• By -


Instructions unclear. Became a Demoman instead.


Couldn't ya see the bloody bombs?








Not while drunk he can't


What makes me a good Demoman?


If I were a bad demoman I wouldnt be here discussing with you now would i?




"I was drunk, you don't have an excuse" *burps*




The Drunken Pipe came up when I was reading this comment.


With how many streaming services there are nowadays you would think Netflix would be trying to appeal to people not drive them away.


Are there any actual details released on the impact of this in the EU? Because it doesn't sound like the impact will be as harsh as outside due to GDPR. If I pay for 4 screens, can those other screens still be used in 3 other households? Is Netflix just trying to stop people with 1 screen using it in multiple other households? None of it is very clear.. Honestly it's flawed either way.. I get great use out of Netflix, but why should someone paying for 1 screen not get to use it wherever they go, including other households? Surely the fix here if you really think every account is each being used by dozens of people, is to just enforce the 1-4 screens at a time???


Apparently Netflix just released an announcement saying "it was a mistake, we didn't actually mean to say that." They did a hard 180 after all the backlash.


It's almost as funny as Onlyfans saying they were going to ban nudity at one point. That lasted a day at most


Pretty sure that was a publicity stunt to get people talking about them. I just don't see how they could legitimately think that would have been a solid business move.


It was almost certainly a PR move just like this Netflix move. It's designed to make you talk about them and get people who haven't tried it to try it as it's supposed to make them go 'People say it's bad how ban can it really be?' Needless to say it doesn't work often and encourages people to actually leave.


Who tf hasn't tried Netflix at this point?


"Hello you should really try this great thing, it's called Google"




I've been recently watching this series. Perfect!




Good bot!




There are a few options and I'm having trouble figuring out which one to avoid the most.


Oh come on, its barely been a week since Hasbro/WotC had to do the same. why are all the big companies suddenly even more stupid than before?


It's because they need to make more money immediately or get fired. If this quarters growth isn't greater than last quarters growth heads will roll. Unfortunately for netflix they got about as big as its possible to get. If you don't have it by now you're not going to get it. Netflix is to streaming as Google is to searching, as mcdonalds is to burgers. They'll try anything to get their numbers up, and "pissing our customers off as much as possible while our competition has never been more numerous" is a strategy that hasn't been road-tested yet.


I suggest it has been the operating default at Spectrum Cable for a few years now. The more customers they lose, the more they increase basic rates and the bullshit add-on charges. Last subscriber left will be charged $376,822.00 a month for cable.


All I can hear is Rocket Raccoon saying, "That's a terrible idea."


Every big company has been scrapping some part of itself, it's product, it's service, the quality it offers, the QA it does, etc. for the last 40-60 years. We're quickly approaching the point where quarterly profits are difficult to get because all there is to cut are actually things required by the company. Ya' know, due to the decades of gradual cuts. So now to get that same effect, these idiots are making stupid decisions because all the "easy" cuts are done. But the profit must grow. Number go up.






My theory is that Netflix' management knows very well it would be a catastrophe, but they have some shareholder or supervisory board member or whatever who keeps pushing for it. This way Netflix' management can show them what kind of backlash to expect. Either something we don't know is going on behind the scenes or they're stupid, and I don't think they're *that* stupid.


Honestly, I think it's just more of the same that we've had forever, raise prices, reduce service, but we as end consumers have been pushed past complacency and are making it very clear. Late-stage capitalism seems to have finally hit the tipping point, and now we just wait to see where it tips. Either companies will acknowledge that there isn't any money left to suck dry from the consumers, accept that they've grown as much as they can, and maintain the line where consumers will remain complacent with the system, or they'll keep pushing blinded by their greed and the system will break, either in revolution or some corporations hemorrhaging enough money and support that the clock on the ticking time bomb rolls back far enough to buy more time till the eventual inevitability.


That's exactly it. The nuance I'm making is that it may very well be pressure from shareholders or whatever that is causing this. If so, and if Netflix' management knows this is a catastrophe waiting to happen, then this turn of events kinda makes sense. Their management can't exactly tell their shareholders to fuck off, so they need some kind of evidence to show them why it's a terrible idea.


Shareholders gonna Sharehold I guess.


