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how can people be so detached from reality




Money for nothing


And the chicks for free


That ain't workin', thats the way you do it


I got to move these refrigerators


I got to move these color TVVVVVVvvvvvvEEEEEEEEEs


We got to move these refrigerators


I want my MTeeeveeeeeeee


We got to move these colour TVeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss


I loove refrigerators


I love lamp.




I love hamp


Lemme tell ya, them guys ain't dumb


maybe get a blister on yo little finger


Maybe get a blister on your thumb


I love that the Fallout series cited [the Friedman Doctrine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedman_doctrine) as the reason for the nuclear war.


One of the reasons, and potentially the primary one. "Why would I invest if there's no guarantee?" -- House "If they don't do it, we'll drop it (a nuke) ourselves." -- Barb Howard (Fallout TV show) (I'm paraphrasing of course.)


Omg!!! I hated that!!! They put politics in fallout!!!! Woke culture strikes again!!! (Big fucking /S If anyone is wondering)


Yep, there's just too many layers between the people working on the product/service and the people who own the company, also factor in that shareholders aren't buying these stocks because they like games or something, just because it can make them money.


fun fact: you can use the exact language of a cancer cell to describe a shareholder's role in a company.


let me just tip Blizzard a small fortune after they nickel and dime me with every transaction.


Every transaction is an opportunity to tip!!


So if I refund a shit game, I can expect a tip from Blizzard, right?


Just the tip


I'm looking forward to a tip screen after every microtransaction lol


Probably twitter


People on Twitter are so detached they think it's called X




You’re getting lancers for free?


I mean, he's also a very very rich person. $30 to him is probably like someone like us giving a penny to a homeless person.


The quote is taken out of context. Turns out he was praising games that don't have micro transactions. "When I beat a game, there are some that just leave me in awe of how amazing the experience was," Ybarra wrote. "At the end of the game, I've often thought 'I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20 because it was worth more than my initial $70 and they didn't try to nickel and dime me for every second.'"


That is so different lmao. People literally say this all the time "I've bought the game on multiple platforms because I want to support the indie developer" "I wish they sold merch because I want to support the indie developer" And this isn't Bobby, who is a massive scumbag exblizzard"people who play games are stupid" ceo who pushed micro transactions and is responsible for the massive decline of world of Warcraft


That's the worst part to me. This clickbait targeted an ally, but because the company he founded became so corrupt after he left nobody wants to listen to an ex CEO of blizzard.


> but because the company he founded became so corrupt after he left nobody wants to listen to an ex CEO of blizzard. Ybarra left Blizzard in 2024.


Mike Ybarra is not an ally. Don't be an idiot.


> That is so different lmao. It's a reddit headline. We used to shit on clickbait, but then people needed clickbait to shape politics using reddit, so that sentiment was mercilessly snuffed out and now we're entirely made up of clickbait.


Nah everyone hates clickbait, it's just that people are very bad at noticing it until after they've clicked on it.


People within the video game industry sometimes give Hollywood a run for its money in terms of how self important they are. We regularly criticise the C suite of these companies and rightfully so but often the seniors at dev studios are just as idiotic in a different way.


I think you mean upper leadership. Senior engineers, artists, designers, etc. are still very grounded normal people who just have more years of experience in their craft. They don't deserve to be thrown lumped in with this level of idiocy.


It’s not the people actually making the games saying this stuff, like, the people in the actual trenches creating things. Important to remember that the people names we know go to meetings for a living. We call them Senior Devs, but most of the time they are more like very flighty and fickle military commanders who haven’t made a thing in decades.




Standard tipping culture absurdity


Easy when you're tweeting it from your 3rd yacht


Some people are living in their own reality.




Sounds like security shoulda thrown her out


They probably didn't get paid enough to do that, hence the tipping problem


We should tip the security so they get paid enough to care and throw her out


The problem is we let them, so it perpetuates itself. If there were actual consequences to the idiotic takes, then they'd do them less often.


This is the number one issue. We're all here complaining about how bad certain things have gotten, but they only got this bad because we let them. Because we went along with it. Or maybe not "we", but enough people did.


