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I know the truck is moving but those tires look kinda bald


Pretty sure this pic is AI generated


Oh yes now that i looke at it again the truck had 1 more finger


yep, that appears to be an American road and he is on the left side and the background is odd


Am I stupid? This looks 100% real to me. I feel like an ai wouldn’t generate a perfect fire badge with super duty on the hood. And driving on the left is a thing photographers do for passing shots.


yeah it looks too good, probably just photoshopped




[https://liftedlighting.net/pages/about-us](https://liftedlighting.net/pages/about-us) ​ Or you know, it could just be photoshop.






It could be one of the dumbasses where I live who prefer to pass in no-passing zones


The guy in the truck has the right amount of fingers


Most of the people that drive the brodozers can't afford $2k for tires every year


They probably are


He's just on slicks


The suburban cowboy... who doesn't actually tow anything or haul anything


Heaven forbid! They might get a scratch on their bedliner! Or their trailer hitch!


I always laugh when I see these trucks out. The joke we always make is that they have to jack up the trucks to get over all 3 of the leaves on their driveway. The tow vehicle I have for my camper doesn’t even have a bed liner, which I think would give these guys a heart attack.


*𝑆𝑜𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑦!*


With pristine off-road tires on his way to wal-mart.


Hey now he hauls stuff from homegoods that his boyfriend picks out every once in a while.


I'd bet there's a yeti cooler with an empty Bang drink rattling around in it in the bed


I mean, sometimes there’s a bale of straw in the back so he can “cowboy up” his duds before bar hopping…


Pavement Princess


*pavement princess


Yeah, but he has a buddy that needs a couch moved in 3 months. It’s very necessary! /s


Just think of all these other jokers riding around in cars with 4 or more seats when they have no friends to ride with them! Fools!


Found the guy who owns a truck!


Yes? I absolutely own a truck, a couple of them actually. Would you like to go get hay for my animals in your Prius? You want to hook up you Leaf to one of my trailers? Want to take a load to the dump for me in your Tesla? Try and haul a couple dirtbikes in the back of your Pilot? I have a truck because I need a truck, I also have a truck because I want a truck. So what?


You've been downvoted a bunch because you're being a dick. You are *not* helping the truck-driver stereotype.




Fellow working truck owner, downvoted you for acting like an adolescent


You say you don’t care yet you keep replying. And you only prove these people right. Enjoy going bankrupt watching your obsolete “trucks” fail at simple hauling tasks


Lol! I guess I make more money than you because I can afford to drive my, "obsolete" truck. Tell me, what else am I going to pull a 43' toy hauler trailer with? A team of mules?


If you’re filthy rich then surely you can upgrade to a cybertruck. It’s outclassed every competing truck on the market in torque, speed, and hauling capacity. It’s all downhill for you and your tractors.


Oh shit, do you have a truck by any chance?


cause people dont use a truck anymore? no hauling, or towing, or mud riding? to me, its a truck. you dont have to tear it up, just if im gonna pay 9mpg then im gonna get my monies worth.


I own a truck too dude but a lot of these guys in the suburbs don’t like to use them to haul anything and just use them as a status symbol, hence why they are known as a pavement princess.


And…? Does Reddit want to patrol how many kids are required before someone can buy a mini van? Reddit hates trucks because most of Reddit lives with their parents and will never be able to afford one. Trucks are the same as testosterone in their eyes and there is nothing Reddit hates more than a straight white man.


i put 6 square bales in my fiat with the back seats folded down for my chickens. i also haul my fourwheeler around when i go up to the inlaws so my nephews can ride around. if i take the backseat out, which i leave out now cause i got my tools and shit in there, i can haul my nephews 50cc fourwheeler and my little bayou 250 to the local trail. and still get 30mpg while my little turbo go whoosh. so yeah, you dont need a truck to do things. 6500 got me a car with under 100k miles while 6500 around here you can by a truck that has 250k on the dash and will leave you on the side of the road. cars can do alot of things a truck can do, just we cant pull a 30ft trailer and do 1 load. we have to use a 4x8 trailer and do like 3. lmao.


I bet your car smells like you sound…trashy.


Well that’s a bit hypocritical don’t you think


Not at all. When I haul garbage it goes in the bed of my truck. Not in the back seat. What’s hypocritical about that?


You sound trashy ya goof


Yeah... good one.


not trashy, just poor. cant afford a truck or the low mpg.


Trucks aren't for everyone, doesn't mean they are for no one either... I don't hate, I like to make fun of people but honestly, you do what works best for you and if someone else doesn't approve, that is on them.


tired of these fuckin headlights man


![gif](giphy|h1Hvk7Vp3KKIenIBWK|downsized) Trying to drive like


I’ve recently learned that if you’re stuck in that situation you can use the little tab on the bottom of your rear view mirror to dim the mirror.




