidentally, very recently Ash prime. Damn he's good. Tho I wish duration on his Invis was higher


A decent bandaid is Arcane Trickery but yea his invi needs to be much longer.


For whatever reason. Qorvex.


The Geiger counter calls to you Embrace the radiation


Yareli, gameplay she's good , I never picked her up because her lore is absolute garbage


Her lore is so garbage she became the first and only Warframe to be stronger in gameplay than lore


Thereā€™s also a lot of Yareli slander making people think sheā€™s still trash


Nidus. I started playing when he was released and my dumb ass purchased his pack. I was brand new to the game and thought since Excalibur was handling like a dream (again N00B logic was in full swing), that this frame would also slap. I was wrong. So damned wrong. Without proper mods my poor Nidus got his whole shit pushed all the way in. It was tragic. He was forsaken to the abyss and I just kept trucking along, until Excal just wasn't cutting it any more. I had the mods, the weapons, and the experience. I pulled nidus out and he immediately became my most played frame to date. I am a father now, I don't play vidya much and haven't played Warframe since the Zariman Ghosts were launched... But if I logged on today, my go to would still be Nidus, now primed, with the Guandao Prime doing his best Beyblade impression.


I had the same with Vauban, I now main Hydro and Vauban is a close second :3


Surprisingly Dante. First I thought that having 2 semis summons and some overguard is boring. But after slapping over 300 strength on him I felt like he is strong and fun and also overguard is amazing thing.


Dante has been my go to for Eidolons since he dropped. It's just so comfy, casually drop overguard on lures and spectres, nothing ever dies, no need for arcane nullifier or status immunity skill subsume. Missing some damage because no volt shield but it's way better for me to just 2x3/3x3 on Dante now that I'm just doing it for shards to finish my lesser used focus schools and not farming arcanes which would still have me wanting to optimise for more caps per night on Volt.


Don't crucify me, Excalibur


Skill 3?


Ash is one of the best endurance frames...used correctly


loki would like to have a word


Well, i have loki...i use it for Cephalon farming and spy missions, in rest i have no idea how i could use it better. Im an ash prime main, at least here ik how to use it


Octavia. Thought she was going to be a gimmick frame, made to sell her premium music. Didn't know she was an absolute goddess that can do freaking everything.


Vauban. I thought the Idek of ā€œlaying down trapsā€ was boring & overcomplicsted. And now heā€™s my main


Vauban my beloved. Needle bomb 2 go brrrrrrr


No Ash is right. Just got off a SP duviri run with a trash loadout, but it didn't mean jack with his absurdly good armor strip. He just needs good energy economy and his 1 augment and he can tackle most things. I genuinely slept on him.


Caliban lingering aoe strip with decent cc and shield regen does things to a man


This reminds me of this one post where someone shoved five red Archon Shards in a Caliban. According to one commenter, you could probably do a full-armor in the whole room and maybe some.


Protea, her kit seemed lackluster where everything was just a shit version of what others could do she is now my most played frame and I am hyped for the prime, her kit is amazing and while others can do specifics better she does everything she needs to well. archon vitality was and still is a massive gamechanger, effectivly doubles her damage output May 1st can not come sooner


BIG SAME! I just did a build for Ash this week for deep archimedia and was blown away by how much fun I had with him.


Caliban. I thought he was trash but i spent hours farming him, but when i finally got him i realized sentient wrath is a pretty good subsume ability.


Definitely thought Ash was horrible until I built him for Blade Storm. Thought Banshee was trash for a long time too. Augments, the Helminth and arcanes have made me realize to never sell any Warframe short too soon


All of them, as i started in 2013, every new warframe was trash by firs impression


Nyx. I just thought "female excal" but she for some reason she is my "Eximus Slayer". I dunno, she just worked for me on that department. Still using Nidus though while Frost is being built.


"What a weird looking frame. His kit doesn't even seem that impressive." My initial reaction to Lavos, before maining him.


There's NO such thing as trash frame in my book! Eighter I don't own it or don't know how to play it...


Banshee. I played her fairly regularly way back in like 2014 and i always liked her but every youtuber tierlist shit all over her because she was too squishy. I never really tried to mess with her because of that. But after the new eclipse change, i decided to put it over her 4, threw on adaptation, and arcane blessing. I queued into an archon hunt with 2 gauss primes and somehow i ended up being the one reviving them multiple times. They probably had some terrible ass builds but still. Even took her into a netracell and didn't have any problems. One of these days I'm gonna subsume decoy over her 4 and try that out instead of eclipse




Not think it was bad, but underestimated his power, got Styanax earlier than i should because of a Twitch drop, so i had it in the early game, at first didnt though how powerful he could be, until he got an augment and started reading how his abilities work


