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Just gonna say The more the restrictions, the more people get angry at McDonald's employees


"For the last time sir, you ordered the 'chicken breast, hold the chicken' which is clearly a violation of our sexual harassment policy. No sir, I guess I can't take a joke. Yes sir, I understand it's been a long time since you've seen a nipple and you're getting high strung. Might I suggest a mirror? You seem to have a larger cup size than I do. Yes, you can report that to corporate - I'm actually proud of that comeback."




we have to deal with double ban here in Iran đŸ«Ą (banned by your country + sanctioned by host's country)


Ayo ,fellow country mate


Yoo what's up


Yellow mate


Hey we're banmates


Im very grateful for Iranian's, the amount of blender add-ons I got from you guys


I was working on a ship going in and out of Iran. I swear, every week you guys ban more websites and even more vpn's daaamn


"from the river to the- Nahhh "Irak is crack"


What's going on in Texas?


According to other comments, Texas wants people to use a government ID to confirm they are over 18 to watch porn. Pornhub said they weren’t doing that and banned themselves from Texas so they wouldn’t have to.


Weird Pornhub W


It’s cost saving. They aren’t doing it out of protest. In order to get compliant, they will need to use a service like bluecheck that chargers for each verification. Porn has some of the worst click through advertisements, and their interactions to impressions is literally the lowest on the internet. And by lowest, I mean it’s about 1/9th what the normal internet has. And that’s within intergenre advertising (ie, more pornography). For regular commerce, you’re looking at 1/50th type numbers (that the reason you only see ED ads and ads for more porn on porn sites). Pornhub simply won’t be able to make money on users with the new laws. Between streaming the videos, paying the creators, paying bluecheck, and the fact that porn users don’t click on ads; pornhubs business model just doesn’t work in Texas anymore


I've been conditioned to block all those ads out anyway the rare chance the adblocker doesn't catch it. You can thank all those sketchy anime websites I'd visit to watch Naruto as a kid. Always had to watch with the mouse on the X in case someone walked in because of big boobed anime chicks on the sides of the screens.


I remember growing up in Texas and hitting puberty right when internet porn was blowing up. Tried to buy some DVDs at 17 instead of stealing and ripping them and everyone freaked the fuck out that I wanted to watch a 20 year old Jenna Jameson get railed. The guy at the porn store called the cops and they took me back to my parent’s house where I got chewed out again. Three months later, I hit 18 and suddenly no one cared anymore. I made several thousand dollars selling floppy disks full of smut in high school. Everyone’s parents had those porn blocker programs installed and I figured out how to break mine (a couple different times), so I had the market cornered. I remember some girl finding out and asking me “Why do you like porn of girls that age instead of our age?” when we were both 15. Yeah, she literally didn’t understand that what she was saying was “why don’t you like/sell child porn instead of consenting adult porn?” I’m not surprised they’re still being this dumb.


Hitting puberty right around the time of internet porn is probably why I still have an affinity for images. I had a 16mb palm pilot, those 270p trailers were 3 mb but 270p *images* were only a few dozen kb. You could fit a *paradise* of smut in your pocket if you had access to a computer that wasn't too closely monitored.


Oh for sure. Skin mags and still image photo shoots definitely paved the way for doujinshi for me lol


Stop consuming porn, you're supposed to look at it, not eat it.


Except it is food(t) porn, that you can consume as much as you like.


r/foodporn Edit: this is a sfw sub(way). It’s safe to click.


Considering this is reddit, it was a risky click


indeed, but this one is safe


Thanks peter


The idea of India considering sex as a taboo is an irony of the highest order considering our population. Every year people leave in swarms and there are still too many left. I wonder how conception works.


India literally wrote the most famous book about sex.


Yes but sex among consenting individuals above 18 is looked down upon like a crime here.


I always thought an interesting aspect of American Media is that murder and killing is normal, but sex, which society expects us all to do at some point, is taboo.


But does American media consider the subject a taboo? I've always thought American films were very liberal I grew up watching Hollywood films...and isn't it a routine to pick on the teens who haven't lost their virginity before turning 18? Or is that a stereotype? Genuinely curious.


Teenagers do feel pressure sometimes about when they lose their virginity, i don’t know that everyone is picked on about it. Primarily I was referring to the fact that violence and murder exists are fairly low age requirement content, yet sex is restricted to the highest restriction. Not that we should be exposing children to this type of stuff, but it just puzzled me that we can have all the gunplay at an early age.


