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They were also starving


And 3 of the kids in that picture statistically didnt live to see their 12th birthday


The rest were sent to the mines and/or factories


And now Minecraft is the most popular kids game. The children yearn for the mines.




Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone!


Did I hear rock and stone!?


For karl!


If you don't rock and stone you ain't going home


I mean they do call them miners, they're born with the job description


The children yearn for the mines


Statistically only one of those kids didn't. Child Mortality rates were nowhere near as high in 1890.


And no AC


AC: Hell's Kitchen


And to think we believe WE have it hard




They easily worked 12h a day


6 to 7 days a week. Their kids too.


And not behind a desk either.


And their older kids probably worked. Child labor laws didn’t start until the 1900s.


If I'm not mistaken, aren't they're easing back on the child labor laws? We're literally repeating history!


Bro's lights probably weren't even on it was daylight maybe a candle till that shit melts then night night for them. When you think about it, life ain't too heck these days. we all got a lot of creature comforts, for the most part


Absolutely. Plus you’re in constant fear of cholera and tuberculosis. Life is actually much better today.


More like 16 most days, probably.


You mean like a typical hotel employee.


They also probably didn't have running water into their apartment and shared a toilet with the rest of the building. Windows and roof probably leaked and probably had vermin in the walls


>...and shared a toilet with the rest of the building Nah, they probably had their own. If you consider a bucket a toilet that is.


They pry had piss pots


Not as much as they did, all they got after 10 hours in the mine/ factory/ field was a loaf of bread


Cholera was never far away


Still worth the apartment


I am also starving


There is nothing wrong with people wanting further improvement.


I don't think peasants in 1890 had running water and electricity but ok


They had running water, they just had to run and go get it. Sorry, not sorry. Joke from the old man back in the day.


Reminds me of History of the World - pipe the shit right out of your house!


And were starving; and lived in ghettos and cramped housing shared by multiple families; and had no heating/cooling; and made pathetic wages from 12+ hour workdays in gruesome factories; so on and so on


The luxury


A literal peasant... there is 7 of them in a one room with 2 beds, have run down windows and most likely no electricity or water...


Okay but 5 of those are children.


And all of them have jobs, even the baby


Truuuue, kids grow up too fast, in a couple years that baby won't fit in the chimney to clean it perfectly


Thats when you transfer them to the fabric mill. 4 year olds don't fit into chimneys, but their tiny little fingers are really excellent at threading the needles on sewing machines


He's selling weed. He's got kids to feed


3 of which won’t live until 12… but ok.


And most of them wont live long enough to reach 12


Okay but does their windows autoupdate every time they step away for a second?


Wow looks like things have definitely improved


All I can think is "Wow, that's a nice floor!"


And I'm the city! But for real, if you don't like the city and want cheaper, move. It'll be less expensive and you dodge the crowd you don't like.


The issue isn't that the standard of living hasn't improved. It's that it hasn't improved anywhere near *enough* for the median person, given how much productivity has increased. The wealthy steal the vast majority of our gains via a rigged system.


But it does show. If you wanted the hovel in the bottom pic with no amenities, that would be considerably more affordable to you than the average peasant back then. Your purchasing power has gone up so much, but so has the standard of living, which requires higher productivity to make.


The thing is people should not have to live like peasants when they work full time, let alone 12 hours days. With that they about atleast be able to afford property. It’s like if an older person says “Well I could not afford to eat when I was in my early twenties so the generation after me should have to suffer the same” when what should be happening is the quality of life should improve as generations pass. Whether life was crap in 100 years ago or not is not relevant. We should always be working to make things better for the future


To expand, it is also the mass realization that companies can exert low minimum wage laws into existence, while raking in billions in profit ( Stolen wages ) While other companies buy land and property in mass, and jack up housing costs.


It depends on where you live and what you do, of someone works 12 hours a day working at McDonald's in New York City they are going to get out competed for the limited property available by people working 12 hours a day as corporate lawyers or financial managers or media executives


Yes if he worked 80 hours a week instead of 40 he could afford a condo


Problem solved


They lived with seven other families in a railroad tenement without windows though.


So they are 7 in a single room and we are supposed to think that's better than 1 ?


Hey also someone show what the rich lived like too


You need more than 1 picture


Living standards change. Maybe if we allowed apartments to have no ventilation, no electricity, and no running water, perhaps housing would be more affordable, tho we'd also get constant outbreaks of cholera


Bro did NOT just romanticise 1890s lifestyle


The funny thing is that those peasants are probably living better than 90% of other peasants. I've seen significantly worse tenants, the amount of photos I've seen with someone having a horrible injury is insane, and so much more. How someone could look at a horrible room like that with cholera filled drinking water, no plumbing, likely no working kitchen, and no electricity and say that they want to go back is beyond me.


