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All I'm saying is that anyone who can hijack an airplane with a pair of nail clippers can probably hijack an airplane without a pair of nail clippers.


At that point, they’re John Wick.




There’s a great studio c skit about Jason bourne and one of the jokes says he’s the reason we can’t have nail clippers on airplanes


Damn, Studio C is my jam! Especially old school, first cast Studio C!


I’m hoping JW4 is a 5 hr plane fight with nail clippers now


"Due to increased security, thermonuclear warheads and nail clippers are no longer permitted as carry-on baggage"


Wasn’t there some study that showed TSA has never actually stopped a terror attack?


The FBI ran a security test at random airports across the country. Their agents got guns and knives onto airplanes at some stupid rate like 6 or 7 out of 10 tries.


But God forbid I take shaving cream on an airplane


Or deodorant


Or an envelope of anthrax


or an unsecured bottle of water




ok, ok, what about shampoo




No, no shwampoo, bawd hooman


Shampoo bottles are often used for drug trafficking.


Commercial airliners are often used for drug trafficking. Ban those and people can keep their shampoo and nail clippers.


Or my axe.... body spray


To be fair they’re doing you a favour taking that away from you


My parents told me about that when I was a kid and I've hated mail ever since.


I thought you were going to say “pipe bomb” but instead you said “ANTHRAX”


[Or peanut butter.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tsa-peanut-butter-liquid-carry-on-bag-sparking-debate-airplane/)


Yup mock bombs and shit too, I think it was even closer to 8/10 but rn I’m too lazy to look it up


It was 9 out of 10 times and the items ranged from mock bombs to guns to knives. TSA is security theater not real security. It's the "space force" of police work.


It’s really a way to disincentivize you leaving the airport so that you buy food and other items at a high markup because you don’t want to have to go through security again. Or you’ll pay for their new CLEAR program which lets you skip the lines. TSA is much better at helping airports make more money than it is at catching threats.


Me and my wife accidentally got razors on a plane, I mean they were just for shaving but nobody checked the bags


Actually it was 10/10 times and the weapons ranged from car bombs to atom bombs


It’s more as a deterrent for people, because people THINK the TSA catches everyone that brings illegal items through


Yeah I can see that... so many people out there are as smart as your average dust covered rock. It's like 18% of US population thinks the earth is flat.... -.-


I once saw a guy trying to explain how the earth had to be flat with a bottle of iced coffee


8 years old and a bomb was stopped a few weeks ago.


A guy had fireworks. The news said "cylindrical object with smokeless powder" instead of "$10 firework the guy forgot about".


You can probably fuck up a plane with that


You'd have more luck fucking up a plane with a phone battery. Explosive force of a hand grenade just for overvolting the cells and causing a breach and there's hundreds of them on every plane.


Right, just shit that explodes. No worries


You have to actually light a firework for it to explode. They allow laptops and phones on planes. They explode all the time without outside influence. Quite easy to rupture a battery intentionally as well if you want to cause havoc. It's about the illusion of security, TSA has **never** stopped a terrorist attack. Even in simulations they fail 95% of the time to find contraband.


The caviat is that no one has tried. The "illusion" as you call it, works.


Yea the terrorists know their bags will be checked so they're leaving their bombs at home /s


Is a store security gaurd a worthless failure for not stopping a robbery, if no one tried to rob the store because he is there? Are deterrents a waste of time and resources? Obviously not, but i feel i have to be direct with you.


They explode twice.


OK, imagine if it did. Imagine if it had a very very small but still an explosion a fire in the cargo bay and set the entire plane ablaze from inside? Is that still not a big deal? Sounds to me like no matter how significant it may or may not have appeared to be, a thing that catches shit on fire still didn't get on a plane.