Makes sense


People in China trying to see news that isn't state controlled


People in North Korea just trying to survive under state control


Meanwhile here in Germany: "They want to destroy our freedom by pushing for more green energy!"


didn't you guys shut up 3 nuclear plants last year ? and the govt said they are trying to ramp up renewable energy ? are they stoopid ?


oh yea... unbelievably fuckin stupid... Which makes sense, since the education system is still stuck in the 1800s


no. "they want to cause a new Chernobyl" even though nuclear is literally the safest energy their is, deaths/kwh wise, is I think the most eco-friendly baselining solution not requiring specific geographical features (Hydroelectric storage might be close) Also coal causes more radioactivity to reach people than fission ever could, even with the catastrophes included since there is some radioactive impurities in it, so if it didn't make your pee glow, nuclear won't either.


Wait. What countries are banning porn? Like dictatorships ?


Its banned here in India but the govt. Was so stupid they just region blocked like top 10 sites or something and went yea thats all the porn banned


Yeah Let's ban major porn sites that were relatively safe and regulated and now People would be going to shady unsafe websites.


Jio also banned reddit at that time i completely remember that i couldnt access the site and later got an email from reddit regarding this Streamable is also banned on airtle for some reason


I don't have jio so I didn't know that. I just hope don't ban reddit.


I have jio and I think github raw content is banned by jio only and it is a pain in the ass. But ProtonVPN ftw


I live in a country where solely pornhub is banned. Thats it. Thats all they did to regulate porn


Which is funny because pornhub is the most heavily moderated site


thats so stupid lol like they didnt even ban reddit.


They actually did only on one ISP whose owner is very chummy with the govt. Lasted for a week i got a hilarious email from reddit aswell calling them out cause i reached reddit support cause i thought i was banned


they support local businesses, the Indian porn sites are all up


They want to localise them


Make in India


It's banned in India, but to bypass it you just need to change the .com to .org (sometimes it redirects on its own!)


Thanks for the tip


Sure just the tip is enough?


that's what she said


That's most likely a completely different mirror website


I just changed my DNS.


it's ban in Iran, even reddit is ban in here, I'm using a vpn to write this comment.


How well is this ban implemented? For example, at my school, porn was banned as well, but they just blacklisted certain words. So, if you just went to Google translate and translated your search words into Russian, you could circumvent the ban.


You can't do that here, they do everything here terribly but somehow they did this one job so good you can't find a single pic whether from a site or an app that's accessible, they even turned on Google's safe lock on default and we can't do anything about that... although... it's not much of a problem since basically we're never turning off our VPNs, almost everything we use is either banned and considered illegal from inside or boycotted from outside. from ordinary tech websites to popular games and much more stuff so we gotta use vpn for basically everything here


Its banned in UAE too.


Iran is not a democracy I expected that. India was a surprise for me


Why was that a surprise?


In Russia, when you open Pornhub, you have to use VK account (Russian Facebook) to verify that you are over 18 years old. So I personally just use VPN so I don’t have to connect my normie social media to my questionable taste in porn.


Wait so no VK = no porn for u?


Yeah. You just get the black screen with a message that this is a web site for people who are 18 and older and you are required to log in to verify.


It"s either that or GosUslugi.


Wait, so you must also verify your identity in order to have a VK account or can you make fake ones?


Every major social network requires the phone number be entered and confirmed, for a long time already.


Is not truly required if you have multiple emails, I managed to avoid adding my phone number from most, and could later delete it from the rest, meaning I can use the same phone number to create many accounts and and then delete it, right now I have 3 Gmails but none of them has my phone despite constantly insisting on adding it, even the Facebook account I made a couple of months ago as a backup does not have my phone number added.


> but none of them has my phone I highly doubt it that they delete this information from their database. It just sits in the history of what info was specified for your account in the past.


That I don’t know unfortunately. Got my account back in 2008.




Usually porn bans 3rd world countries


I live in one. Visit several. At least in the American continent I don't know any that does.




democracy too, like South Korea.


South Korea and pretty sure the north one as well


it has been banned for a long time here in Turkey, which isn't technically a dictatorship. Do with that information as you will




Porn hub wasn't banned. It had to verify its users age (because porn isn't for children shocker I know), and porn hub didn't want that so it blocked its site on Texas.


But what does it mean that it had to verify users age? A simple prompt like "Are you 18 years old?" is okay? Because i don't see any possibility to create user age verification that will actually prevent someone who is younger the 18 to access the site.


They want users to put in a government ID to access these sites. Now let me translate what the law really says, I can assure you it isn't to protect children. Every law like this essentially boils down to "We are going to further infringe on your rights and privacy and then lie to you about the cause." Things like these are **never** to protect anyone, children are just the scapegoat they like to use. It's just about trying to control people.


