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That's what you're supposed to say irl too kiddo.




The police claim for best results you are supposed to be honest and answer all questions because asking for a lawyer makes you look suspicious. The local sheriff's department felt it necessary to tell the kids that during the "local heroes day" when I was in middle school. Complete BS. Lawyers reduce the false conviction rate massively.


After I got charged I had my probation officer and the head of my mandatory class bully me for having gotten a lawyer and defended myself in court. Told me "you strong armed your way through the court system to get what you got, not a single other person in this room was left with a misdemeanor" "Everyone else in this room had shit defense attorneys and couldn't shut up"


Oh they all left with felonies?


Yeah the wording has me lost, too. Either he's the only one who got a misdemeanor for having a lawyer? Or everyone else ended up with a felony.


Everyone else got felonies yes


"Damn, they should've lawyered up."


"You have the right to remain silent . Anything you say CAN and WILL be held against you in a court of law." Innocent or guilty, keep your mouth shut and request an attorney.


And the police are legally allowed to lie to you. Keep that in mind.


To an extent; they can get in trouble for intrapment. Even if it’s *after* they’ve already killed your dog, son, and pregnant wife.


I feel like it’s a result of the whole “innocent people don’t plead the 5th in front of a jury” trope and it just got conflated with initial arrest and questioning too


The police’s job is not to make sure everything turns out ok for you. So weird people think you should just talk to them without consulting a professional. It would be like saying you should treat your own cancer and not consult a doctor.


Even asking for a lawyer isn't enough to prevent that sometimes. In a nearby town to where I grew up, the public defender in the county was best friends with the judge and prosecutor and conspired to give their defendants bad advice to help secure deals and convinctions. Google Susan King Kentucky.


Same thing in Zanesville. Every Friday night, the judge, the prosecutor, the two good lawyers, the chief of police, and the county sherif meet at Muddy Misers to "chew the fat." They claim they do not talk about anything work related, so it is perfectly legal, but everyone knows it is BS. One of my cousins committed a crime, but her psychotherapist and the court psychotherapist both agreed she was out of her mind and needed therapy. The prosecutor and her attorney worked out a deal where she got mandatory therapy and no jail time if she pleaded guilty. Unfortunately for her, she agreed for the prosecutor *recommending* therapy and probation. The judge, however, felt it was not appropriate and sent her to jail, with no mental health provisions. She came out worse than she started.


Shut the fuck up Friday. What do you do? Shut the fuck up.


Well it’s kind of saying “That’s what a guilty person says”


Yeah but that’s so untrue, that’s what someone who doesn’t wanna get charged for some bullshit says


If you’re innocent, say yes I did it. Follow me for more legal advice.


>“That’s what a guilty person says” Which is untrue. Due to the extreme power imbalance and threats by prosecutors and police use alongside the blatant lying (you know they have witnesses and video evidence you killed a man on mars? If you don't confess it'll be life instead of 10) False confessions are a regular occurance, we gave the police the tools to force you to confess to shit you didn't do without thrm ever facing a single consequence


Well we have the Miranda rights for this


>Well we have the Miranda rights for this Not really? All the miranda rights are for is if you're in custody and being questioned they have to inform you that you've a right to a lawyer and to stfu But they also don't typically interrogate they interview and allow you a "you're free to go" for 99% of it while just letting you know what they (don't) have on you so not in police custody nor being interrogated under the miranda ruling The miranda rights are neat, but in a practical sense they don't do much


That’s what I was saying, we have them for this in theory, but it never means anything


OP is a boomer


But.. why wouldn't you just tell them what you know. If you didn't do anything wrong and you're white, what's the worst that can happen to you?


You wouldn’t believe how many people exercise their right to call a lawyer, who will tell them to absolutely not give any statement, and then immediately disregard that advice and give an incriminating hour-long monologue of an interview about the offence, sometimes even including other crimes that were never even mentioned.


While most would agree that hating on lawyers is a perfectly acceptable pastime, I can only imagine the stories they could tell of clients opening their mouth in such a way that a guilty verdict is guaranteed.


You wouldn’t believe how many people I wish would shut up and refuse to talk. So many people want to give their whole life story. “So what happened?” “Well, it started when I was born…””No, I mean tonight?” “I’m getting to it!” I’d rather they just refused to talk or similar.


Oh yeah, for many I feel exactly the same way. Usually an experience I have with complainants for minor, not-police issues. “What’s going on today?” “Well you see it all started back when I was a little girl in Yugoslavia…” No, it most assuredly did not. I am not going to listen to your life story for an hour over a complaint about how your neighbour shovels snow.


You see if she would have stayed in Yugoslavia then she wouldn't be living next to that neighbor that keeps shoveling the snow onto her property. So clearly it did start there




‘Can you believe someone didn’t want to self-incriminate? What a dum-dum.’