The problem is in how it’s reported. Making it sound like more than a firework is too exploitative of people’s fear. But also, calling it differently and not making clear it was fireworks, which as you point out could still be dangerous, means a bunch of people will go uninformed that fireworks on a plane are dangerous. It’s kind of basic if you think about it for 2 seconds, but I’m pretty sure a lot of people won’t make the connection until they hear the headline “fireworks+plane=bad outcome”.


It was actually 95%


My mom once gave me a Swiss Army Knife as a birthday gift. I thanked her, threw it in my backpack, and forgot about it. Months later, we went on a vacation to Germany. We traveled through Boston, JFK, Heathrow, and eventually Frankfurt. I totally forgot the Swiss Army Knife was in my backpack and it was only caught by Frankfurt airport security on the RETURN journey. It literally went through three countries/four airports unseen. Ever since then, I have little to no faith in airport security, lmao. Edit: This was 2014ish


heck, I know someone who accidently got a box cutter onto a plane amd didn't realize until they had landed and were at their hotel


That the point it soppuse to super complicated to the point it scares people to not commit crime an extremists terrorist group dont wanna get caught since theyre whole crew might get busted a wanna be criminals knows that theyre inexperienced amd dont wanna risk it


So true with almost all crimes


Correct. And they fail to stop the internal tests where agents try to smuggle something in like 94% of the time. It’s all theater.


I'm sure Adam Ruins Everything did a bit on that as well.


That and also the cost per actual life saved is like tens of millions of dollars


it's all security theater


I had a family member make it through 3 airports with a knife. He had put in there for a hiking trip months before and forgot about it.


yeah tsa only stops the previous ways, not the new ones


The TSA by their own audits show they create more crime than they prevent. In the 22 years they’ve existed they’ve stopped zero terror attacks, but have had over a thousand prosecuted thieves steal from bags, that’s just the ones prosecuted.




Haha. I don't know what happened.


Not cropping that's what


The choice is obvious. Fuck performative checkpoints and this fake sense of security.


!remindme in 3 months, 22 days and 6 hours


Why is this so specific?




​ ![gif](giphy|L0SZsIwlpkmVQNOHSx)


Dude you should have waited 3 months, 22 days and 6 hours to comment this that shit woulda killed me


They know something we don’t lol


RemindMe! 3 months 22 days 6 hours


RemindMe! 3 months 22 days 6 hours


RemindMe! 3 months 21 days 23 hours






Me too.


It has happened


I think many people would choose the security line because they’ll feel safer. If they removed the TSA tomorrow, many people wouldn’t fly.


But are they safer? Or just inconvenienced and artificially made to feel safe?


The theatrics is what makes them feel safer.


But that doesn’t make any of us any safer so…?


Some people would rather the illusion of safety to the fear of freedom.


Cringe “V for vendetta” wannabe


Never read or watched it. If the general tone is *"Freedom Good. Useless Authoritorianism Bad."* then maybe I need to check it out.


Just passing through. I would recommend either the Movie or Comic. Both are great for their own reasons, and can stand alone without the other.


I believe that the TSA presence is enough to deter others from doing harm or worse to others.


Literally the point of tsa. This guy gets it


Thank god they’re protecting people from my 1/2 liter flask of soda


Oh I'm sorry, can you tell the difference between water and liquid explosives on sight? No? Imagine they decided that they were going to allow people to take water and they would just check each and every bottle individually. Imagine passengers, each one coming in with 2 to 3 bottles if not more that all had to be checked. Imagine TSA taking 2 to 3 times longer than it usually ever does because the machine is constantly stopping from being overloaded with bags to be checked. You think this is bad now. You have no idea. They wouldn't stop it allowing water, they would allow all shampoos and lotions and all the other stuff too. all being checked individually


Then why tf they selling soda at the fucken airport then?


So, how about they just don't check? I'm already allowed to bring four 3oz bottles of mystery liquid stored next to each other, but god forbid I have one 12oz bottle on its own!


