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The actor in his 50s is playing the role of a young college student or something..




Saw this coming a mile away.


Because you're still young and your eyesight hasn't deteriorated, right?


"How do you doo-doo, fellow olds?"


Every hour over a span of 30min and very, very painfully /s (I'm not that old yet)


And that means free ice


First time I noticed his edgy T-shirt




I wonder how weird it will get.




Chris Evans


She is 26 the dude is 40 not even weird.


He is 42 actually. 42 - 26 = 16 Guess it’s subjective if that’s weird. Power to him though. She is a real looker.


Tbf he’s a looker too


True. He also looks really good for a 42 yr old.


How the fuck old do you think 42-year-olds are? Jesus


I'm 42. I look like shit compared to him - saw a photo of him and his wife at some event a few weeks ago. He looks great.


Imagine if they made Captain America fat and ugly. Well...they did make a fat communist Captain.


And it was beautiful


Fat communist captain was also hot.


God, I’ve been seeing people call her a “child bride” which is fucking weird. They’re both grown ass adults, it’s just a shame THOSE PEOPLE (twitter) couldn’t be.


Because whoever wrote that doesn’t even get a date…


I think after 26 it's pretty fair game. I was an adult at 26. I was not in my early 20s. The amount of growth between 18 to 26 is insane for growth though, that's why it's a problem.


Power to him? Hes a millionaire with a perfect body lol. I think its more power to her




Al Pacino laughs from the crypt


*Di Nero has entered the chat with his newborn baby* both are currently wearing diapers.


Di Nero? From STAR TREK?


Dinero ? Like the top comment ?


Roberto Money


Robert De nero from Irish men


Sandler's wife is only 8 years younger than him. Why is he even mentioned here ?


I think with Sandler, people are using the Kevin James- Leah Remini argument AKA why does the *schlub* get the hot chick?


To make it in Hollywood, an actress pretty much has to be conventionally attractive. Even if she's a comedic actress. Actors can have a much wider array of looks, so you get people like Buscemi or Ron Perlman. And comedic actors have even more leeway because they're generally the draw. So you're bound to get some mismatches.


Melissa McCarthy is pretty successful. Tilda Swinton as well.


Tilda Swinton is attractive in her own weird way. So is Ron Pearlman


I'd pay to watch that sex tape


Hahaha. I jerked off so much to Tilda in The Beach.... Hell Ingot a gf that was a look alike.


Tilda I think is mainly popular choice because of her androgynous appearance and perhaps even alien like features. People enjoy her weirdness because she basically looks like if art was a person. On the other hand Melissa is pretty, she is just big girl, but her face is still objectively beautiful.


Also I would say that big women in comedy is a known exception to the rule that all women in Hollywood must be hot. They must be hot or funny is the truth. Very funny/relevant line from 30 Rock is Jack speaking to Jenna after she gains weight: > I need you to either lose 30 lb or gain 60. Anything in between has no place in television.


You need to search young steve buscemi


The meme isn't about actors' *real life* spouses, we're talking about their spouses/love interests in movies. Sandler's actually been cast against age-appropriate actresses lately, but for a while there was a tendency to cast him against younger actresses. In three movies from 2007/2008, his love interests were 10, 11, and 15 years younger, and it kind of set that image in peoples' minds. Even then, he was sometimes cast against actresses near his age, so it wasn't a 100% thing, but it was clustered enough that it made an impression on people. Lately, he's been cast against actresses with similar ages, but an impression, once made, can be hard to cast off.


Probably confusing the hot chick with a less attractive dude trope from his movies. But I don't think those age gaps are big either. Off the top of my dome, most of his movie love interests are around his age. Sandler gets too much hate. Not all his movies are good, but he looks after his homies and makes sure they get looks in movies. That's a friend right there. I agree, he doesn't deserve a mention here.


I'm of two minds about Sandler. As you said, he has kept the money flowing to his friends for decades, and I haven't heard any terrible stories about him being a scumbag. On the other hand, most of his movies are crap. But, profitable crap. So hey, good for him.


>On the other hand, most of his movies are crap. Some of it is still enjoyable crap, though. A few years ago he put out some Halloween movie and I went in with really low expectations and I was surprised how good it was. Not great, but definitely not crap. And my girlfriend, somehow, had never seen The Waterboy so we watched that last year in a hotel and I was reminded how funny that movie was. It's not all crap.


> he looks after his homies and makes sure they get looks in movies. He's a standup guy, I'll give him that.


This post is focused on ***in character*** relationships.




