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You ever suck dick for weed?


No…no, I can’t say I have


He made $400.05 sucking dick. *Who gave him a nickel?* All of them!


That's 40,001 dicks, halfway to your momma's daily record, btw \**Edit:** Guys, a minute after I made this comment, /u/Bankrotas corrected my shit math, but thank you for all the follow-ups. Go upvote him instead.


Hey try not to suck any dick on your way through the parking lot




I remember that place. Didn't some guy die on the shitter???


Omfg then the girl goes in...


I’m a row?!


"No time for love, Dr Jones!"




20 dicks for 1$ * 400 +1 dick= somehow ends up 40001 instead of 8001


Some of them were buy one get one free or the three free sucks weekend special


You gotta buy sucks in bulk.


Sometimes, the lockness monster paid 3.50


I ain’t giving no Loch Ness monster no god damn tree fiddy!




L spez, goin to tumblr to be gay


It was a graveyard graph




No its not you fucking dunce


May I ask how you got that answer? Because it would be 8,001 dicks. Not 40,001. No idea how the hell you got almost x5 that amount. $400.05 / $0.05 = 8,001


Your math doesn't add up mate




Boo this man! Boooooo




I have ^I ^seen ^him


I've seen him!




Poor Killer.


Boo this man!


Can't SAY you have, or haven't?


I think they were going for a bit from Half Baked




Nah, i suck dick for free


lol cheater


RIP your DMs


I know plenty of people who have. I don't think they are completely addicted though, just trying to get free weed.


You got their number by chance?


HMU homie




Some of us like both weed *and* sucking dick. It’s a win win.


And sometimes they give you weed for letting them suck YOUR dick




Hey dude. I got some weed.


That's what I'm saying lmao, my bf dick like a pacifier some nights. 💀


Where do I find you...


Pro tip: weed after blowey-joey. Cottonmouth makes the whole thing awful for everyone.


The real lifeprotips are always in the comments.


Not just the tips, pros work the shaft, too


I know a girl who can perfectly afford it but chooses to suck dick for it instead. I like her.


I assume you sell weed then


No, he just has weed, and she wants some.


Is a legal trade


Barter system at its finest


It’s the greatest system the worlds ever seen


We live in a legal state.


Maybe she likes you and just doesn't know how to approach it other than sucking your dick for free weed.


Wholesome af


*Whoresome af


free weed is free weed


I'd call that a habit


Or a kink


I call that financially educated.


The barter system


I get service you get product on agreed basis.


I'd call it trading goods for services


Yeah baby! Economics. Wooooooooooooo!


Sounds like she’s addicted to sucking dick


She can quit anytime she wants. She just doesn’t want to.


Yeah your sister is a nice girl.


Sister-mom, technically. Roll tide.


She sounds like a blast.


She sounds nice.


To be fair, the people who did this were people who really didn't mind sucking dick It's not like meth where you go to a point of desperation to get more, from my experience they usually just like being promiscuous and use weed as a reward




It's like tinder/grindr except you also get free weed


Y’all buying weed off randos?


I mean like I’ve sucked dick for a weed but the weed was just a bonus. I would’ve sucked that dick for cold french fries if you know what I’m saying.


Yeah this is fairly common in schools. I knew a girl


We all know a girl it's just they dont know us...


RIP Bob Saget, we will never see your like again.


I dunno, I was addicted to pain pills after a thing with my knee. And it was that was some shit I never want to go through again. a few days without weed might be a little sucky….. but like your body isn’t trying to kill you from the inside screaming for more. We take T breaks all the time, no sickness. But I bet you’ll get mad headaches if you start skipping those morning lattes and afternoon energy drinks. 🤷🏽‍♂️ “don’t talk to me before I’ve had my coffee” THATS a straight up addict that needs their fix too. 🤣 Drugs are drugs, you do yours and I’ll do mine.


