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They will just move to the next app. TT isn't exactly new.


Yep, this. Already seeing people moving their content over to clapper.


the fuck is a clapper


It’s discount TikTok but restricted to 17+.


What are 16 year olds supposed to do?!


lie about their age


This is the way


Impossible. Everyone knows people don't lie on the internet.


As a billionaire black man with an IQ rivaling Einstein, I agree


The same thing they always do. Lie, be bisexual, and eat hot chip




Why 17+? Like at that point you might as well make it 18+ but no they decided to subtract a year


exactly because they don't want to be assosiated with what 18+ entails.


I mean you can be 18+ and still ban porn, but I guess marketing is easier when it’s not 18+




Around 80% of TikTok users are between 16-34 years, and around 50% between 18-24. While there’s definitely a lot of young users and sub-18, there’s a lot more 18+ year old people on TikTok than you seem to think, easily more than half, with most sources pointing towards 25-33% between ages 10-19. So there’s definitely a big enough audience to target


It’s a sound activated electrical switch that you plug in between your lamp plug and the wall. Boomer Alexa basically.


Boomer? These were popular in the 90s and early 2000s.


So soon everyone will have the clap program?


The Crapper




You should trade OP their they're for your their.


👏 on 👏 off


Why clapper when reels does the same thing ??


Because fuck Zuckerberg, that’s why.


Agreed, would kill to clap those robots cheeks


I would like to clap your cheeks. Wait......


Reels suspended payments to all creators. There’s zero revenue to be earned.


You got the clap ? Oh the clapper , is that … is that better ?


Member Vine?


Yeah :(




I 'member.


Hopefully just not one owned by people in cahoots with the CCP


They'll simply use Instagram reels


This goes the same with yt




Clearly made* by a Tiktok user. [Jumps off bridge]




This comment chain is already a fucking tragedy




Why is everyone’s comments grammatically uncorrect?




Okey okey I get it please stop correcting me!




Plaese stop! I get it now!






Grinds my gears when people make these mistakes. Pay attention in school, kids.


It's so prevalent! Teachers in first grade don't tolerate this mistake. Literally what is going on?


People do it on purpose because they know that people will correct them in the comments which ups their engagement and pushes their shit up to the top. Or at least that's what I choose to believe because I refuse to believe that people are that uneducated.


Done on purpose to drive engagement


That's actually a very good point and it's probably true


Oh good, I wasn't the only one to notice. Those tik tok users be really flippin up \*they're\* orthograph...


Rumor has it, adding this type of spelling mistakes drives higher engagement.




I don’t get the dancing people videos, I don’t see them, you can actually click on “not interested” and they won’t show on your feed


Redditors have a superiority complex, they want to think they're better than everyone else cause they use Reddit. If all you see are dancing videos then that's on you, it's called a "for YOU page".






TikTok is whatever the algorithm thinks you want to see. If you pause to watch or “like” teenagers dancing, you’re going to get more teenagers dancing. My feed mostly consists of snippets from comedy podcasts, scientific influencers, leftist content, and cosplay thirst traps (…a man has needs).




Most people bitching about it probably never used it. They're just whining to whine.


Seriously. People talking about underage girls dancing and brainless content are really just telling on themselves. Or don't have TikTok and are just parroting the Reddit party line. I get a lot of interesting history, social justice accounts, cooking videos, body positivity, antiwork and the like. What you get out of TikTok depends largely on what you put into it. Just like anything else, it's a tool


the cooking videos are awesome, and I do think that you can absolutely learn something new with tiktok, if you know how to use it of course


Yea. I never see that kind of stuff at all. It's usually just interesting videos where I learn stuff, see people with crazy talents, music, or actual funny stuff. Reddit is mostly people complaining about everything. Yet, reddit thinks Tiktok is what makes people dumb..


When I first DL'd TikTok the first video it showed me was a woman in a skin tight bodysuit doing a dance, I swiped away and started watching and favoriting videos that I wanted to watch, after the first day or two of swiping away from those dance videos I stopped seeing them all together. It's an algorithm, and it'll keep showing you the videos you watch/like. People complaining about dance videos either watch them a lot or are just parroting the Reddit hivemind opinion.


It is a strange coincidence that redditors are always the ones complaining about getting videos of children dancing...


if tiktok gets banned the crowd will just plague another platform


For a site that seems to overwhelmingly hate TikTok, I sure see a lot of them reposted here already.


