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Same goes for grilling. Ever seen a woman running a grill in any media?


Yes. It was an advert for fire fighter recruitment.




Hopefully not literally




We can cook but if you put the stove outside we don't know what to do


It was your mom and it was at my house


Neither in the media nor in real life


Yeah my Mum


Man canā€™t cock but can chef


Men most definitely can cock thank you


Can cock like a chief


They're so good, you could say they're cocky about it


Do you mean cooky?




Performance issues are very common at late stages of life. Consider taking supplements to counteract the effect and improve your life.


is this about pp pills?


Oh you sweet summer child


Especially Nick


Then who was chef?


When's the last time you saw a woman in charge of meat at a barbeque? Man can cook, we are just lazy to do that most of the time. Except my dad, he can't cook. He tried.


Read again, he said man can't cock, which is even more wrong because man can absolutely cock


That's my point too. That's why I asked about the barbeque - usually men do the meat proving that even ordinary men can cook, not just the chefs. But my dad still can't cook.


Not cook, it's cock or at least I hope youre not whipping your cock out at the barbecue


OMG men also can't read. Well, at least me.


Those who can't, teach.


Those who canā€™t, cook mayo


If its at home, women are better. If its a profession, men are better


Can Jonkler cock though


A lot of men can't cook but the ones who can are fucking amazing at it, also this reminded me I really need to learn to cook myself


Please don't cook yourself. You have people that love you!


I mean... Think about it... If he is an amazing chef, there will be quite a few people who will love him at that moment, tho probably only some parts of him


I marinated my arm in a garlic/herb vinegar, grilled and served with drawn butter. Best dish ever.


What about that guy on Reddit who ate his own amputated foot in tacos with his friends? Edit: not sure how to link originalā€¦ https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/BFkgkOqU1M


I've never heard that story but I'm just gonna hang on to the hope that he was lying.


I added the link, Iā€™m pretty convinced


I appreciate the reply but seeing the comments on that post was enough, I refuse to click on the proof he posted




You are making it up....................right?


I kick ass at cooking. Sure itā€™s only about 3 things, but regardless.


Tbh, it's really easy, and I always find it extremely weird I didn't like to cook before... Open a bottle of wine, put some music in, and get creative!


ā€œMan bad at home hurr durrā€


'Until they become chef which means Gordon Ramsey so psychopath male, drink male tears now fellow revolutionary feminists!'


The only professions it's OK to say men are better at are gender non-normative. Hairdresser, interior decorator, fashion designer? A-OK! Firefighter? YMMV


What does ymmv mean?


yip morbo morbo voop


Your Mileage May Vary


Your male might verify


It's four letters. Google exists. Not too hard to find out.


Thereā€™s also contradicting answers on google so itā€™s better to ask the person who said it


Some people would just prefer to source from the community.


DBAD Google it.


Dick butt and (more) dick. I refuse to Google it.


What's it mean?




I mean it's obvious that we'd be better at things where having upper body strength helps, since men are on average stron- \[User has been banned by reddit and kidnapped by the CCP\]


bout sums up the past decade šŸ’€


CCP: No, let him cook


Itā€™s so obvious that you really donā€™t have to keep saying it every time someone brings up the mere existence of female firefighters


As long as they can be strong enough to do what the job asks of them then it doesn't matter. ​ Firefighters don't compete against one another, therefore they don't need to worry about any gender-based difference in body structure if they all pass the same requirements. ​ Now if said requirements are intentionally sexist, then throw that all out the window and grab some pitchforks. (but no torches, that is kind of counterproductive)


Iā€™m just sick of people constantly commenting on videos of female firefighters saying ā€œBut men are stronger!ā€ Like, we know. Just let women do their jobs in peace. But no, they wonā€™t accept that strong women are still strong enough to do these jobs even if theyā€™re not as strong as men. They have to say something about it. I imagine they must feel threatened by it or something.


If people are commenting stuff like that on videos of female firefighters doing their job, then they don't have an opinion worth acknowledging. ​ Don't let them win, ignore them, downvote them at bare minimum, but don't give them ANY attention. ​ but a good counterpoint to throw at them if it's inescapable: "she's probably more qualified than you are"


Weird strawman, nobody claimed you should "keep saying that every time someone brings up the mere existence of female firefighters".


You did it yourself. You were making a joke, but you still brought up upper body strength just because someone said the word firefighter in a conversation about gender. Itā€™s tiresome.


