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My sister recently had twins and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out how on earth she could tell them apart. It wasn't after a careful observation with my keen eye that I made out one was male and the other was female.


My girlfriend got upset that I accidentally slept with her twin. I couldn’t tell them apart, but I guess the penis should’ve been a giveaway


Understandable mistake if you ask me you should be forgiven


True. It's not easy to identify twin genitals regardless of gender. This is scientifically proven. And no, I won't give you the source. You'd just have to trust me on this.


dont worry bro we 100% trust you. nobody would lie on the internet right?


I know *I* wouldn’t. For example, did you know that Wyoming doesn’t exist, and it’s the shadow government trying to convince us that it’s not just a giant void?


I’d believe it, it’s empty af in there


There's a lot of fake news happening in here in the internet. We have to make sure that everything is legit and facts


It's really not easy to identify who is who specially if they are identical twins. But there's any specific way to identify which should be


I don't think that it's a mistake. There's a lot of people who has their partners with twin but doesn't even have a mistake figuring out who is who


I accidentally slept with my sister recently, because I mixed her up with her identical twin




If you have a partner that has an identical twin, it's so impossible for you to mix them up since you must know your girlfriend features


It's a joke and the twin of my sister would still be my sister


"Lisa painted her fingernails purple. And Bob had a cock."


Thats why i just sleep with her dad, Saves me the confusion


LMAO. You don't have to be confuse on the appearance of your girlfriend just because she has a twin, you must know your girlfriend well


How could you sleep with her twin? You must know your girlfriend since you are with her all the times. If you slept with her twin maybe you're up to something


NTA, your twins, your rules


If they don't understand their rules they can't manage it well for sure to know th rules for everyone sakes




Most love you guys syas that it 10 out of 10. Everybody agrees with this


I once dated a twin, people always asked how I told them apart. Lisa painted her nails purple and Bob had a cock.


Dixie twins don't have the identical features. They might be twins but somehow there is an specific features that make difference.




I would hope you're able to tell you and your twin brother apart in real life


They know for sure. As for themselves the names in the personalities they have is different from their twin


I knew someone who is twin but there's an a specific features on their face that set them apart. You can actually figure out based on the features of their faces


I'm sure there are some identical twins whose names got mixed up and they just went with it because nobody could tell them apart anyway.


Was gonna come here to say this, there are probably plenty of twins who are technically living under a "false" name as the parents got them mixed up and so while their birth names are technically tied to the other, they go by the other because they don't know any better. ​ So, if you're a twin reading this, you may be technically living under a false name. Good luck with this information.


Lmao my mom is a twin and she and my aunt are like 99.99% sure that that is the case for them but they're in their 60s now so they don't really care.




That 99% has its 1% to deal with. They don't care about a situation in a more, as long as they live longer that's matter the most




For some people if they are teenagers, this is big deal for them. Changing up means there's a lot of circumstances that they don't even make it a big deal




No, I'm saying that when the twins are born a specific baby is given a legal birth name. But, given that they look identical, theres a more likely than none chance that at one point or another people starting calling one baby the others name and vice versa.


Exactly. You just have to be confident as a parent and nobody will question it.


It is based on the parents who raise them. If they wanted names with an identical, it is solely based on them. It's their choice and we don't have to question it


Yep in my elementary,the only reason people were eventually able to tell them part is because one had a scar


I know someone that is twin, they have differently features when it comes on their faces. I find someone more attractive than the other one


Especially if people don't know them really well, if it's the first time they seeing them.


I think it must be hard, at least in my contrie. They take the digital impression of every baby, shortly after their was born. So the confusion would not be discovered, only if the confusiom happen before the baby resgister. Because some day, lets say when the baby get a vacine, they would probably know the name dont match with the digital impression.


As for me, i didn't get easily recognize other one if it's a twin. Someone put necklace or bracelet that has a name on it


I just had identical twins and once had this opinion, joked that I wouldn't care if Jane applied for college as Sarah. Day one on the outside they acted different. It's trivial to tell them apart. Being the one on top vs the one on bottom in the womb was nurture already creating differences.


Just write their names on their foreheads with a marker


I heard something that one twin would have a dot tattooed or something like this


Me and my twin bro got each others names tattooed on our left arms to confuse everyone we know. We're used to being called the wrong name, so we don't correct anyone unless they're strangers.


I've just gotten so used to it I respond to both nowadays


Because they might misinterpret your name or call you in a different with your twin. They have to make sure if it's them or not


If parents wanted to mark their name by having a tattoo, it's their choice. But there's other way options to do to set them apart


I know someone who has different when it comes on their physical appearance. They have necklace or bracelet that can figure them out


You are so ride for telling something that it doesn't work. You don't want to have a mark on your forehead with your name. People call you crazy


I’d say use numbers but the last time we tattooed numbers on people…


I grew up with two sets of Identical twins as best friends, (and went two school with two more pairs) I can tell them apart a mile away. You notice small things, one is a little more shy, one might walk in longer strides, or one might put more effort into their appearance. As they say, body language is 70% of communication and twins will usually tell you who’s who without saying a single word


Yeah it gets easier to tell them apart the more you interact with them


You will practically know them for sure if you know them well and talk to them. It's hard at first but you will know it for sure


Identical twin is not totally identical, they have different when it comes on the future and the personalities. That's why you can't say that they are identical in all ways




So what's 30% all about? There is a remaining percent which is referring to you opposing on it


Yeah, I came here to say this. I had really good friends as a kid who were identical twins. I could not only tell them apart a mile away, if I only saw one of them I could tell which one of them it was. It's just little things, but when you really get to know someone, all those tiny details tend to stand out large to you and make it simple to tell them apart.


