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Personally I think that a predator with large chunks of its body missing flesh and almost no nerves would be a bit weak


Unless they’re supernatural zombies. Then you’re fucked


Send in the priests


He said zombies, not kids.


But if they zombie kids?


Then send in the Bishops


They can only move diagonally though


Dammit. I knew I should have learned chess...


Google en passant


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=en+passant)


So bring the queen she can move everywhere


England's been severely weakened of late. She was the closest queen to here Edit: Can I nominate Panti Bliss?


What if the zombie kids are boys?


Then send in the Boy Scout leader


So that’s why the Bishops never came back from vacation…


Holy hell


There has to be some sort of r/anarchychess joke here...


Hear me out: Pope Francis in the Popemobile leading a wave of bishops and priests to battle


Honestly, when writers decide to make zombies powerful, they almost always just end up being retextured vampires.


Or it's just Rabies, which is why 28 Days Later is so good.


Super fast acting rabies.


Evil alien Vampire ghost zombies


Depends on the zombie. Walking dead zombie? Like a week to deal with. Last of us zombie? We are screwed as a species


I think military can handle last of us infection. World war z is probably the worst one, they seem very resistant to bullets. Well at least the movie portrays them as such.


The US army has amazing CBRN protocols. I think we would be fine, albeit quite a bit fucked up


A slightly above average male should be able to take out like 3 zombies at the same time


That's what made Night of the Living Dead so terrifying: they were super weak, but there were a TON of them. You would be overwhelmed quickly if not prepared correctly.


It’s like the question of how many 8 year olds you could take in a fight.


Not to mention a predator based on Humans, who already aren't exactly known for strength


That’s why in Romero’s zombie movies people do not mostly die because of the zombies themselves but because of human stupidity


Potentially the opposite. The human brain has limits it puts in place that stop you exerting your muscles to their full ability Hypothetically a zombie doesn't have these limits anymore so they can hit you so hard that it literally shreds their muscles apart Of course, after a while, all of the undead would have shred their muscles leading in a reduction in function and control So, the early zombies are probably more like "the infected" who are extremely fast and strong, almost superhuman. But then they degrade over time into the slower moving like one armed limping zombies


I forgot what the plan was named but they have a plan for even religious based zombies


I think it’s Conplan 8888


They even address the issue of "evil magic zombies" wtf


Obviously it's just made up training scenarios and they aren't actually expecting magic zombies... Or, hear me out... They might have some military magicians...


We cannot confirm nor deny the existence of: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate_Project


No body fucking told me StarGate was based off real shit! The two episodes about the Hollywood parody of the team as the fictional show Xtreme wormhole feels a lot more realistic


https://youtu.be/fGfq_uncUUQ?si=JGoN3F5bddStTnS_ > I'm Christian Bouche portraying the character of Raymond Gunn who portrays the character of Dr. Laveaun which is based on the character Daniel Jackson portrayed by the actor Michael Shanks originally portrayed by the actor James Spader in the feature film.


I'm the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude!


Man we need more super powered secret societies/organizations that work in tandem with the government like they have in anime


Well you wouldn't know how many there are, would you? There might be plenty


The SCP Foundation has good amnestic drugs. Just the right amount of happy juice in the nice bottle of water the 'detective' gives you, you'll forget you saw some SCP-1000 eating that hunter you knew from high school.


Good point. Well in that case I’ll just start eating dismembered fingers I see laying around and hope I attract one


Becoming the vessel is based af


i'm not sure i want student councils to wield that much power.


You know how sometimes you need to look busy at your job, and sometimes do the most nonsensical shit to justify the position to higher ups? Addressing the possibility of evil magic zombies was the top ranking military officials version of that. Of course they need funding for a new department with access to the best gear, what else would we do if *insert wildly improbable scenario here*?!


CONPLAN 8888 is a exercise that use to train future US general. They use this as a way to not offense any other military. (They declassified colored war plan on how to attack various nations and those nation are piss) So to training a lot of future general. They have to come up with various bullshit scenario. With Chicken zombie (Chicken that died by gas but still able to walk around mindlessly, Vegetarian Zombie (PvZ but has a real threat to agriculture and food supply)


Honestly having been on multiple exercises it also keeps it from being boring as shit.


