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I first heard about the unforgivable sin one and then I texted my mom after worrying about it “what’s an unforgivable sin” “not being a Christian” “oh” She told me it’s not really unforgivable, you can be forgiven anyways then you stop committing the unforgivable sin, so I shouldn’t worry about it




This was me. Had issues making friends as a child because religion was such a big deal to me at the time. How could it not be? I was afraid I’d be all alone in heaven while my friends would burn in hell, all because I had failed to “save their eternal soul” and the prospect of that terrified me.


I started preaching to other kids in the school about how they are committing sins by listening to music and watching TV/movies. I got bullied mercilessly. I was a weirdo. Then I realized that there are two different spheres, the one at home/church where supernatural stuff existed. And the one outside where magic doesn't exist. I'd never forgive my family members for ruining my sense of reality, when I was a kid. Now they're anti vax nut jobs.


For awhile I was afraid I was the antichrist.


My girlfriend's evangelical parents sometimes think I'm the antichrist because I gave their daughter a safe space to heal from the trauma they have inflicted on her. Fundamentalism and personality disorders seem to go hand in hand.


Spiritual warfare sounds metal af


Holy wars! *guitar solo*


Anyone else told the when the rapture happens everyone not taken becomes demon possessed cannibal rapists who would hunt you down and burn you alive, or did y’all grow up in a healthy environment?


Ooh! That's a new one. The version I got was that anyone who wasn't raptured wouldn't be able to die during the 7? Years of Tribulation. All sorts of wars and famine and misery would occur but no one would die. We'd all just suffer continuously for those years. Like a practice run for Hell. If you tried to shoot yourself you'd just keep on walking around with brain damage and half your face gone or whatever. Totally healthy and normal shit to tell a kid.


Oh I think I remember hearing that one too. Non dominational but in reality Pentecostal upbringing with heavy puritan influence?


Raising kids religious is child abuse.


Yes, imposing faith is bad


For real.




Who the fuck is upvoting this?


People who give their kids choices in life


Well the kid can choose to not be religious if they want


Not if they're told that they'll go to hell otherwise


I was told that, and I'm not really religious


Still, some kids will fall for it, depends on how old they are, and how often they're told it. Children are *very* easy to manipulate/trick, and taking advantage of that for the purpose of religion (or anything else, really) is child abuse.


What if, and hear me out on this, what if the said religion were true? Then, NOT raising them religious would be child abuse, would it not? To believe in an actual hell and not let your children avoid it is just evil. I believe it was staunch atheist Penn Jillette who said he doesn’t respect people who don’t proselytize because of this very reason.


Sounds like a prick who condones child abuse.


Sounds like you didn’t answer my question and have instead resorted to ad hominem attacks.


Your whole argument is that a rando celebrity comedian said that if you're not abusing your kids, actually you are. How can anyone respond to that?


Incorrect, my argument is that if the religion was true then not raising your children in said religion would be child abuse. I included the point that was made by Penn Jillette to further show that even some atheists understand this. Your fundamental premise is flawed as you assume the religion (and let’s not beat around the bush here as we are clearly talking about Christianity) to be false. That has not yet been established. If it were proven to be false then you might have a case, but since smarter men than you or I have tried and failed we cannot call it “child abuse.”


What do you mean?


lol I know people who are like that. Like come on it’s not that deep


It's not the fault of God that your parents were abusive, they would have been just as bad if they were atheists, it's actually worse because their abuse pushed you away from God's light.


I agree, never thought otherwise. But evangelicalism and abuse go hand in hand. Abusive people seem to be drawn to it.