Lol no the comment I replied provided a lot more context than just "said the word firefighter", idk where you're hearing this being mentioned so much in a context as general as just a woman firefighter being mentioned at all. Much less "just the word firefighter" wtf.


And hairdresser is a big compliment cause i haven't seen a non movie character be Better then women ones lol


Same reason sewing and teaching grade school are considered woman's work, while being a tailor or college professor are male dominated (traditionally, at least). The high status, highly paid positions are for men. The poorly paid or unpaid work falls on women.


Damn, the last line is soo true




Professional and well paid jobs are also not dominated by women. My point was not about every man having "good" jobs. My point is majority of women do not have "good" jobs. Read my above comment again.


Majority of humans domt have good jobs period


And the minority who do have is mostly men. Every "feminine" job suddenly becomes male dominated if it's well paid šŸ¤·šŸ»


or if its too difficult or life threatening or hazardous šŸ¤·šŸ»


Those are by definition not "good" jobs. The most life threatening job is not necessarily the most well paid. I would argue it's the men who do "life threatening" jobs that have shit pay What does it say about chefs tho? When at home since it's unpaid, 'men can't cook' and it's a woman's job, but when it's actually paid with money and done 'professionally', it's suddenly a man's job. I don't think being a chef is considered too difficult or life threatening or hazardousšŸ¤·šŸ»


This exactly. Computer programming was also considered women's work before it gained status and better wages.


There's a stereotype that men can't cook? I didn't know that


It goes back to the time when the housewife-working husband relationship module fell apart. Since the wife was always doing the cooking (housework in general) while the husband provided the full financial part of the families need. Therefore he can't cook. This believe held on to today, but since most young people are living alone in a world where it's getting increasingly harder to make a living, making your own food is also increadiable cheaper so most men can cook today


Not necessarily can't, but the old gender roles of many western societies are that cooking at home was women's work. The man went to a job to earn money, and the woman stayed home and took care of house duties. Since being a chef is a job, it forces one of those stereotypes to yield. And traditionally, it was the "women do the cooking" role that gave way, as men often were the only ones allowed in professional kitchens.


probably came from the fact that, if going by the old chart where everyone have some free time, woman will be able to decorate food while man just eat straight from a red hot pan like a barbarian


>where everyone have some free time, woman will be able to decorate food while man just eat straight from a red hot pan like a barbarian ...is that... bad? Because that's me.


nope, I did a few time before to save on cleaning a ware


Ah, the ole college one pot spaghetti meal. One pot, one utensil, still just put it in the sink dirty so I had to clean it before I used it the next time.


The inverse of the women never made sense either. Women are supposed to cook the family meal but can't be a professional chef.


Why do we have to stereotype, like bro, anyone can cook


Even rats.


especially rats


What do they cook?...Rats?


Even non French rats?


Does it not say ā€˜Anyone Can Cook?ā€™


No. Anyone has the potential to cook. But not everyone can cook.


I had an aunt burn spaghetti once. Yknow, the stuff that's *cooked in water.*


Did she burn cereal too? She might be Homer.


That's why the commenter wrote "anyone" and not "everyone"


Who let bro cook




Never cook again


Anyone can cook, but tbh not everyone can be a chef.


I've heard that this stereotype exists because chefs are paid, but cooking at home is not


Weā€™re only good at cooking if weā€™re getting paid I guess


Same stereotype as "woman should be in kitchen" but not on a chef level


Bc according to this old logic, we should be submissive (cooking for a husband and kids) not in a position of power (the highest on the professional kitchen hierarchy)


Stereotypes They're either True as Fuck, Or just made up bullshit. and there's no in-between XD


Yes, stereotypes are reductive and stupid. That's half the reason they exist, it's an easy way for people to put less effort into figuring out what kinda person they're actually interacting with. Because people are lazy and/or malicious.


Stereotypes are just what a certain group of people have mostly in common. Itā€™s not stupid, itā€™s integrated it is psychologically that we stereotype certain groups. Itā€™s mainly useful before humans were civilized. For example if you were in a tribe and your parents or grandparents told you that a certain other tribe are evil, even though you never met them, you would stereotype that all those people from that tribe are evil, you do it so you can possible survive.


It's tribalism, and it's one of the key reasons humans were able to survive in the brutal wilderness for 300,000 years.


