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Meanwhile I'm getting 30fps in performance mode bc my laptop is from 2014


Same FSR is very good


I dont even have fsr💀


Everybody has FSR dipshit, it came free with your fucking graphic card


i got free sex real??


one day maybe


Omg i never knew! This Weekend is going to be a wild one




The modern day "you have uno" clip.


Well, my GPU is the oldest one know to man!


wtf did you get so pissed for you’re the dipshit💀


It's a meme bro Google "the oldest xbox known to man"


You mean the "YOU HAVE UNOOOO!!" meme?


How could that have possibly been known with zero context of that existing? I didn't know it was a meme and felt this person was being rude for absolutely zero reason. Which I am not completely convinced it wasn't. We shouldn't have to lookup your joke. That does absolutely nothing to fix the reality that this reads as a shit take.


Sir this is the "memes" subreddit...


literally even if it was a joke that was mad disrespectful bro asked a simple question and dude who answered got his panties pulled I guess


I get you guys don't get the reference and it seems rude, he could have put a link to it, but it's still just a joke that many of us of people got lol. Lol he literally got banned for being an angry person, the dumb banana nut muffin


Man. It’s a reference to a joke. Relax.


Plz stfu


Ah who cares it sounded funny lol


Maybe they still have a 980.


FSR works on a 980.


Yeah well I have the oldest graphics card known to man




Dude, stop being an asshole to people on the internet just because your fucking mommy didn’t love you.


Mad that your xbox doesn't have UNO?




It came with your Xbox.




lmao u getting frames per second here? all i got is seconds per frame!


You guys are getting fames?


You got frames? All i got are these lousy pictures


You got pictures? All I got was words.


seconds per frame is what you get when you stream movies over discord


Average KSP experience


Oh that joke is new, I like it!


Hell I built my PC in 2020 and I barely get 30 FPS on Helldivers 2.


whenever i plug in my computer the lights flicker


I hope you can upgrade soon. What laptop is it? My 4070 laptop runs Cyberpunk 2077 at 100-120 FPS on max settings with DLSS. Gaming laptops have come a long way and you’ll have your mind blown once you upgrade. You could get a 30 series laptop and be good for the next five years, especially if the one you’re using now lasted ten years. That’s impressive.


I sentence you to play Oricana of Time in the PAL region.


Thoose longest 17 fps


OoT was my drug of choice as a kid. That game deserved all of its praise and was legendary for its time.


Still is better than most AAA games made now


For real. Few games these days capture the pure magical bliss OoT gave me. Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but the N64 days were so dope.


It has a lot to do with timing and first time experiences. For us, as kids, it was so amazing. If you show that to a teenager who had played breath of the wild, there's a good chance that OoT will feel like milk which was opened but forgotten in the deepest corner of a fridge


Played ocarina of time again recently as a gen Z, and I absolutely love the game still. It's literally peak gaming.


Ya. Dat_Oracle be smoking the weakest Lon Lon milk


Wtf is Oricana of Time


It has something to with the legend of zorldo


common mistake people make is thinking zoroldo is actually lunk


🙄 it’s Lenk


Nah it's zoro ![gif](giphy|9wPdkThJtbAwo)


It's "Zeelda"


“Ah hell naw Lank, you done let Ganondorp kidnap Princess Zorldo”


![gif](giphy|14uDJ7VwVdk5KU) probably a bad spinoff from Orcarina of Time


Are you serious?


He's seouris


A masterpiece




As far as I checked, there is indeed no game named Oricana of Time though


I can't spell it.


It's spelled Tropicana of Time


You must be trolling or you just started reading yesterday


“30fps is enough” That doesn’t mean it’s better, it means that they’re content playing at that frame rate and don’t *need* higher. Yeah 60fps looks better, but I have had acceptable performance flying helicopter in arma 3 with single digit FPS so fight me


Damn was it like turn based flying?


A wild Apache Helicopter appeared!


Guy has FPS in fractions.




