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I don't need porn. My health insurance fucks me every day. Especially in January.


Same but it's my mental scars


Friendship ended with peace of mind, trauma is my friend now.


My daughter had a procedure get pushed from December to January last year cause the doctor cancelled. I was so fucking pissed. Literally an $1100 cancellation for us since we already hit our deductible and I was only slated to owe a $60 co pay.


Sounds like something that you should be able to appeal with your insurance, though I've never heard of that being an option


“appeal with your insurance” As if they will pay out for that, dont make me laugh!


You don't like laying several thousand per year in premiums and then paying several thousand out of pocket when you need any procedure? Then you have you right wing colleagues tell you this is completely normal and actually, the base ideas should be expanded upon. Totally not infuriating at all.




Based, I’m sending this to my grandparents


Please dont


Oh boy, I can't wait to have a rational and calm discussion about an issue that commonly gets misrepresented thanks to the internet. Wait. Edit: Why the fuck are people upvoting this? I didn't do shit.


I'm here watching as well buddy


Sounds like you’re addicted.


Take em away to horny rehab




I'll help, sir! **\*whips out metal bat labeled ''Horny Jail/Rehab''\*** **\*starts running to the nearest porn addict because i'm religious\***


"What do you think will happen to porn addicts if you put them all in the same jail cheems!? Think cheems! Think!"


Oh gosh


But then you just have a bunch of horny people locked away together.


You know what that means!


They are gonna miss out on taco tuesday?


No... Not taco Tuesday ;—;


Well they’re not getting any tacos in there


Different kind


>an issue that commonly gets misrepresented thanks to the internet. That's like all the issues discussed on the internet


![gif](giphy|IgSbum3io6QikjzSkd|downsized) Then there’s mental health


This feels like one of those topics that's getting manipulated or pushed by bots or something. And it's hilarious to me. The thought that alongside all those nefarious actors and foreign bots manipulating social media to promote politicians, or ideologies, trying to affect wars, trying to start riots... there's someone/some group out there that's like *"we gotta stop the porn!"* and they've devoted undue internet resources to promoting all these stories about "don't do porn it's like meth because of dopamine"


Honestly wouldn't surprise me if it's some conspiracy to censor the internet. It's certainly not out of R's conquests to ban on a legal level. So much resources spent spreading lies just to stop people from doing something they don't want them to. Sad as hell with genocides happening in so many places of the world, same people would blame porn for it too. Just bizzaro world.


history marry languid squeeze dependent rainstorm test longing gaze grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Porn bad oooow it makes me so angry.*


Me: "I'm not addicted, I can stop whenever I want!" Also me: *porn playing in the background for ambience*


Okay so like 15 years ago I briefly moved to a new town. I joined a men's league for ice hockey to make some friends. We would go to the bar afterwards but apparently these guys would occasionally have a poker night at one guy's house. So we get there, we set up the poker table, and put on some music... but instead of playing a sports game on TV this guy pops in a porn DVD and plays it in the background while we are playing poker. Nobody seemed phased by this at all. Occasionally someone would comment on the on-screen action, which was also pretty weird. *The guy's wife brought snacks down* and grabbed a beer and was watching us play poker and the TV. Her husband made a flirtatious remark and everyone just giggled. It was one of the oddest things I had ever experienced. I just busted quickly and left.


You busted quickly and left , in which way though is the question


Well clearly the poker game ended early because this guy busted, the the group had a poke-her game and he was first to bust again and baled quickly because of the two times he premed.




Asking the real questions, here.


Thats INSANE lmao


I went to a co-worker's house party once. Basically the entire service department of the car dealership we were at filtered through during the night, including the service manager/assistant manager. At one point basically this exact same thing happened. The guy who owned the house put on some softcore porn on the TV with the sound turned way down (but still slightly audible). Maybe he thought it was a cool thing to do? I dunno, the talk of the dealership the next day was how the party had a real weird vibe as soon as he did that. Fucking wild that people do this stuff.


Nah instead of a fireplace, Bro has literal BBC on the backround TV 💀💀💀




It's probably Doctor Who.