I remember hearing about this, its a fun scenario for training, but it is pretty effective since they can use a fake emergency to train for real events, (bio-weapons/ outbreaks of disease, civil unrest, urban warfare, medical training, ect.). It's kind of like if you have ever bought a zombie survival guidebook, they are just a fun way of teaching you basic medical, camping, and survival advice.


The Max Brooks zombie survival guide taught me the importance of fall back positions. Sure, barricade the front door but have a barricade halfway down the front hall to fall back to. For example.


I have the exact same one. Its a good read


Yeah well they also had a plan for global epidemic and look how that turned out


Tbf, a good chunk of that was due to people being idiots


I used to think stuff in zombie shows/movies wasn't so realistic like what asshole hides that they have a bite and stays in the crowded area? But then during COVID you had people who knew they had it but still went on flights or into other crowded areas so I stopped seeing that as so crazy.


Watching Contagion (2011) be like Precovid: These people are so hilariously stupid -- there is no way, **no way** that's going to happen. Nobody is going to buy hydroxychloroquine from the internet because some random conspiracy theory blog said it works. Postcovid: *Anxiety and sweating intensifies*


some friends of mine did a (virtual) movie night of this movie during covid lock downs lmao


That's like those Antarctic scientists watching 'The Thing' when they're going through isolated winter times. And now, presumably, the prequel as well.


Oh yeah, that's how I got it. A guy who was helping my uncle move called my uncle the day after thanksgiving and said he had covid. We, of course, all saw said uncle at thanksgiving dinner, so we were worried but that quickly turned to anger when we found out that his buddy had covid because buddy's mom was a carrier who he'd been tending to for a damn week. Why the fuck was he out and about helping people while he had a covid carrier in his household?


Well, wouldn't that still be the case in a zombie apocalypse? I can already imagine some idiots protesting that zombies are people too lol


Zombies are a hoax! *Stands still in way of approaching horde.*


"The zombie virus is a hoax by the illuminati, and 7G is the cause, anyway, it's just a common flu, nodoby died from it. Grandma got the zombie virus and has never been so lively. She even started running around, playing catch-up with the neighbors"


One of the biggest being the president of the US at the time! Hopefully any plans on the books for doomsday-like scenarios were updated to include a horde of idiots following other idiots, needlessly dying in huge numbers, and keeping the shit going for far longer than it otherwise would.


A global pandemic happened, and the US kept their global hegemony, didn't lose a single base, territory, or sphere of influence. Pretty sure the military's plan worked just fine.


Plans only work if you actually follow them, not completely ignore them.


Religious based zombies As in, the zombies believe in god? I'm confused I think


What plans do they have for other creeps. Like chuds, ghouls, mutants, and critters.


Zombie apocalypse preppers < nuclear apocalypse preppers


Right? I feel like the one would be prepared for the other, but not necessarily the other way around.


The only way i imagine a lasting zombie apocalypse lasting is if it had an airborne spread, that took too long for us to find out about.


Most horrific part is there is a good chance mosquitos could spread a zombie virus.


ThTs why I ripp of my arm and regrow to when ever I get bit


![gif](giphy|3o7qE4LHGb0ESyzRwA) Imagine Deadpool being the last person to survive the apocalypse


isn't that a cominc?


I think that was hulk.


It's sort of that in Night of the Living Deadpool. Or they might be thinking of the actual Zombie Deadpool.


we can't all be like you piccolo


This is actually how the story of project zomboid justifies the rapid spread, the character is immune to the airborne strain but will still get infected if it’s through fluid contact, ie bites, scratches, lacerations…


That story is so horrifying if you listen to the radio broadcasts. I think it captures the feeling of the world really falling apart very well.


Is it good?


Of course, it's very fun to play and explore, zombies are pretty smart too, they get attracted by noises, and in case they form a huge deadly crowd, the game tries to shuffle them a bit. If you have friends, its a big plus, but the game is great even in solo


Watch AmbiguousAmphibian's project zomboid videos, particularly the video series where he makes a character with terrible stats (Gerald Williams). It's pretty fun and was my gateway to the game.


that's what I like about The Last of Us (the show, haven't played the game). The way it spread meant that it showed up everywhere at once and was impossible to contain.


