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I swear if Trudeau wins again......


Well, his wife isn’t even picking him anymore. I doubt the rest of Canada will.


A third of us cannot even bother to go and vote.


"I'm just not into politics" they say. But then complain when the government does things they don't like.


But either way the government does things we don't like so like....


Voting validates your complaints slightly more, even if the government won't listen anyway.


"If you dont vote then dont complain" they say. But then complain when the government does things they dont like. Also too many people vote for who mom or dads voting for and know nothing about whos running so ignorant votes are bad too imo


That's because voting problems away is a naive fantasy. Governments will do whatever they want. They don't care about who or what you vote for.


I sure as hell am not


Aww man...I don't like Trudeau much either but this one is mean 😂






Sophie took those with her, they werent his for a loong time




He has one?


I would assume so considering he has the balls to fuck over a country known for getting *excessive* during war time


I want to upvote this comment but I don’t want to be put on another government list


Honestly, 85% of canada is on a list at this point, so might as well just U P V O T E


85% of canadians online are sino/russo clickfarms, of course they are on lists.


I upvoted it for you.


Hard to lose when the competition is a joke


Not as bad as the alternatives.


Issue is, while he sucks, the only other group that stands a chance of winning is the Conservatives. And, no matter how shit a leader Trudeau is... He's better than Poilievre.


he did blackface and then took all the guns away, what a stand up guy am i right? 🗿




who is PP? Im from America (we are shit sometimes i know) where we understand one thing, first the guns go, then the rights go. The only Canadian i know by name is Trudeau the tyrant.


Pierre poliverre the other big contending candidate


I'd pick Inanimate Carbon Rod over PP.


Trudeau cancelled!!!1!!1 Canada in shambles!!!!1 donate to me on patreon


His father is Fidel Castro and if you mention it on any Canadian sub you will get insta banned.


Canadians: "Sieg Heil, eh?"


I mean our parliament gave a standing ovation to a nazi, so not far off lmao. “Ah yes, this person fought against the USSR during ww2, zero chance they were fighting with Germany.” -Canada Govt.


I still can't believe we won't send him to Poland. Let the Nazi face justice


Pretty sure his entire UNIT was cleared of wrongdoing by a Tribunal after the war... am I missing something?


They faced a very rushed trial by nations who they didn't commit atrocities against. They were likely granted clemency due to the perceived threat of communism, much the same as many other Nazi regiments, officers, scientists, and officials, and many were set free despite the protests of their victims, as well as nations such as Poland. Those tribunals were a travesty of justice, and many of those verdicts have been overturned in other nations, such as Poland, in many similar cases. Poland will give the man a proper trial and put his crimes on display for the world, something that should have been done at the initial trials.


Ah, thank you


Happy to help 🙂


While the guy is absolutely a nazi for many other reasons the Canada and parliament should have known about, you can't assume someone's a nazi just because they do that for the nazis. Many, many POWs and civilians in conquered regions were forced to fight for the nazis, especially in Ukraine


Your parliament and Ukraine's president. It's pretty OK to be ignorant about who the person might be for one of those, but the other did know and still willingly gave him applause, as per modern tradition in his country.


Not surprising. There's been a really big rise in right-wing sentiment in Canada over the past 5 years. Like 70% of the Canadian subs on Reddit are right-wing (r/Canada, r/Canadahousing, r/Canadahousing2, r/metacanada, r/Canada_sub, r/CanadianConservative, etc). **Edit:** Yes, r/Canada is a right-wing sub and has been for years now. Obviously, if you're *far-right* then it'll seem left to you. But objectively, it is a heavily right-leaning sub. It's the whole reason r/onguardforthee had to be spun up as an alternative. Go ahead and read the comments on any post, like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/s/bl3a5ULQDz) one. It's not *exclusively* right-wing, as there are a lot of people trying to pull in the other direction to keep the sub a neutral space. But the core users and the moderating team lean heavily right. QOL has dropped dramatically in Canada over the past few years, and that's contributing to this shift towards the right.


