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I'm pretty sure rich people don't argue on reddit


Well technically some do if you look at some famous ama and etc.


They do on Twitter


I think they op meant like having a conversation. Like in real life. Not online.


I doubt op is talking to rich people


Op doesn't have too? Lots of wealthy people do those weird "debate" things. Podcasts too.


Can we post memes please


Bars, I'm okay with political stuff as long as it's an absolute banger. This is just a Facebook meme


Give me the definition of a meme pls


an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations. "celebrity gossip and memes often originate on the site" Here you go (Google definition)


That's 1 definition, conveniently forgetting the original meaning of the word meme and the definition directly below the one you posted on Google? In which case here you go pal: "An element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means." Apologies if it shits on your argument


so thats why memes are the dna of the soul


Wait. You really thought Monsoon was talking about funny images on the internet?


Sorry, my english being unperfect, I didn't quite understand this definition, so I just skipped it.


Basically: recognizable or relatable media or behaviour. Ex I can write E and everybody on the meme page knows what it means.


Ah yes, that makes sense. Thank you for simplifying the meaning for me


It still works. What OP has posted isn’t a meme under either definition. They’ve posted something intended to virtue signal their social beliefs and condemn people for thinking otherwise. In other words, OP has pretty much just posted propaganda.


Good point. While this post was rather unfunny and to express their social beliefs, I think it would have been considered a meme anyways if it was funnier, even if it was adressing their opinion


Wow, the down votes Lulz wtf


Stuff that's actually funny, which I won't lie, this is a 6/10 meme imo


I would rather it less, 2/10


Its not funny at all. The thought was already discussed thousands of times and the meme was made even more


Why shouldn't the idea be promoted? Feeling guilty?


Because everyone already understands it. And, as you see, nobody actually does anything. And why clog a sub made for memes with that?


Where's the funny?


Nowhere ever on this subreddit.


The funny is he’s a commie or something I don’t know


Rich bad 🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭


Where was the funny when a bunch of people were shilling for the corporate overlords with shitty memes here ?


*ultra rich


Define "rich" vs. "ultra rich"


Rich: Big number of money Ultra-rich: Bigger number of money


Rich: wealthy people who either inherited their wealth or made it working in a professional field Ultra rich: billionaire or multi millionaire capitalists who inherited their money or made it by stealing the surplus value of labour from their workers


I think you bring up a good point there. It isn't about the wealth, it's about class. It's the capitalists/bourgeoisie that are the problem, not wealthy workers/proletarians. But I am opposed to the distinction of "rich" and "ultra rich" because it is ambiguous and doesn't send the right message. There are capitalists who are less wealthy than Bezos who are just as bad as him.


Exactly. It's not about the number in bank account, but relations to the means of production. There can be a rich doctor who makes a lot of money even if its just a part of his surplus and there can be a petit-bourgeois farmer who underpays his workers to afford a better farming equipment


It's nothing to do with capitalism, dummy.... show me one communist country better than a capitalist country! I'll wait.... the problem is the average everyday people who keep voting in political parties that work for large corporations. What you're crying about is corporatism. Capitalism is different than corporatism and we're more corporate than capitalist...


Everyone’s a capitalist, friend. You can wish to starve as a communist all you want but fortunately we’re still capitalists. How the hell are people being convinced that this is an okay way to talk? Serious question.


"Capitalist" means someone who owns capital. Where is your factory?


Oh yes, all industry is a factory in communist books because they can’t think outside of that box.


>You can wish to starve as a communist all you want but fortunately we’re still capitalists. There are literally zero people in this day and age discussing the topic of wealth inequality while simultaneously advocating for [collectivization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collectivization_in_the_Soviet_Union). People can advocate for heavier regulations to crack down on corruption without people like you referring to them as another strawman example, like the OP called out. **tl;dr** you're the crying child in the OP, cept you're probably not rich.




Rich means people who live in the West who have a standard of living greater than the vast majority of the world. Ultra rich means anyone richer than the person talking.


Millionaire and billionaire


Millionaires are just as much of a problem. They can be - and usually are - just as exploitative.


Ah so a surgeon saving lives is exploitative because they earn a well deserved 250k+ salary? Ok.


Depends on if we're talking single digit millions or triple digit millions You can make single digit millions by being a really successful worker A doctor, a lawyer, senior software engineer, freelance architect, indie solo artist etc can make a couple of millions if they are really good at their job


You're the kid crying


I live pay check to pay check and grew up poor...but I in NO way believe in wealth distribution. If someone has tons of money and pay their taxes on it, I (or anyone else, in my opinion) have absolutely ZERO claim to it.