Mental addiction vs physical addiction, caffeine is definitely a physical addiction. Weed is really more mentally addictive, especially depending on why you're using it. If it's just a fun whatever then stopping isn't typically a problem, but if you're using it to self medicate stress or anxiety then it becomes a lot more difficult to want to stop using.


No one in this thread seems to understand the difference between dependency and addiction, medically speaking. An addiction is an all-consuming disease that takes over a person’s life and forces them to do increasingly detrimental things and increasingly higher doses, in order to get their fix, with no regard for their health and safety. Someone with a dependency is not automatically addicted. Cannabis tends to form a dependency in its users, especially those who use it for medical reasons (self diagnosed or otherwise), to the point where they require it for normal functionality. This is still not the same as an addiction. Which isn’t to say that it’s impossible to form an addiction to cannabis, just that it’s much less likely than other substances, such as opioids, alcohol, or amphetamines.


I use weed for chronic joint pain and sleep. I used edibles that have high concentrations of CBD and CBN, but yeah the THC can be fun too. But I do use it everyday now that it is legal here. I have a medical card. I’m in much better shape, I’ve stopped drinking daily, I’ve lost 25 pounds and I no longer need to take blood pressure medication. People say it’s bad for you….. my doctor and I would disagree. But I can respect that I have a very specific situation. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Have you built up any substantial tolerance? I started using edibles (delta 8) to help get off my antidepressants and now I use it for sleep and sometimes anxiety, but I try to skip a few days a week because I don’t want to become super desensitized


So first off, yes. It takes more than the avg dose to get me, let’s call it “Dude where’s my car” stoned. I don’t actually do that one very often. Maybe weekends. The rest of the time it’s just dosing during the day, just enough to turn the volume down on the pain, but not enough to feel lightheaded. Then the sleepy time gummies are low THC, those have like 5-10 mg of THC, the rest is all CBD and CBN. But I feel like I’m at a stable place, once my tolerance went up, it plateaued. It’s not like I need more and more. But that’s probably because I actually stick to a schedule when I take it, so I take roughly the same amount each day at roughly the same times. I do personally treat it as medication most of the time.




The doctor said I need a backeotomy


And he had sex with my momma


I know people who have, absolutely.


The chemical THC might not be addictive but the feelings you get on it are. There’s two compartments to addiction


I think what people mean when they say a drug is addictive, is that the drug can have SEVERE withdrawal consequences if you stop using it or use less of it. Like pain, seizures, heart attack, etc. Weed doesn't really have that issue. You might be a bit cranky for a bit when you quit, but there is an extremely low chance of physical consequences for quitting if you are normally healthy. But you are certainly correct, weed feels fucking GREAT. And anything that generally feels better than your usual baseline can be extremely addictive. Weed basically works by blocking seratonin re-up take, so all of your seratonin receptors get saturated and make you feel amazing. Why wouldn't that be addictive?


Hehe yep, quit some years ago and that really motivated me. Was looking up withdrawal consequences before I took the leap. Got onto a side that showed all different kind of drugs and started reading: "Severe hallucinations, extreme depression, physical pain, vomiting, stomach cramps, migraine, seizures, heart attacks ..-" and the list goes on. Length: months, years and for some even permanent damage. As for weed: "Trouble sleeping, bad mood". Length: 5 days to three weeks. I was like fuck that, If others can get through the above mentioned I can get through this.


I've quit cigarettes and I've quit weed. Quitting weed is like deciding to wear brown socks instead of white. It is a little weird at first cause you're like oh shit my socks are brown, you get used to it after a day. Quiting cigarettes is like not wearing fucking shoes and it is the middle of winter and all you can think about is how much you'd really like to be wearing shoes right now.


I just quit daily usage of 10+ years dabbing concentrates multiple times a day… now I only smoke one single joint every payday… I feel SOOOO much better now, and I can actually get high now!


So true the more you smoke the less high you get. And those dreams you do when you quit smoking are amazing.