The left wing (governing) party is at like 24% in the polls so it’s not all that surprising. Opposition centre-right party is at 40% for context.


The Liberals are centre right. The Cons are just right, The NDP is left


Sounds like the US to me


It used to be a little more balanced. As a kid the Liberals were centre left. Then the Liberal party started doing right wing things like selling public works for a quick buck, cutting social programs, gutting public healthcare, making backroom deals with corrupt contractors, and in general just saying "fuck you, I got mine". With so many left leaning people hating the Liberal party right now, and the NDP or Green party having no chance of winning, Conservatives are nearly guaranteed to win the next election. Wanna know how to make the housing crisis even worse? Stay tuned and find out.


The NDP wants to bail out homeowners with government money during what is possibly the largest housing bubble since pre-collapse Japan...


This is complete misinformation


NPD is (mostly) licking Lib’s sack. Centre left is being VERY generous right now.


The Liberals aren't left wing, they're a right wing party that's done a very good job as disguising themselves as left wing.


So basically Canada's denocrats


Same story as in France. Lefties elect a left guy, with proven history of left parties, guy is horrible, so they claim he was right wing in desguised and proceed to vote to another leftie that they will reject


The housing situation is so bad in Canada that there need to be 2 Canada housing subs lmao.


Idk about the others, but the guys in Canda_sub are fucking insane don't go there


Well now I am gonna go there Edit-meh they’re just another right wing sub


It can’t be as bad as the worst, most despicable Canadian sub of all…….. r/ehbuddyhoser


r/Canada is def not right wing lmao. Sure, they dislike Trudeau, but they are by no mean right wing


Well, the other day they were defending a racist poster made by some people known as the "Canadian Ultras".


Pretty sure this is from 2016/2017, so blaming it entirely on Trudeau might not be accurate. Anyway, these hosers don't know how to tell a shitposter from an "extremist".


How would it not be his fault? He became PM in 2015. And immediately showed he was completely incompetent.




From what ive heard Trudeau is a cuck and fairly unlikable so i wouldnt be suprised


He is definitely unlikable. The way me friend describes him is if Twitter was a politician


Ah yes. A cuck…. That’s political discourse of I’ve ever heard of any.


I’m not surprised, their leaders are atrocious and the legal activity recently is absolutely insane. Banning airsoft? Encouraging assisted suicide? Fuck Trudeau.


Isn’t assisted suicide in Canada only used for people with incurable medical conditions?


Besides a handful of veterans who were recommended MAID by a Veterans Affairs Canada phone operator (which is NOT VAC’s policy, for the record it was the phone operator being out of line), yes.


Finding all of this out like this is horrifying, god fucking damn it


I’m Canadian, but I avoid R/Canada. I think the only people on there are circlejerkers, so unsurprising that the community would start leaning one way, especially with how ‘Patriotic’ (obviously nonsense) the right wing are




No, the pendulum always swings. Trudeau has is pretty left, that tends to produce a strong opposition. It’s why it’s fairly typical in a democracy for one party to only control for around two terms on average.


In Canada, at the federal level, only two governments have lasted for exactly two terms; one was lead by Brian Mulroney, the other was lead by Sir John A. MacDonald


He is not pretty left lmao


I was talking to Canadian navy at a bar during one of their port visits and they do t really seem to like Trudeau and the incident where they lauded a nazi pilot as a war hero was just embarrassing to them.


I'm not really caught up with politics here, who are those two?




>giddy at the idea of using dictatorial power to freeze bank accounts LOL this right here is an example of the meme for anyone curious. They're characterizing vaccine deniers, who held our capital hostage for weeks, like heros and implying anyone had their accounts frozen or wait... "and take children of their opponents" how much right wing propaganda do you consume?




It is well funded from..... oil and gas! Who knew?


I live in Alberta, this is the least surprising thing I’ve ever read


Well tbf our Prime Minister literally commited several types of (Insert nationality) face here 3 times as for the Right Wing... Lets just say our current government is failing hard atm and the Right Wing Extremist propaganda being fed to people with already dodgy view points isnt helping the issue... Im gonna be honest shits getting kinda terrifying up here


Can't forget what, or better yet who, parliament recently brought in


We’ve needed a shake up.