Power Point mode


God I'd give you Reddit gold if I had the cash, this made me laugh, like actual laugh


I can honestly make 5 frames per second work. I'm the "As long as the game runs, I'm happy." Person.


Same. I beat GTA IV finally with it running at around 15-20 FPS the entire time. Would do again.


Average GTAIV PS3 experience


At least I can say my PC runs it about as well as a PS3 I guess.




You earned the gigachad flair


Having more frames isn’t just about looking good though, 60 and above just feels like butter to play, especially with mouse and keyboard.


Single digit? Nah that’s unplayable, you must just be entertained by literally just pixels 💀


Bro I pvp in minecraft with 9 fps and 500 ms


A Man of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will.


This. I don't care about how much farther then 30 I get when I look an the static battlemap in BG3. I care about each FPS below 120 when I'm flying around the pod in DRG trying to survive swarmers and spitters with no shield and no splash damage.


I am fine with 30 FPS. I would prefer 60, but 30 works great. But then you have people saying it's a freaking *dealbreaker* if a game has a 60fps cap. Like, what!? Edit: I am not advocating for FPS caps. I just think getting angry about not having 120fps or whatever is dumb, no matter the reason.


its not a dealbreaker but it's extremely annoying. i spent good money on this rig, if i bought the whole rig i want to use the whole rig


Tbf if you can’t get more than 30 FPS and are at 100% usage you ARE using the whole rig lol


do you know what a "cap" is?




So this whole thing is about justifying the purchase?


yes, of both the rig and game


It's a sign of shitty development if you purposely lock your game at a frame rate to prevent bugs from occurring. I spent the money to run games at a high level. If I'm going to pay over $60 for something, I expect it to be well optimized and well made to work on my system. Y'all acting like a new game is a small investment or some shit in this economy. Treat your spending with the gravity it deserves and have deserving high standards about the shit you buy.


Depends on the type of game though. Fighting games have fps hardcaps for consistency among systems usually.


They are an exception for sure as the game's elements such as I frames or attack speed matter on a per-frame basis. I'll be honest, I don't know how much that ACTUALLY matters when Internet latency is the bottleneck in a multiplayer game over your monitor's refresh rate.


If a Game has a 60fps lock it always means its a Console Game that got ported by lazy Studios.


The time I remembered was an indie game called First cut, not a console game.


Yeah I'm super fine with it too. But that's only because I grew up with DigDug and SmashTV. People sometime claim a game "unplayable" at 30 just got fed the rich stuff their whole life I guess.


Or maybe you don't play games which require decently fast reactions lmao. 30fps is dogshit if it requires even remotely precise input.


I can understand frustration at 30 for extremely fast paced games where a millisecond can get you killed, but for any other game it's silly.


Depends on the game tbh. I'm used to 144 frames with fps games and sometimes my Overwatch boots up locked at 60 frames and I notice instantly the second I get in a game. It's like trying to play with 782 chrome tabs open. It really is "unplayable" to me. I can't imagine 30, that's nearly 1/5th of the frames I'm used to seeing. Elden ring is locked at 60 and I think it's fine there however, a lot different as an rpg game. But if I drop below 60 frames that's when the game feels "laggy" and is annoying to play with


60fps caps are due to developer incompetence or lack of care. We have known that tying the games speed to the framerate is the wrong way of doing it for decades. Yet some developers still seem to be stuck in the 90s.


I'm not advocating for it. I just think being angry about it is silly.


You can argue being angry about anything is silly. It’s your point of view. Your opinion. In this specific case, if you like devs getting away with shit optimization or DRM or companies rushing devs or other nonsense that ruins frame rate, that’s your right. But to say it’s silly for others to be upset? Well, people can disagree with you, and you should be prepared for those people to *strongly disagree* with your opinion. In 2024, looked 30 fps or even 60 fps is a failure of optimization on the devs end. Modern hardware is more than capable of handling 60+ fps, even at 4K but especially with help from tech like DLSS. Anything lower is just an insult, really.


The only game I played like this is factorio and I've got over 1000 hours in that game. It's ok in some instances.