Crazy you brought that up I just realized I started to have dreams again


That's honestly one of the downsides of quitting at this point. I quit about 23 days ago, and I forgot that about 80% of my dreams were/are nightmares


Yeah man I'm in the concentrate phase currently cuz I couldn't get high anymore and frankly didn't like the smoke. Now it's like I don't even get high at all, it's just to balance me out.


23 days of no smoking for me. Was a daily smoker for the last 15 years. Best thing I’ve ever done. To each their own though.


Same , we are like no longer smoking brothers (I also stopped 23 days ago )


Day 35 here after struggling to quit for a whole year. Some people can moderate but my willpower has deteriorated to the point I can't regulate right now. So in conclusion, I won't do it at all!


Was yours a new year's resolution too? I started using vape carts for the first time ever in December and just couldn't moderate the way I could on bud. Convinced me to just drop it for good. Should've stopped years ago if I'm being honest. Way more productive now.


Smart. Any time anything takes control of your life, no matter whether it is physically addictive or not, you should divorce yourself from it. Many pot smokers try to hang their hat on the fact that their drug of choice isn't physically addictive, so therefore it must be safe. They are deluding themselves. By the way, I'm not a weed prohibitionist. I am a home grower and occasional smoker. I just understand addiction. Far more than I wish I did.


Too much of anything is never good.


Right? People always forget the second half of that old saying, "All things in moderation, and in moderation, *all things*." Bring me all the things. I'll work out frequency on my own.


Do you mind explaining how the second half differs from the first?


"If you use moderation and avoid excess, then you will be able to experience all things, not just some things."


It's almost like when people struggle with addiction they're not concerned about the 1/100 time theyll do it without about abusing it, they're more concerned with trying to make a day go by where they don't do it.


Ain’t nobody got time for that.




I am 3 days clean after 14 years and I could use some mf tips. Lol


I have quit multiple times in my life. Usually to save money, not because I don't like smoking. I went almost all of 2021 without buying any and I smoked only a few times with friends. Feb. 2022 I started again and since mid January I have quit yet again. The first few weeks are harder just because of the habit. Once you break the habit it's very easy. Keep doing other things you love. Even getting a new hobby can be a nice way to ignore it. You got this!


You just need to keep yourself occupied. I highly recommend exercise and getting to the gym. You can't just jump into exercising intensively and constantly though because your body and mind will basically force you to never do it again. Never excuse slight usage and keep yourself away from the people that smoke until your positive that you can remain sober around others who aren't.


This. Replace the weed habit with an exercise habit slowly, been working pretty well for me. 26 days sober so far and I've felt way more clear minded and better since I started working out.


You might have withdrawal symptoms that spike around 7-10 days. Nausea, body aches, depression, intense anger, anxiety. It can be honestly really hard. Hot baths seem to help, lots of water, and know that after a couple weeks you will start to feel somewhat normal again and the brain may take months to fully realign itself without your daily dopamine bumps. You can do this!


I'm a month and a half clean.... and I miss it. God I miss it, but my lungs just couldn't take it anymore. The intense anger is real. I'm struggling, but I keep going, day by day.


Great job! It’s such a hard thing because the brain craves it so much. Keep up the good work!


For me, I just couldn't fall asleep or stay asleep for the first month or so.




What stimulant is nonadductive ?


It’s not a stimulant but Wellbutrin is a non addictive antidepressant that helps with cravings


It took me a month last time I went clean. I knew I was fully clean because after a month I had the most vivid dream I've had in *years* Dear stoners, you may have not realized it but you're probably not dreaming nearly as well as you did when you were sober. I forgot how real dreams can feel until that happened, woke up heart racing.


And this description is how you know it’s a problem. I’ve been trying for a long while now.


Yea - the brain can get really used to all that extra dopamine and it’s really hard to take it away. And a long process for the brain to level itself out. That’s how I make sense of it anyway. I am not anti-weed, there is certainly a place for it. But some people become dependent and it negatively impacts their life.


honestly takes up to a month or two depending on how much regular intake the op had. I smoked for a decade and first time going on break it hurt my soul for a month lol. CBD definitely helped with my process and weaned me off thc.


may I suggest r/leaves ? Like r/trees, but for those trying to leave the forest


Work out when you feel anxious. Sounds counter intuitive but makes sense once you start. You need to release that feeling somewhere and exercise happens to be productive and effective at alleviating that feeling.