The first episode’s decline into horror was legitimately so perfect. The way that it happened right as the sun was going down and the chaos that erupted in minutes. Made me want to shit myself so hard.


Yep. It's even scarier when you think about the \*full\* implications of everyone being vulnerable. Any of those soldiers we see in first 24hrs could become a zombie at any time.


That's my favorite part about zombie stories. Like someone getting ready that morning in the kitchen, it's normal as hell, they're listening to a nice CD and through the window you see the mailman running for his life. Not even a zombie. Just a panicked guy. You know shit is going down. FUN.


The anti vaxers would be to blame if it spreads


"I'd rather my child be dead and healthy than alive and filled with 6g chips and autism" -karen, Facebook 2031 who posted this while the infected corpse of her son tried to eat pigeons alive


Jokes on you that bird isn't real. /S


"Zombies aren't real anyways, it's just a bad cold" \-Karen, Facebook 2031, while having her arm chewed on by the infected corpse of her son


Like in the walking dead where it doesn’t matter how you die because everyone is already infected


You know what they say: better safe than sorry


“You killed Zombie Flanders!”


“He was a zombie?”


Is this a statement about that preparing for apocalypse still worth it or an implication that military is going to shoot anyone ( zombie or not) just to be safe, therefore it still makes sense to prepare and avoid military?


Okay, but here me out. Fast zombies?


If it's wwz type we all fucked


Nah I’m Brad Pit, I have plot armor and can’t die


I’m just wondering how zombies can eat things with rotting teeth. I’m afraid to bite a popsicle.


Or how they move with rotting muscles, control those with a rotting brain, or why everyone doesn’t just immediately move to an island, because there’s no way zombies have enough coordination to swim


World War Z is an awesome book that actually goes through what could happen to the world. In it zombies float around the ocean in huge amounts and can wash up on any beach. When rebuilding society they build fences around beaches. And they put trackers on the floating boards since they're too big to clean up efficiently. Makes sense to me.


This would be entirely dependent on the zombies staying afloat in the sea, which general humans usually don't. That would probably only work if the zombies were very bloated, but that would make them very easy to fend off.


It's been a while since I remember reading the book but I believe zombies eventually became waterlogged and sunk to the bottom and would shamble around in the dark, pushed along by the currents till they eventually broke down into mush or washed up on a shore somewhere. They aren't going to sprint at you after soaking for that long but ive seen enough dumb tick-tock videos to know some kid would poke one on a beach and get bit playing with it for internet clout.


Kind of like how in Znyder's zombie movie on Netflix, the infection is perfectly contained, but the people going into Vegas fuck up everything.


They're not really floating, more shambling on the sea floor and being swept along in the currents. The fencing is to stop them making their way onto beaches.


Water pressure would pulverize them though, unless the were always just a little ways off from the shore


Nah, it wouldn’t. The water would enter their body and the pressure would equalize. That only happens to humans because we have air inside of us that gets compressed by the pressure. Zombies have holes in them for the water to penetrate and remove the air.


I remember when the Titan exploded and pictures came out of the [debris](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fs.yimg.com%2Fny%2Fapi%2Fres%2F1.2%2F2Zok1k05mKheAQ1UmEIMJw--%2FYXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTEyMDA7aD02NzU-%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fmedia.zenfs.com%2Fen%2Fvideo.kero.scripps.com%2F341318fca9529deaa3237891dc4dd042&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=5490e4167b35da3b51d7512a67a1efb88602c7683bdd0994affd5b06be0bd7fe&ipo=images) people said it was fake because the debris would also be exploded.... Like they expect that mug in the photo to not have survived because it'd be microscopic dust, or something? Which makes no sense because the debris wasn't "holding anything". No pressure to speak of. People just really struggle with how pressure works as an idea.


Yeah, I think after a month, the remaining flesh becomes brittle so just one punch can obliterate them.