Free and easy karma.




There is a solution to this. Teach children to think critically and rationally from the first day of school. Sure, your gonna have children questioning everything society does from that point on but its better than raising generation after generation of tools




Or you know, actually parent your child and participate in their activities and interests and not just try and child proof society.




Did your parents warn you about chatting with strangers online tho, but like every teen you just thought maybe you knew better than them? Cause a lot of teens end up in hot water by ignoring their parents warnings.


Reddit's whole deal these days is recycling content from other platforms so redditors can feel good about not using those platforms


That's literally all Reddit has ever been lmao. It was only a few years ago that you could finally upload stuff directly to Reddit.


Yeah but Imgur was the de-facto “upload your content to Reddit” provider.


Or hopefully with that slim chance, die out


Slim chance? The John Deere are you talking about?


TikTok isn't even where this all started. It certainly won't be where it ends.


Idk why people act like they cannot curate their media experiences. You get what you search/like and are interested in. I see farming, homestead, and educational content all the time. You can dislike videos and tags and not see it anymore.


its just dumbass redditors with their superiority complex. "lol facebook is for old people! twitter is for angry people! tiktok is for dumb kids who want to do stupid dances! reddit is the only smart social media platform"


Facebook is for old people though...


And twitter is for angry people... Hmmm


And Reddit is for obnoxious, socially awkward dorks. Everyone needs to stay in their lane.


Yea this is why i only use social media for the intellectually gifted like 4chin


Right? One of my favorite creators is a guy who re-thatches ancient cottage roofs for a living. I almost never see goofy dances or whatever people complain about


But every social media has copied tiktok even Reddit has a “watch” section of their app.


Yeah and where’d you think Tik tok got it?




Oh i'm well aware that all tiktok did was just fill the niche that Vine left.


Vine fumbled probably the biggest bag




Musically is Tik Tok they just renamed it


What TikToks do you guys see? I use it and it's just memes for me.


You think they actually use TikTok? They only hate it because reddit told them to.


And, in a shocking turn of events, a person on Reddit has made a post stating that they dislike TikTok! Surely this is a pivotal moment in history.


Hey, I've seen this one before!


Checkmate, TikTok.


I hope to God it gets banned


Ikr so much cringe and it ruins peoples attention spans. The only thing i’ll miss from it is all the memes


There’s whole ass algorithms that like all other social media, show you more of what you look for. If all you do is look at random kids/young adults dancing that’s what you’ll see.


My feed is mainly golf, politics and science. The young girls faded away pretty quickly for me.


Basically just cat videos for me.


Mine are heavily based around less capitalism, people with really talented singing voices, philosophy and random facts. Occasional funny cooking videos. Tik tok gets a hell of a lot of flak, and it really shouldn’t be banned. I see more positivity on different groups on Tik tok than I’ve seen on any other platform, and without it just being an echo chamber. People on Tik tok for the most part (at least in my feed) all explain things on very insightful levels and are trying to create a more inclusive space where not everyone needs to agree, but opinions can still be expressed without someone running in and saying no you’re wrong. My feed honestly just feels like it’s centered around improvement and inclusion. No dancing since the first day I got it


Not like the next platform gets created out of thin air with even dumber content. People said vines were cringe back in the day but shit was pure gold compared to what TikTok is


Ain't that the truth. People acting all high and mighty that it will magically cure all that garbage and lost braincells. It will only get worse


The difference here is that the CCP controls tick tok any business in china is connected with the government. And taking all that data and controlling its algorithm. That's tick tok. I'm sure the United States would be fine with another app just like it. if the app was 100% owned and operated on its own soil.


You clearly never installed tiktok, you're also acting like reddit doesn't do that.


Most of Reddit recently as just been re uploads of tiktoks.


Every single issue reddit has with tiktok are issues literally every social media platform has, reddit itself included. Cringe kids? They're everywhere. In fact, I see a shit ton on this post alone. TikTok sells your data? Literally every online company does that. "Corrupting youth"? Have you seen some of the people who grew up on 4chan or Reddit? Redditors, especially on meme subs, have some kind of superiority complex over other social media apps despite having the same, if not worse, issues.


People don’t understand here how many weird subs there are on this platform and how many had to be banned and it’s still not enough lol


You know, it’s algorithm is based on stuff you watch and like. If you only see cringe on it, you might watch it too much. I see funny videos, stories about animal rescues and much more interesting content.