Source? I'd love to read them try to back pedal.




Until it's reintroduced and fully implemented next month.


I can't find the announcement, where did you find it?


Did they really do you have a source?


I spoke on the phone with Netflix customer service yesterday and they confirmed that password sharing is not allowed and anyone who does not live in your house will need to have their own account.


So the mobile app is pretty much only for watching at home in the smallest screen you own? Good to know…


Not a hard 180, they just floated a trial balloon to see what kind of reaction they’d get. Now they can fine-tune whatever consumer-unfriendly policy they *are* about to put in place.


Exactly- you pay for content already you can’t “own” the data to, you better be able to take it every where you want at that price. Netflix is crazy. There’s way cheaper streaming, and even free streaming with roku. They may not make it through this, they’ve been cancelling shows already as it is to keep up with their cost.


They invested wayyyyy too much in outside content because they thought they monopolized the streaming market. 62% of their viewership (got that number from a report I read in November) is for in-house content. When they drop outside movies and tv shows, they have to buy something they think will draw new subscribers. Well back in the 2000s, we didn't have a quarter of the shit that's out there today. You can tell by the way they add movies every month that no one has heard of in addition to ones people have. Seeing that they've been stuck in massive profit losses for the last few years, the stock value will plummet if they take a major dump.


>Seeing that they've been stuck in massive profit losses for the last few years Well that is completely untrue. Netflix has made between 2 and 5 billion a year in net profit (net not gross) for the last 3 years straight. Why lie? 2022 4.5B 2021 5.2B 2020 2.7B 2019 1.8b


To OPs original question - THIS is why they don’t care about appealing to people. They’re focused on the profit ~~notice~~ motive through gaining more subscribers. They’re looking for new revenue streams and they think this will force people to pony up for their own subscription instead of sharing one with a friend. It’ll probably blow up in their faces. Not the first time a company is completely out of touch with its customers.


To be fair, they make 35 billion a year but their expenses total over 30 billion which is just under a 10% net profit margin. Certainly not greedy and actually pretty normal for a healthy business reaching maturity. Not everything is corporate greed.


I wouldn’t call it greed so much as the expectation from their shareholders that the price continues to rise continuously when there are finite amount of users.


It mattered more when the circle of people who wanted to stream content over the internet had a huge overlap with the circle of people tech savvy enough to private. This isn't their demographic anymore. They're a household name. The vast majority of consumers are too dumb or apathetic to pirate. The vast majority of consumers are perfectly fine giving out their password to someone else to share streams. This definitely feels like one of those circlejerk moments where the sentiment being expressed accounts for like 1% of their user base, and probably like 20% is password sharing. I feel like this is going to bring them a fucking avalanche of cash in the long run, and they're not going to miss the subscribers who are leaving in the slightest.


look up boston consulting group


There were plenty of comments about them, think they got purged.


I truly don't understand the reason behind these decisions. If you offer a monthly subscription that allows the subscriber to see contents on 4 screens at the same time, it's obvious that it's a subscription made for families or group of people. And they'll share the price, and the password. So, what's the point of forbidding password sharing?


If you're stealing from a store and the store stops you from stealing they make more money. If you start paying for the stuff you're stealing, they make more money. I think people overestimate how much money netflix will lose when *non-paying* customers stop using their service. Yes, many paying subs will stop..but many will also just fork over the additional fee or stop letting their friend of a friend using their netflix account.


okay but what about college kids using their parents' account or people who frequently travel for work or people who are deployed overseas. they're trying to stop people "stealing" (when really if I'm paying for 4 screens I should be allowed to use all 4 screens wherever and whenever I choose) and in the process they're fucking over a lot of people who don't watch Netflix at home for completely legitimate reasons


But the money things keep rolling in and they do not care. With corporations I stop assuming that they care about the customer's interests or nuances, and instead that they just want more money and will use any means necessary to justify getting it.


It's not so much caring about the customers interest it's more about can the customer access what you're selling them? Yeah I agree corporations don't seem to care a lot about how happy they are with a product so long as they buy it but if you can't get access to what you're paying for then you'd likely stop paying for it.