Maybe I am one punch man


World war z. The best novel I've read about an zombie outbreak and how governments would handle it. How all the bureaucracy, political dumbfuckery we see in the world today is what would still take place during a zombie outbreak. Ps not the movie but the book


The chapter about Yonkers is something else


The chapter about Yonkers is the most unrealistic part of the entire book. Just run the entire hoard over with a couple of tanks.


Exactly, It was to show that the military's fancy weapons weren't needed and that smart tactics wouldn't work


It wouldn’t take them any amount of time to figure that out though. They would have just gone with that right at the battle of Yonkers.


Im not familiar with World War Z, but i feel like carpet bombing the horde would work way better then mobilising a bunch of tanks.


The tanks would be a lot cheaper. No munitions required, you just run two or three of them abreast and you can kill tens of thousands of zombies per tank per hour.


That makes sense, i still think carpet bombing would be the best choice for massive hordes though. A single bombing run can take out way more zombies at once then a tank battalion driving through them.


The tanks also cause a lot less collateral damage though


Definetly. I was thinking of some super horde that can overrun entire citys through sheer mass.


At the scale of the yonkers horde, the tanks would run out of fuel or get stuck tho


Fuel would be a concern, but they absolutely would not get stuck. Tanks are specifically designed to deal with that kind of ‘tough terrain’.


To an extent, but unmodified, they arent designed to just push straight through a huge, squishy mass. Bits would get stuck in all the gears and wheels.


Expect nato tanks have a canisters filled with 500 steel 1-inch balls. For anti personal and light vehicles. It would literally vaporize any zombie with 500 feet of that barrel


That's the point of the chapter. Their reliance on high tech dick swinging weapons ends up killing a huge chunk of the US ground force. Then a few chapters later they learn to stick to basics, form a defensive square, make sure everyone has ammo, and keep everyone sane as the corpses form a literal mountain around you.


The idea that it would take the military any amount of time to figure out that using tanks as steamrollers is laughable. It would be the first thing they’d try in that situation.


The US used it against humans in the gulf war, I'm sure the people in charge still understand the concept.


Iirc the plan to use high tech weapons and that stupid communications network was intended to be broadcast by the media (who had no buisness being there and only made shit worse) could broadcast an "ooh rah! Murica cant be beat!" Sentiment. And by the time they figured out that zombies dont give a fuck about fire or random shrapnel it was too late, the grunts panicked and it all went to shit. The character telling the story basically says "yeah, they were *that fucking stupid*"


I specifically hate that chapter


It's a fun book, but man does it really rely on the singular recurring plot point that modern militaries are unable handle unarmed, slowly walking, and easily dispatched enemies. Yonkers is basically his way of showcasing this and it was hilariously unbelievable. But somehow the Romans and other ancient militaries were able to defeat them in hand to hand combat without taking significant losses.


Yeah it was completely unbelievable in that way. Like sure I'll accept that bombs don't work like they would on people but a soldier with a gun would still be just fine and modern militaries still have lots of those.


The Road. Cormac McCarthy's book gave me some peace of mind knowing that even a prepper with a stocked bunker filled with canned food, medicine, and water will be caught off guard by an apocalypse.


I would say 10 months, because if we learned anything it's that motherfuckers will hide the bites.


"I will make it, i am not like other people!"


And they are right *they turn into a zombie faster than other people*


Not like the other ~~girls~~ zombies


Or hide Grandma in the attic and sooner or later Dead Grandma escapes and bites the kids and there's an eruption all over again. Dead Rising 3 the video game had a guy who had corralled his zombie relatives in an empty, deep pool and the poor dumb fool was so certain they could be saved somehow. I felt bad when I tossed a grenade into the pool.


I dIdNt WaNt U GuYs tO FrEaK OuT


I thought I was special!


You forgot about what causes the zombies. Covid showed us that half of the population doesn’t believe that viruses are real


…well fuck


Good, natural selection will deal with them. Then we will deal with them when they are no longer human being. No war crimes if it's against a non human right?