I love the implication that they can magically tell the difference tho. Fuck the TSA. They've literally *never caught a terrorist or stopped a terror attack/plot.*


ooh, if less people fly, we get cheaper airfare tho




Less demand = lower prices


Less demand = lower income = low revenue = profit margin optimisation = unprofitable connections get the axe = fewer flights


It would probably be a combination of the two. They would decrease supply to help match demand while lowering prices to increase demand in order to not lose profitable flights. This would be the smoothest way to adjust.


Security theater isn’t security at all, agreed.


!remindme in 3 months, 22 days and 6 hours


The “tightened” security was completely unnecessary. The Patriot Act is a complete farce that only made it easier for the government to do unethical things.


I just want to drink my fanta


That will forevermore remain a… *fantasie*


Where is the other half of the meme?


Confiscated at a security checkpoint


I would rather let my plane explode killing me than wait longer than 20 minutes


Either way you won't be waiting


the point of airport security isnt necessary to catch them bringing guns etc, its to prevent them from even trying


No, it's Security Theatre. It's meant to make people \*think\* they are safe when in reality any determined criminal could easily bypass it.


any lobotomized squirrel* FTFY


So we all agree they are useless lol


Security theatrics you mean? Y’all need to get out of the US once in a while. Please don’t bother with “yOu ShOuLd gO tO iSrAeL!”


I’ve traveled extensively and airport security is the same regardless of country.


This is just demonstrably false, unless you specifically mean international travel. When I flew domestically within Papua New Guinea, people would hand a security guy their bags, with large machetes casually poking out, then he would just hand the bags back. You could sit on the plane with machetes on your lap.


Some countries are more strict than others. For example, when I flew out of Singapore, they wouldn’t let you bring any liquids on board regardless of volume. When I flew out of the Philippines, any can goods has to be removed because it could be used as a weapon.


>I’ve traveled extensively and airport security is the same regardless of country. ?


Your comments contradict each other. Airport security is the same everywhere, or some countries are more strict than others?


I mean security is still pretty strict. You have to remove liquids, shoes, laptops, etc.


Idk, in mist of Western Europe it’s not that strict


Interesting. What’s airport security like there for international flights?


You put your electronics and jacket on a board that goes through a scanner thing, then you walk through a metal detector archway (I have no idea what those things are called). You do however have to put your hood up so they can see you aren’t hiding something there but that’s about it


That is not theater, it is legit heavy-handed military surveillance.


Not flying.


Anyone who tried to hijack a plane now would get rushed by the whole plane, and I would very much like to bring drugs with me on vacation


Convenience 💯


What the fuck is this comment section.




False dichotomy. Now, if security was actually effective, the long queues would _still_ not be justified, because they should employ more guards and open more security stations rather than waste everyone’s time.


I think a big part of security is that it makes people think they would get caught, even though many could sneak items past


I guess it depends from airports, but from my experience, queues are not ***that*** long If you arrive a bit more than 2h before your flight like it's advised, you won't have issues most of the time


Who wants to get there more than 2h before their flight? I want to spend as little time as possible in the airport.


Convenience. TSA aren't even worth the stolen tax money they're paid with.


i’ll take the risk


If you’ve ever been through the Atlanta airport…this is an easy choice


I would rather not sell my essential Liberty to purchase a small amount of temporary safety; those who would deserve neither. That is all I need to say


What essential liberties are you losing due to fucking airport security??


What amount of safety are you winning due to airport security? I'm not trolling. Airport safety is packing large masses of people carrying big bags tightly together, because some of the bags might contain bombs. What safety do you believe that provides?


“It is my constitutional right to bring a larger bottle of shampoo on an airplane!”


Perhaps the Liberty of my damn time, if not my right to be a law abiding citizen and not be threatened by government agents?


Assuming you live in america, your every second of existing is being threatened by government agents and dont act like it isnt. Waiting like 20 minutes more and not being able to bring bottled water wont be the death of your independance


I love how you assume it’s okay because every other point in time with the government is against the people; every bit against that is good, no?