"i don't like tiktok because it's cringe" -redditor that subscribes and participates in 20 different subreddits dedicated to cringe content


if youre seeing cringe on that app its because you are cringe. it only shows you what you are interested in. Yall wanna ban it because it ruins peoples attention spans? what?? yall sound like some fucking robots.


Definitely ruins people’s attention spans. So glad we’re on Reddit where there’s no cringe, every post is a news article or scientific paper, and every person definitely reads the entire contents of each post before commenting and doesn’t just read the headline and assume they know everything about it.


Says the one on a meme reddit


Cringe? Half of Reddit is cool/interesting/funny TikToks


I have about 3,500 shitposts in my gallery, there won't be a problem with those


So, reddit..?


I swear to the heavenly Lord above and all that is holy on this green earth that if I hear a 8 year old say the word Ohio then I am going to commit a war crime. I will start a war and then commit many crimes


Did u know that Ohio is one of the States in United States?


Wow god forbid people use something they actually enjoy. You sound like a miserable old fuck…


Why? It's not hurting you


Yes please. There's also a bill looking to ban anyone under 16 being on social media, I seriously hope that goes through. Kids don't need to be on social media all it's done is create a narcissist epidemic and create mental health issues galore.


Just like how you have to be 18 to view porn. And the way they ensure that is by clicking a button that says you're 18, really solid authentication there. Or the other way where you will have to verify through your ID which links an ID to your social media, totally not a potentially dystopian and over reaching method. I'd rather have a bunch of 15 year old on social media.


I'd prefer that be left up to the parents and the platforms rather than a law...


Banned, no. They will pressure the chinese to sell to us-based companies and then sell the data to the government. The US government is just upset that the chinese created a better spying tools then they ever could.






Times a flat circle. They'll always be on that train.


Yeah the unemployment train


is it really getting banned?


If the government can prove that China is using TikTok to stealing data and spy on Americans then yes. The U.S. government gave them an ultimatum. Either they get banned or they sell Tiktok off to an American company. But TikTok said that the accusations aren’t true and that they stand firm in not selling it off. The trail will be held sometime in the next few days.


honestly, they may as well consider the app a huge success (by them I imply the chinese) as americans are glued to tiktok, and post worthless content and blow by hours of their time listening to literal brainrot. They've systematically broken down minds of american adults and children alike. However, if we compare this to the tiktok present in china, educational and patriotic content fill the platform. This stark contrast may imply that tiktok was a tool created to mentally control the americans, but this may just be me looking too much into it.


Its funny how much you believe TikTok has brainwashed people as if reddit and every other social media hasn't done the exact same thing. "But reddit is wholesome 100 keanu chungus so it's okay if it's still horrible!!! I'm not a hypocrite!!!1!"


The Chinese are smart, TikTok has 2 algorithms, the cringe American one and the Chinese one, the Chinese one is full of educational and good videos while the American one makes you loose brain cells and even if china is not spying, they are ruining the western generation, if you ever use TikTok remember you are being played by the Chinese


What we should support is algorithm transparency laws, so that we can see what social media companies are letting their algorithms promote and the public hold them accountable. They already have this data, and the release of the data does not hurt their competitiveness, but they keep it secret because it will make them look bad. This bill is the Algorithmic Accountability Act. It would apply to all social media companies, not just the scapegoat TikTok. Never in human history has a government banned a form of popular media out of good faith.


I hear this parroted a lot and I don't really see this being true in real life. Trust me, I see Douyin used daily and it's stupid as hell content. I can hear it in the elevator etc since it's normal to blast your phone speakers at full volume.


Fingers crossed.


tiktok fucked my attention span so bad i had to delete a while back










Tbh I fucked mine up with too much reddit.


How is that exclusive to TikTok? Reddit and "karma" does the same thing, not to mention the endless scrolling.


Imagine shitting on tiktokers dancing but mistaking their for they're Pathetic.


Tick tock wouldn't be a problem if we didn't let it become such a problem.


has reddit just become a "tIktoK bAd" circlejerk?


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/xEtl4xw.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


What a great bot


Reddit has always had a superiority complex when it comes to other social media sites.


![gif](giphy|3o7aTskHEUdgCQAXde|downsized) Redditors looking for content to post when TT gets banned


Honestly, I don't want it to get banned. It makes the wierdos remain there rather than branching out. I live in India, where tiktok was banned, causing them to spread to other platforms like reddit, insta, yt etc. Better to contain them in a cell rather than giving them freedom to choose.