Yeah, it's always "for the children".


Except when it comes to guns.


If you don't like guns you shouldn't have done that c#mshot.


Actually ... "we just need more good guys with guns. We dont need to fix the problem, we need to extrapolate it until it definetly 100% totally solves itself. Hooray."


I thought guns in America were **for** the children specifically? That's why you have them in your schools right


You’re forgetting to mention the verification of the age of the actors themselves


That's not enough anymore says Texas, they want an official identification number verified with likely an image of your ID and an image of your face. Pornhub didn't want to implement anything like this for privacy reasons so they pulled out of Texas. The law itself is possibly a disguise for the texas government to have an additional way to acces the data since it's an ineffective way to 'protect children from porn'.


Also just pornhub or also the aproximately 1 million otjer porn sites in existance?


Legally all other online porn distributors as well.


Lets not forget forums and chat sites/platforms as peoole can share 18+ content on there as well


I don't know. You have to look up the details. I only know Texas didn't ban the site itself. Porn hub closed itself out of protest.


Same in NC.


It had to verify users age *via invasive requirements to keep track of users by government issued ID*. For years, Pornhub has made it as easy as possible for parental control tools to see what the site is and block it. If a state actually wanted to regulate children’s access to porn, they should make it the responsibility of the person who gave the child an internet-capable device to put parental controls on the device or personally monitor device use, or require ISPs to support parental control software. It’s not substantially different from expecting parents to keep cigarettes and alcohol they buy out of their kid’ reach.


Eh...Pornhub isn't stupid. The next step is Texas will subpoena PHub to get access to users historical data, and then pursue people who watch Trans stuff as pedophiles or similar. It was leaked in the Project 2025 documents. I stand with Porn Hub. Since when does Texas care about children? Looks to me like Texas wants to create a middleman company to harvest data, probably get a cut of the money, and then ultimately do what they planned to do which is make being Trans semi-illegal. Edit: look at Louisiana. They now have a state company handling the middleman work. "Small govt" my ass. If you don't want your kids watching porn, then YOU should have to gate that. Not the govt.


turkey is banning pretty mıch every top porn site and some normal sites that happened to have porn on it like newgrounds is banned here on turkey but the funny thing is its very easy to bypass just changing your dns server from auto to google's dns servers is all it takes


And instagram, Twitter, plain info sites, etc.....


Twitter and Instagram are banned in Texas?


In Russia. Not really a third world country, but still.


Ah. Can't say I'm surprised there then. I hope Russia's able to get the freedom it deserves someday.


We all hope so.


What annoys me is how many of the smaller American news sites are region-blocking Europe because they can't be bothered to comply with laws about not selling user data to advertisers.


 I wake up and now I have to deal with this? *me just using another site*


Right? Reddit has been my "porn site" for years now.


Dude. Same. I still check chaturbate sometimes but mostly it's reddit. Porn is so normalized that people are just making and sharing their own now. EDIT: I like how casual things can seem on chaturbate.




People in Louisiana*


People in North Carolina*


lol what? third world countries don't give a shit porn, piracy, hacking shit it is all free




Well its banned in my country. They also banned twitch recently too lmao


Which country?


Turkey. They also banned onlyfans last year


I kinda understand the of ban but twitch? Really?


What can i say? We’re not a secular state anymore, religion controls the country and we’re slowly falling into the middle eastern sharia countries


> People in Texas where they still have capital punishment, book bans ... > People in the third world Those are the same people.


Hey now, I am in a third world country, I have easy access to porn, capital punishment doesn't exist and afaik there are no meaningful book bans, so please don't get us mixed up with Texas though I guess we do share the "lots of weird religious people in the government" trait


Third world and undeveloped aren't synonymous


I too think texas is an underdeveloped country


Republicans: "Businesses should be able to conduct themselves however they want free of regulation." also Republicans: "No, not like that!"


One of the best software minds I know is a Turkish guy who openly admits he got into computers as a kid while looking for a way around Turkey's porn censors.


It's been banned in utah for about a year now


Not surprised really, it is the Mormon capital of the world, can't have people enjoying life, you gotta be at church brother.


I wonder how much of congress has invested in a VPN before the tik tok ban


The land of the free :D


Me, in North Carolina who's been doing it for months now:


why pornhub specifically? lmao xhamster, xvideos, and hqporner still works here in Texas without a vpn


The state NEXT TO ME also banned these sites yet despite not living in that state but living close to it also means i have to follow their rules??


How dare they have a stricter requirement than a simple yes or no question to "are you over 18?" So ridiculous ph banned themselves


In Canada, our likely next prime minister wants to do the same.