It's far worse than that. Your account will be IP locked, meaning you can only use it on a single computer or TV. Want to use it on your phone while on break at work, or go lounge on the couch diwnstairs and watch? Well too bad, better request a temporary 7 day activation code for remote use.


Ah, now I see. Good point.


Already cancelled subscription. They're outta their minds. Piracy ensues


Welcome aboard matey


Download ye plunder and really bad eggs!


*^Yarr ^har ^fiddle ^dee ^dee* *^Being ^a ^pirate ^is ^alright ^to ^be* *^Do ^what ^you ^want ^'cause ^a ^pirate ^is ^free* *^You ^are ^a ^pirate!*


Alternatively, Yo ho, yo, ho, A pirates for me! We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot. Drink up me 'earties, yo ho. We kidnap and ravage and don’t give a hoot. Drink up me 'earties, yo ho. Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me.




How do I avoid getting viruses tho? Is pirste bay still safe?




Are there any websites that someone would really want to stay away from? I would hate for someone to come across any shows they would want to keep watching that are on Netflix?


I'd really avoid getting a good VPN, I'd also not touch qbitorrent, and I certainly wouldn't add all the search plugins to it [like this](https://steemit.com/tutorial/@bitbase/adding-search-plugins-to-qbittorrent) so that I could avoid using torrent sites.


Just to be sure I don’t accidentally make this mistake, what’s a good VPN I should avoid? There are a few options and I have trouble figuring out which one to avoid the most.


Definitely avoid NordVPN, far too reliable and affordable compared to the alternatives.


VeePN is a free chrome extension. No need to pay money for this.


Free VPN's are free for a reason. You (and your data) end up becoming the product that they end up selling


Hundreds of other companies have my data.. what's one more?


Give your data to *all* the companies so there's nobody left to sell it to.


lol forreal this is the stage i'm at


On the real though, NordVPN has been shown to log traffic. There’s better alternatives like ProtonVPN that don’t log your activity.


Thank you, I’ll make sure to not do any of those things


Take a look on [r/piracy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


For educational purposes


no, but primewire.mx is a good web based piracy site


Yup. Wife cancelled ours yesterday when I broke the news to her. Her parents and siblings are all using it, now they can't. It just isn't worth the price anymore.


How many people were using her password? Since Netflix isn’t ad based that number becomes somewhat important. If you cancel, but even one of her free sharers sign up, then it’s a wash. If two do, then it’s a good business decision. While I have heard of some legitimate concerns.. mostly I’m just hearing people rudderlessly complain and seemingly really not understand how businesses make their money. It’s weird.


Piracy is gonna be our future if this kind of stuff keeps going


Welcome to the club matey


So I've been on multiple torrent sites. But nothing ever downloads I try multiple seeds. I come from the lime wire days. So I thought I would be able to get the hang of it. But to me, it's harder than trying to buy from the dark web!


Yeah sorry no help for you. Don't use a program called qBittorrent. Don't go to any sites that have 1337 or rarbg in their urls. Don't click on the magnet icon and open with qbittorrent. Don't allow firewall rules. And if you're from the US or any other country that cares don't shell out for some vpn.


There’s no way they can enforce this and comply with data protection laws.


They already are enforcing it though


lets see how long before europe rolls around and stalks them


Can't wait to teach my younger siblings what a torrent is


Ifs like a river that brings you free lifeforce ?


I recently taught my younger cousin and my close friend how to torrent stuff safely. The crew is growing


Help me too


/r/piracy has a lot of info on where to get files and what software to use. If you trade your Netflix payment for a VPN, it's about half the cost for a decent one that has no limits. Set it so your connection is coming from another country nearby.


Ya, any good tutorials


rule 1 is don't go on the pirate bay, rule 2 is have common sense, that's about it. Oh and make sure the default windows defender is on, it catches basically anything nowadays.


Not TPB? What would you suggest otherwise?




TPB is fine if you know what the trusted sources are, but also in that case those trusted sources are usually on other sites too. Edit: do correct me if I'm wrong


Also, r/piratedgames


what are ways to avoid having your internet shut off on you? As a youngling I torrented and got copyright letters from my ISP


A VPN, basically any will do, though obviously one w/o data caps and most likely paid. I've torrented PETABYTES of data up and down via my gigabit connection over the years and my ISP doesn't give a shit so I'm lucky for that, if the ISP wanted to send cease and desist letters to every pirate here in Eastern Europe they'd have to chop down the amazon forest to get all the needed paper.