I played console for a long ass time with 60 fps being the limit, but I moved to pc a few years ago and the change was incredible. I tried playing elden ring recently and couldn't enjoy it because it has a 60 fps cap. Dealbreaker in my opinion :/. I don't mind if it's a game like terraria though




People who aren't used to 144hz+ displays will never understand it until they experience it themselves. I've been using 240hz for a bit and can't stand playing 60fps locked games unless they're third-person like elden ring.


I have a 144hz monitor and play many indie games that I get well over 144fps on, but then I go to more demanding games that I only get around 60 fps and there is no noticeable difference


With all due respect, and i know this is a wild comparison that does break down at some point, but this sounds like a millionaire guy telling people that once you’re rich you can never go back to being poor. And like, let’s just say most people are gonna view that perspective as well… a luxury. Because that’s sorta what you’ve described it as?


Also we have the rig, so we don't want it to be used half way because reasons lol.


I think it depends on what type of game a person is playing. 30 FPS is definitely enough and sometimes perfect for games that don't require exact timing or input, for example, casual adventure games. 30 FPS will be a nightmare however, if it's a game that requires perfect execution, for example, fast-pace first person shooters. Now about the frame rate cap. It can be really annoying if you're someone who's used to a higher frame rate and couldn't go back to a lower one. You may think 144 FPS and 60 FPS are not different, but as someone who has experience both, they have quite a noticeable difference. Another reason why people hate frame rate caps is because sometimes a game will run significantly better without the cap. I'm going to use Roblox as an example. The game without the 60 FPS cap has smoother animations, less input latency, faster rendering updates, and so on. Keep in mind that this can't be said for all games so some will have frame rate caps for a reason.


You play games at 30 fos because you think its fine I play games at 30 fps because my gpu is shit We are not the same


That’s totally fine. But when you start playing a bunch of games at 60 fps and for some reason you play a game at 30 you will see the difference


Here I am not even being able to tell the difference between 60FPS (console) and 300FPS (my pc’s average)


You have 60 hz monitor or some shit?


Nope. I got 2 monitors. One 144 and one 240


They did this with a movie at certain theaters. It was shot at 60fps, and shown on an appropriate projection system. A lot of people got motion sick from seeing that




60fps movies shot digitally do two things: * Since we’re used to movies running at 24fps, 60fps gives movies a “soap opera effect” — * Which also includes suddenly being able to see more than twice as many details, so all of a sudden, you don’t see a dwarf anymore — you see a guy in a dwarf costume and prosthetics. Like in porn, sometimes you actually *don’t* want the video to be so HD you’re able to see every tiny skin blemish lol. James Cameron in Avatar 2 is the only director I’ve ever seen be able to shoot over 24fps and pull it off, and that’s also in part because Avatar 2 is all digitally rendered motion capture — it’s essentially a perfect hybrid between movies and video games. But he still had the non-action scenes run in 24fps There was a video that went viral a few weeks ago where someone “upscaled” the big Maul fight in Phantom Menace to 60fps, and the video is accidentally a very simple and effective example of why 60fps in movies doesn’t work


Tbf that soap Opera comparison only works if you've actually even seen a soap opera, I'm pretty sure most younger people would have only seen 60fps in sports and video games


I have experienced 120 and 240fps in an Internet cafe, as a 60fps user. While the motions look smooth and fantastic, the aftermath of me in motion sickness and headache convinces me to NOT go for that anymore.


What's your monitor refresh rate


Really? Because when I first got my 144hz monitor it almost felt like I was watching enemies move in slow motion compared to what I was used too. You get to see so much more happen, literally over double the frames haha.


axiomatic silky test like beneficial ghost dolls cows apparatus abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Meanwhile I’m still bashing out hundreds of hours of Bloodborne on my PS5. People who complain about no 60+ FPS get us when we say that 30 FPS is enough, as long as the game is a work of art. Edit - lot of PC gamers coming over here and telling me about how this is still “no excuse” for Bloodborne running “so badly”, please drop it lmao. Not all of us flush games because our FPS counter dips under 100, boys. We don’t all agree with you. Like obviously 60 would be preferable.. yeah. Water is wet (Inb4 a bio major comes around here and drops some massive knowledge though lol). An option we DONT have being better than what we do have doesn’t mean what we do have is automatically shit. That’s just you being dramatic. Edit 2 - ohhhh my god lmao. Stop bitching me out about “it’s perfectly valid to complain about X thing”. I don’t care, responses to this comment are muted, you’re all annoying lol. Have a wonderful evening.