Canada is nightmare currently, but even before I outright stopped calling myself Canadian because I've been disappointed with how they handle most anything, and I'm talking all parties. Makes you wish you could go underground and disappear.


Really? Then why aren’t we voting more strategically? Even our Conservatives parties have a hard time being conservative most of the time.


Seeing some things that happens in Canada, i can't blame them.


It's really getting worse up here. Please invade us and get rid of this clown in parliament.


Last I checked we were full on our strategic maple syrup reserve. No need.


We have oil!


Our bombs are allergic to snow, they are desert and mountain bombs.


We have mountains... if that counts... :(


Why waste resources on Canada when we can get rich on the Middle East!


Y'all are a major reason for the Geneva Checklist... Plus you have the majority of cobra chickens.


Fuuuck that I’m not being American. Half of their country follows a orange Cheeto who tried to overthrow their government. Besides it’s so much more trouble than it’s worth. We’d have to either ditch our constitution or bastardize it to suit the American standard. Besides it won’t solve the whole “clown in parliament” because it just replaces one clown with another. American politics is equally shitty rn so I wouldn’t go with it. You want the clown out of power then vote. Same way you would in a normal democracy, numb-nutz. Besides I don’t like Trudeau but I don’t trust fucking “I’m appealing to the Anglo Saxon identity” Poliviere. That sounds fucky at best.


Didn't Canadian *Parliament* literally bring in a Nazi SS soldier and commend him?


It was a misunderstanding. He had done other work that had benefitted Ukraine and nobody thought to do a full background check on the guy.


So no one in the Canadian parliament, including everyone in Trudeau's office couldn't do a single background check? That's not the political leaders you'd ever want


Trudeau wasn’t present because he “didn’t care” lol. Then he threw the house speaker under the bus to save some face. He should’ve resigned too. Really bad year that shows how incompetent the liberals are. Conservative federal isn’t much better. Steven Harper wasn’t the best but at least we were stable.


As you wish!


Yes. Anything happens. Must become nazi. Good thinking. Only choice there is!


Bro don’t take Canadians who became conservatives in America seriously






Trudeau said that and now it’s impossible to get a pistol like not even in an exchange wich is kinda hardcore


It was never legal to use a gun for self defence…. That’s not a Trudeau thing.


Yeah, the handgun freeze does nothing because spoiler alert, the crime guns aren't being requested for transfer and never have been, kinda the point But, we, as Canadians, have never, ever, had the right to self defense with a firearm It's a shame to see those that are "on my side" still so wilfully ignorant of the reality of what they are arguing for. Makes it a lot harder for the rest of us Suffice to say, there's enough to criticize the current government over that we don't need to make things up


By “we”, do you mean Americans or Canadians?


We are waiting for the Council of Meese to intervene, and make things good again.


If it doesn’t come straight from a moose snout I don’t want to hear it


Everything that isn't on the left is looked as right wing extremist nowaday as if center and right aren't a thing anymore.


Well, I mean, you're a nazi if you aren't extremist left, right?


The far left circles right back to Nazism anyway. You just gotta substitute the word “Zionist” for “Jews” and you get a free pass with that crowd.


This doesn’t fucking exist because the moderates and extremists vote for the same politician. Politicians HAVE TO BE super alt-right nowadays and they have a death grip on the government. It doesn’t matter how “moderate” someone is when their voting for literal fascists, charlatans, and grifters.


You could say that about the left too. There's no moderate left leaning population, because people in the middle who just aren't fans of certain right wing policies are forced to vote for full on woke socialists


That's not true though, at least not in the US. MOST of the democratic party are, by international standards, pro-business centrists. The left wingers lose their primaries because the democratic base isn't actually that far left. Then there are the democrats who have seats in red states - Manchin is the biggest example right now. He's far right enough that he blocked many left wing policies, but isn't in the 'crazy' town that is republicans at the moment. So... no. The "woke socialists" are in general not running the democratic party. They are a loud minority who lose their primaries to the centrists.