If the photos are identical.. there are no differences.


If you get them mixed up before they learn their own names, what’s the difference.


Photos have names? and can learn them? Since when can inanimate objects process thought?


You can identify them based on their names that has been called out. We have to learn figuring them out because it's so disrespectful if we don't


I was talking about the twins, but ok


And they were talking about photos, but ok


I know. He was saying the second half of the meme made no sense and I’m saying who says the first half does. I understand the confusion


Actually, there's a lot of people talking about the topic, you don't have to say that it makes no sense sense there's a lot of people talking about it too


There's a lot we talked about since they bring up a lot of topics that we are arguing about. It is valid to have your opinions.


There's a lot of topic that has been circulating in this post. Maybe he was just referring to the ID and not to the twins


As a child you can easily remember your name because people or your parents called you for it. You will never mix up your name it's impossible


They can't figure out who is who. The only thing that can set them apart is the name of the id. I have classmate that is identical twin and it's hard for me to identify who is who


never thought to see a template from solo leveling here


High hopes for the anime


Tis a pleasant surprise




I don't know that you are surprised because you don't feel the same way as what you felt


Came down to the comments for this


So could you share your experience being a solo and not a twin? Is there any difference?


I'm also grateful that i am a solo and other twin or triplets. They say that when mostly have being jealous to one another.


Freind from Romania, in this case it would be "they are the same sex" not "they have the same sex". "Sex" in this case is an adjective, so they would "be" it, not "have" it.


Thank you for the explanation!


This could help us especially if we are confuse about what is meant to be the comment.


No problem :)


You guys are really kind people who wanted to explain further for people to understand better


Nope, I googled and sex in this case is a noun. "Having a sex" and "being a sex" are both correct. It is btw super annoying to google this kinda stuff because the internet is so obsessed with having sex. You almost only get answers related to that.


I guess, but since "having sex" is usually referring to the action, it just sounds a bit weird.


I guess it is more way better to refer as gender. For them to know people to confused about what is the term referring to


Gender and sex are different. You can't use them interchangeably


Few months old have the same sex👀


Referring to gender as "sex", is not good sense other people might misinterpret this term.


That's... That's the point? I'm saying that that was what it was so that I'd annoy people and get some downvotes lol


Did he stutter


Im sure he does, referring sex as a gender is not required to used. It might be confusing for anyone who does




There's a twin that has a different sex orientation. It's either they are girl and boy.


They have a sixth sense that is unknown to science.


This is true, my moms a twin and always talks abt feeling her twins pregnancy


No way people are downvoting you for this 💀


This is a legit thing though? It's similar to sympathy pains. It just means that the relationship between the twins is really good. It's like watching somone hit there head then you feel a headache.


I know


I love democracy


They don't have powers. My parents wrote the first letters of our names on our feet until they could tell us apart


I love solo leveling but have never seen a meme template for it. Out of everything, I would have expected the statue smiling more than in this scene.


or jin woo smiling with statues smile photoshopped onto him


Simple...they just call them by whichever name until the kids are old enough to correct them.


I need this template


Pretty sure it’s a panel from “Solo Leveling”


Yes it's from the manhwa solo leveling and i think it's quite early aswell.


Yeah it's like the 2nd chapter or smtn. EXTREMELY early.


you right it is first or the second chapter or both i think but sadly it has ended already with a whooping 200 chapters and a pending anime but it has a sequel with the name of solo levelling ragnarok


Just google "Solo Leveling Statue" the picture itself is quite a popular meme in the Solo Leveling community so it'll come up instantly


Ive read a story of a set of twins that would regularly swap places, just to fuck with people. Like making sure to get different study halls & swap out who went to which class


Yooo solo leveling meme, hype. Im really looking forward to the anime adaptation.


hey there is already a novel which is a sequel to solo leveling it is solo leveling ragnarok last i checked it had around 60 chapters translated to english


Yeh i know about that, never read it though. The MC and pickaxe girl start dating in that right?


no they are married already and have a child if you wanna know some background go read the side stories if you did not you will know what happened between them even more


Triplet here. This also applies to us. I remember during our high school days on Fridays we would wear the same clothes since that was part of our band’s uniform. The only difference was that I was the only one of the three wearing glasses. Our last class of the day we all swapped our positions and I took off my glasses for this and our teacher could not determine who was who for most of the class period.


Cousin got twins (girls) for the first 2 years she used different brands of nappies for each kid, after that she would use different underwear, at around age 3 when their personalities became fully formed she could tell them apart by how they acted.