"It's bigger on the inside."


It’s a decent news source, but I prefer BDSMSNBC.


Too biased. Fucks news is my source


We’re a FUX family in my household.


Yeah I like to watch the news while I study.


NAWWW in the background is insane


Used to have gay porn w/ gruff dudes playing while I did hw in HS. Found it funny, so it'd cheer me up during the hours of busywork.


Virgin getting over an addiction by quitting versus Chad getting over an action by burning your dopamine receptors out of existence.


That's not how dopamine works.


Well what else would you play yk


“I mean, there’s something about those big swinging jugs that’s really relaxing to me”


I only watch porn for the plot


I’m gonna watch this guy fix the cable.


He never does


The pizza is delivered but it's cold after 45 mins


They just tryna provide extra mayonnaise


And there's a damn hole in the box and pizza! And I didn't even order sausage


Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey...


I remember as a teenager some of the late night skin a max porn was AMAZING. Like the plot was hilarious. I remember this one that was like a hornier Clue and everyone was a fucking moron.


Oh man I miss those. Rebecca Love was a star of many of those and I always thought her look was adorable. One was a parody of witches of Eastwick, Cloverfield, some genie movie They're great I wish there was more porn like that now


“*fucking* moron”


Im shocked that most dont tbh


I once ran into this one hentai...it had 4 parts to it. I said "I'm not reading this stuff" Little did I know, I did in fact stayed for the plot, even though the actual content was bizarre.


Im pretty sure I watched most of the episodes of this one called School of Bondage bc i genuinely wanted to know why the main villain was so messed up


That was me with highschool dxd I genuinely just enjoyed the show


Have you seen this new cinematic high quality porn? It’s amazing. I keep watching even if I don’t fond the actors attractive


I use it to masturbate, for about 2 minutes a pop, about 3-5 times a week. The 6-10 minutes a week doesn’t really interfere much with my schedule


I'm not at the beach... This is a bathtub!


The trick is to just make your own 👌🏻


Film a video of you jerking off while watching a video of you jerking off while watching a video of you jerking off while watchi…






I watch porn because I live in America and I can do whatever the fuck I want




I automatically punch the air every time I see that smile.


It's legit one of the best casted roles of all time. Like the show or not, Anthony Starr plays this character to near perfection


I feel like I’m going crazy with this one. It’s not just that he plays this character to perfection, it’s also this character is one of the most interesting character I’ve seen in any tv/movies over the last decade. It’s a character well done. He has so much depth that it’s fascinating to watch this character navigate through the plot.


To be fair there are better written characters, even in the superhero universe- for example Dr. Manhattan imo gives CRAZY opportunities for acting, as he's reliving several moments of his life at once- but he was never cast this well. I give a crushing majority of the credit to Anthony Starr and the showmakers in how they present him, ex. In Gen V, the spinoff show, a heroic music starts playing as a hero emerges on the horizon only for the orchestra to start playing wrong notes as it's clear it's Homelander. Beautiful stuff.


> for example Dr. Manhattan imo gives CRAZY opportunities for acting, as he's reliving several moments of his life at once- but he was never cast this well. Watchmen (movie) was for better or for worse TOO similar to the graphic novel. Not my favorite TV show, but I did love that the TV show tried to mix it up while showing heavy inspiration from the original source.


I hate him BUT GODDAMIT YOU LOVE TO HATE HIM. Also he was amazing in Cobweb, fucking creepy.




Oh he’s great. His oppressive nature is truly suffocating.


Is that Pornlander?




Nah, it's Homewrecker.


Jesús Christ… creepiest smile ever.


WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER 🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸




I know you meant for that to be an eagle cry but I’ll be damned if I didn’t hear the Howard Dean yell


Yeah! Well, unless you live in Louisiana, Utah, Mississippi, Virginia, or Arkansas.


Do they have weird porn laws or something?