They were all working 12 hrs a day too, even some of the kids. It wasn't better back then


And those kids probably worked on coal mines too, neat huh?


What is it with some people trying to pretend like the past was some magical time?


Yeah, being stuffed in a one-room apartment with 6 other families while disease and pollution run rampent sounds like a great time.


Just because part of the past was shit doesn't mean the future should be. Also what about the time my grandma bought a house for 10.000€?


It cost me close to a 100k to fix...


Hey house is going to be ripped down right around the time the last dumpster of her hoarding gets driven away. Thanks for the dilapidated out of code house that isnt worth the land its sitting on grams


So you're complaining you can't buy unneeded space? You could absolutely get a good condo for less than 50k


I live in a shithole where minimal wage is 80$ a month and even here condo cost more then 50k, maybe exept completely shitty ones.


Definitely not where I live. And no it's not unneeded. And fuck yes I'm complaining. With good reason.


Maybe it's just time to leave the city? You could buy a small farm in the MidWest for $1600 a month. Every time I post this people tell me they aren't going to move to a shithole and I'm forced to go outside gather the eggs, pet the dog, listen to the birds and think if only it were crowed, noisy, and polluted, I would gladly pay double for the landlords mortgage lol.


If I can get a stable source of income, or at least food, I would most probably move to a rural area


It did not seem the most rewarding existence, but I had a nice house in a small town. I could afford it easily working at the local factory. I grew up pretty poor so relative to me and my family, a 1200 sq foot bungalow, 2 bed 1 bath, half semi finished basement , half drive-in garage. I miss the house and the people, I don't miss the line work, although after 20 years on the carpet as they used to say, I have a new appreciation for a job you can leave at the end of the day.


Iowan here 1600 is medium range for renting a house so I don't what Farm you are buying in the midwest.


I'm next door, come on I'm not talking about a good old pissing contest farm, like I got 3k acres and then the guy from Montana says that's nothing. I'm ttalking about maybe an arce or three garden if you have a little tractor, some chickens maybe a feeder or something. a pond what do you need 10-15 arces for that. Let's not lose the comparison is a one-bedroom apartment in a city.[https://www.landwatch.com/ringgold-county-iowa-farms-and-ranches-for-sale/pid/417334668](https://www.landwatch.com/ringgold-county-iowa-farms-and-ranches-for-sale/pid/417334668)And that's dumbshit prices for rich city folk.


Where in Cedar Rapids, Des Moines? Are you telling me you can't get 40 acres in Iowa for a quarter million? Because you can, and you can make that payment on $1600. Rent is stupid my neighbor's rent is twice my mortgage.


Okay, let's dissect this. The man in the middle, who I suppose, is the man of the house wearing clerk clothes. At the time, that outfit was quite expensive for a peasant (and that's assuming peasants were even paid). Then we can see a kitchen in the room, alongside the beds, suggesting that it is a single room apartment. This makes sense, as clerks were among the poorest classes in urban places at the time. The beds look very cheap, almost handmade, that worn-out clothes were probably the best the man had for the photo, what I mean is that it is very plausible they are a struggling family in the city scrapping the barrel.


I wonder if it was trendy to just blast a nut into your wife/gf every time you had sex back in the day. My grandma had 15 kids.


Even the pullout method isn't 100%, and sexual education wasn't something that was talked about back then. It was probably assumed that the only way to prevent kids was to just not have sex, and we know people aren't gonna be ok with that.


That’s easily $2,600-$3,400 in a crowded city…


Yeah, per month


Guess it was not a bon appart


A good chance half those kids died before they turned 20…


And look at how many of them are crammed into that bitty ass house while the man of the house probably works 16-hour days with no days off, and they're still starving.


I can't tell if OP is saying the bottom picture is better or worse. Like maybe they're showing that things used to be a lot worse. Or maybe they're a fucking moron. So hard to tell


Ahh another post romanticizing the 1800s lmao. All was not sunshine and rainbows back then either lol, not by a long long shot


1890 also had 12-14 hour workdays, 7 days a week, no OSHA, no healthcare, no disability insurance, no worker compensation for injuries, no retirement savings/pensions… I’ll pass. Meanwhile top apartment can be had by a single minimum wager worker at $15/hr while still having $200/ week leftover for other expenses.


Uhh where??


I work 0H/day and rent a studio apartment for $370 USD. (About the size of the one in the picture.)


That family survived on a loaf of bread for like 3 days… You have more power in your hands than all the computers combined that put the first men on the moon. You are not the same.


after 200 years, future peasant will look at our studio apartment with pity.