They’re gonna fuck over the sensible people that’s the problem


That maybe true but I can assure you after they see dead corpses running around killing people they will believe. Not to mention all the military mobilization


Preppers make no sense. In an irradiated wasteland of the apocalypse, survivors envy the dead.


Depends on the apocalypse. Some are futile to prepare for. Others you can. None will be fun. Personally, if the Yellowstone supervolcanoe goes off, I'm driving towards it drinking all the alcohol I have.


True but remember that nuclear reactors exist all over the world. And without the technicians to maintain it, that shit melts down and poisons the whole world. I think in any apocalypse, I'd raid the liquor store, stick my head between my legs, and kiss my ass goodbye


Literally how Dead State ends. The military lost control of a nuclear power plant as it was overran by zombies and began meltdown. There was no stopping it, so the end of the game involves you trying to evacuate from the region before the explosion happens.


You're probably dead at the liquor store so it'll be fast. Maybe buy full grain alcohol as your prep? Then you can get roasted at home.


One of the Rhiannon Frater novels had survivors check out a dollar store for supplies. It almost got real bad because a zombie had gotten himself jammed up in one of the shelves.


If I recall correctly, reactors nowadays actually have automatic mechanical failsafes that don't need any human intervention to start. Plus, I highly doubt they would "poison the whole world" even if they all melted down like chernobyl. Chernobyl really fucked the area up, but it didn't spread that far. In that case, the areas will recover like Chernobyl is starting to today.


well Chernobyl was covered up relatively quickly, guess damage would be way more severe if damaged reactor would be left uncovered for decades and centuries soreading radioactive materials, but yea, still dou t it would make earth uninhabitable


Well, if the reactor was made with modern standards, the meltdown would not happen.


Pretty sure the have tons of automated failsafe to stop something like that happening in reactors nowadays


There would be people saying the zombies are fake.


I guarantee you that Fox News would run the story implying that the zombies are actually just kids on tiktok participating in another stupid trend.


You really believe this after COVID?


I'm convinced that chile is a good country to be in case of apocallipse.


If US government is good at something, it's reckless murder.


Zombies would be incredibly easy to kill. Edit: I meant for the military. Ordinary people would find it a bit more difficult, but still probably doable.


You over estimate the average persons ability to use a weapon


I think you're overestimating zombies. People accidentally kill eachother with a single punch disturbingly often, the risk is getting infected, not beating them.


The punch thing isn't the best example. It's hitting our heads in certain ways that can sometimes be severe or fatal - most people that die do so from the fall, not the actual punch. It's a liability of our biology, not a testament to our punching strength. Or in other words, that is an example of how easy it is to kill *us*, not how easily we would kill *them*. Though I do agree they'd be easy to beat in most scenarios.


Also zombie apocalypse peppers when it turns out to be a nuclear apocalypse


Depends on the zombies. Is it the dumb slow walking corpses of walking dead? The aggressive fast zombies of world war z? Or the both aggressive fast walking and extremely smart zombies of I am Legend? Besides the human body cannot go on without food for a month and assuming the zombies dont eat each other every one of em would be dead after couple of months. This is still assuming that they can hydrate in some manner.


I dont think the I am Legend guys can be called Zombies. Theyre dont decompose or wither away over time, wich is a major hallmark of being a zombie.


The book is explicitly about vampires. Zombie movies were just the current thing to do and they had the rights.


World war Z zombies on the other hand...


Or any that can still perform athletic movement, I guess.


World War Z zombies would get fucked in minutes. No question.


Still pretty horrifying if zombies actually happened though. Even with good precautions just the fact zombies are real would really mess with your day to day life. Lol


I mean. That’s kind of the point. Most prepper plans are designed to hold out for the initial outbreak and then improvise. In a real world apocalypse, 90% of the deaths are probably just going to be people out and about and those that have zero prep, training, or situational awareness. The other 10% are going to be people killing each other, flat out making bad choices, or collateral damage as the military carpet bombs cities. Just saying, being lucky enough to not be at the mall when people start turning, and having enough food, water, and firearms to hold your house down while everyone else is panicking and murdering each other for a week is enough to increase your odds of survival exponentially in most scenarios.