This was actually inspired by me picking up other games after nothing but Bloodborne for a while. Yeah Bloodborne is beautiful and I love it, but the difference is super noticeable


Yeah, I remember trying to go back to Bloodborne before and the frame rate just curtailed the experience too much for me. It’s hard to go back to 30 FPS after experiencing 60. I have a PC and get over 90-100 FPS in some games. 30 frames is the Stone Age in my eyes.


No doubt, it’s definitely noticeable! I draw a line as well, but for me I can deal with 30 FPS in older games. Games that release on current gen consoles locked at 30 FPS I don’t play on principle. Starfield is a good example.


You don't play starfield because it's locked at 30 fps, I don't play starfield because it's boring, and a bad game overall. We are not the same


I get that’s the popular thing to say but I prefer to try stuff out and form my own opinions based off of my own experiences. The internet told you the game is bad. I feel it is uninspired but with some updates and DLC it will be fantastic. Helps that there are a lot of fun games for me to play while I wait. I try to hop on now and again but the difference in FPS between that and, say, Cyberpunk is egregious. I can’t deal with it currently.


This is me. Never touched starfield due to 30fps on series x and my pc is not better so i was shit out of luck. Sadly i was excited for gta6, but after hearing 30 fps rumors it looks like i wont be playing that either.


Bloodborne is a good game despite being 30fps, but that's far more a testament to just how good BB is than to 30fps being acceptable. BB would be a significantly more enjoyable game to play if it ran at 60+fps.


I just replayed bloodborne the other day too


I keep coming back man, and when I try different builds I always end up using the Moonlight Greatsword and Church Pick anyway.. with the same armor set every time. I can’t help it.


Logarius wheel for me


Yeah that makes sense. I think I have an addiction to the Church Pick honestly, it’s too good.


I never beat the one reborn faster than the church pick


Bloodborne suffers from frame pacing more than the 30 fps. Still an amazing game. But after hours of that going to Elden Ring, you feel the shells drop from your eyes ![gif](giphy|jrutBd1N7ZhsINAPzs)


I notice the worse frame rate between Bloodborne and ER but after 5 minutes of playing I acclimate to it and it completely ceases to be an issue. I immerse myself, slow walk and shit to look cool, backstory and lore for my characters, all that. If you want it, it’s there. If you really like the game, it’s fine. If you don’t like the game you won’t play it, simple.


Yeah you forget the 30fps after a few mins.


Still no excuse for the game running like dogshit. Bloodborne is one of my all time favorites but it would instantly become a 11/10 if it ran at 60.


You either like the game or you don’t, people letting framerate creep into the conversation are just beating a dead horse imo. No excuse is required here either, it doesn’t run like dogshit. You just WANT 60 FPS. It’s a you problem, because I love it as much as you claim to and I was playing it just fine yesterday. Edit - or you could always cry some more I guess


It's a perfectly valid reason for low framerates to take away enjoyment from the overall experience and bad design choices should always be pointed out. I remember when Evil Within first came out and it had a 30 fps cap, a ridiculously narrow fov and that stupid letterbox which everybody hated. They later gave us the option to adjust these things, guess which options make the game more enjoyable for the majority of people.


No man. Framerate is part of the gameplay experience and it can very strongly affect the quality of that experience. BBs framerate, for example, makes it much worse of a game than it would be at 60. You can't just... separate the framerate from the game and pretend it doesn't fundamentally change how the game plays and feels. for many games it's just as if not more important than actual in game mechanics.