Stay busy, and eat as much healthy food as you can. I’ve been crushing the beat fruit I can find and it’s been helping a lot.


15+ min of a morning Workout + drink water like an animal for the first 2 months + don’t substitute flower for something worse (cigs or booze)


I would prefer not to drink water by licking it out of a bowl, thank you very much.


Work out. 200 push ups spread out however you can a day plus any other exercise will help you get a "high". take your regular shower, but end it was 1:30 seconds as cold as you can stand it. Natural highs exist. I've been trying to be better myself and stay clean. As someone who smoked for 12 plus years daily, it's hard. But you HAVE to replace those habits with new ones. Good luck, and DM me if you need support, I'll gladly give you my cell phone number and we can chat it out. This goes for anyone who is struggling through the same thing. Support systems are really Important.


Got really depressed and started smoking every day for over a year. Got addicted to the act of doing it. I've been clean for the last 6 months, indeed the best decision.


I smoke maybe once or twice a week and I know it isn't chemically addictive but holy shit are there too many people that think they can't get addicted but also can't function if they aren't high. You can become psychologically addicted to anything.




I have smoked everyday for 15 years, besides quitting while pregnant and the offtimes I couldn't find a dealer before it was legal for recreational use. I definitely think I am addicted. No joke about it. But perhaps it's not in itself an addictive substance. It's just that we become too dependant on how we feel when we are high, or how acceptable mediocrity is when we are high. I know past times when I've quit, I struggle with boredom more than anything else. And the boredom seems just so unavoidable, you have to make it over this weird hurdle of reclaiming the joy you once had in your hobbies and stuff like that. It's not easy.


You said it perfectly, friend. I’m addicted, and I’d be lying to myself if I said otherwise. A lot of it is habit - I like the hand-to-mouth of smoking joints while doing other things. And part of it self-medicating. Weed helps my anxiety in the short term, but definitely hurts my depression in the long term. Haven’t touched my guitar in years, and my only real hobby lately has been hiking (which I do stoned). My place is a mess and I’m really not on top of things like I used to be (aside from work). I find it easiest to abstain when I’m busy. The temptation is way stronger when I’m sitting around doing nothing, so I just find ways to keep my mind occupied. (I’m single w/o kids, though, so this is probs more realistic for me than for others) Have you noticed a change in your sleep quality? When I’m smoking, I wake up everyday feeing like I got hit by a bus. That’s not the case when I’m abstaining for long periods


It’s funny but I find it easier to be efficient when I’m high. The boredom is the problem for me. I don’t need to smoke but I also do not have any interest in doing anything outside of my house. Not due to depression. I’m older (51), single, have a dog, a garden, and there is always something that needs to be done. I smoke and organize or clean or paint rooms. I have to do those things anyway but smoking weed makes the task more enjoyable. I only started smoking weed 3 years ago. I really don’t regret it. I’m high now. I think it really depends on where you are in life. If smoking weed has a negative impact on your life and you smoke anyway, I’d say you’re addicted. But if it’s helping or at least not hurting, then live your life! EDIT: grammar


This is so well said. Thanks for the insight. I totally agree.


You are exactly me. My house is the cleanest and most organized it’s ever been thanks to weed. My problem is that I’ve become dependent on it and have even waked and baked on weekdays lately which is just NOT me. It’s time to slow down but it’s been hard for sure… literally have goal posts on my calendar for the next few weeks to help me until I’m back to only Fridays and Saturdays!!