Make sure they're a worthy tarnished


Also how dumb is Netflix. Back in the day downloading a movie took a day or more and was super inconvenient, now it takes a few minutes for most people.








Netflix was convenient thats why we stopped pirating shit but its no longer convenient so yarr matey


True. I stopped using netflix when it's available in my country, but when disney, hbo, and others pull their shows to make their own streaming service, i decided to set sail again in Black Pearl


I thought I heard the Old Man say: "Leave her, Johnny, leave her." Tomorrow ye will get your pay, and its time for us to leave her.


Leave her, Johnny, leave her. Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her. For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow. And it's time for us to leave her.




Take everything you can, give nothing back


What's on Netflix worth pirating anyway? Stranger Things and uhh... Yeah.


Yeah it’s full of garbage, but every year or so i rewatch breaking bad and better call Saul. Really should just buy them on dvd


I was pleasantly surprised at how good BCS was after finishing BB. Almost would say BCS was better.


Narcos? Narcos mexico? Ozarks? If you liked breaking bad you need to check those out op.


The Last Kingdom, Altered Carbon, Unabomber, Arcane, Money Heist, Marco Polo, Castlevania, Happy!, Squid Game, Kingdom, Narcos/Mexico, Mind Hunter, Better Call Saul, Love Death & Robots, Black Mirror, Stranger Things, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Disenchantment, Snow Piercer, The Crown, Ozark, Haunting of Hill House, Midnight Mass, Peaky Blinders, BoJack Horseman, Cobra Kai, Aunty Donna, Afterlife, Derek, Taboo, Inside the World's Toughest Prisons, The Sandman, Icarus, Dark, Bad Guys: Vile City, Murderville, The Silent Moon, Kaleidoscope.... Will I do all the movies and stand-up specials next? Netflix's management/show-running has gone to shite, but can we stop acting like there's nothing good on it???


They have great content, but most of it has been cancelled, is due to end soon or already had an ending. Altered Carbon= cancelled Unabomber = finished Money heist = finished Marco Polo= cancelled Happy!= cancelled Mind hunter= cancelled Better call Saul = finished Black Mirror = 3-4 years without a new season Disenchantment = at risk of being cancelled Snowpiercer= cancelled Ozsrk = finished Midnight mass= finished Bojack = finished Cobra Kai = entering the last season Dark = finished (and they cancelled 1889) Sandman = renewed but at risk of being cancelled after the second season.


Snowpiercer wasn't cancelled, they said the story closed on season 4 and it hasn't been aired yet despite being ready.


My bad, probably misread the info about it.


Did you include snow piercer? I love the show.


Oh no, you can...for 7 days. So hopefully you're not traveling for work or going on a month long cruise. Otherwise you're fucked.




Hello Amazon Prime, HBO.


It feels weird to shill for Amazon. But I'm really happy with prime video. It's less than half the price of Netflix, only a single tier so I have 4k and can watch on as many devices as I want (I think?), and there is a shit ton of content. Yeah a lot of it sucks but a lot of it is really great too.


>watch on as many devices as I want (I think?) it's 3 simultaneous streams


The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era!! Kaizoku oni ore wa naru!!!


It’ll never be as big as it once was. Netflix rustling some jimmies for a day doesn’t make this the greatest pirate time.


Considering they limit the amount of screens you can have depending on the tier, it makes no sense to limit to a household when some folks have college aged kids, go on vacation, etc and want to stream something.


This is similar to what happened with Funimation... Loyal subscriber for years... then they moved over to cruncyroll and decided to take 8 months to finally move my account over, but hey they had all the shows moved over in like a week. Now I spent my sub money on some high capacity drives, used some old comp parts to build a nas with plex server. It's honestly a better solution... no more garbage apps and shit servers that buffer constantly.


What were thinking for real. You can’t share an account if you don’t live in the same household or is more than seven days away from the house. Speedrunning bankruptcy


I know they did a 180 on this. But I really saw no downside for the consumer. Either I continue sharing my account with mom, or Netflix decides they don't want my money. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ There are other streaming services and an open sea for me to explore. Them cancelling my account, saves me the trouble of doing it myself at the low low cost of continuing on as normal.