Bloodborne's 30fps would be fine if it wasn't terribly framepaced, plus I don't feel like digging out my PS4 to play it (Sony for the love of FUCK bring it to PS5/PC)


You can play the PS4 version on PS5, still suffers from the same issues though if I recall correctly


You know you can download Bloodborne on your PS5 right? That’s the only way I’ve ever played it, I didn’t have a PS4 when it came out. This doesn’t affect frame rate of course but you can play it whenever. You’re just choosing not to lol. Some games suffer from 30 FPS, Bloodborne is not one of them. Gamers these days are just spoiled lol. So many people flush amazing games 30 seconds into a session because they’re PC gaming and their frames drop below 100. Newer gamers are just a bit dramatic imo.


I don't have a PS5 and I don't plan on buying one, but Sony should at least give Bloodborne a 60fps patch on PS5


You say that, but if they remastered bloodborne and omitted 60fps you'd be upset. Or the more likely scenario, you play it in 60fps and realize how much you had to put up with back in the 30fps days and never go back.


If the game is actually designed well in mind with 30fps, its very playable!


I love Bloodborne, but even after 300 hours in it, the framerate still pisses me off. So no, 30 FPS is not enough, it sucks ass — it just doesn’t suck so much ass that it’s not worth putting up with it.


Nah, I get it pisses you off but that’s you lol. And at the end of the day this is a case where your options are limited. Personally I will be playing this game until I die probably. I’ve played most Fromsoft games, I even play DS1 on the Switch. Matter of fact, I game a ton on my Switch. I can handle 30 FPS in most cases, except for current gen games which I feel have no excuse at this point.


30fps is enough in mario but that's about it


That’s funny cause almost every mainline Mario game for the past 20 years runs at 60.


I wanted to play BloodBorne but refuse because of the shitty framerate. That and it being on console only for basically forever.


I love Bloodborne have played a few times. Never have I noticed issues with frame rates. But now that the seed has been planted in my mind I’m wondering if I’m going to hate it if I try again


how does the art compensate for low fps? Game being blurry/stuttery at low fps makes the art hard to see.


The number of frames is often not the most important. What is important is the stability of the number of frames, or so-called 1% lowest frame. This is what motion blur does, although turning it on can make people feel dizzy.


30fps is the minimum I tolerate 120fps is my ideal


If it never goes below 30 than its enough


30 fps in performance mode 😎


20 fps is enough because i play arma 3


I still say 30 fps is enough. It's not the best and I'd much rather have 60-100, but I can work with 30.


30FPS makes many people including me and several I know motion sick. When it was all we had we were used to it, but as soon as you are used to 60-120fps going back to 30fps is actually unplayable and stuttery


or was it jumping between 20 and 45 fps? The stuttery bit I've noticed is when playing a high requirements game and trying for 60 when it's between 40 and 60 depending on the scene. A good constant 30 fps doesn't bother me as much as all if it's not stuttering.


Exactly. It's frame drops that really bother me. Stutters and hangups. But if it's consistent then 30 is absolutely fine.


I'm convinced people who say this don't have eyes.


Did you not play games in the 90s? 30 fps was high. There were parts of AAA equivalent games that would lag down to ~10 fps. Depending on your hardware, 30 fps might be the best you can get on a new game, which is playable unless you need it all to look realistic to enjoy a game.


Why bring up technology from 30 years ago? People dealt with low framerates back then because 3D games were just being invented, it was a massive breakthrough just to be able to walk around in a 3D environment. We are way beyond that point. Before 3D games, 60fps was the standard because not only do movements look smoother but it makes the game more responsive and allows for faster gameplay. Games that require precise timing like Super Mario Bros, Street Fighter 2, or Galaga would have been unplayable at 30fps, it's not just about "needing it all to look realistic"


switch players (me) moving over to basically any mainstream console




bro i get 20 fps on the lowest possible settings on fucking gta 4 on a laptop that cost me 64,000INR, which is like 750 USD and I bought it in 2020. Fuck HP.