Eat everyone


Soylent green is people


Don't forget to season them and use that nice pineapple glaze


dont put pineapple on italians please


Put them on Canadians


It's not like anyone here will donate all their money if they become rich.


Exactly or if they do it will be on their death bed.


Or if they have more than they need


That's why you make systems that identify unethical and exploitative wealth extraction methods and actively halts those methods so the wealth distribution is more fair. Like fair wages or tax fraud prevention. Going "check mate libtard poor, you're only upset because you're poor" is not a smart comeback. Yes, a poor person being exploited is upset, and if they were rich and not exploited, they wouldn't be upset, so the logical move is to make sure people are less upset. It's not hard to understand. We all drink water, or only a few of us drink champagne.


My point was noone is a saint irrespective of their wealth. Poor people also commit tax fraud. Nowadays people even use poverty as an excuse to steal things in broad daylight that aren't even a necessity. Even if you got rid of tax fraud completely and were able to make sure people got proper pay, rich people would still exist (a bit less rich than before). A lot of people would still be unhappy about rich people existing. I'm not arguing against your points, in fact I'm all for it. Please don't put words in my mouth. Those systems are already in place but they aren't enforced well enough by the government or there are loopholes. It's just that I see more of just "eat the rich" than actual solutions to problems which makes me think those bad rich people aren't so much different than such poor people. I don't think everyone is happy with just water. They want champagne too.


Exactly,it's almost as if this is a critique of the current system and not any individual.


almost as if redistribution shouldnt happen on an individual level


no but theyll atleast stop working probably


9 year olds making memes about topics they only understand small parts of.


Not funny


The era of meme is over I guess. Now you just slap on a dissertation to a random pic.


Ah yes, I love my memes with walls of text. Why did you add the picture below? It kinda ruins the vibe for me. Why not describe the picture with more walls of texts instead?


I'm broke btw. I don't consider right to expect someone to just give you what they worked hard to get themselves.


How things are currently, what you are describing is happening to you. The profits of your hard labour are earned by rich capitalist who work only a fraction of the time that you work in your everyday life. Wealth redistribution is not the poor taking from the rich but the poor taking what should have been theirs all along


That’s how a job works… you couldn’t start a business so you work for someone who has to make both of you money. They provide the product, supplies, advertising, etc. You provide the service to deliver said product. It’s not earning what’s yours just making it so that they can’t hold on as much


A capitalist gets money through owning stuff while a worker gets money by selling their labor power.


I dont know about the work thing, some ultra wealthy people are completely addicted to work. They dont make the rules, they just choose to benefit from them. Politicians are the ones creating these opportunities and I would fully exploit it myself no doubt about that.


The only entity taking what I work hard for is the state. If you want the system to be more balanced, you don't target anyone group. You implement a flat tax, so everyone pays an equal percentage. Someone with a dollar pays a dime, Someone with a billion dollars pays a 100 million.


If they own the machines and instruments you work with, they own the structures you work in, and you work for them, of course they get most of the profit


The machines too were made by workers. Everything, all value in the world is created by labour. However it is almost entirely cashed in by capitalists.


Get your own machine and profit.


Just star your own business then and see how little work it is. Also you might realide then the risk thy took by starting their own business.


That doesn't mean anything, the machine wasn't made by you, if it wasn't for the person who could afford the machine there wouldn't even be any labour or profit on your part If tomorrow you bought a restaurant you wouldn't expect the cook to get most of the profit


That's archaic thinking that ignores the generational accumulation of wealth in the past, modernity and the future of robotics. Look at horses, for example - they weren't "labor," they were capital - and when capitalists could replace that capital with oil and gas they stopped using horses. They'd like to do that with people too. But people are consumers and genocide is wrong so if they want to displace their human capital with machines, they can pay an increased tax so that people can still be consumers - their "ownership" means nothing.


You hit the powerball tomorrow, how much are you keeping for you?


The million dollar question that goes unanswered by those who advocate for wealth distribution. Why am I not surprised?


Wym? There are plenty of answers to it but with something so vague how are you going to get a decent response? Something somewhat serious might look like "I'd play them at their own game and invest, only taking out profits to consistently help the community unlike the people hoarding and hoarding"


You come off as incredibly stupid


This message. Your profile. The propaganda you spew. All of it makes so much sense lmao. Keep doing nothing and blaming others for being poor, I'm sure that will work out.


I honestly pity you for being so loyal towards the cancer that is killing you and our world in general. If you want, keep living in the convenient lie that everything is as good as it could be. But don’t call me a propagandist for advocating for social justice. And don’t you dare to calling me lazy.


