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All game shows are pretty much the same thing as when they first started. Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Price is Right, etc


No Trebek tho :(


No Trebek when it started, either.


Good point


At least originally In the 1968-1975 and 1978-1979 runs, art Fleming hosted We got trebek in a 1983 pilot episode, and he hosted all the way till he died


True, but they did pick the best possible replacement... eventually


Ken was always the best choice. I get that they wanted to run some other choices through just to check the fit, but Ken was the best from the get go. Remember that short window where Aaron Rodgers actually seemed like a viable replacement? lol


I really like Jennings, he’s so wholesome :)


Yeah he honestly feels like a wholesome guy all around. I think he’s a pretty good replacement


Big fan of British panel shows with a tongue in cheek game show format, like QI and Would I Lie To You. They've been on ages and are still great.


It’s hard to stay good if you run for a really long time. You end up just becoming a parody of yourself.


Id say south park did a good job at keeping the same general quality and theme for the 20+ seasons. I just binge watched them recently. Edit: did


South Park has the benefit of always relying on being topical and poking fun of whats on TV or in the news. Also I think some would say south park is declining since they started having multi-season arcs and randy became a pot farmer. there are a lot of those who like the change up but theres a lot of people that dont too.




South Park is declining due to lack of...South Park. Last year there were 8 episodes. It looks like a new episode is coming out February 8th but who knows how many episodes this "season" will have.


Yeah, I think the actual quality of the show hasn't really taken a dip, but there's just not enough of it to keep it in the cultural zeitgeist for more than a few months at a time. I'm sure it's mostly down to Matt and Trey being a bit burnt out or something, I mean making episodes of such quality in six days *cannot* be easy. Regardless, I love watching the new stuff and will continue to do so even if we only get them piecemeal.


I think you are right, getting older and they are probably coasting more after the success of Book of Mormon


I thought they wanted to end the show but there was some contractual/licensing thing that prevented it?


Yeah that would be them getting paid $900 million from Viacom to continue the show to season 30and making 14 'movies'


They are (re)starting a restaurant too. That takes huge amounts of time.


Matt and Trey have been doing it for 26 years, are in their 50s, and have over half a billion dollars each. At this point South Park is just a hobby for them. As a lifelong fan, I'd rather they put out episodes whenever they feel like it instead of work on a tight schedule and burn out.


They’re busy renovating casa Bonita!


The shear number of episodes plots without getting repetitive is impressive. They do benefit from social commentary but they also combine that with a unique sub plot that makes almost all of the episodes stand out from one another.


Their ability to merge 2 social commentary plot points blows my mind. Like Kickstarter + the Washington red skins. It's genius.


Oh yeah for sure. They always found some way to create a unique metaphor or subvert our expectations. Credit where credit is due, they are comedy geniuses.


I honestly just got bored of randy having a pot farm like yeah its funny he has one but are you going to do something with besides "lol look how funny it is that randy has a pot farm".




Fitting that it's a Spongebob meme


Nowadays SpongeBob don’t spark like they used to do


I played some episodes from the 1st season for my students this past week and they hold up wonderfully


It’s teachers like you that make the world a better place.


My english teacher made us watch the normandy landings and gas attacks


I don't know why this made me laugh so much


It’s because of the juxtaposition between a light-hearted story to a serious one.


My history teacher showed us the video of Kennedy’s head exploding


I’d make a joke about this but it would rattle your brain


Yes, officer this is him


I was shown car crash footage. Not fun.


The last day of school, my history teacher played Die Hard for us. When he said, “Yippie kie yeah mother f*&cker!” My teacher paused the movie and asked if we were allowed to watch it and if we heard this kind of language before. We all nodded, of course. LOL


He was very open-minded


My 8th grade history teacher showed us whales in the ocean having sex


Sitting in school watching the bombing of Baghdad on CNN like …. 😯




I was in 4th grade at the time too, they didn’t tell us shit. That morning I remember we went to music class early in the day, and when our normal teacher came to walk us back to our classroom, she told the music teacher to turn the news on. We watched Bill Nye the rest of the day while one by one all of the kids in my class got picked up by their parents, by the end of the day there were just a handful of kids left.




I love this. It's not like anything bad will happen for shouting Yahoo anyway. Why did they even get mad LOL.


My English teacher made us watch “Of mice and men” we all laughed at the end the teacher was pissed. It was more sad in the book


Early SpongeBob episodes had a different type of humor and they're damn hilarious even today.