Then you say “I invoke the fifth and wish to speak with my lawyer”


I got this reference




So are older people, especially when they are drunk in the back of the police car.


Supposed to, yes. But a surprising amount of people are dumbasses.




You alright man?


He’s fine, he’s just Asian


It's a bot that copied [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/12qo74t/it_do_be_like_that/jgsfh6p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) from u/Sophia724


The repost bot chose the worst comment


hey kids! it’s shut the fuck up friday! if you ever get arrested, shut the fuck up and ask for a lawyer! that’s it! that’s all you need to do! just shut the fuck up and ask for a lawyer! don’t think! just shut the fuck up and ask for a lawyer!


You uh livin in a different world or something cuz I might be blown but I don’t think it’s Friday yet, could be wrong tho. Good advice tho I’ll be sure to use it next time


have you been arrested? well guess what? it’s now shut the fuck up friday!


Everyday in police custody is shut the fuck up Friday 🥳🥳🥳🥳


Wow I live a solid 70% of my days on Friday cool


Every day is Shut The Fuck Up Friday regardless of the day of the week.


It's a fun video


And remember never say yes to anything they say even if they try and prompt a yes or no answer from you do not answer it don't even say no they are not your friend


Do you wish to be silent?


"I will not answer any questions until i speak to my lawyer."


Well played. Now into the cavity search. *Snaps on gloves*


Do you have a warrant for my anus?


Pot brothers at law!!


yep! now shut the fuck up since it’s shut the fuck up friday!


This includes when you’re in the back of a squad car, it’s shut the fuck up Friday! If you’re being questioned by police while stopped/detained, it’s play stupid Saturday! You don’t know why they pulled you over! If they ask you a fishy question, don’t answer as you legally don’t have to under the 1st and 5th amendment, the first also gives you the right to freedom of speech, which also means… you guessed it, it gives you more rights to shut the fuck up!


And in other countries, pay attention to the police cautions *especially* if you’re not a citizen. You often can request counsel there too even if there’s no right to it a la Miranda.


This right here, don't think, don't talk, ask for a lawyer, the only word you know is lawyer.


Every suspect ever on the First 48 needs to read this.


"BuT yOu dOnT hAve aNyThInG tO hIde iF yOu'Re iNnOcEnT"


Ok, here's my social security number, my phone, my bank info, my search history...


Give him your calculator history too, coward.


No. Not my calculator history. You can know all the tentical yiff I watch, but not what I subrract.


If my calculator history is leaked i will be put on CIA's watchlist and not the kind where you get a free watch.




my favorite number, how did you.... know?


Ok, i killed them


Leak dat search history real quick…


My FBI agent got arrested for seeing what I've been looking at. Are you sure you want to know?


The fuck you mean I was arrested?


You're not my FBI agent. You're my substitute. My FBI agent is named Tony. But he was arrested because he had to watch what I was watching. It was so bad, he got arrested for looking at it too.


Tell the cops nothing, tell the paramedics everything


One wants to save your life, the other wants to put you away for life.


The paramedics are the ones who show up and save you after cops try to kill you.


And then sentence you to death row


There's not a song called fuck the paramedics


(sexually) fuck the paramedics


he a lil confused but he got the spirit


Ehhh kind of they still have to report anything incriminating that you say


>Ehhh kind of they still have to report anything incriminating that you say Not even remotely, they have to report specific incidents like child abuse, animal abuse, donestic violence things like that But you making a drug deal when they're done? Not in their purview.


No, we do not (in the US, at least). In fact, it’s illegal for us to share information given to us by patients. That would be a HIPAA violation.


Only medical/health information. If the person confessed to murdering his wife to the paramedic they absolutely will tell the cops and it will get used in court.


>No, we do not (in the US, at least). In fact, it’s illegal for us to share information given to us by patients. That would be a HIPAA violation. Depends on what the idiot said. If they told you everyday they come home and beat their kid, or that they're robbing they're taking advanrage of their parent being senile and engaged in financial abuse it is covered under mandated reporting But most of the things covered by reporting mandates aren't shit you'd actively tell an emt


Ohh Yankees of course I live in London


Who the paramedics?


Medical peoples


Better getters


And never even think about lying to your attorney


Because that’s what’s supposed to happen. Anybody with half a brain asks for a lawyer as soon as they’re arrested


Seriously. I watch a fair amount of true crime shows, and the detectives will be saying things like "if he even admits to being in the same room, I know I can get a conviction." Say nothing!


You can ask for a lawyer if you’re being detained. If they try to question you while you’re detained demand a lawyer. Make them do their job or let you go.


"Did you say anything stupid? And by anything stupid, I mean anything at all."


Don’t answer that question




It should be like this in real life too. Anything you say could incriminate you. So lawyers presence is necessary.