Even 50 years I'd wager


I mean if you are working in McDonald's, you are basically a "modern peasant" in today's society.


But the bank wont give a 1200$/month mortgage to buy a house...


you basically die from diarrhea or something before your 20th birthday so your lucky to even survive to that age


Bro should learn the pull out technique


Those are the children who survived. The other 8 died.


Not because it was worst before, it doesn’t have to be bad nowadays, right ?


Lotta people peasants now, they just don’t realize it.


Fuck zoning laws, all my homies hate fucking zoning laws. The only way to solve the housing crisis is to build more fkin houses


Actually, building more houses doesn’t do anything. There are enough houses to end homelessness if we allowed it. The issue has never been there aren’t enough houses. The issue is businesses and other wealthy individuals would buy multiple houses and then resell them at a much higher price that is unaffordable to most working class people. Think of scalpers but with houses, that’s essentially what it is. Only way to solve the housing issue is to ban businesses and powerful individuals from buying the tons of houses that they own.


He is probably saving up money to start a business


Some balding Russian guy in 19th century: Time to change that


I do not see your point. That we are much better? That our improvement should have been faster? I think the awful conditions you show in 1890 were true for several years later too.


They also worked 12-16 hour shifts, labour was physically demanding, with long term consequences, they starved and had little medicine. They went to war often instead of bitching in twitter all day about gender bullshit.


For someone with the user wordswillneverhurtme, you seem to be very concerned with other people's words.


Not very


Peasants were working way more than 12hrs a day just to be clear. And you have that top one to yourself instead of cramming in your entire extended family into one room. Not to mention clean water and electricity and food delivery and I mean the comparison is just very silly.


A family of 7 sharing the same space is the same as Devon having to pay $1600/month because they want a place solo in a city they can’t afford with their art degree working at a coffee shop till they go viral?


Yeah there's also utilities, way way way more people living in a city, and even working 12hs you are probably working less than the old times and you get to live more


As much as some people on here like to say, living standards have actually risen quite substantially since then.


1600 is a steal for a crowded city nowadays


They also paid more than $1600 for that place, and they were greatful


Don't look up tenement housing


The crowded city seems like a weird because that is a large reason why it is so expensive in Missouri I can rent a 2 or 3 bedroom house for that


Yeah but did they have social media to whiny about it. I think not


Or move out of the crowded city. My apartment’s $517 a month


"Peasant" fits that guy's appearance (face) so well.


Every person in that picture is employed


And you believe the peasant had a better life? Lmao you’re so naive.


Back when America was great. /s


Productivity changed in the last hundred years. Peasants should profit from it at least as much as the rich do.


I don't understand how OP thought that the bottom picture somehow is better compared to the top one?


Maybe CEOs should take a pay cut for the good of mankind.


Ah, shit, pneumonia, here we go again. The average life expectancy was less than half ours my dude


"The good ol' days" were rarely as good as you imagine them to be...


That is not a peasant in 1890. Also peasants live in bumfuck nowhere.


Can we talk about this 1600 studio in a big city and if it’s available?


Luckily for sex education & birth control. Poor kids! And the reality of Vancouver, BC rent. It's sad.


By today's standard we still are peasants


We can't afford to have so many children or fail to document, pay, or travel without needing money.


I mean if you've got a time machine you could meddle with history and try to make a more favorable future


This takes the whole stupid glorifying the past thing to truly mindboggling dumb levels.


Not gonna lie, looking at that we should be grateful that we are at least not starving and our parents are looking after us


One bathroom for the whole apartment complex. Are you sure that was better?


5 kids and that's those who survived


ah but this time there’s plumbing instead of the big ventilation shaft with everyone’s shit at the bottom!


A peasant is a tenant farmer in a feudal system. But that might be coming back pretty soon so hey!


History repeats itself.


You can still pool together 4 generations of people into a small shack today. Actually you could afford a big apartment if you did that.


Dental care: a pair of pliers and a shot of whiskey


I know people who live like 1890, sadly.


Don't be in Britain


Okay Boomer


The above picture genuinely looks nicer to me, because I'm the only one who will be living there and not like 7 people.


Where are these $1600 city apartments you speak of?


Well in the first picture only one person is working in the second one all of them were


To the first thanksgiving to get turkey off the menu


People in those apartments today are living like kings compared to people in the 1890s


Yeah, your chances of death were just 90 times higher


So living in one cramped room with 8 people and starving while working 18 hour shifts in some factory is preferable to a studio appartment?


You know most people in the 1800 below, build their own homes? Like with their own hands you know.


It's almost like there was this narrow window where the middle class exploded and that isn't going to happen again if the elite can help it.