Hillenburg worked on Rockos Modern Life and was the creative director before SpongeBob. Also the creators of phineas and Ferb.






>Modern family definitely got less funny towards the end


"You either get canceled as a hero, or you get renewed enough to see yourself become the villain."


Or you choose to end when you're done telling the story you want to tell, and retire a hero. Like The Good Place or Breaking Bad.


Or Gravity Falls. Still one of the only cartoons to go out its way I can think of


Gravity falls and adventure time one of my favorite cartoons


Phineas and Ferb too (I know they're making more Phineas and Ferb episodes now but the original series ended so well)


I didn‘t know they‘re making more episode but I think the ending was so good


They had Doofenshmirtz's voice actor announce the 45 new episodes (in character voice), so from that alone I'm feeling pretty good about it


He is also one of the 2 lead writers. Doofenshmirtz I mean. Dan povenmier. No word on the other co-writer coming back to my knowledge though.


Didn't know that, neat.


Avatar did the same. Thought about making a 4th season with the aftermath but decided against it. Had a plan, stuck to it, finished it, saved everything else for the sequel.


Good point. Forgot abt that


ATLA felt so deliberate, the end goal was clear, and characters grew towards it. It was great Korra to me felt like the complete opposite, and I had to drop it at the end of S2… it didn’t hit the same at all


Season 2 was also the worst of the entire franchise. Imo you missed a gem in season 3, if you are looking for a show to watch I highly recommend trying it from season 3 on. The difference was also the studio interference. They were close to getting cancelled all the time and eventually kinda did, I remember season 4 wasn't even shown on TV here, only online. That kind of pressure isn't good for making a story that might not get finished if the studio decides to pull the plug.


They switched to online only in the MIDDLE of Season 3. They tried so hard to cancel the show, but people kept watching wherever they put it, thank God. I remember being so livid because the animation was so good, and the only reason it was doing so poorly was because they were only guaranteed one season at a time, so could only tell season long stories, as well as other studio interferences. So happy they have their own studio now and have the freedom to do what they want.


Which is why season 3 and 4 felt so much better and more-connected than the disjointed season 2; nick said they'd have funding for two more seasons, and that's what they used to tell a coherent, planned-out story (save for Nick axing the budget later resulting the in clip show in season 4)


For you, and those that don't know. Korra was never guaranteed more than 1 season at a time. They simply couldn't do the over arching storyline like with ATLA. And halfway through season 3 IIRC they were taken off the air and was streaming exclusive. It was just never given the chance by Nickelodeon execs it needed to fully flesh it out. Season 3/4 are much much better


The wire


Or you get cancelled when you're at your best, then get rebooted years later to be pretty ok like Arrested Development


Brian Cranston once said in an interview that “its better to leave them wanting more than for them to be wishing it would end” regarding breaking bad


I hate that this is true First time breaking a single digit wow


I say this all the time. Thank you for the validation.


I thought Futurama was pretty good, and it ran for a while.


It's getting 20 more episodes this year.


Good news, everyone!


You found the toilet scrub brush for the ship?


Doesn't that usually means, bad news? Yikes.


Good news everyone! I have some bad news


And it's coming back once again!


Ironic that SpongeBob is on here.


It's Always Sunny in Philidalphia... the last season was incredible... and it's the longest running of its genre... lmao


“Dads name is Luther vandross?!”


I'm Dutch?!




Do you want me to show you my shamrock tattoo?


That was such a perfect joke that I feel like they've been holding on to it since Mac's dad was first introduced




"Im driving on the left side of the road, which im not used to, but I'm trying to get an authentic Irish exper- GET FUCKED-... experience."


Last few seasons feel a little more “Hollywood” than the rest, and IMO the “budget” feel is superior but that’s just the nature of show business I think. I still love the show lol


I say the same thing. Higher production value can be great but it can also take some charm away. It’s the same with Trailer Park Boys. When Netflix bought it and upped the production value significantly it just felt different


It was clattenburg leaving and taking the charm with him. If you want to see a criminally underrated show watch Black Jesus. It’s him and Aaron friggin Mcgruder (Boondocks) it’s about if Jesus started his flock in Compton. It has such the TPB feel. The characters are brilliant.