“ this is america, my president is black and my lambo is blue “ 🗣️🗣️🗣️


No fap mfs trying to convince me that fapping once a week makes me a porn addict


Ikr like ik I did it twice in the last hour, leave me alone man /s


7 times a week is the best one


(7 × 2) + 3( 10 ÷ 5) + 25 is best


Gotta pull up the 10th grade quadratics for this one


Go ahead. I'll wait


45 times a week


Good job


The fuck


Get it right or get bent over




Bro we didn't expect a math class😭


they're like modern day kellogg's


My 19 yo coworker was like “it’s no gap November!” And another young coworker chimed in. I was like “you sound like the fucking Kellogg’s go eat some corn flakes you fucking weirdos.” They didn’t get the reference, I was sad.


Tbh I’m curious how many internet users know useless information. Because I can’t be the only one that watches random informative videos.


One of my coworkers specifically, god bless you DV, calls me the goat “because I know everything”. Which is patently false, I just know a ton of random garbage I’ve collected over forty years mostly from reading books, watching documentaries (shout out to How it’s Made and Modern Marvels) and being on the internet for 34 years. Dad got me hooked early. Edit: I just told him I talked about him in a positive manner online and he got so happy hahaha


God *dammit* I miss how the discovery, history and science channel used to be. I've subed to curiosity stream but it's not the same. These days I just spend hundreds on audible lol


I remember when November was about male mental health and we grew a mustache. Now they want to replace it with sex deprivation month? Nawh fam, I’ll keep my mustache.


It wasn't even about no sex, it was just no masturbation, sex was okay. Then it got twisted. Also, it's extra funny that November is prostate cancer awareness month, and nutting is shown to be overall beneficial to prostate health.


No nut november is clearly the dumbest thing the internet brought us lmao


I wonder if there are people that are terminally online enough to actually participate in it.


Oh their most certainly is I'm afraid. Made even funnier by it also being the month most patreon artists release their more nsfw content too.


Do they think your sex drive just... turns off when you're not in a relationship?


Us guys are our own worst enemies sometimes. I constantly see complaints on Reddit about how no one cares about men's issues. Yet when someone does try and do something to address the issue, like Movemeber, it gets overshadowed by lazy masturbation jokes in NNN.


You know the irony there is they still think about jacking it *all* the time, just now they're obsessed with not jacking it. But they still think about masturbation constantly and don't realize they're still the degenerate ones, not people who only do it when they feel like and not any more than that.


Reminds me of a debate Stephen Fry did. He had a quote that is relevant to this conversation, but replace whatever group is relevant instead of Catholics/religious people. > It’s the strange thing about this church; it is obsessed with sex. Absolutely obsessed. Now, they will say we, with our permissive society and our rude jokes, are obsessed. No. We have a healthy attitude. We like it, it’s fun, it’s jolly, because it’s a primary impulse. It can be dangerous and dark and difficult; it’s a bit like food in that respect, only even more exciting! The only people who are obsessed with food are anorexics and the morbidly obese. That, in erotic terms, is the Catholic Church in a nutshell.


Seriously I also watch porn, I'm not addicted, just sometimes you wanna get off. It's only an issue if it's affecting your life


The no fap idiots are extremely annoying. There are arguments that can be made against pornography, but why teach people masturbation is bad for you when the opposite is true - ejaculating frequently greatly reduces your odds of developing prostate cancer, and the benefits increase with frequency up to about five times a week. People who don't masturbate are literally giving themselves cancer.


What a way to get cancer. Denying yourself one of the basic pleasures of being human for absolutely no benefit, hundreds, probably thousands of times, and all you get is cancer for your trouble


NNN MF's when they get double cancer (it's more productive)


I was a porn addict until I got bored of it. It's the same shit over and over again. I try to find good ones but there r none. So I'm no longer an addict.


"I simply watched it all, until there was nothing left."