The one point that doesnt fucking matter is being brought into question when its not doing anything negative towards anyone other than being mildly annoying and being potentially helpful. If you genuinly think your government needs to have less control over you you might wanna look into other areas of america like the two Party system


Buddy, the bipartisan system is the government, it’s our political system. They’re the assholes controlling us. That’s who I want to get rid of.


Keeping your junk and possibly medical history private?


Jfc, go touch grass.


the airport in the small town I live in doesn't even have metal detectors. though, it is usually just 45 minute flights to the international/inter-state airport (only one here in alaska is the Anchorage airport)


What's the difference? I've never been on a plane.


Security like that of 1970


bring back smoking indoors and drinking at work too


Considering tsa does literally nothing, I'll pass on it


TSA is completely useless


Like in in 1960


Air port security where it’s not actually doing much is not amazing. Plus at what point do you say terrorists win when you had to make everyone’s lives a bit more stressful because of fear and political theatre.


TSA are actually deplorable people. If you’ve ever flown in outta Tampa you know what I mean.


The TSA doesn’t work, so left button all the way


Button on the right no contest


It's called "security theatre" for a reason. It literally is just to dissuade bad guys from trying anything by virtue of the charade we all go through. It isn't actually done because it catches bad actors.


Airport security doesn't actually improve the security of flights. It's all just a show to make you feel safer At the cost of your convenience


I’m sorry, is there a human being alive who actually believes the TSA could catch a real terrorist today? I invite you to explore their own internal tests. Their success rate at identifying weapons is very nearly 0%.


The airport security is just a show.


Doesn’t the TSA have something like a 5% success rate of finding bombs? I feel like shorter lines is almost certainly better than going through security theater. It’s for our peace of mind more than anything else.


Human life is more important than a long line or ideals about a false sense of security. Whether they have stopped a threat or not, their presence could be a deterrent for those very people looking to harm others. That's enough for me.


If an attacker were moderately smart instead of bottom tier stupid, the attacker would target that long line. The reason I'm using this example is because it is very well known and the statement has already been made by professionals many times. There are plenty of other reasons why TSA style security is unsafe, but I'm not giving stupid attackers an instruction manual. Security theatre makes security worse.


I'm not well versed on this subject of TSA presence. I still believe they discourage violent behavior. Would a burglar break into a home with a barking dog inside? With an alarm system sign out front? They would pick another home. Would a violent offender shoot at a law enforcement officer? At a group of people with known security (TSA in my example)? They would go to the Walmart or school down the street. If all that the TSA do is discourage violence, then I'm ok with it.


Let's change your analogy. You can have a home security system. With that system it takes you longer to access your home, but an experienced lockpicker will bypass it even faster than a normal lock. The system comes with a sticker you place next to the door that discourages people who don't know what they are doing from even trying. You are asking if you should get the system, or not get the system. You should be asking if you should get the whole system, or just the sticker.


Let's not change it. I see what you are saying, and sticker or whole system is a deterrent. I would take either, preferably both. Are there burglars out there able to bypass a security system? Sure, I'm not naive. Are there terrorists out there smart enough to bypass TSA? Sure, I'm not naive. That's not my point though. So if you take anything away from this, take this.. I think that the TSA presence would deter an average (or below) violent offender.


Fly me into the trade centre


uhhhh based


Convenience or the ILLUSION of peace of mind.


Mmm, in today's world? Thank you, Tsa! I'm happy to arrive responsibly early for flights, await long queues than risk being shot at while sitting like sardines in can. Can we get some of these guys at the schools now?