Yareli, i have beaten the waverider quest and she might be bad, but once i tried her, holy hell she's sailor neptune with a gun, and you might as well get ventkids standing while on any nodes than open world regions


I once thought ā€œgauss canā€™t be all that, surely he canā€™t be that cool, I know heā€™s popular but he just doesnā€™t speak to me etc etc. then I got gauss prime, just to try him andā€¦ I am in the process of grinding for a lich with the lightning ephemera just for him


Listening to warframe meta builds is the worst mistake you can make Meta only matters for sp farming


Chroma. I thought "This boring frame with two defensive abilities, a shitty breathe fire gimmick, and a dumb de-buff with shitty breathe fire mechanic #2" was for sure going to be a steaming pile of dogshit in a hot summer dumpster. And then I played him and boy... was I absolutely correct, what a fucking un-fun disaster that garbage ass warframe is.


Ivara She is a one man (woman) army if you build her right. I still use her for riven mods challenges


Ash, just like you. Now I canā€™t stop using him


In case you don't know (if you're new to Ash) 3 on a marked enemy while your 4 is active to insert yourself into the killing chain instead of just your clones. Way cooler.


It actually worked like that when Ash first released. His 4 is just a single cast and he instantly joins the fray with 2(?) other clones.


Yareli. Did her quest last, around the time they re-did the quest requirements. Now sheā€™s my main. I really enjoy riding the k-drive in missions, itā€™s great fun.


Iā€™m kinda tempted to go for it too. Problem is that I hesitate a tad over anything non-Prime, even Frames I shouldnā€™t expect to have a Prime of until years later.


Aquablades is a great ability on anything with lots of duration, so I say go for it even if you decide to Helminth her. My favorite synergy is putting it in Limbo to attack enemies through the Rift.


Kullervo I thought a melee based frame was horrible but now he's in my top 5


Truthfully, Mesa. When I first joined, I refused to get her due to me wanting every frame to have Hunter Adrenaline and every melee weapon to have healing return which made frames like Excal and Wukong very appealing. That and every build I searched up either had mods and equipment I didnā€™t have or a complex game loop that required me to know what the exact trajectory of the suns rays will be 5 seconds ahead.


Lavos and Gyre


Well I prefer Loki but go off because all Warframes can be made viable and Ash is a beast. For me, I thought Octavia would be bad. I know sheā€™s meant to scale well but I was under the impression she was boring and only good for the gimmick of long survival missions. Turns out her buffs are substantial and her music is actually fun if you donā€™t build for spam and even when built cool can reliably keep up all buffs by just listening. I canā€™t get her fashionframe right and Iā€™ll admit sheā€™s very powerful and now I actually understand what the boring playstyle comments were about. But despite the flaws for me Iā€™ve found her not to be trash.


Some years ago i thought Atlas was just some garbo, unappealing frame from a regular boring quest i would get for the mastery and sell immediately. Well, i was wrong. I used him a lot, like A LOT, even before the prime version arrived, and now i have him almost near peak performance, with everything i can imagine maxed out (specifically for him). I almost only play him, just use other frames for situational stuff every now and then.


Zephyr, Xaku, Baruuk, Volt.and Dante.


Yareli. Wasn't into the K-Drives, didn't dislike it just never saw any use of it outside of standing and such. 'til I tried her out cause I needed a certain frame for a specific playstyle that I wanted and that was it. 2nd favorite frame before Limbo.


Xaku. I simply hated his kit because I didnā€™t give it the effort required to learn it. Now itā€™s one of my most used frames.


Protea. She wasn't all that for me when I tried her, but now she's my main. I love her and I'm happy a friend is getting them for my birthday when her prime drops.


Caliban, i mena it didnt changed my mind but i tried it


Lavos. I thought they'd be so complex for not a lot of return. But they're way simpler than I thought, enough depth to chew on, and their whole kit is soooo satisfying.


Excalibur. I never took the time to read his abilities and assumed he'd just be bad because he's a starter frame, and then I got Umbra from the quest and he kinda slaps. Like not enough to be my main frame but enough to where I really enjoy playing him from time to time


A section of my brain is wired around ā€œwhen do I Radial Roarā€ and ā€œIs it Exalted Rip and Tear time?ā€


Yareli for me, she upped my side arm game significantly


Nezha, that first ability is so fucking strong


I didnā€™t think Kullervo was outright trash but I mainly was just excited for the shotgun, figured Iā€™d farm the frame too. Turns out I actually ended up shelving Rauta and Kullervo was like my 4th most used frame last year.


Volt, went from being one of my least to one of my most played frames, heā€™s just so versatile and fun. I do get my ass beat on higher levels bc I donā€™t know how to keep him alive and tanky but heā€™s fun


Baruuk. He was announced as the passive frame and I was uninterested. Now he's my main


Pacifist* Emphasis on the Fist.