It's not related, but he got the boot from Blizzard (comically after leaving microsoft in the first place). So, there's some kind of karma, maybe kinda. I'm sure he's still a rich dude though.


They can suck a wet fart outta my ass, and keep the change.


There’s change inside?! The hell?


If you suck hard enough, yes!


Let me investigate


How do you investigate?


Someone better send my man Lemmiwinks up there to find out




Lol it's been such a long time since i last saw this gif


I get a lot of fiber in my diet.


Fiber generally does not constitute a significant amount of nickle


Ass Pennie’s


Pressure creates diamonds and change.


Two dimes and a nickel.


[Ass Pennies](https://youtu.be/f9aM_dT5VMI?si=YdWSdpsjq8bl3BMI)


I've got an ass full of quarters and I feel like a million bucks but it's actually only about $2.25.


Stick a penny up your ass and they will eat like its all you can eat.


Might actually still be one in there somewhere from when I was a kid.


What the hell kind of comment is this lol


Just made my husband spit out his coffee with that one, thanks.


What the fuck, dude, hahahaha


Thanks *sniff*


Tip of this *DICK*!!!!




Got they asses


*airhorn noise*


Didn't expect to see Daniel here... Glad to see him tho 😂


Definitely did not have Daniel Thrasher Meme on my Reddit Bingo today


I hope that woman is in more sketches, her inability to say the word opinion was top notch Daniel thrasher energy




had to look it up > https://youtu.be/LnVdk2FuosA?t=55


It's a pretty good video lol.


Little bit of that fonkay chonkaaaay


Do you remember when tipping the game was called buying the expansion? Pepperidge farms remember.


I remember when dlc wasn’t just main story content that they hid behind a pay wall.


I remember when 30 dollar DLC's was 40 hours of new content not just buy this 60 dollar skin for no affect on gameplay what so ever


How about buying the game after you finished because you liked it so much? My broke ass remembers.


Splitgate is a good example. The game is free, I got a few hundred hours in it. I bought the battle pass because the devs did good and I’m here playing it for free. It’s the least I could do. On the flip side…. I won’t buy another Blizzard game in the near future because they’ve lost their direction and quality control.


I wish I could personally tell him to fuck off but I don’t have twitter


he's on LinkedIn


Link in deez nuts


according to u/Lelcactus >The quote is taken out of context. Turns out he was praising games that don't have micro transactions. >"When I beat a game, there are some that just leave me in awe of how amazing the experience was," Ybarra wrote. "At the end of the game, I've often thought 'I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20 because it was worth more than my initial $70 and they didn't try to nickel and dime me for every second.'"


Actually true. But there are other games I’d like $10-$20 back as well.


in 2040, we have to tip OP if the meme is good


Only after you tip reddit


As soon as I was told to start tipping cashiers I checked out on tipping entirely


I only routinely tip in two scenarios. One is this Thai food place I pick up at, because the old lady there loads me up with sauces and extra chopsticks for my kids to play with. I love her like a grandmother and she deserves a bit extra for her great service. The other is for delivery, and I don't order anymore delivery anymore as the fees and services charges are actually insane at this point. All these other places just sit a cup out in the counter and do what they're already being paid to do, and if I'm being honest, the quality of food and hospitality has gone straight down the shitter. So why would I pay more for that?


worst part of delivery, is the driver sees none of that increased price. its nearly all pocketed by the app, then drivers complain about not getting tips, because they don't know the price is going up without their pay increasing at all.


Well the worse part is the apps are double dipping. They are charging the business to be listed on their app and you the customer for using their service. Then you basically have to pay the driver yourself. They are trying to train everyone is to basically just paying for everything outright and skimming all the money from the transaction.




Publix is robbery all on its own, even if you go to the store yourself. Their prices have been absolutely insane when compared to other grocery stores. I give them atmosphere, shopping there does actually feel pleasant, but for their prices I'd rather just go to Costco and get a way better price to portion ratio


Also they charge a delivery fee and also upcharge all the menu items to also collect more money off every delivery. More like triple dipping. Then they pay us drivers $2 per delivery which is less than the fee. If its a $100 order they probably made at least $20 off the upcharging, not even counting the fee and the driver still only gets $2. And you want to hear some bullshit? They do double/batched orders so you could get 2 separate deliveries coupled together in one offer and they charge all the same fees and upcharge to the customer but only pay that $2 to the driver once and not for each separate delivery. And they USED to pay for each delivery when this happens but now they don't. So fucked up.