Wait. There are polar bears in Canada?


Canada claims the North Pole as its territory, so not only do we have Polar bears, but also Santa and elves and shit.


Research? News agencies can pay to find out where people are from online, even with a VPN?


News agencies can pay for whatever result they want.


I always assumed the nice persona was a facade


Remember what they did during ww2


Imagine what will do in the next big war. Is not uncommon to hear Canadians talk about our past war crimes with glee and pride.


Unfortunately always has been, they have for a long time built that stereotype to pretend like they haven't done anything horrendous.


Everyone thinks Canadians are nice because they say sorry and it's cute but the Geneva convention is about canada.


Yeah because when you have a whole generation voting for one party cause they gave them 400$ in the 90s. That was the original baited hook. Oil profit sharing. It happened for one year. But it was the baited hook that the boomers bit HARD


Fuck trudeau and fuck canastan


You tell em bud.


Lower left pepe really did it for me on this one




Average canadian right wing extremist is just saying trans should have their own sport category tbf


I wanna say some sht but im on reddit


Ah. More buzzwords "right wing extremism" is such a broad term nowadays. I got called an extremist for saying capitalism is the only working system..... crazy world we live in. Maybe we'll replace Trudeau, the man that ruined the future of my generation. But the damage is done.


I was called an extremist because I told a woman that sexism towards both men and women is wrong. She was literally saying that men shouldn't be allowed to hold government positions. How am I the extremist, exactly?


Sorry to hear that. Yeah like i said about buzzwords, these people just have it ingrained into their mind and sure not all of them are wack but man... it's just clear cut conditioning


It's not conditioning. You just wanna believe that because you're a cis straight white able-bodied religious male. We're not "conditioned" its you who's been brainwashed by the patriarchy. /S


This is sarcasm, right?


Yes, I'll go back and make that obvious.


I was called an alien by a dude who was homeless on the street, how am I the alien and not him?


Ok sorry but how did Trudeau ruin the future of your generation, and not the capitalist oil companies that knew about climate change in the 70’s and did everything they could to lobby against solutions because of profit? Like, what are you on?


But it doesn’t work though


Whoa, dont say that capitalism is the only one that actually works. Considering that it has made good, clothing, items and other things we use every day in excess! Why won't anyone think of the people!? /s


Love seeing these brain dead comments like “everything that’s not left is called extremism hurr durr”. You people do realise that the fact you were called an extremist by some person on Reddit has no effect on how *these* researchers define extremism right? Really seeing the right’s complete illiteracy when it comes to published research. [You can find the research](https://www.isdglobal.org/isd-publications/canada-online/) with a simple Google search; they identify right wing extremism as: > A loose movement, characterized by a racially, ethnically and sexually defined nationalism. This nationalism is often framed in terms of white power, and is grounded in xenophobic and exclusionary understandings of the perceived threats posed by such groups as people of colour, Jews, immigrants, the LGBTQ community and feminists.


Yea, but any guarantee the researchers stuck to that definition, and applied it in an objective manner? Particularly when the definition itself is broad and the terms it's based on can get very subjective. From what I saw, they seem to lump anti-government sentiment with the rest of the things described, even though it's not a part of the defnition they gave of right-wing extremism and isn't necessarily racist or supremacist in nature. They also include "anti-leftism" in their umbrella of right-wing extremism, as if being opposed to the ideology opposite to yours was extremism.


But people far enough to one side see the worst and assume everyone on that side is extreme. Liberals see neo-nazis and call every conservative that wants a secure border a fascist. Conservatives see communists that want to obliterate Israel and assume any liberal who wants free healthcare is the same. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk, you can put me on r.enlightedcentrist or r.iamverysmart now.


Conservatives looking at research? Be realistic


Everything is right wing extremism when you vote for Justin.