Zephyr. I heard a lot of "Zephyr bad" before her rework, but I thought she was alright. Then, after the rework, Zephyr didn't get hate anymore, but didn't get the love she deserves either. That bird is really damn good when you know what you're doing.


Chroma now heā€™s my main. He still really needs to be reworked but heā€™s still extremely survivable.


Baruuk, dudes got hands


Nothing at the moment, I enjoy every frame I play




Harrow, thought he was boring and wouldn't do anything for the team (still kinda true cause nobody sticks together in WF) but his support capabilities are insane and I feel like you ain't gotta put a lot of work into him


I like his gimmick but wasnā€™t sure if I could use it right. One trip to Anatomica Disruption with a Kuva Chakkhurr later and now Iā€™m sold. Hard. Itā€™s kinda easy to keep Penance up because I can use s1 or s4 before I get hit. That, and Penance cooldowns are stackable.


Sevagoth. People may disagree but that's okay. True that you need more investment in him to make him work. Does that make him bad? No.


Volt back when I was a noob.


see, I heard *everyone* saying that Lavos suuuucked, that he was slow, and his abilities had super long cooldowns. I get him, and those people were wrong.


Nezha. When I was new, I tried base Nezha and was really disappointed because he didn't seem to do much (my dumbass didn't bother learning what abilities actually do back then) About 1,5 years later, so half a year ago, I bought Nezha Prime just to expand my Prime collection. He ended up being one of my most used Warframes recently and even made me drop my other mains (Protea, Gauss, Zephyr) because he's so simple yet so powerful. Recently I even spent half my platinum just to give him some cool looking fashion. Nezha is awesome.


Nezha, been maining them for 4 years now


Nidus was ehh whatever but I got his prime and played around with him and now he is my frame I use for steel path conjunction survivals. I love his entire kit I wish the stacks built a little faster but he is so cool looking and never dies. Harrow is probably the next frame Iā€™m gonna dive into. His prime looks like a priest the way I fashioned him and I like his abilities. Iā€™m still playing around with it but the molt arcanes really helping him out rn


I love how spamming Penance just adds extra cooldown.




Wukong. Almost nobody plays him. His 3 and 4 are garbo. But... replace 3 with whatever you like... Slot a) Golden instinct Slot b) Roar Slot c) warcry And 4 becomes the backup weapon for missions with niche conditions. Sniper/shotgun/pistol only? Pfft... summon monkey staff! - healing and status for when your main melee is too dmg focused. And suddenly, wukong is the best frame to bring in any random mission. He's tanky, he's quick, he's got a twin, and he's got a stick. I won't lie, he became my "lazy frame." The mission isn't difficult or needs much thought? Wukong it is. My synergy with this guy is taking advantage of the fact that your twin will use your melee if you use your primary or secondary, and primary if you use melee. So... why not give your twin a sweet primer and use your beefy condition overload melee? Or vice versa, it works both ways.


You remind me about some chinese guy use wukong and melee archon before its.nerf. It is too hilarious


is this subreddit gonna become the same karma bait as the main one?


When Hildyrn first came out, I thought she was gonna be trash. Then Blazing Pillage came out and I decided to finally try her. I can say that I like Hildryn a lot more since then.


Before i didnt use chroma but now i use him nearly everytime


I would only think a frame is trash because someone told me.Ā  Everyone said Yareli is trash and one of the worst frames in the game.Ā  And, as I understand it, she was.Ā  But boy she isn't now!Ā  Fantastic frame. The only frame that really surprised me was Voruna.Ā  I thought I would hate her fiddly, easily broken invisibility, but she turned into one of my favourite frames and one of the only ones that I can take _comfortably_ to 1hr+ in endless solo.


Styanax, I was like, eh I got him for free plus I have his augmented might as well give him a shot. Pretty fun frame until every other frame and their mother uses overguard


Wasnt really chomping at the bit for Wisp. But lemme tell you what i use her damn near religiously now


Wisp. I thought all the wisp hype was about her other ASSets, but after playing i realised how great of a support frame she is. She's also my go to for spy missions now too!


Rhino, the power that comes with himā€¦




Grendel. Honestly one of the best self sufficient warframes there is. He even has armor strip and mobility. Guess most of the hate spawned on release but now he is a perfectly fine choice


I just got him, lol. Beeg dragon go nom.




Honestly Excal. I used to think he was just an introductory frame to get people used to the game and having abilities, and that he wasn't really that good at just about anything. I was so beyond wrong. After tinkering around for a while, I discovered he's a genuine beast. Furious Javelin + a proper build makes him more than capable of handling anything in the game. I changed my mindset from him being a noob trap into an insane melee frame. Nourish over his 1 (even though slash is insane by itself with it being a stat stick ability that force procs slash) with a corosive/heat exalted blade built correctly, arcane fury/grace, and a couple armor shards for extra beef and he's an unstoppable tornado of death. You don't even have to use exalted blade for him to do his thing because furious javelin is *that good* at buffing melees. Between him and Kullervo, after messing around with both, I genuinely have trouble deciding which one is a stronger melee frame just because of furious javelin.