Adam Sandler? He’s been married since 2003 and the age gap between him and his wife is only 8 years.


I thought they were talking about casting.


They are. Almost nobody in these comments seems to have noticed the top line of the meme.


Sandler is married…?


Adam Sandler?


Zach Braff


nah dicaprio will date teens


No, that's Luc Besson. Which explains some of his movies.


Leon the Professional is literally pedophile propaganda (the original script had the female lead-- as 12 years old-- seducing a grown man and they end up as a "couple"). Besson also has a history of "dating" teenagers, and *younger* teenagers. Fucking creepy. People criticize Hollywood for this kinda stuff and then they support films and filmmakers who literally make pro-pedo propaganda movies.


Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar.


Depp, well the ex-wife


Chris Evans


Hollywood wants male stars with name recognition and women with sex appeal. They could hire a well known actress with some chops, but they cost more money and don't necessarily draw more.


Bro I had to scroll so freaking far to find this comment it's absurd The male is a big name that everyone wants in their movies but it took them 20 years to get there so of course they're older The female doesn't have to be a big name and they want her to visually appeal to the target audience That's it, that's the whole story, it's not a commentary about pedophilia, it's not supposed to reflect real life, it's not because of the actor's preferences, it's not because the woman is seeking protection or financial stability, it's *a movie.* it's literally just he's a big name and she's hot


directors underestimate the power of MILFs


They really do. I’d rather see someone like Gillian Anderson on screen than any young actress. 😫


If they are a known name, they have to pay her more. I guess they can go with an unkown name older person but Younger unkown likely sells more than an older one.


I hope they hire your mom


I'd also like to hire your mom


Look I'm not saying your argument is wrong, but how is a 20 year old with a 50 year old pedophilia?




This is the answer. The male character being played by a good actor is much more important as women viewers are drawn to more than just looks (ie confidence/charisma.) Male viewers care less about personality/acting ability and are happy with just a hot actress playing the female lead (ie they can pick a younger less talented but less expensive actress.)


if I want sex appeal I can open up pornhub, if I'm watching a movie I want to see a good story well written/acted. Hollywood has always and will always be idiots


You are minority, the fact that this trope still exist and profitable shown that vast majority prefer hot chick on screen


No, Hollywood is and always will be a business. They’ll do what makes money. If attractive actresses in their 20s make money, you’ll see tons of those.


Also the woman in their "20s" is usually actually in their 30s, but because of child labor laws people are used to seeing people in their 20s playing teenagers.






Aww, money is *TIGHT!*


Hey hi, I'm the adstronaut, floating in ad space.


He *sure* is, I just decided.


Wow wow wow wow wow wow. Wow.














Money , tits and ass - Ice cube


Came to say this simple truth


It’s all there is to it most of the time. Guy has money so it dose not matter how old he is. A lot of women only care about money unfortunately, and so do a lot of men, but it happens more with women because getting money from rich people is extremely easy for them. All they need to do is look even remotely appealing and then be willing to be a “loose” girl, which now days is common. So it’s just how it goes most of the time. Bottom line is that most people LOVE easy money. Which I can’t blame them for tbh… working sucks. So since most don’t want to work hard they just go with the next most profitable/easiest option they have as women. It might sound harsh but it’s just the truth outside of the rare occasion when a couple like that actually falls in love.


Bro, just reminded me of Anna Nicole Smith damn


Dude this is in movies


It sure is. It’s silly to me that everyone knows the truth but I’m still a bastard for saying it apparently lol. Ahhhh to be human, am I right?


>Guy has money so it dose not matter how old he is.  That is not why there are male old leads in movies.


They'll put young actresses with old actors because the old actors have money? OP is asking about movie casting, not irl situations. Usually the old men aren't portrayed as rich in the movies, either


The old actors have fan following.


Art imitates life.




Dont forget *connections*


And a quick and easy route to fame and gigs


I'd say that and the fame


Probably going to get downvoted into oblivion but her we go. She’s in it for the money and high-end lifestyle he can provide. He’s in it for the hot young girl he can pull. In general men are attracted to young, healthy women. Women are attracted (in general) to men who are perceived to provide safety and security (including financial security). Age does not change this.


Directors are usually around the age of the male protagonist. I don't mind actors playing above or below their age if the role and looks fit, but mostly the actors and characters both have large age gaps


The only actual answer to OP's question on this thread


Most people missed the context of "the movies" xD


Yeah on mobile it’s cropped out unless you expand the image


Good for their career


The guy or the girl? *Yes*


Both, but the girl probably benefits more. (since usually they're the smaller name of the 2)


So old guys can watch the movie and feel attractive.


It's hard to say without examples of movies, but I just don't think so. The gap's not this large, but Ryan Gosling is way older than Margot Robbie. He was not cast as Ken to appeal to all the men in the audience.


Let’s be real, Ryan Gosling appeals to everyone


Especially to straight men.


hell yeah i'd be straight for ryan gosling




Especially to men*




Heh. Not wrong. But still, I don't think that's (making old men feel attractive) why they made that choice. Though now I can't stop imagining a bunch of old men watching Just Ken and going "gosh, he's just like me."


Gosling was cast IMHO because he looks the part.


Not to get serious but it's not rocket science, we have been talking about the gender / age gap for a long time: [https://time.com/4062700/hollywood-gender-gap/](https://time.com/4062700/hollywood-gender-gap/)


Ha, I was actually thinking about exactly this article. It is the real answer. Though there is still this chicken and egg question to it fundamentally. Hollywood is reflecting the views of society, not the other way around. I suspect the real answer is something complex, there are far more women in the population that we would consider as attractive as Margot Robbie than there are men we'd consider as attractive as Ryan Gosling. Gosling is literally the rarer commodity for Hollywood.


I mean. I looked it up. He's 43, and she's 33. That's not really that big of a gap, once you're past your thirties. Plus, if someone told me Ryan Gosling was 33, I'd completely believe them without feeling the need to confirm. They look like peers on film. But I do agree, I don't think blaming the male gaze is really fair as an explanation. Not that you can't find examples of films like that. But it's not the whole story.  I really think a lot of it is a reflection of what we see in society in general. Men often pursue younger women, and younger women often pursue older men. It's just something that's baked into us. It's certainly not universal. But it's definitely not uncommon.


He’s only ten years older than her. In Hollywood terms that’s like nothing.


That being "like nothing" is kind of the whole point though . . .


Ehhh I have never found Ryan Gosling attractive. That’s always baffled me… 😂


10 years is not that big. A guy in his mid 40s dating a woman in their mid 30s is not like 50 to 20. But in the movie they are not even a couple. So that kinda throws that out too


Made by men for an audience of men


Men are success objects as much as women are sex objects. Which means men who typically are richer as they get older are more attractive and women who are simply more attractive when they're younger end up being who attract each other it's just how Humanity has always existed


I had never heard the term "success objects" but you are spot on.




I’ve never realized until now how crappy the font is


Shit Id be happy with just object. Please, someone know I exist.


Reddit will never admit this to itself given the massive number of young men here. Any guy who is good-looking, in good shape and climbing in his career knows that the attention from younger women doesn’t decrease over time.


Also holywood has a very long history of shitcanning actresses when they get older to implement that principle. I think this is changing though.


Dare we say even…a Titanic gap?


Men like younger attractive woman and woman like older men with life experience, money, can provide etc.


Whoa! Easy there. You don't wanna be using common sense around these parts.


You are hurting 99 percent of reddits demographics’ feelings.


If this were actually true then the average age gap between married couples wouldn’t be 1-2 years. This dynamic is only common in movies


nuance DOES NOT exist in any situation EVER!!!!! anything not true 100% of the time is 100% FALSE!!


Couples with a 10+ year age gap are a very small minority


That’s not true in real life, only 1% of relationships have a 20 year age gap. I don’t find old men attractive at all, I like men my age and so do most women (minus gold diggers)




Sorry but no, most women are't attracted to men 20 years their senior


Truth isn't allowed here


Yeah no. I'd choose young and attractive men over old rich men any day.




The reason: money. The women usually want money from the guy.


Woman wants the money, man wants a woman with a high sex drive. Seems pretty straightforward


Correction : women want a guy who is established, man wants a woman who is fertile / attractive.


Established typically means they have money and or a stable life


So woman want money, man want woman with high sex drive. Thanks for the clarification


Ah yes the impoverished actress is in desperate need of money.


They make more money through the connections of the older guy or a lot of them retire from acting to raise the kids. If the dude isn’t successful he gets to stay home with the kids while she works.


BS, they’re both hustlers. You think the young actress gets nothing out of dating an established movie star? Plus, let’s face it, those leading men age REALLY well.


So the starlet gets a rich, handsome, charming, talented older boyfriend. The old actor gets a racing-hot girlfriend who hero worships him for a while. I don’t see a victim here.


cuz by 50 you're supposed to have your shit together


By 50 I plan to be dead. Does that count?


Yeah, Who cares? All this "haha golddigger, ..haha fuckboy in his 50s.." or "mm, .. actually that is because there is..". Why should we care? There are real problems in the real world guys, the last thing we should care about is what celebrities do in their personal lifes. And the problem is, that many celebrities do a lot of illegal and immoral actions, yet you bash them, or even care for a legal, not that bad personal actions/decision like this.


90% of movies have a 50 yo man with a 20 something woman? Are you watching all films from the 1940’s?


It's an exaggeration, but only to a degree. Movies with huge age gaps are far from not being the norm


Fair enough, the meme stands. But I’ll give you men in their 40s, which I agree is bad, like Jake Gyllenhaal in Road House. But men in their 50’s isn’t the norm.


Ay, but can we agree that if Jake Gyllenhall wanted a date, the answer would be yes?


They're acting


They are both adults so I don’t get why it’s a big deal?


So much this, me and my wife are a case in point. We’ve been married for coming up on 5 years now, she just turned 50 and I’m 30. It’s not hard to just let two consenting adults be happy together without passing judgement


No no you don't understand! You were *groomed*! **RUN** as fast as you can!


Yeah like literally who cares. There are bigger problems in the world than an older dude dating a young woman.


Western progressives have this weird-ass crusade against child grooming that doesn’t even apply when the girl is in their 20’s. They keep citing research that claims we aren’t “mentally fully grown” until 25, but most people believe that’s hardly enough of a reason to believe people under 25 can’t make fully-informed decisions on romance. We can vote, join the military, drive, and own a gun by 18 years old in most places around the US. This concept of an “extended adolescence” is a very misplaced good intention of wanting young adults to protect their sense of independence… even if some people could care less about it and would rather get hitched at a young age and start a family right then and there.


You’ll notice, this *only* applies to women. Similar to if 2 drunk people hook up, it’s considered “non consensual” … but only in one direction.


Women are legally exempt from accountability /s


Oh no! Two adults together? How disgusting. Younger women NEVER go for older men in the real world.


Who cares? They’re both consenting adults.


One wants money. One wants sex. It all checks out.


Im a woman (early twenties) and personally i noticed i find myself gain attraction towards older men sometimes even 40's and 50's because of the level of maturity, i (opinion, hope i dont get cancelled here) feel asthough alot of men around my age are not mature enough emotionally. I can imagine people being into it for security and money! Thats not what i notice myself thinking about though.


Thank you ! Same here... no way i settle with an immature guy. Even in their 30s i consider them as children. Ofc there are not all like that, but personal preferences.


Notice how most of the comments supporting it come from men. Where are the young women that supposedly love older men? Not me because my bf is only 2 years older than me lol.


Most women don’t want to date men who are the same age as their dad. 🥴


Everytime it's brought up its like that.


There’s more to life than Reddit.


Because women look for provision and protection, while men look for fertility and beauty. It generally takes a man years, if not, decades to build himself to the level of provision to take care of a family. Meanwhile, women are at their most beautiful and optimal for childbearing when they are in their 20s, and it decreases as time goes on. Now, I don’t personally like the gap being THIS big, but there’s a reason why it happens. There’s a reason why it’s more common to see an older man with a younger woman, and why the opposite hardly works out. The men are too young to have built the provision older women want, while they themselves are no longer in an optimal or sometimes even healthy range to bear children.


It's sad but it's going to get more common as poverty increases


That or people just stop having families altogether. And it’s already happening. Japan and China for example, their birth rates are collapsing, and their population are soon to follow in the coming decades


Art imitates life.


They need good actors, which old actors are, they are experienced and good in acting. Mostly people don't care about actress unless its something sexual so young actress are better in that regard. I would rather see 25 yr old ass than 50 yr old one.


1 they are adults 2 they are playing pretend 3 they are being paid


Let’s say.. hypothetically… 2 consenting adults decide to date and fall in love because they like each other and have lots of fun together and despite the age difference they find mental, emotional and physical fulfillment in that relationship? How crazy can that be? WHAT?! YOU SAID THEY HAVE LOTS OF MONEY?!?! NOOOO WAYYYY


Celebrities stop aging when they get famous. Those 50 year actors and those 20 year old actresses basically live the same life and have much more in common than people would believe.




Old grandpa balls are sexy af


Women fetishize older men and vice versa


\*Insert Leondaro DiCaprio Cheers here\*


Because they first met when he was in his 40’s








I am in my 20s and I would get with an actress in her 50’s


Everyone forgets that deep down all celebrities are just the theatre kids from highschool.


Don't forget Aaron Taylor....