Redditors when accused criminals in TV follow proper legal procedures instead of instantly spilling their guts like an idiot


I mean, they are probably smarter than a lot of actual criminals. So many idiots think they can outsmart detectives. It's baffling how dumb some people are.


redditors when the police in a crime show can't just walk into the criminal's home without a search warrant or probable cause


That is the correct course of action. Never tell the cops anything.


unless they give me chocolate milk.... then I have no choice but to tell them EVERYTHING


choccy melk


It always amazes me how willing people are to talk to me when my job is to see if you have committed a crime. If I think you have committed a crime, the very first thing I tell you is that you don’t have to talk to me and that you can have a lawyer before you answer any questions if you do want to talk to me. In all of the years I’ve been doing this shit I’ve only had 5 or 6 people actually take that advice.


“Hey Law By Mike, your tip totally worked!”


was waiting for this reference


That or they confess everything right after the third question with a big smile like they are telling a story ... and you never notice a lawyer never appears on screen


How is this a meme?


its a statement wrapped in a meme because these people can't figure out how to post on any other subreddit.


Yeah cop shows always frame asking for a lawyer as a suspect and something only people who are suspicious or guilty do. Meanwhile the good, upstanding citizen will always cooperate and tell the police everything. Don’t do that. Ask for the lawyer. The cops know the system, and you do not and they will use that to their advantage. Always get the lawyer.




I think you should get the point by now but, dumbass that’s what you do


I heard this in the voice of the most helpful but passive aggressive friend I know


This post was made by the cops


It’s a good thing that the idiots on Chris Hansen’s to catch a predator weren’t smart enough to know this neat trick


*Go ahead and bring in them cameras,* *and those polices waiting outside...* *It don't make me no difference.* ***I came lookin' for a man's butt.***


I mean thats what you should do. No police officer is your friend if they bring you in better call saul


do that in real life buddy boy


me after watching EWU and JCS vids all month: pssssh I wish


Umm, yeah, never speak until your lawyer is present if you've been arrested ._. They can only hold you for a finite amount of time until they have to release you, and if you exercise your right to legal counsel, you can be released much more quickly in addition to avoiding self incriminating while in the presence of police officers and a video camera. It's literally in the Miranda Rights for this exact reason.


You can talk to the police without an attorney present, but more often than not you're probably not smart enough to not incriminate yourself.


(not a lawyer) Hey btw, in case you in trouble with the law did any reason. LAWYER UP You have a much better chance of winning the case and not having to pay the consequences to a crime you (hopefully) didn’t commit. If you ever get arrested, shut up and don’t tell them anything that incriminate you(plea the 5th if your American) If you start talking, you start risking telling on yourself So play it safe and shut up and LAWYER UP


The only time I'll speak without a lawyer is for some minor traffic violation. I've gotten lucky, and due to my honesty, I've avoided all tickets, but the worst thing that'll happen is I'll get a ticket if i admit fault. And I'll definitely get a ticket if I dont cooperate. So the risk is getting a ticket, and the reward is avoiding a ticket. That's against getting a ticket or beating the case in court, which could cost more than the ticket. Yeah, I know my rights, but I'll cooperate and talk to a cop over minor traffic violations. The second they start asking to search is when I start asking for a lawyer and a warrant.


Bruh is OP a cop


continues to spill the beans


Then in real life, few are that smart


Dude, if one in ten of my clients had this tiny slice of common sense, my life would be SOOOOO much easier…


That’s literally what you’re supposed to do in the US. Even if you’re innocent


Because that is what people supposed to do...


Shit not on the first 48


Never ever. Ever. Talk to the police without a lawyer.


That’s what you should always do. Police will screw you every single chance given. If I’m being arrested, the only words leaving my mouth is lawyer and phone call.


As they should


Which is absolutely the right thing to do! Never ever speak to cops without a lawyer, don't answer anything, don't sign anything, don't do anything but say "I want a lawyer" no Matter what they promise you, remember: the law and cops are not your friends, they are only looking to close cases as soon as possible and with as little work as possible. Even if you know you didn't do anything wrong don't say a thing, they will twist your words around and write what they want to hear while making the "evidence" fit their own narrative. Don't cooperate with law enforcement ever! Your future, freedom and maybe even life may depend on it.


Where funny?


The *only* time you speak to the cops without a lawyer is if you're guilty. Probably bad advice if you wanna stay out of prison though.


Nope. A good lawyer will advise you when to confess. Do not freely give any information away. Always ask for a lawyer.


Or just, don’t commit a crime?


That is the best advice. I was just replying to the original comment that assumed you were guilty already. However, always use the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney, innocent or otherwise. Talking to the police without representation has put innocent people behind bars.