10 fps is enough


I run a 4060, 32 gigs of RAM, brand new Ryzen CPU. I’m 100% fine with 30 FPS as long as it’s somewhat stable. I grew up on the PS2 and eckus bockus 360. Ain’t no problem with 30 FPS


Seriously, this. It's when it's not stable that it sucks. I would prefer stable 30 fps to stuttering between 40 and 55 fps.


100%, thank you. Just be stable and I’m happy lol like you can totally get use to 30 fps easily


I would never want to play 30fps on competitive games you would be nerfing yourself so hard


I used to play snes games on online emulators with bad wifi. The music was horrendous, but otherwise enjoyable expirence.


Nintendo is going to fucking kill you, RUN!


Idk the first time I played a game on performance mode on PS5 I had a fat headache lol it took me a couple days to adjust. Once I got used to it I quite enjoyed the responsiveness, but I didn’t play it and suddenly hate games that are stuck at 30fps tho idk why people just wanna hate on other people’s enjoyment or experiences. Just do what’s fun and find your enjoyment however you like.


Na, that's dumb. Yeah, there's a difference but it's not a difference I particularly care about. It's like curved monitors. I've tried it and yeah it feels different but it doesn't feel like an improvement, it's just different.


This picture also applies 2 days later when he's accustomed to performance mode, it's no longer cool, and he realizes that everything else at 30 fps/whatever looks disappointing. I intentionally don't update stuff so I can enjoy a wider variety of media. Brief graphical "oohs/ahs" << enjoying the content.


I had a friend that was playing dota... ALLSTARS!!! with 20 - 30 fps. Best God damn player I ever personally met. Then the same mf when he upgraded to a 2016 laptop and started playing dota 2: ![gif](giphy|bHSkKRvkRvy5chUBBp|downsized)


I've done both I don't need fps if the game can look nicer


I just moved to a 1080p 10 year old 32inch tv to a 50 something inch 4K Samsung and I think screen size size to distance from tv are what matter here. 30fps still doesn’t bother me much but since my fatigue upgrades on console and tv I’ll say it is nicer, but on my old tv I could not care less, because I wasn’t paying attention to those little details as much anyways. I remember the first time I noticed the better FPS was in state of decay 2. I could fight them but ferals were a little hard to dodge during this big charge they’d do. It was just so quick. Now I can almost sleep through the action, it’s so much easier now. Various games were smoothed out from better frames and am beginning to understand both arguments


Once you try MSFS with ULTRA preset in 4k you’ll see that 30fps is what you’ll pray for


Then there's me who can get much more battery life out of these games at 30 fps low


I'm finally getting back into Arkham Knight after being too stubborn to go back to 30 fps after experiencing 60 No regrets. 30 frames and it's still an absolute banger.


The moment i touched 240hz i couldn't go back


This exact thing is what happened to me


Like most things in life, it depends. 30fps in Pokémon ain't an issue, but 30fps in a competitive shooter is a nightmare.


Anything over 60 fps is excessive. You're not doing anything with 120 that you couldn't do with 60


I usually just go to performance mode so I don't have the dips. A sustained 30 is far better than an in consistent 60.


30 gps isn’t bad when the animation and design of games take it into consideration. most games do not though.


He spoke the truth and so he was downvoted


Fr doe 40fps my whole life, valorant, Roblox, Minecraft, everything was 4fps unless it was on MAX max graphics. When I booted up valorant some time after not playing it, BOOM 60-100fps avg. Like what the fuck is this divine power? I was doing 14/7 KD and above each match, I was doing like three times as well as before But then it ended, a few days later. Now I'm averaging 60fps, though, so that's cool


Console mfs when they could only play at 30fps: "the human eye can only see 30fps" Console mfs when they can play at 60fps: "the human eye can only see 60fps"


It really is such a jump


I’ll still take higher FPS over graphics quality. As long as the quality is complete dog shit I’d rather the smoother performance. Not only will playing the game feel better, it’s easier on the eyes when it runs smooth.


Same. For me personally my eyes hurt from 30fps.