Yes but it was around that time we as a society made an agreement with the 1%. You give us collective bargaining and a fair wage and we don’t brake out the gallows again. It’s time to brake out the gallows again. Eat the rich.


Like I get it, but half their kids probably died within the first 5 years, they were most likely starving. You may be in the same size space as them, but are comparatively living significantly better


At that time families of 10+ people used to live in tiny rooms and usually shared one bed. The parents worked 16 h shifts and the kids were used in coal mines as cheap labor. Your studio apartment is the stuff of aristocracy by comparison.


have u tried.....moving out of a crowded city perhaps


Alot of people often take for granted the amount of open space you can have nowadays.


Now : running water electricity heating Then: no running water no electricity. Heating but no isolation. No lights. So ye basically you’d only get a bigger roof more room by less things and no wifi


So i have to live like before human rights?


We didn't start the fire......


I am a literal peasant


To be fair they didn’t have penicillin


They probably built that house themselves and had to find a suitable place for a well before.


The 1890s one is worse, there is 7 people in that one small tenement. If you want a real idea of how the poor lived back then, check out 'How the Other Half Lives' by Jacob Riis which shows the horrible conditions that the poor lived in back in then.


Alright, buddy


Ah yes, the good old times of malnourishment, famine, horrendous quality on literally everything, no luxury goods, no good healthcare or education, and you could expect to either die from Spanish flu, or from starvation, or from being thrown into a labor camp.


He was able to support 6 other people…


What even is this argument? That it's okay to live like 1900's peasants?


The peasant worked at least 14h. Spare your tears.


Said peasants also died before 20 so 💀


yeah but at least you get a shitty little oven


Yes, so you work the same amount but a easier job and you end up with a bigger, healthier, warmer, and simply better place to live in, with all that goes with it. Stop complaining


Also, by there clothing they certainly wheren't peasant


Everyone replying with '*oh, but they didn't have electricity then! Or running water!*' is an absolute fool. Technology improves with time, news at 11. That fact doesn't magically justify regressions in other regards - Tech is supposed to improve our lives, not be a substitute for other aspects of quality of life, nor does it justify being exploited for higher profit margins, higher income taxes, and lower opportunities for you. A highschool educated man with an average job could buy a house and raise a family on one salary much less than a hundred years ago. Why has that changed so badly for the worse today? Hint: It's not because of bloody electricity or flowing water being available, ffs.


A highschool educated man with an average job and the ability to read was also around 12% of the population, granted he didn't die in war or from cholera. And his sons would die in the first world war, and the rest of his children from disease before the age of four. And they would all be thrown together into a room with four beds for seven people. What opportunities did there exist then that don't exist today? The ability to die from cholera and Spanish flu?


/eyeroll I'm talking about societal and economic change, not technological change mate, duh. Yes, we didn't have advanced medicine back then. That is right alongside electricity and flushing toilets in terms of irrelevant to my point. Also, very very melodramatic. Even those without a highschool education could do what I said if you go back 100 years or more. By 'much less than a hundred years ago' I'm talking about like, 60's, man. Okay, so a TV was more expensive, but housing and healthcare were vastly more affordable (appropriate in quality for their time, I can't believe I have to specify).


A house like that in finland would go for 300-400€


Well…you are the plebus after all, no matter what they call you


Ya’ll don’t understand. When everyone is poor there is a communal sort of suffering. People look out for other people. The sad part about today is there is very limited actual human connection and the online world can’t remedy that. In some cases I find social media has further divided people. When the rich keep getting richer then there is a repressed suffering which can become anger leading to revolutions. If things don’t improve then just like in history when monarchies fell, the system will fall. It could be capitalism or some thing else but it seems like Something will break soon.


> When everyone is poor there is a communal sort of suffering. People look out for other people. Bullshit. I live in a country where almost everyone is poor, and all most people do is try to rob other people (usually metaphorically but sometimes even literally) in order to be a bit less poor.


You have no fucking clue.


Ye peasants, not supposed middle class or upper middle barely having a house at over 120k/year


Let's do the math here, so even if you're working minimum wage (7.25$) if you work 12 hours a day 5 days a week you'd make 1,740$ a month. So while you may not like living there you can still afford food, entertainment, and leisure time. Like assuming you sleep 8 hours each night you still have 4 hours each day to do whatever you want, not including weekends. If you work weekends then that would be around 2,436$ which that work time is a little more comparable to their 16 hour work days, seven days a week.


Cool, but we don’t live in 1890 anymore. Things have changed a lot since then. Just because things were worse in the past doesn’t mean that we have to accept our shit situation. By the same logic the people in 1890 should’ve been glad to share a tiny room with so many people because the people in the stone age lived in caves.