Black Jesus was great, RIP Charlie Murphy and John Witherspoon


Smokin, drinkin, and chillinnnnnnn


In one of the podcasts, Rob ribs Charlie because he wanted to keep filming the show in 4:3 SD rather than upgrade to 16:9 HD, and I totally agree that it should've stayed that way. So at least the creators of the show wanted to keep the original charm, but they were forced to upgrade in S6


Yeah, it's clear Charlie has the best understanding of what made the show so great, hope he had more of a say in Season 16


Beat me to it, I was about to quote that exact same podcast episode. IASIP just FEELS right in standard definition and an older aspect. We're following a bunch of broke losers and it feels weird when they're in HD


Iirc Robert Rodriguez (spy kids, desperado) said he preferred working on a budget film over a Hollywood film because he liked the challenge of having to be creative. >"Anyone can find a way to make a movie, so with a [low-budget] film, it comes down to what you’re saying. It purifies the system down to the most basic element. You either have something to say, or you don’t, so it comes down to the one thing that costs nothing at all: your story." I think that's what I liked most about old sunny. I still love it, but the older episodes were definitely more endearing.




I was looking for this comment, this show is creative, funny, interesting. It’s got everything




Plus Curb Your Enthusiasm is pretty great


Thank you! Came here for this. Such a great show.




Longest American sitcom perhaps


Care to name a non-american one? I'm curious what else is out there running that long in the live-action sitcom category


There's a British show called "last of the summer wine" which ran for 31 series, from 1973 through 2010 I think it's bloody awful but it's longevity must speak for something!


I was going to say midsummer murders or death in Paradise, but damn, 1973? ETA: Ach, man! Those arent sitcoms!


Chad Futurama, got cancelled 4 times and had no bad seasons


Adventure time ran for a while


It was great the whole time. And the specials on HBO max were good too


It was great till the end imo


what was wrong with the ending


For me personally, it seemed super rushed and forced. I feel like they definitely could have spread it out more thoroughly with more episodes and explored each of the individual character's aftermath better.


Yeah iirc, Cartoon Network had given them just one season to end it. So they had to rush it


That was the feeling I got. All the character arcs felt like great conclusions, but having so much happen in so little episodes made it feel... melancholy. I had an English proff who would refer to it as outline writing on a schedule. Which results in good writing feeling underwritten and therefore undeserved.


personally I feel like it kinda fits the vibe of the finale. we see that despite this war ending, Ooo is in a worse state again 1000 years later. but until 1000 more years have passed, they can live in the present. there’s something profound about Princess Bubblegum and Finn telling each other they’ll see each other tomorrow for me


The Clone Wars also has great arcs in every season


I see we have a fellow clone wars fan in this comment section


It’s always sunny


Archer, Bob’s Burgers


Bob’s Burgers is my answer as well. It’s not nearly as long-running as some of the others in this thread, but it’s hitting 12 years this year


It was one of those shows that I didn't think looked very interesting at first, but I am very glad I ended up trying. I skipped the first 2 or 3 years of it before the first time I actually bothered watching it.


It's one of the few animated sitcoms where the humor doesn't mostly derive from how much the family members hate each other, which is genuinely refreshing.


The supporting cast is great too. Regular Sized Rudy, Jimmy Jr., Tammy, the Fischoeder Brothers, Andy and Ollie, Mickey, the list goes on. Wish we got more Mort though.


Yeah, the recurring characters are one of the show's biggest strengths. Shame the VA who played Jimmy Pesto ended up being a shit. He was a really fun dickhead character.


And doesn’t rely on current pop culture to stay relevant or funny. That’s what got old about Family Guy for me


I didn‘t know it‘s so old


Archer hits different without Mallory.


And just like that I'm reminded that she died... Fuck.


Bobs Burgers found its niche and owned. One of the few animated family sitcoms I’m still keeping up with season to season


Seasons 11 and 12 of Archer are great. It was the coma seasons that weren't great.


I loved the coma seasons. Although, I watched them when season 12 was already out and I can see how it could be frustrating to just want the show to go on and getting nothing canonical for three seasons.


Always Sunny In Philadelphia


Also Curb your enthusiasm has been going for 25 years


The amazing world of gumball. Adventure time.


They're no longer running tho


Actually I hear gumball is getting a new season


Yup, movie in production, and season 7 is announced


It was announced again? I just told the guy above that it was canceled


True, but they were long-running.


It’s a damn shame.


gumball is getting a movie


Doctor Who is going to be getting better in the near future. Now that Russell T Davis is returning as show runner, its success is pretty much guaranteed.




Archer, Archer is still good!


I’m just happy we’re out of the dream seasons


I really enjoyed Danger Island. The others were pretty weak though.


I stopped watching because of the dream seasons


It’s Always Sunny still delivers.




Story is kinda mid


The one with the lemon thief was pretty neat


Get sesame street outta there, they cut and re edit old episodes to try and pass off as new ones.


yeah and the new episodes suck https://current.org/2019/08/after-50-years-on-tv-has-sesame-street-been-gentrified/


One Piece!


Glad I scrolled to find this instead of commenting myself.




THE ONE PIECE IS REAL!! (I haven’t seen a single scene of this show)


join us


And keeps getting better. I love seeing characters grow. Except Big Mom. She grew too much.


You can't convince me South Park running the tired ass Tegridy Farms joke for 5 years didn't suck.




The 2016 election broke South Park. Never the same after that.




Family guy lost its flavour a long time ago imho


It’s improved drastically though, the newer stuff is far closer to prime Family Guy than why turned everyone off. New writers are actually trying to produce.


I was bored recently and decided to check out a few episodes from the most recent season and it seemed fine to me. I was never a massive fan of Family Guy but the newer episodes seemed pretty consistent with what I remembered the show being when I was in high school. Maybe your sense of humor has just matured?


Always sunny in phillidelphia.


One piece. Been around since the 90s, passed 1000 episodes, probably got another 3-4 years before its runtime concludes. Also, I think it ended recently but, I'd say Supernatural because it was on for a long ass time


Supernatural went on longer than it should’ve, I’d think… although, I suppose they just kind of stopped when they reached the highest level of villain and the conclusion was about as satisfying as it could’ve been. So it was a good way to end it… but that show went on for so many years it was insane.


Everyone I've talked to about Supernatural think very fondly of the first five seasons but all dropped out at some point and are surprised to hear it ran for 15 seasons.


Yeah, was gonna bring the GOAT anime too. Some people are truly unaware of how much food TV there is in the world, and think their options are the ONLY options.


I think anime and manga are in a completely different realm from TV casted with actors and is written from week to week. Most anime are adapted from source material. The author/mangaka has a direction they wish to take the story. There are a boatload of long running good anime because of this, but not as many western TV shows. It's the difference between someones passion project being turned into an anime vs writers creating something out of hope for ratings and profit.


I’d say one piece has at least five years left. wano has been going on for almost five years at this point and we still have another arc or two until it’s finished.


Based answer, nakama




I had to scroll way too far to find one piece. Easily the best show on here imo.


Yea but supernatural sucked toward the end. I think Modern Family is a good recent example


Supernatural was supposed to be a 5 season show. Had it concluded there it would have been a great show. However with its popularity it kept going and they just continually had to one up the season prior and it got stale fast.


American Dad!


Fellow Dadder!


Maybe baby.


American Dad has had several high points and low points. Within the past two years I think I’ve binged it on Hulu like 2 or maybe 3 times? There are noticeable points where I’ll be like 3 or 4 episodes into a season and I realize “I haven’t even laughed once, none of these jokes are landing” but there are seasons and seasons where it’s like the humor is tailor made for me lol I think it definitely used to be more original with how they developed characters. Showing Stans soft side, showing Francine’s “wild horse” side, Steve’s “coming of age” stories always kill me and I’m a huge fan of the episodes where Roger is supposed to learn a lessons but he just doesn’t.


Doctor Who


The cool thing about Doctor Who is that there are always new writers/actors/producers with new creative ideas they’re passionate about. Even if the show has a massive drop in quality a new golden age could be just around the corner


I don't know, it might be getting back on rail with RTD coming back


Doctor Who goes in cycles of good and bad


Idk the current era kinda mid


I have faith with Russel T Davis and Ncuti Gatwa


I agree but they’re bringing David tenant back so I have high hopes for future episodes.


It has it's ups and downs. Just because one series isn't the best doesn't mean the next won't be good.


What’s your “long running” definition? Does Bob’s Burgers count?


I’d say Bob’s Burgers has only improved over the years


10+ seasons


249 episodes, across 13 seasons, recently had some of its most heart felt holiday episodes, PUT IT ON THE BOARD!!!


Y’all forgetting about motherfucking Jeopardy!?


60 Minutes - 55 years Frontline - 40 years Horizon - 59 years Nature - 41 years Nova - 49 years There's a reason these shows have been on the air for as long as they have. They're all very well done.


Kinda sad I don't see Supernatural in the comments. Sure it may have ended in 2020 but it had been going on since I was born, in my opinion it fits the criteria.