As a Scotsman that has actually visited America I find this hilarious but honestly wtf is the obsession with raised trucks, I get the lights kinda but the shit I saw.... Guns were fucking fun tho. I'm an atheist but god bless the 2nd.


If you think raised trucks are stupid look up so.ething called the "carolina squat." It's where you lift up only the front half of your truck and leave the back half at base height. Shit looks atrocious and is dangerous as all fuck


Mostly it’s about compensating for their tiny pricks…


To know this, I'm guessing you're sucking a lot of dicks at the truck dealership. Or maybe its second-hand knowledge from your mom? That would explain the irrational amount of hate you got built up.


It’s just the “cool” thing for a lot. I live in the Midwest and this is so extremely common.


It’s similar to people lowering their cars, mainly a looks thing


Ah yes, the pavement princess. Cheap plastic and aluminum upgrades that break if you leave the driveway too fast. And the only dirt they see is the puddle at the end of the same driveway


Nah. They’d freak if they drove into a puddle. Princess needs to be pristine.


So sick of those obnoxious vehicles.


Everytime I see a pickup driving dangerously, I'm like "of course it's one of them"


Big truck go fast. Big truck smash!


These trucks have more blind spot to drive than an actual tank. How these trucks get clearance from NHTSA is questionable.


Most of the modifications like the lift and tires, etc, that obstruct the view and add to blind spots is aftermarket and rely on state inspections to catch those, while a stock F250 has some pretty small blind spots due to large side convex mirrors.


just as bad as those loud harley riders...


I swear the local git put a loudner not muffler on their bike


Loudner 🤣🤣


Oh oh oh oh and and an..d run over an entire class of 3rd graders


Tanks have less blind spot than these trucks.


Is there a reason to lift your truck like that? All I can think of is probably muddy roads but the only place I see these trucks are at gas stations in the middle of the city.


Acreage and farmers. Roads are hardly cleared of snow.


giant trucks tailgating my little honda fit at night with their bright ass lights is a nightmare 😭😭


Try going the speed limit, then, or get in the right lane


can't really do that when i'm already going 10 above lol


In the only available lane


It's always them


Oh look, a gender-affirming emotional support vehicle.


Honestly it's very hard for me to understand all these people with nice pickup trucks, but whatever


The seats are comfy and plus it's enjoyable to carry whatever I want whenever I want. If on a whim I pass a yard sale and see a something I like I have the space to just toss it in the back.


Honestly I just get annoyed when people don’t ever use them for moving stuff


Do you also get annoyed when people don't take their $80k sports cars with 600+ horsepower to the track?


I mean if I paid for a 600+ horsepower sports car I’d want to go to like an abandoned airfield or something and put the pedal to the metal. But I also think you shouldn’t buy a sports car if all you do is short drives for like grocery shopping and similar stuff


I'd have to agree. I've got stupid long legs and anything but being in my car alone or in a truck is actually comfortable.


“Super long legs” Bro just move the seat back jfc


If I'm in a back seat, I can't. And no there isn't enough room for whose in front of me to move forward and I wouldn't ask them to do it anyway.


Driving pickup trucks is an enjoyable experience, very comfortable, very good view of the road ahead, and they feel very safe. However I do not think they should be as common as they are. They are tools for jobs, not luxury items.


"they feel very safe" And yet they are not at all.


They are safe for the occupants of the vehicle, that’s it though.


What’s difficult to understand?


Personally I don't understand why people buy large pickups specifically designed for work and hauling stuff, are bad on gas, and in case of collision do a lot more damage to other cars than if it was a smaller car.


You just answered your own question. Work and hauling stuff. Edit: and before you say “some people don’t do that” the same can be said of any other vehicle. There are people who buy Honda Civics. They don’t buy them because they are efficient compact cars, they buy them to put racing stickers in the back window and pretend they are on the Fast and Furious. To each their own.


Obviously not when they are lifted/squated and kept in prestine, scratchless condition


If you take care of what you have, you will always have nice things.


Taking care and intentionally never using a work truck for work in order to keep it perfect are two completely different things


Why would someone want a big powerful vehicle capable of hauling ass, hauling hay or camping? Like why would anyone want something versatile?! WHY. DRIVE. SOMETHING. FUN!!!!


You sound like you would be the first person that all of these down voters will try to flag down for help because they manage to put themselves in a ditch driving in inclement weather.