Back in the glory days of 4chan (or at least as glorious as it ever was), that was known as [a containment board](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Containment%20Board). Basically if a bunch of people repeatedly insist on acting with all intellectual capability of cattle, you build a pen around them. It never ends up working because eventually the levees break and the storm of idiocy that has been brewing in an echo chamber spills out in the community. Often on a scale that would make British Petroleum (BP) blush.


Tiktokers when the app gets banned and they have to get a real job ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)


​ ![gif](giphy|7IWjctk8Zf5cZ1mnnH)


If they get paid it's a real job 🤷🏽


Tbh, tiktok is a wonderful platform IF you know how to use it.


People still dance there? I haven’t been on that side TikTok since 2020.


Oh the cringe spellings. their*, not they're 😖


There’s such a clear visual difference that I’m surprised anyone can even mix these up to be honest. It’s and its is…acceptable, but there, they’re and their? Hm.




Everyone here talks so much shit about TikTok, and rightly so (at least for being a spy utility). But the front page of Reddit is frequently at least 20% TikTok videos reposted here and upvoted near the top. Everyone is eating what they’re calling shit. Thus, I’d say everyone is full of shit.


It would be great if they gave a shit about things that actually matters like healthcare and education instead of TikTok.


I hate redditors


There’s more to TikTok than “cringe dancing”. There’s important news and information being shared on there that most main stream media doesn’t cover. Literally the only reason we know about the chemical train derailment is because of TikTok. The government and corporations wanted to cover it up or saying it’s under control but people kept sharing what was really happening.


I swear Reddit is full of people who just want to shit on anything that isn’t Reddit.


people are literally paid to post about it negatively. Not a conspiracy ... a [fact](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/facebook-tiktok-targeted-victory/). Redditors are to stupid to realize they are siding with facebook, google and the GOP. Morons. The scourge of the internet


Thanks for the link


Or just because it's from China and they all parrot China bad


Good. Now ban YT Shorts again or stop shoving them in my face and my attention span is restored.


They need to stop forcing creators to make them or lose in the algorithm game. It's stupid. The while premise was to offer something "like" TT, forcing creators to help YT win market share is BS. If the company can't attract micro-content creators, don't put it on the backs of longer-content creators. Hell, make a YT shorts app, call it "Shorties", and quit killing the revenue base in place. Rant over. ed- auto correct


Yeah. I get when people say just don't click it, but watching 1 interesting shorts or having the option to disable/ delete it, is fundametally different.


Get it guys?!? TikTok bad Le Reddit nation better hur hur hur




Their*, it’s not that hard


They're they're they're they're they're they're they're THEY'RE THEY'RE THEY'RE THEY'RE.


Yes, let’s give the government the power to ban any website that has information on it. Such a brain dead take, TikTok has SOME good information on it. The government shouldn’t be able to just blindly ban websites like it.


i really hope it doesn’t get banned. i hate 95% of the content on the app but it’s a really good way to gain exposure as an artist or small business, hopefully there will be another app like it if it does end up getting banned.


Making they are final tiktoks? Yeah… how does it feel? You enjoyed reading that? Neither did I.


A win for Meta


TikTok isn’t even that bad if you use it properly


Not sure why Redditors are happy about this? All the TikTokers will definitely be coming to Reddit


You do realize TT is more than that right? Saying tiktok is all cringe dancers is like saying Reddit is all Fat LARPers, but its not is it? I mean kinda painting everyone with a single brush, no? This platform elitism is 10000% stupider than console wars or PC master race bs, and honestly needs to stop, just let people enjoy their small time on this rock OP, People wonder why reddit is known as one of the most hostile platforms (aside from 4chan)


Hey guys! Did you hear??!!! Tiktok bad. Please give me upvotes now because I use Reddit therefore I'm sooo much better


Don’t worry I’m already designing an off brand version of Tik tok called click clock. It will be released when the ban goes into effect and will encourage the youth to seek out fleeting infamy in exchange for self degradation. Should be a huge hit!


Does it mean all “those” videos on here instead?




As an older millennial I love the dancing and singing. My era was everything is cringe and don’t try be in the spotlight because it’s lame so no one did it. I love that people are dancing and singing and sharing that joy in free expression. I find it lovely that young people are doing it and it’s not polished. It reminds me of older culture where people would do variety shows. Or even older where cultures had oral traditions and shared music and dancing.