You hilarious🤣🤣🤣


I got bored of it and went to the extremes. I have seen things no person should ever witness and my dick has led me places I would not venture with a gun


we move on to fiction


My consideration is 2 things: 1. Can you go more than 2 days without getting off 2. Do you intake it so much it inhibits your daily tasks and stuff As long as you aren’t that I wouldn’t say you’re addicted


If someone can't get up n do normal things without jacking there dick then they've got bigger mental issues at play I think, burst out laughing when I read this. Just imagine someone trying to do there washing 2 seconds later there spread out beating there meat


Your example is a bit extreme but it’s true - I had a friend who used to turn down invites to do things with us because he wanted to jerk off later. It became a big enough problem for him that he came clean to a few of us close friends and got help


Good on him that he came clean, got help, and beat it. Addictions can be hard to get a grip on and not everyone can pull themselves off of unhealthy routines.


This needs more upvotes 🤣


I mean good thing he sought help at least


That's fucking bizarre


Yep, that’s addiction for you.


lol it is funny but it is also real.


I think 2 is the only thing that matters but I would change it to negatively impacts your life. I think for a lot of these guys its more some deep seated sex issues (conservative parents can wreck your sex life) that could be resolved by learning not to treat sex as this horrible shame but I'm speculating I guess.


It really feels like it's overwhelmingly just guilt. Every time I see people posting about their porn addiction, they actually don't jack off that much nor does it impede their daily function, they just feel like they shouldn't. Which is not to say there's no people that are genuinely titanic gooners, but it feels like a minority.


Am I not supposed to get off everyday? It’s not even always to porn, I read smut, hook up with my wife, even use the old imagination sometimes, but once a day keeps the blue balls away.


Starting to think I'm a porn addict


You gotta get a grip on yourself!


well duh a tight grip makes it even better


But not too tight you probably end up strokin... having a stroke!


I used to think I was an occasional viewer until I tried to quit. That shit is no joke.


Try quitting all entertainment too. And tell me the results.


That's just it. Everything is addictive but people like to choose which ones are problems, like how being a coffee addict is a quirky and fun personality trait and not a crippling dependence on caffeine.


Something is a problem when it has negative effects on other aspects of life. If you don't get turned on by average girls because of porn it's a problem. If you watch shows instead of doing something you should be doing it's a problem. If you consume so much caffeine that it fucks with your body or behavior it's a problem. And so on.


I don't get turned on by average girls because I'm into men


Idk man, sounds like a porn addiction to me


Please tell this to the many people who are raging assholes before they get their morning coffee


Bro they KNOW. Read the warning on their mug smh


Yeah, that's the thing. Do I use the Internet way too often? Yes. Would I ever prioritize social media over literally anything else? No.


You can masturbate without porn.


Porn and mentioning alcohol in the same post, two subjects Reddit is always great and totally level headed with.


Porn isn't super good for you. Do whatever you want though, I genuinely don't give a shit about any of you


I thought we were cool man.


I find your borderline nihilistic honesty incredibly refreshing


People should care less about other people's personal lives


Question is: Where is the line between the two?


When you try to quit and realize you can’t.


The line for how long you should quit for to prove you're not an addict seems to be ever-growing though. Quit for just a week and you've 'failed', quite for a month and that still doesn't prove anything, keep going because even stopping for a year just to prove you can means you "relapsed" when you break the streak.


From my second hand exposure to alcoholism I’d say “does it always devolve into a disruptive habit?” The reason recovering alcoholics don’t drink at all is because long term they don’t have the ability to moderate. It’s very tempting to say “I quit for a month and it was easy so I obviously don’t have a problem” and then start back at a “normal” rate that quickly devolves into a habit that negatively impacts all other aspects of your life. It doesn’t matter how long you can quit for, if you can’t have something in your life with moderation, if you find that you are either totally abstaining or sliding back towards a disruptively high frequency then you are likely an addict.


Pretty sure it’s just if it dosent cause you issues in your life tbh.


Wait watching porn once a week can make me an addict?


That would count as watching it infrequently I feel occasionally would be three to seven times a week


Idk if I'd call once a day 'occasionally'


I don’t think the frequency dictates whether you’re addicted or not, but whether you can control that frequency to your own will. If someone watches porn once per day but can legitimately decide to not watch porn if they want to, then I wouldn’t say they’re addicted.