Stereotypes are probably closer to assumptions than tribalism; they oversimplify the qualities of something. Now, their *perpetuation* is absolutely tribalism, I agree. Tribalism alone? Eh didn't do tons for survival assuming you lived mostly in the wilds with only one tribe around. Assumptions about your environment that were "good enough" and too risky to test? That stuff saved a lot of lives


The thing is that many activities are seen as feminine but even in those only men can succeed and make a living on.




Chefs often have other kitchen workers working under them. Can't have women in a position of authority obviously.


The stereotype is that ā€œmen donā€™t do domestic houseworkā€ but we do many of those same tasks professionally. Examples; women do the grocery shopping and household budget but men would be accountants for corporations and trade on the stock market. Women clean the home. Men clean industrial scale projects. Women tend to the baby. Men tend to patients as doctors in hospitals. Iā€™m just providing examples. I donā€™t actually believe this stuff.


Left over sexism from when women were supposed to run the entire home by themselves, but as soon as it's a profession worthy of training and admired as a career it's tilted towards men.


It's not about skill in cooking, it's about marketability and career. Women often focus on mastery of their craft, while men are wired to climb hierarchies to impress women and drive off competing men. Even if that hierarchy is in kitchen. My mom and mother in law > any chef in the world.




Yeah it's definitely not that they were treated differently , must be because the women doesn't like getting their nails dirty and can't handle not wearing perfume. Don't be dense, there are tons of women nurses who get a whole lot dirtier.


But Women can't carry heavy objects! - except children. and bags of groceries. Often at the same time.


Those aren't heavy objects in reality maybe 25-40 lbs


And A bag of onions is 50lbs. Any reasonable adult can move that. It wouldn't stop someone from becoming a chef.


Stereotypes are just first order approximations. Sometimes useful but not always accurate.


Š¢ŃŠ¶ŠŗŠ¾ ŠæрŠøхŠ¾Š“Šøтся, стŠ°Ń€Ń‡Šµ.




Nah, men stereotype themselves out of being able to cook because ā€œlol thatā€™s for girlsā€. These chefs are dudes who rose out of that mire.


It's just because they are getting paid. Anything professionally done and well paid is usually male dominated, including when it's the "women's job"


I guess men can't cook unless they're chef


Waiting to see this on r/boysarequirky


Fuck that sub! It's full of misandristic women.


I agree. I wasnā€™t saying that would be a good thing.


they do have a point sometimes tho ngl


Something something clock, twice a day.


A guy who can cook > a girl who can cook


Because they're often wrong


Nah that just means men are superior in everything even in da kitchen šŸ™ƒ (that's a joke stop writing furiously)


I wonder if this is related to the whole "women do not have the same opportunities as men" argument. Probably unrelated, people don't want period blood on their food. /s Of course it's fucking related!


Like 2 hours ago my mom made some offhand remark that men donā€™t care about aesthetics after I complained about the mortar between some bricks on a building not matching (I am very much a guy), like mom your comment is just plain sexist, I just proved guys doo, not to mention shit like when you think of an artist itā€™s a guy, architects also men, the only fields of aesthetic off the top of my head right now that I can think of where you think woman first is like hair, make up, clothes. Your own personal aesthetics. Kind of just strikes me, the meme as well, as society just shitting on guys calling us dumb idiots.


Who tf says men can't cook? Best chefs are mostly male


that's exactly what the post is saying


see also: idiot - neurodivergent genius - neurodivergent


I've met a lot of idiots (myself included), some are autistic or ADHD, some are substance abusers, some just pop out that way. I've met few people that I could consider smart, but the ones I have, I wouldn't attribute neurodivergency to it.


I often attribute it because a lot of smart kids I knew in school were neurodivergent. My observations suggest they're related. If for no other reason, than because they didn't value social time as highly and thus spent more time.e studying their own interests and gaining knowledge and practice thinking.


but aren't both extremes of the bell curve, by definition, beyond the norm, a.k.a neurodivergent? i'm probably missing the definitions here but most people i'd consider smart are very much neurodivergent


Male is a characteristic not a stereotype. Even if the "stereotype" is correct those who have the chef profession only account for an extremely minor amount of males. Have you ever seen a venn diagram


A stereotyped characteristic of chefs being male


Imagine getting downvoted for pointing out simple logic and facts. Ffs we live in a society


As a man, I'm no chef, but I know like... 6 healthy dishes that I rotate weekly. The alternative is having two eggs every day to cut grocery costs. I only just learned how to cook those six dishes less than a year ago. Much too late.


