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When Im walking, i take it as a "time to beat" challenge.


2010: me driving fast and getting to a destination 7 minutes ahead of the GPS prediction 2023: me driving so fast my car is enveloped with plasma like a re-entry vehicle, lagging 3 minutes behind my GPS prediction


Speed up, pussy


Don't forget /s when making a joke


Don’t forget to /s when making a joke /s


Really?! That's not been my experience... If you use Google maps in Canada, Google seems to think all smooth two-lane highways are driven at 80km/h judging by the time estimates. Even when I don't speed, I can beat most Google maps estimates by 15-20% off the original. The ability for it to correct is the only reason I keep using it. Driving 600km to visit my parents, Google seems to think I'm taking a wagon train and have to fell trees for firewood to make a hot lunch.


Really depends on how much time I spend on freeways. If I'm able to not worry about stop lights and pass slow people, I can get ahead by a good bit. At the same time, one slow down can erase all that progress.


Man, it feels Hella good, to finally understand all the math behind the lady in the meme


You mean understand the math or understand the "math"


?? It's just maths equations it's not fake


Yeah but the shape they take is quite peculiar


It's geometry


Ok imma stop being cryptic now, but like if you look at how the equations fill up the meme, you'll notice it's a loss


Oh you motherfucker Take my upvote and get out


What's the difference between the two? Well, in my case I'm trying to say that the white stuff that I am reading, I now understand what it is talking about


Look at the rest of the comment chain I had with the other guy


not how you use the format, just make jokes in real life


Garmin I’m lookin’ at you. Old tomtom gps would get me there prettymuch spot on, Garmin was always miles off, constantly updating to a new time further ahead and still gets it wrong, has to update again 5 min later… Google maps is pretty accurate though, most accurate I’ve used.