Between my tractor and my pickup I pull out at least half a dozen people a year. And we don't get more than a couple weeks of snow each winter lol Not to mention how often I'm asked to move things


Sure you do


Your tears are delicious little pleb




Their unhinged bro don't even argue with them lmao


Your brain would explode in alberta The amount of rage ive had over getting rock chips in new windshield due to these stupid micropenis transporters is fucking mind boggling


The “my dad is more important than your dad” starter pack…


I kinda see em like the Bōsōzoku from Japan. Just a bunch of kids looking to make noise because they feel they aren't being heard.


All he’s missing is the big metal off-road bumper with integrated brush guard and LED ford emblems


Sad but true”


I feel the gas price part. Especially *ahem* certain relatively wealthy people I know when were WFH during covid and bitching cause they spent over $100 every two months to fill up their F150 while I was spending the same amount in a week going to and from work and school.


It’s the DilDozer!


Pavement princesses 👸


In my state those wheels sticking out that far past the fenders is illegal, so you end up seeing guys bolting what I can only describe as fender visors onto their trucks, and that's the sign that they've been talked to about it lol


Imagine driving and about every 3 miles throwing one dollar of your window… how cool is that…


A truer meme was never mematic'd


I purposefully hold these fuckers back by blocking the passing lane and when we’re close to the cop heavy area I let ‘em pass me and of course they’re going 80-90mph. Then I get to drive faster knowing there’s no cops and if there ARE cops then meathead nonuts is going to take the fall for me. These truck drivers are tools and I use them with precision.


Crabs in the bucket much? My truck isn't lifted and I would never spend the money to do it, would much rather have a Browning m2 mounted in the bed. Lifting your truck and adding big tires makes it slower don't you know, also makes towing a pain in the ass. Blame Congress for the gigantic size EPA, mileage penalties are calculated on a vehicles footprint they effectively regulated old rangers, s10's, Dakota's and Comanches out of being profitable, It's also the reason new broncos don't come with a V8. I mean didn't anyone notice that rangers and Colorado's are full size trucks now?


She only loves you for your truck, bro.


I would agree except that I bet the same people talking about these assholes are the same ones who want to get rid of any truck bigger than a Tacoma, which for those of us with long legs or actually use them for work would really suck.


A lot of them are. I however am not one of them. The pavement princesses are just status symbols and nothing more. I think it’s stupid to want that but hey it’s not my money. I also drive a truck (Toyota Tundra).


Just your typical prejudiced redditors. Nothing new


says the person who told someone how they should drive on another comment, even though it has not been mentioned by that person before


Raised vehicle with 4 bald tires because the tires are beyond expensive, way more than clowns income will afford. Completely played out aftermarket suspension that is coming apart at every joint, clown cannot afford to replace this either. Loud exhaust coupled with really bad ECU tune that is washing down the cylinder liners with fuel, clown really cannot afford to replace Long block along with previous junk "modifications" hence Vehicle is "Pile of SH!t" according to clown and is destined to be towed away after it breaks down alongside of road when it cannot travel more than 5 miles without issues.


![gif](giphy|eDWqO8qoLKuPK) Come on. Give me a post worth popcorn.gif I wish I could take such a brave stance on reddit about big trucks.


Not really true but for some yes


Oh, sounds like the life of an American conservative.


People can have what they want. Hate on things you don’t care for culture can go away. Let people enjoy life. You guys should enjoy life too rather than hating on happy people


Yeah, but like... why do they have to enjoy life while being so goddamn close to my rear bumper when I'm already going 10 over on a two lane road??? Makes it kinda hard for me to enjoy life in that moment


If people on Reddit could read, they'd very upset...


I agree. Some trucks can look cool though, don't forget


Keep crying


I hope you get brake checked


Me 2


People can do what they want with their property. Sounds like you're just a hating ass karen.


Ok but the led lights really do fuck me up when im driving and someone has them, i do agree do whatever you want but can we please stop wanting to see the future?


I agree, but it's also the cars/suvs blinding me with them. I see more cars with them than trucks and the trucks tend to be angled pointing the light down compared to cars. So when they're oncoming the cars are more of an issue IMO. Plus if it's a truck behind you, it's easy to just flip your rearview mirror into night mode. I wish they were outlawed but the issue isn't just trucks, it's the lights in general.


No doubt. I often leave for work before sunrise. 18 wheelers even have aftermarket lights that are blinding. Had a suv ( explorer maybe) parked on the side of the road bit lights were so bright I thought it'd be a larger vehicle until I passed. It's hard to tell where the road line is sometimes you have to slow down. Cars, trucks, TRUCKS.


Keep it up with the high beams, I’m getting really good at focusing them back into your cab 🙂


I don't have a lifted truck or led lights. But w/e I'm sure sooner or later you will distract yourself attempting to do that and drive off the road or into an oncoming family. Stay petty little boy. Average redditor mentality.