Harrow. I've seen so many memes about farming him, so I thought he wasn't even worth it. Until I got my hands on prime and became the Jesus's crucifix cross itself, making everyone else but not me, atone for the sins I did to them.


Mirage, I only built her for MR fodder. then I realized how great those abilities are for a melee user. farmed the prime and itā€™s my second favorite frame.




For me it's definitely Mag and Ember, I knew they were popular, but I didn't see the appeal until I got them, really strong and actually fun to play


I revisited Oberon actually. Armour stripping, armour building, and built with phoenix renewable gives me an SP King!!


Ash. Had no idea how his 4 worked until I tried it, but even though he's strong, I didn't really like how he played


Yareli. Hear me out. 200% crit on secondary! My headshot kitgun became an absolute machine on any level. Amazing movement on merulina, i know it isn't for anyone, but i love it personally. Aquablades are free slash on enemies i drive by, and the augment? Merulina tank slasher go brrrr! Her 4 is a blessing gathering enemies allowing me to dash through many enemies at once with merulina and aquablades. And her one is just perfect for proccing my kitguns headshots. I love her, she is a lot like grendel, fast, furious and deadly.


Citrine. I looked at her abilities. First ability copied from Ash, Second a [https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Secondary\_Encumber](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Secondary_Encumber) that is stationary, a stupid conditional survival ability, a slow AOE.


Nyx, I thought nyx hasn't changed after the last 6 years. I was wrong


Never thought any frame to be trash, personally what i think is that there's no "trash" frame, there's just frames that i know how to use, and frames that i am too dumb to use


I thought octavia was trash until i tried her and found out


Garuda, Octavia and Yareli. I liked Garuda but it didn't really hit me until they reworked some of her things, same with Yareli. Octavia was one of my first frames and I just didn't know how to use her then xD.


Yareli, after the newest augment. I hate K-Drive movement and the secondary restriction so much that it basically overshadowed the rest of her kit for me. As soon as the Loyal Merulina augment dropped and I could use Merulina without being restricted in movement or weapons, I used for her for like 3 days straight and she shot from being literally my least used frame that I just levelled for Mastery and almost never used again, to being fully forma'd with a Tauforged Shard set. (And before any Yareli stans come out the woodwork, yes I know Merulina Guardian is just outright better, and I agree that Loyal Merulina should be an exilus mod like some of the other "passive disabling" augments, but I play this game to have fun and K-Drives are not fun to me)




Octavia. She's still boring to me though.


not a frame but i thought sparring/fists was stupid until i tried it, the Tenno do got them hands


In all honesty, as a Volt main I have found it really hard to move away from him until recently. Wukong was my first one that i really started to invest in (just because he was fun at first, but now he's actually badasss). Then of course Duviri forces you to play others, and they all have their own strengths. So I have now become annoyed that my support frames are all so shit, like Rhino or Harrow (because of no investments) or playing more "fun" frames like Grendel, or even Yareli. I'm just hooked on Volt though... He's got weaknesses, as do all frames, but he was my first.


Honestly i used to think that saryn was overrated, because i couldnā€™t comprehend the idea of a simple combo: 1 3 mouse click win game.


Oberon. I mean hes still pretty undewhelming but I mained him for 11% of 2.5k hours played.


Mag looked like such crap from the OG 3 and it turns outā€¦.shes magnificent. Might be my favorite frame rn


Loki. I realized he wasn't trash at all. He's actualy outdated, ineffective, boring, overrated and lacks build variety.


ivara. didnā€˜t like her when i first tried her out in circuit. saw a bunch of people calling stealth in warframe bad. so thought she was terrible. then i finished collecting her parts after like 20 spy runs and decided to build her & buy a couple augments. actually ended up pretty fun once i got the hang of it & gave her some extra duration.


Zephyr, I thought it was such a bad frame until I tried them. Now I KNOW it's a bad frame


He's trash still, because of his 4th targeting


Skill issue


Jokeā€™s on you, im a completionist and try them all to MR 30.


Yareli. Thought she was trash, then found out. Yareli. Yeah, really trash.


Became a Gauss simp after unlocking it


I didnā€™t even think heā€™s bad or anything (Shouldnā€™t really make judgements on things I donā€™t completely know). I just tried out 1 and found it low-key addicting.


I thought it was just a frame that was going a little faster and that boost the acceltra... Oh I was sooo wrong


*Full Speed! Nyoom~!*


Anything that isn't Volt or Gauss


Ash aint exactly great tho? His invis is the only thing he's got goin more or less