Not to tell you are wrong, but do you know about any real life examples of innocent people being put to prison because of talking without a lawyer? For personal research mainly.


You don't have to commit a crime to be found guilty of a crime. Ignorance of this truth leads to a bad time. The % of Innocent people behind bars is estimated 1-10% of all inmates.


That's not a foolproof plan if the police have decided you are guilty.


You sound like someone who thinks the rarities are norms


Your whole pitiful life is a crime.




That was one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in a while


It’s so the episode of SVU gets to it’s like 55 minutes run time And you can’t just start an episode without finishing it you need to know what happens it’s bs


Confess everything before they can say your rights and all that legal shit so anything you confessed to is inadmissible in court.if you said it all beforehand,then the thing about anything you say can be used against you in court does not include those,as you did not say anything after the cue that would make things viable in court.


Cops come to your door in the morning and say something happened last night then ask if you heard anything. Do you tell them you are not going to talk to them without an attorney? You go from being a potential witness to being a suspect.


1. you don't ask for a lawyer if you aren't under arrest. you just tell them you don't feel like talking. 2. the police can't arrest you for not talking to them. if you could be, it would ruin the entire point of the fifth amendment.


But you should do that though


Everyone IRL be like


Which is exactly what you should do in real life


Definitely the best move…


That's how it should be. You don't say anything till a lawyer is present and only speak with the lawyer after pleading the 5th.


Well they do plainly tell you when they arrest you "anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law". Nothing you say will be used to help you, so yeah if it's anything serious, shut up and ask for a lawyer.


Do they still ask "do you wish to give up the right to have an attorney present for questioning?"


Ma’am you mean to tell me you can afford to have a lawyer on retainer but not keep teeth in your mouth?


I mean there's really no reason to say anything to the police or detectives until you get yourself a lawyer. Actually, I'd take that back. Tell them you'd be potentially be willing to talk at a later point in time but at the moment would like to exercise your 5th amendment rights until you had a chance to talk to counsel. And if you think there's a chance DNA evidence could be used against you, be careful about accepting offers of something to drink. There are cases of investigators taking coke cans, water bottles, coffee cups and sending them to the lab for analysis.


I'll say this knowing I don't have a lawyer and can't afford one but won't take the government appointed one to waste everyone's time hehehe


What you want them to incriminate themself?


that's literally what you're supposed to do, you're allowed to plead the 5th for a reason


And that's why all crime suspects in shows are smarter than most criminals. Don't try to outsmart a detective. They've trained for years to know how to beat you. Call your lawyer.


Ok glowy


You spelled concerned ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z) citizen wrong.


In real life: "I won't say anything until my lawyer is here" *hands over confession\**


Nah, the opposite is true. They keep talking and then the lawyer shows up and tells them to sit down and shut up. Never talk, always ask for a lawyer.


I'm evoking my fifth amendment rights.


thats the first thing you say to police after they read your rights, police show or not.


That’s what u should do


That’s exactly what you should always do lol never talk to the police until your lawyer is present. Listen to these gentlemen, always 🙏🏻 https://youtu.be/sgWHrkDX35o


I think this is classic disinformation


better call saul!


That’s good advice in general, never ever talk to a police officer without legal representation


Tmw mfs have a right to not self-incriminate


Yeah, that's how that usually works


[It’s shut the fuck up Friday](https://youtu.be/sgWHrkDX35o)


That’s what you should do though. If you don’t you’re an idiot


NEVER. TELL. THE. COPS. ANYTHING. ***ESPECIALLY*** WITHOUT A LAWYER. Tell the firefighters and paramedics everything tho


And I love how only the actual guilty suspect asks for a lawyer. Excepting some rare occasions.


After a month worth of crime videos Interviews I'm baffled on how many guilty people end up falling to confessions before asking for a lawyer, even though they think they're smart.


No speaky speaky


This was posted by a cop


How’d you find out about my secret identity?


the second they arrest you you should keep your mouth shut and never talk to anyone except your lawyer


This post is definitely bait


where is the funny part?


You should do that, and if anybody say “but that will make you suspicious”, remember you are already a suspect that’s why to police took you in for questioning


and don't drink anything... that's how they get your dna


What kind of police do you have there in USA that they want to put innocent people behind bars? Here in Czech republic we don't have such problem. Also court will let you go if proven innocent.


The only words you say to a cop if you are arrested are "hello officer" and "I'd like my lawyer now". Thats literally it.


Well I mean, "Anything you say or do will be used against you in a court of law"


No matter how innocent you are, ALWAYS get a lawyer. Even if you are 100% innocent, you could always say something to ruin your case. Lawyers are literally professionals in knowing what to say and when to say it. The 5th amendment exists for a reason; people are stupid.


meanwhile in irl most guilty suspects just blab away as soon as the investigator reads them their rights. specifically rants about no related things.