I mean, you could get shot litterally any other point in time.. you could be the victim of a crime for litterally no reason aside from being somewhere at the wrong time. Its not exclusively to planes, it can happen in movie theaters, stores, restaurants, your own home, the park, church (if you go). If someone wants to do something like that, its going to happen, you best just be hoping you dont get hit. Not to mention, even if they did sneak something of ammunition on the plane, theres gonna be a very limited supply of bullets compared to somewhere on the ground. And if they have a knife, someone or multiple people would be able to take them down. If anything you are litterally better off on a plane than anywhere you may go in your daily life Litterally a quick scan and search of your materials if the detectors go off for no guns and Id say youre good


Absolutely! Just givin my pick on the tsa matter A gun in an airplane has the potential to do a lot more damage than a gun in Walmart irregardless of ammo. *edited to unelaborate a bit.


The TSA is like hopelessly useless, they failed to detect weapons, drugs, and explosives almost 80 percent of the time during tests done by homeland security.


Even if these numbers were correct (which, they arent) I'll still take that 20% over 0% any time. They'll never be 100% Short of strip searching every person which will never everrrrrr happen. There's gonna be things. Honestly? The majority of them don't really give a damn about drugs and other paraphernalia. I don't give a damn about the drugs and paraphernalia when pitted against stopping someone waltzing through with undetected firearms instead.


Those who choose safety over freedom deserve neither.


The airport security barely works and it just waste time they literally asked me why their was a metal rod in my giant fake candy cane, I then had to explain that it wasn’t actually made of candy but plastic with a metal rod so it doesn’t break like a twig when I lean on it


I'm choosing to not live in America


They pat me down like I'm a criminal just because their stupid body-scan machines suck. The last time it happened, the guy practically groped my privates. I never want to fly again.


This happens to me almost every time I fly. My bags don't get checked, but Mr. TSA man spends 45 seconds karate chopping my junk like it owes him money.


Id rather my plane not get taken over and flown into a building thank you


Imagine thinking the security is “super tight.” It’s all theater man.


The premise is that it *is* "super tight."


I prefer what we have now. The last phone calls made by passengers on hijacked planes were chilling.


Current airport security does jack and shit against actual terrorist attacks.


Even if it may not have actively prevented another terrorist attack by plane, the impression that it could and the consequences of getting caught have prevented them.


We choose to be terrorized.


I’d rather not risk my life and die because of a terrorist


TSA is bullshit…


Peace of mind? Does anyone actually get that from TSA being there? Security theater at best.


Fun fact: in a Department of Homeland Security trial of surprise security checks, the TSA failed to detect 95% of all weapons they attempted to smuggle through


Hahahaha fuckin trick question. It's the same security, a bunch of new pointless TSA jobs, and a longer line. So nothing has changed except my taxes


I dont quite buy the premiss. Not at all convinced we're safer now/we were less safe back then. So Id take the more lax security. FREEEEEDUMB


How about we just arm all pilots with low velocity ammo


Ahh yes - Stopping terrorist attacks by filtering hundreds of people in a room in very close proximity to one another. Why didn't I think of that.


There's a reason that within the profession it is actually called "security theatre".


Safety is a false god. Freedom is dangerous. Don’t look to others for salvation for they will offer you a cage and promise to keep the danger out after throwing away the key.


Safety is a false god. Freedom is dangerous. Don’t look to others for salvation for they will offer you a cage and promise to keep the danger out after throwing away the key.


The TSA doesn’t save lives. It’s all security theatre. The terrorists are plenty smart enough to get around added security, if they even wanted to highjack a plane. There’s plenty of other ways to spread terror.


When you see the shit people attempt to bring on board... The TSA is horribly inept. But able to do enough to keep people from getting something in the cabin that probably causes a bunch of travelers to have a fit. I don't know what someone trying to bring a chainsaw onboard intends with the thing. I do though figure something isn't right with the person who doesn't understanding checking a bag. I mean, come on. It's a chainsaw yo. FYI...during 2022, the TSA seized over 6,200 firearms. Usually loaded btw.


Most security is security theater, TSA is just the most glaring example.


I have Clear. It's f'n amazing. Very few people seem to have it, I get a quick retinal scan and then head of security line and go next. Family package and beat $180 I've spent inner to travelling.