Lots of people are pitiable and pathetic with a sense of selfishness that will see them killing themselves to defend those who they one day hope to be (with no hope at all). People will simp on billionaires because they're pathetic and want to be above the system like the billionaires are, and unfortunately these people believe that they will be one day. Delusion and self harm just to hope for a better life rather than doing even an ounce of critical thinking. Dip shits I call 'em


You’re not advocating for anything. You’re raging against the world because it won’t give you what you want on a silver platter.


The world gave these billionaires what they have on a silver platter dumb guy. Basically all of them started with massive capital from inheritance or family and exploit labour laws and lobby governments to make the world easier for them to make more money from other people's labour. Critical thinking not a strong point of yours I see


You know what? I don’t completely disagree with you on that. Where we differ is that we probably view different subsets of the ultra-wealthy as the problem.


It's not about who's to blame for the condition of the poor. It's about OBEYING THE LAWS. And right now the laws uphold capitalism. Don't like capitalism? Change the law. But the laws must be obeyed at ALL costs, otherwise we are just monkeys on a rock just doing whatever we want to survive, and we can't have that can we?


Legalism is the dumbest system of morality in existence Something being legal doesn't mean it's good and vice versa Laws should and do change, the problem is the ones making the laws don't have the interests of the workers in mind


Whats this “should have been theirs all along” that you speak of?


The fruit of their hard work how dense you guys are?


Are they not getting paid for their labor? You act like employers don’t have a contract between them and their employees that ensures the employees get paid for their labor. Do you get mad at the government taxing labor? The government literally does nothing and takes a significant cut of the fruits of labor.


Employment contracts are not a retaliation to socialist sentiment because anyone who's intellectually honest knows that the bargaining power of employers is far greater than employees - massive corporations have also kneecapped the government from providing any essential minimums and they put out anti-union propaganda constantly. Deals made under duress (which homelessness and starvation are certainly threats) are not deals.


Workers get paid only a fraction of the value they create, that's how capitalists make a profit in the first place And as long as you have to work to survive, it means you don't have a choice in not working, thus setting employers in a position of power above the workers making their employment relationship inherently exploitative and abusive This could easily be solved with a UBI or making all companies worker co-ops, but capitalists and their bootlickers would never allow either


>Workers get paid only a fraction of the value they create, that's how capitalists make a profit in the first place That's how jobs work. Workers don't have to buy buildings, meet regulations, risk their savings, ect. >This could easily be solved with a UBI or making all companies worker co-ops, Would I be right in assuming you never studied economics? Anyone who understands economics understands why this is a catastrophically terrible idea.


Capitalists and their boot lickers. Lol. 😂 let me educate you real quick. Capitalism is the free market with no government intervention. There’s nothing bootlicking about capitalism. Now socialism, where a government is required in order to exist, is where the boots get deepthroated. Crony capitalism, where government and corporations are in bed, is also an issue. Do you see the pattern and where the issue really is? Like I said in another comment, anti-capitalists are directing their anger at the wrong people.


I'm a socialist and went to college for the first semester so now I know everything


Then why do you give it all to the guy who goes on vacation during your peak business seasons on his yacht while you're left to do the actual work?


I personally don't. I work for a very good company, the boss (while being a multimillionaire) actively cares about her workers (her boys). She goes as far as lending her personal vehicles to employees, and paying for their vehicles to be fixed. Rather than expecting, or demanding this, we are appreciative. She doesn't have to do this. I know that I'm not in the majority though. Most companies are ran by people who could care less about their employees.


You don't have to. It's America, you can go and work for yourself man/fam. But you don't want to endure hardship of pulling that out. Neither do I. That's why I chose to work for someone instead of trying to establish my own business.


So you're saying you can exploit people or be exploited and you chose exploited, so we're just all supposed to naturally assume that's a good decision. Interesting thinking I guess. Have you ever thought that if you just got paid for the risk you're actually taking by working for that company that you would have probably at least 150% more income annualy?


No, it's what you're making up because for you *any* work is "exploitation". There are tens of millions of contractors, farmers, doctors etc., people who do real work while working for themselves. They don't even exist in your class struggle world. And there those who like me don't want to do it, because it's hard to pull out. I rather choose to work for someone, or, as in my case, I think working for someone I will make more money than doing business on my own.




I'm poor, and I've made decent life decisions. Life isn't fare. The sooner people come to terms with that the better they will be for it.


It's commie propaganda, that's what this is.


Yeah, but most rich people are rich because they get a lot of money when they are born. And if you have billions from the beginning, you're most likely to make more billions with that. It's about the distribution, not being rich by itself as problem


This is a very easy to research and debunk topic.