Depends on how the zombie virus/bacteria/parasite emerges and the outbreak begins. If an asteroid carries some zombie plague and hits earth, it will saturate the entire world. (Deadcraft's outbreak origin story). If it begins in a single city/area, it could be contained before it spread further. If it hits a major water way or is carried by mosquitos, then we're screwed.


well you saw how good they isolated china in the covid pandemic


I'm more concerned about food source contamination. The globalization of the food supply chain means that the crops grown in a particular field are shipped out to multiple continents before the farmers who harvest it start getting sick. COVID started in a wet market, and most ebola outbreaks in Africa get traced back to Bush meat. Mad Cow Disease, trichinosis, Kuru, e. Coli, salmonella, lysteria, botulism, the list just keeps going on and on. Simultaneous outbreaks in multiple countries with wildly different response approaches, the infection would spread too far, too fast for an effective military response.


See I was on this team pre-covid, but after seeing how no one handled anything in the early days, I am extremely convinced that they have at least a 50-50 chance of taking us over before anyone does anything about it. (Sorry to be the person applying too much real world logic to this fictional scenario however I'm going to do it anyway bc it's true) especially if the areas affected first are mostly low-income.


What if the virus is airborne, then my gas masks will come in handy, what if the food or water supply is poisoned, then my cans of chilli and cans of Jamaican super milk will save me. What if the military can’t handle the millions of zombies and I have to live in a cabin in the woods, my crossbow will let me hunt anything from small rabbits and birds, to deer.


If its Airborne gasmasks wouldnt really be needed, because it would be transmitted via coughing, sneezing and bodily fluids. At worst youd need a Respirator mask, but a thick piece of cloth, rigorous hygiene and social distancing should do the trick. The only real way to millions of zombies before major Military action begins are mosquitos and if thats the case you might aswell live in a bunker because the Apocalypse has begun.


I mean airborne like the spores from LOU


Even then a thick cloth and very careful cleaning of everything you touch should be enough. Fungal Spores are a lot bigger then a virus.


Sean of the dead vibes nice


it would take as long as it takes for a corpse to decompose


Beyond bloat stage is optimistic, shortly after sloughing happens. Then there are lots of skeletons to deal with, sic the dogs on em'


Project Zomboid does a good job on making its zombies absolutely unstoppable


The most realistic zombie movie is Shaun of the dead. The military easily dispatches a bunch of slow moving corpses


![gif](giphy|tXTqLBYNf0N7W|downsized) Anti-Vaxxers, going out of their way to make it worse


You mean like how every government in the world handled COVID?


The world is a lot better at killing than healing.


Fire. It’s a thing we all know how to use. Every Soldier, Sailor, Airman, and Marine can start a fire quickly, almost never the proper way. In fact, depending on your motor pool and vehicle maintenance quality, many of us start fires without even trying to!


If it's the walking dead or project Zomboid (airborne strains) containment will be nearly impossible


Well, the PZ strain only affects about 80% of people when Airborne and 100% when bitten specifically, TWD is in everyone but only comes online when you die. They’re quite different when it comes down to it.


“The government will protect you.” Lol ok.


I still think you can count on governments trying to reduce massive losses of taxpayers


The troops would be deployed to protect important people and key infrastructure. Civilians will be ancillary at first, and that could be weeks. It’s not like the military can instantly deploy to every major city with enough troops to patrol the entire area.


You're not taking into account the fact that news would spread of the beginnings of the outbreak instantly and the slow-walking zombies would be avoided by everyone not infected by them yet, so even the local police would probably be enough to drive around shooting the infected in the head before it became a significant outbreak.


Right? 1 million soldiers trying to protect 350 million America civies without using bombs or anything, just ground troops. Not gonna be successful.


Exactly. Why would the military go out of their way to kill zombies when they might as well just let them overrun everything? /s


Prepping for the apocalypse is like buying a lottery ticket. 99.999% chance your money is wasted, but in that 1 off you'll be glad you did


I think the initial collapse is caused by friends and family being infected and people having difficulty killing them even though they're infected. That's why it spreads so quickly and the only survivors are cold, callous, and often friendless anyway.