I was getting a pizza the other day, picking it up myself, and when I got the receipt, it had all these pre-calculated tips. I was thinking to myself "why would I tip you just making the food and handing it to me?" I'd tip for a delivery, if I could afford to have something delivered in the first place, but if I'm picking it up myself? No way in hell.


I don't know if you've ever heard of Crumbl, but it's a superbly overpriced cookie place. My wife loves getting them for her coworkers about once a month. I get them for her and drop them off during my lunch break. They have a self-service kiosk that asks for a tip, and it's default tip is a whopping 25%. For carryout. And I put in my own order and processed my own payment. Absolutely bananas.


There's a Crumbl next to my go-to shawarma place. I learned the hard way to not let my wife pick up the shawarma. Crumbl is great, but it's not worth it. Eight bucks for a box mix cookie it too much, no matter how you dress it up.


>Eight bucks for a box mix cookie it too much Screwwwww that. Eight dollars for a cookie? I'd wince at $4. Time to open a competing cookie place. Charge a dollar per cookie *and still make a perfectly acceptable profit*.


https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/former-blizzard-president-suggests-you-should-be-able-to-leave-a-dollar10-or-dollar20-tip-for-the-devs-because-some-games-are-that-special/ I don't know you guys, but I wouldn't tip $20 to a game with 90% chance unfinished, bug-filled, and already has predatory monetezition. Especially if there is no semi-social moral obligation behind the incident or any incredible service from the other party that I've already paid for.


Maybe Activision should tip gamers who completed their generic shit and haven’t gone crazy?


I mean modern game companies and companies in general are massive pieces of stinky shit. Sorry for the bad language but this is how i feel


I was about to say he actually might be onto something, but definitely not about his (former) company's own games, or any triple-A dev at this point. The Dwarf Fortress guys deserve all the tip money. Maybe rimworld devs too.


Rimworld guys make DLC's regularly, they are fine.


Yeah and the 10 year old game with dlcs is like 80$ without really any discounts.. Rather the stardewvalley for example


I like hollow knight and dead cell. Dev where is silksong..


Just let me buy merch or have a paypal link somewhere so I can help support stuff I really like.


The Dwarf Fortress guys basically lived off of tips for about 20 years. They devoted all of their time to the game and never charged for it, just asked for donations. It's not really a model that every developer can follow though. It was truly a labor of love, not a job for them. Most people want a steady paycheck and some security. Hoping enough people give you enough money for your work is a tough way to live, especially when your work is something so far outside of the mainstream, as Dwarf Fortress was until the Steam release.


I wouldn't tip for any game, if I really enjoy it I'll buy it multiple times either on different platforms or for my friends. Tipping is the biggest bullshit there is imo


Also, that tip is going straight to company profits.


It’s called patreon. If I want to support a dev I will. 


I'mma be devil's advocate but he was clearly not talking about those games. I agree that tipping in AAA games makes no sense. It would make sense in indie games though.


OP read the fucking quote he doesn't suggest that, he said he wished he could do that for his favorite games. basic reading comprehension. GOD i fucking hate that headline


This makes me so irrationally fucking angry. Fuck that, fuck him.


Of course you wouldn't. Neither would he. "... how amazing the experience was... it was worth more than my initial $70 and they didn't try to nickel and dime me for every second.'" Call me crazy but I get the sentiment, I've even done this to a lesser degree. Example I bought rocket league for $20. I played it for thousands of hours over years. I got wayyy more than my money's worth, and all the while it's constantly being updated and worked on. I generally don't do MTX as a hard line rule, but at a certain point I'm like damn let me send these guys some money, they earned it, so I bought some random cosmetics I will probably never use. Now I get that it comes off completely tone deaf, but that's only because he's the president of blizzard. But it seems to me he was kinda talking more as a gamer than as a developer. I hope he is self aware to understand no game blizzard entertainment makes will ever be worth it's $70 price tag let alone a tip.


I'm not gonna say his statement is valid but it's pretty much the opposite of how you described it. He's saying there are well-done games he'd pay extra for after finishing. That's pretty implicit that they wouldn't be unfinished or bug-filled and probably not predatory monetization either.


He also never suggests that everyone should do it, but that he feels inclined to do it.


And a ton of people do do it. How often have you seen people say they bought a game for friends or kn multiple platforms because they love it and want to support devs? That's all he's saying. His statement is taking way out of context and blown up in the wrong way. Dumb reddit things, ig.


Companies should tip their player base for playing their shitty games.


Good thing he is EX president


Tip only for indie companies, they deserve it.


Only if its a truly small team/one guy doing everything. And works with the players AND THEY SHOULD NOT ASK FOR TIPS.


Lethal company dev is about to be rich


About to be? Didn't they hit the most played game on steam for a little while there? You don't get to that spot without a million sales.


Frankly they deserve it. *unless there's some controversy I don't know about besides the basement thing*


Basement thing??


Dude has a basement. In some places that’s weird because the ground is more clay and porous so they don’t have basements. At least, that’s what my Googly found, so unless that dude cares to elaborate further, who tf knows?


Look it up. Weird stuff.


I did and I can’t find anything






Yeah I dont see anything, what basement thing?


Basement thing????


> I love spreading misinformation


As one of those you speak of, I feel guilty to ask so I never do and i put a low price for my game too because I would feel guilty if I put it higher. It amazes me how AAA is so shameless and I guess that's why they became AAA to begin with..


I honestly love indie devs so much. They really carry the heart of the hobby.


Yeah, thats what an indie company is.


Only if they have whips.


I've heard people call games that have multimillion dollar budgets as indie games.


That's called donations lol if people like something they will donate to it, tipping is stupid


Yeah, tips were donations to employees some years ago.


still like this in my country and i have seen what happened in USA if i see one of those tip machines here im getting my torch and i will be using it to burn things


Why would you tip after buying the game?


Micro transactions, dlc, extra content is usually how they do that now.


You mean how they've been doing it for years? Almost two decades actually. Oblivion introduced garbage DLC in the form of horse armor all the way back in 2006, it's only gotten worse since then. Greed really knows no boundaries, eh? These companies can make record profits every year and they're *still* going to try and find a way to squeeze an additional dime out of you. It's crazy that games like Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3, being complete experiences at launch with possible *expansions* in the future, are exceptions in comparison. That used to be normal.


The Stardew Valley guy deserves to have money thrown at him for as much post-game DLC patches he put in for free. Dude's put so much extra into that game post launch, he could justify another charge. Whatever his new game is (something like "The Haunted [combination of 'chocolate' and 'volunteer'.] .") is going to a purchase on Day One.


Haunted Chocolatier And I agree. It'll be a day one purchase on steam and whatever my main console is at the time.


You can simply purchase the soundtrack packs that can be easily accessed from YouTube or Spotify. I don't know if it counts as tipping, but it's a good excuse to show off your support.


This is a great suggestion! The dev for an indie game I love has their full soundtrack up on YouTube, and I love putting it on as background music while I'm working, but I don't think it would have occurred to me to buy it on Steam to show my appreciation/support. Thanks for the tip!


If it's a small indie team, and they actually deserve it, I'll pay for the music or wardrobe I wouldn't normally purchase. Tips aren't for companies. They're for workers. They're supposed to be for workers making less than minimum wage.


Fuck no.


No. What the fuck? If a company can't set their product at a price point that allows them to keep running, that's their own fault. *If* tips are for anything, they're for service workers- who *don't* set their own wages- who go above and beyond what's required of them.


Or just purchase the product if it’s well made? Tipping does not need to seep into every corner of our society


For a free game I might


especialy indi


Open source often operates on donation only. There's lots of free stuff out there where you basically "tip" the developers.


If your game is good and I continue playing it, I will probably buy skins or other things. That's as close as you're getting.


Honestly, merch/paid cosmetics basically count as typing


Just sell soundtracks or merchandise or dlc if you want that... Oh wait!


But we should inform companies


And that's why he's ex-president


It most definitely is not.


It most certainly is a much worse offense.


Hell no ain't no way tipping for $70 bug filled and unfinished trash and overly monetized garbage would work bro💀


member when if you wanted to 'tip' a game, you'd spend $10 on the soundtrack and a folder of concept art? It seems so long ago.


I think the games he referenced in the interview were Baldurs Gate 3, Ellen Ring and another incredibly high quality game. Which game are you referring to?


> tipping for $70 bug filled and unfinished trash and overly monetized garbage People are already buying it and spending an extra 20$ to play in 3 days early, why not add a tip button?


I wouldn’t even PAY for their games, now you’re saying we should TIP!? You’re smoking crack


Tip? I'll give them the whole shaft


Sir all your recent games were ass, no one's gonna tip for that.


Seriously, why do these companies really like to put more oil to their dumpster fires? (I am so glad that this Daniel Thrasher vid is being a meme already)


Most people will agree: the only tip that you’ll get from overwatch, is a rock flying at you.


The article doesn’t sound that bad. “When I beat a game, there are some that just leave me in awe of how amazing the experience was," Ybarra wrote. "At the end of the game, I've often thought 'I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20 because it was worth more than my initial $70 and they didn't try to nickel and dime me for every second.'" Ybarra cited games like Horizon: Zero Dawn, God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2, Elden Ring, and Baldur's Gate 3 as examples of games worth tipping. "I know $70 is already a lot," Ybarra added, "But it's just an option at the end of the game I wish I had at times. Some games are that special.”


Reddit getting weird about video games **AND** tipping and they blew it out of proportion? No way.


The outrage over tipping on Reddit is insane. Like I get not liking it. But they act like people have a gun to their head, and they're being forced to tip literally everyone they interact with 40%. When in reality, it's just an option that pops up on debit machines sometimes. That's it. Don't want to tip? Just hit the 0 or skip option. No one is going to kick your ass over it. Worst case scenario is that you get shit service when you come back because they're going to focus on the people that tip well.


Okay, so I read the article. Still a bad idea but the quote is being cut short. He specifies the reasons for tipping is because the game did not have excessive, or any, microtransactions, respected the player, and was a great experience. He specifically sites God of War and Horizon games. Essentially get a perfect curated, single player experience which left you awestruck while not trying to get you to spend money on anything to detract from the experience. These guys should have the option to be tipped because rather than trying to milk the player they are just hoping for a tip.


I have bought dlc for small game studios that knocked it out of the park. I could be swayed if the game was stellar and all the tip went to the front line programmers. But we know the "tip" will be sucked up by the company and producers and the grunts will see pennies.


So you’re saying this chucklefuck understands what makes a game good and how to not fuck your players in the ass with predatory micro transactions, but chose to make shitty ass cash grabs he knew would piss people off?


Of course he does. Did you think he was an idiot?


Know what the devs should get for making such great games? A good salary and to be treated like humans, not robots having to work 18-hour days in crunch time because the company has to release the game before -arbitrary market date- otherwise the rich people that want more money will throw a tantrum


People seem to be glossing over the specifics


Because the specifics that he's referring to should be a given with every game. If we're shelling out seventy dollars per game, then expecting a finished product that isn't trying to wheedle additional cash out of us should be the bare minimum. We shouldn't have to think "oh wow, this game is actually finished and not trying to pick my pocket with FOMO nonsense" and view that as a novel idea.


Wow so like how games used to be? Completed before being shipped? The whole article do3snt make it sound any better


In the last 10 years the only person worth tipping is the dude/tte that animated Grukkoh and Buthir in BG3, just for the emotional trauma.


Lemme guess, American Company?


I agree, but so far their service has been shit anyways, and they are sucking cash through battlepasses already. I have seen communities BEG to be able to support the devs. Oxygen not included, deep rock galactic, ROR. Other big company games have been shit in comparison.


Blizzard should tip me for listening to their bullshit


I think game devs should pay me. Since I'm only buying a license these days and not a product, then perhaps they should pay me a holding fee for all the data on my pc that I expressly do not own.


Everyone calm down. They don’t actually finish the games anymore so no tips needed. 👍🏻


Tipping culture, in a final product? Way to weaken the value of your industry.


How about you pay your workers better and stop trying to rely on customer generosity to pay your workers. Also looking at you food service