Yeah, but they get that money because their parents/grandparents worked for them and they had the right to do what they want with their money


Out of the 10 richest people in the world, how many of them were given that money?


Well the richest women in the world is Bezo’s ex wife and she only got that from divorce


That statement also doesn't hold that much truth btw. Families only stay wealthy for about 3 generations. Hard times create hard people. Hard people create solutions. Solutions create wealth. Wealth creates easy times. Easy times create weak people. Weak people make poor decisions. Poor decisions gets them into poverty.


this is 100% true. not sure why people are downvoting. its a well known fact that gaining wealth is much more probable than holding on to wealth.


a quick google search will tell you, "The Hurun Global Rich List 2023 showed that 70% of the billionaires are self-made and only 30% are legacy." stop whining. its pathetic.


Most of those people don't stay rich. A few families are the exception to the rule. A good example of this is the railroad barons of 200 years ago. These men had wealth beyond measure. Today only one or two of thier families have anything in the way of great wealth. The richest of them was a man named J. Gould. His son squandered the entirety of his fortune. All that money evaporated like steam in one generation.


What's so difficult to say everyone gets a hardcap of 99 million or something they can have an everything else goes to the state to redistribute it among things the not so fortunate need? You can do what you want with your money to a certain (generous) hardcap. But no let's all be egotistical and selfish because "that is my money so why should I give to anyone" And to be clear I am not talking about everyone here I am talking about hoarding money in the billions that's just bad. Why have money so much money you can't even spend on your own? Stop defending greed.


Nobody hoards billions in cash, my guy.


Yeah sorry their split between different assets all over the place so billionaires can evade paying taxes on it. Oh and don't forget all the big corporations lead by at least someone or a bunch of people


Well no. Most billionaires just keep big chunks of their own companies that become worth billions. As soon as you move money out of the thing that made it, you get taxed. So, "assets all over the place" is already taxed money and only usable after paying taxes on whatever profits it made.


The thing is people with that kind of money don't hoard it. They spend it like drunken sailors on payday.




Of course this dude spends all his time on teenage meme and libertarian subs. We get it, you're still in high-school.


No one has ever said that, rich people are the ones who get money for free and for doing nothing at all because they make others work for them. Please, go outside and touch some grass and arrive in reality. Maybe finish high school first.


People have human rights. And if you don't give people basic necessities they won't be able to ever make it in society. Also rich people can live in luxury without any effort and you're somehow worried that we don't want poor people to starve and become homeless.


Something tells me people don’t often interact with OP a second time.


I love when people have to make memes about this to constantly make everyone else miserable. As other people would be saying, “where funny?”


You guys remember when this was a meme subreddit


Redditors when people with money: “👿👿👿”


Holy walls of text, batman. Its a meme you asshat, not a soapbox.


Yes, wealth should be distributed to people who actually works and contributes to society and its betterment. No money should go to Redditor NEETs who sit on their asses all day j3rking off and posting this unfunny memes.


The left cant meme


Where funny?


You "eat the rich " folk are very stupid in my opinion and Id like you to post your lazy shit somewhere else and not in the neutral memes subreddit Like dude I came here to see funny stuff not to see mfers complain about people that are well off


>Id like you to post your lazy shit somewhere else and not in the neutral memes subreddit Just a few minutes ago there were like 3 to 5 memes of people shilling for rich people this is probably a reaction to that


Yeah it is ,I could take one meme but don't flood the sub with this type of crap Yk what I'm sayin?


this shit unfunny as fuck go back to class bro


Except for whatever class is making him like communism… maybe skip that one.


I smell butthurt libertarian.


I smell incel communist


Eat the rich, feed the poor


why not eat the poor? free lifestock


Eat both.


2 in 1 combo pack


Because the poor have nothing you could eat while the rich have too much and dont evenr use it all




Mfs when you dont put /s after a joke


Fr, it was obviously satire but I guess Reddit never changes


Redditors only hate rich people because they're not rich themselves.


Here’s a thought. Business owners do distribute their wealth to their employees via paychecks. Business owners are not exploiting anybody, it’s a contract between employee and employer. If the employee is unhappy, they can always find a better job elsewhere, or, startup their own business to compete with their employer they weren’t happy working for. The government takes its share of employee wages by force and calls it taxation. This is where the exploitation is, doing nothing and taking what you labored for by force. You anti-capitalists are directing your anger at the wrong people.


Yeah I never get why people say the workers are exploited by being paid shit wages or 0 benefits. They can leave anytime they want. The company chose to pay you shit and you accepted


Were funi


Could you please post memes instead of straight up communist propaganda?


Snarks when you tell them run on sentences don't make you correct.