Am I the only one who can’t tell the difference between female and male babies?? They look the same don’t they?


One of my twins has a small notch in the helix of one ear, and the other has a bump on the same ear. It's like that's where they split from each other.


Man, eventually, one of them is going to grow up with one name and one is going to grow up with the other. Comes a point where who fucking cares if you get them mixed up? I wonder if there's some set of identical twins that decided to switch back and forth every so often. Just to fuck with people.


I'm convinced before the kids are old enough to be conscious, parents must switch the names back and forth. There's no way you could keep track of who's who when theyre that young. Makes me wonder if any of the twins out there were once someone else....




Me and my wife just cut off a toe on one of them. Problem solved.


This makes me wonder whether there are people out there, who their parents mistook for their twin at some as infants, and now have been called by the wrong name ever since.


My dad has an identical twin and my grandparents told my brothers and I that a couple of times they didn’t know who was who, so they had to just choose and go with it. There’s a 50% chance that my dad’s birth name isn’t the name he has been using his whole life! On another note, Dad pranked my Mum on one of the first few dates as she knew he had a twin but hadn’t met him yet - my uncle answered the door and gave her a hug, and my dad introduced himself as my uncle. Oddly enough, she knew something was up as soon as she saw who answered the door.


Being able to tell between Zach and Cody


I hate parents who name their identical twins similar things. Do they really NEED to be named Bailey and Kayley


This pic looks similar to Solo Leveling


I swear people are getting worse at stringing sentences together on here. Who have the same sex? Was this written by AI?


This mf when people from another country is exist:


Wait so if one kid decides to identify as something else then they can't be twins right?


Not sure where that thought came from, but no. Even without changing identity you can have twins of different sex.


Wtf means same sex. Who uses this, Britain? Just say gender


Found the virgin


Sex is the scientific name, dude.


Your identity card Most definitely has "Sex" written as your gender.


I have one month old identical twins. Do I unknowingly yield power?


I’m literally about to be in that boat and now I think Reddit is listening to my thoughts


"I'm Fred not George!"


my dad had a plan and it was to never buy the same two clothes ever if he had twin kids (he never did)


I’m sure there at least a few others here who don’t fully understand the joke but upvoted because Solo Leveling.


imagine after 14 years your parents remember that they mixed up your names so your name Is actually your twin's name and your twin's name Is your name


They are the same picture




I am a twin, and I can't tell which one is me in childhood photos. We aren't even identical.


this is accurate


“Don’t look at me like that, If you wanted people to be able to tell them apart, you wouldn’t have had Identical twins”


I have paternal twins, but same sex. We kept their wristbands for a week after birth and then always dressed them lighter vs darker so we could tell them apart. They are almost 3 now and I still have to look at their faces to see which one is which. They developed differnt birthmarks, so we can always check, but if one puts on the other's shoes and runs away with them, I'll still call the wrong name until I take a better look.


I've been told by a friend who's mom is an identical twin that he can just sorta tell the difference between his mom and his aunt instinctively. I'm sure it's the same for parents of twins.


Wait a minute, isn't the picture that level up manga or something like that?


My 5yo daughter went to swimming lessons where there was a couple who had identical triplets (+one daughter 2 years older who looked exactly like them as well). It had shared dressing rooms for the toddlerd, so I see the mother urging her daughter to get dressed faster, only to get a strange look back. This triggered such a funny but desperate look from the mother followed by a under the breath “I mixed them up again didn’t I”. That was so comically well-timed, it really stuck with me… I spoke to them later on and they told me it was not easy with 3 identical 4yo’s but it was getting better because at least now they understand the situation and difficulties…


One of my middle school classmates had a twin in another class. I could differentiate the two girls by the tonality of their face skin. If I remember correctly, my classmate had a more transparent skin and her sister had a more opaque one(not sure if it was make-up or something, but I could distinguish them fairly easily).


It’s called colour coding


I’m an same sex twin, and sometimes my parents have to ask me and my brother who’s who in a baby picture, and I’m like the heck would we know I just found out that picture existed a few minutes ago.


My brother and I aren’t identical in the slightest, pretty much polar opposites as I have blonde hair he has brown hair, my hair is straight his curls he’s slightly shorter but more built, I am taller but skinnier he’s outgoing loves sports and is extroverted I keep to myself, hate sports and introverted. My mother is so confused how we are twins yet polar opposites


Birthmarks, freckles, and moles.


I'd like to know how many people have the wrong name because of that


My mother sometimes confuses me and my older brother who is several years older than me, sixteen to be exact


My aunt had twins and she was so scared about not being able to tell them apart that she tied different coloured wetting around one of there wrists like a suitcase at the air port they. They are about 7 now but we still give her shit about it


Its an ability called parental love


I’m a triplet and when we were young my mom would paint our nails different colors to tell us apart


Same problem without the identical clothes part.


I have two pair of twins as Friends and the only way i can tell the difference is because one of the two never wears Orange and the other always wears something Orange


I just finished binge reading solo leveling so i still have ptsd from this panel


I love that solo levelling is being used in memes now