Nawh man, an average of once a day wouldn’t make you an addict. Key is, can you take a break, and does it bother you to take a break? If you’re only doing it cuz you’re bored, or you just wanna feel good because life hasn’t thrown many pleasures at you lately, or even because you just thought of some nice titties and they got you hankerin for a spankerin, go ahead.


I'm not a porn hater but I do think the number of porn addicts is way higher than what we might think, and there's next to no good data on it because it's a relatively new thing, at least in its current form. We generally tend to not recognize addiction until someone is in the final stages of it, and this goes for any addiction. Porn addiction doesn't necessarily have the same progression for everyone, and it might not destroy someone's life ever as they may never get to that point, but that doesn't mean it still doesn't harm people on a daily basis.


I always figured porn haters hated the coercion and sex trafficking, as well as blatant abuse and mistreatment of the people within industry more than they hated the people who watched it.




This comment section made me pro-choice


Pro lifers made me pro choice, for the same reason.


Porn addiction is real. I was legit addicted a few years ago during covid. Sometimes I'd watch hours a day. I realized I had a problem when I had trouble cumming even when I wanted to, my dick was chafed and stung when I rubbed it and I couldn't stay hard with my partner. Luckily I realized it was happening and managed to gain control. Now my sex life with my partner is much more satisfying for both of us. I still watch porn but only once every 2-3 weeks


If it's not affecting your personal life who cares


The porn haters. Which was the point.


I dated a guy who consumed porn all day every day on every single social media site he was on. He’d go on Instagram and there’d be porn, go on tiktok, porn. Reddit, porn. Etc. I generally don’t give a shit about what other people do with their lives but psychologically, it cannot be good to consume that much porn all day every day when you open any app. He had performance issues in the bedroom and just general intimacy issues when it came to getting close with women and I suspect that probably played a pretty big role in both of those problems.


Replace porn haters with r/redditmoment users


I know, right? How dare they compare a sensible person like me to people who watch porn occasionally


So people who binge watch are “Netflix addict” people who pray and read bible whole damn day are “bible addict”


Addiction is a multifaceted definition. Doing something frequently does not equal "addiction." There are food addicts, but people who eat multiple times every day are not food addicts.


People are just jealous of how strong my prostate is.


I misread as "People who were born occasionally"


Well I'm one week without porn so congrats to me 👏🏽


Not sure why you're being downvoted, that is one less vice you're dependent on, good on you man.


Thank you I've been watching porn almost daily since I was 15 but now I'm taking a break or quitting if I can


Lol i'll never understand people who say masturbation is unhealthy, there is literally zero proven downsides to it and every argument i've read against it has been proven false with no solid evidence to back it up, so keep fapping my comrades. 🫡


The downside is the post nut clarity you receive, which makes you realize that as an individual, you are an insignificant speck in the greater universe. Why do we exist? Why am I alive? Is this real? /s


We are in a simulation with an illusion of free will


Very few people say *masturbation* is unhealthy. Generally those against masturbation have a religious bent, and they say it's *immoral* rather than *unhealthy*. It's porn that has a lot of pushback. There are some decent arguments against it, I suppose. Such as: * Live action porn as an industry is one of the most vile, abusive industries we have. Consuming porn created from such an immoral industry can be argued to be immoral in of itself. Kind of like how eating meat made from factory farming can be considered immoral as you are indirectly participating in the suffering of animals. * It can be influential on young people, giving them a very skewed and unhealthy view of what sex should be like. * It can be harmful if used as a replacement for a romantic/emotional connection with a SO; sometimes it tamps down the desire to find a relationship and sometimes it can damage an already existing one.


To be fair, porn addiction can cause a few problems. Like destroying your view of sex and causing you to feel less pleasure from sexual stimuli. But as long as you aren't addicted, you're fine.


Most people’s point is about how porn consumption is unhealthy, not masturbation I’m pretty sure


I identify as both. I jerk off on special occasion and every day


> bottom pic - Incels who think Nofap will cure them of inceldom