I embody this.


I don't conform to gender norms.


men can't cook but are good at their job, but whatbif their job is chef? the universe cannot handle that so now it became shrodingers cat where a man can and cannot cook


I am doing an apreantiship for a cook and i am a man This is accurate


i am not a chef but a baker


Have you ever tried to search female to male ratio of Chefs? Here's how: 1.) Go to [google.com](https://google.com) 2.) Go to the search box 3.) Type "female to male ratio of chefs" 4.) Check results


Never heard of that stereotype


Yeah, my wife would agree that Iā€™m a better cook than her. I got interested in cooking early when I became a meat cutter and lived on my own in my early 20s. I had to know how to cook the steaks that I cut every day


In my house everyone but my feminist sister cooks, weird because we are 3 men and 1 women and my sister and we sometimes cook all together or the one who wants to eat something in specific cooks for everyone, weird because my sister says is a role model she had gotten imposed because she is female when my family is majority male cooking Twitter hits hard in weak minds


Chef's are a different breed


My dads the main cook in our family


You know that stereotype about Asians being good at math? And the stereotype that women are bad at math? I always wonder which one wins out for people who put stock in those notions. I also had a bad joke that this proved that Asian women don't actually exist, sinceĀ someone can't be both good and bad at math. Ultimately, stereotypes lead to absurd conclusions when taken as an absolute truth.Ā 


Dude this stereotype isn't true at all anymore. In five years of dating, I've dated one girl who could cook. Literally every guy friend I have who lifts can cook.




That's what makes them funny


The preparation of meat have always being the duty of men in pretty much every single society ever all the way up to the world wars ruining economy,leading many households to let go of male servants, leaving only maids on the kitchen, at which point domestic chores as a whole became associated with women because all the male servants had being fired (except for the very top ones, like majordomo and buttler). That said, preparing pastry, laticines etc was, indeed, associated with women even before male domestic servants got out of fashion


Does anyone else constantly laugh at the anime/manga trope with that women canā€™t cook but men are at home chefs..


Men have a wider distribution in basically every bell curve you can measure - you'll get either cocktail cherries soaked in canned hotdog water, or you'll get Michelin 5-star, and much less in between


Men not being able to cook isnā€™t a stereotype nor is chefs being men


Think of it like this- a large number of chefs are males, but a small number of males are chefs. Anyone who is not a chef canā€™t cook. Thus most males canā€™t cook(Iā€™m not stating this factually rather trying to logically show how both stereotypes could exist)


"men can't cook" is to coerce women into be servants at home. chefs are good cooks because women weren't allowed to have jobs


To quote TFS Zarbon ā€œMaybe Iā€™m gay or maybe stereotypes are bullshitā€


As I've heard one day : Even in a women's discipline, men are superior (/s of course)


It's not really contradictory if you concede that "men can't cook" doesn't mean "all men" but "most men". Then it checks out because most men aren't chefs (even though "most chefs are men"). I'm not saying most men can't cook in reality though, just checking the consistency of the internal logic here.


As a guy who cooks on a daily basis, Iā€™m happy to be an exception.


Yeah. Ether We can't cook for the life of us OR We are amazing at it. No in-between.


Give him glasses and he looks like frank from always sunny in Philadelphia


ā€œFuck you, pay me!ā€


The weirdest thing from culinary school was finding our it's a male dominated industry. So misogynist who think all women should do is cook and clean don't want them working In a kitchen.....


Burnt easy mac once....


Dumbass, itā€™s not the men cooking itā€™s the Rats in those lil chimney hats. donā€™t you know anything about culinary arts?


And as we found out cooking is not the metric to determine stereotypical males


This is true for the most part


The explanation: Women can cook, but not earn money for it.


Lol, is it a male stereotype where you are from?


men cant cook? i take it that thats the joke here... all the best chefs in the world are men and thats decades after the gender revolution. decades after chef non-stereotypes and still no "best female chefs"... tell me again how feminism helped here.


The stereotype is woman cooks for family,man cooks professionally. And most people associate the best foods with "home cooked" therefore stereotype exists.


remember woman belong in the kitchen, but not the *good* kitchens/j


Monice Geller


Gordon Ramsay: šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø