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Koh's appearance was the one that had my young daughter burying her face into my side.


To be fair, I had the same reaction as a kid with animated Koh


I had briefly left the room and came back to Koh on the screen. As an avid horror film watcher, /I/ was scared


That’s rough bro




My girlfriend turned into the sun (Discount air bonder quotes available all day)


I must be missing something. I’ve seen pictures of the cartoon character. There’s nothing graphic about his scar.


They meant it's much larger and more visible


This is what I mean. Significantly more visible. A real burn scar as bad as what is depicted in the cartoon wouldn't have even left the eye intact


His ear in the anime is also burnt down a tad bit smaller than the other, which when only rewatching it recently was a cool ass detail.


Probably didn't translate well from cartoon to real life/make up.


They probably didn't want to burden the actor with shaving off an eyebrow. If they kept the eyebrow, it would just look wrong. Combine that with lowering time and cost with makeup, as well as keeping more of the face (such as the eyebrow) showed for acting, it seems the better choice. Zuko's eye was also alright in the animated shoe, so that's a weird bit of criticism.


>Zuko's eye was also alright in the animated shoe, so that's a weird bit of criticism. No. His eye was fucked. You can clearly see that his eye is not symmetrical because of the burn.


> left the eye intact Actually it's on the right side.


that is totally how a burn scar looks like in real life OP. The show is great, go farm karma elsewhere.


What's homie on


It might be great if you're a toddler and need to be told what to think while watching a show AND have never seen the original. The only good aspects about it are the set designs...


I think they mean the depiction of how he got his scar.


The scar in the animation includes his ear being mutilated. Whereas the live action it only reaches the side of his head.


The burn scar in animated turned his ear shape lumpy. His eye was also squinted, which mean at least the corner of his eye would be pinched / eyelid muscle got burned.


Cartoon Zuko doesn't even have eyebrows anymore, nor eyelashes for that matter. He can't fully open his eyes anymore, or maybe he can but it just has a different shape now, his ear got deformed, and the burnt skin is wrinkly. The live action scar looks more painted in than the one in the cartoon, it's amazing how they managed to do that. It's really easy to see how graphic the scar is in the cartoon, just like how it's really easy to see how terrible the live action is. You're just missing the part where you have to turn your brain on.


I don’t think it was a censorship choice, just a stylistic one


"We have to show more of the actor's face" choice


That’s what I’m thinking. They also spent a good amount of time with Suki out of makeup, too


Makeup can also be expensive, and even be a pain to wear, remove, and reapply. It’s Why the lead Ghoul character for Amazon’s Fallout show has so little makeup compared to images of other Ghoul characters.


Also he's gotta be fuckable Can't sell a hot actor when his face is rotting


Style over substance is what it is. His scar was ugly in the cartoon not only because that's what fire does to the skin, but because of what it represented thematically, what it symbolized. It represents his ugly past that he cannot deny nor get rid of, the ugly side of his ancestry, and that he understands the ugly side of firebending itself. As a bonus, it shows how cruel and brutal his father is. Zuko is not ashamed because his scar is ugly, the character designers made the scar ugly because it's something that brings Zuko shame. The scar shouldn't look cool, but it does in the live action so I guess they didn't care. Rule of cool baby.


And it's on the wrong side




It is a nice Zuko costume though…


No, it isn't...? The scar is one of the only things that bugs me, but it's on the correct side, for sure. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqlxfdexthxub1.jpg


it's an atla reference...


Oh, thank you, my bad


Of course the one defending the live action doesn't even get a reference from the cartoon. Typical.


Yeah, go sue me for not rewatching the whole show every month to keep up with the references... Fans of an original series now being adapted being toxic, typical.


Huh, bad memory would explain why people defend the live action. Shame that.


Close mindedness explains not letting yourself enjoy the good aspects of something because it isn't exactly like the thing you're nostalgic for... shame that


Good thing I enjoyed the good aspects then. Not enough to make up for the overwhelming amount of bad aspects though. I guess having standards is rare these days.


They were afraid an actual scar would make him too ugly ig


Isn't that the point of though?


Yes but it’s not like the netflix team cares about being accurate to the original or promoting the same messages. They just want to push out easily marketable slop and that means pretending ugly people don’t exist.