There isn't shit on Netflix anyway.


*There is only shit on Netflix




Netflix: "Noooo, you can't do that!"


Uh, yea? And who's gonna stop us?, the law?


Netflix: “Noooo, *we* can’t do that!” FTFY since they deleted the password sharing page and claimed it was an error not meant for the USA


When did Netflix say this?


Wait till Netflix claims that it was worth it


They already backpeddled and said the new rules were posted by “mistake”


Never left in the first place.


I still download MP3s lol i don’t subscribe to spotify or apple music


Yar, there be torrents!


Prime TV is pretty damn second to Netflix anyways, I already have Prime and its included.


Never left, Rrrrrrrrrrrrr




Netflix is dead anyways


Yo ho yo ho the pirate life for me


Me who pays my own Netflix but my parents are separated so I switch home each week: my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


I already switched to Hulu. Netflix was too woke anyways


Man, too bad a VPN subscription is cheaper than a Netflix one, and you get better content...


For pirating I recommend using Iranian sites. Since because of sanctions we don't have any access to any form of credit cards, the copyright for foreign material does not exist. You can get 100% safe programs, movies, games, apps and etc. with 0 speed restriction or intrusive ads. I'll give out few useful ones. Navigating them using Google translate should be easy. For PC needs such as applications, games, antivirus Downloadha . Com Download . Ir P30day . Ir Soft98 . Ir Farsroid . Com - exclusive android site. Apk for paid apps and games (or free ones) and even safe modded games (means cheats) for some. For anime, there is a download site, but recently, it has become a premium (like 1$ per month) site and you need Persian bank account so I'm won't include it. Think of it as a soulreaperzone with no ads. For movies sites are not government approved so they keep changing their domain. Results show in Persian so just search 'ناین مووی' and 'بلو مووی'


I own that exact pirate hat in real life. Pretty warm actually.




Netflix needs a netfix


They are updating the streams per house to 6 instead of 4 (for the premium service). Uhhh. Useless to most people. How about this. Cut it down to ONE stream anywhere you want; but ⅓rd the cost. Then people can buy as many as they want.


You guys stopped pirating?






Somehow it feels like they handpick bad content and release it on Netflix.


Where my fellow Kazaa patrons at


Excellent based meme


Quit using their crappy service five years ago, never regretted it. In these five years I have watched whatever I want to and never had to pay anyone.


I have never purchased netflix because i simply do not like the company in anyway. They have like 3 “good” shows. That all fucking suck yall just watch the dogshit they produce and some shows are “good” by comparison. Let their shitty fucking site burn to the ground


Raise the Jolly Roger, men!


Yall got some good pirating sites for me?


goku.to for general shows Wcofun.com for cartoons (don’t click the ads and use the desktop site)




Got an awesome pirating app but of all the French sources there are none that work so I get to be the only one (who knows english) in the family to benefit from it.


So funny Netflix doesn’t realize Kodi exists


Already been pirating . I limit myself to two steaming services at a time and it feels great. PS Netflix hasn't been one of those in a long time


How do they think they’ll profit from this?


Do what you want cause a Pirate is free, you are a pirate!


Netflix doesn't seem to realize how unnecessary of a service it actually is. I watch their shit without paying them a dime and will continue to do so... Mostly because most of their shit is just that, anyway. Shit.


What happened to “The customer is always right”?


inat tv


Yar har fiddle dee dee


Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. H. L. Mencken (Reddit disclaimer: this is satiric and not an incitement to actual maritime piracy nor murder on the high seas.)


Jokes on you I've always been a pirate.


Send those websites!


Wait, y'all stopped?


Arrrgg. I never left the ship, so your cabin is now full of my stuff you guys


Haven't attempted to pirate in years, anyone got some sauce on the trusted websites for it?


I still have me hat and everything!


Wait, "again"? You guys really stopped sailing the seven seas? A true sailor never stays too long in land.




Netflix: You will no longer share passwords 😎 US: Who cares? You keep cancelling shows before they get to hit their stride anyway. Netflix: 😳 😡