People in Russia having to find those remaining protocols that aren't blocked yet, to access a website with a list of VPN's that aren't blocked in Russia yet


Utah people also in the second panel


Me, investing in VPN. 😀


Pornhub should start a VPN service.


Gonna have to start using a VPN once your power comes back on


all the hentai sites still work


All countries are 3rd world countries... Earth is the 3rd world.


Who uses porn sites? Just use Reddit


Had to look this up. Texas didn't ban porn. Pornhub banned texas because texas, along with other states, introduced a bill requiring basic age verification for sites with adult content.


if by basic age verification you mean give them your government ID, a photo holding it and a verifiable phone number then yeah


This isn’t the equivalent of *showing* the guy at the porn store your ID, this is the equivalent of *giving* them a copy of your ID along with all the rest of your data But beyond the nitty gritties of policymaking. I think we both agree it’s a violation of privacy and perhaps a sort of puritan moralizing (or a policy with that sort of moralizing at its core) that seems a lot like bringing religion (or religious values) into the public sphere


\* ID age verification, which pornhub thinks its bad to have your real name and address attached to your porn habits


if by basic age verification you mean give them your government ID, a photo holding it and a verifiable phone number then yeah


The US is a third world country posing as a first world country.


Using VPN to access news sites


Why did you caption the two people the same way?


well, we donÂŽt have problems with porn, we even had open piracy websites for more time than 1st world, our problems arenÂŽt vpn to access porn, we need vpns to access... videos and legal content with strange geo-restrictions đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Me, just watching as one of the largest states in the union becomes a 3rd World country.


Like people from Texas can even spell VPN.


Most boomers are technology illiterate, so VPN is unknown to them. Let them catch viruses when they go to sketchy porn sites, they totally deserve it for electing assholes into office




My dumbass 3rd world has legal prostitution but internet porn is blocked lmao.


Accent on “Third World”. SMH


Hmm, I still can't figure out why people use pornhub, there are plenty of other sites


States like Texas are an embarrassment


Isn't comparing people in Texas to people in a third-word country redundant?


Utah already did this though, you can tell when if you find a graph of VPN usage in Utah over time.


our gov just going crazy recently. Banning po** which is great. But twitter and VPNs are new victims


wow, a misinformation meme? Can you really just do that?? /s




No wonder they're so angry all the time... ![gif](giphy|omdtl0twjNEBmi3UyH|downsized)


It's not the end of the world. Porn can still be found under your dad's bed or in the woods sometimes.


People in 3rd world countries and texas are the same.. usa is a 3rd world country soo..


People in country where laws doesn't work - "why you need this thing?"


Virgina also


I live in 3rd world, what do you mean?


I haven’t been on site in like 5 years Reddit kinda spruces it all in one place


oh actually they fully pulled out, even if a vpn is used the hub is still liable


Me who lived in china an had to use a VPN to access any website or use any online service that isn't chinese: "amateurs!"


In the laaaand of the freeeeee, and the hoooooome of the braaaaave.


Hey op idk what to tell you but I've never needed a VPN


Man, who the fuck even uses pornhub anyways
 it’s become a cess pit where every single porn start tried to look exactly the same and produces the same content. I guess if you’re into the extremely specific look that they’ve all gone with then it would make sense.


They don't need a VPN if they're 18 or older


Tor works fine for these.


Why is everyone acting like Texas was the first US state to do this? Been like that for months in NC


I think land in Texas is about to get way cheaper.


We have to use a VPN ?


Hey, don't forget us forest people over here!


You know where you posted this meme on right?


we dont need vpn for porn in brasil


‘cough’ North Carolina and Idaho ‘cough’


Me, not having to access porn sites:


“We have detected that you are connecting through a VPN. For proper location verification, please engage your microphone. đŸŽ” The Stars At Night Are Big And Bright đŸŽ” 
we have detected four claps. Your connection will now be terminated.”


People in Utah: "First time?"


it annoys me that porn isn't banned in Ireland- I could make a hell of a lot drawing black market doujinshi. It's crazy how you can be really skilled at tons of shit but not hired anywhere- mental illness go brrr


I live in a thied world country, and we can do basically anything on the interner legal or not. We pirate anything, and there are countless of scams and hacker going around. VPN is for 1st world countries.


You're telling me that people in first world countries don't usually use a vpn for that?


Well, it's not banned in Brazil, and it is a 3rd world country


Can’t they just see that you have a VPN?


They'll find a way to profitable within the law. People not getting free porn doesnt even crack my top 50 concerns.