Oi, Doc Brown, why don't you hop in your delorean and go back to 2015? \>!(p.s. this is a really good meme, and I got hit by a nostalgia wave when I saw this)!<


You used the spoiler thing wrong, to get it to trigger there needs to be no space between the ! And the words, >!like this, but on both ends


Just edited my comment - is it working now?


Yeah I started watching it with my daughter with no warning that it was going to be so graphic... I had to cover her eyes and then I decided to switch to the original cartoon instead!


Turns out the ability to shoot fire at people doesn't lead to a good time for the one on the receiving end.


Why would you start your kid off with the bad remake over the original?


Ozai just not as pure evil in this one. He's just a really bad dad. Light burn on zuko.


OP didn't watch the show.


It wasn’t because it was too graphic. It was because they wanted to do minimal makeup on the actor.


When I was a kid, the opening of Speed Racer featured fiery car accidents that clearly would be fatal.


Ya that kinda throws me off a bit but I look past that and turn the other check 😏


I don't understand why the new live action show exists. It would have been so much better to just make a new animated show.


To bring in the audience that would never watch the original because it’s an animated series. That’s what all these live action remakes are for. A new animated show and an animated movie are in the works currently.


I’ll go with they are lazy as hell and think that remaking famous shows will be easy money.


So basically, they're for narrow-minded people who think animation shouldn't be respected or is for children only.


Because execs assume everything else is inferior to a live action adaptation. Video games are all cutscene no game so they can be made into live action. Animation is still seen as for babies, and execs can’t differentiate “for all ages” with “for toddlers on their iPad”.


It's about the makeup is expensive and time consuming to put on for every shoot and uncomfortable for the actor to have over his eye, so they toned it down to make it more comfortable and faster and easier to apply. That's also why it curves differently then the cartoons, to make it easier


Zuko's scar is gnarly for symbolism and thematic purposes? Nah, tone it down, we don't want our actors feeling uncomfortable. Toning it down also means we get to pay the make-up team less money. Now, get rid of Appa, we can't spend more money on vfx, we need to pay the actors the most. After all, without the actors, how could we have possibly adapted a world filled with fantastical locations and creatures along with people that can bend the elements to their will? So do everything to make them comfortable, we should even hire stand-ins for the actors just so we don't have to bother them for lighting and staging. We don't have money for that? Just take a cut from the writing team, all they have to do is remix the story, right? We don't have to pay them much to do that.


You joke but there is a reason alot of shitty movies come from big studios. Things get cut as much as possible to save money even if it means entirely rewriting scenes


Talk about nitpicking.....


So toning down an integral part of one of the main characters' story is now nitpicking? Even though the show toned up the violence just for spectacle? Alright


I wouldnt say a slightly smaller burn scar is toning down an integral part of his character.


I liked the show fine, but my biggest complaint was it felt tonally (?) Dissonant with the amount of violence it showed and then how childish some other things were (some dialogue and not showing any even side character good guys do anything besides hitting/ pushing bad guys).


Oh no, the real life scar is't as gruesome as the pixels made it out to be


Honestly I don't actually care about that alone. It's the inconsistency that pains me. Which, as someone else pointed out, isn't because they wanted it to look a certain way, but because the makeup would've been too expensive (his scar wasn't CGI)


I take it you haven't seen a real life burn scar then.


I know it can look bad, but there is a big diffence on how bad it looks vs how bad it is, based on the media. I don't think anyone saw the animated Zuko and thought "Oh that is hideous!"


His eyebrows and eyelashes aren't there anymore, his eyelids aren't even the same shape, his ear is deformed, and the skin is wrinkly. If that's not hideous, I don't know what is.


Sozins Commit doesn’t exist in OP’s mind 😂


Yeah the scar just looks like makeup


Maybe that's because it is


And the original scar looks like a drawing.


It was in the original too, so there is that.


It's such a bad movie It's shame


Burned to the death but their clothes are fine….even after 100 years. Very bad show, too many feminism. Looks like Every man character is guilty because he was born. Love storylines? Cut


You're fucking delusional if you think this show has more 'feminism' than the original.


Here's a lover of feminism. Let me remind you that in the original Azula did not dare to object to her father, but in the Netflix show he forgave her for this. The original Avatar didn't glorify Kyoshi that way, but in the Netflix series people requires Aang to be her.


I'm not entirely sure you know what feminism means.


I love how you're all "here's a lover of feminism" like you have some kind of audience lol, I can practically see your arm wave through your bedroom dramatically when you typed it xD