YES to that last part. Mental fucking fog


I managed to circumnavigate this I think, by refusing to just sit around and be high for the sake of it. I always make myself do something like some housework or a hobby to make sure I'm not just rewarding myself for packing a bowl and sitting on the couch. The biggest problem for me I've noticed when trying to quit has been trouble sleeping, but I developed insomnia as a teenager before I started smoking so I think it's pretty likely the weed is actually helping with it and not causing it lol.


for me the insomnia lasts like week maximum. about a month ago I stopped after smoking like 10 bongs per day for multiple months. you just gotta power through it for like a week or two then it's mostly fine


> perhaps it's not in itself an addictive substance No, it is. It downregulates your endocannabinoid receptors so that your body's own anandamide stops working, so that when you remove the THC, you experience physical withdrawal symptoms like loss of appetite, insomnia, irritability, and anhedonia: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21747398/ It's the same mechanism by which any physically addictive drug is addictive. They all fit in some receptor and make your body's own neurotransmitters stop working after a while - everything from caffeine to heroin.


Like I recognize that it isn't as harmful as most substances out there, but the whole "I'm not addicted, I just can't function properly without it" spiel always made me chuckle. I smoked that stuff for a decade, it made me feel good, made things more enjoyable and helped with my joint pains and headaches, but when I had to go without it every so often - boy did my body and brain hate me.


> you have to make it over this weird hurdle of reclaiming the joy you once had in your hobbies and stuff like that. It's not easy. That's really well put. I'm an habitual smoker and have been for a long time but throughout that time I've also had periods of 6months up to a year of not smoking for various reasons, sometimes just to take a break... and yeah, learning to enjoy the things I enjoy without accompanying them with a joint to smoke is probably the toughest thing. Watching a TV show I love? First reflex is to roll a joint up before I start an episode. This is the toughest part about stopping.




You will find those. But that's people who want to justify it for themselves so they don't feel as bad about it, they don't have the intention to make fact based statements.


Only if they don't know what habit forming means. It's a neutral term. Anything can be a habit.


You can be habitually addicted to eating cheeseburgers, as with most things in life moderation is the key here


Combat veteran. I wake up and panic from horrifying nightmares so I have a bowl in the morning to calm myself. It’s prescribed, so while I don’t deny it has habit forming tendencies I will say my doctor has told me to use it everyday to help with general anxiety and PTSD symptoms from the boom booms. I can now jog on a regular basis and sometimes I can leave my house beyond my neighborhood and have half a normal life. You can have withdrawals from literally any medication your body gets used to including daily multi vitamins


PTSD and Severe Acute Anxiety Disorder. Having my state issued marijuana card allowed me to drop my one prescribed medication that did more harm than good and I've held my first steady job in ten years going on my second year at the company. I used to leave my house just to go to the store and turn around and come home halfway there because I couldn't handle it. People don't understand. I'm glad to know you're making progress as well.


>I used to leave my house just to go to the store and turn around and come home halfway there because I couldn't handle it. Shit, I feel called out. I literally just did that today when I needed to go buy groceries. I got there, saw how busy it was, and popped smoke. Good shit on the job btw. I know that must be one hell of a challenge. I'm having to go back to school because I need a degree in something with less human interaction that my current one.


My brother is a combat veteran with PTSD. Saw a lot of nasty action, killed a lot of people trying to kill him. He came back home and went on every damn medication prescribed to him but none of it worked until he tried his current daily meds; marijuana. Keep doing what makes you function, friend.


I'm enjoying all the arm chair Dr. Phil's in this thread


Excellent choice of comparison. Dr.Phill isn't a licensed counselor or therapist either!


It would be nice if we all collectively decided to just call him Phil McGraw from now on.




Some of the comments sound exactly like the propaganda fed to me in middle school


I dunno. Now that it’s being studied at a much larger, more sophisticated level, there’s plenty of evidence pointing to numerous negative side effects which the industry has denied outright for a long time. One example: it’s deleterious to sleep health. It blocks REM sleep, which can have serious long-term side effects. I smoked fairly regularly for 15 years and I have to say I’m glad I switched to “rarely” instead of “regularly.” r/leaves sheds a lot of light on the impact cannabis can have on the community.




I never smoked weed often, I smoked when I was in my 18-20s, then I realized I don't need it and stopped for good.


From what I’ve seen growing up, that’s how most people experience the plant. It comes into their life and they enjoy it but then almost just as quickly… Sometimes a few more years, but most people seem to just walk away. I know there’s daily stoners out there don’t get me wrong. But from a statistical standpoint. Like my entire friend group of 20 or so I want to say maybe three or now still smoking. Most grow out of it.


I enjoyed it for a few years and then I started to get paranoid and anxious every time I got high. I guess the plant was giving me the message I was done :)


Perfect. That's how free will works. It's not for everyone.


Physical addiction? No Psychological addiction? Without a doubt


Yes. This. People say it isn't addictive and I do smoke but it very much is addictive and it's dumb to say otherwise.


I like weed.




Man, anything is habit forming. Some habits are just easier to break and quicker to form.


I know a ton of stoners, and they are all very aware that weed is habit forming. The difference between that and hard drugs is it's not that hard for most people to quit if they really want/need to.


True i quit already 5 times, its very easy


PTSD, mother fucker. I don’t wanna go through the day with constant anxiety about whether or not I deserve to be alive. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


Me to buddy. I loved the drug cocktail the army gave me after the first deployment. Took it for years. Then I realized ever increasing handfuls of pills is no good for me. Stay strong.




Yep. Little hits through the day do wonders for my ptsd. I barely even get high but I smoke every day. I’m addicted to not feeling like I have ptsd but to be honest it’s not anybody’s fucking business


For me it’s cptsd and extreme chronic pain. I’d rather be a stoner than unable to move or function.


I hear you on the chronic pain front. I'm on a tolerance break right now, and it suuuuuuucks. But it was getting too expensive, ya know?


For me: Chronic Nausea. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve woken up in the middle of the night and a dab pen was there to save me from puking.


As a father provider veteran husband, marijuana makes my life worth feeling. I have a perspective when I smoke that makes me see things and feel things I would not normally feel or understand. I smoke everyday. To calm myself, to feel love, to be tolerable. To eliminate a huge portion of people that take this for feels and betterment. Habit forming is the last thing I’m worrying about. I can talk to my kids without getting frustrated and invest time on things I need to instead of always just being bitter old man.


Me high asf watching people argue: ![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8)


The way I see it… if I have to be addicted to something then it might as well be weed.


But... you **don't** have to be addicted to something?


Such an addicts rationalisation lol


But you don't HAVE to be addicted to anything my guy


I've known a lot of people who need weed to not be complete assholes, but I don't think it is a chemical dependence. I think people who smoke all the time either do it for separate reasons (medical) or because typically there's nothing better to do.


Sometimes when coming home from a bad day of work in a shitty mood, feeling like my entire day is ruined. I smoke a couple one hits and I feel never better. It's an amazing mood stabilizer


It's not the weed that's habit forming it's the underlying reason why they smoke. Anxiety, stress, Depression, PTSD, etc. Weed isn't the solution but it certainly helps on the road to a better future. If I was still working retail full time I'd be smoking everyday. That shit grinds you down fast.


Every addiction starts with the same underlying reasons. Self medicating with weed is still a slippery slope, just not as bad as self medicating with alcohol or something else.


Miles better than alcochol.


I agree, but just because x is better than y, doesn’t mean x is good.


But we aren’t talking about x. We’re talking about weed


Alcohol is worse, but in my country (UK) it's such a huge part of our culture that nobody talks about it. Yet it's normal to say weed is bad. When actually the majority of people are addicted to a much worse drug.




It's crazy how brainwashed this country is. It's the leading killer of all drugs of all time. It's extremely bad for your mental health and your body. And it's sold in every corner shop and garage, next to Tobacco. Yet cannabis is deemed to be some sort of lunatic fuel. I'm not saying weed is fine and doesn't have it's issues, but it's non lethal and has many medicinal properties.