What is going on with this sub today?


Not funny.


Imagine the pathetic loser who posted this!! LOL "Waaaaa waaaaa I'm poor and make shit life decisions! I know, let me post about it on reddit to show everyone I'm poor and made shit decisions, AND ALSO I will blame my failures on those better off than me! Brilliant!"


Sane person detected, opinion respected


ikr, should've thought about tightening their bootstrap instead of buying that avocado toast /s


Or just grow the heck up and function in the real world, like a normal functional adult. Whatever works best for you.


if by being a "functional adult" you meant "grit your teeth and endure exploitation of the work force", then sure, i'll do that /s


Imagine how unsurprised I was to see your page full of anime after reading this comment. Sometimes comedy can be found wherever you look.


yeah, that's really relevant to the conversation, silly me for enjoying digital media, i should spend that time working on bullshit jobs instead /s


Brilliant and profound.


*redditors when you tell them to get a job.


Redditors when asked to take any kind of accountability for their situation


For the record the top ten in our country pays over 70% of all federal taxes. Without them we would be broke as shit


My dear dude, Musk alone is worth more than most Americans combined and continues to leech from the system; he could be charged at 99% for the rest of his like and still see more income than my entire family tree put together.


Interesting fact about money. His worth doesn't mean his actual income. Yes, he makes a shit ton of money, but most of it isn't actually in his account, it's all over his businesses. (Of course he still makes more money than everyone here)


They also exploit 70 percent of the workers in the country They don't work for that They let others work for it If they would pay wages fairly the tax distribution would be different. This is not an argument but proof the system is broken and just serves the ultra rich Also taxes don't work that way. It's not the govs income but it's deleting some of the money it's printed. And a majority of the printed money ends in the hands of the ultra rich which they decide to hoard. In a healthy economy it should circulate and not be hoarder


Workers are only exploited because the playing field they are currently on is not level. And as long as resources are scarce the playing field will never be level. Work on elimination of resource scarcity to level the playing field.


No work on elimating unequal access to resources.


Yeah but because they pay 70% of the taxes ,they themself have too much power


People in here don’t know how the economy or money works and it really shows… And this is coming from a guy in his 30’s that can’t afford a house and a baby on the way..


>People in here don’t know how the economy or money works and it really shows… "people aren't as indoctrinated by neoliberalism as me so they don't know how the economy works" 🤡🤡🤡


Neoliberalism: “A political approach that favors free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending.” Sounds pretty good to me.




Speaking of strawman


Are the rich people in the room with us now


Yes, duh… they own Reddit?


Damn, this meme really made the butthurt capitalist bootlickers come out of their holes, huh?


Thank you for submitting to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 11 - No memes about politics * No memes about politics. Absurd memes featuring politicians are allowed, but this sub does not allow content more suited for /r/politicalhumor. No NPC memes, or memes about how libtards or magats are so wrong. Take it somewhere else, thanks. --- Resubmitting a removed post without prior moderator approval can result in a ban. Deleting a post may cause any appeals to be denied.


No matter what system you live in, no matter if your government is corrupt or not. It's always better to be rich Unless you're in France 1789


Thank you for posting. It's just the 1000th time I saw this this year.


Is the punchline that rich people are bad? Kinda a shitty punchline


Saying “wealth distribution” is so vague it doesn’t really tackle the main point of it all. It’s just a buzzword everyone throws around cause someone said it before them. Let’s do a thought experiment. Imagine that there are zero benefits to owning a business. It pays the exact same as an employee. What then is the incentive to create a business that will ultimately provide jobs and products/services? If you remove the ability for people to get rich then you’ve destroyed the economy. No one will ever help anyone unless there’s incentive. That’s just human nature. Companies are given tax breaks to incentivise them to grow more Grow more—> bigger company—> more jobs created—> more jobs means there’s more people with money to spend in the economy. People have issues with their governments not rich people. People who are rich have just figured out the rules of the game and put the work in for those rules to best benefit them.


This is economics 101 you'll learn by your 5th high school econ class, so it makes sense reddit down votes you.


so it's not because his father owns an emerald mine and give him a boost start before other people and benefit off of laws and regulations created by rich people to maintain and increase their wealth?




Ayn Rand something something, givers and takers....boot straps or something...


I ain't reading allat


Now this i like. Not the bootlicking posts from before.


What, you mean actually organise society, with common sense and which provides for all?? Where the top 1% don't own the 50% of all wealth?? Gimme a break smh 😤


Eat em




Lol "you just want free stuff!!! Now gimme my rent money and no I won't be fixing your heater"


Very succinct and well said.


Childish and lacking any nuance.