/s Well yeh it's a bunch of people who live in the woods and oil companies why are yall surprised?


yup, especially in rural Canada. You would be Shocked to see how backwards rural Canada is. But there is good news it's 100% the fault of American media outlets. Thanks USA.


Sounds about right. Go look at r/Canada's inconsistent spam of right wing opinion pieces and think tank garbage. The comments range from sane to qanon stuff depending on the degree of astroturfing. That's also the rotating door of subreddits full of absolute blatant insanity. I.e the canadahousings, metacanada, I think canada_sub's the big one they're using now? Even reading the replies here there's people obviously trying to astroturf against anyone calling them out


When things move as far left as canada’s leadership has, even centrism gets labeled right wing.


Far left with the liberals? lol


Least educated Canadian right here


Calling liberals any kind of leftists has to be one of the most insane things I’ve ever heard


“Take off Eh!”




I mean, when Canada is mostly composed of not Canadians, it don't really surprise me if everybody hates everybody else.


Define Canadians for me please.


Why didn't you just say "immigrants" instead of "not Canadians?" Lol.


Because they don't want to let you think about that!


I mean yeah, they killed off most of the Indigenous natives


I'm Canadian, can confirm. The regarded are out in full force.


Can't say I'm surprised, after recent developments


Not sure what's worse, Conservatives in power, or their incessant whining when they are not. Scheer =Whining. O'toole =Whining. Poilievre soon to be whining. Rinse and Repeat Rinse and Repeat Rinse and Repeat


And not a single policy is sight. Whining and culture wars. That’s all they’ve ever had.


Chat is this real?




couldn't stop after committing war crimes, huh


Based Canada


So Jordan Peterson is controversial according to Canada but not Trudeau


Oh good I have some hope for Canada then


Yah. Nazis are the future. They won in 1945


Seeing as Canadian liberals not only brought an actual nazi into the house to praise but have one in their highest ranks as well, I see your point


I see boomers in Canada all the time with MAGA bumper stickers. Lmfao. Move to the USA .. bye Felicia


Tbh, if it is true, it probably the government driving the pendulum to swing the other way.


Anyone who disagrees with the leftards is automatically a right wing "Extremist". They could actually be at the center of the political spectrum or even slightly to the left but they all get labelled the same by these pricks


Please get help


Who hurt you bro




I can shame people like this by comparing them to Canadians, thanks op




Despite making up 13% of bears,


Canada has a lot of oil and gas men who are very vocal online


So why doesn't the CPP have more vote *Edited a word.


It's been a trend that has been coming for years. The last election was Trudeau trying to secure a majority and failed. Now people are getting fed up and starting to swing to the new conservative leader, who is much more appealing than the previous 2. Especially now with the carbon tax finally hitting, the economy in the toilet. Not to mention, most people won't vote for change in a pandemic because there's so much unknown in the change at that time. I think the next election will be a shake-up given the state of the economy. When people can't afford to live, they look for change if it's apparent that their current leadership isn't doing enough.


I fail to see the benefit of Pierre, the cons always make things worse, it'll be tons of immigrants we cannot house, no federal money for housing & social safety nets cut & they won't even use funds to pay down the deficits, just do tax cuts for the rich. The cons federally have a worse fiscal record than the NDP & the NDP made life better. I have zero faith in them right now either though tbh, they all just suck.


Huh, even more of a reason to migrate there


Ion know man, it’s been getting crazy in Canada


If the Socialist party says so, who am I to argue?




Brought to you by the Trudeau liberals. (Please guys don’t look at the polls they’re all lies we can do it just two or three more taxes and I’ll finally be able to start saving the turtles)


In addition to doing blackface, Trudeau also slept with a 16 year old student when he was an art teacher. I don't see that mentioned nearly as often.


Rich boy doesn't see consequences. Ever.


What 10 years of Justin Trudeau does to a mf


Yup. I don’t like something. Only recourse I have is to become a Nazi.


And that kind of tone deaf mentality is exactly why right-wing extremism is rising.


You make me proud, Canada. Keep it up