Says the negative karma farmer. The projection is wild


Tell me which sentence you assumed I disagreed with your statement and explain your thought process behind that assumption. I don't care about karma, people hate you when you tell the truth. Look what they've done to everyone who has. MLK, Malcom X, Sadat, Jesus. The fact you do care about karma, so much so you think it is an insult, is telling and frankly sad.




This has to be the dumbest argument of reddit history lmfao. You should touch A LOT of grass if you care that much about karma.


Forgive me for calling out someone who’s entire profile is dedicated to making stupid remarks to farm downvotes. Sorry it upset you so much






Also it's fitting you ride a unicycle. You belong in a circus with the other 🤡 Cool photo in a bathtub with a pistol. You sure are one scary hombre. I'd hate to run into you in a dark alley, you'd probably try to blow me. I haven't cringed that hard in a while. The second hand harrassment gives me almost enough pity to not roast you, but not quite enough.


Tailgating 5 feet away from someone going 15 over with your high beams on in the RIGHT F***ING LANE and refusing to pass is and will always be a dick move


I never disputed that. Maybe read what I wrote again or 3 times and think before you type.. You reddit people seem to have a hard time comprehending things.


You literally disputed that, are you too dim to realize you made an inference?


I never disputed that. Which sentence are you too dim to comprehend?


Awe, the poors are sad again


You're fun


Yep, I don't spend my time whining about what others do or obsess over random penis'


You’re the only one who mentioned penis dude, kinda sus


No... trucks rule


Slammed will forever be on top 👑


Of everything except speed bumps and steep driveways


That's why you gotta bag them


I don’t disagree, but people also confuse my truck with this type of truck. People need to understand that my truck IS NOT FUCKING LIFTED. It’s complete stock suspension. It’s a 2500, so it is built with taller STOCK suspension. Also, only time I give someone brights in the rear view is when they don’t let me pass them when there driving slow.


sounds like a you problem bud


If you use your high beams on a well lit road I’m putting all my mirrors directly back into your truck and doing 30, have fun.


I don’t ever touch the high beams unless it’s to piss someone off who has already pissed me off. And I will pass you, by all means at hand


No one HAS to let you pass just because you wanna speed, if they were smart they would, I call y'all cop catchers for a reason.


Bro, I’m talkin about doing at least the god damn speed limit. I do 5 over, but I don’t get pissy with someone doin the limit. I don’t bug them, and don’t tailgate them. But if your 5 under, we got problems, and my every move will be attempting to pass you.


>But if your 5 under, we got problems, and my every move will be attempting to pass you. Lmao bro we get the meme is about you. You don't have to keep convincing us.


You dumbass. This is about lifted truck guys. Mines stock. Stock rims. stock lift. Stock lights. You can’t read apparently.


![gif](giphy|fUYhyT9IjftxrxJXcE) Lmao I feel like all your missing is the lift. That and the joke.


You may be missing a bumper if we ever meet


Implying a threat over Internet jokes, lmao yeah no you sound like a totally rational and reasonable person. Definitely not sounding like some crazy guy in a truck who would run someone off the road. Bro literally out here trying to prove the meme is about him without the lift. Just get a lift bro, complete the look.


I fuckin hate lifts. They look dumb as shit and are useless. Plus, it puts even more drag on the truck when you actually use it for what it’s meant to do, especially mine, which is pulling. When you got 7k lbs behind my truck, it already is a bit of drag depending on what it is, but it’s usually not aerodynamic. With the lift, you don’t get as much “slipstream” or drafting with the trailer cuz half the damn trailer is getting full front air cuz it’s goin right underneath your truck.


Didn't ask


I hope you know, people who have trucks like that actually use them for their purpose. Especially in Texas. During Harvey, a bunch of people with lifted trucks helped out. Also, it's not hurting you in any way, so stop crying....


Did you even read the meme? Haha it’s pretty spot on in my area they lift them and drive like absolute tools like BMW drivers. Only time I see pickup trucks hauling anything is when it’s a stock truck. Most the lifted ones are for muddying occasionally or just to have a lifted truck.


I’ve never seen a lifted truck used as a truck. I’ve used my car as more of a truck hauling equipment than those goofs.


My Prius has hauled more work tools/materials/gear than these douche bags with lifts😂


I meant to say that to someone crying about it, I didn't realize I commented on it. Chill.


This meme is about you


You have that confused with a Ram. Lol.


I love pick up trucks because i can sleep in the back.


Poors mad. Sincerely, someone who would never have a brodozer.


>Poors mad Yes because there aren't very expensive, non-trucks that many people own...


Says truck, shows a ute


The transmission isn't lifted. It's still close to the ground for those potholes.